@SSCFLTFARMER INTERVIEWS • FOOD BANK GUIDE • CSA GUIDE MARKET GUIDE • CONSERVATION • AND MORE! Regional Farm Map & Directory Regional Farm Map & Directory •• Farm Stand & Market Map Farm Stand & Market Map YEARSFor the latest information on our work please visit:A South Sound A South Sound Food & Farm Resource GuideFood & Farm Resource GuideCommunityFarmLandTrust.org GRAYS HARBOR • LEWIS • MASON • THURSTONFRESH FROM THE FARMCOMMUNITY FARM LAND TRUST
Table of ContentsHow To Use This Guide .................................................................. 3, 12, 43Meet the CFLT Team ...................................................................................... 4The Community Farm Land Trust ......................................................4-11How To Get Involved ............................................................................10-11Products & Services Guide ..................................................................12-19Local Food Hubs ...........................................................................................20CSA Guide .................................................................................................20-26Produce Seasonality Guide ......................................................................27Farm Stand & Market Map ..................................................................28-29Daily Farmers Market Guide ....................................................................29Farmers Market Spotlight: Shelton Farmers Market .......................30Farmers Market Listings ......................................................................31-33Market Vendor Spotlight: Bee Organic Farm & Apiary ...................34Food Access & Nutrition Incentive Programs ..............................35-37Food Bank Listings ................................................................................37-407 Reasons To List Your Farm, Farmer Feedback .................................41Regional Farm Map ...............................................................................42-43Grays Harbor Co. Farm Spotlight: Chehalis Valley Farms ...............44Grays Harbor Co. Farm Listings ........................................................45-46Lewis Co. Farm Spotlight: Green Gardens Farm & Consultation ...48Lewis Co. Farm Listings ................................................................49-51, 53Mason Co. Farm Spotlight: Lynch Creek Dahlia Farm .....................54Mason Co. Farm Listings ......................................................................55-57Thurston Co. Farm Spotlight: Urban Futures Farm ...........................58Thurston Co. Farm Listings .................................................................59-75Local Businesses Supporting Local Farms ..........................................76Farm To Fork Spotlight: OlyKraut ...........................................................77Sponsor Spotlight: Olympia Food Co-op ............................................79Thank You! Farmtastic 2023 Sponsors .................................................80Table of ContentsHOW TO USE THIS GUIDE2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideInformation submitted by farms and advertisers is presented without endorsement of accuracy of information or quality of products sold.Join us in preserving local farmland.Mail: P.O. Box 12118 Olympia, WA 98508Located at the Thurston Conservation District2918 Ferguson St. SW #1-A Tumwater, WA 98512 (360) 353-4838 communityfarmlandtrust.orgFollow us on Facebook & InstagramCombined Fund Drive (#1480419) Select a product from the Products & Services Guide on pages 12-19 Farms are color coded by county and alphabetical Or use the Quick Reference Guide at the beginning of each countyGRAYS HARBOR LEWIS MASON THURSTONFront Cover Artist: Cheryl Wilson is a resident of Olympia. She was born on a farm in Burley, Idaho and loves being close to a farming area. She and her husband moved to this area to be near family after retirement. She is a member of the Olympia Art League, The National Colored Pencil Society, and the Seattle district chapter. Her work can be seen in the gallery on the DC207 website. (cpsa207.org) Contact Cheryl at cwilson3250@gmail.com or (503) 310-9874.Welcome,to the 2023 Fresh from the Farm GuideLynch Creek "Old Goose"– your best resource for healthy local food!Thank Thank You !You !to all who keep this resource in print — the farmers who provide our community wonderful things to eat, our board, sta, and volunteers that donate their time, skills, and energy to bring this guide to life and to the farms and other contributors for generously allowing us to use their photos for this publication.HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE3
Meet the Community Farm Land Trust 2023 Board of Directors!Meet Our Fresh From The Farm Guide TeamJeanine TothEditor in Chief, Copy Writer, CFLT Development ManagerNatalie MartzolfManaging Editor, Copy Writer, CFLT Outreach CoordinatorCarol LinneburCFLT Business, Grants, & Financial Relations Manager Christine PhilippsenGraphic Design Design@TypeAndStyle.com Jennifer Radcliff GIS MappingDebbie Leung Volunteer, Editor, Diversity Equity & Inclusion Committee MemberMeet Dug How many times does Dug appear? For the answer see the bottom of page 78.Get Involved.Become a Board Member! Marcie Cleaver (she/her) - CFLT Co-chair, Retired Rancher Marci enjoys gardening, travel, and outdoor projects. Marcie knows the many benefits of local farms and open space. By volunteering with CFLT, she is able to make positive changes to keep local farms.Rachel Friedman (she/her) - CFLT Co-chair, Former Owner, Motion in Balance Studio Rachel enjoys backyard gardening, backpacking, cooking fresh food, open water swimming, and biking. Rachel is passionate about food access issues and ensuring aging farmers are able to retire with receipt of the full value of their land. She hopes that more farmers of color will have opportunities for access to farmland.Pat Labine (she/her) - CFLT Clerk, Faculty Emeritus, The Evergreen State College, Member of the Thurston Agricultural Advisory Committee Pat enjoys gardening and working with herding dogs in her spare time. Co-owner of Oyster Bay Farm for 30 years. Their land became CFLT's first agricultural easement, ensuring that it remained in agricultural production and is protected from future development.Colin Barricklow (he/him) - Co-owner, Kirsop Farm Colin is a farmer first and a land advocate next. He serves on the board to help bring a voice to the farmers' experience. When he isn't out in the field, processing grain, or planting the next crop, you can find him enjoying time with his family whether two legged or four. Joel Slovick (he/him) - Commercial Loan Officer Joel loves to garden, hike, camp, hunt, fish and enjoys the outdoors with his family. He feels farming as a way of life is disappearing and monoculture dominates modern farming. Joel believes that small family farms, diversity of crops, and the methods of farming used for small farms benefit the community as well as local wildlife.Find Dug throughout this guide for useful facts and interesting tidbits.Join our board. Preserve local farmland.4
The CFLTOur mission is to promote:• Local Food• Farming Systems• Preservation• Outreach• Partnerships• OpportunitiesWe work to:• Save farmland forever• Keep farmland affordable• Keep farmland in production• Support viable agricultural economy and local food security• Build community support for local food and healthy living wages for farm workers• Create more diversity and equity in farming locallyOur Vision:Abundant, productive, sustainable local farmland providing healthy food for our community and contributing to a vibrant, viable farm economy.What is the Community Farm Land Trust?Community Farm Land Trust (CFLT)is a local, membership-based nonprofitdedicated to preserving local farmland and keeping it affordable and accessible for the next generation of farmers in the South Sound.RESILIENCE RESILIENCIADIVERSITYDIVERSIDADENVIRONMENTMEDIO AMBIENTECOMMUNITYCOMUNIDADPERPETUITYPERPETUIDADOPPORTUNITYOPORTUNIDADLOCAL LOCALEQUITYEQUIDADJOYALEGRÍALEARNINGAPRENDIZAJEAFFORDABILITYASEQUIBILIDAD Values:CFLTVisitfor the latest information.communityfarmlandtrust.org5
By the time you read this 2023 edition of our local farm guide, plant starts will be ourishing in high tunnels and cute new baby farm animals will be frolicking in the elds. Farmers will be settling into long days nurturing their animals and plants. The fruits of their labor will be displayed at local farmers markets and in CSA boxes. Summer is the season of growing abundance with an increasing variety of avorful food, owers, and plants.Did you know that farms provide more than just food for human consumption? They provide habitat for wildlife and a place for surface water to penetrate the soil. This water recharges the aquifers we all depend on. Community Farmland Trust is proud of the work it does to steward the farmland it owns and has conservation easements on. Yearly farm visits ensure that the conservation and sustainable practices that have been agreed to are being followed.The Trust actively looks for opportunities to enhance the wildlife habitat on its farms. A nesting roost for osprey was built on Scatter Creek Farm & Conservancy that has edged two osprey chicks yearly since its inception. Our James Family Historic Farmland has a number of large old Garry Oak trees. Unfortunately, the land beneath it is infested with invasive ivy, blackberries, and holly. We will be planning work parties to remove these invasive species and replace them with native plants. More examples of CFLT’s active stewardship can be found in the pages that follow. It takes a community. A big thank you to our farmtastic supporters! Our work is not possible without you! If you care about preserving local agriculture and the ecological habitat it provides, think about becoming a member of the Community Farm Land Trust (see page 10 for more details). We welcome people from diverse backgrounds within our community. Volunteer on one of our committees, for on-farm projects, or become a new board member. Your support is essential to the viability and success of our work. Together, we are making a dierence!Sincerely,Marcie Cleaver, Co-Chair, CFLT Board of DirectorsMake a difference.P.O. Box 12118Olympia, WA 98508Seeking New Board Members for the Community Farm Land Trust!Expanding our board with diverse, active, and passionate community members ensures more preservation of farmland and equity in farming locally. LGBTQ+ and BIPOC community members are strongly encouraged to apply. Our Board is membership-elected and serves a 3 year volunteer term. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdjhYEHQzqMQDJELjFmjlfiUWKUMA-JsgNXiCPOgS8B-MTZug/viewform•KEEP FARMLANDS GROWING•Rachel Friedman, Co-Chair, CFLT Board of Directors6
CFLT at Work:We acknowledge that for centuries prior, this land was occupied by the Salish Sea Tribes. These tribes continue to live along the waterways in what is now known as the South Sound thriving on salmon & the resources of the surrounding prairies and forests.We give thanks for their stewardship of this land.• PRESERVING FARMLAND IN SOUTH PUGET SOUND •Donna Moir Agricultural Lending | 360.570.7348HeritageBankNW.com | 800.455.6126 | Equal Housing Lender | Member FDICOur focus is on our communities: helping customers in our local markets build their heritage.We've rebranded our organization and updated our website to bring you a cleaner, fresher version that highlights our work while being more engaging.• Vibrant new pictures for your viewing pleasure.• Improved PDFs oer easier readability, better download capabilities, & more options for sharing.• Enjoy our interactive sliders.• Updated social media widget for current news, events, shares, and happenings!• Don’t miss our new Google translate feature found at the bottom of every page with over 100 dierent language options.• New Give Lively donation platform with less fees and more direct money to CFLT.communityfarmlandtrust.orgVisit Our New Website!CFLT uses the Community Land Trust Model to preserve farmland. This means that after we buy or receive farmland as a donation, we oer farmers 99-year Agricultural Ground Leases. Farmers receive secure land tenure and the land remains in active farming forever. Farmers who have purchased or constructed housing or improvements on leased CFLT land can capture a fair value return on those investments by selling these to the next farmer.Agricultural Conservation Easements with an Option-to-Purchase can be a useful rst step in protecting farmland forever. In the right circumstances, CFLT can help landowners acquire compensation for permanently removing development rights from their farm property and for accepting a permanent farming requirement on the land. The Community Farm Land Trust works with the owner to steward the farmland.7
communityfarmlandtrust.orgConservation and PreservationCommunity Farm Land Trust is committed to the preservation and conservation of our existing farmlands and future farmlands we purchase. We believe in the viability of local small-scale farms and when farmers follow the best farming practices their work benets not only their farm family but the community. We all benet from a strong local agricultural economy and a healthier environment.Farmers on our preserved farmland (Scatter Creek Farm & Conservancy, GRuB, Oyster Bay Farm, & James Family Historic Farmland), follow organic certication practices. No industrial pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides are used to ensure clean water for our streams and rivers. Our farms follow best management practices recommended by organizations such as the regional Conservation Districts, Salmon-Safe standards, and Federal/State Organic Certication.CFLT farms are committed to enhancing soil fertility and organic soil matter with natural materials and cover crops. Sustainable farming practices encourage the microbial and invertebrate diversity of the soil food webs. This community of soil organisms supports the larger food webs that all wild creatures depend on. Ourfarms help to protect struggling bee and buttery populations by avoiding industrial, broad-spectrum pesticides and herbicides.Making Our Soil Healthy!Did you know that incredible organisms are working in the ground below us? These organisms eat, grow, and move through the soil decomposing organic matter like manure and plant residue. They prevent pollution by making the soil more porous which increases inltration and reduces runo to our waterways. These soil allies kill crop pests while larger animals above ground feed on them.Photos on pages 8-9 are courtesy of Fletcher Ward unless otherwise noted.8
2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideCFLT - Conservation and PreservationGRuB (Garden-Raised Bounty)• In 2016, GRuB supported Olympia High School's Freedom Farmers to launch four new Career Technical Education (CTE) frameworks approved by OSPI. x This inspired Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture, a new career pathway for the State of Washington. • They were recognized as a 2017 Thurston Green Business. • You can nd a variety of local native, indigenous, & medicinal plants at GRuB. • GRuB provides hands-on gardening and environmental curriculum for people of all ages. • Their Wilds Foods and Medicine program teaches Northwest native knowledge, stories, and plant traditions. Oyster Bay Farm• CFLT’s rst Agricultural Easement which permanently protects farmland from future development, while ensuring it stays in agricultural production forever.• It is a very bio-diverse place with tide lands, grazed elds, gardens, hedgerows, wetlands, seasonal streams, and a mature forest plot supporting such things as Calypso orchids and a vast array of mushrooms. x 140 species of birds have been counted here. x 24 species of mammals have been identied on the farm. x 10 species of reptiles and amphibians have also been found here. James Family Historic Farmland• There are several large Garry Oak trees on the property which is Washington's only native and protected Oak species. x Oak trees are known for providing signicant habitat. x Some species include Western gray squirrel and Sharp tailed snake. x Birds species include Lewis woodpecker, Western tanager, Western wood peewee and Western bluebird. x The acorns are consumed by wildlife and livestock.• Older Fir trees have mature bark that provides roosting places for bats that forage in the area.• Hedge row of native plants, such as Rugosa Rose, provide habitat for native species.• Pioneer planted apple trees provide fall forage for a variety of mammals including black bears. Scatter Creek Farm & Conservancy (SCF&C)• A solar array installed in November 2020 produces clean energy.• A nesting roost for osprey was built.• The ood-prone lowest terrace owned by CFLT partner, The Creekside Conservancy (CC), provides space for ood waters at critical ood times. x This minimizes ood damage in suburban areas. x It provides open land/soils for water to penetrate and recharge the aquifer. • Two seasonal streams with forested buer corridors provide wildlife habitat. x The northwest boundary of SCF&C has 1200 ft. of salmon spawning habitat. x CC secured salmon recovery funding for river corridor conservation.Photo courtesy of GRuBPhoto courtesy of GRuB9
DonateAttendEventsBecome a MemberVolunteerFollowUsSupport Local FarmersList Your Farm@SSCFLTHow To Get Involved:Cómo partícipar:• Incluya su granja aquí • Donar • Convertirse en miembro • Voluntario • Granjas para siempre • Síganos • Apoyar a los agricultores locales •Each month the amount you specify is charged on your account, and will continue until you choose to cancel or change it.Become a Member!q ____________ q $500 - Stewardq $250 - Harvesterq $100 - Cultivatorq $50 - Planterq $35 - Tillerq $15 - Farmer/ Senior/Studentcommunityfarmlandtrust.org/donateA Sustaining Membership is an ongoing monthly gift. By eliminating administrative expenses, paper, & postage, more of your contribution goes toward saving farmland.Spreading your support over time is easier on your budget. Plus it gives CFLT the security of a steady, reliable stream of support. You’ll feel good knowing that you’re continuing to support CFLT’s vital work in South Puget Sound.Plus, all the benets that come with being a member remain yours to enjoy including access to special events and oers. Go online to: www.communityfarmlandtrust.org/donate, complete a few details and choose an amount that is right for you - any amount you like. (360) 353-4838 • contact@communityfarmlandtrust.org10
We accept donated farmland and seek farms for possible agricultural conservation easements or purchase. We seek land that is currently (or recently) farmed, with mostly prime agricultural soils, and generally 20 acres or more. We prioritize land with active water rights located near the urban/suburban fringe. We welcome conversations with actively farming families who would like to see their farm continue as working farmland forever and especially landowners who want to see sustainable agricultural practices on their protected land. Contact us to learn more about agricultural conservation easements and farmland conservation. (360) 353-4838 • contact@communityfarmlandtrust.orgWe are dedicated to preserving farmland and ensuring aordable farmland remains in agricultural production. Our success depends on the support of people who are committed to the future of agriculture in the South Sound. Aceptamos tierras de cultivo donadas y buscamos granjas para una posible compra o servidumbre de conservación agrícola. Buscamos tierras que se cultivan actualmente (o recientemente), con suelos agrícolas en su mayoría de primera calidad, y generalmente 20 acres o más. Priorizamos terrenos con derechos de agua activos ubicados cerca de la franja urbana / suburbana. Damos la bienvenida a las conversaciones con familias de agricultores activos que deseen que su granja continúe como tierra de cultivo para siempre y especialmente con los propietarios de tierras que desean ver prácticas agrícolas sostenibles en sus tierras protegidas. Contáctenos para obtener más información sobre las servidumbres de conservación agrícola y conservación de tierras agrícolas. (360) 353-4838 • contact@communityfarmlandtrust.orgNos dedicamos a preservar las tierras agrícolas y garantizar que las tierras agrícolas asequibles permanezcan en la producción agrícola. Nuestro éxito depende del apoyo de personas comprometidas con el futuro de la agricultura en South Sound.-Yael and Steve Klein, CFLT Supporters(Thurston Regional Planning Council, 2021)Conserve your land with CFLT today!You can stop the loss of farmland.Photo courtesy of Fletcher Ward 11
Products & Services1. Select products that interest you from the categories listed. 3. Find your farm in the lists of products & services provided or in the quick reference guide at the beginning of each county.4. Go to the corresponding county & nd farm listings by name or number. Listings provide details about product availability & contact information.Grays Harbor CountyLewis CountyMason CountyThurston County2. Farms are color coded by county:Farm at Water's EdgeHunter Family FarmsAlpaca2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideBush Creek Farm3 Feathers Emu RanchBurnt Ridge Nursery & OrchardsCoee Creek Community & GardensPan American Berry GrowersRaven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHungry Hollow FarmSilverwolf FarmChristmas Valley Tree FarmCircle Hawk Farm LLCClyde 'n Dale's Holiday Trees & GiftsDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmGRuBHercules FarmHunter Family FarmLattin's Country Cider Mill & FarmLost Peacock CreameryOlympia Kiwanis Food Bank GardensPrairie Oak FarmRiverbend RanchScatter Creek NurseriesSchilter Family FarmSummit Farms LLCTaber RanchTapestry Garden & FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmWithywindle Valley FarmAnimal Visits/ Family FunBee Organic Farm & ApiaryGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationHelsing Junction FarmKirsop FarmRising River FarmBeans/GrainsBee Organic Farm & ApiaryOlde Achers Farm, LLC Pan American Berry GrowersSeedpod FarmHungry Hollow FarmCircle Hawk Farm LLCDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmEndicott Ranch GRuBQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmSchilter Family FarmSpooner Berry FarmsTaber RanchThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmWalupt FarmsBees/HoneyTO USE THIS GUIDE:FFind ind YOURYOUR ffarm byarm byWashington's top 10 agricultural commodities are apples, milk, potatoes, wheat, cattle, hops, hay, cherries, grapes, and onions. WSDADig This...Keeping it local since 1955 | www.obee.comSmall Business ServicesBerriesBee Organic Farm & ApiaryLily Lane FarmSky Island FarmBoistfort Valley FarmBurnt Ridge Nursery & Orchards12
Berries (continued)Five Star FarmNorth Prairie RanchTwo Box RanchCadillac Meats Colvin RanchEndicott Ranch Nelson Family Ranch LLCRainier Valley WagyuRiverbend RanchTaber RanchTracking Y RanchWithywindle Valley FarmCattleLIVESTOCKHunter Family FarmRutledge Corn Maze LLCSchilter Family FarmCorn MazeProduct & Service GuideFlying Cow CreameryHelsing Junction FarmLost Peacock CreameryCheese/DairyRaven's Wind Farm Silverwolf FarmAlamere HerbsCircle Hawk Farm LLCDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmScatter Creek NurseriesCompost/SoilChristmas Valley Tree FarmClyde 'n Dale's Holiday Trees & GiftsHunter Family FarmRiverbend RanchSchilter Family FarmThe Iron Horse FarmChristmas TreesSeedpod FarmCircle Hawk Farm LLCLattin's Country Cider Mill & FarmSchilter Family FarmCiderLily Lane FarmBurnt Ridge Nursery & OrchardsGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationLynch Creek DahliasCedar Flats Flower FarmCNLM Violet Prairie Seed FarmFabian Flower FarmGRuBPermaculture Rising Nursery CooperativeThe Wild Fun Farm Bulbs/Seeds/TubersLily Lane FarmBurnt Ridge Nursery & OrchardsCoee Creek Community & GardensCowlitz Falls Lavender CompanyRaven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHama Hama Oyster FarmHuckleBeary HomesteadHungry Hollow Farm3 Visions Farm Cedar Flats Flower FarmCircle Hawk Farm LLCDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmGRuBHelsing Junction FarmHercules FarmLost Peacock CreameryPermaculture Rising Nursery CooperativeQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmRoot Digger Herb FarmSummit Farms LLCTapestry Garden & FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmThe Iron Horse FarmTracking Y RanchUrban Futures FarmWithywindle Valley FarmEducation/WorkshopsCoee Creek Community & GardensGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationOlde Achers Farm, LLC Pan American Berry GrowersRaven's Wind FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHuckleBeary HomesteadSkokomish Valley FarmsAlamere HerbsCarr’s Certied Organic Blueberry FarmCircle Hawk Farm LLCDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmEndicott Ranch Friendly Grove Blueberry FarmGRuBHelsing Junction FarmJohnson Berry Farm, LLCLattin's Country Cider Mill & FarmOyster Bay FarmPrairie Oak FarmQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmSpooner Berry FarmsSundance FarmTaber RanchThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmThe Iron Horse FarmUrban Futures Farm360-943-2826thebarnnurseryolympia.com• Annual & Perennials• Seeds & Garden Supplies• Pottery & Bird Baths • Landscape Fabric• Trees & Shrubs• Cedar Products• Garden Tools• Gift Shop360-754-3722greatwesternsupply.net• Bark & Wood Products• Soil Amendments• Flagstone • Sand & GravelONE STOPFOR LANDSCAPE& GARDEN NEEDSRetail & Wholesale9418 & 9510 Old Highway 99 S.E. OLYMPIA, WAGWS - Pick-up & Delivery Available• TopsoilPhoto courtesy of Tapestry Garden & Farm13communityfarmlandtrust.org
The entire yolk of an egg is actually only one cell, one of nature’s largest! In fact, an ostrich egg, which can serve about 24 for breakfast, is probably the largest cell nature manufactures (currently, that is). (almanac.com/intriguing-egg-facts-and-folklore)Bee Organic Farm & ApiaryLily Lane FarmSky Island FarmCowlitz Falls Lavender CompanyGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationLonely Mountain GrowersOlde Achers Farm, LLC Raven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHuckleBeary HomesteadLynch Creek DahliasSkokomish Valley FarmsCedar Flats Flower FarmCedar Slope FarmCircling Together FarmFabian Flower FarmGRuBHelsing Junction FarmKirsop FarmLadyberry ProduceOyster Bay FarmFlowersBee Organic Farm & ApiaryBurnt Ridge Nursery & OrchardsCoee Creek Community & GardensGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationOlde Achers Farm, LLC Pan American Berry GrowersRaven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmHuckleBeary Homestead3 Visions Farm Cedar Slope FarmCircling Together FarmDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmGRuBHelsing Junction FarmLattin's Country Cider Mill & FarmOyster Bay FarmQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmRutledge Corn Maze LLC Schilter Family FarmSchirm Loop Homestead Lavender FarmSummit Farms LLCSundance FarmTaber RanchTapestry Garden & FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmUrban Futures FarmFruit/ Fruit TreesBurnt Ridge Nursery & OrchardsCowlitz Falls Lavender CompanyGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationRaven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeCircle Hawk Farm LLCCNLM Violet Prairie Seed FarmDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmGRuBHelsing Junction FarmHercules FarmLost Peacock CreameryOlympia Kiwanis Food Bank GardensPermaculture Rising Nursery CooperativeQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmRiverbend RanchRutledge Corn Maze LLC Schilter Family FarmSchirm Loop Homestead Lavender FarmSummit Farms LLCTapestry Garden & FarmUrban Futures FarmWalupt FarmsEvents3 Feathers Emu RanchTaber RanchEmu ProductsArgos FarmsBee Organic Farm & ApiaryCoee Creek Community & GardensGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationLBH RanchNorth Prairie RanchOlde Achers Farm, LLC Raven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHuckleBeary HomesteadHungry Hollow FarmPNW Family FarmSilverwolf FarmSkokomish Valley FarmsCedar Flats Flower FarmCircle Hawk Farm LLCDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmEndicott Ranch GRuBKirsop FarmLattin's Country Cider Mill & FarmOyster Bay FarmScatter Creek NurseriesSilverwell FarmSundance FarmTapestry Garden & FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmUrban Futures FarmVail View FarmsEggsProducts & Service Guide (continued)Prairie Oak FarmQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmRutledge Corn Maze LLC Scatter Creek NurseriesSchilter Family FarmSilverwell FarmSkipping Stone Garden2023 Fresh From The Farm Guide• Grays Harbor County • Lewis County • Mason County • Thurston CountySpring Creek FarmSummit Farms LLCSundance FarmTaber RanchTapestry Garden & FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmDig This...The most valuable agricultural commodities in Washington are fruit, tree nuts, and berries which averages 2.9 billion dollars annually. WSDA14 Protecting Farmland ForeverCommunity Farm Land Trust
Product & Service Guide (continued)Bee Organic Farm & ApiaryGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationLonely Mountain GrowersMak's GardenOlde Achers Farm, LLC Raven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHuckleBeary HomesteadSkokomish Valley FarmsCedar Slope FarmCircle Hawk Farm LLCHelsing Junction FarmKingsher Organic FarmKirsop FarmLadyberry ProduceLittle Big FarmOlympia Kiwanis Food Bank GardensPrairie Oak FarmRising River FarmRoot Digger Herb FarmRutledge Corn Maze LLC Schirm Loop Homestead Lavender FarmSkipping Stone GardenSummit Farms LLCSundance FarmTaber RanchTapestry Garden & FarmThe Wild Fun Farm Wobbly Cart FarmGarlicArgos FarmsNewman Creek FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensLBH RanchRaven's Wind FarmFarm at Water's EdgeCircling Together FarmDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmFriendly Grove Blueberry FarmHunter Family FarmLattin's Country Cider Mill & FarmScatter Creek NurseriesVail View FarmsGoats LIVESTOCKFive Star FarmNorth Prairie RanchSeedpod FarmTwo Box RanchKirsop FarmRiverbend RanchSchilter Family FarmHay/StrawBee Organic Farm & ApiarySky Island FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationLonely Mountain GrowersOlde Achers Farm, LLC Raven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHuckleBeary HomesteadPNW Family FarmSkokomish Valley FarmsHerbscommunityfarmlandtrust.org3 Visions Farm Alamere HerbsCedar Slope FarmCircling Together FarmCosmic Turtle FarmDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmEndicott Ranch GRuBHelsing Junction FarmKirsop FarmLadyberry ProduceLittle Big FarmOyster Bay FarmPermaculture Rising Nursery CooperativePrairie Oak FarmQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmRising River FarmRoot Digger Herb FarmSkipping Stone GardenSpring Creek FarmSummit Farms LLCSundance FarmTaber RanchTapestry Garden & FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmThe Wild Fun Farm Urban Futures FarmWobbly Cart FarmSky Island FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensLonely Mountain GrowersCedar Flats Flower FarmChristmas Valley Tree FarmCircling Together FarmClyde 'n Dale's Holiday Trees & GiftsHunter Family FarmRiverbend RanchSchilter Family FarmSchirm Loop Homestead Lavender FarmTapestry Garden & FarmHolly/WreathsApril 20–July 4 • Tuesday–Sunday • 10am–5pm17101 Vircon Drive SW, Rochester, WA 98579 • 360-273-6730• Vegetables • Vegetables •• Herbs Herbs •• Flowers Flowers •• Hanging Baskets Hanging Baskets ••Over 250 varieties locally grown from seed • Since 1979Scatter Creek NurseriesScatter Creek Nurseriescommunityfarmlandtrust.orgHerbs (continued)Lost Peacock Farm photo courtesy of Jeanine TothPhoto courtesy of Skipping Stone Garden15
Cowlitz Falls Lavender CompanyMak's GardenRaven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmHuckleBeary HomesteadAlamere HerbsCedar Flats Flower FarmCircling Together FarmFabian Flower FarmGRuBHelsing Junction FarmPrairie Oak FarmScatter Creek NurseriesLavenderNewman Creek FarmBone Dry Ridge FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensLBH RanchSilverwolf FarmCadillac Meats Dancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmEndicott Ranch Hercules FarmKirsop FarmRiverbend RanchTaber RanchVail View FarmsWithywindle Valley FarmLamb/SheepBUTCHEREDBush Creek FarmNewman Creek FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensLBH RanchNorth Prairie RanchSilverwolf FarmCadillac Meats Dancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmHercules FarmScatter Creek NurseriesTaber RanchVail View FarmsWithywindle Valley FarmLamb/SheepLIVESTOCK• Grays Harbor County • Lewis CountyChehalis Valley FarmNewman Creek FarmBone Dry Ridge FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensRaven's Wind FarmHungry Hollow FarmCadillac Meats Colvin RanchEndicott Ranch Kirsop FarmRiverbend RanchSilverwell FarmTaber RanchWithywindle Valley FarmPork BUTCHEREDChehalis Valley FarmFive Star FarmBone Dry Ridge FarmNorth Prairie RanchTwo Box RanchCrooked Creek FarmHungry Hollow FarmCadillac Meats Colvin RanchEndicott Ranch Nelson Family Ranch LLCRainier Valley WagyuRiverbend RanchTaber RanchTracking Y RanchWithywindle Valley FarmBeefBUTCHEREDCoee Creek Community & GardensLBH RanchCadillac Meats Circling Together FarmDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmLost Peacock CreameryGoats BUTCHEREDArgos FarmsLBH RanchClyde 'n Dale's Holiday Trees & GiftsHorsesLocally-Raised Meat3 Feathers Emu RanchTaber RanchEmu BUTCHEREDProducts & Service Guide (continued)2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideStop in and See Us!8312 Diagonal Rd SE, OlympiaOpen Monday-Saturday 9-7, closed Sunday BUTCHER SHOP • SMOKED MEAT • FRESH PRODUCE • EATERY • COLD BEER • MARKET PLACE • PATIOjohnsonsmokehouse.com | 360.459.8169Schirm Loop Homestead Lavender FarmSpring Creek FarmSundance FarmTaber RanchTapestry Garden & FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmThe Wild Fun Farm Walupt FarmsLavender (continued)Photo courtesy of Tapestry Garden & Farm16
Raven's Wind Farm3 Visions Farm Helsing Junction FarmTaber RanchTapestry Garden & FarmMushroomsBurnt Ridge Nursery & OrchardsGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmSummit Farms LLCTaber RanchNuts/Nut TreesLady MacDonald's Gourmet FoodsOlde Achers Farm, LLC Cosmic Turtle FarmLittle Big FarmPrairie Oak FarmSkipping Stone GardenSummit Farms LLCSundance FarmMicrogreensProduct & Service Guide (continued)Argos FarmsChehalis Valley FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensLBH RanchRaven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmHungry Hollow FarmRiverbird FarmSilverwolf FarmSkokomish Valley FarmsHercules FarmKirsop FarmSilverwell FarmTaber RanchThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmVail View FarmsWithywindle Valley FarmPoultry BUTCHEREDFind out more at fungi.com! Orders: (800) 780-9126 • info@fungi.com Human health and environmental health are inextricably linked. The entire Fungi Perfecti and Host Defense family is united in our efforts to support both PEOPLE & PLANET. We’re proud to say we offset MORE than the amount of emissions we produce— making us CLIMATE POSITIVE!FROM THE FOREST, TO OUR FARM, TO YOU™ communityfarmlandtrust.org • Mason County • Thurston CountyLily Lane FarmBurnt Ridge Nursery & OrchardsCoee Creek Community & GardensGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationFarm at Water's EdgeHuckleBeary HomesteadAlamere HerbsCNLM Violet Prairie Seed FarmDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmGRuBPermaculture Rising Nursery CooperativeQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmSummit Farms LLCSundance FarmTaber RanchThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmNative PlantsCoee Creek Community & GardensRabbit BUTCHEREDChehalis Valley FarmNewman Creek FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensRaven's Wind FarmCadillac Meats Colvin RanchEndicott Ranch Riverbend RanchScatter Creek NurseriesTaber RanchVail View FarmsWithywindle Valley FarmPigs LIVESTOCKBee Organic Farm & ApiaryLily Lane FarmBurnt Ridge Nursery & OrchardsCoee Creek Community & GardensCowlitz Falls Lavender CompanyGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationLady MacDonald's Gourmet FoodsLonely Mountain GrowersOlde Achers Farm, LLC Raven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHuckleBeary HomesteadPNW Family FarmSkokomish Valley FarmsAlamere HerbsCedar Slope FarmCircle Hawk Farm LLCDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmGRuBKirsop FarmPermaculture Rising Nursery CooperativePrairie Oak FarmRising River FarmScatter Creek NurseriesSchirm Loop Homestead Lavender FarmSpring Creek FarmSummit Farms LLCSundance FarmTaber RanchTapestry Garden & FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmThe Iron Horse FarmUrban Futures FarmWalupt FarmsPlant StartsPhoto courtesy of Vail View Farm17
Bee Organic Farm & ApiarySky Island FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensOlde Achers Farm, LLC Raven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHungry Hollow FarmPNW Family FarmSkokomish Valley FarmsCedar Flats Flower FarmCircle Hawk Farm LLCPumpkinsBee Organic Farm & ApiaryOlde Achers Farm, LLC Hungry Hollow FarmSkokomish Valley FarmsEndicott Ranch GRuBHelsing Junction FarmHunter Family FarmLattin's Country Cider Mill & FarmRising River FarmRutledge Corn Maze LLC Schilter Family FarmSummit Farms LLCSundance FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmUrban Futures FarmSweet CornProducts & Service Guide (continued)Coee Creek Community & GardensCowlitz Falls Lavender CompanySeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmFriendly Grove Blueberry FarmHunter Family FarmLost Peacock CreameryQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmSchilter Family FarmSummit Farms LLCThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmRecreationRabbitsCoee Creek Community & GardensFarm at Water's EdgeSilverwolf FarmHama Hama Oyster FarmShellfishArgos Farms3 Feathers Emu RanchBone Dry Ridge FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensLBH RanchSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeSilverwolf FarmCircling Together FarmHercules FarmKirsop FarmOyster Bay FarmSilverwell FarmTaber RanchWithywindle Valley FarmSkins/TextilesArgos FarmsChehalis Valley FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensLBH RanchRaven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHuckleBeary HomesteadPNW Family FarmRiverbird FarmSilverwolf FarmSkokomish Valley FarmsDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmEndicott Ranch Friendly Grove Blueberry FarmOyster Bay FarmScatter Creek NurseriesTaber RanchThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmVail View FarmsWithywindle Valley FarmPoultryLIVESTOCK2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmGRuBHunter Family FarmLattin's Country Cider Mill & FarmOyster Bay FarmPrairie Oak FarmQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmRising River FarmRutledge Corn Maze LLC Schilter Family FarmSkipping Stone GardenSummit Farms LLCSundance FarmOysters take on the taste of the water in which they live because they lter up to ve liters of water every hour. -BC Shellsh Growers Association (bcsga.ca/shellsh-farming-101/ fun-facts/)Photo courtesy of Rutledge Corn MazePhoto courtesy of Cedar Flats Flower FarmTaber RanchTapestry Garden & FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmThe Wild Fun Farm Urban Futures FarmPhoto courtesy of Oyster Bay Farm18
Bee Organic Farm & Apiary3 Feathers Emu RanchBurnt Ridge Nursery & OrchardsCowlitz Falls Lavender CompanyGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationRaven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHungry Hollow FarmAlamere HerbsCircle Hawk Farm LLCDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmGRuBHelsing Junction FarmHercules FarmLost Peacock CreameryOlympia Kiwanis Food Bank GardensQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmSchirm Loop Homestead Lavender FarmSummit Farms LLCTaber RanchThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmTracking Y RanchUrban Futures FarmToursBee Organic Farm & ApiaryLily Lane FarmSky Island FarmCoee Creek Community & GardensGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationLonely Mountain GrowersMak's GardenOlde Achers Farm, LLC Raven's Wind FarmSeedpod FarmFarm at Water's EdgeHuckleBeary HomesteadHungry Hollow FarmPNW Family FarmSkokomish Valley Farms3 Visions Farm Cedar Slope FarmCircling Together FarmCommon Ground CSACosmic Turtle FarmDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmEndicott Ranch GRuBHelsing Junction FarmKingsher Organic FarmKirsop FarmLadyberry ProduceLattin's Country Cider Mill & FarmLittle Big FarmOlympia Kiwanis Food Bank GardensOyster Bay FarmPrairie Oak FarmRising River FarmRutledge Corn Maze LLC Scatter Creek NurseriesSilverwell FarmSkipping Stone GardenSummit Farms LLCSundance FarmTaber RanchTapestry Garden & FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmThe Wild Fun Farm Urban Futures FarmWobbly Cart FarmVegetablesChehalis Valley Farm3 Feathers Emu RanchBurnt Ridge Nursery & OrchardsCowlitz Falls Lavender CompanyGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationPan American Berry GrowersRaven's Wind FarmHama Hama Oyster FarmHuckleBeary HomesteadHungry Hollow FarmPNW Family FarmSilverwolf FarmCircling Together FarmColvin RanchGRuBHelsing Junction FarmHercules FarmHunter Family FarmJohnson Berry Farm, LLCKirsop FarmRiverbend RanchRoot Digger Herb FarmSchirm Loop Homestead Lavender FarmSpring Creek FarmSummit Farms LLCSundance FarmValue Added ProductsProduct & Service Guide (continued)Wiser Worm FarmWormsWashington farmers produce over 300 dierent commodities. WSDADig This...Cowlitz Falls Lavender CompanyFarm at Water's EdgeDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmHelsing Junction FarmQueenie Bee Raw Honey FarmRiverbend RanchSchirm Loop Homestead Lavender FarmSummit Farms LLCThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmVenue Rentalcommunityfarmlandtrust.orgTaber RanchTapestry Garden & FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmThe Wild Fun Farm Walupt FarmsValue Added Products (continued)Photo courtesy of Schirm Loop Homestead Lavender Farm19
10 REASONS TO BUY A1. Know your food source. 2. Support a living wage for farmers.3. Optimize your health with nutrient rich food. 4. Better for you and better for the environment!5. Tantalize your taste buds with new foods and recipes.6. Support sustainable growing practices.7. Better access to aordable healthy food for all! (Check out which farms accepts EBT/WIC)8. Provide nancial security for local farmers. 9. Reduce your carbon foot print.10. Eat seasonally and locally.South Sound FreshPaul Miller461 N Sweetgrass LnShelton 98584(360) 545-5970market@southsoundfresh.comSouthSoundFresh.LocalFoodMarketplace.com southsoundfreshOpen year-roundThursdays 1 - 7pmSouth Sound Fresh is an online marketplaceof locally grown & produced food. We makeit possible for farmers to work together tomeet the growing demand for local, sustainable food in your area. Farmers benet from the marketing, selling, packaging, & delivery of their produce & prepared foods. Our marketplace delivers fresh, healthy, locally grown & produced food to you, the buyer, in a cost-eective manner on a weekly basis. Our weekly ordering period is from Friday morning through Tuesday at midnight. We get pick lists out to farms & producers on Wednesday for them to harvest (or bake or make). Then we collect everything & deliver it to your door-step with no-contact delivery on Thursday from 1 - 7pm. We’re growing & so is our product list. Check the website weekly for new items! We also have a pickup option at our aggregation location: 4419 Harrison Ave NW, Olympia WA.Credit/Debit, Online SalesSouthwest Washington Food HubAnnie Salafsky7249 Cleanwater DrTumwater 98501(360) 789-5283info@swwafoodhub.comswwafoodhub.com SWWAFoodHub swwafoodhubOpen year-roundWednesdays–Times vary depending onpick-up site.Southwest Washington Food Hub is a farmer-owned cooperative that markets & distributes products from its member farms.Currently, the Hub is selling wholesale toschools & restaurants, oering seasonal multifarm produce boxes year round & a workplace wellness program.Credit/Debit, Online SalesLOCAL FOOD HUBSFood Hubs connect small farmers & producers to buyers (wholesale & consumers) through a centralized distribution site or online marketplace.Photo courtesy of Sky Island FarmCSA's allow consumers to directly invest their money into local agriculture. CSAmore20communityfarmlandtrust.org
Bee Organic Farm & ApiaryHelsing Junction FarmPermaculture RisingNursery CooperativeTracking Y RanchSky Island FarmCoffee Creek Community& GardensGreen Gardens Farm &ConsultationLady MacDonald'sGourmet FoodsPermaculture RisingNursery CooperativeSeedpod FarmTracking Y RanchFarm at Water's EdgeGreen Gardens Farm &ConsultationHelsing Junction FarmPermaculture RisingNursery CooperativeRiverbird FarmSkokomish Valley FarmsTracking Y Ranch3 Visions FarmCedar Flats Flower FarmCedar Slope FarmCommon Ground CSACosmic Turtle FarmEndicott RanchFabian Flower FarmGreen Gardens Farm &ConsultationHelsing Junction FarmKingfisher Organic FarmKirsop FarmLady MacDonald'sGourmet FoodsLadyberry ProduceLittle Big FarmLost Peacock CreameryPermaculture Rising NurseryCooperativePrairie Oak FarmRising River FarmRiverbird FarmRoot Digger Herb FarmSkokomish Valley FarmsThe Evergreen State CollegeOrganic FarmTracking Y RanchUrban Futures FarmCSA Quick ReferenceDistribution List By County:CSA GuideCSA GuideBee Organic Farm & ApiaryRob & Rocki HortonDistribution Area Grays Harbor(360) 470-4541beeorganicfarm@outlook.combeeorganicfarm.comAll year-round. Online CSA.See our shop page on our website beeorganicfarm.com.Pricing $100, $400, or $600Pick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-Up, Farmers Market Pick-Up, Home DeliverySky Island FarmBil Thorn & Kate HarwellDistribution Area Grays Harbor(360) 593-4775skyislandfarm291@gmail.comskyislandfarmcsa.comSummer shares available. See website for more details.Pick-up/Delivery locations Home DeliveryDistribution List by County:Grays Harbor County CSAsThis institution is an equalopportunity provider and employer.New name.Same commitment to your success.Northwest Farm Credit Services is now AgWest Farm Credit.Providing agricultural nancial services, backed by acentury of experience—to help you grow your legacy.Contact your local branch or visit AgWestFC.com to learn more.Lewis County CSAsCoffee Creek Community & GardensMokey SkinnerDistribution Area Lewis(360) 623-2103CoeeCreekCommunity@gmail.comcoeecreekcommunitygardens.com/community-supported-agriculture.phpWeekly egg subscriptions, monthly meat CSA, weeklyboxes of seasonal vegetables, herbs, fruits, & berries.Customized oerings & share sizes with plenty of add-onsavailable to suit your needs & desires!Pricing Pricing varies with oering. Please call or text today!Pick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-Up, Home Delivery, Retail Locations2023 Fresh From The Farm Guide21communityfarmlandtrust.org
Green Gardens Farm & ConsultationAlliyah & Andrew PerryDistribution Area Lewis, Kitsap, Mason, Pierce, Thurston(253) 389-4299greengardens.farmWe oer a unique CSA option. It’s a plant start CSA! You will get amazing edible heirloom starts to plant in your garden. The rst round you will get to grow when it’s still cold & a little frosty like onions & brassicas. The second round will be your main drop-o with tomatoes, edible owers, & much more. The third round will be plant starts that like it hot such as peppers. The best part about our CSA is that YOU get to pick what you want to grow.Pricing Pricing Varies from $20 - $90Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farmers Market Pick-Up, Home Delivery, Retail LocationsLady MacDonald’s Gourmet FoodsHeidi MacDonaldDistribution Area Cowlitz, Lewis, Pacific, Pierce, Thurston(503) 791-1915ladymacdonaldsgourmetfoods@gmail.comladymacdonaldsgourmetfoods.comA variety of products & sizes are available year-round. Custom-grown to order. Choose a delivery schedule of every 2 or 4 weeks.Pricing Based on order. Free delivery. Starts at $20.Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-Up, Farmers Market Pick-Up, Home DeliveryLewis County CSAs Buy a CSA and receive the freshest food available. Many farms harvest the same day.You can't get food any fresher unless you grow it yourself!Seedpod FarmAdam & Julie GullettDistribution Area Lewis(360) 807-4693info@seedpodfarm.comseedpodfarm.comOur CSA oers a unique experience that provides connection & community while learning to grow food for yourself & your family. You're supporting weekly donations made to low-income seniors who struggle to access fresh veggies. You'll grow food for yourself, connect to where your food comes from, watch the progress of plants you start from seed, & learn what it takes to put food on the table. Take home a weekly share of fresh, naturally grown vegetables. Be of service to your neighbors by helping to prepare food to donate weekly. Have fun, breathe some fresh air, & dig in the dirt! Limited shares are available. First-come, rst-served basis. You'll love being part of the Seedpod Farm-ily!Pricing TBDPick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-UpMicrogreens are among the healthiest foods on the planet. We’re proud to provide this wholesome, nutritious food. Our products are grown with organic soil & seeds and without pesticides or fertilizer.Urban Farmed MicrogreensDelivered routinely to homes, offices, restaurants… anywhere high quality, delicious, nutritious food is served.ladymacdonaldsgourmetfoods.com503-791-1915CENTRALIA, WAFind us at Centralia Farmers Market & Yelm Farmers MarketCALL US OR ORDER ONLINE Photos courtesy of Seedpod Farm22Protecting Farmland ForeverCommunity Farm Land Trust
CSA Guide (continued)Farm at Water’s EdgeHood Canal Salmon Enhancement GroupDistribution Area Mason, Kitsap(360) 275-3575heather@pnwsalmoncenter.orgpnwsalmoncenter.org/csa/The Farm at Water's Edge CSA includes a diverse array of vegetables, berries, herbs, & even owers. In an eort to connect members with the farm & their food, we include a newsletter with notes on the growing season, recipes, & cooking tips for each item. We oer our CSA via a one-time, sliding-scale donation. Please see our website for details, updates, & to sign up.Pricing Sliding ScalePick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-UpRiverbird FarmHenry Schmidt, Maia Erickson, Josephine Perez, William SmytheDistribution Area Mason, Thurstonriverbirdfarm@gmail.comriverbirdfarm.com/csaRiverbird CSA members receive delicious pasture-raised chicken on a weekly or biweekly basis from May to October. For 2023, we oer pick-up locations in East & West Olympia & at the Olympia Farmers Market. The following prices are for our Whole Chicken CSA shares. We also oer Parted Chicken shares for an additional butchering cost.Pricing Half Share (1 chicken every other week): $370, Full Share (1 chicken/week): $740Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-Up, Farmers Market Pick-UpSkokomish Valley FarmsDistribution Area Mason, Thurstonfarmer@skokomishvalleyfarms.comSkokomishValleyFarms.comThe CSA will provide you a variety of seasonal fresh vegetables each week for 20 weeks from the beginning of June through mid-October. We oer a one size share of 6-8 items. You can expect to nd old standbys (what would summer be without tomatoes & basil?) & new favorites (shishitos, anyone?) in your share, but the best part is that we grow varieties that you won't nd in the local grocery store & we pick the vegetables for you at the peak of their season. You can also sign up for an egg add-on: a dozen organic, pasture-raised eggs. Eggs will be delivered with your CSA share during the season.Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide neighborhood drop sites, Farmers Market Pick-Up, Home DeliveryMason County CSAs2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideThurston County CSAs3 Visions FarmDarlene Parker KozakDistribution Area Thurston(704) 621-3263darlenepk@outlook.com3-visionsfarm.comLarge & small shares are available for 26 weeks from May through October. In addition to the standard box produce, there are opportunities to choose limited-run vegetables & herbs throughout the season. Mushroom add-ons are announced when available. Enhance your cooking experience with crafted aprons & more.Pricing $25/$55 weeklyPick-up/Delivery locations Farmers Market Pick-UpCedar Flats Flower FarmValerie GerritsDistribution Area Thurston(509) 990-8051cedaratsowerfarm@gmail.comcedaratsowerfarm.comSpring Bouquet Subscription: Mid-April–May (specialty tulips, ranunculus, anemones, & more!) Summer Bouquet Subscription: July–September (dahlias, sunowers, & more!)Pricing Spring: 3 Bouquets - $90, Summer: 4 Bouquets - $120, Summer: 6 Bouquets - $175Pick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-UpCedar Slope FarmMcKennae McColm & Rory LenehanDistribution Area Thurstoncedarslopefarm@gmail.comcedar-slope-farm.square.siteSpring & Summer Flower CSA (4, 6, or 8 weeks)Pricing $100 - $250Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-Up, Farmers Market Pick-Up, Home Delivery23communityfarmlandtrust.org
IS YOUR FARMINTERESTED IN SELLING THROUGH A FOOD HUB?CONTACT ASLAN MEADE AT AMEADE@THURSTONEDC.COMFOR MORE INFORMATION.washingtonsouthwestfood hubCommon Ground CSATierney Creech & Julie PuhichDistribution Area Thurston(425) 802-0858commongroundfarmcsa@gmail.comOur farm has a 34-year history of providing CSA shares to the Olympia community. We pride ourselves on providing the freshest vegetables you can get in a quantity that satises an active cook who loves vegetables! CSA is the only thing we do so our members get a true share of the vegetables we grow. Our main season is 25 weeks long, mid-May through October. We have small & large shares available. We also have an optional 3-week winter share in November. We have 5 neighborhood pick-up sites within Olympia as well as at our farm elds in Maytown & Rochester.Pricing All prices are sliding scale.Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-UpCosmic Turtle FarmTom Wood Wiseman & Alissa WisemanDistribution Area Thurston(360) 481-1982woody@cosmicturtlefarm.comcosmicturtlefarm.com/product /microgreens-csa/A bi-weekly CSA delivery alternating two kinds of microgreens (sunower shoots, radish, pea shoots, & spicy salad mix) every two weeks. When we have a special microgreen we will send an email update with the latest information. Please note we grow to order so depending on the time you sign up it could be 7-10 days for delivery. *Once you sign up we will reach out & let you know when to expect your rst delivery.Pick-up/Delivery locations Home Delivery, Retail LocationsEndicott RanchPamela DaudetDistribution Area Thurston(360) 754-4908blkcws@yahoo.comWe are exible. Deposits are taken in advance. Please contact anytime. Cattle will be sold by late summer. We sell as little as a quarter of a quarter to a whole animal.Pricing Price varies on amount purchased.Pick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-Up, Home DeliveryFabian Flower FarmHaley & Jacob FabianDistribution Area Thurston(360) 259-7961fabianowerfarm@gmail.comfabianowerfarm.com2023 Spring Share (Small & Large), 2023 Summer Share (Small & Large)Pricing $70 - $150Pick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-UpHelsing Junction FarmJessica Armstrong & Angie CampDistribution Area Thurston, King, Pierce, Mason, Grays Harbor(360) 273-2033helsingfarm@gmail.comhelsingjunctionfarms.comHelsing Junction Farm is certied organic & provides a variety of CSA shares with home delivery & pick-up sites in Seattle, Olympia, & the WA coast from June–Nov. We partner with local producers to provide additional shares of hand-crafted cheeses, yogurt, mushrooms, tree-ripened fruits, & Olykrauts.Pricing $350 - $1000Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide Neighborhood Drop SitesThurston County CSAs Kingfisher Organic FarmJacob Wilson & Teva GrudinDistribution Area Thurston(360) 515-1355kingsherorganicfarm@gmail.comkingsherorganic.com20-week summer share, 8-week fall share. Regular & large shares.Pricing Check website for current pricing.Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-Up24 Protecting Farmland ForeverCommunity Farm Land Trust
• Organic & Sustainable• Herbs & Supplements• Body & Skin Care• Spa & Essential Oils• Events & Workshopsapothocary@radianceherbs.com360-357-525011am-6pm, 7 days a week117 5th SE, Olympia, WA10% discount to all Tribal Members, Vets & SeniorsRegistered LGBTQ Safe PlaceEst. In 202210% discount to all Tribal Members, Vets and Seniors360-357-5250• Fair Trade Cultural Gifts• Esoteric Boutique• Crystals & Divination Tools• Candles & Inscense• Events & Workshops• Massage TherapyRadianceHerbs.com11am-6pm, 7 days a week113 5th SE, Olympia, WARegistered LGBTQ Safe PlaceEstablished In 1974CSA Guide (continued)Kirsop FarmGenine Bradwin & Colin BarricklowDistribution Area Thurston, King(360) 402-5028kirsopfarm@gmail.comkirsopfarm.comMain Season CSA provides a nice box of veggies each week from June through October. Visit our website for details.Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide Neighborhood Drop SitesLadyberry ProduceEvan BerryDistribution Area Thurston(360) 810-4001Ladyberryproduce@gmail.comSummer CSA runs 22 weeks (June through October) with half & full shares available. Fall CSA runs for 8 weeks (November through December). Ladyberry is a truly community-supported, direct-sales farm. Our CSA is where the vegetables go rst, before our farm store or wholesale to restaurants. Vegetables are harvested within a day of pick up, by usually no more than a 2 or 3 person crew!Pick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-UpLittle Big FarmMaya Wood & Phelan PaganoDistribution Area Thurston, King(360) 918-6018littlebigcsa@gmail.comlittlebigcsa.com/csaA salad-centric CSA featuring seasonal produce. 20 weeks of farmer-curated produce boxes available for pickup at community drop sites in Olympia & Seattle. Share in our abundance & eat seasonally with us.Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Retail LocationsLost Peacock CreameryMatthew & Rachael Tuller(360) 280-6730hello@lostpeacock.comlostpeacock.comIt is a rotating carousel of all our fan favorites, plus special made just for you, cheese & yes, oh yes, yogurt. When you join the CSA you get access to our wholesale prices which means more products for less money. As always, every product we produce is made with milk from our goats. Pay in full at the time of signing up. You can sign-up online through our secure payment processing.Pricing VariablePick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-UpPermaculture Rising Nursery CooperativeMarisha Auerbach & friendsDistribution Area Grays Harbor, Thurston, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, Clark, King, Cowlitz, Skamania, Multnomah County, Oregonmarisha@fertileground.orgpermaculturerising.comWe oer plant packages with various themes to help gardeners expand the diversity of their landscape. Pre-order by email. Packages are posted on the website. Pick-up is in April or May.Pricing $60 - $100Pick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-UpPrairie Oak FarmJoy NguyenDistribution Area Thurston(214) 215-0758prairieoakfarm@gmail.comprairieoakfarm.netChoose the months of the year that you would like fresh veggies delivered to your door. Email prairieoakfarm@gmail.com for full details!Pick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-Up, Home DeliveryRising River FarmJennifer Belknap & Jim McGinnDistribution Area Thurston(360) 273-5368info@risingriverfarm.comrisingriverfarm.comOur CSA oers members a wide variety of familiar, well-loved, & easy to use veggies & culinary herbs. The season runs from mid-June through mid-October. We oer summer & fall shares, as well as large & small shares. Choose from one of the many convenient pick-up locations from Rochester to Olympia. See our website for more info.Pricing Large Share - $702, Small Share - $522 (prices subject to change)Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-Up, Farmers Market Pick-Up, Retail LocationsPhoto courtesy of Root Digger Herb Farmcommunityfarmlandtrust.org 25
Root Digger Herb FarmBenjamin AshDistribution Area Thurston, Kingrootdiggerherbfarm@gmail.comrootdiggerherbfarm.comWe oer an herbal CSA paired with herbal proles (mostly) written by local herbalists to inform & delight the herbal curious & dedicated medicine makers alike. Monthly for 6 months.Pricing Sliding scalePick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-Up, Retail LocationsThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmBeth Leimbach, Farm ManagerDistribution Area Thurston(360) 867-6160organicfarm@evergreen.eduevergreen.edu/organicfarm18-week CSA July through 1st week of November; “Farmer’s Choice” traditional CSA; can add-on owers or just have a Flower CSA.Pricing Call or email for current prices.Pick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-UpTracking Y RanchJake & April YanceyDistribution Area Thurston, Lewis, Mason, Grays Harbor(360) 561-4083Trackingyranch@gmail.comtrackingyranch.comWe oer up to two beef harvest seasons each year, early summer, & late fall.Pricing Varies. Request a current brochure with pricing.Pick-up/Delivery locations City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-Up, Home DeliveryThank you for hosting a tour of the Historic James Family Farm that CFLT has preserved. Since I had missed the planting season, after the tour I signed with Common Ground for my rst CSA. It was awesome! NO seed buying/tilling/planting/weeding/watering/harvesting/washing - just open the box for instant garden bounty!Cecelia Boulais, Retired farmerCommon Ground CSA photo courtesy of Fletcher WardThurston County CSAs Urban Futures FarmTJ & Stephanie JohnsonDistribution Area Thurston(360) 338-8654urbanagrarian@comcast.neturbanfuturesfarm.comIn 2023, we are oering three CSA share options. Our small share is designed to feed 1-2 people, our medium share feeds 2-3 people, & our large share feeds 3+ people. Starting around June 1st, enjoy 18 weeks of delicious, nutritious, sustainably grown vegetables, fruits, & herbs. Each week you will receive 6-12 dierent items, which you pick up on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday afternoon/evening at the farm, conveniently located in Olympia’s Northeast neighborhood. Visit our website to sign up, see examples of what is in the weekly box throughout the season, & read reviews from our satised customers.Pricing Check our website.Pick-up/Delivery locations Farm Pick-UpPhoto courtesy of Tracking Y Ranch26 Protecting Farmland ForeverCommunity Farm Land Trust
communityfarmlandtrust.orgPRODUCESEPOCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECDARK GREENArugulaBeet greenBok choy, babyBroccoliBraising mixChardsCollard greensDandelion greensEndive, curly (Frisée)EscaroleKales‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Kohlrabi greensLettuces, butterhead*Lettuces, loose-leaf*Lettuces, romaine*Mustard greensMizunaRapini (Broccoli rabe/Chinese broccoli)Salad mix (Mesclun **)SpinachTurnip greensWatercressRED &ORANGECarrots‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Peppers, redPumpkins‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Sweet potatoes, yam‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡TomatoesWinter squash, acorn‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Winter squash, butternut‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Winter squash, hubbard‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡LEGUMESBlack beans, dryCranberry beans, dryGarbanzo/Chickpea, dryGreat Northern beans, dryKidney beans, dryLentils, dryNavy beans, dryPink beans, dryPinto beans, dryPRODUCESEPOCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECSTARCHYCorn/Sweet corn‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Green peas/Shell peas‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Potatoes, fingerlingPotatoes, purplePotatoes (Yukon/red/russet etc.)Sunchokes (Jerusalem artichoke)OTHERAsparagusArtichokesBeets (red/golden/Chioggia etc.)‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Brussels sproutsCabbages (green/red/savoy)Cabbages, napaCarrots (purple/white)Cauliflower & RomanescoCeleryCelery root (celeriac)CucumbersFennelGreen beansGreen peas, snap/snowKohlrabi, rootLeeksLettuce, iceburgMushrooms (crimini/enoki/oyster/portabella/shiitake/white)Onions, yellow/storageOnions, sweet/Walla WallaParsnipsPea vinesPeppers (green/yellow/orange)Peppers (purple/chocolate/white)Radicchio (chicory, red-leaved)RadishesRhubarbRutabaga ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Summer squash, white scallopSummer squash, yellowSummer squash, zucchiniTomatillosTurnips, root‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Produce Seasonality Guide* Iceburg lettuce is listed in OTHER subgroup, as it does not meet the criteria for Dark-green.** Mesclun often includes arugula, chervil, leafy lettuces, endives and other greens such as mizuna, radicchio or sorrel. ‡ Peak harvest season for this product. However, this product is stored and available in other seasons from local sources.Washington Grown Vegetables and LegumesWashingtonState Department OfAgricultureOrganized 2012 USDA Nutrition Standards Vegetable Subgroups2023 Fresh From The Farm Guide27
MARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKET6241412132724223130293740425551504959625856706368747776847882878588909471Farm Stand & Market Mapcommunityfarmlandtrust.org2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideGrays HarborAberdeen Sunday MarketLewisMorton Farmers MarketToledo Thursday MarketCommunity Farmers Market of Chehalis Centralia Farmers MarketMasonShelton Farmers MarketThurstonOlympia Farmers MarketTenino Farmers MarketTumwater Farmers MarketYelm Farmers MarketParticipating Markets:TeninoTeninoteninofarmersmarket.orgteninofarmersmarket.org701.552.3032701.552.3032Farmers MarketIN TENINO’S HISTORIC DOWNTOWNMay - SeptemberSATURDAYS10am - 3pmThe Best Little Farmers Market in Thurston County! Fruit, vegetables, plant starts, meat, and much more!SUSSEX AV. W, TENINO, WASheltonBelfairUnionMatlockHumptulipsAberdeenElmaOakvilleRochesterEthelChehalisToledoOlympiaYelmTeninoPe EllMontesanoCentraliaWinlockTumwater28
MARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKETMARKET6241412132724223130293740425551504959625856706368747776847882878588909471Grays Harbor Farmers MarketOlympia Farmers MarketSouth Sound Fresh (delivery)Toledo Thursday MarketTHURSDAYAberdeen Sunday MarketGrays Harbor Farmers MarketOlympia Farmers MarketTumwater Farmers MarketSUNDAYCentralia Farmers MarketElma Friday MarketGrays Harbor Farmers MarketOlympia Farmers MarketFRIDAYBelfair Saturday MarketGrays Harbor Farmers MarketHarstine Island Farmers MarketMontesano Saturday Morning MarketMorton Farmers MarketOlympia Farmers MarketPackwood Farmers MarketPe Ell Farmers MarketSaturday Market at West Central ParkShelton Farmers MarketTenino Farmers MarketWinlock Saturday MarketYelm Farmers MarketSATURDAYInterstate 5State Highways & BywaysFarm StandFarmers MarketMARKETNSEWGrays Harbor Farmers MarketSouthwest WA Food Hub (pick-up)WEDNESDAYGrays Harbor Farmers MarketMONDAYCommunity Farmers Market of ChehalisGrays Harbor Farmers MarketTUESDAYFARMERS MARKET • DAILYFARMERS MARKET GUIDESAt & SunThurs-SunEvery SatJANUARY – MARCHWinter MarketAPRIL - OCTOBERHigh SeonNOVEMBER – DECEMBERHoliday Market10am – 3pmYear Roundolympiafarmersmarket.comMortonPackwood29
to reach in the future.” One way they hope to increase participation in these programs at the market is to shift to electronic distribution of benets.The market seeks to increase its oerings through local partnerships. It is working with city and county ocials to increase the space at the market to allow for a more diverse array of products and vendors. By limiting the barriers to entry for vendors, the market is ideal for beginning farmers and businesses, allowing them to showcase their products to the local community. The market is also partnering with commercial kitchens to help nd solutions for potential vendors to be certied to oer foods that are dicult to permit. To improve the customer’s experience, they want more local farmers and vendors. Paul says, “...especially fruit and meat growers, as well as processed food vendors such as jams, jellies, fermented food, baked goods, and ready-to-eat food businesses.”Everyone, including your pets, can enjoy the friendly atmosphere found at the downtown Shelton Farmers Market on Saturdays. Established in 1997, it has remained true to its hyper-local roots. The variety of local farmers and businesses are a crucial component that ensures high-quality products and value for market customers.Local musicians and thematic programs provide entertainment and fun for the whole family. Art, crafts, farm animals, dierent foods, and more are featured. Monthly Kids Days and Senior Days provide special programming and sales for every age. Agricultural animal sales, such as chickens, ducks, rabbits, and occasionally larger animals, are a unique feature of the market. Last year, they even hosted Country Fair Day with events and competitions similar to what one would nd at a state fair.Sales at the market have increased 35% for the last three years. Individual vendors are seeing a signicant increase in sales and are oering higher-quality products, while the average number of vendors remains consistent. Shelton Farmers Market worked hard to operate safely throughout 2023 Fresh From The Farm Guidecommunityfarmlandtrust.orgthe pandemic resulting in more customers attending the market as a safe, aordable, and reliable place to shop.Paul Miller, farmer and manager of Skokomish Valley Farms and Shelton Farmers Market Treasurer for the last four years, said, “One of the main reasons grocery shoppers choose to visit farmers markets is to become more in touch with how, where, and by whom their produce was farmed.” He continues, “This improves communications, ideas, and understanding between customers and farmers. This always serves to further sustainable, regenerative farming practices.”The Shelton Farmers Market, a member of the Washington State Farmers Market Association, is able to accept EBT and distribute matching “market bucks” through the WA State Market Match program. It also participates in the Farmers Market Nutrition Program. These programs help make food more accessible to low income customers. Response to these programs have increased the past couple years, but Paul says, “There are still many eligible customers that have not yet taken advantage of these programs that we hope Farmers Market SpotlightPhotos courtesy of Shelton Farmers MarketShelton Farmers MarketShelton Farmers Market2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideSee market listing on pages 32-33.30
1956 Riverside AveHoquiam 98550(360) 538-9747scribblerock@comcast.netgraysharborfarmersmarket.comGrays Harbor Farmers MarketDiscover local produce, deliciouspastries from Nancy’s Bakery, nesoups & sandwiches from Deidra’s Deli,Johnson’s Smoked Meats & Cheeses,ne arts, & quality crafted items,handmade soaps & sundries, candles,& goods! Something for everyone! Visitour Facebook page for directions.Beca WhartonFleet Park located atMain St & Pioneer Ave WMontesano 98563(360) 249-5522members@montesanochamber.orgmontesanochamber.org/saturday-morning-market/montesanochamberWe will have local artists, vendors,painting, & hopefully music in thepark. Fleet Park is a beautiful park indowntown Montesano where as acommunity we can gather together &enjoy our morning. We will have freshlocal food & products fromGrays Harbor.• Farmers Market Guide • Market SpotlightFARMERSMARKETSBroadway & E HeronAberdeen 98520MarketManager@wholeharbor.orgAberdeenSundayMarket.orgAberdeenSundayMarketaberdeensundaymarketThe season is the reason we’re rootedIn our community! Come see what theharbor has to oer! Shop the freshest localproduce & goods from Grays Harbor &surrounding counties! Fruit, veggies, eggs,honey, owers, crafts, & more! Dog-friendly(leashed) & live entertainment (see websitefor details). We are located in DowntownAberdeen, between Mount OlympusBrewing & Furniture World.Free Parking. See our website foradditional information.Cash, Credit/Debit, EBT/SNAP, Fresh Bucks,Senior FMNP/WICElma Chamber of Commerce222 W Main St, Elma 98541(360) 482-3055elmachamber@gmail.comelmachamber.orgelmachamberStop by the Elma Friday Market from noonto 6 pm & see what the gateway to GraysHarbor has to oer! You will nd localfarmers with freshly harvested produce,artisans with uniquely crafted gifts, & a spiritof community. Join us on opening day June2nd. See you there!Pine Street Plazalocated at 100 E Pine StCentralia 98531(360) 985-0662centraliafarmermarket@gmail.comcentraliafarmersmarket.orgCentraliaFarmersmarketcentraliafarmersmarketWe’re still going strong! Since1979 our farmers, producers,artists, bakers, & craftsmen havebeen bringing you the best inLewis County. This year will be nodierent. Our vendor’s productsare all handmade or homegrown.Fresh in-season produce, owers,vegetable & nursery plants,woodwork, baked goods, soaps& lotions, jewelry, honey, knits &crochet items, hot food, & more.Easy access from I-5 at Exit 82. Weare always looking for new vendorsto join our family. See you at themarket! Check our website fordirections & hours.Cash, Credit/Debit, EBT/SNAP, Fresh Bucks,Senior FMNP/WICBY COUNTY@OldeAchers • oldeachersfarm@tds.net • 360-985-0662Olde Achers FarmFarmer Veteran Coalition certifi ed “Home Grown By Heroes” VISIT US ATCentralia, Morton & Toledo FARMER‛S MARKETS10% Military Discount ALWAYSLETTUCE GROW IT FOR YOU!LLC2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideSky Island Farm photo courtesy of Aberdeen Sunday Market31
Raye Ann Duvall-StullState Rte 6 & Seventh Ave, Pe Ell 98572 PeEllTownCrierWe are excited to be in our 8th season this year! Come visit our local growers who employ natural growing practices. You can nd crafts, plant & tree starts, berries & more. Burden cloths by original design, grab a piece of history & make garden clean-up a cinch. Natural remedies for what ales you too. Vendors oer special orders with advance notice. Head out to west Lewis County & enjoy the bounty of our local agricultural oerings! Opening Day is the day before Mother’s Day. We oer health checks. Come to the Community Tent & visit us!Cash, Credit/DebitSteamboat Landing 115 Ramsey WayToledo 98542(360) 985-0662ToledoThursdayMarket@gmail.comtoledofarmersmarket.com ToledoWAThursdayMarket toledofarmersmarketStarted in 2017, we bring you fresh produce, baked goods, candies, honey, meats, dairy products, mushrooms, plant starts, & so much more. Our mission is to provide nutrition, education, & community. Online shopping is now available through LocalLine. Orders must be placed by 11:59 pm on Tuesday night for pick-up that Thursday. We will have some delivery options for those who are self-quarantining. Our summer location is the Toledo Boat Launch (June-September). We also oer a matching funds program that increases the purchasing power of these nutrition assistance funds! Check our website for pickup info, directions, & hours.Cash, Credit/Debit, EBT/SNAP, Fresh Bucks, Online Sales, Senior FMNP/WIC305 E Walnut StWinlock 98596 Boistfort St, Chehalis 98532(360) 219-7710info@chehalisfarmersmarket.comchehalisfarmersmarket.com CommunityFarmersMarketChehalis farmmktchehalisThe Community Farmers Market in downtown Chehalis is a vibrant hub for local food & regional goods, grown & produced by small farms & businesses. It oers fun activities for children, live music, & a place to gather & celebrate healthy living.Cash, Credit/Debit, EBT/SNAP, Senior FMNP/WICTrevor MannsGust Backstrom City Park 700 Main Ave, Morton 98536(360) 985-0662market@fompwa.orgfompwa.org/farmers-market mortonfarmersmarket mortonfarmersmarketWelcome to our 7th year!! Our location at Gust Backstrom Park is perfect! On the grass, under the trees, & with a playground for the kids! We feature all local handmade, homegrown, home-baked treasures for you. Our line-up of vendors brings seasonal fresh produce, spring-time plant starts, baked goods, knit & crochet crafts, wood crafts, honey, soaps, wool & bers, hot food & more! Check our website for directions & hours.Cash, Credit/Debit, EBT/SNAP, Fresh Bucks, Senior FMNP/WICPackwood Library Park area 109 Main St W, Packwood 98361 PackwoodFarmersMarketThe Packwood Farmers Market’s goal is to provide the area of eastern Lewis County with quality handmade, homemade, & homegrown goods. We are a community of talented, hard-working people, surrounded by incredible natural beauty. The Packwood Farmers Market is a place to gather & celebrate the things that make this place so special.Cash, Credit/DebitFarmers Markets by County (continued)Across from the Cedar Village IGA grocery store.winlockmarket@gmail.com WinlockSaturdayMarketYou’ll nd a bounty of delightful vendors featuring local farmers & artisans from our community. Come taste the local avor!Erin SmithBelfair Elementary, 22900 Highway 3, Belfair 98528(253) 363-1559thejamlady76@gmail.com BelfairSaturdayMarket belfairsaturdaymarketWelcome to the Belfair Saturday Market! Here you will nd local art, sundries, produce, & much more! Stop by & shop from local artisans & growers!Lee Strohm3371 E Harstine Island Rd NShelton 98584farmersmarket@harstinecc.org harstineislandfarmersmarketPlease visit our FB page for our Holiday schedule after October & for the latest information. We have a wide variety of vendors.JenieLynn Wilkinson425 Cota St, Shelton 98584(360) 463-2755Manager@sheltonfarmersmarket.orgsheltonfarmersmarket.org sheltonfarmersmarket sheltonfarmersmarketcommunityfarmlandtrust.orgMORTONCity ofFarmersMarket(continued)32
Jon JamiesonThe Yelm Community Center301 Second St SE, Yelm 98597(360) 522-8939manager@yelmfarmersmarket.comyelmfarmersmarket.comYelmFarmersMarketyelmfarmersmarketThe market has grown to 25vendors including farmers, artisans,bakers, beekeepers, leatherworkers, plus a thriving children's program& special events. Every dollar youspend contributes to a strong localeconomy & a healthy food networkin our community.EBT/SNAP, Senior FMNP/WICAlicia Elliott1919 Harrison Ave, Olympia 98502hello@wcpnc.orgwcpnc.org/market/SaturdayMarketattheWCPsaturdaymarketatthewcpIn it's second year, the Saturday Marketat the West Central Park is striving tobecome the West Side's go to weekendmarket, complete with farm & craftvendors, live music, food trucks, &kid crafts every Saturday. Our markethopes to bring you the goodness thatall our local farmers and crafts peoplecan provide! We will have one HolidayMarket on December 16th.Senior FMNP/WICJohn Kesting213 Sussex Ave, Tenino 98589(360) 701-4835market@teninofarmersmarket.orgteninofarmersmarket.orgTeninoFarmersMarketteninofarmersmarketVisit the Tenino Farmers Market inhistoric downtown Tenino. We havesomething for everyone, fresh fruits& vegetables, bedding plants, farmfresh meat, kettle corn, handmadesoaps, handmade jewelry, up-cycledcrafts, & more! Call or check ourwebsite for driving directions.Cash, Credit/Debit, EBT/SNAP, Senior FMNP/WICBrooke237 Dennis St SE, Tumwater 98501(360) 888-2919thetumwaterfarmersmarket@gmail.comtumwaterfarmersmarket.orgthetumwaterfarmersmarkettumwaterfarmersmarketFind us at our new location,Peter G. Schmidt Elementary School.Enjoy fresh vegetables, fruits & berries,eggs, cheese, locally raised meat, cutowers & nursery plants, coee & bakedgoods, honey, maple syrup, deliciousfood trucks, body care products,jewelry, & handcrafted delights. Livemusic every Sunday! Come out & enjoy!Cash, Credit/Debit, EBT/SNAP,Fresh Bucks, Senior FMNP/WICLocated in the heart of downtownShelton, we provide a forum for localfarmers & gardeners to provide ourcommunity with fresh, local produce.We have a wide variety of talentedartisans that present one-of-a-kinditems made with love. We acceptvendors within Mason County as well asadjourning counties. Live music ows asyou shop our market. Senior Days are therst Saturday of the month. Stay tunedfor special events throughout the season.Check website for directions & hours.Cash, Credit/Debit, EBT/SNAP, Fresh Bucks,Senior FMNP/WICWren Green700 Capitol Way N, Olympia 98501(360) 352-9096info@olympiafarmersmarket.comolympiafarmersmarket.comolympiafarmersmarketolympiafarmersmarketThe Market is open year-round10am - 3pm! Here you will nd local &organic produce, WA grown fruit, meat,seafood, wine, owers, eggs, dairy,cheese, jams & jelly, vegetable starts, fruittrees, artisanal foods, handmade artisancrafts, eight restaurants,live entertainment, & more.Call or check our website for acomplete schedule of vendorsattending the market.Cash, Credit/Debit, EBT/SNAP, SNAP Market Match,Senior FMNP/WICFarmers Market Guide (by County)SUNDAYS,June 4th–September 17th11am - 3pm at Peter G. Schmidt Elementarythetumwaterfarmersmarket@gmail.com
@tumwaterfarmersmarket @The Tumwater Farmers MarketThe Tumwater Farmers Market hosts a variety of food trucks, crafters, farms, baked goods, awesome youth vendors, community booths and more.With live music weekly, fun themed days and raffl e baskets, we welcome you to the market!thetumwaterfarmersmarket.com2023 Fresh From The Farm Guide33
Bee Organic Farm and Apiary, emerged when Rocki Horton, an avid gardener, saw videos of a famous gardener obtaining sustainable yields from a small plot of land. Rocki and Rob Horton lived on an old, abandoned Christmas tree farm with their family in Elma, WA. When blight and tree rot forced them to cut down most of their trees,they found a way to repurpose their land so it would directly benet their community. Having run businesses in the past, they started looking at places they could sell the produce they grew, from farmers markets to stores, schools, hospitals, and more. Since Rocki is a full-time bookkeeper/accountant, and Rob knew he could handle the physical work, “I drank the kool-aid,” he likes to say. So, Rob became the worker bee and started a few experimental plots. Growing organically with regenerative practices is important to Rocki. Rob followed his Queen Bee’s lead, working hard to be a certied organic operation from the beginning. When he gured something out on one section of the land, he would lose control of another. Next thing they knew, they had grown more food than they knew what to do with. They started vending at the Aberdeen Sunday Market and were sold out of vegetables in an hour. Subsequent weeks proved no dierent. Soon, they’d pull up to the market and a line had already formed at their stand. By the end of the season, everyone asked them to please come back next year and bring more! It was clear to Rob that he could not meet the demand of his community. He was just one farmer already working seven days a week. The farm had taken over his life with trays of seedlings lined up on his dining room table. “I want to be able to create a new local, food source system. My dream is to develop a convenient way to bring locally grown food to our communities, whether it's a local store front, home delivery, or drop o locations.” Rob’s energy matches the challenge of meeting the demands of his community. To meet this demand, he needed help. When it was time to harvest during the summer, Rob faced a labor shortage. His time harvesting in the eld created a backlog of paperwork in the oce. Organic certication requires many protocols and documentation. Rob wears many hats to keep his farm business buzzing. Balancing administrative duties and eldwork is challenging. Rob is continually faced with decisions that nd him stuck between a backlog of paperwork and crops that won’t wait for him.After ve years, he still does not make a paycheck for himself and struggles with nding a work-life balance for himself and his family. He receives much love from people he meets at the market, but it is the joy of giving back to his community that drives him forward. He encourages his employees to attend at least one market day a year to see the impact of their work on their local community. “When they come to the market, they become a customer, and see and feel what the customers feel. They can’t believe how popular we are and how beautiful the produce looks. The market is where the magic grabs them. It’s beautiful.” Rob and his crew recognize they aren’t just growing food but also growing community. Rob is committed to showing up with fresh, healthy, nutritious, and beautiful produce for his customers. “I will always be at the market.”2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideMarket Vendor SpotlightPhotos courtesy of Bee Organic Farm & ApiaryBee Organic Farm & ApiaryMarket Vendor Spotlightcommunityfarmlandtrust.orgSee farm listing #2.34
SNAP Market Match Makes Getting Fresh and Local Produce a SNAP!$1One DollarFind a listof participating farmers markets at: doh.wa.gov/SNAPMarketMatch No change given. Expires 12/31/2023.Redeemable at participating farmers markets in Washington.$1One DollarFind a listof participating farmers markets at: doh.wa.gov/SNAPMarketMatch No change given. Expires 12/31/2023.Redeemable at participating farmers markets in Washington.Here’s how it works:Go to the farmers market information tent.Swipe your EBT card for the amount you want to spend at the market.Match your EBT dollars with SNAP Market Match.Shop for fresh produce, seeds, and plant starts.Farmers Market Infofruitmushroomsherbsseeds and edible plants$1One DollarveggiesRedeem SNAP Market Matchdollars for:$1One DollarFind a listof participating farmers markets at: doh.wa.gov/SNAPMarketMatch No change given. Expires 12/31/2023.Redeemable at participating farmers markets in Washington.Redeem SNAP Market Matchdollars for:herbsseeds and edible plantsmushroomsveggiesfruitMarkets match up to $25 per day. Check with your local market for their daily match amount.Find a list of participating farmers markets at: doh.wa.gov/SNAPMarketMatchInterested in offering SNAP Market Match at your famers market or farm stand? Contact us at SNAP.MarketMatch@doh.wa.gov to discuss your eligibility.This material is based upon work that is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 2020-70030-33180 and administered by the Washington State Department of Health.35
Food insecurity refers to USDA’s measure of lack of access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members and limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate foods. Food-insecure households are not necessarily food insecure all the time. Food insecurity may reect a household’s need to make trade-os between important basic needs, such as housing or medical bills, and purchasing nutritionally adequate foods.communityfarmlandtrust.orgTotal food insecure people per countyIndividuals that qualify for food assistanceIndividuals that DON’T qualify for food assistance $ needed to close the gap in food assistanceGrays Harbor10,95014.8% of the county8,213 2,737 $5,789,000Lewis10,330 13% of the county7,954 2,376 $5,421,000Mason8,250 12.6% of the county6,023 2,227 $4,582,000Thurston29,310 10.3% of the county19,051 10,259 $17,152,000Food Insecurity definition and data on pages 36-40 is from: feedingamerica.org, and map.feedingamerica.org/county/2020/overall/washingtonby distributing donated and purchased groceries directly to food insecure individuals and families. They are critical in assisting individuals/households that receive nutritional assistance that are still not getting all their needs met through Nutrition Incentive Programs. On average individuals/households report not getting their basic food needs met even after they have received food assistance causing a budget shortfall annually throughout the U.S. What is Food Insecurity?It’s estimated 197,845 people (31% of our state’s food insecure population) are above the poverty thresholds of SNAP, WIC, & other nutrition programs, thus DON’T qualify for food assistance.that is 638,210 people.8.5% of Washington State is food insecure,2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideTCFB photo courtesy of Fletcher Ward(WSDA)36
Food Access & Nutrition Incentive ProgramsFood Access & Nutrition Incentive ProgramsFMNP There are two federal funded FMNP programs: Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and Senior FMNP. WIC provides resources for pregnant women and women with infants and children up to 5 years of age, who are found to be at nutritional risk. This program provides fresh, unprepared, locally grown fruits and vegetables to WIC participants, and expands the awareness, use of, and sales at farmers markets. Senior FMNP provides low-income seniors with coupons that can be exchanged for eligible foods (fruits, vegetables, honey, and fresh-cut herbs) at farmers markets, roadside stands, and CSAs. For more about FMNP programs visit, fns.usda.gov/fmnp/overviewEBTThe Washington Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-formerly known as food stamps) helps low-income individuals and families obtain a more nutritious diet by supplementing their income with SNAP benets. These funds are available through EBT cards that work just like a debit card. These benets are accepted at some farmers markets, individual farms/farmstands and even some community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs. Eligible items are the same as at the grocery store and include fruits, vegetables, baked goods, seeds, meat, jams and jellies, bread, sh, vegetable starts, syrup and honey, dairy, and poultry. Check with your local farmers market to see how to use your EBT benets while shopping there. To apply for SNAP visit, dshs.wa.gov/node/55Food Bank Guide2733 Aberdeen AveAberdeen 985202120 Commerce StAberdeen 98520 aberdeenfoodbank427 W Main StElma 98541(360) 861-80623134 State Rte 109Copalis Beach 98535(360) 289-2233copalisfoodbank.weebly.com106 W Main StElma 98541(360) 482-4728211 E Wishkah StAberdeen 98520(360) 533-4802Food Bank Guide"The work of the Community Farm Land Trust to facilitate community partnerships and connections to farms has been instrumental in improving accessibility and the overall health of our community and its members. We consider them a vital partner in our eorts to reduce food insecurity and eliminate hunger." Judy Jones, Development DirectorThurston County Food Bank(continued on the next page)37
Food Bank Guide (continued) Grays Harbor College, 500 Building (Gym)1620 Edward P. Smith DrAberdreen 98520(360) 538-4096ghc.edu/studentlife/harbor-landing- food-pantryTimes may dier during breaksAvailable for students & community720 K StHoquiam 98550(360) 533-4909hoquiamfoodbank.weebly.com32 McAfee RdHumptulips 98552(360) 987-2546cityofmccleary.com/community/page/mccleary-food-bank25 Mox Chehalis RdMalone 98559(360) 482-2329100 South 3rd St Across from City Hall, Park Bldg BMcCleary 98557(360) 495-3667213 West Spruce StMontesano 98563(360) 249-5374 montefoodbank403 TempleOakville 98568(360) 262-9211848 Anchor Ave NWOcean Shores 98569(360) 289-2171oceanshoresfoodbank.orgEmergency Food: Tuesdays & Saturdays 10am - 2pm31 Burn RdNeilton 98566(360) 581-4590 quinaultfoodbank120 W Wishkah StAberdeen 98520(360) 533-1062aberdeen.salvationarmy.org3101 Cherry StHoquiam 98550(360) 537-9133314 N BroadwayWestport 98595(360) 268-16864800 Central Park DrAberdeen 98520(360) 538-0111(continued) 2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideEach month, households who experience food insecurity face 1 to 7 days of not getting basic nutritional needs met. This occurs on average 7 months out of the year. (USDA)GAPS IN FOOD ASSISTANCE: Donate money Volunteer at your local food bank Volunteer as a gleaner* Thank food bank workers & volunteers (Send them a note) Donate food & bags5 ways to help local food banks:Many communities have gleaning programs that use volunteers to harvest excess produce from local farms to be donated to area food banks. These programs get fresh, healthy food with better nutritional content to people who might otherwise not be able to aord it or have access to it. Volunteers are needed. Get involved today. Bethel Church416 N Tower AveCentralia 98531(360) 748-0119bethel-church.com/hcmMineral Neighborhood Christian Center127 Mineral Rd NMineral 98355(360) 492-3491mineralchurch.org/food-bank/38
277 Seventh StMorton 98356(360) 496-5456134 Mauerman RdPe Ell 98572 (360) 291-3434144 Wilcox RdSalkum 98582(360) 985-2704750 SW 21st StChehalis 98532(360) 748-1226303 N Gold StCentralia 98531(360) 736-4339centralia.salvationarmy.org/101 N Second StToledo 98591(360) 269-7001 toledofoodbank106 Kindle RdRandle 98377 (360) 520-3817503 NE 1st StWinlock 98596 (360) 785-6399winlockvaderfoodbank.orgFood Bank Guide (continued)Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd1601 North St SEOlympia 98501(360) 709-0931Drive through distribution siteServing Spanish-speakers2700 Evergreen Pkwy NW, Lot COlympia 98505(360) 867-6137Drive through distribution siteAvailable for students & the community1209 Fern St. SWOlympia 98502(360) 352-1315Call Mondays to make a reservation5615 30th Ave SELacey 98503(360) 459-1444Heritage Baptist Church1315 Sussex Ave ETenino 98589(360) 264-27401807 9th Ave SWOlympia 98502(360) 357-3739Drive through distribution site7027 Martin Way EOlympia 98516(360) 352-8597Inside shoppingOther Bank (cleaning & personal care items) 2nd Tuesdays & Thursdays 10am - 2pm4232 6th Ave Se, Suite 202Lacey 98503(360) 456-3850Serving veteransFaith Lutheran Church1212 Connection StShelton 98584(360) 709-0931Drive through distribution siteServing Spanish-speakers71 Old Belfair Hwy NEBelfair 98528(971) 813-4027 BelfairCFP331 N Finch Creek RdHoodsport 98548(360) 877-6507hoodcanalfoodbank.orgMatlock-Deckerville RdMatlock 98560(360) 426-3091matlockcommunitychurch.com/food-bankService area: Mary M. Knight School District22471 NE State Rte 3Belfair 98528(360) 275-4615northmasonfoodbank.org/services/205 W. Cota StShelton 98584(360) 427-8847thesaintspantry.org/(Pick up at Shelton United Methodist Church, South Hall)1900 King StShelton 98584(360) 462-5683oursumc.wixsite.com/sheltonumc/this-communityCall Love INC (not Shelton UMC) at (360) 462-5683 on Tuesdays 10am - 3pm to be added to food bank pick up listResidents of Mason CountyHealth Promotions BuildingShelton 98584(360) 432-3931Available for tribal members & the community(continued on the next page)39
Thurston County Mobile Food Banks Magnolia Villa, LaceySouth Sound Villa, LaceyThe Reserve, LaceyBoardwalk Apartments, OlympiaCapital House Apartments, OlympiaCasa Madrona, OlympiaDrexel House, OlympiaEvergreen Villages, OlympiaOlympia Village, OlympiaOlympian Apartments, OlympiaSt. Francis House, OlympiaShelton Senior Center, SheltonTumwater Apartments, TumwaterTumwater Mobile Estates, TumwaterYelm Adult Community Center, Yelm(continued) 6336 SW 128th AveLittlerock 98556(360) 943-4720Call ahead for availability940 Israel Rd SWTumwater 98501(360) 943-0795Drive through distribution siteOther Bank (cleaning & personal care items) 1st Thursday, 10am - 1pm222 Columbia St NWOlympia 98501(360) 586-6181Seniors only220 Thurston Ave NEOlympia 98501(360) 352-8597Inside shoppingOther Bank (cleaning & personal care items) 2nd Wednesday, 11am - 3pm10140 US-12Rochester 98579(360) 273-6375Must live within Rochester School District812 Bowker St SELacey 98503(360) 923-0929Emergency outreach building next to churchFor more information about these locations and how the mobile food bank program works, contact: satellite@thurstoncountyfoodbank.org or call (360) 352-8597 ext. 1062023 Fresh From The Farm Guide540 School St SELacey 98503(360) 491-2030Drive through distribution site2011 Mottman Rd SWStudent Union, Bldg 27Olympia 98512(360) 596-5212Closed for school breaksPark in Parking Lot JAvailable to SPSCC students224 Sussex ETenino 98589(360) 264-5505 teninofoodbankplus215 N 2nd SWTumwater 98512(360) 754-41601401 Lake Park Dr SWTumwater 98512(360) 786-1416Drive through distribution site3525 Marvin Rd NELacey 98516(443) 783-9405Drive through distribution site11318 Vail Cuto Rd SERainier 98576(360) 352-8597Drive through distribution sitePhoto courtesy of Olympia Kiwanis Food Bank GardenWSDA purchased 13.1 million pounds of fresh food, all from local sources during Covid-19. This helped to stabilize both demand and supply sides by purchasing $17.9 million of prepared foods and recently harvested produce, butchered meat, and caught fish. (WSDA)40
7 Reasons to List Your Farm in the 2024 Fresh From The Farm GuideSupport the preservation of a vibrant local farm economy. Help customers nd you and the products/services you oer.Gain exposure - 13,000 copies are distributed to Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, and Thurston counties.Have a voice in how customers learn about you. •KEEP FARMLANDS GROWING•Farmer Feedback Helps Us Grow!“From the moment the article was published in the Fresh From The Farm Guide, new faces have sought me out at the Olympia Farmers Market. It has opened the doors to many new customers for me.” -Mak Lee, Mak Gardens"CFLT has been highly supportive of our eorts here at Hungry Hollow. They provide much needed local exposure in their annual farm guide which helps us build our customer base in a cost eective way. We're appreciative of all the work they do to promote a resilient local food system!" -Grant Jones, Hungry Hollow Farm"It is so gratifying and heart-warming to meet a customer on the farm who saw us in the guide and drove all the way to buy from us and support a small farm! This guide reaches folks that we would not be able to by any other avenues! The readers are a select group of people who truly like healthy living, healthy eating, and are patrons of small farms!" -Farmer Ayub, Dancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic Farm"You and your team are doing an outstanding job. I do believe you have the best magazine in the state. I love how it is organized. It makes it simple, quick & easy to nd what you are looking for." -Rob Horton, Bee Organic Farm & ApiaryIncrease CSA awareness and participation.Connect with other local farmers, businesses, vendors, & markets.Show support for all the farms in the South Puget Sound region.Photo courtesy of Mak LeePhoto courtesy of Bee Organic Farm & ApiaryPhoto courtesy of Dancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmPhoto courtesy of Hungry Hollow Farm41
21645310781417131216192021232422252627303128293334353840454246474849395150555354565758625963646065666770687472737776807978818483828687888593908992949596377125GRAYS HARBORGrays Harbor • Lewis • Mason • ThurstonSee farm listings & more online at: communityfarmlandtrust.orgMASONRegional Farm Map2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideSheltonBelfairUnionMatlockHumptulipsAberdeenElmaOakvilleRochesterEthelChehalisToledoOlympiaInterstate 5State Highways & BywaysFarmNSEWPhoto courtesy of Skokomish Valley FarmsPhoto courtesy of Lily Lane FarmPhoto courtesy of Coffee Creek Community & Gardens42
21645310781417131216192021232422252627303128293334353840454246474849395150555354565758625963646065666770687472737776807978818483828687888593908992949596377125THURSTONRegional Farm MapLEWISHow to Use this Guide• On the following pages, farms are listed and color coded by county, alphabetically by name, numbered, and marked on the map with that farm listing number.• A Products & Services Guide is on page 12-19. Farms are listed by category for the products/services they oer and also color coded by county. • Look for Product & Service Icons that show what each farm oers • Use the Quick Reference Product Guide at the beginning of each county's farm listings. Farms are listed by number next to the icon of what they oer.• Look for Commerce Categories in bold at the end of each farm listing. These are the payment options accepted by farmers and how they sell their products/services.Product & Service Icons— LEGEND —AlpacaAnimal Visits/Family FunBeans/GrainBees/HoneyBerriesBulbs/Seeds/TubersCattle (livestock)Cattle (local meat) Cheese/ DairyChristmas TreesCiderCompost & SoilCorn MazeEducation/WorkshopsEggsEmu (livestock)Emu (local meat)EventsFlowersFruit/Fruit TreesGarlicGoat (livestock)Goat (local meat)Hay/StrawHerbsHolly/WreathsHorsesLamb/Sheep (livestock)Lamb/Sheep (local meat)LavenderMicrogreensMushroomsNative PlantsNuts/Nut TreesPlant StartsPigs (livestock) Pigs/Pork (local meat)Poultry (livestock)Poultry (local meat) PumpkinsRabbit (livestock)RecreationShellfishSkins/TextilesSweet CornToursValue Added ProductsVegetablesVenue RentalWormsMossyrockYelmScan this QR code to go to our online Google map!Grays HarborGrays Harbor •• LewisLewis •• MasonMason •• ThurstonThurstonPhoto courtesy of Cedar Flats Flower Farm43
Grays Harbor County Farm SpotlightActive, healthy animals taste the best! That is why John Hagara, Kim Smith, and Amy Healy of Chehalis Valley Farms (CVF) are passionate about raising heritage pigs outdoors in the lush Chehalis River Valley outside of Elma, WA. CVF started by raising and selling chickens in 2012. Faced with a labor shortage to process their chickens, they paused the chicken operation and focused on raising pigs. By using rotational grazing in the forest, the pigs helped stabilize the land and clear the brush through their rooting practices. “As we got farther into it, we realized they were good for the land, helping to regenerate it. You can’t regenerate anything without causing a disturbance rst,” John explained. Regenerative practices balance the various aspects of utilizing the land, pig rotations, labor, how wet the land is, and more. In the winter when the land is wet and muddy, they keep the pigs dry, fed, and bedded because it is better for the land and the health of the pigs. “We try to t our groups of pigs to our landscape. So if we have bigger groups of feeder pigs in the forest, they can root up and t the ecosystem well. They tend to prefer the forest more than pasture,” Kim added. Having had pasture-raised chickens for eight years, the pastures are in really good shape, she explained. They now grow grass on them to feed a few cattle. “At the end of the day, it all comes back to growing grass,” John states. In the next couple of years, when the pigs have cleared the brush from the forest, a reseeding program to plant grass under the trees will allow pigs and cattle to graze on those areas. Chehalis Valley Farms Through the expansion of their farrow-to-nish program and their rst sow herd, fully raised Chehalis Valley pork will hit the market this January. The mission of CVF is to build a local food economy with their unique products being accessible to more people. Their focus is a direct farm-to-retail model. A full product line that includes beef from the cattle they raise is their vision. They take pride in their pork being full of avor and enriched with non-GMO, local grains that are soy and corn free. John states, “Our customers are our certication. If they’re happy, then we’re happy.” CVF has an on-site farm store. Partnerships with local farms are valued to expand the store’s product base for its consumers. “We are working with other local farms to get more products that have the same standards and values that we have,” says Kim. “The products compliment each other. Sometimes, it takes that initial purchase of chicken and then they decide to buy a pork chop. That is good for our customers and hopefully, it will help other local farmers as well,” John adds.Their pork plus local grass-fed beef and pasture-raised chicken are sold at their new farm store as well as other local products like OlyKraut, jam from Johnson Berry Farm, local honey, and other dry goods and spices that people like using to cook their meat. CVF products are also sold at local farmers markets. They plan to oer shipping within Washington State this year.2023 Fresh From The Farm Guidecommunityfarmlandtrust.orgPhotos courtesy of Chehalis Valley FarmsSee farm listing #4.Grays Harbor County Farm Spotlightchehalisvalleyfarm.com69 Taylor ferry rd, Elma, WA 98541 360-482-2517On-farm store open weeklypork • beef • chickenForest and Pasture RaisedQuality meats from local farms44
Grays Harbor County Farms2 Bee Organic Farm & Apiary Rob & Rocki Horton40 Lennon Rd, Elma 98541(360) 470-4541beeorganicfarm@outlook.combeeorganicfarm.com BeeOrganicFarmAndApiary beeorganicfarmnapiaryWSDA Certified Organic, ROP Certified (Real Organic Project)“Come Grow With Us”. We strive to grow & provide the freshest, most nutritious, & best tasting fruits, vegetables, & honey. Coming Soon: beautiful cut owers, plants, & trees. CSA, Farmers Markets, Local Events. Come see us at the Aberdeen Sunday Farmers Market, Montesano Saturday Morning Farmers Market, & on Fridays in Elma at 3rd & Main. Call for more information. Please visit our FB page for hours, directions, & updates. Visit our website for a list of our farmers markets locations & dates.Accept EBT/WIC, CSA Shares, Farmers Markets Aberdeen Sunday Market, Elma Friday Market, Montesano Saturday Morning Market, Farm Stand, Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, Online Sales, Retail Stores The Market Place Store, Special Orders, Wholesale 3 2 2 2, 6, 81 Argos FarmsRenee Taylor & Dan Berger65 years+ owned213 Katon Rd Montesano 98563(360) 209-4022argosfarms@gmail.com argosfarmspnw argosfarmsHormone-Free, Free Range/Pasture RaisedOur focus is on heritage animals & foods while supporting native plants, the land, waterways, & wildlife. We breed endurance horses, angora goats, as well as pasture-raised, non-GMO, no-corn, no-soy-fed turkeys & eggs from chickens, all in a natural environment.Visits by appointment only.Charitable Donations WHOLE Harbor, Farmers Markets Aberdeen Sunday Market, Retail Stores Organics 101PRODUCT & SERVICE QUICK REFERENCEGrays Harbor County Farm Listings2023 FRESH FROM THE FARM GUIDECOMMUNITY FARM LAND TRUST• Find the icon for the products/services you want. • Then nd your farm by number. • Icon legend is on page 43.Grays Harbor Farms 6 5 6 1, 2 2, 6, 8 2 2 1, 7 5 2, 8 8 1 3, 7 4, 5 7 4, 7 1, 4 6 4, 7 2, 63 Bush Creek Farm Rita & Tony CarrollVeteran-owned198 Bush Creek Rd, Elma 98541(253) 448-7290my_farm.email@yahoo.combarbadosblackbellysheep.netHormone-FreeBush Creek Farm is involved in a rare breed conservation project for Barbados Blackbelly Sheep. They’re known as a gourmet lamb, with tender, mildly avored meat. We raise all-natural, pastured lamb with no vaccines or hormones. We also do not use herbicides or pesticides on the farm. Registered starter ocks are available by arrangement. BB sheep lamb year-round & they’re very low maintenance–no horns to remove, no tail docking, & no wool to shear! Our sheep are biosecurity tested for CL, Johne’s, & OPP. So, you may be sure you’re purchasing healthy breeding stock. Call or email to schedule a visit to see the ock! Bush Creek Farm is a dual military veteran-owned & operated farm.Special OrdersFARM #'s253.448.7290BUSH CREEK SHEEP 1, 4 2, 8 1 2 2 4 2, 6, 8Read more about this farm on page 34!45
Grays Harbor Farms (continued)4 Chehalis Valley Farms John Hagara69 Taylor Ferry Rd Elma 98541(360) 482-2517info@chehalisvalleyfarm.comchehalisvalleyfarm.com chehalisvalleyfarm chehalisvalleyfarmFree Range/Pasture RaisedChehalis Valley Farms oers pasture-raised & grass-fed meats online with convenient pick-up locations & through our farm store. The farm is located in the lush Chehalis River Valley outside of Elma, WA. We oer pasture & forest-raised pork that we raise on our farm along with pasture-raised chicken & grass-fed, nished beef sourced from local farms. Quality meats from healthy animals raised outdoors. Visit our farm store, open weekly, for pasture-raised & grass-fed meats along with a selection of regionally produced goods including jam, honey, bbq sauce, kraut, spices, & more. We also sell year-round at the Olympia & Tacoma Proctor Farmers Markets.Our farm store is open weekly. Visit our website, FB page, or check Google for current hours.Farmers Markets Aberdeen Sunday Market, Elma Friday Market, Olympia Farmers Market, Tacoma Proctor Farmers Market, Farm Stand, Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, South Sound Fresh, Online Sales, Wholesale5 Five Star FarmDavid & Gloria EdwardsVeteran-owned, Woman-owned, 65 years+ owned1555 South Bank Rd, Oakville 98568(360) 273-7313vestarfarmbeef@gmail.comvestarfarmbeef.comGrass-Fed, Hormone-Free, Oregon Tilth certified organic # OT-039896We raise certied organic grass-fed & nished beef; a healthy choice for you & your family. Our animals are born & raised on our family farm in the Chehalis River Valley & eat homegrown grass, hay, & silage. No grain, antibiotics, hormones, or non-organic pesticides are used on our farm. Our animals are sold by the whole, half, or quarter; which is sold by the “hanging” weight.Please check our website for availability & current prices. Just send us an email & we will contact you ASAP.Online Sales, Special Orders6 Lily Lane FarmMonte & Loni Hooper65 years+ owned6 John Wayne Lane, Aberdeen 98520(360) 581-6184lilylane@comcast.net lilylanefarm lilylanefarmLoni & Monte have been in business for over 25 years, specializing in daylilies. We have over 300 varieties of daylilies as well as cut owers, bouquets, vegetables, garden plants, & vintage/antique items. We are located on Hwy 105 between Aberdeen & Westport. We are open from May–September, 11am - 5pm. Please visit our FB page for current information.Farm Stand, Retail Stores7 Newman Creek FarmNeil & Cindy WeinbergBIPOC-owned32 Hunter Ranch Rd, Elma 98541(360) 861-8729neil@newmancreekfarm.comnewmancreekfarm.com Neil WeinbergGrass-Fed, Hormone-FreeGrass-fed lamb. Registered breeder of Dorper sheep, prized by cooks for its mild taste. Naturally-raised pork. Breeder of American Guinea Hogs & Alpine dairy goats.Check out our website for more information.Special Orders8 Sky Island FarmBil Thorn & Kate HarwellBIPOC-owned, Woman-owned291 Walker Rd, Hoquiam 98550(360) 593-4775skyislandfarm291@gmail.comskyislandfarmcsa.com SkyIslandFarmproduce skyislandfarmWe are a vegetable farm in Grays Harbor County that grows using only organic practices. We grow a wide variety of vegetables & some cut owers. We run a CSA that includes home delivery as well as wholesale to stores, restaurants, institutions, & aid organizations. Our mission is to get locally grown produce to people who otherwise cannot aord it through our CSA program & our work with food banks & aid organizations. We believe everyone deserves access to locally grown food no matter what!Charitable Donations, CSA Shares, Restaurants, Retail Stores, WholesalePhoto courtesy of Five Star FarmPhoto courtesy of Chehalis Valley Farms Photo courtesy of Lily Lane FarmRead more about this farm on page 44!46
At Puget Sound Energy, we’re committed to reducing our emissions to net zero by 2030 and aspire to go beyond net zero carbon energy by 2045. To do this, we’re growing renewable energy in Washington state. Here’s how:Our three Washington wind farms produce up to 772 MW of clean electricity every year.We’re helping customers harvest sunshine through their own solar arrays, installing new Community Solar sites and awarding non-prots with Green Power Solar Grants.You can reduce your carbon footprint by joining our renewable energy programs. Over 100,000 PSE customers are already doing it!Learn more at pse.com/TOGETHERWe’re proud to support the Community Farm Land Trust.47
Green Gardens Farm and Consultation started in my prayers. I always wanted to be a homesteader or be a farmer, but I didn’t have the correct terminology or connections to communicate my dreams. Now when I look back, I see that I have been growing food in some way or another for most of my life. Two stories up in my rst apartment, I was growing food. Even when I had no idea where I was going, I knew I was being called to care for and help those around me, especially animals. At some point along the way, I realized that if I could grow food successfully without intention and in some very challenging situations and spaces, I could teach others how to grow their own food as well. That’s where the consultation idea for my business began. Today, I help people grow their own food whatever their situation, whether it is a small apartment or many acres, or it is to help with an existing backyard garden or becoming a market farmer. Our farm is no-till, no-spray, and intensively planted. We use local composts and encourage natural predators to combat pests. We try our hardest to maintain the soil food web. My husband and I focus on growing heirloom vegetables including over 80 varieties of heirloom tomatoes. Our main reason is to help steward the preservation of the heritage and history of the food that we all eat and grow. Heirlooms enhance our food systems that are often devoid of the multifaceted diversity that is so healthy. We believe we are stewards of our land, and we take it seriously. Change and growth are imperative. As farmers, we have to be exible with regards to how we work our land, even if it means changing all or some of the practices we hold dear. We are constantly learning and trying to improve on how to better serve our land and community. One need we see is for local farmers to sell year-round every day while being accessible to everyone, not just those who can shop at the farmers markets. We are in the process of opening a farmer “grocery store”. This storefront will oer local produce on shelves and in refrigerators in a way that consumers are accustomed to. It will be open year round and feature farmers in Lewis County and the surrounding area. We can’t wait for everyone to come out to support this dream when we nally set roots down in the perfect location. Meanwhile, look for me at one of our amazing farmers markets. I sell all types of edible-plant starts and tasty veggies – those that you know and love, and some you may have never seen or heard of before. In addition, Green Gardens Farm and Consultation sells homemade cedar Garden Hods (baskets) and planters. If you want to grow your own food and don't know where to start, give me a call. I am always around to help. See farm listing #15.Lewis County Farm SpotlightLewis County Farm Spotlight2023 Fresh From The Farm Guidecommunityfarmlandtrust.orgBy Alliyah PerryGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationPhotos courtesy of Green Gardens Farm & Consultation48
Lewis County Farms9 3 Feathers Emu Ranch Janean Parker & Tony CitrhynWoman-ownedChehalis 98532(360) 748-3031info@threefeathersemus.comthreefeathersemus.com 3feathersemus 3feathersemusCertified Business Member of the American Emu Association & we sell only AEA certified fully refined emu oil.We raise emus to provide quality emu oil products & heart-healthy emu meat. We use only AEA certied fully rened emu oil in all our handmade lotions, soaps, salves, & skincare products. Emu oil has an extraordinary eect on skin irritation & soreness. Its unique combination of essential fatty acids provides therapeutic properties for burns, cuts, rashes, & dryness. Emu oil is hypoallergenic & leaves skin silky, smooth, & moisturized. Emu oil will also penetrate deeply to soothe sore joints & muscles. Emu meat is a tasty high-protein red meat akin to beef but lower in fat.All products can be ordered from our website or call for an appointment to visit the farm.Farmers Markets Community Farmers Market of Chehalis, Tumwater Farmers Market, Farm Stand, Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, Online Sales, Retail Stores Ewe & I, Special Orders, Wholesale10 Boistfort Valley Farm Heidi & Mike Peroni426 Boistfort Rd, Curtis 98538(360) 245-3796info@bvforganic.combvforganic.com boistfortvalleyfarm boistfortvalleyfarmWSDA Certified OrganicAt Boistfort Valley Farm, we oer certied organic strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, & blackberries in season, plus select organic produce in season. Find us at the Community Farmers Market in Chehalis, Vancouver Farmers Market, & the Olympia Food Co-ops! See our website for on farm berry pick-ups!Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations, Farmers Markets Community Farmers Market of Chehalis, Vancouver Farmers Market, Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, Online Sales, Retail Stores Olympia Food Co-op, Special Orders, WholesalePRODUCT & SERVICE QUICK REFERENCE 9, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24 15 21, 22, 24 10, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23 12, 15 20, 25 24 23 12, 13, 14, 23, 24 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24 9 12, 14, 15, 23, 24 14, 15, 18, 21, 23, 24 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24 13, 17, 23 20, 24, 25 13, 15, 18, 21, 23, 24 13, 18 17 13, 17, 20 14, 19, 23, 24 11, 20, 25 9 13, 17 11, 13, 17 11, 13, 23 13, 17, 23, 24 13 16, 21 23 12, 13, 15 12, 15 13, 23 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24Lewis County Farm Listings2023 FRESH FROM THE FARM GUIDECOMMUNITY FARM LAND TRUST• Find the icon for the products/services you want. • Then nd your farm by number. • Icon legend is on page 43.Lewis County Farms 13, 17, 23, 24 13, 21, 23, 24 13 13, 14, 24 9, 11, 13, 17, 24 21 9, 12, 14, 15, 23, 24 9, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24 14FARM #'s561 West MainChehalis, WA 98532360-748-3369 • 800-562-0949OPENM-F 8AM to 6PMSAT 8AM to 5PMSUN 9AM to 5PMwww.chehalisfarmstore.com“Dedicated to Excellence”communityfarmlandtrust.orgPhoto courtesy of 3 Feathers Emu RanchPhoto courtesy ofBoistfort Valley Farm49
11 Bone Dry Ridge FarmSelma BjarnadottirWoman-owned209 Hyppa Rd E, Rochester 98579(360) 273-1045selma@bonedryridgefarm.combonedryridgefarm.comWe raise Icelandic Lamb, Wagyu Beef, & Heritage Pigs. We sell meat directly to the consumer by the whole, half, or quarter. If you would like to order or be included in our email list, send us an email. We also have eeces for sale. We have been selling directly to consumers for over 20 years.Visit our website for more info.Special Orders, Wholesale12 Burnt Ridge Nursery & Orchards Carolyn DolanVeteran-owned, Woman-owned, 65 years+ owned432 Burnt Ridge Rd, Onalaska 98570(360) 985-2873mail@burntridgenursery.comburntridgenursery.com BurntRidgeNurseryandOrchardsIncWSDA Certified Organic, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certifiedWe are a family owned farm, in business since 1980. We specialize in disease-resistant bushes, trees, & vines that provide edible fruits or nuts. We also have a large selection of NW native plants. Our certied organic farm also produces unusual varieties of apples, Asian pears, kiwi berries, mulberries, blueberries, elderberries, gs, grapes, pawpaws, plums, chestnuts, hazelnuts, heartnuts, & hickory nuts. Our processed products include jams, sauces, fruit wines, & hard cider. We oer farm tours & classes in the summer. Come & join us to see diverse, mature fruit & nuts trees in full production.Summer season open for drop-ins; winter & spring by appointment.Accept EBT/WIC, Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Farm Stand, Online Sales, Restaurants Chicory, Mackinaws, Once Upon a Thyme, Retail Stores Olympia Food Co-op, Jeremy’s Fruit Stand, Special Orders, Wholesale13 Coffee Creek Community & Gardens Mokey SkinnerWoman-owned716 W Carson St, Centralia 98531(360) 623-2103coeecreekcommunity@gmail.comCoeeCreekCommunityGardens.com coffeecreekcommunity coffeecreekcommunityandgardensHormone-Free, Free Range/Pasture RaisedSmall, femme-owned & operated farm oering seasonal plants & produce, meat & egg shares, farm stand, CSA, & so much more. Look us up on Facebook & Instagram. Call or text for seasonal hours or an appointment today!Accept EBT/WIC, CSA Shares, Farm Stand, Special Orders, WholesaleLewis County Farms (continued)Local for over 20 years Without you, we would not be hereThank you 14 Cowlitz Falls Lavender CompanyClaibourn FamilyWoman-owned136 Falls Rd, Randle 98377(360) 334-7008cowlitzfallslavender@outlook.comcowlitzfallslavender.com cowlitzfallslavender cowlitzfallslavenderNaturally-grownOur lavender farm was established in East Lewis County in 2014. Carved from vacant land our brand, process, & quality have grown helping us develop our vision of the farm. We oer raw, processed, & value-added lavender products to retail, wholesale, & national customers. The farm stand is open during the growing season & a festival marks its peak every second weekend of July. We also oer unique camping experiences, photography, & venue rentals on our farm. Thank you for being a part of our journey! Open seasonally from Memorial Day to Labor Day, Fri–Sun.Charitable Donations White Pass Scholarship Committee, Farmers Markets Packwood Farmers Market, Farm Stand, Online Sales, Retail Stores Four Cedars Apiary, Packwood Spirits, Special Orders, U-Pick, Wholesale15 Green Gardens Farm & ConsultationAlliyah & Andrew PerryLGBTQ+ owned, BIPOC owned, Woman-ownedCentralia 98531Photo courtesy of Burnt Ridge Nursery & Orchardscommunityfarmlandtrust.orgRead more about this farm on page 48!50
(253) 389-4299greengardenshomestead@gmail.com GreenGardensConsultation GreenGardensHomesteadFree Range/Pasture Raised, Haki Farmers CollectiveWe are a small farm in the heart of Centralia. We grow & sell all kinds of heirloom produce most you will recognize but a few of the tastiest you will not. We are known for our very avorful heirloom tomatoes & for always having something dierent on the table at the market. For those who want to eat what they grew on their own, we sell edible plant starts & oer consultations. We will come to your home & help you grow your own food. Whether you need some help in your established garden space, you want to start homesteading, you are in an apartment or you want to start a market farm, we can make your garden dreams come true.Call for appointments. Visit our Instagram & Facebook for more information.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations, Farmers Markets Centralia Farmers Market, Community Farmers Market of Chehalis, Toledo Thursday Market, Tumwater Farmers Market, Online Sales, Restaurants, Retail Stores, Special Orders, Wholesale16 Lady MacDonald’s Gourmet FoodsHeidi MacDonaldVeteran-owned, Woman-owned366 Halliday Rd, Centralia 98531(503) 791-1915ladymacdonaldsgourmetfoods@gmail.comladymacdonaldsgourmetfoods.com/ Lady MacDonald’s Gourmet Foods lady.macdonalds.microgreensI grow delicious & nutritious microgreens. Ultra-fresh, custom-grown, & delivered quickly after hand-harvesting. Available year-round. Microgreens are young vegetable shoots that are harvested just before true leaves appear. These little nutritional powerhouses are versatile & can be easily incorporated into every meal. They are small but mighty superfoods–high in vitamins & phytochemicals such as Vitamin C, E, K, lutein, beta carotene, & more. I am proud to provide this wholesome, nutritious food to my community. The food I grow & sell is the same food my family & I eat on a daily basis. I am honored to have a part in keeping you happy & healthy.Visit our website or check out our FB page for more information.CSA Shares, Farmers Markets Centralia Farmers Market, Toledo Thursday Market, Tumwater Farmers Market, Yelm Farmers Market, Online Sales, Restaurants Masonry Cafe, Uptown Lounge, Once Upon a Thyme, Stellar Juices, Retail Stores Good Health Nutrition, Fullers, Special Orders, Wholesale17 LBH RanchSusan SorgWoman-owned676 Haywire Rd, Chehalis 98532(360) 791-7160ssorg6@gmail.comGrass-Fed, Hormone-Free, Free Range/Pasture RaisedFarm fresh eggs, chickens, & hens are available! Sheep & wool for spinners & crafters! Market & locker lambs depending on demand & season. A couple of goats are expected. Planning on Maremma livestock guardian litters this year! Miniature horses for sale. Call for an appointment to visit the farm.Special Orders18 Lonely Mountain GrowersMossyrock 98564lonelymountainowers@gmail.com lonelymtngrowersWe are a two-dog, two-person farm business located in Mossyrock. We manage a little over an acre of fruit, vegetable, & ower production using no-till methods & incorporating organic practices. You can nd our produce & owers at the Morton & Centralia farmers markets. We also work with restaurants, focusing mainly on salad greens & herbs. If you'd like to collaborate, shoot us an email! Instagram is a great way to get ahold of us.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations, Farmers Markets Centralia Farmers Market, Morton Farmers Market, Restaurants Rivers Cafe & BistroLewis County Farms (continued)19 Mak’s Garden Mak Lee501 Boone Rd, Ethel(425) 299-2661Located on a family-owned 60-acre property, Mak’s Garden uses organic growing techniques to cultivate Asian produce on a 2-acre plot. You can nd various forms of Asian cabbage/greens: Bok Choy, Gai Choy, Pea vine, & Gai Lin. In Spring & Summer, look out for a more diverse variety of Asian greens. Greenhouse-grown Bok Choy & Short Choy Sum are available in the Fall/Winter months. Please contact to make an appointment to visit.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations Food Banks, Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Special Orders20 North Prairie RanchTrevor & Brittany KaechWoman-owned183 Doty Dryad Rd, Chehalis 98532(360) 880-6130northprairieranch@gmail.comfacebook.com/Northprairieranch Northprairieranch northprairieranchGrass Fed, Hormone-Free, Free Range/Pasture Raised, Organic practices, but not certified.Our family raises 100% grass-fed & grass-nished beef on our small ranch located in west Lewis County. We take great pride in providing an excellent life for our cattle from the moment they are born, right up until harvest day. Our herd rotationally grazes our pastures from spring through fall, & then they eat grass hay that we grow & harvest ourselves right here on the ranch. We also are mindful stewards of the land. We use organic practices to improve our soils & co-exist with the wild animals & their habitats throughout our ranch. We never use chemical fertilizers, herbicides, hormones, or antibiotics. We sell our beef by the half or whole share.Follow our social media pages for more info. Farm visit by appointment only.Special Orders, Wholesale2023 Fresh From The Farm GuidePhoto courtesy of Lonely Mountain Growers51
MORTONCity ofFarmersMarketSee our Farmers Market listings for market details.See You At The Market!See You At The Market!EBT/SNAP/Senior FNMP/WIC participating marketsFind us each on FacebookGetting to know your local farmers market is a fun way to support our mission of helping to create a thriving community of farmers markets. You can shop, get to know vendors, find your favorite products, and maybe even volunteer at the Information Booth.These four Lewis County Farmer’s Markets have chosen to abide by the rules of the Washington State Farmers Market Association (WSFMA). https://wafarmersmarkets.org/ This is your guarantee that all vendors are fully licensed and insured. All farmers market vendors are responsible for complying with local, state, and federal requirements governing the sale and production of their products.Food safety is a critical component. The primary goal of food safety is to minimize the risk of people getting sick from what they eat. When you visit your farmers markets, notice the cleanliness and care the vendors take with your product.FOOD ACCESS PROGRAMS WE PARTICIPATE IN: WIC, Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and special fruit & vegetable incentives (“SNAP Market Match”). These programs help everyone have access to fresh, healthy, local food and foster healthy communities and individuals by enabling low-income shoppers to purchase more fresh produce from local farmers.Washington StateFarmers Market AssociationPROUDMEMBERScommunityfarmlandtrust.org2023 Fresh From The Farm Guide52
10am to 4pm. Please call ahead for orders of 100 lbs or more.Farm Stand, Wholesale23 Raven’s Wind Farm Robert Zozaya & Rainy KarnesWoman-owned116 Drews Prairie Rd, Toledo 98591(360) 904-9004mail@ravenswindfarm.orgravenswindfarm.org farmravenswindHormone-Free, Free Range/Pasture Raised, Local LineRaven’s Wind Farm is family-owned & operated. Our passions are crafting natural herbal body care products & growing high-quality culinary mushrooms year-round. We are cultivators of the land, creating a place we call home. We breed ADGA reg. Nigerian Dwarf goats & Idaho Pasture pigs. Our two Great Pyrenees dogs look after & protect our herd. We have ocks of a variety of quail, chickens, & ducks with chicks available seasonally. We also raise vegetable crops & culinary/medicinal plants. Our apiary of bees pollinates our crops. Visit our website for more info. Call or email for appointment to visit.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations Toledo Food Bank, Community Gardens, Farmers Markets Aberdeen Sunday Market, Centralia Farmers Market, Community Farmers Market of Chehalis, Toledo Thursday Market, Online Sales, Restaurants Riverside Golf Club & Bistro, Boccata, Mackinaws, Jeremy’s & more to come. Retail Stores Toledo Market Fresh, Elma Farmers Market, The Market Place, Healing you with Crystals, StrangeLands Oddities, Omens, & Charms, & more to come. Wholesale24 Seedpod FarmAdam & Julie GullettWoman-owned2330 Howard Ave, Centralia 98531(360) 807-469321 Olde Achers Farm, LLC Brett & Marie ShankleVeteran-owned, Woman-owned142 Harms Rd, Ethel 98542(360) 985-0662Oldeachersfarm@tds.netOldeAchersFarm.com OldeAchers Olde_Achers_FarmFree Range/Pasture Raised, Farmer Veteran Coalition “Homegrown By Heroes”“LETTUCE Grow It For You!” Olde Achers Farm, LLC is Veteran-owned & is “HomeGrown By Heroes” certied through Farmer Veteran Coalition. As of 2021, we are now an LLC! We’re just a couple of Air Force retirees who love playing in the dirt & growing stu! We have vegetable starts, vegetables from A-Z, herbs, eggs, & berries. Need something special or quantities for canning? We do custom growing! We gure Mother Nature has been growing synthetic & chemical-free for quite a while, so we follow her lead. Always 10% Military & First Responder Discount. Find us at Centralia, Morton, & Toledo farmers markets, & order our products on Southwest Washington Food Hub.No on farm sales. Please call or visit our FB page for more info.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations, Farmers Markets Centralia Farmers Market, Morton Farmers Market, Toledo Thursday Market, Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, Online Sales, Special Orders, Wholesale22 Pan American Berry Growers212 Klickitat Creek Rd, Mossyrock 98564(360) 983-3525 PBGMossyrock pbgblueberriesPan American Berry Growers in Mossyrock has fresh, handpicked blueberries available July–August. Be sure to get your supply before time runs out! Also Available: local raw honey, chocolate covered blueberries, & other berry products such as pies, jam, salsa, & mustard. So come out & enjoy the health benets of blueberries! We are located on the north side of Highway 12, a mile west of Mossyrock. We are open 7 days a week from July 4th-Labor Day. Hours are Monday-Saturday, 9am to 6pm & Sunday, Lewis County Farms (continued)Lewis County Farms (continued)info@seedpodfarm.comseedpodfarm.com SeedpodFarm seedpod_farmHormone-Free, Free Range/Pasture Raised, Charitable donations to low-income seniors.Our family raises naturally grown fruits, vegetables, owers, & poultry for meat & eggs. We love what we do & to share our journey with others! Check out our Servant Share CSA, educational opportunities, on-farm Spring & Harvest Festivals & Craft Fair, cider pressing event, public school & homeschool tours, & more! We are also home to The Keystone Labyrinth & Discovery Therapeutic Services, the perfect place to relax, restore, & renew for individuals, families, & groups. We’d love to connect with you! Check our website for unique classes & events.Charitable Donations We have adopted a low-income senior housing complex that we keep in Veg through the summer & fall CSA seasons with weekly donations from our Servant Share CSA. CSA Shares, Farm Stand, Restaurants Dawn’s Delectables, Special Orders, U-Pick25 Two Box Ranch Colin & Millie Chopic32002 48th Ave S, Roy 98580(360) 751-3353anguscow89@gmail.comtwoboxranch.com TwoBoxRanchGrass-FedTwo Box Ranch is a fourth-generation farm & ranch located in both Roy & Toledo, WA. The Chopic Family has been raising registered Angus cattle since 1948. We oer custom Angus Beef by the whole, half, or quarter. Both grain-nished & grass-nished beef is available nearly year-round. Two Box Ranch harvests our own hay & silage for the cattle. Hay & silage round bales are also available for sale at the Roy farm location. If you are interested in raising your own cattle, stop by & chat with us, we usually have a limited number of Angus bulls, cows, heifers, & feeder steers that would make a great addition to your farm! Visit our FB page for information. Order beef at our online store!Online Sales, Special Orders2023 Fresh From The Farm Guide53
When talking with Andrew Hunter of Lynch Creek Dahlia Farm, one has to wonder who is cultivating whom? After growing dahlias for almost 25 years, Andrew radiates the same joy and excitement that comes from receiving one of his bouquets.Andrew has always loved growing zucchini, squash, and dahlias. His parents started a small hobby vegetable farm in 1980. In time they transitioned into growing more flowers. His mother expanded her love of flowers by opening a flower shop in Shelton in 1992. The farm grew many varieties that could be used for fresh and dried flower sales.After college, Andrew worked a few odd jobs including working in the restaurant industry before he decided that farm life made him the happiest. In 1998, he began managing operations on the family farm. Focusing on the flowers, he grew more dahlias, zinnias, and sunflowers for bouquets to sell at the Olympia Farmers Market four days a week. Wreaths became a focus around the same time. Andrew’s goal was to make the two enterprises profitable. By the early 2000’s, he began shipping dahlia tubers nationwide in spring and summer with the wreath business dominating the fall and winter.Wreaths are now the bulk of what they do. Andrew marvels, “We went from selling a couple hundred wreaths a year to now having hundreds of employees that rely on Lynch Creek Farm to employ them. It’s pretty special. 25 years ago I was looking for it to just support me.” It takes a team of experts to design, make, and ship the wreaths. 40 people make up the customer service team. The wreath business occupies a total of 300,000 square feet in Shelton and Satsop locations with 600 seasonal and full time staff. “The wreath season is a crazy time for us. It’s all about the employees. I am very fortunate to have amazing people. That’s what it takes.” When asked how the internet impacts his business, he says, “We sell pictures, that’s what the internet is. The hard part is making a product that looks better in person than the pictures look. That’s why 80% of our customers come back year after year.” His long range goal is sustainable growth that puts making beautiful products and growing his customer base at the heart of it all. “It’s easy to make one perfect wreath. It’s really hard to make 20,000 wreaths perfect everyday.” While dahlias were his first love, the time spent selling them at the farmers market was not sustainable for growing the business. In 2017, Andrew shifted his business model to a U-pick dahlia farm by moving from the family farm to a more visible spot off Lynch Road. It took 26 hours a day of work to sell at the farmers market four days a week. It now takes an hour and a half in the morning to prepare pre-made bouquets that can be purchased at their farm stand. The hours of labor to plant and maintain 14,000 bulbs for the growing season are covered by their flash tuber sale in late spring (follow their Facebook page for the announcement). With a U-pick farm, farm stand, and tuber sales, the dahlias are now a self-sustaining business. The setting at Lynch Creek Dahlia Farm is stunning. Grab your camera and bring the family for some one-of-a-kind shots with their antique tractors. Look for Andrew’s father’s old truck, the “Blue Goose,” for more fun photo opportunities. The truck was sold 30 years ago and came back to the family years later. The “Blue Goose” is featured on our cover this year in an artist rendering by Cheryl Wilson.Lynch Creek Dahlia FarmMason County Farm SpotlightMason County Farm Spotlight2023 Fresh From The Farm Guidecommunityfarmlandtrust.orgPhotos courtesy of Lynch Creek Dahlia FarmSee farm listing #31.Lynch Creek FarmU-PICK DAHLIA FIELD We will be open from early August to October while dahlias are inbloom. The field is open from dawn until dusk every day. Dahliasare our passion during the summer, and we hope it providesenjoyment for our friends in the community. Learn more about uson our website! w w w . l y n c h c r e e k d a h l i a s . c o m1880 SE Lynch Rd, Shelton, WA 98584EST.2018Opening this Summer54
26 Crooked Creek FarmJoe Salmeri & Myrn Stewart2320 W Deckerville RdMatlock 98560(360) 951-4924crkcrkfrm@live.comHormone-FreeWe sell Angus beef by hanging weight: half, quarter, or whole. Our beef is naturally raised on pasture hay, dry hay, & nished on grain. Orders taken in advance.Please call for appointment & directions.Special OrdersMason County FarmsMason County Farms27 Farm at Water’s Edge Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group600 NE Roessel RdBelfair 98528(360) 275-3575heather@pnwsalmoncenter.orgpnwsalmoncenter.org the.salmoncenter farm.at.waters.edgeFree Range/Pasture Raised, Salmon Safe, WSDA Certified Organic, ROP Certified (Real Organic Project)Farm at Water’s Edge is a demonstration farm at the Salmon Center, home to U-Pick gardens, a Pumpkin Patch community garden, 27 27, 30, 34 30 27, 29, 35 31 34 27, 28, 29, 30 27, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35 27 27, 29, 31, 35 29 27, 29, 35 27 27, 29, 32, 35 34 29 26, 30PRODUCT & SERVICE QUICK REFERENCE2023 FRESH FROM THE FARM GUIDECOMMUNITY FARM LAND TRUST• Find the icon for the products/services you want. • Then nd your farm by number. • Icon legend is on page 43. 34 30 30, 33, 34, 35 27, 29 27, 29, 32, 35 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35 27, 30, 32, 35 27, 34 27 28 27, 34 30, 35 27, 30 28, 29, 30, 32, 34Mason County Farm ListingsFARM #'s& livestock. Certied organic & oering produce by donation, our goal is to provide accessible food without negatively impacting salmon habitats. Farm at Water’s Edge incorporates educational components for youth, schools, & families so that those living in our community & eating the food we grow understand how & why we farm with a focus on environmental sustainability. The Salmon Center grounds are open during daylight hours year-round. Please visit our website for current U-Pick hours.Charitable Donations Belfair Food Pantry, CSA Shares, Farm Stand, U-PickWe are descendants of the maritime people who lived and prospered along the shores of the southernmost inlets of the Salish Seafor untold centuries. Because of our strong cultural connection with the water, we are also known as the People of the Water.Squaxin Island TribeThe Squaxin Island Tribe is proud to be able to share the benefits of Little Creek Casino Resort with neighboring governmentand charitable organizations. Last year alone, Squaxin was able to give back over $500,000 to their community! Go to www.squaxinisland.org for more details.Photo courtesy of Farm at Water's Edge 27, 29, 30, 32, 35 2755
28 Hama Hama Oyster FarmThe Robbins FamilyWoman-owned35846 N US Hwy 101Lilliwaup 98555(360) 877-5811info@hamahamaoysters.comhamahamaoysters.com HamaHamaOysters hamahamaoystersHama Hama is a fth generation family-run shellsh farm on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. We sell oysters at our farm store & oyster saloon & direct to customers & chefs across the nation. We periodically host oyster classes & events at our farm.Visit our website for more information about visiting or ordering for home delivery! Online Sales, Restaurants Across Seattle, Portland, & nationally. Retail Stores Olympia Seafood, Metro Market, WholesaleMason County Farms (continued)29 HuckleBeary Homestead Sheilia CanadaBIPOC-owned, Veteran-owned, Woman-owned931 E Phillips Lake Loop RdShelton 98584(360) 581-5419sheiliacanada@gmail.comhucklebearyhomestead.com Huckle-Beary-HomesteadFree Range/Pasture RaisedOur permaculture homestead is a 3-acre farm on the traditional lands of the Salish Peoples, aka the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. We are surrounded by fresh & saltwater, wetlands, evergreen forests, & the Olympic Mountains. We raise geese, ducks, & chickens. We grow vegetables, herbs, & berries. We specialize in fairy gardens, herbal products, & magical art at our farm stand, website, & our Etsy Shop. We also oer permaculture, gardening & craft classes.Please email for appointment. See website for class schedule.Charitable Donations, Farm Stand, Online Sales, Special Orders30 Hungry Hollow Farm Grant Jones2490 E Pickering Rd, Shelton 98584(360) 207-1541grant@hungryhollowfarm.comHungryHollowFarm.com HungryHollowFarm hungryhollowfarmFree Range/Pasture Raised, Hormone-FreePasture-raised chickens, pork, beef, eggs, turkeys, & no-till veggies from our family’s 4th generation farm settled in 1888. Order online & we’ll deliver anywhere in Western WA! Visit our website for more info.Farm Stand, Food Collective/Hub South Sound Fresh, Online Sales, Restaurants Mt. Joy, Wholesale31 Lynch Creek DahliasAndy & Tracey Hunter1880 SE Lynch Rd, Shelton 98584(360) 280-0606andy@lynchcreekfarm.comLynchcreekdahlias.com Lynch.Creek.DahliasLynch Creek Dahlias is a U-Pick Dahlia farm located between Olympia & Shelton at 1880 SE Lynch Rd. Over 3-acres or 14,000 dahlia plants blooming from Mid-July until Mid-October. Open dawn until dusk every day during the season. We have many antique tractors to climb on along with an old truck named the “Blue Goose” for photo opportunities. Clippers & buckets provided! Great for families & fun for all.Visit our website for driving directions. 2 miles o of Hwy 101.Farm Stand, U-PickFREE AND CONFIDENTIAL SITE VISITSFARM CONSERVATION PLANSFINANCIAL ASSISTANCEANNUAL PAYMENTS FOR STREAM BUFFERSTHROUGH CREPNATIVE PLANT SALEPOULTRY PROCESSING RENTALSSupporting Local Agriculture for Over 65 Years!MASONCONSERVATIONDISTRICTVisit www.masoncd.org or call us today!360-427-9436communityfarmlandtrust.orgPhoto courtesy of Hungry Hollow FarmRead more about this farm on page 54!HuckleBeary Homestead photo courtesy of Aberdeen Sunday Market56
Local & Family Owned Since 1984Mason County Farms (continued)32 PNW Family Farm LGBTQ+ ownedShelton 98584contact@pnwfamilyfarm.compnwfamilyfarm.com pnwfamilyfarm pnwfamilyfarmFree Range/Pasture RaisedWe believe that operating our small family-owned farm is much more than simply growing fresh food & raising animals. Our goal is to enrich the community through education, community engagement, & allowing our customers the ability to know where their food comes from. In the Spring, our focus is on oering hatching eggs & hatchlings of chickens (Black Copper Marans, Olive Eggers, & Easter Eggers), ducks (White Crested, Magpie, & Cayuga), French Toulouse Geese, & Bourbon Red Turkeys. In the Summer & Fall, you’ll nd us at the Shelton Farmers Market on Saturdays oering naturally grown heirloom vegetables & colorful pasture-raised chicken & duck eggs. We do not oer farm tours or allow outside foot trac on our farm. Please contact us via email, our website, or Facebook.Accept EBT/WIC, Farmers Markets Shelton Farmers Market, Food Collective/Hub South Sound Fresh, Online Sales, Restaurants Mestizos, Special Orders33 Riverbird FarmHenry Schmidt, Maia Erickson, Josephine Perez, & William Smythe2984 SE Kamilche Pt RdShelton 98584riverbirdfarm@gmail.comriverbirdfarm.com riverbirdfarm riverbirdfarmFree Range/Pasture RaisedWe are a small rst-generation farm raising pastured poultry in Kamilche, WA. Our work is grounded in a deep respect for the animals we raise, the land we steward, & the community we serve. We currently specialize in pastured-raised chicken. Our birds forage on grass & insects, supplemented with a WA-grown feed mix that is corn-free, soy-free, & non-GMO. Our pastures benet from the activity of our ock, & our customers benet from poultry that is healthier & tastier. We process all our birds ourselves to ensure a safe product for our customers & to minimize stress for our animals.Please visit our website for more information. We look forward to meeting you!Accept EBT/WIC, CSA Shares, Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Food Collective/Hub South Sound Fresh, Restaurants34 Silverwolf Farm Greg Faw & Carrie ThompsonVeteran-owned, Woman-owned, Disabled-owned120 E Prairiewood Pl, Shelton 98584(360) 551-1738silverwolfrabbitry@gmail.comsilverwolfrabbitryfarm.com Silverwolf FarmHormone-Free, Free Range/Pasture RaisedOur farm is home to a variety of animals. Sheep (Shetland Sheep), Rabbits (Silvers & Rex), Poultry (Brahmas, Icelandic, & other egg layer breeds), Turkeys, & Muscovy DucksPlease contact us for appointment.Charitable Donations, Online Sales, Special Orders, Wholesale35 Skokomish Valley Farms Veteran-owned, Woman-owned10 N Sweetgrass Ln, Shelton 98584(360) 726-3795farmer@skokomishvalleyfarms.comSkokomishValleyFarms.com skokomishvalleyfarms skokomishvalleyfarmsFree Range/Pasture Raised, WSDA Certified Organic, ROP Certified (Real Organic Project), CREPOur 720-acre farm is owned by several families who work together to provide tasty fruits, vegetables, & eggs for the local community. We are passionate about the food we grow & are dedicated to supporting a truly local & sustainable food system. Our farm is about more than just growing good food: we also want to grow community & help people reconnect to their food & the land that produces it. Our 20-week CSA season runs from early June through mid-October. You can also nd us at the Shelton & Olympia Farmers Markets & online for home delivery on South Sound Fresh.CSA Shares, Farmers Markets Shelton Farmers Market, Olympia Farmers Market, Food Collective/Hub South Sound Fresh, Online Sales2023 Fresh From The Farm GuidePhoto courtesy of Riverbird Farm57
Thurston County Farm SpotlightBy TJ JohnsonBefore Urban Futures Farm, there was the Wendell Berry Community Garden (WBCG). In 2009, we built the garden located in Olympia’s northeast neighborhood. Its goals were to build community, grow the most food we could using sustainable methods, and minimize our carbon footprint. WBCG diered from other community gardens in that no gardener had their own space. All of the land was worked communally, decisions were made through consensus among the gardeners, and short term production goals were balanced with an eye toward building soil health and long term sustainability. No equipment powered by fossil fuels has been used since its initial construction. Garden members were required to live within one mile of the garden, reducing our carbon footprint and allowing easy access on foot or bicycle. The garden became a neighborhood gathering space. It hosted workshops, classes and celebrations, while producing thousands of pounds of chemical-free produce for its members, the food bank, and Senior Services on less than 1/3 acre.When the owners of the property decided to sell the land in 2015, we jumped at the chance to purchase the full 3.75 acre parcel and accomplish our dream of transitioning the garden into a beautiful, productive farm in the heart of the city. Today, Urban Futures Farm is a highly diversied, regenerative urban farm oering plant starts in the spring, an 18-week CSA season, special orders, and a location for community education and celebration.We maintain our commitments to soil health and minimize our carbon footprint by practicing complex crop rotations, intensive cover cropping, and annual soil testing. Since 2018, our solar panels have produced 37 megawatts of electricity. We have only used 11 megawatts for our entire operation, meaning we are not just carbon neutral but carbon negative. Reducing electricity costs also helps our small farm be more economically viable. Our customers love the fact that when they purchase a CSA from us, they are also investing in clean energy. Most of our CSA customers live in the neighborhood and many pick up their weekly share at the farm on foot or bicycle, sometimes sending their children over to pick up the box.With support from the Thurston Conservation District, we became the rst farm in Thurston County to secure a county approved Individual Stewardship Plan (ISP). The plan allows us to maximize the use of our property while ensuring protection of the important wetland habitat that borders the farm. We are committed to educating our customers about the realities of regenerative farming, farm and food policy and politics, and the impacts of climate change through weekly newsletters, our farm blog, and social media. In addition, we support the next generation of farmers and eaters by hosting interns and WWOOFers (World Wide Workers on Organic Farms). Our annual summer FarmFest is a solar-powered music festival that gives people a chance to visit the farm for a weekend of amazing regional music while strengthening community connections. This year’s event will also benet the Community Farm Land Trust.A recent annual survey found over 90% of our CSA customers are satised or very satised with the quality, quantity, and diversity of their CSA boxes. 97% of our customers would recommend us to their family and friends, and almost 90% plan to sign up again this year. The essence of Urban Futures Farm is to build soil, minimize our carbon footprint, feed our neighborhood, and nurture community.Thurston County Farm Spotlight2023 Fresh From The Farm Guidecommunityfarmlandtrust.orgUrban Urban Futures Futures FarmFarmPhotos courtesy of Urban Futures FarmSee farm listing #92.58
Thurston County Farms36 3 Visions FarmDarlene Parker KozakBIPOC-owned, Woman-owned16010 Agate St SE Yelm 98597(704) 621-3263darlenepk@outlook.com3-visionsfarm.com 3visionsfarm3 Visions Farm provides seasonal fruits & vegetables grown with organic low till methods & indoor cultivated mushrooms. 3 Visions Farm is located in unincorporated Yelm, Thurston County in Washington State. The goal of 3 Visions Farm is to oer quality sustainable local produce for direct sales, farmers markets, and nonprot food distributors. Our products reect a deep respect for the health of local consumers. Whenever possible, 3V features fruits & vegetables that sustained generations of the African American southern diaspora.Appointment only, please. Visit our website for current information.CSA Shares, Farmers Markets, Food Collective/Hub, Online SalesThurston County Farms 58 42, 43, 45, 50, 55, 57, 58, 63, 65, 67, 70, 74, 77, 78, 84, 86, 87, 88, 96 56, 61, 73 43, 50, 51, 55, 71, 78, 82, 86, 88, 94 37, 39, 43, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 59, 63, 68, 70, 71, 82, 85, 86, 88, 89, 92 40, 46, 52, 55, 69, 90 38, 47, 51, 66, 72, 74, 86, 91, 96 53, 56, 65 42, 45, 58, 74, 78, 89 43, 63, 78 37, 43, 50, 71, 77 58, 76, 78 36, 40, 43, 50, 55, 56, 57, 65, 69, 71, 75, 84, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 96 40, 43, 50, 51, 55, 61, 63, 68, 77, 80, 85, 87, 88, 92, 93 86 43, 46, 50, 55, 56, 57, 65, 67, 69, 71, 74, 76, 78, 79, 84, 87, 92, 94 40, 41, 44, 52, 55, 56, 61, 62, 68, 70, 71, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 36, 41, 44, 50, 55, 56, 63, 68, 71, 76, 78, 79, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 92 41, 43, 56, 60, 61, 62, 64, 67, 70, 73, 75, 76, 79, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90, 97 44, 50, 54, 58, 63, 77, 93 61, 74, 78 36, 37, 41, 44, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 61, 62, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 97 40, 42, 44, 45, 58, 74, 78, 79, 87 45 38, 50, 57, 77, 86, 93, 96 37, 40, 44, 52, 55, 56, 70, 77, 79, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 94 38, 47, 51, 66, 72, 74, 86, 91, 96 86 38, 44, 50, 65 38, 50, 51, 57, 61, 74, 86, 93, 96 38, 47, 51, 61, 74, 80, 86, 96 57, 61, 80, 86, 88, 93, 96 49, 64, 70, 81, 84, 85 36, 56, 86, 87 37, 46, 50, 55, 69, 71, 84, 85, 86, 88 50, 71, 84, 86 38, 47, 51, 74, 77, 86, 93, 96 37, 41, 43, 50, 55, 61, 69, 70, 73, 77, 79, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 94 50, 51, 54, 68, 77, 86, 88, 93, 96 40, 43, 50, 55, 58, 63, 68, 70, 71, 73, 76, 78, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92 50, 54, 58, 65, 71, 78, 84, 88 44, 57, 61, 68, 80, 86, 96 51, 55, 56, 58, 63, 73, 76, 78, 84, 85, 88, 92 37, 43, 50, 55, 56, 57, 65, 67, 71, 79, 84, 86, 88, 91, 92 44, 47, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 74, 75, 79, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 94 36, 41, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 70, 73, 76, 77, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 97 50, 56, 71, 74, 79, 84, 88 95PRODUCT & SERVICE QUICK REFERENCE2023 FRESH FROM THE FARM GUIDECOMMUNITY FARM LAND TRUST• Find the icon for the products/services you want. • Then nd your farm by number. • Icon legend is on page 43.Thurston County Farm ListingsFARM #'sPhoto courtesy of 3 Visions Farmcommunityfarmlandtrust.orgPhoto courtesy of 3 Visions Farm59
37 Alamere HerbsThe Kemp Family1561 McCorkle Rd SEOlympia 98501(360) 704-9181alamereherbs@yahoo.comAlamereHerbs.wordpress.comHigh-efficiency heated cold frames in our propagation facilities reduce energy use.Our nursery produces a diverse mix of plants propagated by seed or cuttings right here on the farm. When you visit, some of these favorites are bound to catch your eye: Coast Redwood, Dawn Redwood, cold-hardy Eucalyptus, Hawthorn, Mugwort, Skullcap, Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Burdock, Elecampane, Marshmallow, Chamomile, Valerian, Arnica, Hyssop, many kinds of Sage, Echinacea, Comfrey, Licorice Root, Blueberry, Currant, Thyme, Santolina. Natives: Huckleberry, Thimbleberry, Black Cap Raspberry, Salmonberry, Kinnikinnik, Mugwort, Madrone, Maples, Garry Oak, Elderberry, Wild Strawberry, & more. Greenhouse and propagation facility consultation services now available from our expert.Please call for appointment.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations Schools, cities, nonprofits, religious, community gardens, low income & those working to heal the planet & its people. Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Farm Stand, Retail Stores, Special Orders, Wholesale38 Cadillac MeatsBob Mahan12307 Vail Cut O Rd SERainier 98576(360) 239-4234heatherd@cadillacmeats.comcadillacranchbeef.com cadillacmeats CadillacmeatsGrass-Fed, Hormone-FreeOur ranch was owned by a US Army Major who settled the land in the 1850s. As kids growing up on the ranch, we showed cattle, sheep, & hogs in 4-H, FFA, & Open Class at fairs & livestock shows. We even entered livestock judging contests! Bob Mahan went through college on a livestock judging scholarship. He judged livestock at judging contests throughout the country & has used his knowledge to produce national champion bulls & heifers. We sell our beef at a fair price & are currently working on a meat processing facility on our ranch which will open in the Winter. We love our animals & use all approved animal husbandry practices. Please call for an appointment.Online SalesThurston County Farms (continued)39 Carr’s Certified Organic Blueberry FarmThomas Carr & Wren Wolf-Carr3844-1/2 Gull Harbor Rd NE, Olympia 98506(360) 352-3622olympia.blueberry@gmail.com Carr’s Organic Blueberry Farm carrsorganicblueberryfarmWSDA Certified OrganicU-pick organic blueberries late July-September. Over 4 acres of heritage blueberry varieties, taste your way through the elds! Come enjoy this unique, tranquil farm close to town, bring a picnic. We provide picking pails for your berries. Call or check our Facebook for up-to-date information, hours & directions. This is our 31st season opening up our farm to the community.Charitable Donations, U-Pick40 Cedar Flats Flower FarmValerie GerritsWoman-owned5611 Cedar Flats Rd SW, Olympia 98512(509) 990-8051cedaratsowerfarm@gmail.comcedaratsowerfarm.com cedarflatsflowerfarm cedarflatsflowerfarmCedar Flats Flower Farm strives to grow or source all materials locally. We value sustainable farming practices, & we believe everyone should enjoy gorgeous, locally-grown owers. Our U-Pick ower eld & our custom orders are meant to be shared with all members of our community. We would be honored to provide seasonal blooms that reect your love!U-Pick owers open August through September. Pumpkins start in October. Custom bouquets, bulk owers, & more!CSA Shares, Farm Stand, Online Sales, U-Pickcommunityfarmlandtrust.org360-754-13112724 Pacific Ave. SE, Olympia, WA 98501REFURBISHED LAPTOPS & DESKTOPS AVAILABLE Computer Repair & RecycleWe Support Local Farmers & Accept Farm SharesPhoto courtesy of Cadillac Meats60
41 Cedar Slope FarmMcKennae McColm & Rory LenehanOlympia 98502cedarslopefarm@gmail.comcedar-slope-farm.square.site/ cedarslopefarm cedarslopefarmWSDA Certified Organic, ROP Certified (Real Organic Project)Cedar Slope Farm is a small USDA-certied organic farm located in the South Puget Sound. We specialize in a variety of cut owers & heirloom tomatoes. We also produce cherry tomatoes, slicing tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, & many other vegetables. We sell edible owers, organic bouquets, & also oer a bouquet ower CSA subscription. The main owers we grow include: Asiatic & Oriental lilies, dahlias, sunowers, zinnias, tulips, & ranunculus. We sell at the Olympia Farmers Market between April-October & wholesale to both Olympia Food Co-ops. Check out our social media pages or email us for more information!Accept EBT/WIC, CSA Shares, Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Online Sales, Retail Stores The Olympia Food Co-ops, Steamboat Island Market, Special Orders, Wholesale42 Christmas Valley Tree FarmDon Tapio65 years+ owned11540 183rd Ave SW Rochester 98579(360) 273-6196tapiod@wsu.eduThis land has been farmed since 1902.We started Christmas tree farming in 1969. The tree farm opens the Saturday before Thanksgiving. We have a variety of Christmas trees including: Douglas, Noble, Grand, Nordman, & Corkbark Fir in addition to Blue Spruce. Plus holly & wreaths. Call for varieties & pricing.Farm Stand, U-Pick43 Circle Hawk Farm LLC Shelly BentleyO Rich Rd near Lattins Cider MillOlympia 98501(360) 402-3845circlehawkfarm2002@gmail.comcirclehawkfarm.comSalmon Safe, Capitol Land Trust, NRCS, Thurston Conservation District, Thurston County Stream TeamWe are an educational farm demonstrating land stewardship through hands-on learning of habitat restoration/conservation & sustainable bio-intensive gardening practices for people of all ages. Contact CHF for information on internships. Check our website for year-round events & reservation requests. By appointment only. Call for more information & appointments.Charitable Donations Thurston County Food Bank, Special Orders44 Circling Together Farm Nancy Laich4004 11th Ave NW, Olympia 98502(360) 866-9527Direct sales of vegetables, fruit, lavender, herbs, & goats.Charitable Donations Plant starts for the Thurston County Food Bank Gardens. Special Orders, Wholesale45 Clyde ‘n Dale’s Holiday Trees & GiftsCarol & Mark Downing65 years+ owned10712 Tracie Ct SW, Olympia 98512(360) 352-9180msdowning123@gmail.comclydendalesholidaytrees.com ClydenDalesChristmasTreesU-cut Christmas trees (Noble, Fraser, Grand, & Douglas Fir) & wreaths. Ride a trolley pulled by our team of draft horses. Gift shop with local crafts & ornaments. Free services: Santa on Sundays from 1 - 3pm, candy canes, food trucks, cutting assistance, trees baled, & tree shaker. Opening on the day after Thanksgiving.See our website & FB for more information on dates we will be open, hours, & updates.U-Pick46 CNLM Violet Prairie Seed FarmWoman-run17843 Gibson Rd SW, Tenino 98589jmischka@cnlm.orgcnlm.org/native-seed-nursery/ SouthSoundPrairiesOur core purpose is to improve the Thurston County Farms (continued)2023 Fresh From The Farm Guidewww.PortBlakely.comPhoto courtesy of Cedar Flats Flower FarmPhoto courtesy of Christmas Valley Tree Farm61
CNLM Violet Prairie Seed Farm (continued)availability of regionally specic native seeds for a network of land managers who have a conservation objective. Often, these seeds are provided to enhance rare habitat types & contribute towards the recovery of rare & endangered species that depend upon these habitats. In addition to cooperative regional seed production, we provide custom seed increase services, greenhouse propagation of restoration plugs, wildland seed collection, seed cleaning, seed storage, & seed mix development for specic restoration projects.Online Sales47 Colvin RanchFred & Katherine ColvinWoman-owned, 65 years+ owned16816 Old Highway 99 SETenino 98589(360) 264-2890info@colvinranch.comcolvinranch.com colvinranch colvinranchHormone-Free, Free Range/Pasture Raised, Salmon Safe, WSDA Certified Organic, Grassland Conservation Reserve Program, Thurston Conservation District Conservation Legacy AwardFor ve generations, our family heritage of humane livestock handling, sustainable grazing practices, & stewardship of the land has helped native & endangered plants & animals ourish alongside our high-quality, all-natural cattle. We oer grass-fed, grass-nished beef, & pastured pork through our online store, the Proctor Farmers' Market, the Olympia Food Co-op, & Spud’s Produce Market. We also oer special order beef (quarter, half, & whole), & pork (half & whole) options. Order specialty items like summer sausage, kielbasa, bratwurst, & more online for local delivery or pickup. Please visit our website to order online.Charitable Donations Tenino Food Bank, Farmers Markets Proctor Farmers’ Market, Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, South Sound Fresh, Online Sales, Retail Stores Olympia Food Co-op, Spud’s Produce Market, Special Orders, Wholesale48 Common Ground CSA Tierney Creech & Julie PuhichWoman-owned8309 James Rd SWRochester 98579(425) 802-0858commongroundfarmcsa@gmail.com commongroundfarmcsaOur farm has a 34-year history of providing CSA shares to the Olympia community. Vegetables are harvested fresh the morning of delivery to sites around Olympia, Maytown, & Rochester. CSA is all we do, meaning you are buying a true share of the vegetables we grow. Small & large shares are available mid-May through October, with an optional November share. At the core of our business is the belief that great food should be accessible to everyone; we oer our shares with sliding scale pricing.Call for more information.CSA Sharescommunityfarmlandtrust.orgGrass-Fed & Grass-Finished...NaturallyOrder online at colvinranch.comThurston County Farms (continued)49 Cosmic Turtle Farm Tom Wood Wiseman & Alissa Wiseman14538 Old Hwy 99 SETenino 98589(360) 481-1982woody@cosmicturtlefarm.comcosmicturtlefarm.com/home-page/ cosmicturtlefarm cosmicturtlefarmWe are a father-daughter duo whose passion for food & agriculture inspired us to start our own business. When we came across micro-greens we realized we had found the perfect plant that would combine our green thumb & powerful avor to every meal. Bringing wonderfully fresh micro-greens from our farm to your front door! Herbicide-free & pesticide-free as well as organically grown.Call for an appointment & more information. Please visit our FB page for updates.CSA Shares, Farm Stand, Online Sales, Restaurants Don Juan’s Mexican Kitchen, Carbon Pop, Retail Stores Spud’s Produce Market, Olympia Food Co-op, Special OrdersPhoto courtesy of CNLM Violet Prairie Seed FarmPhoto courtesy of Cosmic Turtle FarmPhoto courtesy of Colvin Ranch62
varieties! We sell bouquets inour farm stand when available& we also currently oerseasonal ower subscriptionson our website. We dream ofeventually oering workshops& events on our farm. We wantto add value to our community& share the joy of owerswith our customers. We arenot open to the public.Please email us for anyinquiries & follow us onInstagram to get regularfarm updates.CSA Shares, Farm Stand,Online Sales, Special Orders53 Flying Cow CreamerySelma Bjarnadottir & Keith Fagernes11717 Independence RdRochester 98579(360) 273-1045info@yingcowcreamery.comyingcowcreamery.comflyingcowcreamery Flying Cow CreameryWe are your local yogurt makers.We use our own very high-qualitymilk. We sell in over 50 stores inWestern Washington. Check outour website for a store near you &information on the ladies thatprovide us with great milk. Ourmotto is: if you were a dairy cow,you would want to live on our farm.Call for more information.Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, Restaurants Hamdi in Seattle, Retail Stores See alist of over 50 stores on our website.WholesaleOur yogurt is available in over 40 stores around the Puget Sound Region,on the Olympic Peninsula and in Vancouver.flyingcowcreamery.comIndependence Valley, WAYour Local Yogurt Maker!50 Dancing Goats & Singing ChickensOrganic Farm
Farmer AyubBIPOC-owned14062 Yelm Hwy SE, Yelm 98597(360) 489-2830ayub98516@gmail.com
dancinggoatsandsingingchickensfarmLLCHormone-Free, Free Range/Pasture Raised,Salmon Safe, PermacultureDancing Goats & Singing ChickensOrganic Farm is a 12-acre farm, locatednear the Nisqually Indian reservation in Yelm,Washington. Its main focus is not on makingmoney, but on educating the children usingthe petting zoo as a focal point of teaching.With a great amount of enthusiasm & passion,the volunteers in the community hold openhouse educational events at the farm toshare knowledge during workshops ongreenhouse construction, solar panels,wind turbines, composting, Hugelkultur,honey bees, rainwater harvesting,Earthship homes, sustainable living,lowering our foot-print, &responsible nancial investments.Call 360-489-2830 for more information.Charitable Donations Food bank,Farm Stand, Retail Stores Yelm Food Co-op, Special Orders, U-Pick51 Endicott Ranch
Pamela DaudetWoman-owned, 65 years+ owned11500 Endicott Rd SWOlympia 98512(360) 754-4908blkcws@yahoo.comGrass-Fed, Hormone-Free,Free Range/Pasture Raised,We use organic practices.You will nd us o 115th & Endicott.Follow the gravel drive East to the veryend. We are organic, have livestock, &a 5000 sq. ft. garden. We raise honeybees, hogs, & Angus cattle. We exchangefood for work! Talk to Pamela about theopportunity. Please call before comingas we have a gate.Charitable Donations Food banks & private residents, CSA Shares, Farm Stand, Online Sales, U-Pick52 Fabian Flower Farm
Haley & Jacob FabianWoman-owned6215 Woodard Bay Rd NEOlympia 98506(360) 259-7961fabianowerfarm@gmail.comfabianowerfarm.comFabian Flower Farm fabianflowerfarmNo harmful chemicals, pesticides, orperfumes. We use organic practices.We just moved to a 6-acre propertywhere we are working to transform2 acres of our eld into a cut owereld. We have a lot of work ahead of usbut we plan to grow peonies, dahlias,ranunculus, tulips, & many more2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideThurston County Farms (continued)Photo courtesy of Dancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic Farm63
Thurston County Farms (continued)55 GRuB 2016 Elliott Ave NW Olympia 98502(360) 753-5522farm@goodgrub.orggoodgrub.org GRuB.WA grubinolyEducation farm for youth & the community, with majority of food going to youth & hunger relief partners.GRuB grows healthy food, people, & community. With roots in the land, we create opportunities for people to lead, learn, & thrive. We partner with youth, veterans, seniors, & more! We oer workshops, a youth-led on-site farm stand, & bouquet sales. We build free raised bed gardens for low-income families; apply online each winter. Contact us about farm eld trips, volunteer opportunities for all ages, & ways you can get involved. Check our website for upcoming activities, fun engagement opportunities, & keep up-to-date on our current oerings.Please visit our FB page for hours, directions, & updates.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations Thurston County Food Bank, Food Not Bombs, Haki Farmers Collective, HOST, Farm Stand, Online Sales54 Friendly Grove Blueberry FarmKaren CrownWoman-owned3102 Friendly Grove Rd NEOlympia 98506(360) 528-0207friendlygroveblueberry@gmail.comfriendlygroveblueberry.com friendlygroveblueberryU-pick blueberry farm where you can harvest old-variety & exceptionally good-tasting blueberries. Located 3 miles from downtown Olympia in a pastoral setting. Absolutely no chemical pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers! Bring your family & friends, young & old, for a memorable experience. Say hi to our goats, too. Well known for our friendly atmosphere. Educational opportunities, such as late winter pruning events. We take orders for pre-picked berries. Call or check our Facebook page for directions, more information, hours of operation, & updates.Restaurants Sophie’s Scoops Gelato, U-Pick, Wholesale56 Helsing Junction FarmJessica Armstrong & Angie CampWoman-owned12233 Independence Rd SW, Rochester 98579(360) 273-2033helsingfarm@gmail.comhelsingjunctionfarms.com helsingfarmcsa helsingfarmcsaWSDA Certified Organic, Washington State (PCC) Farmland Trust Conservation Easement FarmHelsing Junction Farm is certied organic & provides a variety of CSA shares with home delivery & 30+ pickup sites in Seattle, Olympia, & on the WA coast from June–Oct. We partner with local producers to provide additional shares of handcrafted cheeses, yogurt, mushrooms, tree-ripened fruits, & Olykrauts. We focus on the vitality & health of our soil & work to protect our Chehalis watershed. Our farm stand is open 7 days a week.Please call for directions & more information. Visit our FB page for hours, directions, & updates.Accept EBT/WIC, CSA Shares, Farm Stand, Online Sales, Retail Stores Olympia Food Co-op, Special Orders, U-Pick, Wholesalecommunityfarmlandtrust.org yourpersonaleverest.com/books/To book Mitch to speak or for ordering information or FREE Download:LOCAL AUTHOR & FARMERMitch Lewis, after writing about a couple who move from the city to the country and buy a farm with a big red barn, did soin Olympia.Young & old love reading Billy the Baaad Goat in The Big Yellow Rocket Ship book adventure!Beautifully illustrated, with messages about teamwork, common goals & perseverance – and dozens of “Easter Eggs”.Could a goofy group of crafty creatures led by a naughty goat really hijack a big yellow rocketship in a Beatlesesque misadventure to the moon?Life Imitates ArtPhoto courtesy of Friendly Grove Blueberry Farm64
57 Hercules Farm
Faith, Off, & NoraWoman-owned, 65 years+ owned, Multi-generational4342 Old Military Rd SETenino 98589(360) 239-0126herculesfarminfo@gmail.comherculesfarm.comherculesfarmAnimal Welfare Approved from A Greener WorldHercules Farm sells pasturedturkeys, grass-fed lamb, sheepskins, & value-added woolensincluding socks, hats, yarn, eeces,roving, & quilt batts. We alsosell breeding stock (Gotland &Gotland x BFL sheep). HerculesFarm provides high-quality locallyproduced textiles & food. Ourground-up approach to garmentslooks to make locally grown woolaccessible to our communitywhile supporting other smallmanufacturing businesses &mills. Additionally, we oer berarts workshops: raising & usingdye plants, block printing, feltmaking, & knitting. We also hoston-farm food & art events. Pleasecontact owners for class oerings.Call for an appointment & moreinformation. Please visit our FBpage for updates.Farmers Markets Tenino Farmers Market, West Central SaturdayMarket & many winter craft markets. Online Sales, Retail StoresBrowser’s Books, Our Local YarnShop, Ember Goods, Special Orders58 Hunter Family FarmGreg, Tami, Curt, & Sandy Hunter7401 Yelm Hwy SEOlympia 98513(360) 456-0466hunterfamilyfarm@gmail.comhunterfamilyfarm.comhunterfamilyfarmllchunter_family_farmChosen 2020 & 2021 best Christmas Tree Farmin Washington State by The Pioneer Woman.Sweet corn starts in August. Pumpkin Patch inthe fall with U-pick pumpkins, hay maze, cornmazes, animals & wagon rides during the week.Pony rides, kiddie train, kiddie quad rides,pillow jump, giant super slide, & more onweekends. 160-acre tree farm featuring alarge selection of U-Cut & pre-cut trees.Wagon rides, Santa visits the rst threeweekends of December, large gift shop, freshNoble Fir wreaths & Cedar garlands available.Visit hunterfamilyfarm.com for more info.Charitable Donations Trees for Troops, Farm Stand, U-Pick59 Johnson Berry Farm, LLC James & Lisa Johnson2908 Wiggins Rd SEOlympia 98501(360) 493-2350info@johnsonberryfarm.comjohnsonberryfarm.comjohnsonberryfarmjohnsonberryfarmCCOF Certified OrganicCertied Organic–Raspberries, Blackberries,Strawberries from June–late July. We are at theOlympia Farmers Market all year round withberries, jams, pickles, & owers. Look for thered & white farm stand on Wiggins Rdwith the BIG ower patch in front.You can’t miss it! You will see ourJohnson Berry Farm logo & stand.Call for more information. Pleasevisit our FB page or website for hours,directions, & updates.Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Ballard, Pike Place Market, &Puyallup Farmers Market, Farm Stand, Online Sales, Special Orders60 Kingfisher Organic FarmJacob Wilson & Teva Grudin13303 Littlerock Rd SWRochester 98579(360) 515-1355kingsherorganicfarm@gmail.comkingsherorganic.comWSDA Certified OrganicWe have been selling organic producein the greater Olympia area since 2006,formerly under the name Calliope Farm.Our farm is a patchwork of workinglands situated amidst vast acreage ofconservation lands alongside the BlackRiver. We oer a 20-week summer CSA& an 8-week fall CSA. We sometimesattend the Olympia Farmers Market &we sell the rest of our produce throughthe Olympia Food Co-op, restaurants, &wholesale.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations,CSA Shares, Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, Restaurants, Retail Stores The Olympia Food Co-op, WholesaleThurston County Farms (continued)360-491-7328 9402 Rich Road SE, Olympialattinscider.comLattin’sCountryCiderMill &FarmYear Around Farm Market• Fresh Fruits & Vegetables• Baby Farm Animals• Crisp Apples & Fresh Cider• Homemade Fritters & Pies• Good things to eat & drink!2023 Fresh From The Farm GuidePhoto courtesy of Hunter Family Farm65
Thurston County Farms (continued)61 Kirsop Farm Genine Bradwin & Colin BarricklowRochester 98579(360) 402-5028kirsopfarm@gmail.comkirsopfarm.com kirsopfarm kirsopfarmWSDA Certified OrganicWe are so happy to be creating the diversied farm of our dreams on preserved farmland along the Chehalis River. Certied organic vegetables, grain, poultry, eggs, bone broth, & chicken stock. Pasture-raised pork & lamb, sheepskins, & yarn. Check our website for a list of farmers markets where you can nd our products.Call for an appointment.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations Thurston County Food Bank, CSA Shares, Farmers Markets University District, Ballard, Columbia City, Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, Other, Online Sales, Retail Stores Olympia Food Co-op, Central Co-op/Madison Market, Wholesale62 Ladyberry Produce Evan BerryWoman-owned8038 Zangle RdOlympia 98506(360) 810-4001ladyberryproduce@gmail.com ladyberryproduce ladyberryproduceFounded in 2012, woman-run & community supported. Specializing in growing vegetables & cut owers for the East Bay/Boston Harbor peninsula, nearly 100% of food grown on the farm is consumed within an 8-mile radius, including restaurants downtown! I grow a diverse range of vegetables year-long, available directly through Summer & Winter CSA (June-December), & at our year-round farm store. Wholesale options are available. Everybody loves a Ladyberry carrot! I also grow over 30 varieties of cut owers available in-store, weekly CSA, or for special events & weddings. Call for an appointment & more information.Charitable Donations, CSA Shares, Farm Stand, Online Sales, Restaurants Ninevah, Chicory, Octapas, Special Orders, Wholesale63 Lattin’s Country Cider Mill & FarmCarolyn & Debbie Lattin9402 Rich Rd SEOlympia 98501(360) 491-7328lattinscider@comcast.entlattinscider.com LattinsCider lattinsciderfarmVoted #1 Farm in 2022 by Trip Advisor 5 Years in a row!Award-winning cider, fruit, honey, eggs, veggies, sweet corn, pumpkins, pies, jams, dried fruit, frozen berries, & gifts. Fresh donuts daily, apple fritters (Thurs & Fri mornings, Sat all day). Apples all year. Open year-round Mon-Sat, 9am - 5:30pm. Apple festival last weekend in September 2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideREDEEM BEFORE APRIL 2024AT 8036 RIVER DRIVE SE #208COME VISIT US IN TUMWATERGOOD FOR $1 OFF ANY PINT$1$1& weekends in October. Call for an appointment & driving directions.Farm Stand, Online Sales, Restaurants, Retail Stores, Special Orders, U-Pick, Wholesale64 Little Big Farm Maya Wood & Phelan PaganoPrine Dr SWOlympia 98512(360) 918-6018littlebigcsa@gmail.comlittlebigcsa.com littlebigcsa littlebig.farmHand-tended, locally-grown produce. Little Big Farm grows for our community through Community Supported Agriculture, the Olympia Food Co-op, & Farmers Markets. Specializing in salad crops, we organically grow a diverse array of seasonal produce. We take great pride in our work & are committed to building a food system that is transparent, resilient, & nourishing.Call for an appointment & for more information.Accept EBT/WIC, CSA Shares, Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers communityfarmlandtrust.org66
66 Nelson Family Ranch LLCRon, Kay, Scott, Jill, Ginny, & Karen Nelson65 years+ owned3624 Waldrick Rd SEOlympia 98501(360) 352-4124jill@nelsonranch.comnelsonranch.comNelson RanchGrass-Fed, Hormone-FreeOur family-run farm has been providingmeat to our community for 160 years. Allof our cattle are born on the farm, grass-fed & grass-nished beef. They are free ofantibiotics & growth hormones. Special orderbeef is sold by the quarter, half, & wholeavailable July through November. Drivingdirections available on our website. Call for anappointment & more information. Please visitour FB Page for hours, directions, & updates.Retail Stores Spud’s Produce Market, Special Orders67 Olympia Kiwanis Food Bank GardensOlympia Kiwanis Club3839 11th Ave NW, Olympia 98502(360) 584-2402mackenziem@thurstoncountyfoodbank.orgolympiakiwanis.org/gardenolygardens olygardensOlympia Kiwanis Food Bank Gardens is aservice project of the Olympia Kiwanis Clubthat has been going strong since 1990.With the help of volunteers, we raise tens ofthousands of pounds of produce each year fordonation to the Thurston County Food Bank(TCFB). We use organic growing practicesto raise vegetables that are most widelyappreciated by food bank clients, as well asMarket, West Seattle Farmers Market, Restaurants Driftwood, RetailStores The Olympia Food Co-op, Wholesale65 Lost Peacock CreameryMatthew & Rachael TullerVeteran-owned5504 Cross Creek Ln NEOlympia 98516(360) 280-6730hello@lostpeacock.comlostpeacock.comLostPeacockCreamery lostpeacockcreameryAnimal Welfare Approved,Homegrown by Heroes, &Thurston County Green BusinessLost Peacock Creamery is aFirst-Generation, Animal WelfareApproved, farmstead, Grade A goatdairy. It is a labor of love lled withour blood, sweat, & tears (don'tworry, we keep all that out of thecheese). We specialize in fresh &aged goat cheese which is sold up& down the I-5 Corridor. Our farmis closed to the public except forplanned events. And no, we don'tmilk the peacocks. Please checkour website or Facebook/Instagramfor classes, kids camps, preschool,goat cuddles, & goat yoga.CSA Shares, Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, South Sound Fresh, Other, Restaurants lostpeacock.com/find-our-cheese, Retail Stores lostpeacock.com/find-our-cheese,Special Orders, WholesaleThurston County Farms (continued)some more unusual varieties thatare introduced to clients by theTCFB nutrition team. We farmtwo & a half acres on three sites,donated by generous communitymembers & the state. Visit ourwebsite & Facebook page formore information on how tocontribute and/or volunteer.Charitable DonationsThurston County Food Bank68 Oyster Bay FarmMelissa Barker & Nate LewisWoman-owned4931 Oyster Bay Rd NWOlympia 98502(360) 867-9333oysterbaycsa@gmail.comfacebook.com/oysterbayfarmoysterbayfarm oysterbayfarmFree Range/Pasture Raised, Salmon Safe,WSDA Certified Organic, ROP Certified(Real Organic Project) & No-tillOyster Bay Farm is a 40-acre certiedorganic diversied poultry & crop farm onTotten Inlet in Olympia. We raise certiedorganic pastured eggs & grow certiedorganic crops, fruits, & berries usingno-till farming practices. Our rainbow eggsare available year-round at the OlympiaFood Co-ops. Our produce is availableseasonally at our on-site farm stand &by special order. Email, call, or follow uson Instagram for more information onavailability of products.Charitable Donations Thurston County Food Bank, Farm Stand, Retail Stores Olympia Food Co-op, Special Orders, Wholesale2023 Fresh From The Farm Guide67
Thurston County Farms (continued)69 Permaculture Rising Nursery CooperativeMarisha Auerbach & friendsWoman-ownedmarisha@fertileground.orgpermaculturerising.com permaculturerisingnursery permaculture_risingWe are a bioregional cooperative of growers.Permaculture Rising Nursery Cooperative was known as Marisha’s Permaculture Plant Nursery for many years. We are now transitioning to a Cooperative business model. Our community of growers provide organic, locally-grown plants that oer yields & ecological functions for home gardeners & farmers. Our plants have been selected for their ability to thrive & provide food, medicine, & beauty reliably in their appropriate season. We specialize in edible & medicinal plants, plants for pollinators, cultural plants, & plants that oer diverse ecological functions & services. Our non-prot, Fertile Ground Permaculture oers permaculture workshops & trainings online & in-person.Visit our website to view our nursery list.CSA Shares, Farm Stand, Online Sales, Special Orders360-491-2022Olympia, WAwww.jnipe.com360-400-6000 Yelm, WAFollow us on Facebook @JandIpowerequipmentServing Thurston County Since 1974Family Owned & Operated POWER EQUIPMENTINC.71 Queenie Bee Raw Honey Farm Lizzie, the Honey Bees LadyWoman-owned14062 Yelm Hwy SE, Yelm 98597(253) 380-6837lizlake1968@gmail.com Queenie-Bee-Raw-Honey-Farm-111108854766025PermacultureLizzie is a local Yelm resident, also known as the “HONEY LADY” who loves bee-keeping. She recently completed training & courses on bee-keeping. She has shadowed other local Apiarists. You can buy organic, raw, unprocessed honey from her. Here are some health benets raw honey has to oer: A good source of antioxidants. Raw honey contains an array of plant chemicals that act as antioxidants. Honey contains antibacterial & anti-fungal properties. It also soothes a sore throat. Choosing honey over rened & processed sugar may lead to long-term health benets. Honey is known to have antioxidant, antimicrobial, & soothing eects. Call (253) 380-6837 or email.Charitable Donations, Farm Stand, Online Sales, Special Orders, U-Pickcommunityfarmlandtrust.org72 Rainier Valley Wagyu Joe HannaVeteran-owned813 Rainier Rd SEOlympia 98513(253) 691-1445lookn4psa@gmail.com Rainier Valley WagyuProviding our local community with 100% and percentage Wagyu beef by the half & full animal. Wagyu provides one of the most nutritious meat options available. Know what you are eating, what the animal eats, & how it is raised in a no-stress environment. Check us out on Faceboook.We encourage potential clients to come & see how they are raised. By appointment.Special Orders73 Rising River FarmJennifer Belknap & Jim McGinn13208 201st Ave SWRochester 98579(360) 273-5368info@risingriverfarm.comrisingriverfarm.com Rising River Farm rising.river.farmWSDA Certified OrganicCertied Organic since 1994. Summer & Fall CSAs are available. We grow over 100 70 Prairie Oak FarmJoy NguyenWoman-owned7613 Delphi Rd SWOlympia 98512(214) 215-0758prairieoakfarm@gmail.comprairieoakfarm.net Prairie Oak Farm prairieoakfarmCCOF Certified OrganicPrairie Oak Farm is a certied organic small fruit & vegetable farm 20 minutes from downtown Olympia, where we work to feed the community while preserving biodiversity & natural resources. Look for our produce at South Sound Fresh Food Hub (southsoundfresh.localfoodmarketplace.com/Products).Charitable Donations Thurston County Food Bank, CSA Shares, Farmers Markets Saturday Market at West Central Park, Farm Stand, Food Collective/Hub South Sound Fresh, Online Sales, Restaurants Stellar Juices, Chicory, Special Orders, WholesalePhotos courtesy of Prairie Oak Farm68
We are fi rst generation farmers on two small plots of land in Olympia, WA. We are fi rst generation farmers on two small plots of land in Olympia, WA. We use only OMRI approved organic materials, and use ecologically-conscious We use only OMRI approved organic materials, and use ecologically-conscious methods of growing, such as low/no tillage, cover cropping, and methods of growing, such as low/no tillage, cover cropping, and “feeding” compost to the soil“feeding” compost to the soil. . — — Sarah & Gabriel BaisanSarah & Gabriel Baisan skippingstonegarden.comskippingstonegarden.com @skippingstonegarden @Skipping Stone Garden Pageskippingstonegarden@gmail.comHello from your local farmers at Skipping Stone Garden! Hello from your local farmers at Skipping Stone Garden! Find our large variety of microgreens nearly year-round along with select vegetables at the Olympia Farmers MarketFind our large variety of microgreens nearly year-round along with select vegetables at the Olympia Farmers Marketvarieties of vegetables & culinary herbs. We sell veggies, herbs, & owers starting in April through June. We are widely known for our pickling cucumbers & other bulk crops for canning, freezing, & storage. Visit us at the Olympia Farmers Market year-round.Visit our website for more information.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations Rochester Food Bank, GRuB, CSA Shares, Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, Online Sales, Restaurants Curry In A Hurry, Paella Pro, Retail Stores Olympia Food Co-ops, Yelm Food Co-op, Farm Fresh Market, Special Orders, Wholesale74 Riverbend RanchKevin & Krystal JensenWoman-owned3639 Skookumchuck Rd SETenino 98589(360) 264-5336riverbendranchwa@gmail.comRB-Ranch.com RiverbendRanch2012 riverbend_ranch_waRiverbend Ranch is a sustainable multi-generational ranch operation that has heavily integrated regenerative agriculture practices including rotational grazing & water restoration projects.Riverbend Ranch is a sustainable grazing cow/calf family ranch oering grass-fed & all-natural, nished beef, natural pork, grass (360) 357-3700info@rutledgecornmaze.comrutledgecornmaze.com rutledge.cornmaze rutledgecornmazeRutledge Corn Maze is a 3rd generation family farm. Our main crops are sweet corn & pumpkins. Sweet corn begins at the end of July & runs through Oct. 1st. Our corn maze, haunted maze, & pumpkin patch open the last weekend in Sept. & run through Oct. 31st.Visit our website for more info.Accept EBT/WIC, Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Farm Stand77 Scatter Creek Nurseries Guy Rostan17101 Vircon Dr SWRochester 98579(360) 273-6730scattercreeknurseries@gmail.com ScattercreeknurseriesScatter Creek Nurseries has over 300 varieties of vegetables, herbs, owers, & berries that have been hand selected to thrive in SW Washington. We use organic fertilizers, essential oils, lady bugs, & other biological controls to ensure the best start for our plants. Our handcrafted ower baskets are show stopping gifts or a perfect addition to your front porch. Come & let our 43 years of experience help you have a successful gardening season. Located 5 miles from I-5. Open April 20–July 4! Please visit our Facebook page or Google us for specials, updates, & driving directions.Farm Stand, Retail Stores, Special Orders, U-Pick, WholesaleThurston County Farms (continued)2023 Fresh From The Farm Guidehay, & U-Cut Christmas trees. By appointment only, the Christmas Tree farm will have posted hours of operation. The Old Country Barn wedding venue is also oered at Riverbend Ranch. Please visit our website & Facebook pages for hours, directions, & current information.Call for an appointment & more information.Charitable Donations Tenino FFA, Tenino PTA, Farm Stand, Online Sales, Retail Stores Johnson’s Smokehouse, Special Orders, U-Pick, Wholesale75 Root Digger Herb FarmBenjamin AshOlympia 98512rootdiggerherbfarm@gmail.comRootDiggerHerbFarm.com rootdiggerherbfarm rootdiggerherbfarmWe grow & sustainably wildcraft a diversity of 50+ medicinal herbs available fresh or dried, in retail & limited wholesale quantities. We also oer an herbal CSA paired with herbal proles written by (mostly) local herbalists to inform & delight the herbal curious & dedicated medicine makers alike. Contact via email or social media to arrange orders or join the CSA.Charitable Donations Canoe Journey Herbalists, NW Herbal Resilience, & Grief to Action, CSA Shares, Online Sales, Special Orders76 Rutledge Corn Maze LLCGeneral Manager302 93rd Ave SEOlympia 9850169
daily the day after Thanksgiving-December12th. U-cut & precut trees available, freshwreaths, & cedar garlands. Santa visits the farmSaturdays. Lighted nativity scene in the barn.Ticketing information online. Visit our websiteor Facebook for updates, hours, & onlineticketing.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable DonationsThurston County Food Bank & many othernonprofits, Farm Stand, U-Pick79 Schirm Loop Homestead Lavender FarmConnie PatnodeWoman-owned2434 Schirm Loop Rd NWOlympia 98502(360) 522-6801connie.patnode63@gmail.comschirm-loop-homestead-lavender-farm.business.site/Schirm Loop Homestead Lavender FarmPesticide-free zone. No chemicals. Grownwith organic methods.The farm is located on Eld Inlet with a stunningview of Mt Rainier & the South Sound. Open tothe public late June through early September,Fridays & Saturdays from 11am - 4pm & byappointment. U-cut lavender with a small giftThurston County Farms (continued)SummitFarms.coSUMMIT FARMSSTAY & PLAY HERE• Corporate/Offsites/Events• Historic Barn Experiences• Working Farm Experiences• One-of-a-kind Camping Experience(Apr.-Oct.)Welcome toMitch & Michelle Lewis, Owner/OperatorsFor reservations,tours, current product off erings:OlympiaGrowing & Gathering TogetherFind us at the Olympia Farmers Marketshop. Wreath-making classesare available. We have an annualLavender Festival the rstweekend in August. The space isalso available for events. Openseasonally & by appointment.Available for events as well.Food Collective/Hub South Sound Fresh, Restaurants Ricardos, Special Orders, U-Pick80 Silverwell FarmCarlin Briner, Jess Silver, & Liza JudgeLGBTQ+ owned, Woman-owned4604 Shincke Rd NEOlympia 98506(206) 930-4046silverwellfarm@gmail.comsilverwellfarm.com/Voluntary StewardshipProgram with Thurston CountyConservation DistrictSilverwell Farm is a collaborativewomen-run farm located outsideOlympia, WA on Coastal Salishland. We steward 34 acres offorest, wetland & pasture, with afocus on producing high-quality,78 Schilter Family Farm
Jeff & Stephanie Schilter141 Nisqually Cuto Rd SEOlympia 98513(360) 459-4023stephanie@schilterfamilyfarm.comschilterfamilyfarm.comSchilterFamilyFarmschilterfamilyfarm_Sunower Experience - August.Stroll through 5 acres of 30 varietiesof Sunowers. Enjoy a wagon rideto our sunower elds, photoprops & ower cutting, along withtasty summertime treats. PumpkinPatch/Corn Maze open September23rd-October 31st. Family funincludes wagon rides, corn maze,farm animals, trikes, zip swings,cannons, paint ball, pony rides,& more. Treats including ciderdonuts, fudge, roasted corn, hotspiced cider, & more. Beer Barn onweekends. Christmas Trees opencommunityfarmlandtrust.org70
pasture-raised meat (pork & lamb), sheepskins, & big leaf maple syrup. Contact us or nd more information at silverwellfarm.com. Call for more information or to schedule a visit.Online Sales, Special Orders81 Skipping Stone GardenSarah & Gabriel BaisanWoman-owned3800 S Bay Rd NEOlympia 98506skippingstonegarden@gmail.comskippingstonegarden.com skippingstonegardenpage skippingstonegardenWe oer a cornucopia of Olympia-grown vegetables year-round at the Olympia Farmers Market. From our early snacking cucumbers to our pink heirloom tomatoes & our crisp salad greens, all crops are grown chemical-free & harvested fresh for market. We also oer a large variety of fresh microgreens in plant-based, biodegradable containers that you can nd all year, including winter!Accept EBT/WIC, Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Restaurants Blue Heron Bakery, Asahi Sushi, & more to come! Special Orders, Wholesale82 Spooner Berry FarmsTim & Sue Spooner3327 Yelm Hwy SEOlympia 98513(360) 456-4554strawspoon@aol.comspoonerberryfarms.com Spooner Berry Farms-Olympia spoonerberryfarmsFresh market sales of Strawberries, Raspberries, Marionberries, & Blueberries. Strawberries in June. Raspberries & Marionberries in July. Blueberries in August until mid-September. We do have a U-Pick for Strawberries & Blueberries. Hours 9am - 6pm (when in season). All of our berries are picked fresh every morning & 100% sold the same day that they are picked, assuring you the freshest berries possible!! Visit our website for more info.Accept EBT/WIC, Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Farm Stand, U-Pick83 Spring Creek FarmChris Robinson & Melissa Southwick20544 Van Dyke Rd SWRochester 98579(360) 273-0704300 dierent varieties of plant starts. A wide selection of veggies, owers, & culinary & medicinal herb starts. Blueberry, currant, & strawberry plants are available! Fresh-cut lavender from mid-June to the end of July. Dried lavender in bulk or sachets all year. All are grown organically, with no chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides. In business for 35 years. Plants available at both Olympia Food Co-ops from Feb–Oct. Plants & lavender are available at Olympia Farmers Market from mid-March–July. Sales at farm by appointment. Call for more information.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable Donations GRuB, Haki Farmers Collective, TSTSCA, Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Retail Stores Olympia Food Co-op, Special Orders, Wholesale360-456-45543327 Yelm Hwy SE, OlympiaFacebook.com/Spooner Berry Farms-Olympiaspoonerberryfarms.comOUR BERRY SEASONfor other locations visit us onlineStarts in June9am–until sold out84 Summit Farms LLCMitch LewisWoman-owned, Latinx-owned, 65 years+ owned11815 Whitehall Ln SEOlympia 98501(707) 540-5567mitchalewis@live.comsummitfarms.co/ summitfarmsThurston Bountiful Byway, WA Heritage Barn, Thurston Conservation District (TCD & DNR), Violet Prairie Grange, Thurston EDC/SBDC, WSU Extension grads.Summit Farms is a small family-owned sustainable farm, environmentally managed, growing with natural practices, utilizing the best growing methods of our Pioneers & Native Americans combined with modern, regenerative ways. We are zoned Agri-Tourism & our intention is to show how small family farms can still thrive & help lead the way for solving food insecurities along with managing droughts. We believe in protecting valuable farmland, strengthening the local food systems to enjoy the benets of good nutrition, health, community health, strong economic development, & environmental stewardship to nurture a more vibrant local Thurston County Farms (continued)Tapestry GARDEN & FARMHerbs, Fresh Cut Flowers, and Farm Fresh Food7948 Normandy St. SE, Olympia, 98501 NaturesTapestryLandscapes.com360.515.03182023 Fresh From The Farm GuidePhoto courtesy of Spooner Berry Farms71
food system, with more visitors & tourism for the local community. Visit our website for more information & our seasonal farmers market oerings.Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Farm Stand, U-Pick, WholesaleThurston County Farms (continued) • Value-added production & marketing: direct and cooperative market development (SW WA Food Hub), processing, consumer education, high-value crops, specialty grains for school programs • Pasture & livestock management: pasture diversifi cation, conservation grazing, SW WA Grazing Association, animal nutrition • New farmer training: Whole Farm Planning course, off ered annuallyTo learn more about this program contact: Stephen Bramwell, bramwell@wsu.edu WSU Extension, 3054 Carpenter Rd SE, Olympia, WA 98503The WSU Thurston County Extension Agriculture Program helps support profi tability and sustainability of agriculture in Thurston County through three programs:85 Sundance FarmWoman-owned4227 Boston Harbor Rd NEOlympia 98506(360) 528-9923Free Range/Pasture Raised, Pesticide-FreeVisit our farm stand oering a full selection of in-season fruits, vegetables, & a perennial plant nursery. Soft open in April, Saturdays only. Around Mother’s Day we communityfarmlandtrust.orgwill be OPEN DAILY through October, 9am - 6pm. We enjoy growing our food using organic farming practices. We also showcase other local organic farms to add variety. Our perennial plant nursery focuses on culinary, medicinal, pollinator, & native plants. Stop by to see what we are up to! Farm Stand located at 4227 Boston Harbor Rd, April–Oct, open daily 9am - 6pm.Farm Stand86 Taber Ranch Andrew Taber & Naomi Muraoka4210 36th Ave NEOlympia 98516(360) 810-0682andrewtaber@gmail.comHeidenrosleingermanshepherds.comHormone-Free, Free Range/Pasture RaisedSummit Farm LLC (continued)Thurston Housing Land Trustemail: info@thurstonhousinglandtrust.orgTHLT is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization72
OLYMPIA SUPPLY CO.OLYMPIA SUPPLY CO.HARDWARESince 1906Serving The Community For Over 100 Years • 360-357-6659 • olympiasupplycompany.com • 625 Columbia St. SW, Downtown Olympia, Thurston CountyWe
need.• Blade Sharpening• Key Cutting• Paint Matching• Pipe & Steel• Plumbing Supplies• Discovery Pass• Fishing License• Shellfish License• Hunting LicenseTaber Ranch raises & sellsregistered Black Angus cattle,Barbados Blackbelly sheep, &AKC registered White GermanShepherds. We tend honey beesfor personal use & to pollinateour many crops includingblueberries, tayberries,elderberries, lavender, manyfruit trees, & herbs. Our gardenmethods use the “Back to Eden”technique of “heavy mulching”with wood chips. Call for moreinformation.Farmers MarketsOlympia Farmers Market, Special Orders, Wholesale87 Tapestry Garden & FarmTracey & Lenny KosenskiWoman-owned7948 Normandy St SEOlympia 98501(360) 515-0318plantgeek65@gmail.comnaturestapestrylandscapes.comtapestrygardentapestrygardenandfarmNational Wildlife FederationCertified Wildlife HabitatFarm Stand open daily. Ourfamily-owned farm stand oerssustainably grown produce,garlic, shallots, eggs, culinary& medicinal herbs, cut owers,lavender, & lavender products.Please see our website formore info, news, & events.Charitable DonationsThurston County Food Bank, Farm Stand, Online SalesThurston County Farms (continued)88 The Evergreen State College Organic FarmBeth Leimbach, Farm ManagerCollege-student learning farm2712 Lewis Rd NWOlympia 98502(360) 867-6160organicfarm@evergreen.eduevergreen.edu/organicfarm/organic-farmEvergreenOrganicFarm The Organic FarmWSDA Certified OrganicThe Evergreen State College OrganicFarm is a small-scale teaching farmproviding students hands-on experience& knowledge in the management &production of certied organic produce,fruit, plant starts, cut owers, herbs, &value-added products. The Organic Farmhosts a student-run farm stand oncampus Tuesdays 3 - 6pm & at the farmThursdays 3 - 6pm. April through earlyNovember. CSA runs from July throughearly November. Call or email for moreinformation. Generally open to visitMonday-Friday. Visit our website,Facebook, & Instagram for updates. Visitour website for driving instructions to thefarm & volunteer opportunities.Accept EBT/WIC, Charitable DonationsThe Evergreen State College Food Bank,Thurston County Food Bank, CSA Shares, Farm Stand, Online Sales,Special Orders, Wholesale89 The Iron Horse Farm
Gene & Karin KraftWoman-owned2702 Gull Harbor Rd NE, Olympia 98506(360) 754-5352kraftkf@comcast.netoly-wa.us/TheIronHorseFarm/Herbicide/pesticide free farm.This year we are featuring raspberries,plant starts, & classes for children thatintegrate agriculture, the natural world,& art. We honor diversity in our farm classes.We did an entire farm restoration 14 yearsago by removing several tons of garbage& planting numerous native trees.We participate in the Redwood Treeplanting program to save the redwoodsfrom climate change. Visit our website formore information.Charitable Donations Thurston County Food Bank, U-Pick90 The Wild Fun FarmTheresa KimballBIPOC-owned, Woman-owned, 65 years+ owned19511 Cook Rd SE, Yelm 98597(360) 701-9608thewildfunfarm@gmail.comwildfunfarm.comthewildfunfarmthewildfunfarmFarm stand open weekly, Friday–Sunday10am to 7pm. The Wild Fun Farm, is asmall-scale food forest & garden, growingperennial & annual vegetables, & herbs usingpermaculture theory & practice. Soil health iskey to our tasty & nutritious vegetables thatwill “feed your soul” & is why our collard greens,tomatillos, garlic, onions, & herbs, are secondto none. Herbal products are also available &are created from herbs grown our farm.Earth Care. Fair Share. People Care.Farm stand open Friday-Sun, 10am to 7pm,June–November. Cash/credit/debit. Text for info.Charitable Donations W.I.S.D.O.M Ministries, Farm Stand, Food Collective/Hub, Online Sales2023 Fresh From The Farm Guide 73
Degree programs for craft brewers & distillers, future business owners, and everyone in between.spscc.edu/brewingAmplifying Futures in Craft Industry.communityfarmlandtrust.org91 Tracking Y RanchJake & April YanceyFamily-owned & operated2901 104th Ave SWOlympia 98512(360) 561-4083Trackingyranch@gmail.comtrackingyranch.com Tracking Y Ranch TrackingyranchGrass-FedWe raise natural grass-fed/grass-nished, as well as grass-fed/grain-nished, beef for your family right here in the South Puget Sound Region. We utilize prescribed grazing practices, in partnership with ecology & conservation partners, to ensure we are not only raising great beef for your families but we’re also doing our part to improve native plant diversity, create wildlife habitat, be responsible water stewards, & ultimately raise great beef locally. Call or email us today to reserve your beef! Follow us on Facebook & Instagram. Call or email today for a brochure with prices.Special OrdersThurston County Farms (continued)92 Urban Futures Farm TJ & Stephanie Johnson928 Wilson St NEOlympia 98506(360) 338-8654urbanagrarian@comcast.neturbanfuturesfarm.com urbanfuturesfarm urban.futures.farmCarbon negative, solar poweredJoin the urban food revolution! Spring plant starts, vegetables, fruits, & herbs are grown with intention & attention to detail on our regenerative, solar-powered farm in the heart of the city. By prioritizing soil health, enhancing biodiversity, & choosing seeds & varieties based on climate resilience, avor, & nutritional content; we guarantee the best food possible for you & your family. Learn more & sign up for your 2023 CSA share by visiting our website, where you can also subscribe to our blog to get announcements about plant sales & special events. Like us on Facebook.Call for more information. Please visit FB for updates.Charitable Donations Thurston County Food Bank, CSA Shares, Special Orders93 Vail View FarmsFred & Heather DelaneyVeteran-owned, Woman-owned14145 Brumby Ln SERainier 98576(360) 789-6531vailviewfarms@gmail.comvailviewfarms.com vailviewfarms vailviewfarmsFree Range/Pasture Raised, Homegrown By HeroesWe are a small family-owned & operated farm in Rainier, Washington. It is our mission to be dedicated to caring for our animals in the most ethical matter possible, as well as providing customers with high-quality fresh farm products.Please call for an appointment.Online Sales94 Walupt FarmsJennifer WinterWoman-owned19441 Jordan St SWRochester 98579(360) 870-7921waluptfarms@gmail.comwaluptfarms.comRead more about this farm on page 58!74
360-352-7707 • TrackingYRanch@gmail.com @trackingyranch • @Tracking Y RanchTracking RanchGrass or Grain Finished Local Quality Grass Fed Beef waluptfarmsWalupt Farms is a local lavender farm. We are open to visit during the summer bloom. Follow us for updates on open hours & events. We are always available by appointment for purchase of plants, lavender products, & bee products. Contact us for hours or to schedule a visit.Farm Stand, Online Sales, U-Pick95 Wiser Worm Farm Alex Weisser120 State Ave NE #156Olympia 98501(360) 480-3995wiserwormfarm@hotmail.comWiserwormfarm.comWSDA Certified OrganicWSDA-certied organic worm castings, composting worms, & worm tea: a concentrated, odorless, sediment-free, liquid natural fertilizer. Worm tea helps prevent “black spot” on roses. Use on vegetables, owers, house plants, & your lawn. Your plants will look robust & healthy, & be naturally resistant to insects & disease. Call for an appointment, driving directions, & more information.Farmers Markets Olympia Farmers Market, Online Sales, Retail Stores Olympia Food Co-op, Eastside Urban Farm & Garden, Olympia Supply, Marlene’s Market & Deli, Indoor Garden & Lighting, Special Orders, Wholesale96 Withywindle Valley Farm Carissa Miller & Jasper PeaseLGBTQ+ owned, Woman-owned600 Hartman Rd SE, Olympia 98513(425) 985-3848withywindlevalleyfarm@gmail.comwithywindlevalleyfarm.com/ withywindle.valley.farm withywindle.valley.farmDonations to local food banks & sliding scale prices available!Nestled in the biologically-rich Nisqually Valley, Withywindle Valley Farm’s pasture-raised lamb, pork, & poultry are raised in harmony with the land. Our focus is on ethically-raised, heritage-breed animals that we market direct-to-customer. We are very passionate about food equity & believe food is a right, not a privilege. Therefore, we are excited to be the rst farm locally to oer sliding-scale prices for our animals! A percentage of our meat also goes to a local food bank. Besides whole & half animals, this coming year we will oer classes in poultry processing, as well as the sale of our Icelandic & Jacobs sheep ber & hides. Visit our website to shop & sign up for our newsletter to keep up-to-date on our coming classes, products, & story!Online Sales97 Wobbly Cart FarmJoseph Gabiou & Asha McElfresh10940 Independence Rd SWRochester 98579(360) 464-0746info@wobblycart.comwobblycart.com WobblyCartFarm wobblycartfarmWSDA Certified OrganicWe are a diverse, 10-acre, certied organic farm, located on the banks of the Chehalis River 30 miles south of Olympia, WA. Since 2005, we have been honored to continue the legacy of organic farming in Independence Valley. Our work combines a love of the land with a commitment to a lifestyle that celebrates our passion for delicious, local, organic food. We will not be oering a CSA program in 2023. Find our produce at local restaurants & the Olympia Food Co-ops. Contact us for bulk ordering & canning tomatoes in season. Please visit our FB page for hours, directions, & updates. Email for more information.Charitable Donations ROOF Food Bank, Food Collective/Hub Southwest Washington Food Hub, Restaurants Chelsea Farms Oyster Bar, Chicory Restaurant, The Park Side Cafe, Basilico, Retail Stores Olympia Food Co-op, Special Orders, WholesaleThurston County Farms (continued)2023 Fresh From The Farm GuidePhoto courtesy of Withywindle Valley Farm75
Local Businesses Supporting Local Farms2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideJohnson’s Smokehouse Country StoreLa Petite MaisonMasonry Cafe CateringMatchless BrewingNinevah Assyrian Food TruckOctapas CafeOlyKrautOlympia Food Co-Op (Eastside & Westside)Olympia Seafood Co.Olympia Supply & Ace HardwareOur Local Yarn ShopPaello ProRalph’s ThriftwayRicardo’s Kitchen & BarSophie’s Scoops GelateriaSpud’s Produce MarketSteamboat Island MarketStellar JuicesThe Barn NurseryThe Park Side CafeTriceratops Brewing CompanyTugboat Annie’sUptown LoungeVic’s Pizzeria (Westside & Wildwood)Whitewood Cider CompanyYelm Food Co-OpGRAYS HARBORElma Friday MarketElma Farm Stand & Public MarketOrganics 101 Market Deli & Juice BarThe Market PlaceLEWIS COUNTYDawn's Delectables Dessert & Sandwich ShoppeEwe and IFlourish CafeFour Cedars ApiaryFuller’s Market PlaceGood Health Nutrition CenterHealing You With CrystalsJeremy’s Farm To TableJeremy’s Fruit Stand & MarketMackinaw’sOnce Upon A ThymePackwood SpiritsPioneer West Garden & Pet CenterRivers Coeehouse & BistroRiverside Golf Club & BistroStrangeland’s Oddities, Omens, & CharmsToledo Market FreshMASON COUNTYThe Boat HouseMestizosTHURSTON COUNTYAnthony’s Homeport Anthony’s Hearthre GrillAsahi SushiBailey’s IGABasilico RistoranteBayview ThriftwayBlue Heron BakeryBrowsers BookshopCarbon PopCascadia GrillChelsea Farms Oyster FarmChicoryCountry Corner MarketCurry In A HurryDelmonico's Heritage ButcherDon Juan’s Mexican KitchenEastside Urban Farm & Garden CenterEmber GoodsFarm Fresh MarketGather GastropubHaggen Food & PharmacyJay’s Farm StandJean-Pierre’s Three16 We know there are many more businesses that support local farms. The information on this page was provided by our farms with regards to who they directly sell to. If you would like to add your name to this list or to advertise in the 2024 Fresh From The Farm Guide, please send us an email at contact@communityfarmlandtrust.org Thank You!Thank Thank You!You!to all these businesses for supporting our farms!76
Farm to Fork Spotlight - OlyKrautSash Sunday started OlyKraut, while a student in the Sustainable Agriculture program at Evergreen State College. Sash was a mechanic by day, and UPS loader by night. As her interests shifted towards personal and environmental health and wellness, the chemical exposure from being a mechanic drove her back to school. “This [work] was not in alignment with my values anymore,” she explained. Sash began farming in the summer and studied farming and food. “On the Evergreen Organic Farm, I grew everything to make and sell sauerkraut and kimchi. I had gotten fanatical about it and that was very much a part of my health journey.” She said that in 2007, “Evergreen was technically the rst place you could buy my sauerkraut.” The next year as part of her studies, she wrote the business plan for OlyKraut and launched it before she graduated with three other founders.Fermentation and probiotics through kraut and other fermented foods were still a “new/old” concept to people in 2007. Sash attributed some of the growth in popularity to Sandor Katz’ book, Wild Fermentation. “I do think that he had a lot to do with the reinvigoration of fermentation in the west, especially in the United States. In the beginning it was a harder sell. Now people head down to the Olympia Farmers Market to buy kraut because their doctor sent them down there.” The rst step was to do some grass roots product testing to determine what recipes would sell best in the local market. Then they obtained access to a commercial kitchen and were ready to start full-scale production. They still produce OlyKraut there today. The kindness of the kitchen owner helped OlyKraut get o the ground without any investment money. The Olympia Food Co-op was their rst ocial customer and now purchases approximately 10 cases a week. “They are still one of our best customers!” Sash exclaimed. They also sell their kraut at the Olympia Farmers Market. OlyKraut has seen exponential growth after signing with a few good distributors in 2014, the year that Sash became the full owner.Sash’s commitment to quality, local, and farm-fresh ingredients has been important since the dawn of OlyKraut. As the product line grew, the price of cabbage from very local farms became cost prohibitive. The increased need for consistent quantity led them to Dharma Ridge in Quilcene where they use an “aspirational, contract farming model”, in partnership with one of their distributors, the Organically Grown Company. They work collectively to help keep the cost of cabbage at a xed rate so both Dharma Ridge and OlyKraut can get the best deal, reduce waste, and plan for their respective businesses. “They have been great to work with over the years.” Sash is committed to the time it takes to source local produce, reduce food waste, and keep her business sustainable. She also works to close the loop in packaging output. Customers can return their OlyKraut jars to the Olympia Farmers Market. Even though they may spend more time washing and sanitizing the jars, it reduces the cost to OlyKraut. It also speaks loudly to her continued commitment to sustainability by addressing the responsibility of manufacturers with packaging. Sash says, “I don’t like putting food in plastic, buying food in single use plastic, and I don’t like actually eating food that has been sitting in plastic.” One of the newer items they oer are DIY kits like Kombucha, sourdough starter, water ker, milk ker, and cheese making kits. Visit them at the Olympia Farmers Market and try a sample before you buy! Don’t forget to bring your old OlyKraut jars.OlyKrautFarm to Fork Spotlightcommunityfarmlandtrust.org2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideOlyKraut.com@OlyKrautlocal • fermented • deliciousPhotos courtesy of OlyKraut77
OLYFED.COM • (360) 754-3400 • 8 LOCAL BRANCHES TO SERVE YOUBANKING THAT’S MUTUALProud Supporter ofCommunity Farm Land Trust.Answer: Dug appears 17 times in this issue.78
Sponsor Spotlight — Olympia Food Co-opOlympia Food Co-opSponsor Spotlight2023 Fresh From The Farm GuideBy Olympia Food Co-opThe Olympia Food Co-op is pleased to continue our support of the Community Farm Land Trust. Between 2012 and 2017 Thurston County experienced the 4th largest 4-yr decline of farmland acreage since 1950 and the largest decline since 1974. Farm acreage is often sought after by land developers due to the larger property sizes and more varied development options. The work of the Community Farm Land Trust to keep access to land aordable to farmers is so important. Farmland contributes to our local economy and once lost, is dicult to replace. The Olympia Food Co-op is celebrating our 45th year! We prioritize fresh, local, organic produce at our Eastside and Westside Olympia stores’ Produce and Deli departments. We love to support small farmers in our community! We also support community organizations and small businesses through sponsorships, donations, and round ups at our registers. We promote local collectives, participate in boycotts, host community classes, are committed to anti-oppression work, host a free store, as well as introduce local shoppers to our area farmers. The Fresh From the Farm Guide celebrates local farmers and community and we are proud to be included.CMYCMMYCYCMYKCoopAdFarmTrust2021-v2.pdf 1 12/3/21 1:39 PMPhoto courtesy of Olympia Food Co-opcommunityfarmlandtrust.org79
Thank Thank You!You!To All Our Farmtastic 2023 Sponsors:Community Farm Land Trust P.O. Box 12118, Olympia, WA 98508Donna Moir, Agricultural LendingundOlyFedBANKINGTHAT’SMUTUALRainier Valley WAGYU BEEF.comTypePAGE DESIGN SERVICESAND