FIND YOUR REASON TO GIVE. FIND YOUR Y.In 2023, the YMCA of Greater San Antonio served ....$827,808 transformed the lives of families and individuals through scholarships and financial assistance14,794 Youth thrived in YMCA Youth Sports programs and $19,890 was awarded in financial assistance498 VolunTeens served 10,835 hours during the summer and learned valuable skills1,385 individuals signed up for the Y’s 5k race series5,803 kids had a safe place to go after school300 kids were served for 5 weeks of summer learning in grades K-8 through SAISD23,225 seniors kept active and social by working out, attending potlucks, clinics, book clubs, socials, and more7,783 kids were involved in Youth and Family programming at the YMCA to learn, grow, and thrive2,987 campers had an unforgettable experience at summer day camp and $59,349 in scholarships were provided to 190 campers5,497learned water safety and swimming skills and 625 of those oered were at no-cost 392,064 pounds of food was distributed at 31 food drives to 3,333 families and 10,840 individuals
FIND YOUR REASON TO GIVE. FIND YOUR Y.In 2023, the YMCA of Greater San Antonio served ....IMPROVE HEALTH75,329 members took a step toward better health through YMCA programs and healthy living activities244,836 members were enrolled in Contracted Health Plans for a healthier lifestyle285,481 individuals served through programs and classes5,895 individuals invested in Y personal training204 adults participated in diabetes prevention programs in person and 211 participated virtually88 individuals participated in the blood pressure management program3,757 Seniors served at COSA senior centers through group ex and aquatic classes2,208 individual counselingand well-being sessions,plus 586 group literacy sessions providedEMPOWER YOUTH The Y’s Summer Food program provided free meals to youth attending day camp at 9 locations3,840 were involved in Egaming at the Y’s Tech Hub123 children served by the Y’s preschool and childcare centers81% of children assessed demonstrated age-appropriate social-emotional skills, and 85% demonstrated age-appropriate cognitive/intellectual skills98% of parents assessed indicatedthat Y’s out-of-school time and early learning programs helped them maintain their employment and/or continue their education300 individuals participated in Miracle League events with a paralympic softball team that we hosted practices along with a Spring 2023 picnic event179 teens learned leadership skills through the Y’s Youth and Government program, 145 advanced to the Annual State Conference, and 5 Teens advanced to the National Conference351 Teens were involved in the Y Teen Achievers program8,003total youth served and $498,601 in financial assistance was awarded to familiesSTRENGTHEN COMMUNITY18,145 community members attended Siclovia, a free event focused on getting people active and living a healthy lifestyle448 community events hosted,including health fairs, screenings, and family events1,800 volunteers oered valuable assistance with programs and activities780 warm meals were served at Y events101 trainings were provided to 2,163 Y staLEARN MORE AT YMCASATX.ORGOUR VISION 2030: A community where ALL people experience improved quality of life through belonging and well-being.