The Olentangy Education Foundation is extremely proud to share with you its2023 Impact Report. Through the continued passion and support from theOlentangy Community, and the generosity of its donors, the OlentangyEducation Foundation was able to continue its mission of enhancing theeducational experience at Olentangy Schools. 2023 was a strong year of support for the Olentangy Education Foundation. Through the generosity of its donors the foundation was able to provide over$68,000 to fund 24 classroom grants, impacting almost every student in all ofour buildings. It truly is a community effort, and one that I am very proud to be a part of. To ourcommunity of supporters and volunteers, our dedicated teachers and staffmembers, and to our passionate board of trustees… Thank you! Thank you forsharing passion for our mission and making a difference for our students,teachers, staff and families. Ryan Johnson President Olentangy Education Foundation PRESIDENT’SMESSAGEBOARD OF TRUSTEESRyan Johnson, PresidentAmy Miner, Vice PresidentSteve Koehrsen, TreasurerMikki Nelson, SecretaryKate BoganScott GrotelueschenJulie FeaselBob LambFelita MoranDerek PentenburgDean PrallAlysse RossChristi TakacsJhera WoodardAPPOINTED LIASON POSITIONSLibby Wallick, OLSD Board of EducationJack Fette, OLSD AdministrationKrista Davis, OLSD AdministrationSteve Sargent, OLSD Principal
FOUNDATIONPROFILEThe Olentangy Education Foundation was founded in 1990 as a non-profit, independentorganization. It’s original name, Olentangy Pride Foundation, was changed to theOlentangy Education Foundation in 2004.The Foundation collects charitable contributions from donors, and partners with our schooldistrict to support and fund enhanced educational experiences for all students. OEF’s initiatives are focused on providing staff grants for innovative programs andlearning opportunities for which tax dollars are not available, and recognizing outstandingstaff members.As OEF looks toward the future, the ultimate goal is to increase contributions so theFoundation can expand the benefits it provides to our schools. We hope you will considerexploring and supporting the opportunities and events that OEF offers.ABOUT OLENTANGY SCHOOLSOlentangy Local Schools is the 4th largest school district in Ohio. In 2023-24 school year,there were 23,943 students enrolled in the Pre-school through 12th grade and 3,020 staffmembers. The boundaries of the district encompass over 95 square miles and servesnumerous municipalities including Orange Township, Berkshire Township, Berlin Township,Concord Township, Genoa Township, Liberty Township, Delaware Township, the City ofDelaware, the City of Columbus, the City of Westerville, and the City of Powell.4 High Schools (7.301 students)6 Middle Schools (5,546 students)16 Elementary Schools (10,432 students)3 Transportation & Maintenance Buildings1 Administrative Office1 Olentangy Academy 7 Specialized ProgramsAcademy for Community Transition ProgramTeacher Academy ProgramMentorship CoursesSTEM Academy ProgramOASIS ProgramAccess to DACC ProgramsOlentangy: BridgED ProgramsOther notable facts & figures:98.2% 4 Year Graduation Rate23.5 Average ACT Score (19.2 is state average)94.5% Staff retention rate5 Stars on the Ohio School Report Card4 of the Top 25 Best High Schools in Ohio*4 of the Top 10 Best High Schools in Central Ohio*5 National Blue Ribbon Schools*U.S. News & World Report’s 2023Best High School Rankings
7373 GRANTSFUNDED$144,346T O T A L I N GFROM 2021 - 2023Since 2020-21, grantrequest amountshave increased from$62,114 to $132,455113%Distribution of funds by Grade 2020-2023GIVING INREVIEWO U R P A S T 3 Y E A R S A T A G L A N C EElementary Schools38.5%High Schools38.5%Middle Schools15.5%P R O G R A M S F U N D E D I N 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4OEF funded grants in every school in the district for 2023 - 202423 classroom grants awarded from funding art kits to STEM Robotic kits.Awarded 11 Classified Employees with Employee of the Year AwardAwarded 28 Teachers with Teacher of the Year AwardSponsored the ONE Community Speaker, Dr. Jason RawlsS C H O L A R S H I P S A W A R D E DLINDA GREGG MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPAmy Hanson, Olentangy Orange High SchoolJENNIFER HROBUCHAK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPSofia Sferra, Olentangy High SchoolJENNIFER LAWRENCE-KENT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPReagan Clifton, Olentangy Berlin High School
UNLOCKING ENGAGING, STUDENT-CENTERED EXPERIENCES: BREAKOUT EDUFunded by the Marilyn and Michael Leymaster Fund for Teacher ExcellenceUnlocking Engaging Student-Centered Experiences: Breakout EDU is an innovative and creative way toenrich learning for all kids at Scioto Ridge Elementary. Through this grant, we will purchase sixBreakout EDU boxes to provide a hands-on experience to go with the online subscription we alreadyhave for our students. Breakout EDU provides engaging standards aligned games that promote acollaborative environment for students to use their problem solving and critical thinking skills. GRANTHIGHLIGHTSOZONE JR. A DISTRICT WIDE MIDDLESCHOOL ROBOTICS TEAM Sponsored by DelCo WaterOZone JR. brought together students from allsix district middle schools to compete and WINthe FIRST ROBOTICS Challenge internationalcompetition. They applied their STEM skills aswell as teamwork and leadership skills todesign, fabricate, and program robots for acompetition where the game and rules changeevery year.Integrating Technology Education in the Visual Arts Classroom through the OEFGrant benefits multiple levels of disciplines throughout Olentangy High School'sVisual Arts Department. Having new and innovative technology supports a diversegroup of students. Students are more collaborative, creative, improve their socialskills, exposed to multimedia platforms, use creative thinking, problem solving andbenefit from real world applications.INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION IN THE VISUAL ARTSCLASSROOMSponsored by North Orange DentistryOMTECH CO2 LASER ENGRAVERSponsored by Worthington IndustriesThis grant purchased an enclosed Laser Engraving machine for the Industrial Techprogram at Olentangy Liberty High School. The machine will allow students tocreate movable parts that are more durable and can actually be used to test models.With the ability to create durable parts we can transition from non workingprototypes to models that can actually replicate movements. This will allowstudents to build models that function over and over with accuracy. Our studentswill get great experience using the machine that will prepare them for the future.
ELEMENTARY ART GRANTFunded by the Maryann Howey Visual Art Fund and FanningHowey AssociatesElementary visual art teachers will gain access to innovativetools for printmaking instruction and student engagement thatare beyond the grasp of their current curricular budget. Withaccess to Gelli Printing plates students will not only be able tocreate traditional monoprints, but will also explore innovativeapproaches to the timeless techniques associated withprintmaking.GRANTHIGHLIGHTSORANGE APPAREL CO. MERCHANDISE EXPANSION PROJECT 2023Sponsored by Scott Scriven LLPThe addition of an embroidery machine to the Orange Marketing program will increase thecurrent product lines and quality, allowing for larger profit capability and adding to the overallgrowth and potential of Orange Apparel Co. In addition, the new equipment will further expandstudent’s knowledge regarding production methods and enhance the in-class work experience.OUTDOOR LEARNING STATIONS AT HYATTS MIDDLE SCHOOLSponsored by CT ConsultantsOutdoor Learning Stations at HMS are being created to increase engagement and excitementabout daily classes, while lowering stress levels and improving the overall well-being for everyoneat Hyatts. Small moveable stations will be readily available to teachers so they can take their dailylesson content into beautiful outdoor spaces for students to learn in new ways. Connectingstudents with natural spaces has been shown to benefit their physical and mental health, andstudies have shown an increased student enthusiasm about learning while outdoors.VISITING ARTISTS' SERIES: EXPLORING NEW TECHNIQUES FROMPRACTICING ARTISTSSponsored by Fanning Howey AssociatesThe success of the 22-23 year's artists has been great and has proven tobe engaging and motivating to students' work! Every artist is differentand has different styles and techniques to share. Students will continueto get to know the artists , work directly, and hands on with the artists torefine their skills. Students will be given a project designed by the artteacher and influenced with techniques gained by the artist themselves.Projects will be individualized for each student and will exceed both thedistrict and state standards. The knowledge will be shared and can beimplemented through any and all art classes in the Olentangy District.
CREATING WITH THE CRICUTFunded by the Reitter Family Memorial FundThis grant would be used to purchase a Cricut for the Berlin Middle School art room. This wouldallow the art teacher to include students in the creative process and incorporate STEAM throughthe use of art, technology and engineering. It would also help provide accommodations andpromote understanding for students with special needs and ELL students.HELPING PARENTS HAVE DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS WITH CHILDRENFunded by Elaine K. Eddy Endowed FundThe grant would provide a parent resource library for the loan of picture books used forBibliotherapy to give social emotional support to children. Bibliotherapy is the use of selectedreading materials as therapeutic guidance in the solution of personal problems through directedreading. In situations such as being the new kid, becoming a sister/brother to a new sibling,getting diagnosed with a childhood illness, experiencing divorce, and/or dealing with a death,parents can coach children on how to cope with stories from picture books with relatablecharacters.OLENTANGY COMMUNITY WORKSITE UNIFORMSFunded by the Feasel Family FundOlentangy Community Worksite Uniform grant money will be used to fund work t-shirts/uniforms for our student interns. Students with disabilities at each high school participatein a community worksite to learn employability skills at local businesses. Worksite uniforms teachour students the responsibility of being prepared for work and dressing professionally.LEGO MY STEAMSponsored by DCTSLEGO my STEAM supports Middle School ScienceTechnology Engineering Arts and Mathematics Skillsusing the LEGO® Education solutions. This programis designed to grow with students buildingconfidence in STEAM skills like coding, robotics, andcomputer science. Simultaneously, they foster 21stcentury skills like collaboration and critical thinking.
TRANSFORMING STEM EDUCATION WITH VEX EXP ROBOTICSSponsored by The Ohio State Wexner Medical CenterThroughout their four years in the STEM program, OlentangyAcademy students pursue advances in robotics and artificialintelligence through the exploration of coding, hardware design,digital communication, and project-based learning. The VEX EXPRobotics kits facilitate hands-on application of the concepts studentsare mastering in their academic classes. Each year, all 250 studentsenrolled in the STEM program will use the VEX EXP Robotics kits toengage in learning experiences that promote collaboration acrossmultiple subject areas and develop future-ready skills.GRANTHIGHLIGHTSOUTDOOR LEARNING STATIONSSponsored by The Ohio State Wexner Medical CenterOutdoor story-walk frames will be installed around Alum Creek Elementary’s school property. Theframes will allow educators to provide students with a variety of unique outdoor learningexperiences. The frames will not only be used to implement story-walks, but they will also beutilized to create learning stations, mindfulness walks, sensory stations, exercise stations anddisplaying high quality student work.ORANGE MIDDLE SCHOOL'S CREATIVITY CENTERSponsored by M/I HomesOOMS is hoping to use this grant to partially fund a Creativity Center. The goal is that teacherswill check-out this innovative space and bring their classes to brainstorm, design, build, andcreate. This space will house a 3D printer, a green screen, iPads for video production, cameras forphotography, and more! There will be something for everyone! We envision each student'spassions and interests driving their designs as they make their visions come to life! This will be agreat way for teachers to get students thinking differently about what they are learning!
BUILDING THINKING CLASSROOMS IN MATHEMATICS USING VERTICAL NON-PERMANENT SURFACESSponsored by Schottenstein Real EstateStudents need the opportunity to discuss mathematical concepts by exploring numbers, tryingnew strategies, and learning from others in the classroom. Building Thinking Classrooms inMathematics by Using Vertical NonPermanent Surfaces will be used to allow students to work ingroups on vertical whiteboards positioned around the room. Students can learn from each otherin their group, or they can gain new ideas and perspectives analyzing the work from others. Thegrant money will be used to purchase Wipebook Flip Charts and Easels for teachers to set upmultiple workstations around the room for students to utilize while solving high-qualityproblems.SPECIALIZED LEARNING CENTER SMART TECHNOLOGY FUNCTIONAL INTEGRATIONPROJECTSponsored by Delaware Pediatric DentistryTechnology is a great and powerful equalizer that can significantly and positively impact the livesof students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. By increasing independence andself-determination through student agency, secondary students have the opportunity to pursuemaximum learning and obtain meaningful employment and independent living. Through theimplementation of a variety of motivating and accessible technology in Specialized LearningCenters, therapy rooms, and learning kitchens in high schools across the district as well as theAcademy for Community Transition (ACT) program housed at Olentangy Academy, students willhave the opportunity to learn functional life skills and control their environment through thepower of their words or actions. The Specialized Learning Center Smart Technology FunctionalIntegration Project grant includes: Google Nest Hub devices with associated smart light bulbsand smart plugs in addition to kitchen accommodations such as smart microwaves and the ColorCoded Chef program.INNOVATIVE MAKERSPACE EXPANSIONSponsored by Robertson ConstructionA middle school makerspace expansion will enhance thelearning experiences for students at Hyatts Middle School.New equipment and materials will provide addedopportunities for student exploration and creativeexpression. This expansion will allow students to grow theirconnections with art, nature, and design.
GRANTHIGHLIGHTSWHITEBOARD TABLES TO SUPPORT SOCIALLY SHARED REGULATION ANDCOLLABORATION IN THE AP ENGLISH CLASSROOMSponsored by HR ImagingAP English is a course intended to cultivate reading, writing and communication skills thatstudents need for “intellectually responsible civic engagement.” This grant will be used topurchase circular whiteboard tables that will offer students an opportunity to share a range ofideas and experiences. With these white board tables students will be able to question, listen,document, name and more- all strategies that will establish positive and thoughtful learningcultures necessary to teach civic discourse.VISITING ARTIST SERIES FOR ALL MIDDLE AND HIGHSCHOOLSFunded by ZOOlentangy FundraiserBased off the success of the 22-23 year’s Visiting Artist grantawarded to Olentangy High School, OEF decided to raisefunds to allow all middle schools and high schools the sameopportunity to invite artists into the classroom. Every artist isdifferent and has different styles and techniques to share.Students will continue to get to know the artists , workdirectly, and hands on with the artists to refine their skills.Students will be given a project designed by the art teacherand influenced with techniques gained by the artistthemselves. Projects will be individualized for each studentand will exceed both the district and state standards. ONE COMMUNITY KEYNOTE SPEAKERThe Equity and Inclusion team held their annual OneCommunity Event engaging the Olentangy community in aseries of presentations and workshops. The theme of thisyear’s event was “Equity and the Arts”, as recognizing artisticand cultural talents is an essential component in facilitatinggrowth, acceptance, and true connection in our community.The conference featured a keynote (sponsored by OEF) fromhip-hop artist and educator Dr. Jason Rawls, Ed.D., expertand student facilitated workshop sessions, a K-5 elementarytrack, and student speakers.
EVENTHIGHLIGHTSZ O O L E N T A N G Y 2 0 2 3OEF hosted another unforgettable evening at ZOOlentangy on August 11th at the ColumbusZoo and Aquarium! The annual fundraiser is dedicated to raising money for innovativeclassroom grants, supporting the educational endeavors of Olentangy Schools. Guestsenjoyed quality time with friends of Olentangy Schools and school leadership while indulgingin delicious food and experience up-close animS A V E T H E D A T EZOOLENTANGYSaturday, August 10th
FINANCIALSCONTRIBUTED INCOMEGeneral donations, sponsorships, and ticket salesDONOR RESTRICTED INCOMEContributions to named fundsINTEREST AND INVESTMENT INCOMEEarnings on investmentsTOTAL INCOMEGRANTS EXPENSEReturned to schools through classroom grantsINVESTMENT ADVISOR FEESCost of professional advisory servicesFUNDRAISING EXPENSECost to raise funds and run the foundationOTHER EXPENSECost to raise funds and run the foundationNET INCOMEReinvested by the foundationENDOWED ACCOUNTSYear end value of all named funds set asideto earn revenue for future grantsTOTAL ASSETSYear end value of all assets (cash,investments, and endowed accounts)$153,177$31,145$275,423$459,745$68,896$7,067$40,556$68,201$275,025$108,357$881,706*As of December 31, 2023
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,involve me and I learn.” — Benjamin Franklin
LINKTHANK YOUSPONSORSPLATINUMMARY LORENZExecutive Director740.657.5042mlorenz@olentangyef.orgC O N N E C T W I T H U Solentangyeducationfoundation.orgfacebook.com/OlentangyEducationFoundation@OlentangyefFanning/Howey AssociatesOSU Wexner Medical CenterDIAMONDDCTSGOLDHR ImagingMeeder Investment ManagementNorth Orange Family DentistrySILVERCT ConsultantsDelaware Pediatric DentistryDel-Co Water CompanyMETRO Development LLCM/I HomesMid Ohio Eye Robertson ConstructionSchottenstein Real Estate GroupScott Scriven LLPWorthington IndustriesBRONZEBricker GraydonChicken Salad Chick - Westerville/PolarisElfordEPCON CommunitiesEye Care ProfessionalsForge BiologicsIntertek PSIKSM Sports and FitnessMilestone Benefits AgencyRedtree Investment GroupRich & Gillis LawTaftYMCASue Mahler & Mark IannottaCHAMPIONAPEX Leadership Co.Beem’s BP Distributing Inc.BridgEDCornerstone DentalDavison OrthodonticsHabitec SecurityHerff JonesInspire PR GroupLauterbach & Eilber InsuranceProforma Strategic PromotionsWalnut Creek PTOWilcox CommunitiesJulie & John FeaselBill & Carla HathawayRyan & Lee JohnsonAmy & Mark MinerDawn & Dean PrallChristi & Mark TakacsHONOR ROLLEyeshop OpticalNorthstar Family DentalSheetzSterling DistributionThink Signs & GraphicsWHIT’s Lewis CenterSteve & Amy KoehrsenFelita & Xavier MoranTracey & Andy MacDowell