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2023 FOP Salary Comparison

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2023 Nashville FOP Salary Comparison Study

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The starting salary of a Nashville Police O cer is 59 260 Median market range is 59 834 Additionally the Tennessee Highway Patrol is receiving a 36 increase to their starting salary rate Surrounding agencies are also o ering signi cant increases to their salary structures To competitively mirror these increases MNPD starting o cer salary would need to be increased by 36 to 68 073 and a PO2 Starting salary would need to be 80 593 ffi fi ff ffi 2

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The top salary of a Nashville Police O cer is 77 037 Median market range is 84 397 In the midst of a nationwide recruitment and retention crisis Nashville one of the fastest growing cities in the nation is 9 5 behind median market for top salaries and 47 7 behind the leading market comparables ffi 3

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The base salary of a Nashville Police Sergeant is 75 428 Median market range is 86 097 Nashville is 14 behind median market for base salaries and 65 9 behind the leading market comparables 4

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The top salary of a Nashville Police Sergeant is 98 185 Median market range is 103 786 Nashville is 5 7 behind median market for top salaries and 52 9 behind the leading market comparables 5

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The base salary of a Nashville Police Lieutenant is 90 634 Median market range is 102 492 Nashville is 13 behind median market for base salaries and 62 9 behind the leading market comparables 6

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The top salary of a Nashville Police Lieutenant is 112 748 Median market range is 121 426 Nashville is 7 7 behind market for top range and 55 behind the leading market comparables 7

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The base salary of a Nashville Police Captain is 104 229 Median market range is 110 460 Nashville is 6 behind median market for base salary and 58 8 behind the leading market comparables 8

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The top salary of a Nashville Police Captain is 135 495 Median market range is 136 992 Nashville is 1 behind available median market comparisons for top range and 55 5 behind the leading market comparables 9

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In every category the MNPD is not only failing to compete with major markets nationally but also behind the median market rate As surrounding agencies have begun to implement signi cant increases Nashville must respond accordingly The following pages encompass the Nashville FOP s proposed pay plan adjustment of 36 This adjustment mirrors that of other regional agencies and will put Nashville in a position to truly compete in the national market fi 10

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Remaining competitive with the local market means o ering an increase to our o cer starting salary rate comparable to what others around us are doing This comparable increase gives Nashville the competing edge in our local market and makes our agency marketable on the national stage as we are all competing for the best and brightest candidates to join our workforce ffi ff 11

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With this proposed adjustment the top range o cer salary continues to fall behind other major cities but does advance us into a range where with competitive bene ts and working conditions we can successfully meet market demands This position is re ected in the remainder of the report While salaries do not outpace all other agencies the proposed rate change puts our agency ahead of most fi fl ffi 12

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The proposed market rate adjustment of 36 is outlined in the above graphic 16

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2023 Nashville FOP Salary Comparison Study