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2023 CFCV Annual Report

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A FOUNDATIONFOR GOOD2023 Report to the Community

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Betsy W. Covington President and CEORodney K. Mahone 2023 Chair, Board of TrusteesAs the Community Foundation celebrates 25 years as a “Foundation for Good,” we are honored by the community’s support of our work and armation of our founders’ basic beliefs in our business model:1. Donors appreciate a local “center for thoughtful philanthropy” with sta expertise that connects them with eorts they care about in their own community. This year we received more than 1,500 gifts totaling $23 million and made 1,594 grants totaling $22 million. More than 15 private foundations have now “re-established themselves” as Donor Advised Funds to take advantage of our operational expertise, bringing our total number of active Funds to 333.2. Investing long-term and endowed charitable assets as a pool indeed creates an economy of scale that multiplies philanthropic assets over time. Since we began, we have received contributions of $455 million and have made grants of $260 million, and our investments have increased our community’s net philanthropic value by more than $102 million.3. An organization with a “big picture” that helps community members work together eectively for good can build bridges and leverage the work of community nonprofits to result in better, broader decision-making and impact. Our leadership and partnership with other community sectors to drive eorts like Columbus 2025, The Basics’ tools for early learning (, Home for Good, CHIPS4CHIPS, area nonprofit leadership training, and conversations about strengthening local news availability exemplify the breadth of involvement donors foster by giving through, not to, CFCV.4. Our Founder’s Society Endowment allows CFCV to operate sustainably, eectively, and exceptionally, while holding fees low. We have been certified by the Community Foundations National Standards Board as having operations that meet or exceed National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations continually since 2006, when we were among the first 150 community foundations to achieve the then-new designation.The potential for these four beliefs was born with our founding board members, substantiated in our most recent strategic plan, and exemplified in the two overlapping infinity symbols in our logo. We are firmly committed to our donors and their philanthropic goals, support of nonprofits and their community-strengthening eorts, the needs of our community at large, and organizational excellence and sustainability.To those of you who already rely on the strength of CFCV, thank you. If this idea is new to you, enjoy the stories on these pages to learn more about our work, and let us know if we can help you become part of it!STRENGTHENINGOUR COMMUNITYCover Art: Details from The Spirit of the Chattahoochee, Chattahoochee Riverwalk, Uptown Columbus. Funded by the Chuck Hart Foundation Fund, CFCV.INVESTING IN ITS FUTURE

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20212019202320202022$177,082,287$203,858,921$284,369,837$267,365,768$298,477,3242021201920232020202220212019202320202022$14,072,500$15,048,518$13,698,355 $18,692,736 $17,835,547$15,775,208$31,756,656$46,114,817 $36,076,165 $21,876,343MISSION: Why we existWe enable and promote philanthropy that inspires, facilitates, and fosters a vibrant and engaged Chattahoochee Valley.VALUES: Core beliefs that guide our decision-making and actionsService • We were created to lead through service; we serve our donors, our area’s nonprofits, and our community at large. Stewardship • We are entrusted with people’s hopes, dreams, and financial resources in perpetuity; we manage them in ways that uphold that trust and exceed expectations while remaining cost eective. Integrity • We conduct our business dealings with honor; we can be relied on to act responsibly.Inclusiveness • We are an institution of communal good; we seek to work collaboratively and to mobilize the resources of the community to meet the community’s needs. Independence • We represent the best interest of the community as a whole; we are not obligated to individuals, organizations, or others.Knowledge • We learn continually and are a repository of community understanding, knowledge and expertise; we use that information to engage others and mobilize philanthropy to make a dierence.VISION: How we accomplish our missionWe are the premier center for thoughtful philanthropy for people who want to make their Chattahoochee Valley communities better, both during and after their lifetimes.We:• Help a multitude of donors easily and eectively deploy a wide range of assets to impact their charitable interests.• Responsibly invest assets to preserve and increase grantmaking capital.• Know our communities and share that knowledge to empower engagement, leadership, and improvement.• Lead and collaborate to shape eective responses to community needs and opportunities.CFCV ASSETSGIFTS TO CFCV GRANTS FROM CFCV

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Chuck Hart was born in Kansas and moved to Columbus, GA, when his father was stationed at Fort Benning when he was a young child. He grew up here, graduated college and eventually moved to LaGrange, GA, where he married and had a child. After many years he found himself back in Columbus, living at the Ralston Towers on 12th Street. Unfortunately, Hart passed away during a brutal heat wave in summer 2017. Residents of the Ralston had been begging the building’s owners for weeks to fix the air conditioning; the temperature in Hart’s apartment was close to 100 degrees.“His goal was literally just to minister to as many people as he could while he lived at the Ralston,” says his daughter, Christy Thornton. “I had no clue that the Ralston was like it was—he just made it out like it was a good place to live, because he had so many friends there.”Public outrage over Hart’s death prompted the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to close the building and sell it to a group that completely renovated it and reopened it as aordable housing. That part of Hart’s legacy speaks to how he died. But Christy and her husband Travis wanted something that paid tribute to how he lived.“The easiest way to put it, I guess, is the hippie Woodstock phase never left him,” Christy says, a smile HONORING THE JOYIN A LIFEevident in her voice. “He was always happy, and he wanted everybody to be happy around him, wanted to help anybody any way he could. He was very, very spiritual—loved talking to people about Jesus, trying to minister to them.”Christy says her father loved strolling along the Chattahoochee RiverWalk, sharing smiles and casual conversation with the people he came across. And now, to invite others to enjoy that same experience, a landmark mural, “The Spirit of the Chattahoochee,” stands as a tribute to Hart and everything he loved about his hometown. Beautifying the retaining wall below the Synovus Centre oce building on Bay Avenue and dedicated to Hart’s memory in August 2023, the mural was created through a partnership of the Columbus Consolidated Government and Dragonfly Trails, Inc., and underwritten by the initial grant from the Chuck Hart Foundation Fund that Christy and Travis established at the Community Foundation in 2020.Nearly as long as a football field and painted by a team of seven area artists over the course of a month, the mural consists of many elements—all deeply researched—from regional history to Native American folklore and local wildlife. “And the way it’s set up, from left to right, it follows the seasons, from spring on into winter,” Travis says.Top: Chuck Hart. Bottom: (l-r) Joseph Melancon, Chris Johnson, Harrison Mills, Mike Jones, Dragonfly Trails ED Becca Zajac, Christy Thornton & daughter, Travis Thornton, Samantha Yoo, Vinh Huynh, & and Raven Henderson

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HONORING THE JOYThe Chuck Hart Foundation FundThe mural was a tricky project because it was painted across several levels of retaining wall—some of them set back further from the river than others—and even along some concrete steps leading down to the RiverWalk itself. “When we first went down there, I couldn’t envision how they were going to get the stairs to flow together, but they got the lines connected precisely. When you look at it from across the river, you can’t even see the steps. It’s beautiful,” Christy says.But the mural is only the Fund’s first grant. As an Endowed Field of Interest Fund, its work will go on forever. Each year, the Fund will help support maintenance and improvements to the RiverWalk, focusing on the section in Uptown Columbus. And it will make grants to organizations that support those most vulnerable in our community because of their low level of income, age, and/or disability: people like Christy’s dad. “My dad went through some hard times, and there were a bunch of dierent outreach programs that reached out and helped him get sober and rebuild his life,” Christy says. “I wanted that to be a part of the Fund also, to help people who helped him. And to help other people who need help as he did.” “We couldn’t be more honored that the Thorntons trust us with this Fund,” says Betsy Covington, the Community Foundation’s president and CEO. “The Fund lets our organization select grantees and administer eorts that carry out the Thorntons’ goals, which are all about making life here better for people in memory of Mr. Hart. They’ve turned a very tough situation into something beautiful.”The Community Foundation’s board voted to make the annual grants—for at least the first five years—in support of the work of Home for Good, part of United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley. And the Fund’s RiverWalk grants will either be made to Dragonfly Trails, Inc., or to the Columbus Consolidated Government. To Christy, the Chuck Hart Foundation Fund isn’t just about her dad—it’s also about her two little girls, who never got to meet their grandpa but will still get to see the legacy he’s left.“I want to be able to let the girls see every aspect of everything that the Fund does, so when they’re older they can continue with this Fund in honor of their Grandpa Chuck,” she says. “It’s not something that you do one time—it just keeps growing. So that your kids and hopefully your grandkids can continue working toward the memory of your family member.“My dad died in a really bad manner, but he’s not going to be remembered by that now. He didn’t die in vain. This mural is something beautiful he’ll get to be remembered by.”Photo by: Number One Digital

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“The greatest use of life,” said philosopher and pioneering psychologist William James, “is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”The spending part, of course, is easy. Making it last—or outlast—is the hard part. But in the quarter-century since the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley was established as a public charity (literally, a charity for the public good), the organization has succeeded in striking an excellent balance between the two.The math makes it clear. In 25 years, CFCV has received more than $450 million in gifts to its Funds from individuals, families, businesses, and other organizations—and distributed just over a quarter of a billion dollars in grants. That would normally leave just under $200 million in “expected” assets. The actual number, though, is almost $300 million in net assets. The upshot: The Community Foundation has added $100 million dollars in net philanthropic value to the community through its investments.“I think it starts with leadership,” says Rodney Mahone, former president and publisher of the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer and current chair of GENERATING AND FACILITATING GOOD FOR MORE THAN 25 YEARSCommunity Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley ImpactCFCV’s board. “Betsy [Covington] is a tremendous leader of the Community Foundation. And the organization has a great sta that, while not very large, is very committed to getting the work done and doing it with the level of excellence that our community deserves. And we’ve always been very intentional about the board and the type of community leaders we want to attract onto the board. So we’re consistently supported with a board and a professional sta of stakeholders who believe in our community and are invested in helping the foundation serve it.”Gardiner Garrard, a past chair and current member of CFCV’s board who chairs Covey Equity and, along with his wife, advises CFCV’s Lenora J. and Gardiner W. Garrard Fund, knows the history of CFCV’s investments very well—he joined the board not long after Covington arrived in 2001. In the beginning, Garrard says, the foundation managed its assets through multiple investment accounts with dierent managers. As the organization grew, though, he and others recognized that the time had come to consolidate into one investment pool that helped donors take advantage of the significantly growing economy of scale. “So we went to a sort of ‘manager of managers,’ a

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GENERATING AND FACILITATING GOOD FOR MORE THAN 25 YEARSprofessional company that steers us to dierent managers who manage dierent asset classes,” Garrard explains. “Now we’ve grown from very small to much larger, and it’s very cost-eective for an individual to put money with us and have it professionally managed.”Not only has the foundation’s success been a “force multiplier” for area donors, it’s also helped the charitable organizations the foundation supports deploy their resources more eectively, says Mahone, currently chief revenue ocer at The Chronicle of Philanthropy. “What I have grown to appreciate even more in this new role is the dierence that the Community Foundation plays in ensuring that nonprofits are successful in their communities, making sure that we are able to get donor funds to nonprofits that help build quality of life,” he says. “Just supporting their great work throughout the community, we’re able to collaborate with nonprofits in a way that makes them more eective and maximizes their eciency.”Melissa Gauntt, president and CEO of the East Alabama Chamber of Commerce and vice chair of CFCV’s board, echoes Mahone’s sentiments about the Community Foundation’s collaborative nature—on both sides of the Chattahoochee.“They are always welcomed into any of the eorts on either side of the river that are making a dierence in the community,” Gauntt says. “Whether it’s Columbus 2025, building more physically connected communities for all citizens, CHIPS4CHIPS, or any of the other philanthropic work that is strengthening our community, the Community Foundation is always at the table when decisions are made because of the reputation that it holds.”Still, Mahone stresses that CFCV is not content to rest on its laurels. The organization is currently in the early stages of assembling a strategic plan that will set it on course for making an even greater impact over the next 25 years—impact that, he hopes, will unite and uplift the entire region.“We believe that all community voices matter, so it’s important to emphasize that the Community Foundation has done a really good job of thinking about the community as a whole and not just parts or pieces,” he says. “It’s really significant that our community has an organization that is so deeply vested in improving the quality of life of not just a small sector of our community, but for the community overall. That’s how we at the Community Foundation view the spirit of this community—we succeed together.”CFCV Board members (l-r) Melissa Gauntt, Rodney Mahone, and Gardiner Garrard

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Many of the great charitable institutions whose good works we enjoy today came about because of someone encountering a challenge in their own life and deciding to do something about it—meeting their own need in a way that would also meet the needs of countless others.Helen Lovein and Harry Cook Jackson encountered such a challenge when their son Harry Stonewall Jackson, better known as “Harry Jack,” was born with mental and physical disabilities. The family found the help they needed at the Woods School in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, and the Baddour Center in Senatobia, Mississippi—highly respected facilities that not only cared for their residents but also helped them develop skills to achieve a greater degree of independence. In 1983, as Helen took a walk around Lakebottom Park, she decided the people of Georgia deserved something similar.Helen and Harry sought help from the United Methodist Church (UMC), and in 1984 their combined eorts helped create Wesley Glen, a mission agency of the church’s South Georgia Conference. The Jacksons acquired 130 acres in Hamilton, Georgia, for the purpose of realizing Helen’s vision. Unfortunately, as state regulations and educational philosophies PRESERVING A LEGACY OF COMMUNITY LEADERSHIPchanged, the Jacksons determined that the original vision was no longer feasible. But that setback didn’t diminish their desire to help their community. They established the Helen L. and Harry C. Jackson Foundation with two goals in mind: to ensure that people like Harry Jack would have opportunities to experience safe, supportive environments, and to further the growth and prosperity of their hometown of Columbus.When Helen passed away in 2013, she put the foundation in the hands of her daughter and son-in-law, Helen and Bill Burgin, and grandchildren Will Burgin, Helen Kilgore, and Merritt Pryor. “In her will she passed additional liquidity and assets into the foundation,” says Will, president of Jackson-Burgin Inc., the successor to the textile companies upon which the family first made its fortune. “Which was wonderful for us, for my mother and our family to be able to continue their legacy of giving back to the community.”Renamed the Jackson-Burgin Foundation, the organization supported a variety of causes. Among other things, it strengthened Wesley Glen Ministries—by then located in Macon—to the point where it could be the residential center for adults with disabilities that Helen had long dreamed of.Helen and Harry Jackson

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OF COMMUNITY LEADERSHIPIn 2015, Columbus attorney and philanthropist Cecil Cheves invited Will to join the board of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley. “I was happy to do it—I’d wanted to do more in the community, and I thought the Community Foundation oered an opportunity to get plugged into a growing level of connection,” Will says. “But at the same time, I said, ‘If you are coming to ask me to move the family foundation [into the Community Foundation], I can’t commit that—that’s not what I have in mind.’”Getting a firsthand look at how CFCV operated, though, prompted Will to reconsider. As directors of the Jackson-Burgin Foundation, he and his mother and sisters were responsible for all the overhead costs of managing the foundation and investing its funds—to say nothing of complying with complicated government regulations. Families who had Funds with CFCV, though, could make grants with little more than a phone call.“All the while I was sitting in on these board meetings, seeing how people just picked up the phone, called the Community Foundation, and made their gifts and grants,” Will recalls. “I sat back down and I asked Betsy [Covington], ‘Let’s go back and remind me how all this works again?’”Will met with his family members and made the case for moving the family foundation into the CFCV. In 2019, they re-established the Jackson-Burgin Foundation as the Jackson-Burgin Foundation Fund, an Endowed Donor Advised Fund within the Community Foundation. In doing so, they found that they could recommend grants to the causes they were passionate about, from local charities like the Mercer Medical School, Springer Opera House, and the Historic Columbus Foundation, to national organizations such as Easter Seals and the Chattahoochee Council of the Boy Scouts of America, and let CFCV handle everything else—quickly and eciently.“We believe strongly in building community,” Will says. “We look for opportunities to grow Columbus for all of its citizens. If we’re not gifting with thought to my uncle, then we are generally making placemaking gifts, which could be everything from people who work on quality-of-life issues to some of the places that help people better themselves, career development, education, and the like.”With the Community Foundation, “you can gift your assets to any cause you want to,” he continues. “Now, seeing my own children grow up, I’ve realized this is a unique way to know that Columbus is going to get the benefit of the Jacksons for generations to come. And that’s a nice feeling.”Helen Kilgore, Merritt Pryor, Helen Burgin, and Will BurginThe Jackson-Burgin Foundation Fund

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DONORSDonors give cash, appreciated stocks, real estate or other assets and receive maximum charitable and tax benefits. The CFCV can also accept unusual types of assets; sometimes donors are wealthy in unexpected ways. GIVE ALL TYPES OF ASSETSThe Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) public charity and is certified by the Council on Foundations as meeting all national standards for community foundations. Donors can give to an existing Fund or establish a Fund in their name or in the name of their family, a specific organization or someone they wish to honor. Funds can be endowed to exist forever or non-endowed to facilitate short-term giving. For descriptions and illustrations of the various types of Funds, please see “An Array of Funds to Meet Community Needs,” in this report. FOR SPECIFIC FUNDSTO THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONEndowed and long-term Funds are pooled for investment purposes, maximizing diversification opportunities and returns while lowering fees. The CFCV can make grants on behalf of its donors to any charitable organization, including churches, educational and governmental institutions, United Ways and — in some cases — in support of individuals or charitable eorts that may not have a 501(c)(3). TO ALLOW GRANTS FOR GOOD… FOREVERCAREFULLY INVESTEDFor more information about establishing a new Fund or contributing to an existing Fund, contact your financial advisor or the CFCV sta. Individuals, families or organizations give through the Community Foundation to help achieve their charitable goals and leave a legacy in a way that is meaningful to them.The Community Foundation provides a simple, powerful and highly personal approach to giving. It exists to help people easily and eectively support the issues they care about — immediately or through their wills. DOING GOODWHILE DOING WELL

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ADMINISTRATIVE AND UNRESTRICTED GRANT FUNDS Endowed Funds that either benefit the Community Foundation or help us identify opportunities and target dollars where they will be most eective.The Fred and Catalina Aranas Family Fund - A named sub-Fund of the Community Endowment Fund, contributed to help meet the needs of the Chattahoochee ValleyThe Chattahoochee Valley Fair Fund - To support the CFCV and its charitable eorts in the Chattahoochee ValleyThe Susan and Butch Cochran Family Fund - Established July 2011 in memory of Susan Marland Cochran. Upon the death of Dr. Thomas “Butch” Cochran, Jr., in July 2017, became a named sub-Fund of the Community Endowment Fund, to help meet the needs of the Chattahoochee Valley. The Community Endowment Fund - An unrestricted endowment that gives the Community Foundation Board the ability to address long-term community needs and opportunitiesThe Moselle W. and H. Quigg Fletcher, Jr., Endowment Fund - A named sub-Fund of the Community Endowment Fund, contributed to help meet the needs of the Chattahoochee ValleyThe Founder’s Society Endowment - To benefit the operations of the CFCVThe Nonprofit Training Partnership Fund - A partnership with other local funding entities to foster a program of high-level nonprofit trainingAREA FUNDSBenefit a particular neighborhood, city or county. Donors may select advisory committees to help make grant recommendations.Endowed The Troup Community Endowment Fund † - Part of the Troup Component Funds, this Fund exists to help meet the charitable needs of Troup County, now and in the futurePass-Through (Non-endowed) The Troup Community Immediate Needs Fund † - To make grants to qualified non-profit organizations in Troup County for projects serving the community’s charitable needsDESIGNATED FUNDSGuarantee ongoing support for specific charitable organizations. Endowed Designated Funds provide permanent funding to help sustain an organization or to supplement specific projects.Endowed The William Mizell Alexander and Julia Smith Alexander FundThe Loretto Chappell Book Endowment Fund – To provide support for the purchase of books and other circulating materials for the public libraries in Muscogee CountyThe Columbus Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund – To benefit the charitable purposes of and for the enrichment of the CSOThe Columbus Symphony Orchestra Rental Fund – To help pay the costs associated with the CSO’s use of the RiverCenter for the Performing ArtsThe Home for Good Permanent Supportive Housing Plan Implementation Fund – To support one aspect of Columbus’ 10-year Plan to Eliminate HomelessnessThe Kadie EnCowment Fund – To provide funds to support the maintenance of Columbus’ iconic Kadie the Cow (“Kadie”) for the enjoyment and benefit of the public of Columbus, GA, including its citizens and visitorsThe Michael Dillon King Memorial Fund* – To honor the memory of Michael Dillon King, who passed away in October 2022, by providing permanently sustainable annual contributions to the Smiths Station High School Band ProgramThe Muscogee County Library Endowment Fund – To support the services and programs of the public libraries in Muscogee CountyThe MCLF Special Projects Fund – To support future projects and transformational ideas that benefit the public libraries in Muscogee CountyThe Muscogee County Library Ruth Brooks Yancey Endowment Fund – To support the eorts of the public libraries in Muscogee County to promote early childhood literacy through onsite and outreach programming, including and especially that which reaches at-risk children. Funds may additionally be used for the design and maintenance of the Ruth Brooks Yancey Children’s GardenThe RiverCenter Arts Education Fund – To fund, enhance, and develop RiverCenter’s outreach and educational programs, particularly those to communities of color, economically disadvantaged neighborhoods, and public schools with a high percentage of Free or Reduced Lunch recipientsThe RiverCenter Facilities Endowment Fund – To operate and furnish the RiverCenter for the Performing ArtsThe Martha Turner Valley Rescue Fund – To benefit the Valley Rescue Mission.The Calvin Wylie Wells Fund – To support the purchase of books and materials that will directly benefit the children enrolled at the Huckabay School in Huckabay, TexasPass-Through (Non-endowed) The ArtBeat Fund – To support the organization and execution of the annual ArtBeat event, celebrating the arts in ColumbusThe Brookstone School Servant Leadership FundThe Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit Juvenile Drug Court Foundation Fund – To provide funding for the Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit Juvenile Drug CourtThe Coalition for Sound Growth Fund – To improve quality of life in Columbus and the surrounding region through education and action that encourages the implementation of development practices fostering the community’s long-term economic growth, enhanced sense of place, and environmental healthThe Columbus Scholars Administrative Support Fund – To support the charitable activities of Columbus Scholars, Inc.The Dragonfly Trails Fund - To help support the design and construction of a linked network of greenway trails throughout ColumbusThe Dragonfly MidTown Connector Fund The Drug Free… You & Me Fund – To help support this annual conference for 6th-graders, which has for more than 20 years helped give them the tools they need to resist the use of drugs and alcoholThe Fox Elementary Fund – To help support an eort to create a park and playground for the Bibb Community at Fox Elementary SchoolThe Friends of the Parks Fund – To support projects in the parks of Columbus, GAThe Muscogee County Library Foundation Fund – To support the Muscogee County Public Library SystemThe MCLF Operating Fund – To administer the annual operating and grantmaking budget of the Muscogee County Library FoundationThe MCLF South Columbus Library Fund* – To support the renovation and expansion project of the South Columbus Public LibraryThe Parks Memorial Public Library Fund – To provide support for the operation and programs of the Parks Memorial Public Library in Stewart County, GAThe Rothschild Family for Rothschild Leadership Academy Fund – To continue the good work of David Rothschild II in supporting the Rothschild Middle School principal’s eorts to maximize learning at the schoolThe West Georgia Honor Flight Fund – To fly veterans of World War II, free of charge, to Washington, D.C., to visit the WWII MemorialDONOR ADVISED FUNDSAllow donors to recommend charitable grants at any time, with no mandatory annual payout rate. Easy and flexible, these Funds have no legal costs and no annual tax returns. Donors receive maximum tax benefits for their giving to the Funds due to the CFCV’s status as a public charity and can access learning opportunities, online tools and expert sta. Endowed and Long-Term Invested The Aflac Fund The Kathelen V. and Daniel P. Amos Fund The Paul and Courtney Amos Fund The Kathelen V. Amos Donor Advised Fund The Shannon L. Amos Legacy Fund The Paul S. and Jean R. Amos Family Foundation FundThe Anonymous Fund #7† The Anonymous Fund #10 The Anonymous Fund #12 The Anonymous Fund #19 The Anonymous Fund #20 The Anonymous Fund #21 The Anonymous Fund #22 The Anonymous Fund #25 The Anonymous Fund #30 The Anonymous Fund #35 The Anonymous Fund #36 The Anonymous Fund #42* The Royce and Tamara Ard Family Fund The David Mincey Averett Fund The B24 Fund The Meredith F. Baum Fund† The Beason Fund† The Tom and Doris Black Family Fund The Wilson W. and Geraldine D. Blackmon FundThe James Kennerly Boatwright III Family Fund†The Bowick Family Fund The Suzanne F. and Edward C. Burdeshaw FundThe Otis and Eleanor Burnham Charitable FundThe Robert Wesley Carr and Frances Porter Crim FundThe Columbus Lawyers Educational Foundation Fund*The Jenny and Bob Copeland Fund† The Bess Dedwylder Memorial Fund - To honor the memory of Elizabeth “Bess” Rivers Dedwylder, September 1, 1993-October 31, 2021, and to support charitable organizations and eorts in the Columbus, GA, community that improve the lives of young people and/or familiesThe Josh and Claire Dunlap Family Fund New Funds established during the year are designated with an asterisk (*). Funds marked with a”†” are part of the Troup County Component Funds.AN ARRAY OF FUNDSTO MEET COMMUNITY NEEDS

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The Dan and Nancy Durand Fund† The Thad and Allison Estes Fund The Feighner Charitable Fund* The Ruth Lamar Fletcher Fund The Jake and Anna Flournoy Family Fund The Frank and Sally Foley Fund The Frank D. Foley, Jr., and Sally W. Foley FundThe Lenora J. and Gardiner W. Garrard Fund The Wilbur H. Glenn Family Fund The Patrick and Susan Graham Family Fund The Grier Family Fund The Judy I. Harding Fund The Marion and Angela Hart Fund The Hecht Family Fund The Kenneth M. Henson, Jr. Family Fund The Kenneth M. and Sue B. Henson Fund The Helen Jordan Hobbs Fund The Malynn Hogan Fund The Kathleen M. & Christopher D. Hohlstein FundThe Hollis/Link Fund The Justus M. Hu Community Fund* The Sarah H. and Jack C. Hughston Foundation FundThe Shawn and Marisela Humphries Fund* The Mike Irvin/Integrated Financial Group FundThe Jackson-Burgin Foundation Fund The Mikey Jacobs Fund The Trinity and Jaxson Jones Memorial Fund The Jared and Alynda Jones Fund† The Patricia Hurst Jordan and C. Dexter Jordan, Jr. FundThe Betty Lindsay King Charitable Fund The Kinnett Family Fund The Knight Foundation Fund The Knight, Dismuke, Caldwell Charitable FundThe David and Jane Cohn Kulbersh Charitable FundThe Clay & Shannon Land Fund The Kayron McMinn Laska Charitable Fund The Loomis Fund The Joey M. and Ramona L. Loudermilk Fund The Mac Graham Fund The Judy Madere and Carrie Jones Memorial FundThe Elle Joyce Marks Memorial Fund The A.J. and Helen C. McClung Foundation FundThe Brian S. and Lynn B. McCluskey Fund The George and Gigi McCluskey Fund The Lee and Suzanne McCluskey Fund The McMath-Turner Family Fund The Hannah Lee McMonagle Charitable Fund The Johnson Wade McMonagle Charitable FundThe Tate Patrick McMonagle Charitable Fund The William Andrew McMonagle Charitable FundThe Lyle Cheves Meeks Fund* - to honor and continue into perpetuity the joy, love, passion, and generosity of spirit that exemplified his life of Lyle Cheves Meeks. Lyle was born to loving parents, Ryan and Isa Meeks, on January 30, 2018, and passed from this life to life eternal on August 5, 2020The Shawn Mewhorter Fund The Michael G. and Valeta R. Mills Fund The “Of These” Principles Fund The Jean Kinnett Oliver Fund The Page-Sheek Fund The Dan and Teri Parker Fund The Rebekah Anne Parker and Daniel W. Parker FundThe Partridge Pond Fund The Brandon and Brooke Peak Family Fund The PFC Charles Clayton “CC” Persing Memorial FundThe Phoenix Fund The James Key and Brinkley Burks Pound FundThe Ragland Family Fund The Lee Richter Family Fund† The Rotary Club of Columbus Endowment FundThe Rotary Club of LaGrange Endowment Fund†The Dora G. and Jac H. Rothschild Fund The RUNNOFT Fund* The Agnes Green and John & Alice Sands Fund The Maxine R. and Jack S. Schiman Fund The Frank and Meg Schley Family Fund The Shain Schley Fund The Claud A. Sears Family Fund The Angela and John Sims Fund The Grover T. and Louise H. Smith Charitable FundThe J.W. Smith and Laura S. Smith Fund The Marian M. and J. Connor Smith Fund† The SOMA Foundation Fund The Ken Spano Charitable Foundation Fund The Spinks Family Fund The Rose Hurt Steiner Fund The Donald and Irene Stewart Family Fund The Mat and Mary Lou Swift Fund The Claire Kinnett and John Austin Tate Fund The Tharpe Family Fund† The Phil and Anita Tomlinson Fund The Wade H. and Teresa Pike Tomlinson Fund The Tyler and Eleanore Townsend Fund The Ussery Family Fund The Katherine and Wright Waddell Fund The Martha Mitchell Wade Charitable Fund The Ruth McKnight Wade Charitable Fund The Watry Family Fund* The Wells Fargo Bank Donor Advised Fund The WestPoint Fund† The Cecil and Terry Whitaker Family Fund The Emily and Tom Williams Fund The Troy and Gloria Woods Fund The Wooten Family FundPass-Through (Non-endowed) The Aflac Childhood Cancer Campaign FundThe Amazon Covenant Fund*The Anonymous Fund #1The Anonymous Fund #2The Anonymous Fund #5†The Anonymous Fund #6The Anonymous Fund #8The Anonymous Fund #11The Anonymous Fund #13The Anonymous Fund #15The Anonymous Fund #23The Anonymous Fund #32The Anonymous Fund #33The Anonymous Fund #34The Anonymous Fund #37The Anonymous Fund #38The Anonymous Fund #39The Anonymous Fund #43The B24 II FundThe Katherine Scarbrough Barr FundThe David and Michelle Blanchard FundThe Mr. and Mrs. James H. Blanchard FundThe Helge Boes Memorial FundThe W.C. Bradley Company FundThe Briscoe Family FundThe McKnight and Alice Brown FundThe David M. & Donna T. Brown FundThe J.S. Brown FundThe Wm. J. Burgin Family FundThe Laura and Tyler Bankhead FundThe Stephen T. & Kent H. Butler FundThe Andrew and Landy Cartledge FundThe Adrian Chester Uplift FundThe W. Wade and Elizabeth S. Cliatt FundThe Hugh Thomas Douglas Memorial Fund* - to honor the beacon of light that Hugh Thomas Douglas was to his family and community. Hugh, an exceptional student at Morehouse College who displayed immense dedication and promise, lost his life in a tragic car accident at the age of 20, on September 4, 2023.The Kate and Allen Doyle Fund†The Dreyden FundThe EHH Gift Fund†The Reverend J.H. Flakes, Jr. Memorial FundThe Thomas and Loretta Flowers Charitable FundThe Fort Trustee FundsThe Claudia and Gunby Garrard FundThe Quinn and David Gibbs FundThe John F. Greenman and Mary Alice Budge FundThe Alexander C. Hale FundThe Kerry and Donna Hand FundThe Have a Dream FundThe Jo Anne and Robert G. Hecht FundThe Elizabeth B. Hendricks FundThe James G. and Kathryn A. Hillenbrand FundThe History Alive FundThe Irby Foundation FundThe Elizabeth Neal Irby FundThe Ashley and Martin Jones FundThe Kennon Family FundThe Katie and Justin Krieg FundThe Alexander Letterese FundThe Virginia and Sam Lukens FundThe Elizabeth D. Martin FundThe John C. Martin III FundThe Millie Martin FundThe Sallie T. and John C. Martin FundThe Pierce and Becky Miller FundThe Miracle Ride Fund - to support the Miracle Riders’ eorts to benefit the lives of children, particularly children in the Chattahoochee ValleyThe Turner and Michele Moshell FundThe W. Michael & Elizabeth C. Ogie FundThe Wilds M. Ogie FundThe Jill Chancey Philips Memorial FundThe William D. Ploeger Youth Golf FundThe Elizabeth B. and Alan C. Ramsay, Jr. FundThe Reed Rae FundThe Lane M. and Chandler Riley FundThe John Rosetta FundThe Rotary Club of Columbus, Georgia, Inc. FundThe Jewett and Alan Rothschild FundThe Run Across Georgia FundThe Kyle Scarbrough FundThe See It Through FundThe Francis Cappel Sharpe FundThe C.R. Sheeld Family FundThe Celia and Murray Solomon Family FundThe Southern Harris Farm FundThe Jay and Cindy Sparks Family FundThe Tracy E.D. and Amy J. Spencer FundThe Together 2016 FundThe Townsend Wealth Management FundThe Abbott and Kayla Turner FundThe Barbara J. Turner FundThe Brad and Sally Turner FundThe Brooke Delaney Turner FundThe Cathey and Abbott Turner Family FundThe Gardiner Turner FundThe Jack and Ashley Turner FundThe John and Amandah Turner FundThe William B. III and Katherine Turner FundThe Varrot FundThe Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Allen Waddell, Jr., FundThe Lulie and Harrison Wallace FundThe Matthew and Sarah West FundThe Clare B. Williams FundThe Elizabeth Worth Williams FundThe Susan and Keith Wood Charitable FundThe Bright Kinnett and Robert Usher Wright Family FundThe “Wright” Heart for Giving Fund FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDSAllow donors to address specific areas of interest or community needs without specifying particular recipient organizations. Endowed and Long-Term Invested The A.C. Chancellor Memorial Fund – To support charitable organizations and eorts in the Columbus, GA, community that either were impactful to A.C. or that nurture the lives of young people

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The Consumer Financial Education Endowment Fund – To support charitable organizations’ work to educate and/or advocate for consumers who are susceptible to being victimized in consumer transactionsThe Louise Spencer Dupre Cancer Research and Patient Support Fund – To support programs related to the eradication of cancer and to innovative whole-patient care and support. The Fund primarily supports eorts in the geographic areas of Pittsford/Rochester, NY, and Columbus and Atlanta, GA.The Friends of Uptown Fund - To support maintenance of and improvements to public space and public infrastructure within Uptown Columbus, GAThe Chuck Hart Foundation Fund - To provide support for vulnerable populations and for maintenance and improvements to the Chattahoochee RiverWalkThe Pediatric Research and Education Foundation Fund – To further physician and sta education opportunities related to pediatric care in the Chattahoochee ValleyThe Right From the Start Marriage and Family Endowment Fund – To provide a permanent source of support for eorts in the Columbus, GA, community that help build and support healthy marriages and familiesThe Whitewater Maintenance Endowment Fund - To support the systematic upkeep, maintenance, and repair of the Chattahoochee River Whitewater Course in Columbus, GA, to sustain it as a safe, highly attractive, and healthy recreational and environmental venuePass-Through (Non-endowed) The AADO (African American Development Ocers) Fund – To provide support for programming that helps this organization foster professional development and facilitate interaction among its membersThe Columbus Area Full-Count Census Fund - To support non-partisan eorts to encourage the broadest possible participation in the Census in the Columbus, GA, areaThe Chattahoochee Valley Imagination Library Fund* - To further the work of the former Columbus Ferst Readers volunteers by facilitating local partnership with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to provide free books for children from birth to age five in Chattahoochee and Muscogee Counties in GA, and Russell County, ALThe Columbus GA 2025 Fund – To support the operation and programs of Columbus 2025, a multi-year cross-sector eort to reduce poverty, increase prosperity and improve the quality of life in the Greater Columbus, GA, regionThe Columbus Safe Streets Fund – To support purely charitable activities in partnership with the Columbus Consolidated Government to assess and support the community’s public safety, particularly pertaining to law enforcementThe Coronavirus Response Fund - To provide flexible resources to organizations in the Columbus area working with our most vulnerable citizens, who are disproportionately impacted by Covid and its economic consequencesThe Country’s Midnight Express Foundation Fund - To enable the charitable component of this race to support those in our community who struggle with visual impairmentsThe Local News & Information Fund - To support charitable eorts to assess and strengthen local journalismThe Moving Forward Together Fund – To support issues related to ensuring equal opportunity for the citizens of ColumbusNeighbors Helping Neighbors: The Lee-Talbot Relief Fund – To provide relief and support to those in Lee County, AL, and Talbot County, GA, impacted by the EF4 tornado that struck the area on March 3, 2019The Resilient Georgia Fund - To partner with United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley in improving the lives of children and their families across our area through the creation of the Chattahoochee Valley Child Equity Collaborative and in developing a trauma-informed collaborative across a multi-county areaThe S.N.A.A.P. Fund – To support the Southeastern Network of African Americans in Philanthropy’s eorts to increase the opportunity to promote, educate, and support African American philanthropic organizationsThe Sara Spano Clothing Bank Fund – To support the Sara Spano PTA Clothing Bank, founded by Sara Spano in the 1960s to “to enhance the self-esteem and promote a positive self-image of disadvantaged children in the Muscogee County School System by providing them with a school wardrobe consisting of new and gently worn items” The Youth Infrastructure Coalition Fund - To support the engagement of youth in solving the problems of today, and paving a better future through infrastructure projectsORGANIZATION FUNDSEstablished by a nonprofit organization to provide benefit for that organization. The nonprofit takes advantage of the CFCV’s professional endowment management, freeing their sta and board to concentrate on the organization’s own programs and mission.Endowed and Long-Term InvestedThe Abbey Fellowship, Inc., Fund Columbus Alliance for Regional Investment, Inc., FundThe Columbus Habitat for Humanity Endowment FundThe Columbus Habitat for Humanity Construction Fund The Columbus High School Alumni Association Endowment Fund The House of Mercy Endowment Fund The Junior League of Columbus Endowment FundThe LaGrange Academy Marian McGregor Smith Endowment Fund† - To foster excellence in expression and use of the written word by students and faculty at LaGrange AcademyThe LaGrange Academy Endowment Fund† - To provide operational and program support for LaGrange AcademyThe LaGrange Art Museum Endowment Fund† - To provide operational and program support for the LaGrange Art MuseumThe David and Barbara Rothschild Fund for the Muscogee County Libraries - To support the services and programs of the public libraries in Muscogee CountyThe LaGrange Symphony Orchestra Connally-Kaplan Endowment Fund† - To provide operational and program support for the LaGrange Symphony OrchestraThe LaGrange Symphony Orchestra Dorothy Allen Turner Endowment Fund† The LaGrange Symphony Orchestra, Inc., Ethel Dallis Hill Memorial Fund† The Mother Mary School Endowment FundThe Stewart Community Home Big Dream Fund - To support the operations of the Stewart Community HomeThe Troup County Libraries Endowment Fund† The Westville Endowment Fund - To support the operations of Historic WestvilleThe Lynn Whiddon Endowment for the Youth Orchestra of Greater Columbus Fund - To support the operations of the Youth Orchestra of Greater ColumbusSCHOLARSHIP FUNDSHelp donors invest in the community’s future by providing scholarship support for qualified students or specific institutions All are endowed or long-term invested. The W.L. Amos, Sr., Scholarship Fund - To honor the memory of and show love and respect for W.L. Amos., Sr., through scholarships to the families of employees of Aflac U.S.The Megan Rose Carroll Scholarship Fund - To provide a scholarship to a female Harris County High School graduating senior for higher education needsThe Pat Chitwood Women Leaders in Journalism Fund - To help support the post-secondary undergraduate education of women who intend to be leaders in a profession related to the field of journalismThe Aaron Cohn Citizenship Award for Aaron Cohn Middle School Fund – To annually honor an Aaron Cohn Middle School 8th-grade student who demonstrates the qualities that Judge Aaron Cohn most admired: civic awareness, scholastic achievements, and community serviceThe Columbus Lawyers Educational Foundation Scholarship Fund*The Columbus Scholars Fund – To support Columbus Scholars’ long-term poverty reduction program for impoverished students, with a goal of providing hope through education and support for character developmentThe Jeanette Williamson Craig and Eugene L. Craig Scholarship Fund – To help Muscogee County students attend collegeThe Gary Downs Scholarship FundThe Robert F. and Mary Jane Galer Scholarship Fund* – To honor the memory of the Galers, who — through selfless work and unwavering commitment — dedicated their lives to advocating for the rights of women and supporting those less-privileged in society, the Fund provides college scholarships for young people from Chattahoochee, Harris, or Muscogee County who have financial need and who aspire to become community leaders and champions for women and/or the underprivilegedThe Randy Jordan Scholarship for Jordan High School Fund The Randy Jordan Spirit of Columbus High School Athletic Award FundThe James Henry Smith and Gladys Manning Smith Scholarship Fund – To help Muscogee County students attend collegeThe Judge Albert W. Thompson, Sr., Scholarship Fund – To provide up to two scholarships to college students with a connection to Georgia who are entering or currently enrolled in law school and are committed to practicing nonprofit law or another type of public service lawThe Lynn Faulkner Viets Scholarship Fund – To be awarded to a Muscogee County School District student who is entering higher education that shows strong academic achievement, financial need, and strong characterThe WestPoint Scholarship Fund*†The M. Troy Woods Scholarship Fund - To provide support for one student who demonstrates high academic achievement and leadership potential, and who intends to earn an undergraduate degree in cybersecurity through Columbus State University’s Turner College of BusinessEndowed / Non-Endowed AssetsEndowed & Long-Term Invested 96%Pass-Through (cash) 4%

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A-Com Enterprises, Inc.Aflac Childhood Cancer Foundation, Inc.Aflac IncorporatedAlabama Power Foundation, Inc.Alexander Contracting Company IncJay AlexanderMr. and Mrs. J. Rick AlexanderMrs. W. Mizell AlexanderAmerican Library AssociationMr. and Mrs. Daniel P. AmosThe Kathelen V. and Daniel P. Amos Fund, CFCVWanda J. AmosAnonymous Friends of the FoundationMr. Dwayne AshleyMs. Katherine M. AtheyErroll J BaileyJoe BannerBarrier Cable, Inc.Dr. Sylvia BartleyBenevity Community Impact FundMs. Paula BerezinMs. Susan BerryMs. Marjorie B. BickerstaMrs. Thomas B. BlackBlackwell’s, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. David BlanchardMr. and Mrs. James H. BlanchardChad BoothMr. and Mrs. Christopher J. BowickBradley-Turner FoundationDavid Brenton’s TeamBriscoe Family Foundation, Inc.Mr. Alphonce J. BrownMr. and Mrs. David M. BrownMr. John S. BrownAli and Jim BruderJimmy BruderDr. Mary Alice BudgeMr. and Mrs. Edward C. BurdeshawThe Suzanne F. and Edward C. Burdeshaw Fund, CFCVMs. Nancy BurginMrs. Otis B. BurnhamJulie BurrusMs. Birgit BurtonThe Stephen T. & Kent H. Butler Fund, CFCVJacqui & Rick CaeyCapital Wealth Management Group, LLCMr. and Mrs. Albert Caproni IIIValerie CaproniMr. and Mrs. Robert CartwrightLeigh Shelton CassadyMr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Chancellor IIIVenus L ChapmanThe Loretto Chappell Book Endowment Fund, CFCVMr. Robert W. ChitwoodRob ChranePeter CiarrocchiMr. Curtis ClarkCLIBOCA FoundationCMS WirelessCultural Arts Alliance - Visit ColumbusGAColumbus Foot and AnkleColumbus Lawyers Educational Foundation, Inc.Columbus State University Foundation, Inc.Committee to Elect Richard SmithConaway Electrical ServiceMike CottmeyerCountry’s Midnight Express, LLCCu-ColumbusDadisman Family Fund at the Community Foundation of North FloridaDaniel ApplianceThe Daniel P. Amos Family Foundation, Inc.David Rothschild Co., Inc.Betty S. DavisGregory DavisJanet DavisMr. John Davis DedwylderGreta and Monty deMayoDittoLive IncorporatedDr. Tekemia DorseyMr. and Mrs. Allen DoyleMr. and Mrs. Willie L. DozierThe Dreyden Fund, CFCVMr. and Mrs. James DudleyDykes Body Shop, Inc.The EHH Gift Fund, CFCVMr. and Mrs. Thad EstesExtreme PowerSports, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Feighner, Jr.Lucile FlournoyThe Fort Trustee Fund, CFCVMellie Fountain and James W. GrinFP Owner, LLCThe Fuller Charitable Remainder Annuity TrustMr. F. Fulton GalerMs. Mary Jane F. GalerThe Doctors Cynthia C. and R. Spencer GarrardGeorge and Ann Swift Family Foundation, Inc.Georgia Power FoundationGerard GibbonsMr. and Mrs. Thomas C. GierMr. Randy GorodGreater GivingAmina and Riah GreathouseMs. Gail B. GreenblattDr. Henry J. HallSusette P. HallHardaway FoundationMr. and Mrs. Alan HarknessThe Harmann Family-Pam and Edwin Page Fund of the Greater Cincinnati FoundationJudye S. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Charles HechtHecht, Burdeshaw Architects, Inc.The James G. and Kathryn A. Hillenbrand Fund, CFCVMr. and Mrs. James HillenbrandHollingsworth Family FoundationThe Hollis/Link Fund, CFCVMr. Justus Martin HuHughston Clinic, P.C./ HMMG, LLCSuzanne HughstonMr. and Mrs. Shawn HumphriesHunter Family Fund, Fidelity CharitableMrs. Teresa S. IrvinJe’s Truck TopsJ.W. and Ethel I. Woodru FoundationDr. and Mrs. Tom JacobsMary Louise P. JarrellMr. Charles D. JohnsonMaggie JohnstonKwanza JonesThe Jordan FoundationJordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd.Mr. and Mrs. William JordanThe June and Bruce Howard Family Charitable Gift Fund, Schwab CharitableK&K Aggregate, Inc.Mrs. Jack B. KeyKindred Healthcare Operating, LLCKinetic Credit UnionThe Betty Lindsay King Charitable Fund, CFCVMr. Matthew W. KingDr. and Mrs. Edward B. KinnerThe Knight Foundation Fund, CFCVMs. Tricia KonanThe Katie and Justin Krieg Fund, CFCVThe David and Jane Cohn Kulbersh Charitable Fund, CFCVLambda Sigma Chapter, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John LaskaLautus Special Risks, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Henry LewisThe Lipham Foundation, Inc.Lockwood Partners Foundation, Inc.The Honorable Joey M. LoudermilkReshunda L. Mahone Ed.D., CFREMr. and Mrs. Derek MannThe Maple FamilyThe Mark FamilyMr. and Mrs. John P. MarvetsMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McAvoyMcClure Family FoundationRobert McKennaThe MCLF Special Projects Fund, CFCVThe MCLF Operating Fund, CFCVAnn and William McWhirterMr. and Mrs. Ryan MeeksMellow MushroomDonations of all sizes were received throughout 2023 from hundreds of individuals, families and organizations. Their gifts will be used to benefit the community now and in the future. Every eort has been made to ensure that this report is accurate. However, if we have made any errors, please accept our apology and call our oce at (706) 320-0027 so that we may correct our records.The following have given $500 or more to one or more Funds at the CFCV.CONTRIBUTORSTO THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONDonor Advised Funds 75%Designated, Organization & Field of Interest Funds 21%Scholarship Funds 3%Unrestricted & Area Funds 1%Gifts to the CFCV by Fund Type

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Mercedes-Benz of ColumbusMs. Shawn MewhorterMidland Meadows, LLCThe Mildred Miller Fort FoundationMs. Louis K. MillerMichelle MontgomeryVictoria Faith MontgomeryThe Turner and Michele Moshell Fund, CFCVMuscogee County Friends of Libraries, Inc.The Muscogee County Library Foundation Fund, CFCVThe Muscogee County Library Endowment Fund, CFCVThe Muscogee County Library Ruth Brooks Yancey Endowment Fund, CFCVNavco Foundation , Inc.Network for Good, Inc.The Next Generation Fund of the Bradley-Turner FoundationDr. Nick NorwoodAnn Cary NoyesThe W. Michael & Elizabeth C. Ogie Fund, CFCVMr. and Mrs. W. Michael OgieSteve & Mary OliveJoydi OvalleThe Page-Sheek Fund, CFCVPatterson Property Inspections, LLCMr. Christopher B. PattersonDr. and Mrs. Robert M. PattonThe Paul S. and Jean R. Amos Family Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Gordon PeaseMr. Jack J. PeaseMr. Donnie PeekThe Pezold Family FoundationMr. John D. PezoldMr. Frank A. PhilipsThe Elizabeth B. and Alan C. Ramsay, Jr. Fund, CFCVJoan RedmondThe Richard and Helen Robbins Family Foundation, Inc.Rights To Ricky SanchezMs. Kathy RileyRiverCenter, Inc.The Robert and Carol Flowers FoundationRodgers Metal CraftRosehill Seafood, Inc.The Rotary Club of ColumbusThe David and Barbara Rothschild Fund, CFCV for the Muscogee County Libraries Fund, CFCVThe Jewett and Alan Rothschild Fund, CFCVMrs. Elizabeth H. RussellMs. Margaret SalterSarah H. and Jack C. Hughston Foundation, Inc.Kristen SaundersMrs. Maxine R. SchimanEmily Lawrimore SchillingerThe Frank and Meg Schley Family Fund, CFCVThe Shain Schley Fund, CFCVSchuster Enterprises, Inc.Kimberly ScottNell Hudson ScrantomPatricia SebastianMs. Sharon SelfChristine ShawShelby and Wanda Amos FoundationMr. Ernest Smallman IVAndrea and Bruce SmithThe Estate of J.W. Smith and Laura S. SmithSOMA FoundationSouthern States BankThe Ken Spano Charitable Foundation Fund, CFCVMr. and Mrs. Jay SparksMr. Tracy E. D. SpencerMs. Tiany ShreveMr. Warren B. SteeleDr. and Mrs. John StephensonMr. Sam StottMr. Brice PattersonSunshine Banners and SignsBarbara C. SwiftCarter Epping SwiftSynovusChris & Melissa TaylorPamela ThayerMs. Melissa ThomasThe Thornton Jordan Family FoundationDr. and Mrs. Chip TillmanThe Tyler and Eleanore Townsend Fund, CFCVMr. and Mrs. William B. Turner, Jr.The John and Amandah Turner Fund, CFCVUnited Way of the Chattahoochee Valley, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. UsseryMr. Dan VeachW.C. Bradley CompanyMrs. George E. Wade IIIDr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Wade, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John Walden, Jr.The Darwin and Danielle Walker Bank of America CGFDr. and Mrs. Wade WallaceMr. and Mrs. Harrison WallaceThe Walter Alan Richards FoundationMr. and Mrs. Carl J. WatryMrs. Janice M. WatsonWells Fargo Bank, N.A.The WestPoint Fund, CFCVDr. and Mrs. Cecil F. Whitaker, Jr.Ms. Carme WilliamsYalonda WilsonBrevard House WindsorThe Woodroof-Funderburke Fund, The Community Foundation of Greater AtlantaMr. and Mrs. M. Troy WoodsThe Troy and Gloria Woods Fund, CFCVMr. William C. WoolfolkThe Yancey Family FoundationMrs. Rebecca K. YarbroughYouth Orchestra Association of Greater Columbus, Inc.Donor Advised Funds 79%Designated, Organization & Field of Interest Funds 16%Unrestricted & Area Funds 3%Scholarship Funds 2%Assets by Fund TypeThe following charitable organizations and eorts received grants of $500 or more during the year.GRANTS FROM THECOMMUNITY FOUNDATION’S FUNDSUNRESTRICTED AND AREA FUNDS The Community Endowment Fund (The CFCV’s Discretionary Fund) Candid (formerly the Foundation Center, Inc.) – to fund the Foundation Center Funding Information Network at the Columbus Public Library, providing all area nonprofits with administrative, board-building and fundraising informationThe Chattahoochee Valley Fair Fund and the Community Endowment Fund (The CFCV’s Discretionary Fund) and its three named sub-funds: the Moselle W. and H. Quigg Fletcher, Jr., Endowment Fund, the Susan and Butch Cochran Family Fund, and the Fred and Catalina Aranas Family Fund – made application-based Community Impact Awards to projects of: Boys and Girls Clubs of the Chattahoochee Valley, Inc. Chattahoochee River Conservancy (Chattahoochee Riverwarden) Columbus Symphony Orchestra Historic Columbus Foundation, Inc. Springer Opera House Arts Association, Inc. St. Anne Catholic Church StartUP Columbus, Inc. Truth Spring Incorporated UGrow, Inc., dba The Food MillDESIGNATED, FIELD OF INTEREST & ORGANIZATION FUNDS**Note: In several of these cases the CFCV is acting as the fiscal agent for a specific charitable eort, therefore grants from the particular Fund can be made to a for-profit entity that has provided goods or services on behalf of the Fund’s charitable eort. The list below details the direct grantee and/or the eort on behalf of which grants were made. African American Development Ocers Network, Inc.Association of Fundraising ProfessionalsCarroll Center for the Blind Inc.Columbus Area Habitat for HumanityColumbus High School Alumni Association, Inc.Dollywood FoundationDragonfly Trails, Inc.Historic Westville, Inc.Hope Harbour, Inc.House of MercyHuckabay Independent School DistrictLaGrange Academy, Inc.LaGrange Art Museum, Inc.LaGrange Symphony Orchestra, Inc.NeighborWorks ColumbusNorth Columbus Elementary SchoolPluta Cancer Center Foundation, Inc.Pta Georgia CongressRiverCenter, Inc.StartUP Columbus, Inc.The A.C. Chancellor Memorial Fund, CFCVThe AADO (African American Development Ocers) Fund, CFCVThe Aiming High Academy of Columbus, Georgia, Fund, CFCVThe Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit Juvenile Drug Court Foundation Fund, CFCVThe Columbus GA 2025 Fund, CFCV

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The Columbus Safe Streets Fund, CFCVThe Columbus Scholars Administrative Support Fund, CFCVThe Columbus Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund, CFCVThe Columbus Symphony Orchestra Rental Fund, CFCVThe Coronavirus Response Fund, CFCVThe Home for Good Permanent Supportive Housing Plan Implementation Fund, CFCVThe Loretto Chappell Book Endowment Fund, CFCVThe MCLF Operating Fund, CFCVThe MCLF South Columbus Library Fund, CFCVThe MCLF Special Projects Fund, CFCVThe Muscogee County Library Ruth Brooks Yancey Endowment Fund, CFCVThe Parks Memorial Public Library Fund, CFCVThe Rothschild Family for Rothschild Leadership Academy Fund, CFCVThe WISE FundThe Youth Infrastructure Coalition Fund, CFCVTruth Spring IncorporatedUGrow, Inc., dba The Food MillUnited Way of the Chattahoochee Valley, Inc.Uptown Columbus, Inc.Valley Rescue Mission, Inc.Wake for Warriors, Inc.Young Life of Columbus, GAYouth Orchestra Association of Greater Columbus, Inc. DONOR ADVISED FUNDS18th WardAflac Childhood Cancer Foundation, Inc.Akron Children’s Hospital FoundationAl’s AngelsAlzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association, Inc. - Columbus, GA ChapterAmerican Little LeagueAmerican Red Cross of Southwest GeorgiaAndrew CollegeAnimal Services and Operations SupportAppalachian State University Foundation, Inc.Arthritis Foundation, Inc.As You Are Ministries, Inc.Asbury Theological SeminaryAsheville School, Inc.Atlanta Center for Self Suciency, Inc.Atlanta Community Food Bank, Inc.Atlanta Historical Society, Inc.Atlanta Humane Society & Society Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsAtlanta Music Project, Inc.Atlanta Police Foundation, Inc.Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities, Inc.Atlanta Speech School, Inc.Atlanta Youth Academies Foundation, Inc.Avon Old Farms School, Inc.B.R.I.D.G.E. of Columbus, Inc.Baptist Health South Florida Foundation, Inc.Beaumont Health FoundationBegin Again Farms, Inc.Bluton Self HelpBobby Jones Golf Course Foundation, Inc.Bok Tower Gardens, Inc.Bolles SchoolBonefish & Tarpon Trust, Inc.Boy Scouts of America, Chattahoochee CouncilBoys and Girls Clubs of the Chattahoochee Valley, Inc.Boys Hope Girls Hope of Greater New OrleansBrookstone School, Inc.Brown Bag of Columbus, Inc.Buckhead Heritage Society, Inc.Bulldog ClubCafe Reconcile New Orleans, Inc.Camp Cole Foundation, Inc.Camp Southern Ground, Inc.Camp Sunshine, Inc.Camp Twin Lakes, Inc.Camp Viola, Inc.Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc.Cape Ann Museum, Inc.Cascade Hills ChurchCataula Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.Catholic Charities Of The Archdiocese Of Atlanta, Inc.Catholic Foundation of North GeorgiaChatham HallChattahoochee RiverkeeperChattahoochee RiverwardenChildren’s Harbor, Inc.Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Inc.Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughter, Inc.Children’s Medical Center FoundationChildren’s Mercy HospitalChildren’s National Hospital FoundationChoral Society of West Georgia, Inc.Christ Episcopal ChurchChurch of the Highlands, Inc.City Church KnoxvilleCityscape ChurchClement ArtsColumbia Theological SeminaryColumbus Alliance For Regional Investment, Inc.Columbus Area Habitat for HumanityColumbus Baptist AssociationColumbus Community Orchestra and Associates, Inc.Columbus Economic Development CorporationColumbus GA Pickleball Assoc IncColumbus High SchoolColumbus Hospice, Inc.Columbus Regional Medical Foundation, Inc.Columbus Regional Tennis Association, Inc. (CORTA)Columbus Scholars, Inc.Columbus State University Foundation, Inc.Columbus Symphony OrchestraColumbus Technical College Foundation, Inc.Committee for Open Democracy IncCommunities of Coastal Georgia FoundationCommunity Foundation for Northeast Florida, Inc.Community Foundation of Greater ChattanoogaCommunity Foundation of Jackson HoleCommunity Foundation of Tampa Bay, Inc.Community Resource Center of Chattooga, Inc.Connecticut Children’s Foundation, Inc.Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society dba WorldVentureConverse CollegeCovenant House New OrleansCovenant Presbyterian ChurchCovington County Children’s Policy CouncilCoweta Falls Steeplechase, Inc.Crosswater Community ChurchDarlington School, Inc.Davidson CollegeDaybreak Inc.Dayton Children’s HospitalDelta Life Development Foundation, Inc.Diocese of SavannahDo Good Fund, Inc.Dragonfly Trails, Inc.Duke UniversityEast Tennessee Historical Society, Inc.Easter Seals West Georgia, Inc.Elizabeth FoundationEmory University Oce of Gift AccountingEngage Your DestinyEnterprise Baptist ChurchEpworth Children’s HomeEthel Walker School, Inc.Ezekiel Center, Inc.FABArts, Inc.Farmington Village Green and Library AssociationFeeding the Valley, Inc.Ferst Readers, Inc.First Baptist Church of Columbus, GAFirst Presbyterian ChurchFirst Tee of Greater CharlotteFirst Tee of Troup CountyFirst United Methodist ChurchFlint RiverkeeperFocus on Truth, Inc.Folds of Honor FoundationFood Bank of East Alabama, Inc.Fractured Atlas, Inc.Friends of The Thread Trail, Inc.Friends of Worship on the WaterGeneva Baptist ChurchGeorge West Mental Health Foundation dba Skyland TrailGeorgia Conservancy, Inc.Georgia Humanities Council, Inc.Georgia Military College Foundation, Inc.Georgia Organics, Inc.Georgia Sports Hall of Fame Foundation, Inc.Georgia State Golf AssociationGeorgia State University Foundation, Inc.Georgia Tech Athletic AssociationGeorgia Trust For Historic Preservation, Inc.Georgia-Alabama Land Trust, Inc.Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia, Inc.Girls, Inc. of Columbus and Phenix-RussellGlobal Eect Ministry, Inc.Global Teen Challenge, Inc.Goodwill Industries of the Southern Rivers, Inc.Grace House of Brunswick, Inc.Grace Presbyterian Church of Columbus, Inc.GSGA Foundation, Inc.Haggai International Institute for Advanced Leadership Training, Inc.Haskins FoundationHawai‘i Community FoundationHeadwaters Foundation for JusticeHealth Advocates for Older People, Inc.Heart of West Georgia, Inc.Highlands Chamber Music Festival, Inc.Historic Columbus Foundation, Inc.Historic Westville, Inc.Holy Family Catholic ChurchHope Harbour, Inc.Hope HealsHouse of Heroes, Chattahoochee Valley ChapterHouse Of T I M E IncorporatedHumane Society of Harris County, Inc.I am for the Urals, Inc.Ida Cason Callaway FoundationInitiative for Aordable Housing Dekalb IncInternational Friendship Ministries, Inc.International League of Conservation PhotographersIsaiah 117 HouseIsidore Newman SchoolIt’s the Journey, Inc.Jeeahs Hope, Inc.Jewish Welfare Federation of Columbus, Georgia, Inc.Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation, Inc.Johns Hopkins All Children’s Foundation, Inc.Johns Hopkins UniversityKeep Columbus Georgia Beautiful Commission, Inc.Kentler International Drawing Space, Inc.KID SmARTL.E.A.D., Inc.LaGrange Art Museum, Inc.LaGrange CollegeLaGrange High SchoolLaGrange Rotary Club Foundation, Inc.LaGrange Symphony Orchestra, Inc.Lake Martin Humane Society, Inc.Lee County Historical SocietyLove Like Lexi ProjectLutzie 43 FoundationMaine Timber Research and Environmental Education FoundationMake-A-Wish Foundation of Georgia, Inc.Marshfield Clinic Health System Foundation, Inc.Mary Claire Satterly FoundationMcIntosh High School Tip O ClubMeals On Wheels Atlanta, IncMedical College of Georgia Foundation, Inc.Memorial Park Conservancy, Inc.Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterMercer UniversityMercyMed of ColumbusMeriwether Health Properties, Inc.Merrie Woode Foundation, Inc.Micah’s Promise, Inc.Midtown FellowshipMidTown, Inc.Misericordia HomeMorning Light Foundation, Inc.Morningside Baptist Church Of Columbus, Inc.Mountain Lake Community Service, Inc.Mountain Mission SchoolMuscogee County School DistrictMuscogee Educational Excellence Foundation, Inc.Muscular Dystrophy AssociationCommunity Development & Enrichment 36%Education 28%Health & Human Services 20%Arts & Culture 7%Faith-Based Organizations 6%Child & Youth Development 2%The Environment 1%Grants by Charitable Focus Area

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Naomi’s Village, Inc.National Alumnae Association of Spelman College - Columbus ChapterNational Infantry Museum Foundation, Inc.National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Connecticut ChapterNational Outdoor Leadership SchoolNational Park FoundationNature Conservancy - GeorgiaNature NowNeighbors Helping NeighborsNeighborWorks ColumbusNew Orleans Mission, Inc.North Star Fund, Inc.Northside United Methodist ChurchNorthwell Health FoundationNorwich UniversityOconee Regional Humane Society, Inc.Old Gray Cemetery Historic & Memorial AssnOpen Door Community House, Inc.Orlando Health Foundation, Inc.Our Lady of FatimaOutreach Foundation of the Presbyterian Church, Inc.Pace Academy, Inc.Parkinsons Foundation, Inc.Pastoral Institute, Inc.Pavillon InternationalPaws Humane, Inc.Peace of Heart Community, Inc.Peachtree Presbyterian ChurchPhenix City Mayor’s & Council BallPhilanthropy SoutheastPhoebe Foundation, Inc.Pierce Chapel United Methodist ChurchP-Man FoundationPoint University, Inc.Port Columbus Civil War Naval Center, Inc.Precept Ministries of Reach Out, Inc.Prisma Health Midlands FoundationPrison Fellowship MinistriesProtestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation of the D of CQueens University of CharlotteRainey-McCullers School of the ArtsRainey-McCullers School of the Arts Foundation, Inc.Redeemed Foundation Inc.Reflections Ministries, Inc.Regents of the University of CaliforniaRenaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.Rerouting, Inc.Richard J. Caron FoundationRichland Main Street, Inc.Right from the StartRise Against HungerRiverCenter, Inc.Riverdale-Porterdale Cemetery Foundation, Inc.Road Safe America, Inc.Ronald McDonald House Charities of West Georgia, Inc.Roof Above, Inc.Roswell Park Alliance FoundationRotary Club of AmericusSafeHouse MinistriesSafeHouse Outreach, Inc.Saint Brigid Catholic Church Johns Creek, Inc.Salvation Army of the MidlandsSamaritan’s PurseSanta’s CastleSchwab Charitable FundSecond Presbyterian ChurchShepherd Center Foundation, Inc.Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Inc. - LaGrange ChapterSolid Rock Assembly of God IncSouthern Education Foundation, Inc.Southland Academy Foundation, Inc.Special Olympics Connecticut, Inc.Spectrum Health FoundationSpringer Opera House Arts Association, Inc.St. Anne Catholic ChurchSt. Anne Pacelli Catholic SchoolSt. David’sSt. John’s Episcopal Parish Day School, IncSt. Joseph Healthcare System, Inc.St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Inc.St. Luke United Methodist ChurchSt. Norbert Parish & SchoolSt. Patrick R C ChurchSt. Patrick’s Episcopal ChurchSt. Paul United Methodist ChurchSt. Peter’s Catholic ChurchSt. Pius X Catholic High SchoolSt. Thomas Episcopal ChurchSt. Vincent de Paul SocietyStanding Boy, Inc.Stanford UniversityStephen Siller Tunnel to Towers FoundationSteps2Walk, Inc.Stewart Community Home, Inc.Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer FoundationTake The City, Inc.Team RubiconTeen Advisors, Inc.Teen Challenge of Florida, Inc.Temple Israel, Inc.Teton Raptor CenterTexas A&M 12th Man FoundationTexas Children’s HospitalThe Aaron Cohn Citizenship Award for Aaron Cohn Middle School Fund, CFCVThe Archibald Project, Inc.The B24 Fund, CFCVThe Bascom CorporationThe Bess Dedwylder Memorial Fund, CFCVThe Brinton MuseumThe Cavalier RescueThe Citadel FoundationThe Coalition for Sound Growth Fund, CFCVThe Columbus Area Full-Count Census Fund, CFCVThe Columbus Botanical Gardens, Inc.The Columbus GA 2025 Fund, CFCVThe Columbus Museum, Inc.The Community Endowment Fund, CFCVThe Country’s Midnight Express Foundation Fund, CFCVThe Family Center of Columbus, Inc.The Gateways Foundation, Inc.The Giving Kitchen Initiative, Inc.The Greater New Orleans FoundationThe Historic Linwood Foundation, Inc.The Howard School, Inc.The Hughston Foundation, Inc.The Kids Foundation of Sunrise Children’s Hospital, Nevada Community FoundationThe Lafayette Society for Performing Arts, Inc.The LaGrange Art Museum Endowment Fund, CFCVThe Loudoun Agricultural & Chemical Institute Foundation, Inc.The MCLF South Columbus Library Fund, CFCVThe MCLF Special Projects Fund, CFCVThe Medical University of South Carolina FoundationThe Methodist Home for Children and YouthThe Mill District, Inc.The Miracle Ride Fund, CFCVThe Muscogee County Library Foundation Fund, CFCVThe Nemours Foundation - Nemours Children’s HospitalThe Ridge ChurchThe River of ColumbusThe Rock Academy, Inc.The Rotary Foundation of Rotary InternationalThe Salvation Army Columbus, GA CorpsThe Sara Spano Clothing Bank Fund, CFCVThe Spring of Tampa Bay, Inc.The Study Hall, Inc.The University of Tennessee Foundation, Inc.The W.C. Bradley Company Fund, CFCVThe WestPoint Scholarship Fund, CFCVThe Wynn House, Inc.Trees Columbus, Inc.Trinity Episcopal ChurchTrinity Presbyterian ChurchTrinity School, Inc.Trinity United Methodist ChurchTroup Cares, Inc.Trust for Public LandTrustbuilding, Inc.Truth Spring IncorporatedTulane UniversityTulgey Wood, Inc.Twin Cedars Youth and Family Services, Inc.UGrow, Inc., dba The Food MillUnited Way of the Chattahoochee Valley, Inc.United Way of West Georgia, Inc.University of Georgia FoundationUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillUniversity of North Georgia Foundation, Inc.University of RichmondUniversity of Texas Foundation, Inc.Uptown Columbus, Inc.USSGA Memorial FundValley Rescue Mission, Inc.Vanderbilt UniversityVirginia-Highland Elementary PTO, Inc.Wake Forest UniversityWalker Area Community FoundationWashington and Lee UniversityWaverly Hall United Methodist ChurchWesley Glen Ministries, Inc.Wesleyan CollegeWest Central Georgia Fellowship of Christian AthletesWest Georgia HospiceWilliam & Mary Alumni AssociationWilliams CollegeWinding Trails, Inc.Women’s Initiative for Learning and Discovery Corp. (WILD)Woodberry Forest SchoolWork to Ride, Inc.World Central Kitchen, Inc.World Vision, Inc.Wynnton Neighborhood Network, Inc.YMCA of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.Young Life - MidlandsYoung Life - Midlands CollegeYoung Life CharlotteYoung Life ColumbiaYoung Life of Columbus, GAYoung Life Southeast Region AF33Young Mens Christian Association ColumbusYouth Orchestra Association of Greater Columbus, Inc.Zion Church Restoration, Inc.SCHOLARSHIP FUNDSAbraham Baldwin Agricultural CollegeAlbany State UniversityAlderson Broaddus University, Inc.Anderson UniversityAuburn UniversityAuburn University, MontgomeryBerry CollegeBethel CollegeBishop State Community CollegeBrenau UniversityClark Atlanta University, Inc.Columbus State University - Financial AidEastern Michigan UniversityFaulkner UniversityFort Valley State UniversityGeorgia College and State UniversityGeorgia Institute of TechnologyGeorgia Southern UniversityGeorgia Southern University - Armstrong CampusGeorgia State UniversityKennesaw State UniversityMassachusetts College of Art and DesignMercer UniversityMorehouse College North Park UniversityOxford College at Emory UniversityPennsylvania Western UniversityPrinceton UniversitySacred Heart UniversitySamford UniversitySouthern Union State Community CollegeSpring Hill CollegeThe Aaron Cohn Citizenship Award for Aaron Cohn Middle School Fund, CFCVThe University of West AlabamaTuskegee UniversityUnited States Military Academy at West PointUniversity of AlabamaUniversity of Alabama at BirminghamUniversity of Alabama in HuntsvilleUniversity of FloridaUniversity of GeorgiaUniversity of KansasUniversity of New HavenUniversity of PittsburghUniversity of South CarolinaUniversity of South DakotaValdosta State UniversityWesleyan CollegeDonor Advised Funds 66%Designated, Organization & Field of Interest Funds 30%Scholarship Funds 3%Unrestricted & Area Funds 1%Grants from the CFCV by Fund Type*

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ASSETS 2023 2022 Cash, cash equivalents, and investments $ 294,395,659 $ 265,470,597Contributions receivable – net 1,834,656 0Other assets 2,247,027 1,895,171 Total assets $ 298,477,342 $ 267,365,768LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETSLIABILITIESGrants, accounts payable, and other liabilities $ 78,750 $ 22,711 Organization funds 4,646,622 5,400,239 Total liabilities $ 4,725,372 $ 5,422,950NET ASSETSNET ASSETS WITHOUT DONOR RESTRICTIONS General and administrative funds $ 4,419,971 $ 3,829,347 Undesignated, unrestricted funds 2,663,703 2,545,379Donor Advised funds 241,821,707 217,106,593 Donor Designated funds 35,055,814 32,086,747Other funds 6,218,609 4,989,584 Total net assets without donor restrictions $ 290,179,804 $ 260,557,650NET ASSETS WITH DONOR RESTRICTIONS $ 3,572,166 $ 1,385,168 Total net assets 293,751,970 261,942,818 Total liabilities and net assets $ 298,477,342 $ 267,365,768Year Beginning Balance Contributions Investment Income (Loss) Grant Expense Other Expenses Ending Balance2023 267,365,768 21,876,343 28,229,687 (17,835,547) (1,158,909) 298,477,3422022 284,369,873 36,076,165 (33,183,962) (18,692,736) (1,203,572) 267,365,7682021 203,858,921 46,114,817 49,080,720 (13,698,355) (986,230) 284,369,8732020 177,082,287 31,756,656 11,003,678 (15,048,518) (935,182) 203,858,9212019 173,549,909 15,775,208 2,779,106 (14,072,500) (969,436) 177,082,287Contact our oce or visit for a complete copy of the financial statements, audited by Robinson, Grimes & Company, P.C.Financial Report September 30, 2023 and 2022STATEMENTOF FINANCIAL POSITIONSUMMARYOF NET ASSETS

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Rodney K. Mahone Chair The Chronicle of Philanthropy Columbus, GAMelissa E. Gauntt Vice Chair East Alabama Chamber of Commerce Phenix City, ALGwenDolyn H. Ru Secretary Columbus Water Works Columbus, GAJ. Len Williams Treasurer Chair, Finance/Investment Columbus Aordable Housing Services Columbus, GA W.H. (Trip) Tomlinson Chair, Distributions Community Leader Columbus, GADr. David M. White Immediate Past Chair Chair, Board Development Community Leader. Midland, GA The Rev. Adrian J. Chester Greater Beallwood Baptist Church Columbus, GAThe Rev. Dr. James C. Elder, Jr.* First Baptist Church Columbus, GAGeorge G. Flowers Community Leader Columbus, GAGeniece T. Granville Davis Broadcasting Columbus, GAKenneth M. Henson, Jr.* Attorney Columbus, GAW. Fray McCormick Page, Scrantom, Sprouse, Tucker & Ford, PC Columbus, GAAnna Marie McWilliams* Calvary Christian School Columbus, GARobert E. Nobles Synovus Trust Columbus, GAThe Hon. Benjamin S. Richardson Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit Superior Court Columbus, GA L. Dupuy Sears Community Leader LaGrange, GATyler A. Townsend* Townsend Wealth Management Columbus, GAJohn T. Turner Community Leader Columbus, GA Wright B. Waddell Morgan Stanley Columbus, GA General Counsel Alan F. Rothschild, Jr. Page, Scrantom, Sprouse, Tucker & Ford, PC Columbus, GABoard of Trustees 2023 *New in 20231340 13th Street The Village on 13th Columbus, Georgia 31901-2345706-320-0027cfcv.comStaBetsy W. CovingtonPresident and CEOChemitra C. GlennOperations Manager W. Fray McCormickVice President, Donor Services & Planned Giving(as of March 2024) Kelli M. ParkerVice President, Grants & Programs A TRADITIONOF LEADERSHIPMadeline A. Pieper-WolGrants & Communications OcerLeah A. Poole, CPAChief Financial Ocer

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1340 13th StreetThe Village on 13thColumbus, Georgia 31901-2345706-320-0027