NBIFC NEWSAGM Date SetWords from WillieA Poem from IanMAY 2023Suswin VillageResidents Pages980 Casssells St.North Bay, ONP1B 4A8(705)472-2811reception@nbifc,orgwww.nbifc.org
Message from the DirectorAGM Notice Words From Willie - Suswin VillagePoem by Ian - Suswin VillageApatisiwin Programs Sees another Successful GraduateRed Dress Day EventPow Wow PosterPrenatal & Family Support ProgramsAsk Aunties InformationYard Sale FundraiserAdmin Gets FlowersDonation from Canadore StudentJob Posting- Employment CounsellorUrban Indigi-NationAHOW Calendar/NewsMens Talking CircleCree Language CircleSeed to Seed a SuccessStaff Directory34578910111314151516171819202122TABLE OF CONTENTS Yard Sale Fundraiser Donations Needed Yard Sale items are being accepted for the event happening here atthe NBIFC, Saturday May 27, 2023. Call Jen Seguin to makearrangements to drop off items (705)472-2811 ext. 222Please no appliances, refigerators or freezers.
PAGE 22A tour of Harstad and the Northern LightsAs many of you know, year-end is hectic at every not-for-profit, and the NBIFC is no exception. I'm sograteful for the staff and our admin team's incrediblework supporting each program. As we wrap that up,we look forward to what happens over the spring andsummer. Spring and summer 2023 are alreadyshaping up to be outstanding, I enjoy every season,but the summer months of gatherings are my favourite. It is with sadness that we share the loss of ShirleyRenaud baa. She was an active Board Member deeplycommitted to the Friendship Centre and was known forhelping our community in many capacities over theyears. All of us here at the NBIFC will miss her. I want to send a big chi-miigwetch to all the businessesand individuals who have donated to our MaamwiKindaaswin pow-wow. Your donation is greatlyappreciated! Your support is vital in our efforts to makethis event unforgettable for the community to enjoy. We cannot thank you enough for your kindness andgenerosity in supporting this free, family-friendly eventthat makes North Bay special. This event is an integralpart of bringing learning and connections to culture inour urban environment. We continue to acceptdonations; if you would like to contribute, don'thesitate to get in touch with us. We're looking for artists for the Urban Indigi-Nation artshow in June; please forward the poster andinformation to anyone interested. This is a beautifulopportunity for any up-and-coming artists! I am hopingto see some youth in there! There will be moreannouncements about the art show soon, so staytuned. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMESSAGEI love seeing our people infuse our culture in a cityenvironment; it's a reminder of how many of us livein cities. With over 80% of Indigenous peopleacross Canada living off reserve, it's important tocelebrate our resilience and adaptation to city life. Art is just one of the ways we do that. I'm thrilled to announce that we now have anNBIFC Youth Council. This Council will be meetingwith other Youth Councils that are at otherFriendship Centres, as well as providing input onprogramming and events that are geared towardsyouth. These are our future leaders, and it'simportant for them to begin using their voices nowto carry them (and us) into the future. They will beproviding input to the Board, and I look forward toseeing how that all comes together once again. I look forward to seeing many of you at futureevents, and hope you have the opportunity toenjoy this beautiful spring weather. Kathy FortinExecutive Director
NOTICE TO MEMBERSNOTICE TO MEMBERSANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGNBIFC GYMNASIUM5PMDINNER WILL BE SERVEDNBIFC GYMNASIUM5PMDINNER WILL BE SERVEDAudit ReportBylaw #5Review/Approve Strategic PlanElect Board of Directors - 4 Seats AvailableItems to be addressed:Items to be addressed:980 Cassells Street, North Bay, ON P1B 4A8(705)472-2811 reception@nbifc.orgJUNE 15, 2023 JUNE 15, 2023 Everyone with an NBIFC Membership in good standing iswelcome to attend. Eligible voters are those in possessionof a membership for over one year.
Hi there, My name is William M Daigle, and I would like to take thistime to say thank you so much for having me as aresident here at the Suswin Village. It’s been a long timein the makings to see such a beautiful building which Ihope in the months and perhaps years to come to getback to where I was once before in life. My understanding is that we all have our good days andbad days but as a person that has been a homelessperson in this community for a long time, 7 years to beexact. I wanna say in this token of appreciation andthankfulness to any persons that had anything to withthis new building, which has been in the making forquite some time. As a person of interest in thiscommunity when it comes to the homeless in North Bay,Ontario. I can tell you exactly what it’s like out there in aword. I can say it’s hell. Sure, there are times I cried myself to sleep at night. Weall have perspectives in life, and I’ll share something thatI thought about for a long time. Growing up R.C. (RomanCatholic) in my community back in Sault St. Marie,Ontario. My reservation is Garden River First Nation, justeast of the Sault. Anyways, back to my theory about living this life I amliving now. This is hell where we are living now. Is therean eternal life? I expect there is."...thank you again to anyone who hadsomething to do with this beautifulbuilding that I now call home."WORDSFROM WILLIEI was on these streets of North Bay, Ontario for 7 yearsand again my appreciation and my gratitude for SuswinVillage is huge. I feel that I can make a difference in thisfuture that seems to me that’s going to make some ofmy dreams come true because I know I have a homethat I can call home such as Suswin Village, whichmeans ‘nest’. What better place can come of this, thatbeing Suswin Village. Again, I wanna express thanks to this place. I call it mynest. You gotta like that. I have the chance to actually sitdown and do their programs here which include AngerManagement, Cognitive Behaviour and some one-on-one counselling, which I find is going to work out formyself. As far as the counselling goes it’s my time to shine, I feelthat these different workshops and people that come into teach us how to do some crafts like beading orworking on dream catchers and a variety of nativetraditions. I’ll be bettering myself through all theseworkshops and activities. You gotta like that nameSuswin Village. A place where other people, such as thefriends I have met here like Ian, David, Tommy andJohnny. All part of my street friends that were also in thesame scenario as myself.Every person has a different story when it comes tohomelessness anywhere in Canada. As a Canadiancitizen, isn’t it against my constitutional rights to behomeless in Canada? The Suswin Pages
I am a human being with feelings and emotions, which Inever thought I had until I was 15 years old. The wholereason for me being homeless for so long is because Iwas allowing my homeless friends to stay with me in myapartment. Really? Yes, really. Because we all know justhow cold it gets outside here in North Bay, Ontario. There was a time when a gentleman found me facedown in the underground parking garage frozen to theconcrete. When medical help came, I was actually frozento the stairs because of one of those nights I cried myselfto sleep. So I’m saying thank you to all the staff and like I said,thank you again to anyone who had something to dowith this beautiful building that I now call home. Thatgratitude is going to show expressly in completing all theworkshops or anything that has to do with my culturalbackground. I’m going to learn a lot here at Suswin Village because itis already changing me into a better person than what Ialready am. It’s building my self-esteem and most of allmy everyday living and I’m hoping that I gain somedifferent life styles. This world of ours, if everyone would live life with the 7Grandfather Teachings, this would be a different placewhere I wish that eternal life looks like. So again, thank you everyone that had to do somethingto make this happen, not only me but for my roommates Ilive here with. Just a great place to be here at Suswin Village because,again its going to go into a positive way of thinking that Iwant to happen. So, thank you so much, Suswin Village.A great place to live and one where I can call my home. Welcome to my ‘nest’. Word of the day is ‘trust’Thank-YouWilly D. THE SUSWIN PAGES, CONT'DSuswin Village residents have offered to share stories about themselves and theirexperiences as they go along. Each month, our newsletter will feature something fromthem. Currently they are preparing to have a craft table at the pow-wow too.
I don’t know my next move, But then who does.You have to keep your eyes open to see true love.Life will be different when I’m goneBecause I can’t stay longOnly a few years left, then I have to move on.While I’m here I stay strongBecause my life has not been easy.I leave when I should stayIt’s always been so hard to please me.I’d sit around depressed, that’s how most would see me.Getting high, writing music or even watching the tvI’ve been sleezyStruggled through this life uneasyBecause I can’t do what I wantAnd what I want is some meaningHow can one man riseIf the next man falls?Setting goalsJust so I can say to hell with you all.I battled withdrawalDamn near lost myselfI reminisce of being a kidNever had to worry about wealthOr having good healthInstead of this constant pain.Wish life could be like it was,But it’s not the same.I never fought for fameJust to earn respectI only flipped to make a profitNot to earn a cheque.I’ve been broken and bruisedEven beaten and batteredBecause what I really wanted,I guess it never mattered.Thoughts scatteredI bet you could never relateI’ve been down to my last hopeAnd now I’m ready to break.All this pain just adds to my anguishThe only gift I have Is the ability with language.MY LIFE STORYA POEM BY IAN ROSETHE SUSWIN PAGES, CONT'D
APATISIWIN PROGRAM SEES ANOTHER SUCCESSFULGRADUATEAanii! Boozhoo! Wachay! Greetings! I always look forward to this season’s change becauseSpring brings bird song, sunshine, and new beginnings. On April 12, 2023, I had the opportunity to be a part of a newstart. This unseasonably warm evening was the backdropfor the 2022 & 2023 Graduation ceremonies for CTS-Canadian Career College and Modern College of Hairstyling& Esthetics. This convocation included a dedicated andresilient student, Meri-Lee (MJ) Helmer). MJ is a proud member of the Piikani Nation of the Black FootConfederacy. She grew up in Alberta. Her previousexperiences in the Movies, Television, Fashion, Art, andDesign industries have allowed her to work and study invarious cities, including New York, Banff, Toronto and NorthBay.She has close ties to Nipissing First Nation and now callsNorth Bay home. Her lifelong dream, however, was to be alicensed hairstylist. Her graduation also signifies the culmination of her hardwork, dedication, sacrifice, and resilience. She overcamemany obstacles during her studies and persevered. “My biggest Accomplishment is Attending Modern Collegefor Hairdressing and Graduating with Honors. Delivering theSpeech for my School was the best part of the journey.” MJHelmer The NBIFC Apatisiwin program congratulates MJ andwishes her well as she steps away from the classroom andembarks on her professional career in the Beauty and HairStyling industry. “I am very grateful for the support services offered byEmployment Counselor Steve Guilbeault. He had a handin the process from Day 1, speaking about attendingschool. The application process and interviews with Hairprofessionals. He was also available whenever possibleduring school. I'm especially grateful to the Board andMembers of NBIFC for providing opportunities such as theopportunity you provided me.” MJ Helmer. I am very honoured to have been included in MJ’s journeyand will continue to support her as she begins herapprenticeship with The Hunt Club. I’m very proud of you, MJ. I would also like to thank the Hunt Club (Stephen and LisaHunt) for taking MJ under their wing. MJ will receive top-notch professional training with a personal touch. Hairstylists must complete the Hairstyling program andobtain a certificate of completion. Successful graduatesare then required to complete 2000 hours of practicaltraining under the guidance of a licensed hairstylist. TheApatisiwin program can provide financial support toeligible employers and to eligible apprentices. This is justone of the many supports that are offered via theApatisiwin program. If you or someone you know isconsidering an apprenticeship, a career change, or islooking for their first job, please reach out. MiigwetchSteve GuilbeaultApatisiwin Program Coordinator/Employment Counsellor 705 472 2811 Ext 202 apatiswin@nbifc.orghttps://www.facebook.com/725645873/videos/548034267454503/Link to graduation speech
National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People MMIWG2S+National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People MMIWG2S+MAY 5THNATIONALRED DRESS DAYMAY 5THNATIONALRED DRESS DAYCommunity Gathering NBIFC Gymnasium980 Cassells Street, North Bay P1B 4A8RSVP by following the linkhttps://forms.gle/qzctEXDhEYVQyFoa6WEAR REDALL AGES WELCOME! WEAR REDALL AGES WELCOME! 11am Sign Making12 pm Lunch (provided)1 pm - March to Waterfrontor email Brittany daw@nbifc.org or Amanda amhn@nbifc.orgcall (705)472-2811 ext. 213
Free Community EventFree Community Event Everyone WelcomeEveryone WelcomeSunrise CeremoniesSunrise Ceremonies Food VendorsFood Vendors Indigenous ArtisansIndigenous ArtisansDrummingDrumming DancingDancing Feast for Dancers & DrummersFeast for Dancers & Drummers Giveaway SundayGiveaway Sunday KINDAASWINKINDAASWINTHE 15THTHE 15THANNUALANNUALMAAMWIMAAMWIPOW-WOWPOW-WOWNORTH BAY INDIGENOUS FRIENDSHIP CENTRE Celebrating Our GrowthCelebrating Our GrowthJUNE 10 & 11, 2023JUNE 10 & 11, 2023BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR AND WATER BOTTLEPresentsFor more Information inquire@nbifc.org (705) 472-2811980 Cassells Street, North Bay, ON P1B 4A8This is a drug & alcohol free eventEMCEE - Bob GoulaisEMCEE - Bob Goulais Arena Director - Gerald ChumArena Director - Gerald ChumHead Drum - Ottawa River SingersHead Drum - Ottawa River Singers
Prenatal and Family Support clients enjoyed a fun filled trip toMatthews Maple Syrup on April 15th. We traveled on a school bus to getthere. Once there, the children and their parents were taught about thetrees, how to make syrup as well as how to prepare the syrup. They alsoenjoyed a tractor pulled trail ride and outdoor lunch.Miigwetch to everyone for coming.The nicer weather is finallyhere and the PrenatalNutrition Program is takingadvantage of it. We have beenenjoying our Take a Hikeprogram on Mondayafternoons from 1-3 pm. We gofor a walk anywhere fromCranberry Trails to thewaterfront. Please come out tojoin us.PRENATAL AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMSENCOURAGING FAMILY HEALTHY FUN
We celebrated Easter together with aparty here at the centre. Childrenenjoyed Easter crafts ( the making abunny was a big hit), and lots of games.We all enjoyed a pizza supper and thechildren took home a loot bag with someyummy treats.PRENATAL AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMS CONT'D
AuntiesSend your confidential question toSend your confidential question toask.auntie.nbifc@gmail.comask.auntie.nbifc@gmail.comor textor text(249)358-3672(249)358-3672ADVICE FROM THE AUNTIES OF THE NBIFC ASK theYour question could be featured in one of ournewsletters as the Aunties dish out honest,caring, and usually entertaining advice. Our opinions are as strong as our tea.
YARDSALEP O W W O WF U N D R A I S E RS A T U R D A Y , M A Y 2 7 , 2 0 2 3One to collect good used items from communityNo fridges or freezersDonations will be sold for fundraisingfor the Maamwi Kindaaswin 2023 Pow WowAny unsold items will be donated to a local non-profit8 : 3 0 A M - 2 : 3 0 P MNBIFC GYMNASIUM9 8 0 C a s s e l l s S t , N o r t h B y , O N P 1 B 4 A 8( 7 05 ) 4 72 - 2 8 11 e x t 22 2a k we g o 2 @n b i f c. o r gM o r e I n f o r m a t i o nALL FUNDS WILL GO TO THE MAAMWI KINDAASWIN2023 POW WOW
DONATION FROMGENEROUSCANADORE STUDENTOn April 26, 2023, Madison Sutherland stopped bythe NBIFC to drop off a donation of $290.30. Chi-Miigwetch Madison! Madison is a Canadore Collegestudent enrolled in the General Arts and ScienceProgram. Her goal is to go forward and earn a diplomain International Business and Business Management. Originally from Attawapiskat First Nation, her familynow lives in Cochrane; when they moved there toensure their children had good access to education.As part of the Sustainability Club at Canadore,Madison collected used jewellery and cut everythingapart - making new jewlery and selling it over a spanof 6 hours on the College Campus. PAGE 07NATIONAL ADMINISTRATIVEPROFESSIONALS’ DAYOn the Wednesday of the last full week inApril of each year. It is NationalAdministrative Professionals Day. The dayrecognizes the work of secretaries,administrative assistants, receptionists, andother administrative support professionals. Thank you to NBIFC for the gift of a dinnercard and the beautiful flowers! I am gratefulfor the recognition. 😊Lori Anne StangerNATIONALADMININSTRATIVEPROFESSIONALS DAYMs. Sutherland is a very active student as part of the CanadoreStudent Council, holding the seat of VP of operations, as well asbeing in the ICAN Lead group, and part of the StudentAboriginal Association. With hopes of working in Germany,Australia or England, she has plans on focusing her summer onlearning 3 languages to move forward in her education. We wish Madison all the best in her future endeavors, and lookforward to when she attains that dream of buying her parents anew home. Kathy Fortin, Executive Director of NBIFC, acceptscash donation from Madison Sutherland
NORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTREMAAMWI KINDAASWINPOW-WOWJune 10 & 11, 2023Celebrating Our Growth Aboriginal HealthOutreach ProgramMonthly NewsletterEvents & ProgramsMonth ofMay, 2023 Cree Langage CircleMay 11, 20236:30 - 8:00 PMStory Telling Land Base OutingTraditional FeastMay 24, 202311:00 - 3:00 PMSpring Celebration Men’s Talking CircleMay 18, 20236:30 - 8:00 PMTime To Heal Sudbury Monthly TripStatus Cards & Renewals Drinking WaterClass ActionApplication forms areavailable now Provides Bus Passes &Taxi services for DoctorAppointments Month ofMay, 2023 Cree Langage CircleMay 11, 20236:30 - 8:00 PMStory Telling Land Base OutingTraditional FeastMay 24, 202311:00 - 3:00 PMSpring Celebration Men’s Talking CircleMay 18, 20236:30 - 8:00 PMTime To Heal Sudbury Monthly TripStatus Cards & Renewals Drinking WaterClass ActionApplication forms areavailable now Provides Bus Passes &Taxi services for DoctorAppointments George Hughieahow@nbifc.org(705)472-2811 Ext. 209More information:
North Bay Indigenous Friendship CentreNorth Bay Indigenous Friendship CentreMen's Talking StickThursday, May 18, 2023Contact: George Hughie & Dan Desrochers(705) 472-2811 Ext. 209 or 216Please give us a call to save a seat!Refreshments will be provided. 6:30 PM - 8:00 PMNBIFC Rec Room980 Cassells St, North Bay, ON P1B 4A8
Cree Language CircleThursday, May 11, 2023Come and learn more about the Cree Calendar andSyllabic Alphabet North Bay Indigenous Friendship CentreNorth Bay Indigenous Friendship CentreEveryone is welcome to come and learnto speak Cree!Cree Teacher: Janie KataquapitContact: Serena Koostachin & George Hughie (705) 472-2811 Ext. 222 or 209NBIFC Rec Room980 Cassells St, North Bay, ON P1B 4A86:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Chi-Miigwech to DebajehmujigStorytellers featuring Richard AshleyManitowabi and Sunny Osawabinealongside Charity Shigwadja, for sharingknowledge, culture and teachings whileconnecting to community, land andseeds. The event was well attended andwe all learned so much! We hope to havethem back again for another event. SEED TO SEED WORKSHOPSEED TO SEED WORKSHOP
We Need Your Thoughts Strategic Plan Session NBIFC Members Community Members and Program Participants Welcome Join us March 17th 6 30pm to 8 30 pm NBIFC Recreation Room Light snacks and refreshments will be provided 980 Cassells St North Bay ON P1B 4A8