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2022 annual report screen

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1 Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association 2022 Annual Report

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3 President’s Message ........................................................................................ 6 Board of Directors & Staff ............................................................................... 7 Agenda .............................................................................................................. 8 Minutes .............................................................................................................. 9 Financial .......................................................................................................... 12 Membership ................................................................................................... 18 Industry Resources ......................................................................................... 19 Training ........................................................................................................... 20 POST ................................................................................................................ 23 Community Support ...................................................................................... 25 Insurance Program ......................................................................................... 26 Group Benets / Member offers .................................................................. 27 Sponsors .......................................................................................... Back cover TABLE OF CONTENTS Keynote Speaker Amanda Mitchell - Head of Fuels, Renewables and EV Charging at Petro-Canada (A Suncor Business) Petro-Canada’s approach to navigating the changing energy landscape in Canada Amanda has been with Petro-Canada/Suncor for 15 years working in many areas of the business including Operations, Sales, Logistics, Strategy, Transformation and Marketing. Amanda’s team supports both the national retail and wholesale businesses at Petro-Canada, managing the products, programs and services that keep their customers moving. Amanda is passionate about strengthen-ing the core business and supporting customers today while also innovating and reshaping the business to meet the evolving needs of customers as they transition to a lower carbon future.

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5 This year’s video highlights the OPCA’s ongoing and new initiatives including our best practices, Petroleum Oriented Safety Training and our Petroleum Mechanic certication training program. You will also see these initiatives highlighted throughout our report and the continued success of our programs through the support of our contractor community. We pay tribute to the members of the OPCA and the invaluable experience and knowledge they bring to the industry. Our members are the backbone of our organization, and we strive to represent and advocate for them every day. Through their hard work and dedi-cation, they provide invaluable insight and support to our mission and goals. We are grateful for their contri-butions and are honored to have them in our organiza-tion. We are committed to doing our best to ensure they have the representation and support they need to keep succeeding in their work. As Ken Jamieson noted, we have been discussing alternative fuels and the challenges that come with technological advancements, equipment, and regula-tions. Moving forward, we are eager to keep open dialogue and provide additional perspectives on this topic. We recognize the need for innovative technolo-gies and advanced equipment to support alternative fuels, as well as the importance of creating regulations that ensure safe and effective applications. We are committed to providing the most relevant information and insights to our members in the years ahead and to support the trade as they evolve to meet the needs of alternative fueling methods. Lastly, we also pay tribute to a valued colleague, Elson Fernandes, who sadly passed away last April. Elson was an integral part of the OPCA Board of Directors providing his expertise and knowledge of petroleum equipment and was the foremost expert on steel tanks. Elson represented the OPCA on many regulatory committees including CCME, CSA, TSSA and NFC. As most who knew Elson would know, his contribution to both the OPCA and the industry will be greatly missed. Michelle Rae OPCA Executive Director YEAR IN REVIEW Elson Fernandes

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Welcome to the OPCA 28th Annual General Meeting. It’s been three years since we’ve had the opportunity to host our conference in person. The last few years have been a challenge for everyone, and we are pleased to nally be back face to face! The dominant topic this year is alternative fuels and how we navigate our industry though these changes. Overall, alternative fuels offer a viable solution for reducing emissions and reliance on traditional fuels, but there are many challenges that must be addressed before they can become widely used in our industry. We’re not going to have all the answers today, but we believe it’s important to start the conversation. Most notably as some say (or have said) our industry and trade will be extinct in ten years. Nothing can be further from that as it will take years to rebuild infrastructure and we will adapt to service the facilities and equipment that will still be required – regardless of the fuel source. To start the conversation, we are pleased to welcome Amanda Mitchell, Head of Petro-Canada Fuels, Electric Charging and Renewables as our keynote speaker to provide some insight on this changing landscape. We are also pleased that Sam Sadeghi, Director of the Fuels Safety Program at TSSA will be here to discuss their approach to biofuels from a regulatory perspective. Our annual highlight video will also touch on this topic as well as new initiatives we are working to improve our Petroleum Mechanic training program. We are excited to continue to grow our training making them more convenient and accessible for our members. The OPCA is an invaluable resource for its members and the industry as a whole. Through its services, the OPCA strives to ensure that all our members have access to the knowledge and resources they need to succeed. We hope you found these past few days informative and enjoyable. Lastly, we would like to take this opportunity to bid fare-well to Donna Riddle as she leaves us for retirement. It has been an absolute pleasure and honor to have had her in our team for the last fourteen years and we all wish her the very best on this new journey. We kindly ask eve-ryone to please take a moment today to say goodbye and wish her all the good luck that life can bring. Let us all come together and celebrate Donna's retirement with a hearty goodbye! Ken Jamieson, P.Eng, President Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The OPCA strives to ensure that all our members have access to the knowledge and resources they need to succeed

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7 BOARD OF DIRECTORS & STAFF Johnathan Rae Administrator Donna Riddle Administrator Michelle Rae Executive Director OFFICERS President - Ken Jamieson Vice-President - Terry Ablett Registrar - Rick Lombardi Secretary - Lou Cerruti Treasurer - Bill Rathwell Past-President - Gord Thompson

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9 WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS OPCA President Ken thanked all of our members and guest attending. This is the second year meeting virtually, hopefully we can meet again in person next year. Guests: Marie-Michelle Modery - Senior Program Officer, Storage Tank & PCB Program, Environment and Climate Change Canada Allison Nicholls - Senior Policy Advisor – Technical Safety Unit - Ministry of Government & Consumer Services Krista Chaytor – Weirfoulds Law Michael Kaloussian – LVM Technologies Board: ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR – John Richards EASTERN REGION - Bill Rathwell METRO WEST REGION - Lou Cerruti GENERAL MEMBER - Ken Jamieson ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR - Dave Ledingham CENTRAL REGION DIRECTOR - David Thompson METRO EAST REGION - Dwayne MacDonald NORTHERN REGION - Terry Ablett WESTERN REGION - Matthew Field GENERAL MEMBER - Rick Lombardi PAST PRESIDENT - Gord Thompson Staff: Michelle Rae - Executive Director; Donna Riddle – Office Manager; Johnathan Rae - Administrator APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motioned by Dave Ledingham to accept the agenda as presented; seconded by Gord Thompson. Motion Carried. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Ken discussed issues with TSSA’s interpretation for inspecting underground fuel oil tanks prior to backfill. While the inspection is meant to review pressure testing of piping, hydrostatic testing of sumps, tank slope etc., when the tank is backfilled to the shoulders, TSSA is requiring this inspection prior to any backfill around the tank. As these components cannot be installed or tested without this initial backfill, Ken is working with TSSA to clarify this requirement. He noted the requirement is straightforward for liquid fuels following the same standards. Until this is resolved, this issue will leave contractors uncertain when to arrange inspections and difficult to plan projects. Ken noted the OPCA initially proposed these inspections prior to backfill with TSSA years ago so inspectors would have a better understanding of the systems operation. In the meantime, OPCA and TSSA are working together to align the inspection requirements for liquid fuels and fuel oil and hope to have this by late Spring. OPCA VIDEO PRESENTATION Michelle Rae presented OPCA’s year in review video highlighting the challenges with how the supply chain disruptions have affected our industry. We also discuss our initiative to address industry gaps for the installation and inspection of diesel generator systems. This initiative by the OPCA began as the demand and scale for backup generator systems has evolved but the availability of training and qualified people to work on these systems has not kept up with demand. Thank you to the following participants for this year’s video: Ken Jamieson, Krista Chayor – Weirfoulds Law, Joe Lynch – National Energy Equipment, Dave Ledingham – Petroleum Technical Services, Don Edgecombe – Executive Director – APSSCA, Lorna Catrambone, Threads of Life Supply Chain Q & A Krista Chaytor was on hand to discuss dealing with supply disruptions and tips for negotiating contracts with clients such as dealing with delays and clauses to consider for new deals. Krista is a leading lawyer in construction law and delivers seminars and workshops for the industry such as the Construction Institute of Canada including their Tools for Success webinar series that some of you may be familiar with as Krista and her team have extended the invitation to our members. Ann-Marie Barker The OPCA invited Ann-Marie to congratulate her on her retirement from TSSA. Ann-Marie has served as Fuels Safety Engineer with TSSA for over twenty years and the OPCA thanked her for the exceptional service to our association and to the industry. Ann-Marie thanked the OPCA, noting she will miss working with our members. The OPCA wished Ann-Marie all the best in her retirement. ONTARIO PETROLEUM CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING March 31, 2022 Via Webinar 2022 MINUTES

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SPEAKER PRESENTATION – Marie-Michelle Modery - Environment Canada & Climate Change Marie-Michelle is the Senior Program Officer for the Storage Tank & PCB Program for the Environmental Protection Branch of Environment and Climate Change Canada. She provided an update on the storage tank requirements for working on Federal Lands. SPEAKER PRESENTATION – LVM Technologies Michael provided an overview of offers for OPCA members including cell phone and GPS incentive programs. He also discussed new features for their mobile forms app. MINUTES - 2021 AGM MINUTES Motioned by Matthew Field to accept the 2021 AGM minutes; Motion seconded by Gord Thompson. Motion Carried. ACTIONS OF THE BOARD Motioned by Gord Thompson to accept the actions of the Board as outlined in the Annual Report; Motion seconded by James Picton. Motion Carried. FINANCIAL REPORT - Bill Rathwell, Treasurer Our auditor has prepared the OPCA financial for our 2021 fiscal year with comparative figures for the 2020 fiscal year. The OPCA continues to remain in a healthy financial position due to OPCA’s ongoing training programs and member support. And with this support, we can also support charitable initiatives relative to our industry. OPCA’s Auditor Brian J. Ward CPA is retiring from the OPCA account. We are in the process transitioning the file to the firm Rumley Holmes LLP with Brian overseeing the transition for the 2022 fiscal year audit. At this time, we would like to thank Brian J. Ward, CPA for his service to the OPCA. Motioned by Albert Budding to accept the OPCA financials as presented; Motion seconded by Marcus Cormier. Motion carried. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION Northern Region: Terry Ablett has agreed to stand for re-election. There were no other nominations from the floor; Terry Ablett was declared re-elected. Western Region: Matthew Field has agreed to stand for re-election. There were no other nominations from the floor; Matthew Field was declared re-elected. Associate: Dave Ledingham has agreed to stand for re-election. There were no other nominations from the floor; Dave Ledingham was declared re-elected. General Member: Rick Lombardi has agreed to stand for re-election. There were no other nominations from the floor; Rick Lombardi was declared re-elected. Metro East Region: Dwayne MacDonald has agreed to stand for re-election. There were no other nominations from the floor; Dwayne MacDonald was declared re-elected. Central Region: Dave Thompson has agreed to stand for re-election. There were no other nominations from the floor; Dave Thompson was declared re-elected. Member at Large: This position is currently vacant. There were no nominations from the floor. The position will remain vacant. The OPCA Board will accept volunteers anytime throughout the year. Gord Thompson made a motion to accept the Board of Directors for 2022 as presented; seconded by James Picton. Motion carried. SPEAKER PRESENTATION - Dave Mason, Canada Brokerlink OPCA Insurance program manager Dave Mason discussed the OPCA insurance program as well as current trends in the insurance market. The insurance industry is currently in a hard market with uncertainty within certain markets due to the pandemic and business interruption coverage issues. There are less options available in the automobile market due to mergers and acquisitions. Insurers are also clamping down on business adding new drivers. Many industries are seeing labour shortages due to the pandemic as well as productivity issues due to home/hybrid work environments. Dave recommended companies review and/or add loss of use coverage for fleets and review your contractor equipment schedules and adjusting limits accordingly.

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11 The OPCA program for property and fleet insurance has a very good loss ratio enabling Brokerlink to shop for other markets for all accounts. Due to the nature of the pollution program, they tend to stay with the same provider as some claims can take longer. He thanked OPCA members for their continued support especially during these challenging times. OTHER BUSINESS Aaron Berlingieri suggested the consulting industry become better acquainted with certification requirements for fuel oil installations. Ken agreed although noted this is a challenge as many consultants are not well versed in this industry, but can also rely on suppliers to ensure their equipment is installed by qualified people. Matt Naslovar also noted the regulations for both B139 (O.Reg 215/01) and Liquid Fuels (O.Reg 216/01) outline the certification requirements. ADJOURNMENT Gord Thompson made a motion to adjourn the OPCA 2022 Annual General Meeting; seconded by Rick Lombardi. 2022 MINUTES 2022 Prize Draw Winners Mike Haller – MWH – IPAD Air from OPCA Jim Wood - $500 gift card from Canada Brokerlink Andrew Stewart – Samsung Watch from NEE Sarthi Bhavsar - $500 gift card from NEE Koulis Kyriakou - $100 gift card from NEE Dan Tremblay – Apple Watch from Waleco Jeff Cooke - $500 gift card from Waleco Armando Olivo - $100 gift card from Waleco Joe Muniz – HD TV from Hi-Sharp Herman Heikoop – Bose Headphones from PD McLaren James Picton - $500 gift card from Wayne Fueling Systems Matt Naslovar - $100 gift card from PD McLaren Shawn MacNamara – Bose Speaker & $100 gift card from ASI Dana Wells - $100 gift card from Stem-Can Mark Pidgeon - $100 gift card from Stem-Can Doug Meloche - $100 gift card from Stem-Can Albert Budding - $100 gift card from Stem-Can Steve McCrossan - $100 gift card from Stem-Can

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17 The OPCA continues to remain in a healthy nancial position due to OPCA’s ongoing training programs and member support. OPCA’s investment portfolio performance is presented in Figure 1. The Board of Directors takes a low-risk approach in accordance with the association’s investment policy shown in Figure 2. Bill Rathwell, Treasurer Fixed Income/Cash & Equivalents Foreign Equity Canadian Equity US Equity Investment Allocation Policy Fig.1 Fig.2

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The OPCA is supported by over one hundred member companies with a wide range of expertise, including contractors, service companies, environmental remediation specialists, engineers, and manufacturers and distributors of petroleum equipment. Their support enables us to provide our members with resources, education, and advocacy that support their work in the eld. The OPCA serves as an advocate for its members and works to ensure that their interests are protected, and their concerns are heard. OPCA MEMBERSHIP

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19 The OPCA is a member of the Canadian Petroleum Contractors Association representing members on a national level along with fellow associations from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec showing that while contractors in Ontario deal with issues specic to this province, we also have common ground with our fellow members across Canada. The CPCA publishes “The Canadian Petroleum Contractor” magazine four times per year, addressing industry issues and providing relevant safety and best practices information for the petroleum contracting professional. INDUSTRY RESOURCES The OPCA is dedicated to promoting the petroleum industry through a variety of initiatives including our best practices for petroleum work ensuring the highest quality standards for contractors. These guidelines cover the four major components of petroleum work: • Aboveground storage tanks • Underground storage tanks • Leak and spill prevention • Piping and ttings New Edition coming in 2023!

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As an industry leader, the OPCA has provided petroleum mechanic training for over twenty-ve years ensuring our programs follow best practices and regulatory compliance. The OPCA provides its members with convenient and accessible training to help them stay up to date on the latest industry information ensuring their continued success in their trade. Our programs are successful due to the quality of our instructors and positive feedback we receive from our students and shows both the OPCA and student’s commitment through our effective learning methods. Our training programs offer the convenience of home study, instructor led training, and online learning tools, and this year we are taking it one step further. Our learning platform will include full online training for our Petroleum Mechanic Helper program. This will make it easier than ever for students to earn their certication with access to the latest instructional materials and resources. With our blended learning method, students can nd the perfect balance of learning styles to suit their needs and complete their training faster. OPCA PETROLEUM MECHANIC TRAINING

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21 By making our programs more accessible, the OPCA is ensuring the sustainability and availability of our industry’s workforce STEPS TO CERTIFICATION

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OPCA PETROLEUM MECHANIC TRAINING In 2022 the OPCA provided training to over 170 students through our Petroleum Mechanic Home Study programs An increase of 25% compared to 2021 OPCA Student Success Rate OPCA Home Study Course Completions

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23 POST was created with contractors working in the petroleum industry giving them the convenience of following one consistent safety standard when working on petroleum sites. Many contractors tell us POST has enhanced their company’s safety culture ensuring their workers have the best tools available to work safely. POST has grown into a safety culture that has surpassed all expectations for our industry and provides two levels of online training plus industry specic safety tools and resources including our POST app and mobile forms feature that helps contractors organize their POST documents. We have many volunteers representing both industry and oil companies who participate on the POST advisory committee. The committee meets several times throughout the year and has ongoing discussions on POST safety requirements, aligning ideas with requirements across Canada as well as working on improving current safety processes. Our continuing investment in POST and supporting these safety initiatives helps meet our objective to have a safety program that meets or exceeds the minimum expectations of regulations for our industry across Canada. PETROLEUM ORIENTED SAFETY TRAINING POST Featured Contractor POST promotes the contractor community through our Featured contractor campaign highlighting companies that incorporate POST into their safety program. These contractors have recognized how the program and tools provided by POST help minimize their risks and keep their workers safe.

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The contractor community has also been key to helping POST achieve its vision of creating a safe, healthy and productive workplace in Canada, and their continued support of POST has remained steady with over sixteen thousand workers representing almost ve thousand companies in every province and territory across Canada utilizing the POST program and we look forward to continuing to work together to make a positive impact on safety for our industry. We continue developing new initiatives to increase POST awareness including video tutorials to enhance our online learning platform to our new POST for Site Operators course designed to help retailers and operators understand POST requirements and the Behaviour Based Safety philosophy PETROLEUM ORIENTED SAFETY TRAINING

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25 In keeping with the spirit of promoting a positive safety culture in our industry, the OPCA hosts an annual golf tournament each fall supporting Threads of Life. Threads of Life brings hope and healing to Canadian families who have been affected by a workplace fatality, life-altering injury or occupational disease. It is a national charity connecting more than 2,700 family members through one-on-one peer support, links to community support services, and the oppor-tunity to take action to help prevent similar tragedies to other families. The OPCA is proud to be a sponsor of such an important organization and with our member’s support is thrilled to have raised over $60,000 to date through these events. COMMUNITY SUPPORT

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27 Group Benefits & Financial Planning OPCA offers group benefits for members and their employers at discounted rates through Empire Life. Benefits include (but not limited to) prescription drug plans, long-term disability and extended health benefits. For more information on OPCA Group Benefits or Wealth Management programs, contact our manager Steve Peachey. Steve is an Investment Advisor and Insurance Specialist With National Bank Financial and specializes in family wealth management, and corporate investment and insurance solutions. Stephen Peachey, BA Investment Advisor Tel: (705) 476-6302 Special Plans for OPCA members - Fleet Tracking and Corporate Cell Phone Plans (Bell Certied Partner) Visit for information

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2023 Sponsors - Gold Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Silver Sponsors