What Does aRipple EffectLook Like?2023 Community Impact ReportCopyright ©2024 Johnson Bixby & Associates, LLC All Rights ReservedAdvisory services offered through Johnson Bixby, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Securities offered by RegisteredRepresentatives through Private Client Services. Member FINRA/SIPC. Johnson Bixby and PCS are separate and unaffiliated.
FINANCIALEMPOWERMENT8 Team MembersBecame Financial Beginningsvolunteer instructors.EMPOWERMENTTHROUGH LEADERSHIP34 Individuals or CouplesReceived free, personalized financialplanning at Pro Bono Days.Zach was very knowledgeableand gave me some goodinsights into my situation.- Pro Bono Day Participant77 Individuals Served through financialempowerment workshops,trainings, and presentations.40,000 in 4 yearsOur Think Big goal toempower individuals throughfinancial education.63% increasePro Bono Day participantsreported an increase infinancial understanding.16 Team MembeCleaned walkways and grSpruce the Couve.Presenting Sponsor Of IDEAfest - Inspiring new voicesfor change in SW Washington.Student MentorshipProvided 3 internships +Mentored students at localuniversities20+ Presentations At area schools, conferencesand other eventsCPaMthYour supporttogether risinCounty who to better our- Local NonpWe believe in the ripple effect — understandiof our parts and knowing that small, positive
18Team membersdedicated timeand talent toour community.370 HoursInvested backinto nonprofitsand causes ourteams care about.19Nonprofitpartners served$110,000Invested backinto our localnonprofits.CommUNITY HoursTeam members receive CommUNITY hoursannually which can be dedicated to servingthe community through area nonprofits.Community EngagementCommitteeOur CEC is a way for team members toparticipate in community investmentactivities, reviewing sponsorship requestsand selecting engagement opportunities. For more information, visit our websites:johnsonbixby.comits-taxes.comCOMMUNITYENHANCEMENTt allows us to bringng leaders in Clarkuse their talentscommunity.profitPROGRAMS FORPOSITIVE CHANGE$40K Invested In Ripple Impact NW,inspiring and informing greater philanthropy.Focused Support To reduce homelessness, mentorat-risk youth, advocate for kids infoster care, and promote literacy.Committed Supporterarticipated in the George C.arshall Leadership Awardsrough The Historic Trust. College Day Students from 4 areauniversities attended CollegeDay to learn about careers infinancial services.Environment & ArtsInvested in our naturalenvironment and sponsored the arts through Vancouver Wine & Jazz Festival and theVolunteer Corner sculptureinstalled downtown.Downtown RevitalizationSponsored a state-wide pitchcompetition through RevitalizeWashington, and awarded the winner$5,000 to implement their idea. ers + 32 Hours eenspaces duringng that together, we are greater than the sume actions make an impact on those around us.
CEO and owner of Johnson Bixby andIntegrated Tax ServicesInvesting in our local community, beyond the clientswe serve, has been at the core of Johnson Bixby andIntegrated Tax Services for years, and I’m pleased tosay that in 2023, we added structure and strategy toour efforts by launching the Community Investments& Engagement Program. Highlights from the yearinclude ramping up our commitment to financialempowerment, providing CommUNITY Hours toteam members wanting to volunteer, supportingmore nonprofits than ever, and more!These efforts require all of us to believe in what’spossible, together. Thank you for joining us in thisimportant work. Heidi Johnson Bixby, CFP®Volunteer Corner Sculpture at E. Evergreen and Broadwayin downtown Vancouver