FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORAniin Boozhoo, Wachay, It’s hard to believe that we are already heading intoMarch. February was a blur here as the finishingtouches are being put on the Suswin Village TransitionHouse, and we prepare for the first residents to move inat the beginning of this month. What a journey it has been to get to this point. As westart to get into a routine with Suswin and the SevenStones Learning Centre settles, we can be proud ofwhat has been accomplished but also look forward toseeing where our next journey as an organization willtake us. As you may recall, we have been following a StrategicPlan developed in 2019, which led us to the SevenStones Learning Centre, collaborations on projects likeMiskwaadesi, building Suswin Village, and working onhaving language classes and so much more. It was the input from our community- members, clients,staff and board members, that help us set priorities.Now, it is time to work on our next steps for the next 3years. We will have surveys and questions at eventsover the next few months that will give us informationto form a strategic plan to present at the next AnnualGeneral Meeting. I look forward to hearing from everyone. Be safe! Kathy Fortin Executive Director2NBIFCNEWS
2023INDIGENOUSVENDORSAPPLICATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTEDEmail: inquire@nbifc.orgw w w . n b i f c . o r gThe 2023 pow-wow had over 5000 visitors - Don't miss out!Food vendors, craft people, artists - let's make this the biggest, pow-wow North Bay has ever seen. 3
NBIFCNEWS EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH DAN DESROCHERS The NBIFC Employee of the Month for January 2023 is Dan Desrochers our Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin I am a kind man Program Worker Dan has been voted in by his coworkers as a chi miigwetch for everything he does here at the Centre Nice things co workers had to say included appreciating his work ethic and how he pitches in at all of the community events and activities Congratulations Dan Pictured left is Dan and Lily Couchie at the TRC Day last year YOUTH SPEND AN AFTERNOON CRAFTING DRUMMING Last Month we had a group of students from a local school in to learn to bead a lanyard and receive some teachings on the drum for their electives You can t help but feel great when you hear our songs and the drum They enjoyed themselves a great deal and we look forward to having them back another time 4
NBIFCNEWS WILDLAND FIREFIGHTER TRAINING FREE SPOT TO URBAN INDIGENOUS Have you always wanted to be an Ontario Fire Ranger Obtaining your SP100 Wildland Firefighter Training Course and Fire Ranger WFX FIT certification are the first steps required for application to become an Ontario Fire Ranger Learn about becoming an Ontario Fire Ranger https www ontario ca page become fireranger Fire 1 a business based here in North Bay is generously offering ONE FREE spot in their course for a local urban Indigenous person to attend the North Bay SP100 course and WFX testing being offered Between the WFX FIT Testing and the SP100 Training that is over 1100 00 in value Dates you must be available March 21 WFX FIT Testing Certification March 22 26 SP100 Wildland Firefighter Training Fire 1 is one of only four companies accredited by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to offer SP100 Training and is the only one that is 100 owned by two Indigenous women Please be sure to check the Ontario ca website for how to apply to become a Fire Ranger it s important to ensure you qualify to apply for employment For your chance at this great opportunity email fire1training gmail com www fire 1 ca 5
NBIFC POOL TEAM AT EASTERN ONTARIOPROVINCIALSThe NBIFC Pool team was off to compete, onceagain. This time, at the Eastern OntarioProvincial Pool Tournament. With over 400competitors, the competition took place fromThursday, Feb 23rd to Sunday Feb 26th. Thirty-two pool tables were brought in from Coloradoand set up at the Best Western Hotel onLakeshore drive.Results of the competition will be in the nextnewsletter. NBIFCNEWSINDIGENOUS MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS ACITIVITY SCHEDULE 6
On February 15th, our Prenatal Nutrition and Family Support Programs held a paintingclass. Teamwork and utilizing our coworkers' talents, made this event a huge success.Miigwetch to Steve Guilbeault with Apatisiwin Employment Counsellor, for sharing yourartistic gifts with our participants. It was a fun morning learning about paints and seeingeveryone's artistic abilities. Celebrating love with the families during the children’s programs Valentine’s brunch on Feb14th allowed families to come together and share the importance of family and friends. Itwas a great turnout. Miigwetch to the staff who helped and the families for making this asuccessful event. We are grateful for each and every one of you. PAINTING CLASS ENJOYEDBY ALL Cindy GuilbeaultAPNP/Family Support Assistantapnpassist@nbifc.orgAt least 45,500 years ago, on theIndonesian island of Sulawesi, ahuman hand had painted pigs inochre, making them the oldestknown examples of figurative artby at least several thousandyears—and, by some standards,the oldest artwork in the world.NBIFCNEWS7
Little bit of Love on Valentine's DayThe APNP Program and Family Support Program hosted a Valentine's Day brunch fortheir families. It was a nice little midwinter lift for the little ones as they enjoyed pancakes, waffles, sausages and eggs with lots of fruit and whipped creamlovingly put together by the NBIFC Staff. The little ones really enjoyed the space to run around and play for a few hours! A jaw-dropping 145 million Valentine'sDay cards are given each year.And that doesn't even include the littletear-apart cards kids stuff into theirclassmates' valentine boxes at school.This number makes Valentine's Day thesecond most popular card-giving holiday,right behind Christmas, according toHallmark—which by the way was foundedby another young entrepreneur, 18-year-old J.C. Hall in 1910. 8
SUSWIN VILLAGE IN THE NEWSIts always exciting to see ourown people on the news and itwas no exception this timearound. Kathy Fortin, ourExecutive DIrector, and BeckyMathies, Suswin Village CaseManager >>>were on hand to do interviewswith Eric Taschner from CTVNorthern News, and give him atour before Suswin opens toresidents. You can see the video here:https://tinyurl.com/suswinonctvnewsMENTORS URGENLY NEEDEDOffering to share your time with our youthis a wonderful way of ensuring thateveryone in our community is receiving thecare and support they need to succeed. Ifyou are able to qualify and would beinterested in learning more, reach out toBig Brother and Big Sisters today. Byengaging in meaningful ways with eachother, across all ages, we are breakingcycles and moving forward together as acommunity. 10NBIFCNEWS
Fashion Show Night - Snowy and FabulousFebruary 10th, 2023 was an evening where the weather took a serious turn toawful, so the Fashion Show had, not surprisingly, a lower turnout thanexpected. But those that braved the bad weather enjoyed some great snacks,excellent company and fabulous fashion creations! 11NBIFCNEWS
Fashion Show Night - Snowy and Fabulous cont'dThe evening was about celebrating sewing creativity, enjoying music, fun,laughter and greatcompany. It was a great success, and we look forward to many more entries next year! 12NBIFCNEWS
My name is Pearl Sandy, I am thecoordinator for the Indigenous CommunityJustice Program (ICJP) at North BayIndigenous Friendship Centre. The ICJP is apre-charge and post-charge diversionprogram that has been in operation since1999 and continues to coordinate with theNorth Bay Ontario Court of Justice forreferrals to support community determinedapproaches to justice. In May 2022, the Community Justice Program in collaboration withNBIFC Kizhaay program was approved as an Indigenous-SpecificIntimate Partner Violence Prevention program (IS-IPVP) by theMinistry of the Attorney General. A Protocol Agreement was signedbetween the Ontario Federation of Ontario Indians (OFIFC),Ministry of Attorney Generals Office.NBIFC Indigenous-Specific Intimate Partner Violence Preventionprogram and North Bay Probation & Parole also have a signedagreement. Urban Indigenous and/or those who self-identify asIndigenous, if they qualify, are referred by their probation officer tothe NBIFC IS-IPVP program in lieu of the mainstream PartnerAssault Response program (PAR). The IS-IPVP program is based on Indigenous concepts of justiceand traditional teachings, these provide a meaningful alternative tothe mainstream criminal justice system. It focuses on takingresponsibility for actions, healing, and addressing root causes ofbehaviour rather than using conventional court-orderedpunishment approaches. The IndigenousSpecific -IntimatePartner ViolencePrevention Program is basedon Indigenousconcepts of justiceand traditionalteachings,providing ameaningfulalternative to themainstream justicesystem. The North Bay Friendship Centre was the second site in the province of Ontario to launch andbe able to offer the IS-IPVP program. The first Friendship Centre to launch the IS-IPVP programwas Niagara Regional Native Centre’s Indigenous Community Justice program (NRNC ICJP). A few weeks ago, Kizhaay worker Daniel Desrochers and I attended Niagara Regional NativeCentre to shadow the IS-IPVP program team. The purpose of our site visit was to shareinformation and gain comprehensive knowledge which will allow for us to become moreproficient for the rollout of the NBIFC IS-IPVP program. IS-IPVP Indigenous Specific - Intimate PartnerViolence Prevent Program Starts at NBIFC13NBIFCNEWS
Daniel Desrochers and I had the opportunity to attend Indigenous Peoples Court with JessicaRiel-Johns the Coordinator for the Niagara Community Justice Program. The creation of theIndigenous People’s Court started with a Sharing Round Table, and this year (2023), NiagaraRegion will be celebrating their sixth year of Indigenous People’s Court (IPC); the IPC is locatedat the St. Catherine’s courthouse. Indigenous People’s Court, also known as Gladue Court, is aCanadian court that applies Canadian law. They often try to incorporate Indigenous culturalpractices and understandings of justice. For example, everyone in the Court Room created aCircle and the Niagara Regional Native Centre’s Knowledge Keeper Dave Labbe started Courtwith a smudge ceremony, a song and a prayer. Court was then adjourned with a smudge andprayer. The Indigenous Peoples Court Justice team at the St. Catherine’s courthouse is very supportiveof the NRNC ICJP. Once Court was adjourned, It was a great honour and notable experience tobe part of a Sharing Circle in the Indigenous Peoples Courtroom with both Crown AttorneysStacey Sheehan and Graeme Leach, Judge Justice Wolfe, NFN ICJ team and zoomed in fromNorth Bay the IS-IPVP programs advisory council Dot Beaucage-Kennedy. They shared thechallenges faced while creating IPC and the relationships that were created with one anotherand most importantly with the community. I really enjoyed my time learning from Jessica (ICJ Coordinator) Sarah (IS-IPVP worker) andChristine (Indigenous Diversion worker) at the Niagara Regional Native Centre. They wereextremely welcoming, and I look forward to applying what I learned to the ICJ IS-IPVP program.The North Bay Community Justice Program (NBICJP) is now acceptingapplications and resumes for the Volunteer Council Member positions under thedirection of the North Bay Indigenous Community Justice Program Coordinatorand the NBICJP Advisory Committee. Please request an Application Form and Submit Resume to:Pearl SandyCommunity Justice CoordinatorNorth Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre(705) 472-2811 ext. 207CJW@NBIFC.orgIS-IPVP - CONTINUED14NBIFCNEWS
For February, YLP and UAHLKP teamed upwith the North Bay Nordic Club to introduceour youth to the skills of x-country skiing. For some, it was a first time on skis, somewere natural, and some were resilient. I feellike everyone had fun. We worked on skills like classic skiing, slowingdown while going down hills, and how to getback up when you crash. These are skills wecan all use in our lives. 1. Putting one foot infront of the other (Classic Skiing), 2.Overcoming challenges (Control Downhills),and 3. Picking yourself up after an incident(Crashing ). Here are some of the trails we did:Andrew Smith Urban Aboriginal Healthy Living Kids Programuahlkp@nbifc.orgInto the forest I go, to losemy mind, and find my soul-John MuirUAHLKP AND YLP YOUTH TAKE ON X-COUNTRY SKIING15NBIFCNEWS
The North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre offers Commissioner of Oaths (Affidavit)services for registered clients and community members. What is a Commissioner of Oaths (Affidavits)?A commissioner for taking affidavits is a person who is entitled to take affidavits andadminister oaths, declarations, and affirmations in accordance with the Commissioners forTaking Affidavits Act.(This is different from Notary Public. A Notary Public is also able to verify what signatures,marks and copies of documents are true and genuine.)In addition to affidavits, examples of documents that a Commissioner of Oaths commissionare, but not limited to: ·travel forms giving a caregiver permission to travel outside of the country with your child·proof of residency affidavits·vehicle transfer forms·name change applications·student loan forms·insurance claims,·Ontario Works or ODSP application forms Note: a document sworn or affirmed in front of a Commissioner of Oaths has the sameeffect as if the person making the statement makes it under Oath. This means there can besevere consequences for swearing a false affidavit, which is why many importantdocuments require this formality.If you have any questions or would like to have the assistance of a Commissioner of Oaths,please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Lori Hatch- Indigenous Family/Youth court workerEmail fcw@nbifc.org or call 705-472-2811 ext 245Shelley Boucher- Indigenous Criminal court workerEmail ccw@nbifc.org or call 705-472-2811 ext 246COMISSIONER OF OATH (AFFADAVIT)SERVICES 16NBIFCNEWS
Prenatal and Family Support Calendar Activities are for families registered with the program. To find out moreemail apnp@nbifc.org17NBIFCNEWS
On a cold February day, a smallgroup gathered together to learnthe skills to make infantmoccasins.Katherine Sarazin facilitatedparticipants and workers fromHealthy Babies Healthy Children,FAS-Child Nutrition, FamilySupport and Prenatal Nutritionprograms. The first day theyselected the hide and then tracedthe pattern onto the fabric, usedfor the liner and hide used for theexterior. Everyone was taughthow to sew with sinew, learning abasic stitch and a back stitch forboth the liner and hide.Construction began.Like beading, and other artprojects, the process revealed tobe calm and relaxing. The mindbecomes so focused on the taskthat all other thoughts andworries are absent. I must say thisis an excellent tool for anxietyrelief. Concentration isheightened to stay ever presentand ideally not prick oneself withthe sharp three-edged needle.There is no room for the mind todwell into the past or worry aboutthe future unknown. A kind andloving energy goes into the workas the mind acknowledges whowill wear the moccasins. Abeautiful activity!MOCCASINS MADE FOR CUTE LITTLE FEET 18NBIFCNEWS
Here’s some interesting facts about moccasins ~ thestorytellers.Before European contact moccasins revealed wherepeople were from. You could look at someone’smoccasins and identify from the style and beadingwhich nation they are part of.Pucker moccasins ~ the word Ojibway means pucker;hence the pucker style moccasin has a puckeraround the toe.In some of the nations in the southwest, Arizona andMexico, long fringes were left on the back of themoccasins so the foot step would be erased as theywalked so they couldn’t be tracked. Fully beaded moccasins came from the pow wowtraditions out of the south west in the late 1800’s. Fully beaded moccasins were gifted to people whowere respected in the community, as a sign ofrespect. In some cases, the soles were fully beadedand they were worn for special ceremonies. Theperson at the ceremony would dance off thebottoms over the course of the ceremony. In someoccasions today, moccasins with fully beaded solesare made for our loved one’s journey or four-daytravel (passing over).CUTE LITTLE FEET - CONTINUEDJennifer SimpsonHealthy Babies Healthy Childrenhbhc@nbifc.org19NBIFCNEWS
Now that Suswin Village is accepting applications from city-wide organizations, the staff over at SuswinVillage had a professional 'Open House', on Feb 23rd, inviting local agencies to come to get a feel for thebuilding and understand the operation of the project. Giving tours, and sharing the philosophy of SuswinVillage, ensuring those needing support find 'the nest' to rebuild their life. CITY PROFESSIONALS COME FOR SUSWINVILLAGE TOUR20NBIFCNEWS
Aniin, Wachay, Kwe kwe, Boozhoo, I am originally from southern Ojibwe/Odawa/Pottawatomi territory of Georgian Bay a littleIsland called Christian Island which is the most beautiful place on earth. I have lived here mywhole life, raised my three children, and decided to move and register for college here in NorthBay and never left! My journey has led me here to help those in need of guidance. I am trulyhonoured to have been chosen to work at Suswin Village Transitional House, SVTH theexcitement is a great feeling. I live holistically and instinctively. This reflects how I live my life and walk on mother earth. I amnatural at working with those who have lost their way and think that life is hopeless. I givehope and the tools needed to live the good life “minobiinmaadziwin.” Most of all I give thezaagidiwin (love)that is needed and missing from our lives. I am currently learning my native language with my grandchildren and daughter; this is vital tobeing Anishinaabe and speaking our language in ceremony. Our language was gifted to us byspirit and regaining the knowledge and traditional ways is important to my people. We werenever meant to live with dis-ease within our bodies or become homeless with no helpunderstanding why this happens to us. “It is never too late to re-learn new ways to help our spirit soar beyond the limited spaces ourhuman mind limits us.” quote Candice Sylvester Ahow. Gitchimiigwech miinwaa Buffalo Woman (Candice Sylvester) MushkiidoobaashiikiiKwe WELCOME CANDACE AT SUSWIN VILLAGE21NBIFCNEWS
3 cups flour1 ½ cups water 3 tbsp baking powder½ cup sugar1 tsp saltFat for frying2 cups raspberries ½ cup white sugar½ cup lemon. juice and rind1 pinch saltPreheat fat in a deep frying pan to 350 degrees fahrenheit (It’salso possible to bake or cook the bannock over an open flame).Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt together in a medium-sized bowlAdd water and mix until dough becomes thick and sticky. Donot over mix or the dough will become tough.Roll the dough into a large ball and slice into equal pieces.Flatten each ball of dough with your hands.Drop dough into the oil and fry until it is golden brown on bothsides and soft but cooked inside.Cook the berries in a saucepan over medium heat until softAdd sugar, lemon juice, rind, and salt.Continue cooking until the sugar is dissolved.Serve bannock drizzled with compote. Bannock IngredientsRaspberry Compote IngredientsInstructions: Bannock1. Raspberry Compote1.2.3.4.What we know as Bannock is familiar with the diet ofvirtually all North America's first peoples. The bannock ofIndigenous people was made of corn, nut meal, and flourmade from ground plant bulbs. The European version ofbannock originated in Scotland and was madetraditionally of oatmeal.Versions of bannock have been made all over the worldsince time immemorial. However, the white flour versionwe know today only came about from when Europeans began making wheat flour here. BANNOCK AND BERRIES22NBIFCNEWS