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2023 Ministry Report

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In 2016, Dwayne and Sonia Moore stepped out on faith,formed a Board of Directors, and started NLWInternational as a non-profit organization.In 2017, we hired Donald Kutala to serve as our AfricaDirector, allowing us to expand into several Africancountries.In 2019, we led our first Worship Bible School. Since thenwe have taught thousands of kids about worship and theGospel through WBS.In 2021, we started a weekly TV teaching programthat has now grown to 11 million viewers across Asia.In 2022, Dwayne released his 7th book, HE. WE.THEY, and it’s already been translated into multiplelanguages and is being used in many churches.In 2023, we brought on James Damey as our full-time USMinistries Director, paving the way for even moreopportunities and impact in the US.Later in 2016, we conducted our first Intensive School forworship leaders in Africa. Four nations wererepresented, and a revolution began.In 2018, we did our first ReNEW Conference, which hasled to many more US events and to training hundreds ofUS leaders.In 2022, we brought pastors together with their worshipleaders for a full week of training & unifying, somethingnever done before.In 2023, we had the largest group of mentors andmentored leaders since we started the mentoringprogram in 2015.2020 was a year of huge expansion for us online.COVID propelled our Praise Gatherings and ReFocusConferences.H E R E C O M E S T H E S U N !Trained over 5,000 pastors and worship leaders. Reached millions through our weekly TV program. Taught 2200 children through Worship Bible Schools.Led conferences and schools in 8 countries. Commissioned our book HE. WE. THEY. to be translated andprinted in Amharic for Ethiopia. Partnered with the Tennessee Baptist Convention to lead prayerconferences for churches in their state.Conducted mission training and evangelism in New Mexico.Were invited to lead worship conferences for churches acrossNew England, hosted by the Baptist Convention of New England.Increased our staff to include a full time US ministries director.Before we look toward the future, I want to first take a moment andcelebrate 2023. Over the past several months, we...Thank you for partnering with us to pray for us and support us with your giving and going. Great things areahead because of your continued investment in our ministry, mission and vision. Dwayne MooreFounder and President, Next Level Worship International, Inc.A sunrise means a new day is dawning. It represents hope and anticipation for things to come. This year’sministry report highlights some incredible opportunities on the horizon for Next Level Worship International. L O O K H O W F A R T H E L O R DH A S B R O U G H T U S !(Start from the bottom and read up)

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U . S . H O R I Z O N SMore and more invitations are coming from within the United States. We’re developing regional directors to helpus cover the vast needs for resources, training and evangelism. From Wyoming to Michigan to Massachusetts toMississippi, the Lord keeps opening doors for NLW International to help reach our nation for Him!We’ve led teaching conferences and Worship Bible Schools in New Mexico,Vermont, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and other places. We’ve been invitedto return to New England for a third year. And a church planter in Wyominghas asked our team to come in 2024 for evangelism and leadership training.M I S S I O N T R I P SReNew Conferences are one-day, area-wide events for worship teams,worship leaders and pastors. Many teams can’t travel very far to attendconferences, so we go to their churches. Dwayne and our team teachleadership principles and biblical truths about whole-life worship. R E N E W C O N F E R E N C E SR E V I V E R E T R E A T SReVives are 2-3 day retreats for worship teams and leaders. They areintense, personal, and challenging for those who attend. These unique andpowerful getaways become a catalyst that can transform a worship team and, in turn, the entire trajectory of a church’s worship. We have a standing invitation to place Dwayne’s best-selling book on worshipin prisons across the United States. A partnering ministry will distribute thebooks for us. However, we must cover the cost of printing the books. Thus weneed generous donors to help us disciple believers in prisons.B O O K S F O R P R I S O N S"I've loved using the resources of Next Level Worship in churches whereI've pastored. They are some of the best out there for churches. They'vehelped bring spiritual renewal to our congregation." — Dr. Clay Hallmark, Lexington, Tennessee

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Bible Seminary Bonn has invited our NLWI team to help lead a majornational conference in Germany in February of 2024. Expected attendanceis 400 or more pastors and worship leaders from across Germany. We arehonored by this opportunity that could open doors to other areas in Europe.G E R M A N Y C O N F E R E N C EI N T E R N A T I O N A L H O R I Z O N S"I'm so excited for what God has orchestrated to help churches understand real-life worship. The resources and the passion NLWI brings to the table is fittingwith what is needed in Germany, so His name might be glorified both here and inthe nations surrounding us." — Dr. Johannes Schröder, Bonn, Germany In 2024 we plan to travel to 3 key countries where we already have teammembers working. Due to security risks, we aren’t able to publish theplaces where we plan to go. Churches in these remote areas are desperatefor the encouragement and biblical instruction we can bring them. A S I A T R A I N I N G T O U RWhat started as one man in Germany delving into Dwayne’s online coaching has now led to open doors inGermany and other parts of Europe. Huge opportunities are also opening for NLWI in Asia. We continue toexpand our reach and impact in Africa as well. The LORD is connecting us with godly leaders around the world!In July of 2024 we will lead the largest training event we’ve ever done. Thisweek-long school will bring together hundreds of pastors, along with theirworship leaders and children’s workers, from throughout Zambia and othercountries. This could be a God-moment that ripples across Africa.M E G A I N T E N S I V E S C H O O LIn 2023 we taught over 2100 children in Africa. In July of 2024, we coulddouble or even triple that number. While conducting our Mega IntensiveSchool in Zambia, we’ll simultaneously lead Bible schools in nearbyvillages to teach kids about worship and the Gospel using our materials. W O R S H I P B I B L E S C H O O L S

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Our country directors in Ethiopia and Kenya have a vision to take theteaching of NLWI into every city and area within their countries, to trainpastors and resource churches. This will, of course, cost a great deal ofmoney, but we are believing for the funds to move this forward in 2024.O P E R A T I O N N A T I O N S G L O B A L H O R I Z O N S NLW International has always pushed the limits of technology to find the best ways to share the Gospel andmake more disciples. Thanks to the internet, we’ve been able to pour into thousands of leaders. Below are someof our resources impacting churches and people around the world. Our ministry is truly international in scope!In 2024 we will launch a major online resource for worship leaders.Streams is an exclusive online community. It will feature hundreds of onlinecourses and articles, as well as live training and connection opportunities. Itwill meet a great need, and there is nothing else out there quite like it.O N L I N E C O M M U N I T Y S I T EWe have just released 5 years worth of weekly lessons for children’s choirs.Based on Dwayne’s book Pure Praise, this curriculum has a two-foldpurpose: to build godly character in kids and to train them in musicalcompetency. Worship resources like this for kids are rare and needed.N E W C H I L D R E N ’ S M A T E R I A L ST V & R A D I O P R O G R A M SSince 2020, we have produced and aired over 80 weekly episodes of NextLevel Worship. Each episode is 25 minutes in length and features Dwayneteaching on worship and prayer. The program is translated into Urdu andbroadcast to 100 countries across Asia. Estimated viewership is 11 million."Since we started airing Dwayne’s program on our television network, we’ve hadover 5300 people call in to our station to make professions of faith because of histeaching. Pastors in our network want Dwayne to speak at their conferences.They’ve grown to trust his teaching and heart for the Gospel.” — Pastor John Ad, Lahore, Pakistan

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"My personal times of worship AND the times I get to invite others to the throne room havebeen reenergized by the teaching of this organization. Being part of their mission is one ofmy greatest joys." — Kaitlin Mattox, Pensacola, Florida"Coming to a NWLI Intensive School, I've realized I should never be ashamed to worshipGod and walk with God. Learning about the 3 directions of worship—inward, upward andoutward—is something I've never thought of before. Worship is not just something we doat church. We can worship in our personal times, at work and home. There is comfortknowing that I never have to feel like I'm not doing enough. The little things I do everydaycount as well." — Leo Hector, South Africa“Before Next Level Worship International, my understanding of worship was very limited. Iattribute a lot of my journey of becoming an effective worship leader to NLWI, which startedwith going through Dwayne’s online coaching. I’ve grown in my own ministry and had theopportunity to walk alongside other worship leaders around the world through thementorship program. Serving alongside NLWI has been a pure joy.”— Chris Mellon, Lancaster, PennsylvaniaScan the QR code to see more stories of impact: “Though I led worship, I did not know much about it until God connected me to NLWI. Wethank God for all those who take part in Next Level Worship International! I now fullyunderstand what worship means, and I am able to share that with many people. Since I'vebeen part of the NLWI Zambia Team, I’ve trained over 6000 people in worship. MY life willnever be the same! I know Zambia will never be the same!” — Lucy Muteneka, ZambiaH E A R T H O R I Z O N S2 Chronicles 16:9 says, “The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whosehearts are fully committed to him.” At the very heart of our ministry is the heart of the worshiper. Our goal is notto get bigger and see how many people we can pack into a room. In a real sense, our goal has always been toget smaller. We look for those individuals who are serious about knowing Christ and growing in Him.“I’ve done Bible studies from time to time. But if they don’t engage me, then I move on tosomething else. Dwayne’s study on prayer HE. WE. THEY. grabbed me from the get-go. Imarked the book up, marked the Bible up, and they both marked me up! I took our entirecongregation through the study, and we are still seeing fruit from it two years later!” — Dr. Randy Norris, Birmingham, Alabama

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W E F I R S T F U N N E L D O W NPastor TrainingChurch ResourcingEvangelistic EventsCommunity TransformationS O W E C A N T H E N B U I L D U PWe invest years developing quality,trusted leaders in a region or country.Then, we build on that foundation,partnering with local churches andbusinesses.O U R M E T H O D I S P R O V E NScoutingConferencesIntensivesMentorshipsInwardWorshipOutwardWorshipUpwardWorshipWorship is more than music. It should involve every part of ourlives. True, heart-felt worship will ultimately lead us to love othersand share our faith. Worship as a lifestyle is at the very core of ourteaching, which is baked into every resource and event we have. O U R M E S S A G E I S B I B L I C A LF O R W A R D I N F A I T H !We are a disciple-making ministry because that is what Jesus has called usbe. And those who support us through giving and going are also helping tomake disciples. O U R M A N D A T E I S C L E A ROur conviction at Next Level Worship International is that we should move forward as God leads us, trusting Himto provide as we go. That can feel unsafe and even risky at times. But our God is big, and He’s faithful to blessus with financial partners who believe in our mission and vision and step out with us in faith.

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O N W A R D T O G E T H E R !Online at a check to NLW International, PO Box 1880, Hartselle, AL 35640 Venmo name: @nlwinternationalOr simply scan the QR code to the right to give online The figures above represent how much money we estimate we need in order to accomplish each item ofministry. The figures on the left are on-going monthly amounts. The figures on the right are one-time needs. Please consider becoming a financial partner with NLWI to help us fulfill our calling to make disciples andshare the Gospel around the world. We are recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization; therefore, yourgifts are tax-deductible in the USA.Ways to Donate:2023 Next Leve l Wo rshi p International, Inc.500/MOPROVIDESTRANSLATION FORTV PROGRAM IN ASIA25/MO100/MOHELPS PROVIDEMATERIALS FORCHILDREN IN AFRICAHELPS PROVIDETRAINING TOPASTORS IN ASIA2000030000P RO VI D ES M E A L SF OR M E GAI NT EN S IV E S C H OO LPRINTS BOOKS FOR“OPERATIONNATIONS” TRAINING10000COVERS EXPENSESFOR ASIA TRAININGTOUR