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2023 Educational Partnerships Impact Report

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2023 PartnershipsImpact ReportBuilding a world transformed by authentic leaders andengaged communities through the power of

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NEW POSSIBILITIESTHROUGH PARTNERSHIP2023 ReflectionsAs Claremont Lincoln University expands its studentpopulation, program offerings, and community ofglobal change leaders, there is one simple fact: wedid not get here alone. The partnerships andorganizations that fortify our mission and our abilityto reach more students are critical to our success. Our 2023 year in partnerships could be summarizedin two words: Purpose and Impact. The institutionremains committed to purpose-driven collaborationsand visionary initiatives with the goal of providingaspiring leaders with the knowledge and skills theyneed to inspire transformative change in theircommunities.CLU has established a portfolio of partnerships thatexemplify authentic, ethical leadership in theirmissions, business practices, and service to thecommunity. We are proud of these alliances and theopportunity to support their professionals inadvancing their careers, gaining new competenciesand skills, and paving a leadership pathway for theirabundant future. Throughout the year, we have been inspired by ourinteractions with partner employees, volunteers,alumni, and professionals, each on their uniqueleadership journey. We are grateful for thesecollaborations—both virtually and in-person!As we dive into 2024, bringing meaningfulprogramming and events to your professionals andaspiring changemakers is a top priority. We areeager to be a valuable resource for individualsseeking to embark on their educational journey inpursuit of a degree or certificate. Let’s connect and discuss ideas for continuedimpact in 2024! Some ideas we can explore:Workshops on how to become a resilient,authentic leaderEngaging information sessions on CLU and howto thrive while getting your degreeFacilitated sessions on finding the right degreeprogram to fit your personal and professionalgoalsPARTNERSHIPS IMPACT REPORT 2023Becky RogersDirector, Educational PartnershipsLet’s Meet1Our Mission: To unlock the potential of current and future leaders who seek to addresssignificant social, economic, and environmental challenges.

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PARTNERING WITHPURPOSEAs the landscape of higher education changes,Claremont Lincoln University continues toposition itself as the institution whereindividuals gain the vision and framework tobecome inclusive, resilient, and authenticleaders—activating positive social change in theorganizations and communities they serve.Mission-aligned partnerships are vital tobuilding this ecosystem of change leaders. In2023, CLU thoughtfully expanded itspartnership network to 60 organizations thatexemplify, embody, and live out similar valuesin their work. Through the power of partnership, we canenvision a world transformed by ethical leadersand engaged communities."Claremont Lincoln is a stand-out partner ofours. Not only are they extremely thoughtful,engaged, and responsive, but we appreciatethe affordability and flexibility theirprograms offer our City Year AmeriCorpsMembers and alumni. We have heardnothing but positive feedback from thosethat have gone through the program. Theirfocus on socially conscious education is wellaligned with the mission of City Year!" Alison ThurnerDirector, AlumniCareer PartnershipsPARTNERSHIPS IMPACT REPORT 2023Lyndsey BeetsM.A. Organizational Leadership, HealthcareCLU Partner Alum (Inland Empire Health Plan)Focused on purpose-driven partnerships, expanding a portfolio with a strategicoutreach approach. 2

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NEW PARTNERSThoughtfully building an alliance of university partnerships in 2023, we areproud to align our mission with these organizations, municipalities, andforward-thinking companies seeking to empower and support theirprofessionals and volunteers on their educational journey. PARTNERSHIPS IMPACT REPORT 20233

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Guided Journeys, Empowered LeadersBuilding on last year's commitment topersonalizing the CLU experience for everypartner student, designated enrollmentmanagers were assigned to enhance thepartner-student experience. This intentionalapproach aligns with our dedication toproviding hands-on support to meet the uniqueneeds of each student. We are committed tobuilding positive connections with each learner,and for partners, they can know that theirprofessionals are met with expert advice,guidance, and resources at every step of theirhigher education experience.Articulation with Community Colleges With the introduction of the B.A. inOrganizational Leadership (BOL) in 2022, CLUlinked up with 14 community colleges toestablish articulation agreements, providingclear paths from A.A. or A.S. degrees to theBOL program. Emphasizing competencies forself-sufficient thinking, lifelong learning, andmindful leadership, the BOL program integratesthe Claremont Core®—focusing onmindfulness, dialogue, collaboration, andchange. These ties to community collegescreate a seamless pathway for students topursue their bachelor’s degree and gainessential leadership skills applicable to anyindustry.PARTNERSHIP HIGHLIGHTS2023 ReflectionsPARTNERSHIPS IMPACT REPORT 2023Lyric CosbyM.A. Organizational Leadership, Professional Studies4AmeriCorps School of National Service CLU is a place that naturally attracts civic-minded, servant leaders. Now, as a designatedAmeriCorps School of National Service, thesededicated volunteers are rewarded for theirservice with a matching scholarship programprovided by Claremont Lincoln University of upto $2,500. Learn more.

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CLU Alumni, Pictured back row l-r Lolofi Soakai, Umar Hakim-Dey, Toni Harris, Cher Ofstedahl, Lyndsey Beets, Ali Al-Saadoon; Pictured front row l-r Antonio Ayllon, Inva Lumi, Sonya Loya, Catalina VanAbelPartnership Outreach Campaigns HighlightingEngagement Opportunities18Number of Collaborative Partner Events34$87,050Tuition Savings Awardedto Partner Students5

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2021 2022 2023010203040REACHING FOR IMPACT“I knew I always wanted to get my master’sdegree, but it was a matter of financialresources. I found CLU and what drew me atfirst was the affordable tuition and whenpaired with my City Year education awards Ithought, I can do this.At first, I wasn’t sure what degree program toenroll in but CLU helped me figure out what Iwanted to do. CLU values aligned with what Ivalued and I saw that I could be a changemaker with the tools that CLU provides.” Don’Taisha Hines M.A. Organizational Leadership, HealthcareEmployers of CLU’s partnership community find theonline, flexible learning format of CLU’s programsand career-relevant courses fit the needs of theirhardworking professionals. Volunteer-based organizations often seek toconnect their members with opportunities to furthertheir learning beyond service. CLU provides careerpathways for these individuals seeking to work inpublic, nonprofit, government, and socialentrepreneurial spaces. The bottom line for all partners is that CLU providesan affordable, accessible learning experience fortheir stakeholders. When partnership tuitiondiscounts are paired with an employer tuitionreimbursement or scholarship program, studentsoften earn their degree or certificate at minimal tozero-cost.Socially Conscious Education powered bypartnership.PARTNERSHIPS IMPACT REPORT 2023NUMBER OF PARTNER STUDENTS ENROLLED6

Page 8 | 909-667-4423 | claremontlincoln.eduPARTNERSHIPS IMPACT REPORT 2023INSPIRING LEADERS ANDCOLLECTIVE CHANGELooking AheadIn 2024, we are excited for feedback and input from partners on the development of a new equity-focusedpublic health certificate. Key experts and partners in the field will inform the content and creation of thisprogram and others. Hearing from those working on the front lines allows CLU to continue to createworkforce and industry-relevant programs that support the development and learning of today'scompassionate leaders. We are also deeply committed to building our partnership portfolio with more mission-aligned organizationswhile expanding to new partnership markets, such as serving our military-affiliated and first-generationstudents.There are many ways the benefits of partnership can reach your organization. Let’s connect to explore howwe might be able to enhance your employee or professional development initiatives in 2024. ExclusiveTuitionDiscountsPersonalizedStudentExperienceCustomized Pro BonoWorkshopsWork-forceRelevantProgramsSchedule a Meeting7

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claremontlincoln.eduThank you for your partnership!