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2023 Horse Training Journal

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©2023 HorseGirl.meTheExtraordinary

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To re-order go to: HorseTrainingJournal.comFor Additional Training Login to Extraordinary Horsemanship Headquartersat Riding.AcademyBelongs to: ________________________________Contact: __________________________________Horse(s): ___________________________________Dates: ____________________________________Extraordinary Horsemanship™"Consistency in horsemanship is the gentle forcethat shapes an unbreakable bond,turning ordinary ridersinto extraordinary equestrians,one stride at a time."Jenny Rohlen-Barker TheJournal13-Week Horsemanship JourneySteady Strides to Track, Refine, Optimize & Transform

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Hi Friend!This little book has fallen into your hands for a reason.It has a lifetime of horse lessons woven into the pages,some taught to me from the horses themselves,some I learned from some of the best trainers in the world,curated with the hope of guiding you to keep the promisesyou made to yourself- to accomplish your goals with your horse.… to support you when the journey is hard to keep going.… to help you to fall in love with the journey & the process not just the goal.Get ready to prove to yourself what is possible if you will stick withworking through a program (of your design) with your horseover the next 90 days (13-weeks)Please Go to step by step guidance to set up the journal+ 13 week horsemanship journey + bonusesI can’t wait to see what magic you create! HorseGirl.meExtraordinaryHorsemanship.comP.S. A special thank you to all who helped to create this journalfrom my Horse Girl friends that make this journey possible,to my special friends who have taken the timeto share their wisdom,but especially my amazing Mother,Janet McMahan Kingwho has always sacrificed so much so thatI could follow my dreams.I dedicate this work to her. Thanks Mom.Extraordinary Horsemanship™©2023 all rights reserved

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I pause to thank You for all the beautiful things here today.This time with my horse, the sounds of the birds, the breeze on my face,the peace You give in this moment.The ability to “show up” and be present for myself and my horse. I am sograteful for all of these things, for Your provision for me and my horses.I pray for my attitude today as I interact with my horse. I pray for patience, and thewillingness to persevere when I don’t understand, or when things don’t go as I hadhoped. I ask that I have an awareness of the gift and privilege that it is to have thishorse, and this opportunity to be with him.I pray that love, joy, peace and patience would be with us as we work together. Also,that gentleness and faithfulness towards each other would become a strong part ofour bond.I ask for understanding and wisdom in this time. As we work and play, Lord, I ask forinsight and a willingness to be kind and gentle, as well as strong and dependable formy horse.I pray today for safety. Physical safety, and also, mental and emotional safety. I ask thatwe can establish and maintain safe boundaries, using self-control and achieve arelaxation that comes from trust in each other… I pray this for me and my horse.I want to ask for the ability to engage with my horse, using positive, loving, kind, trust-worthy and fun energy that he understands, and which provides clarity for him. I askthat I be present, aware and attentive.That I would be in a state of mind and heart that promotes safety, comfort, trust, andconnection.And lastly, Lord, I ask that You help me take these horse lessons and turn them intolife lessons.Help me to extend the same levels of love and patience to others, as I extend to myhorses. Help me to relax, and tune in to those around me,growing me into who You want me to be.For Your honor and glory, I pray.Written by my dear friend, Gayelynn OylerA Horse Girl’s PrayerExtraordinary Horsemanship™©2023 all rights reserved

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©2023 HorseGirl.meFrederic’ Pignon“Learn how to be, Before how to do.”Horses are the ultimate personal development tool.They stretch us to become are best.And to show up as our best... presence is required.Presence is more than being “present” in a body.I love this quote from Amy Cuddy that defines this for us…“Presence stems from believing and trusting your story.Your feelings, beliefs, values and abilities.…Presence isn’t about pretending you are competent; it’s about believing in and revealing the abilities you truly have.It’s about shedding whatever is blocking you from expressing who you are.It’s about tricking yourself into accepting that you are indeed capable.Sometimes you have to get out of the way of yourself so you can be yourself.”Amy Cuddy Presence: Bringing Your BOLDEST SELF to your BIGGEST CHALLENGESExtraordinaryHorsemanshipPrinciples & Ideas

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This Journal talks a lot about the “doing” part of horses,but first and foremost rememberit is about a way of “BEING”Your horse needs YOU(the real you) to show up with presence, intention,understanding, thought planning, patience, kindness,friendship, consistency, time and focus.If you can’t do it for yourself.Do it for her/him.©2023 all rights reserved“Remember how to show upand trust yourself again.”

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There as many ways to train a horse as there are colors shapes & sizes…Extraordinary Horsemanship™©2023 all rights reserved“The Horse Training Journal” offers a plethora of ideas to keep in yourtraining arsenal for future reference.These ideas provide a structured path to follow and give you theopportunity to test and track what works best for you and your horse.Using this tool will motivate and empower you to keep the promises youmake to yourself and eliminate anything that hinders your progress.As you begin to develop consistency in your training, your level ofcompetence and capability will improve, and you will steadily progressthrough difficult situations.Before you know it, you will one day awaken with newfound confidence.Make the decision right now to believe in yourself and trust the journeyyou're on.Define who you want to become and what you're aiming to achieve.Refine your beliefs and stay focused on your goals.Embrace imperfection and have faith in your abilities because yourhorse will respond to your energy and doubt will hold both of youback.

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The following pages will give you the elements to create your training planover the next 90 days but keep this list below handy, if find yourself stuck …(spoiler alert- any time you really stretch yourself you will have momentsof self doubt, this “Word Swap” is a powerful tool to get you“back on the horse” and moving forward)Extraordinary Horsemanship™©2023 all rights reserved

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Connected Leadership starts with relationshipIt inspires the horse to want to be with usIt creates a safe place for the horseYou can think of it as a circle that you canpull from anyplace you need to on a certain day…Putting the horse’s needs first to determine the order ofthe outside ring of the circlePracticing what we need to improve our skills to helpour horse on the inside ring of the circleExtraordinary Horsemanship™Is an invitation to do & be more togetherFollowing “The Cannon Method”from Charlotte CannonOr you can think of it as a path…Extraordinary Horsemanship™©2023 all rights reserved

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1 Work on yourself+1 Work on your horse=1 Train together as one☑Connected Leadership☑Awareness☑Presence☑Feel, Rhythm, Timing☑Strength, Flexibility☑Thoughts☑Energy☑Hands, Wrists, Fingers☑Seat☑Legs, Thighs, Calves, Feet☑Stop/Whoa☑Basic Manners-Respect Space☑Lead Respectfully☑Relax Cue☑Ground Tie☑Forward☑Backward☑ Accept Pressure-Move the Hindquarter☑Accept Pressure-Move the Shoulder☑Lateral-Sidepass☑Pick Up Feet☑Give to pressure- Laterally & Vertically☑Ability to send horse☑Ability to draw horse☑ObstaclesGroundwork Fundamentals…☑Stop/Whoa☑Relax Cue☑Stand Still with Patience☑Forward☑Backward☑Move the Hindquarter☑Move the Shoulder☑Turn on the Forehand☑Turn on the Haunches☑Lateral-Sidepass☑Pick Up Feet☑Give to pressure- Laterally & Vertically☑ Collection☑Ability to Rate Speed☑ObstaclesUnder Saddle Fundamentals…☑Walk☑Jog/Trot☑Extended Trot☑Gait☑Lope/CanterPractice all upward and downward transitionscombinations in circles, serpentines & straight linesGaits & TransitionsAt all times striving to improve our riding & handling skills…Optimize the fundamentals to create & strive to perfect your maneuvers for any eventBuilding A Firm FoundationMaster Your FundamentalsElements to practice in your daily sessionsNote: These elements create the body control you need to perform most any maneuver.Idea! Use patterns & obstacle workto put all the parts and pieces togethergiving more purpose & adding funto your training!Extraordinary Horsemanship™©2023 all rights reserved

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Pre-Ride Check Arena GuideYour Personal Pre-Ride Equestrian Program™safety connection confidence willingnessBefore you approach your horse put on your Equestrian ConfidenceC.A.P.E.connection. awareness. presence. balanced in your energyLeave your worries at the gate□ Create a trigger for confidence, awareness & presence□ Access your energy level□ Access your horse’s energy level□ Groom for connection□ Lunge with Connection or work in the round pen withconnection & purpose□ Groundwork for acceptance□ Willingness & Suppleness Pre-check□ Equipment Pre-check□ Connection Pre-check□ Mount with presence & balance□ Freelance to create & adjust your training planfor where your horse is that day, giving an abundance of grace to yourself &her/him, staying present in the moment, riding your horse you are on thatday and not a set of rules or expectations“Everything matters…True connection & partnership come from BOTH souls being present…Be what you want to see in your horse”Charlotte CannonExtraordinary Horsemanship™©2023 all rights reserved

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Extraordinary Horsemanship™©2023 all rights reservedIdeas for your daily pre-ride groundwork routine1. Give your horse a chance to release excess energy2. Test your whoa on the ground (a horse disconnected on the ground=a horse disconnected in the saddle)3. Play a game of “Simple Simon Says” to test your connection4. Do a few leading exercises to subtly establish yourself as the “connected leader”5. Test your horse’s body comfort by asking him/her to move away from pressure willfully…note body signals of disrespect or unwillingness…and make a mental note what you will need to chip away at6. Create several confidence building exercises (a new look at desensitizing- to check in on your horse’s connection one more time)Remember to practice awareness, presenceand listen to your horse asa teacher & coach without judgement3 Keys To Excel In Your Groundwork Routine1. Understand the exercise and its purpose2. Find within yourself the balance between boldness and softness3. Know there is more. There is always deeper level of connection &quality of the maneuver Both you and your horse are capable of more than you think.Let yourself SHINE!

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“The soul never thinks without a picture”AristotleExtraordinary Horsemanship™©2023 all rights reserved

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© 2023 HorseGirl™.meThe basics you would like a willing, safe horse to do…Equestrian Training BreakdownList and Breakdown the Fundamentals or Maneuvers of Your DisciplineFoundationFundamentalsMastery“Success is neither magical nor mysterious.Jim Rohn“Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.”List what you will do to strive to master your event & if you compete stand out from the competitionBuild layer upon layer

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©2023 HorseGirl.meBigPicture

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“If you can get just 1/2% better every day, in under a year you will do a 180and things will turn around.”Jen Rohlen-Barker©2022

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Big Picture Optimize StrategyMap out your strategy of how you will support yourself as a rider and your horse to feel &look his/her best…. For example: feed, supplements, farrier, chiropractor, joint maintenance& vet schedule. Use the Big Picture Schedule from earlier page to help you plan aroundeventsBreak it down into the elements that = true success.What fundamentals will you focus on each week to meet your targets?Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 12Week 13BEYOND©2022 HorseGirl.menotes:

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13- Weekly Progress TargetsWhat would you love to be able to accomplish in the next 13 weeks? If you have adeadline coming up (for example a show you are preparing for- factor this in yourtimeline) If you don’t know- start with the vision of your “Picture Perfect Ride”.Break it down into the elements that = true success.What fundamentals will you focus on each week to meet your targets?Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 12Week 13BEYOND©2022

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The Month of_______Fall in love with theJourney©2023

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The Month of 30 Day Bliss-ipline Tracker“If we want something to count in our life, We should figure out a way to count it.” ©2023 HorseGirl.meRideyour best life

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©2023 HorseGirl.mejournal, notes & ideas

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©2022 HorseGirl.meIf you feel behind. You are not. You are right where you need to be. Don’t give up!What have you learned so far to become the “dark horse” who comes from behindfor the win?How would you rate yourself at this point? How do you feel?How many days have you completed so far? _______Date:30 Day Check Point ReviewWhat obstacles have you faced?

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The Month of_______Fall in love with theJourney©2023

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The Month of 30 Day Bliss-ipline Tracker“If we want something to count in our life, We should figure out a way to count it.” ©2023 HorseGirl.meRideyour best life

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©2023 HorseGirl.mejournal, notes & ideas

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©2022 HorseGirl.meIf you feel behind. You are not. You are right where you need to be. Don’t give up!What have you learned so far to become the “dark horse” who comes from behindfor the win?How would you rate yourself at this point? How do you feel?How many days have you completed so far? ____Date:30 Day Check Point ReviewWhat obstacles have you faced?

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The Month of_______Fall in love with theJourney©2023

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The Month of 30 Day Bliss-ipline Tracker“If we want something to count in our life, We should figure out a way to count it.” ©2023 HorseGirl.meRideyour best life

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©2023 HorseGirl.mejournal, notes & ideas

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©2022 HorseGirl.meIf you feel behind. You are not. You are right where you need to be. Don’t give up!What have you learned so far to become the “dark horse” who comes from behindfor the win?How would you rate yourself at this point? How do you feel?How many days have you completed so far? ____Date:30 Day Check Point ReviewWhat obstacles have you faced?

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“It's just as easy to put forth the effort to win as it is to waller out there all day on your horse and go and get your butt handed to you at the horse show...So, winning is not that much more time consuming than just riding, it just requires a lot more thought process, dedication and program to become a winner."Cleve Wells25 Time World Champion TrainerThe Basics of WinningThe Horse Training Channel.comIn other words, if you are putting forth the effortto work with your horse, don’t “waller” without direction,you might as well make every ride count towards progress…even if it’s just as “small” as intentionally trusting each other,remember…”everything matters”…”everything counts”…©2022 HorseGirl.meDesign your own plan or “program”to bring more intention & purposeto your time with your horse(and your life).You don’t have to show to win,but if you are going to get anywhere,in life or with horses…you need a plan

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Week OneFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 1

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 2

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 3

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 4

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 5

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 6

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 7

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week One RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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areYou©2022 HorseGirl.meEnough.“When we are working with our horses, we are often working on ourselves.We are working on becoming more present,softer inside & out, more empathetic.We are working on bringing our energy to a place the horse wants to be.We don’t need to lower to mother and coddle,and we don’t need to be so big and strongthat we push the horse into compliance and submission.True connection and partnership come from both souls being present…Be what you want to see in your horse.”Charlotte CannonInternational Renowned Trainer & Cliniciancreator of The Cannon Method

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Week TwoFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 8

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 9

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 10

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 11

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 12

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 13

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 14

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Two RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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“Anytime you start something newin life or in your horsemanshipit can feel sloppy and clumsy,give yourself & your horsethe grace & the gift to practicelong enough to get good.Keep taking messy actionthrough themessy middle…and layer upon layeryou will build your confidence.”Jenny Rohlen-Barkercreator of Extraordinary“Keep going …©2022

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Week ThreeFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 15

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 16

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 17

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 18

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 19

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 20

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 21

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Three RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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is a partnership.The horse lends you his strength,Speed and grace,which are greater than yours.For your partyou give him yourguidance,intelligence & understanding,which are greater than his...“Riding©2023 HorseGirl.meyou can achieve a richnessthat alone neither can.”Lucy ReesThe Horse's MindTogether

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Week FourFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 22

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 23

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 24

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 25

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 26

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 27

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 28

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Four RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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"If you are fond of a horseand wish to do him a real favor-train him well.Teach him good manners,good habits,both in the stable and under saddle.You need never worry aboutthe future of such a horse if for any reasonyou may have to part with him.You assure him of friends where ever he goes.Perhaps the greatest kindness you can doany horse is to educate him well."Tom Roberts- The Young HorseAs shared by Cindy ButlerWestern Dressage Association of America PresidentTraining matters to the horse’s safety.©2023

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Week FiveFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 29

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 30

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 31

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 32

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 33

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 34

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 35

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Five RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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“Every time my horse makes a mistake,you know what I get to do?We get one more stop.We get one more backup. We get one more turn.And you know what?It's going to take 10,000 stops,10,000 backups and10,000 turnsto get this mare to the show pen.So I might as well get started.”Cleve Wells25 Time World Champion TrainerCreator of The Basics of WinningThe Horse Training Channel.comMistakes are opportunities.©2020

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Week SixFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 36

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 37

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 38

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 39

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 40

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 41

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 42

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Six RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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“As a girl,I do feel like I have a little bit of a disadvantagewhenever I go in the show pen.However,I am not going to dwell on that. I don't focus on that.I just try to work harder than everyone else does.And I try to have my horse broke loosemore than everybody else does.And more time spent on my horsethan everybody else does.I pay close attention,I want the best groomed horse.I want the best looking horse.I want the fullest fattest looking horse.I want my tack to look better than everyone else.I just pay attention to details like that..."Angie CanizzaroChampion Horse Traineras told to TheHorseTrainingChannel.comOvercome your disadvantages©2023 HorseGirl.mewith hard work.”

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Week SevenFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 43

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 44

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 45

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 46

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 47

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 48

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 49

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Seven RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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Stick with it.©2023"The spot that we are at right here, for me personally in the training, this is the hardest spot.Do you ride with the draw reins? Do you ride with the bridle?Do you ride with spurs? No spurs?I think when you get right here in this spot it's just like I said before about balancing a bike,about the only way you are going to learn it is to go in there and do it.So if you try something on a horse, if you will stick with it for let's say a week or two weeks.The big problem you get into is you say, "I'll try this today, I'll try the draw reins and the sidepass today, like Shane said."And by the end of that ride you go, "Well you know what that wasn't working" so the next dayyou come out and you put the bridle on it that Rusty's got and you try Rusty's way.You ride for a day and you go well "that really wasn't working that good so I'll go back to thesidepull and do what Cleve did"All 3 of the ways that you want to do it are fine, but at least give that horse 7-10 days to do it.And if that 7-10 days if you'll stick with it and have faith in what you are doing it's probablygoing to work out.And if you can't have faith in what you are doing, the faith and theintegrity to stay with it for a week, THEN DON'T DO IT.If a part of you thinks it's wrong, I am not going to do this for a week,then don't do it!But if you try something, as long as you go to it with compassion andintegrity you are going to be ok.You are going to work your way through it.I ride my way into problems and I ride my way out, I have my whole life.But what I found is, if I stay with it for 7 days, I will come out of it.And it's not because I have some God given talent, it's because if I do it…I have faith that it is going to work and I give it 7 days. I give it 7 days”Shane DowdyChampion Horse Traineras told to

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Week EightFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 50

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 51

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 52

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 53

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 54

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 55

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 56

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Eight RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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©2022“No one wants a boss,but everybody needs a coach.Bosses intimidate.Coaches motivate.Bosses look for your weakness.Coaches look for your strengths.Bosses criticize you.Coaches praise you.” Art Williams“Be your horse’s coach.Challenge yourself to them to want to try.”

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Week NineFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 57

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 58

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 59

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 60

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 61

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 62

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 63

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Nine RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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“Don’t just be a rider with good technique,try to have the eyes of a child,we become blind and we don’t see anymore,Wake up your sense of beauty”©2022 HorseGirl.meFrederic’ Pignon World Renowned Master Horse Trainer,Clinician, Authortaken from Jenny’s clinic notes

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Week TenFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 64

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 65

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 66

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 67

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 68

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 69

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 70

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Ten RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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“In order to go fast, one mustGo Slow if you practice & perfect the right fundamentals,you are bound to be successful.”Ancient Horse Girl SecretJenny Rohlen-Barkercreator of Extraordinary©2022

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Week ElevenFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 71

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 72

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 73

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 74

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 75

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 76

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 77

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Eleven RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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“When it comes to horses, the old saying “Feel the fear and do it anyway” is a bit of terrible advice that at a minimum teaches you not to trust your intuition & feelings and at worst will get you hurt.When you ignore it, & stuff it down,know that it will rise up like a snake if the grass& bite you when you least expect it…Getting past fear of any kindrequires you to dig deep,find the courage to get to the root of it,and then make an action plan to…Feel the fear©2022 solve it.”Wisdom Charlotte & Jenny came up with in a deep conversationin Charlotte’s magical garden

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Week TwelveFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 78

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 79

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 80

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 81

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 82

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 83

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 84

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Twelve RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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& learn how to trust yourself again.Your horse as well as the worldneed you,the real you.Your dreams are in you for a reason.”Jenny Rohlen-Barker creator of Extraordinary“Believe©2023

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Check in with your body, do you need this week to rest & restore?Week ThirteenFrom your 13 weekly progress targets page,what is the next step in your training progress? (if your horse is ready)To Do’sPlan for the Daily FocusMonTueWedThuFriSatSun©2023 HorseGirl.meForecast

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 85

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 86

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 87

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 88

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 89

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 90

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©2023 Extraordinary HorsemanshipJournalPlanned Warm Up Focus for Session:Planned Training Focus for Session:P.R.E.P. Pre-Ride Check (rate 1-10)Challenges/Possible Solutions:Progress & Breakthroughs:What to work on tomorrow:Did you end the day with more relaxation and connection than when you started? Circle: Yes NoSoundness/Stiffness:RightLeftDaily Strides Growth TrackerRider:_____Connected Leadership_____Present_____Patient_____Clear on Lesson_____Positive/Confident Mindset_____Balanced_____Feel, Rhythm, Timing_____Flexible_____StrengthHorse(s):__________Relaxed_______Connected________Respectful__________Trusting___________Willing________ConfidentMeds/Supplements/Treatments:Intention for Today:__________________________________Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunTack Used: _____________________Obstacles:□Bit:□Reins:□Other:□Barrels□Cones□Poles□Other: Pattern/Test:Day 91

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Directions: 1. Go through the Daily Strides Growth Tracker Sections and add up your score for the week under each category.2. Divide by the number of days you worked to get your average (you will and should have rest days!)3. Draw a line on the wheel to show your average. This gives you a visual representation of where you might be falling flat.At you can see at a glance where to put your focus next week!Week Thirteen RoundupJump back up to this month’snote page to capture anyadditional thoughts

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©2023 HorseGirl.meA look back How have you changed? How has your horse changed?What have you learned during this 90 days?What will you do different in the next 90 Days?

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©2023 HorseGirl.meAt the start of the 90 days…At the end of the 90 days…

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and precious life”Mary Oliver“One wild©2023“Make every ride count”The Horse Training Channel slogan since 2010

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©2023 HorseGirl.mejournal, notes & ideas

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90 Day Stride TrackerSuccess is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals”Jim Rohn“Success is neither magical nor mysteriousHalf-Way!Celebrate!Great start!Day 1Day 9Day 12Day 19Day 22Day 29Day 3Day 8Day 13Day 18Day 23Day 28Day 4Day 7Day 14Day 17Day 24Day 27Day 5Day 15Day 10Day 25Day 2Day 6Day 11Day 16Day 20Day 21Day 26Day 39Day 42Day 49Day 52Day 59Day 33Day 38Day 43Day 48Day 53Day 58Day 34Day 37Day 44Day 47Day 54Day 57Day 35Day 45Day 40Day 50Day 55Day 32Day 36Day 41Day 46Day 51Day 56Day 30Day 31Day 62Day 69Day 72Day 63Day 68Day 73Day 64Day 67Day 74Day 65Day 70Day 75Day 61Day 66Day 71Day 60Day 79Day 82Day 89Day 78Day 83Day 88Day 77Day 84Day 87Day 80Day 85Day 76Day 81Day 86Day 90Designed with love in Vergennes, Illinois USA© 2023 The Horse Training Journal Jenny Rohlen-Barker

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Tear out calendar for dates

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©2023©2023 Jenny"If you are fond of a horseand wish to do him a real favor-train him well."Tom Roberts