G R O WM A K ES E R V ETHRIVE SPONSORSHIPOPPORTUNITIES20234-HMEANSGROWTHinfo@mass4hfoundation.org www.mass4hfoundation.org 508-881-12444‑H provides young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime. It is a research-basedexperience that includes mentors, hands-on projects, and meaningful leadership opportunities.
WHY 4-H?4-H is the largest youthdevelopment program in the UnitedStates and its reach and depth areunmatched. The program can serveyouth in every corner of theCommonwealth – from urbanneighborhoods to suburbanschoolyards to rural farmingcommunities. The 4-H networkprovides caring and supportivementoring to help youth grow intotrue leaders so that they are civicminded citizens today and in thefuture. A 10-year longitudinal study byTufts University confirmed that thestructured learning,encouragement, and adultmentoring that young peoplereceive through their participationin 4-H play a vital role in helpingthem achieve future life successes.4-H youth are more likely tocontribute to their communities,more likely to get better grades inschool, and more likely to go tocollege than their peers who do notparticipate in 4-H programs. National Opportunities, Local Programs for YouthE L E V A T E Y O U R C O R P O R A T E S O C I A LR E S P O N S I B I L I T Y B Y P A R T N E R I N G W I T H T H E M A S S A C H U S E T T S 4 - H F O U N D A T I O N ."4-H youth learn to help othersand understandthat the world isbigger thanthemselves."2
STEMHealthy LivingAgricultureCivic EngagementPROGRAM AREAS4‑H agriculture programs engage and excite young people inagricultural science topics such as urban farming, horticulture,veterinary science, biotechnology, raising and training animalsand forestry.4‑H civic engagement programs empowers young people to bewell-informed citizens who are actively engaged in theircommunities and the world.4-H healthy living programs help 4-H youth learn how to leadlives that balance physical, mental, and emotional health.4‑H STEM provides youth the opportunity to learn aboutScience, Technology, Engineering and Math through fun, hands-on activities and projects.Camp4‑H camps provide the full benefits of a 4-H experience coupledwith the adventure and fun of the great outdoors. 3
Youth-led, hands-on 4-H experiences allow participants to learnby doing, grow from failure, express their ideas, and use theirinfluence to drive positive outcomes. Adult mentors provideguidance, ask questions, share learnings, and encourage youth tosucceed.LEARN BY DOING WHAT DOES YOUR SUPPORT FOR MASSACHUSETTS 4-H DO?Your Support Meets the Needs of Youth Today & Builds Life Skills for Tomorrow Positive youth development is a hallmark of 4-H. Community clubs, afterschoolprograms, school enrichment, camps/workshops, and special interest programs areall ways that youth participate in the program.According to a Tufts University research report on the 4-H Program4
Benefits $40K BlueRibbon$25K RedRibbon$10K WhiteRibbon$5K GreenRibbonSpecial recognition at the Eastern States Exposition"The Big E"xPresenting sponsor at a Special EventxxxArticle recognizing partnership in Compass & onLinkedIn xxAnnual social media Impact Story sharing thepartnership’s impact on the programxxQuarterly Social Media Promotion xxBiannual Social Media PromotionxxLogo on the Foundation website, in the Quarterly e-newsletter Foundation Focus & the Annual CompassPublication xxxListing on the Foundation website, in the Quarterly e-newsletter Foundation Focus & the Annual CompassPublication xOpportunity to host 4-H meeting or workshopsxxxx4-H Foundation Golf Tournament participationxxxxAnnual Corporate Partnership Impact ReportxxxxRecognition in the Foundation Annual ReportxxxxSPONSORSHIPOPPORTUNITIES AT-A-GLANCE
Article recognizing partnership in Annual Compass Publication & LinkedInPresenting Sponsor at a Special EventAnnual social media Impact Story sharing the partnership's impact on the programQuarterly Social Media PromotionLogo on Foundation website, Quarterly Foundation Focus E-newsletter, & AnnualCompass PublicationOpportunity to host a 4-H meeting or workshopInvitation to VIP events4-H Foundation Golf Tournament participation Annual Corporate Partnership Impact ReportRecognition in the Foundation Annual ReportRed Ribbon Sponsor$25,000SPONSORSHIPLEVELSSpecial Recognition at the Eastern States Exposition "the Big-E"Presenting Sponsor at a Special EventArticle recognizing partnership in Annual Compass Publication & LinkedInAnnual social media Impact Story sharing the partnership's impact on the programQuarterly Social Media PromotionLogo on Foundation website, Quarterly Foundation Focus E-newsletter, & AnnualCompass PublicationOpportunity to host a 4-H meeting or workshopInvitation to VIP events4-H Foundation Golf Tournament participation Annual Corporate Partnership Impact ReportRecognition in the Foundation Annual ReportBlue Ribbon Sponsor$40,0006
Biannual Social Media PromotionPresenting Sponsor at a Special EventLogo on Foundation website, Quarterly Foundation Focus E-newsletter, & AnnualCompass PublicationOpportunity to host a 4-H meeting or workshopInvitation to VIP events4-H Foundation Golf Tournament participation Annual Corporate Partnership Impact ReportRecognition in the Foundation Annual ReportWhite Ribbon$10,000SPONSORSHIPLEVELSBiannual Social Media PromotionListing on Foundation website, Quarterly Foundation Focus E-newsletter, & AnnualCompass PublicationOpportunity to host a 4-H meeting or workshopInvitation to VIP events4-H Foundation Golf Tournament participation Annual Corporate Partnership Impact ReportRecognition in the Foundation Annual ReportGreen Ribbon$5,0007
The Shirley Kane Memorial 4-H Golf Tournament is now inits 21st year! Shirley Kane is remembered by all as agenerous and unwavering 4-H advocate. Funds raised bythe sponsors, players, and raffles, provide crucial supportfor 4-H programs in MassachusettsSHIRLEY KANE MEMORIAL4-H GOLF TOURNAMENT The golf tournament is hosted annually inSeptember at Holden Hills Country Clublocated in Holden, MA. For moreinformation about the event and how toregister please visit our website.8
Sponsor opportunities noted on this page are eventspecific for the Golf Tournament. If your company ororganization would like to increase your support andvisibility of the 4-H program, contact us! We can tailor thesponsor levels noted earlier in this brochure to be includedfor the tournament. Signs & Banners Name on the most prominent signage Name displayed on banners & signs Name on sign at prominent hole Sign on golf hole Event Program Logo on cover & full-page ad Full page ad Half page ad Quarter page ad Listing Player Participation Round of Golf for 12 Round of Golf for 8 Round of Golf for 4 Round of Golf for 2 Round of Golf for 1 Social Media 2 exclusive social media posts 1 exclusive social media post Social media post with other sponsors at level Presenting $10,000 Clover$5,000 Head $2,500 Heart $1,500 Hand$750 Health$350 Hole$175 xxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxGOLF SPONSORSHIPLEVELS9
Sponsor opportunities noted on this page are eventspecific for the Golf Tournament. If your company ororganization would like to increase your support andvisibility of the 4-H program, contact us! We can tailor thesponsor levels noted earlier in this brochure to be includedfor the tournament. Signs & Banners Name on the most prominent signage Name displayed on banners & signs Name on sign at prominent hole Sign on golf hole Event Program Logo on cover & full-page ad Full page ad Half page ad Quarter page ad Listing Player Participation Round of Golf for 12 Round of Golf for 8 Round of Golf for 4 Round of Golf for 2 Round of Golf for 1 Social Media 2 exclusive social media posts 1 exclusive social media post Social media post with other sponsors at level Presenting $10,000 Clover$5,000 Head $2,500 Heart $1,500 Hand$750 Health$350 Hole$175 xxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxGOLF SPONSORSHIPLEVELS9
GROWMAKESERVETHRIVEInterested in our Sponsorship Program? Contact info@mass4hfoundation.org 508-881-1244www.mass4hfoundation.orgThe Massachusetts 4-H Foundation is anindependent 501(c)(3) committed to themission of enriching and advancing 4-H youthdevelopment programs throughout theCommonwealth. We advance our missionthanks to the generosity of individuals, alumni,Corporate Sponsors and Foundations thatbelieve in the positive impact of the 4-Hprogram on Massachusetts youth.