MINISTRY IMPACT GRANT Mid-Grant Update ReportPrepared by: Jessica Gamaché, UMCRM DirectorDate: February 20242023
The United Methodist Camp & Retreat MinistriesAssociation (UMCRM) is a membership organizationopen to all who share our mission:Committed to the mission of The United MethodistChurch, UMCRM resources, advocates, inspires, andnetworks to enhance the effectiveness andsustainability of camp and retreat ministries.This association provides support and connection forUnited Methodist camp and retreat leaders acrossthe country, regularly creating and distributingresources and providing educational and networkingopportunities throughout the year. UMCRM's strength is in its members, who develop,guide, and organize resources for the greater good ofthe community. This association is a platform for ourleaders to connect with one another, share with oneanother, and support one another. About
I'm genuinely inspired by the remarkable progress made by the 2023 Ministry Impact Grantrecipients. While the project implementation deadline isn't until May 31st, numerousorganizations have already completed their work and are eager to showcase the tangibleimpact achieved, thanks to this invaluable funding opportunity. Without the support providedby these grants, these transformative projects would not have come to fruition. Our entirecommunity extends its heartfelt gratitude to the Foundation, whose generosity has made thisround of grant funding possible.I invite you to delve deeper into the expressions of gratitude and the impactful projectsfeatured in this mid-grant update. Together, let's celebrate the positive change and lastingimpact brought about by the visionary generosity of our funder and the dedication of ourgrant recipients.Jessica GamachéThe 2023 Ministry Impact Grants project, propelled by visionaryinnovation, continues to chart a path towards enduring impactwithin individual United Methodist camp and retreat ministries, aswell as our broader community. Regardless of funding outcomes,participants gleaned invaluable visioning experiences, while thegrant process equipped ministry leaders with essential skills and aroadmap for future growth. These grants have not only providedcrucial funding for much-needed projects, but they have alsofostered a sense of relief and hope among many. Moreover, theindividual initiatives funded through this project are poised todirectly influence campers' faith journeys, underscoring thetransformative power of these grants.Note from the DirectorJessica GamachéD E S C R I P T I O NA C T U A LMid-Grant Financial BreakdownReports providedC O M P L E T E D P R O J E C T S$ 365,600Final reports due May 31st, 2024O N - G O I N G P R O J E C T S$ 1,408,202$ 1,773,802PROJECT TOTALF U L L G R A N T A W A R D T O T A L $ 1 , 7 7 8 , 3 2 9 . 4 6G R A N T F U N D S R E M A I N I N G $ 4 , 5 2 7 . 4 6
These funds were a total game changerand we would not have been able to getthis project done if not for this grant.Having the opportunity for the front andcenter of our historic lodge to go fromlongtime construction area to beautifuland complete makes our camp feelwhole again. Thank you!Sean OrnerBuckhorn Campwww.umcrm.orgA new insert was installed inside of our largestone fireplace, allowing us to use the woodburning fireplace once again. The stonework infront of the hearth was modified to surroundthe insert. Everything was done to code andthe county was able to sign off on inspection.Minor changes were made to the vendor'sinitial quote to ensure that everything wasproperly insulated and protected from heat,but otherwise, the project was completed asplanned.The installation and stonework werecompleted just days before our final retreat, sowe haven't yet had the opportunity to fullyappreciate our new fireplace. However, manygroups specifically time their retreats for thefall when camp is beautiful and the fireplacecan be used and enjoyed, and we're alreadyschedulingthese retreats for 2024.Because safety and compliance are involved,we went into the project anticipating thatsome flexibility would be needed and the initialquote would likely change upon installation.When these changes did come up, they didn'tseem like a problem or issue as ourexpectations were in line with what occurred.The task now becomes ensuring theresponsible use of the new fireplace andcontinuing to maintain the historic buildingthat it is in.$10,000Fireplace Repair REPORTA note of appreciation:
Camp Asbury, OHAnnual Fundraising Consulting REPORTWe are so thankful to the UMC Campand Retreat Ministries Impact Grantbecause we would not have hadthe opportunity to work with GSBotherwise, and the reception we havegotten from our camp communityhas been wonderful. The opportunity tohear so many wonderful stories of howcamp has impacted somany people has been great. And weare feeling our camp communitycoming together in a new way. Andwe are confident in our annual fundstrategy moving forward thanks to theMinistries Impact Grant.John Cruzwww.umcrm.orgWe were able to hire on GSB as consultants to implement anannual fund strategy. We came up with timelines and goals ofour budget being comprised of 30-40% of donors. We gottraining utilizing GSB's donor arc strategy, creating newslettersand social media training. We have printed three newsletters todate, with remit envelopes in them. We have created an end ofyear appeal letter and sent those out. We have worked with GSBto create an Alumni Association that has just begun meetingand strategizing. We have started strategizing new CampSunday methods, with the help of GSB. They have advised us onhow to revamp our social media presence, our website and ouremail outreach.We have had an overwhelmingly positive impact from ourproject. We have been seeing a slow, but steady increase in giftsfrom donors since implementing the strategies that GSB hasworked out with us. What has been potentially even moreinteresting, has been the increase in engagement from ourdonors and camp community. The want to share the impactthat Camp Asbury has had on them is very high, and it is verymoving. There is an increase in engagement on social mediayes, but also on people wanting to come on site and visit again.We are seeing more people registering earlier in the year thenthey have before. And our Alumni Association is filled withpeople who not only have a love of camp, but a passion forseeing it thrive and grow. There is an energy about seeing CampAsbury sustainability that we have not seen in a while.One of our biggest challenges was that we were basicallystarting from scratch, we didn't have much to go off of. Theother challenge has been the time the process takes. It hasdefinitely been slow seeing results, but they are slowly comingin. The lessons we have learned is that consistency pays off andthat if your community knows your need and knows they haveways they can help, they will do so. But they have to know.Our plan is to keep implementing the strategies the GSB hasstarted with us. We still have a few months left of the contractthat we signed with them. We also have plans to grow ourAlumni Association as well as start a Friend of Asbury group thatwill connect non-former staff who are passionate about stayingconnected to camp and seeing camp grow. We systematicallyreach out to donors who have not donated in recent years to tryand regain those connections. Our mission is to maintaincurrent relationships and harness new ones.$26,000A note of appreciation:
With this funding, all of the exterior doors for ourRiverview Lodge/Dining Hall were replaced (14doors). This replaces doors some of which, did notclose properly. Plus general wear and tear madethem need to be replaced. There are now fireproofdoors on the exterior of the building, in whichmeals are served, guests sleep and meetings areheld.One change did occur with our grant so that wecould steward these funds responsibly. The originalgrant had phase I being window replacement andphase II doors. The cost of replacing windows wasfar more expensive than planned so Phase IIbecame Phase I.We are so appreciative of the people who workedwith us to make sure that this project could beimplemented. This included individuals providingus with contractor names, the contractor workingwithin our budget, and the flexibility of staff toaccommodate the project timeline.Moving forward, our plan is to continue seekingfunds to replace windows to further improve theenergy efficiency of the building. We are sograteful for this opportunity to improve ourfacilities. We do not know when this would havehappened without the grant opportunity.We are so grateful that we were able toreplace all of the exterior doors at ourRiverview Lodge. This replacementsolves problems with safety and energyefficiency and is a project that wasimportant to our growth.Jan Van HornCamp$24,000A note of appreciation:Replacement of Doors REPORT
Dear Funder, most of our high ropes course was unusable for the past 3 years simply due tonot having the funds to replace the out of date/worn out materials. Without your help, wewould not have been able to make the repairs in the foreseeable future. We use this courseas a tool, bringing in lessons for the youth about trust, faith, perseverance and relying onothers. We are able to connect these lessons to scripture and how those biblical lessonsapply to their lives today. All three summers our students have mentioned their desire tohave the course back in their surveys and to their counselors. Thank you very much for thegift that allows us to reopen the course for not only the fun but also the lessons and benefitsthey will receive from going through it.Pam TedrowCamp Indicosowww.umcrm.orgWith this grant funding, Our course wastotally redone, using the most up to datesafety standards. As youth go through thecourse, not only does it strengthen andstretch muscles, but also builds teamwork,enhances risk-taking and communication anddecision making skills. The challenges theyfind will help build self-esteem, self-confidence and trust in the climber. Thecourse pushes climbers’ out of their comfortzones and introduces situations that may helpthem conquer fears, as well as teach trust intheir teammates. By connecting scripturewith these benefits we can show how thelesson of the bible are applicable to their livestoday.We now have the course divided into twosections, maybe three. Yearly inspections willbe performed and a plan to do replacementsin sections for the future will be a large part ofit. The small sections not needing to bereplaced this time will be up next and so on.$70,000High Ropes Course REPORTA note of appreciation:
Thank you for your help with this project. Ithas been a goal of ours for years to have aworking infirmary and place for our nurses tostay when they come to camp. With yourhelp, we were able to get this projectcompleted in one year.Cody HankenCamp Istroumawww.umcrm.orgTo do this project we bought a 14ft. by 36ft. cabin,renovated the inside, added plumbing, and electrical tobuild the infirmary/nurses cabin.With this new nurses’ cabin, we are able to have onelocation for all first aid. This is going to help us stay betterorganized and provide better care for our guests. With theinfirmary having a spot for nurses to stay, it will be a loteasier to get volunteer nurses.Our biggest challenge was the construction itself. Keepingthe timeline with construction is always a challenge.However, this was the first construction project for me,and look forward to using the knowledge I gained forbigger projects at Camp Istrouma.Future plans consists of working with all of our nurses andgetting their input at the end of summer camp 2024 onhot to keep improving. The infirmary has been added intoour yearly budget for upkeep.$23,500A note of appreciation:Nurses' Cabin REPORT
Dear funder, we would like to express ourdeep appreciation for your generous gift topay for the air conditioning in our mainlodge. The lodge houses our commercialkitchen and dining space, as well as a largecommon area and 9 bedrooms, sleeping 36total. The lodge is our most requestedbuilding by youth groups, summer campsand church retreats. The problem has alwaysbeen that the temperature here in thesouthern part of the state reaches in the 90sand above during the summer months. Thelack of air conditioning limited those whowould choose our site during that time.Thanks to your gift we will keepcampers/guests comfortable even duringthe extremely hot weeks of the year.Pam TedrowCamp Monetowww.umcrm.orgWith this funding, An entirely new HVAC system wasinstalled in the Takamokee Lodge. We have already hadone lost group ask to return due to the addition of the airconditioning. We reached out to all former guestsinforming them of the change and have had a positiveresponse from several of them.We will now provide a climate controlled facility for peoplewho have asthma and other respiratory conditions. Wealso serve a generation of people who have only known atime of air conditioned buildings and is terriblyuncomfortable for them to be in a building without it.For this project, we chose a young local vendor for thisproject and all worked out very well. We did have to adjustthis fall project to work around the fall groups who werealready booked at the lodge. But overall this was a greatexperience.We now have our main lodge available to all who need theair. As I stated above, we are now advertising itas a new feature and have reached out to former guests toshare our great news. The large common roomwill be a perfect space for bible lessons and large groupindoor activities. Our maintenance folks will dotheir part in routine maintenance as well as having ourvendor out yearly for an inspection.This was a project that we really did not have funds for onour own. The gift has allowed us a chance at a moresuccessful summer season. Once again thank you to allwho were involved in providing this grant to CampMoneto.$32,500A note of appreciation:HVAC upgrades for Takamokee Lodge REPORT
Dear Grant Funder, I cannot fully express the gratitude that wehave for your generosity to Camp WesleyPines. Our campers have sorely missedhaving a functional High Ropes Course forseveral years, and this $50,000 was quiteliterally the springboard that made ithappen. Without your gift, I believe theproject would still only be a dream, but youhave made one of our dreams a reality.Thank you for you Kingdom-mindednessand for investing in the lives of children andyouth in the state of Mississippi. We can'twait to see all of the joy that our campers willexperience on the course this summer!Chap FenwichCamp Wesley Pineswww.umcrm.orgWith this funding, a new High Ropes Course was built.Now, campers are challenged to go beyond their comfortzones. They learn team-building skills and experience thebeauty of God's creation from a new perspective. Ourcampers also now experience adventure in a new anduplifting way.Through this grant experience, we learned the value ofasking for what you need and sharing the dream. Inspiredby this grant, we had a few additional in-kind donationsthat were game changers to getting this project done, butthat would not have happened if we had not asked forthose things and shared our hopes and vision of theproject.Moving forward, we were given 4 extra poles than weasked for, which means that we can add additionalelements at a later time - pretty awesome!$50,000A note of appreciation:High Ropes Course REPORT
To implement this project, a new swingingestate gate was installed. This system has anintegrated camera, call buttons, remote access,and a logging system that increases itseffectiveness. With the installation of the gateand communications system, it is estimatedthat 80 percent of our security concerns havebeen mitigated, therefore significantlyincreasing the level of safety at the camp.Throughout the project, consistentcommunication with the vendor is essential,especially the project manager, in order toverify scope of work and supplies are met. Wedid have to tweak some systems as parts wereunintentionally substituted.This project is the first phase of our securityenhancement for the camp. Future phases willinclude moving the camp office to the camp'sentrance, installing additional security camerasand strengthening relationships with local lawenforcement and emergency services.The gate has taken a substantial weight off theshoulders of the camp staff and board, as wellas parents & guardians.Thank you for allowing Camp WesleyWoods to enhance the peace of mind forthe camp campers and their families, aswell as staff and volunteers.The current world that we live in is one ofincreasing uncertainty and fear.Camping ministry has an important roledoing everything we can to equip ourcampers to become disciples, anddisciple makers, so that they have a partin transforming our world with the hopeof bringing clarity and comfort. Animportant factor necessary to be able toachieve these impacts is that campshave a responsibility to provide a safeplace.The new security gate has mitigatedabout 80 percent of our security needs inour efforts to provide a safe campenvironment and ministry.Tony LeaCamp Wesley Woods,$25,000A note of appreciation:Security System REPORT
We greatly appreciate the seed funds for thislarge and vital project for us at camp. Staffare at the heart of all we do and adequatehousing is necessary to attract and keepstaff. Through your generous gift, we wereable to raise an additional $75,000 inmatching funds from our constituents.Kate MettsDon Lee Camp & Retreat Centerwww.umcrm.orgThis grant provided the seed money to raise additionalfunds and get some plans in place so others couldvisualize the project. This will be a long-term fundraisingproject that is vital to the future sustainability of ourministry. Housing is very scarce and expensive in our area.It is important that we can offer quality housing, especiallyto year long interns who are on a feeder program for fulltime year round employment for camp.This grant was matched by 3 generous donors. Then wasmatched again at the end of 2023 with $50,000 throughthe end of year appeal. This outpouring of generosity hasled to the creation of initial plans for a much-needed, newstaff house.While the architecture plans and site selection arecomplete, I don't know that we will be ready for site prepby the end of May, unfortunately. But we will keep movingforward and keep you posted. This project has opened up an outpouring of generositywithin our community. Currently, we have an additionalconstruction project underway ---the Friends of Camp DonLee Cabin---which was also a multi-donor project. Because our confidence in fund development has grown,we are equipped to continue fund raising for the new staffhouse while the additional cabin project is underconstruction.$25,000A note of appreciation:Architecture Plans and Site Preparations REPORT
With this funding, we installed a new dock to replacean old and deteriorating dock that frames one side ofour swim area in the lake. It also provides the "perch"from which our lifeguards watch over the swim area.As a result of this addition, swimmers could safelyenter and exit the swim area. The bench at the end ofthe dock was also often used for guest enjoyment ofthe lake.Because of the durable material used, we expect thisdock will serve our swim area for the next 15-20 years.The new dock underscored for us the safetyimportance of a solid dock structure for our campers.We hope to replace the dock on the other side of theswim area as soon as possible.We can't underestimate the significance of thesegrants these last two years, especially in the midst ofsome significant external challenges most of ourUMC camps have been facing. Thank you.Thank you for providing funds for a newdock at our camp's waterfront. Thisbeautiful addition provided notonly an aesthetic boost, but it was a realsafety upgrade as well.Dan ZieglerKoronis$15,100A note of appreciation:Swimming Area Dock REPORT
We updated a 50-plus year old cabin withheat, air conditioning, new windows,updated electrical systems, better doorsand insulation. We have 8 cabins thathouse 14 beds each for a total of 112 beds.Updating the cabin has increased ourheat/air cabins by 14 beds and allows us tohost bigger groups year round.Because of the grant, we now have sevencabins with heat and air conditioning. Thisgrant allowed us to go from six to seven!We updated a cabin with heat and airincreasing the number of campers we canserve in a healthier and cleaner cabin. Thecabin's electrical system was updated, itnow has insulation, new windows, newdoors and a fresh coat of paint. Theupdated cabin is cleaner, safer and morecomfortable, allowing Shoal Creek to hostbigger groups.Moving forward, we will do yearlymaintenance and repairs on the cabin tokeep it nice for campers. It takes us years to save enough money toupdate a cabin and this grant pushed our"Dreams and Goals" ahead by 5 years!Because of this grant we have startedsaving to update our final cabin. Thankyou!Words cannot express the impact that yourgift will have for Shoal Creek Camp's futureand and ministry. We are a small rustic campin Arkansas and in July and August the heatis often over 100 degrees. We currently havesix cabins with air conditioning and this grantallowed us to make that number seven! Withthis grant, we updated a cabin with heat andair increasing the number of campers we canserve in a healthier and cleaner cabin. I havestayed many nights in this very cabin,sweating and sweating, wishing I could fallasleep in the heat. Thank you for your gift.Your gift will allow us to host bigger groupsall year around!Renee HensonShoal Creek Camp and$14,500A note of appreciation:Cabin Renovation (A Leap into the Future) REPORT
With our grant, we hired a construction crew to drop theexisting floor, fill in our basement completely, and pour anew concrete floor. Our dining hall floor on the westernside is now 100% safe for our campers, guests, and staff.This makes all the floors in the building completely safeand will help our building last many years to come.Through this project, we were reminded how incredibleour community of volunteers and donors are. We hada group of 15 volunteers come in the week before theproject began to prepare the space for renovation. Thetotal cost of the project was $50,000 and we raised theremaining $30,000 after the grant in less than 2 months.This project taught us that all buildings have a lifespanand it is important to do preventative maintenanceto keep them in top shape. At this current moment, thereare not any additional needs for major renovation in ourdining hall's structure. But looking ahead, we will need toreplace our commercial dishwasher in the next 5 yearsand we would like to add epoxy flooring designed forcommercial kitchens in our kitchen area.Without the support of this grant, ourdining hall repair would not have beenpossible! Thank you for your generosityand support in our mission. With thisrepair, we were able to have our summercamp and fall retreat seasons withoutany issues. We had 200 happy campersand over 175 happy fall retreat guests!Robyn VernonSkye Farm Camp & Retreat$20,000A note of appreciation:Dining Hall Repair REPORT
The system we purchased is portable. While we havenot yet taken it to another location, we are lookingforward to bringing the system to special eventsthroughout the annual conference. There are somany possibilities!Jump for Joy! Hundreds of campers and retreatguests have done just that at The West River Centersince the bungee trampoline system was purchasedthis spring with the help of the UMRCM ministryimpact grant. We are incredibly grateful for theministry impact grants we received in both 2022 and2023. Your support has given West River the financialboost to implement a critical expansion of ourministry.Day camp registrations this summer increased 59.8%to an all-time high and we still had a waiting list forsome weeks. Overnight camp also increased by45.5%. Combined, West River had its second highestcamper registrations in the past 18 years and isclosing in on all-time highs! Since summer camp hasended, more than 150 retreat guests have added onthe trampolines as an activity, which makes it one ofour more popular add on activities.The bungee trampolines have been a huge hit withcampers and retreat guests and met our need forcreating another activity rotation to accommodatemore groups of campers on site at any given time.The trampolines have a wow factor and are greatfrom an operational standpoint because they handlea high volume of participants with reasonablestaffing demand.We are so thankful for this grant andhow it has enabled us to live into thevision of the future we have for WestRiver. Your support allowed us to investin the facilities and logistics to meet thechanging needs of our community andimprove the quality of our program. Thebungee trampolines have injected aburst of excitement that will help WestRiver continue to be a thriving andsustainable ministry well into the future.Chris SchlieckertThe West River$30,000A note of appreciation:Jump for Joy Trampoline System REPORT
We thank you for your support andencouragement throughout the fullgrant process.U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C A M P & R E T R E A T M I N I S T R I E S | 2 0 2 3 M I N I S T R Y I M P A C T G R A N T R E P O R TC O N T A C TJessica GamachéUMCRM Director1550 Lenora DrivePittsburgh, PA