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2023 Benevolent Program

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The NeedThe  Caribbean  and  Latin  America  regionshave continued to suffer from the aftermathof  economic  and  natural  disasters  over  thepast few years. The plight of poor families inthese  areas  has  only  been  exacerbated  bypolitical instability, crushing inflation and theimpact of COVID-19. Access to medical careis  also  a  significant  issue,  as  many  cannotafford  to  purchase  even  the  most  basicnecessities, let alone medication.How You Can HelpThe Food For The Poor Benevolent Programhelps  provide  healthcare  to  the  poorest  ofthe  poor.  Through  this  program,  we  canassist individuals battling significant healthconcerns  that  do  not  have  viable  medicalsolutions to relieve their pain. So many liveshave  been  transformed  over  the  yearsthrough  this  program  providing  criticalhealthcare  to  those  in  need.  By  supportingthis program through donations and prayers,you play a vital role in helping those most inneed.  We  humbly  ask  that  you  considerjoining  us  as  we  offer  aid  to  so many  ofGod’s children in need.Total Project Cost: $14,579.84

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AmountI (we) hereby allow Food For The Poor,Inc initiate automatic debits to my (our) credit card/ /checking account /savings account beginning on the first business day on or after the 6th 15th 24th of the following month, andcontinuing on a monthly / quarterly/ yearly basis.OFFICE USE ONLYDONOR IDSOURCE CODEOFFICE USE ONLYDONOR IDPHONE ID Please charge my gift $:Name:MY GIFT TO HELPING PEOPLE LIVING IN POVERTYYes! I want to empower children and families in need.Please accept my gift of $I would like to pledge $Here's my initial gift of $, and I will give $every:Month quarteryear until my pledge is fulfilled.Project:A portion of donations may be used to find the most urgent needs of suffering people living in poverty and administrativesupport. Contributions are tax deductible under Internal Revenue Code section 501 (c)(3). PAYMENT INFORMATION Gift by Credit CardVisaCard type MastercardAMEXDiscoverCard # SignatureExpiration Date/Email Would you like to receive important updates from Food For The Poor via email? We never share your email address).Phone NumberName on Card --Automatic WithdrawalSignature DateBank Account: Here's a voided blank check from my (our) bank account. Also enclosed is a check for my (our) first gift made payable to Food ForThe Poor. I (we) acknowledge that the origination of ACH transactions to my (our) account must comply with provisions with U.S. law.Bank Name City StateRouting number (9 Digit number on the bottom of your check)Account number Amount of each giftCard #VisaCredit CardMastercardAMEXDiscoverAmount of each giftExpiration Date/You can cancel this arrangement at any time by simply contacting Food For The Poor at 954-427-2222 or 6401 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, Fl. 33073. Prayer Request Dear Food For The Poor Staff, please pray for:Sincerely,I would like to be called for prayer, my number is:6401 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, Fl. 33073