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2023 Little Stars - Graduation

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Our Little StoryOur Little StoryClass of 2023 Little Stars Jupiter Class JupiterJupiter

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I am loving, kind, happy and gratefulI am polite and friendlyI respect my friends and teachers, tooI am responsible I am honest and smartI love to speak EnglishI follow the rulesI have gritI can do it by myself Every day when I come to school,I choose my attitudeGood behavior, bad behavior,I choose my attitudeChoose My AttitudeNew world english song

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Teacher ScottNew World English FounderDear students,You have faced many challenges and made so much progressin the past year. Always remember to choose your attitude.Each day you can ask yourself, “Am I being loving, kind,happy and grateful?” I hope you will always share yourjoy with others. Be the song. Be the light.I love you,Teacher Scott親愛的同學們:在過去的一年中,你勇敢地面對許多挑戰並且有很大進步。 永遠記得選擇你的態度, 每天問自己:“我是否充滿愛心、善良、快樂和感恩?” 我希望你能和別人分享你的快樂。 成為歌曲。 成為光。我愛你,Teacher Scott

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Teacher PatrickTeaching DirectorI am so thankful to have been a little part of youramazing journey. I have watched you learn and grow day by day. You have shown me that you have GRIT. In everything you do, give 100%. Always remember to be loving, kind, happy and grateful!我很感恩能成為你人生旅程的一小部分,看著你一天天的學習和成長,你們都證明了自己擁有恆毅力,在你做的每一件事上付出100%!要永遠記得做一個充滿愛心、善良、快樂和感恩的人!

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Teacher HeatherThe time we spent together was short, but the love and memorieswe shared were precious. No matter where you are, alwaysremember that you are loved, and keep love in your heart. Now it’s time to start the next chapter of your journey. Enjoy every moment and shine like a star, as bright as you can!時間過得很快,我們分享的愛和回憶很珍貴。 無論身在何處,永遠記住你是被愛的,把愛放在心裡。現在開始展開你的下一章旅程了,享受每一刻,盡你所能地像星星一樣閃耀!

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Teacher JoshuaThe time we spent together is precious. No matter where you go, I hope you will never forget the things you learned and the friends you've made. Choose to be loving, kind, happy and grateful. Always move forward having Grit. And let your light shine for the world to see and know that you are always loved. 這段我們共度的時光是珍貴的。無論你走到哪裡,我希望你永遠不會忘記你所學到的事情和交到的朋友。選擇愛、善良、快樂、懂得感恩。始終堅持不懈地向前行,擁有恆毅力。讓你的光芒照耀世界,讓世人看到,並且知道你永遠被愛著。

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Happy Graduation!恭喜你成為小學生