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2023 Annual Report

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Utah's Partner in Philanthropy COMMUNITYFOUNDATION OF UTAH2023 Annual Report

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1as Utah's Partnerin Philanthropy15 YearsCelebrating

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$550 Milliondonations toCFU+$360 Milliongrants to ourcommunity=15 Yearsof ImpactThrough our deeply held belief in collaboration, more than $1.7 million wasgranted to our state through collective giving with our Community ImpactFunds, focused on housing, education, and water in Utah. You can learnmore about these groundbreaking donor collaboratives on page 4. Our impact in Utah would not have been possible without the past andpresent board members, advisors, and multiple generations of donors whotrust CFU as their philanthropic partner. We hope you too will join us alongour philanthropic journey to invest in Utah for decades to come. Alex Eaton — CEOUtah has seen tremendous growth and change since the CommunityFoundation of Utah’s (CFU) humble beginnings fifteen years ago.As a statewide community foundation, CFU has grown and adapted toaddress many of the challenges Utahns face today, whilst buildingsustainability and longevity to ensure we will be here to provide for ourcommunity for generations to come. In 2023, CFU continued to developinnovative philanthropic programs to invest in our community and drivelong-term impact in Utah. You can learn more about our nonprofitsabbatical and community-building initiatives on pages 5-7.2Trish Coughlin — Board Chair

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$37 Milliongiven to 567 communityorganizations through 1,259grants$219 Millionassets under stewardship309 Fundsmaking a brighterfuture for UtahThank you for yourgenerosity!Data collected prior to 2023 Financial Audit3Year in Review

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The Great Salt Lake Watershed Enhancement Trust (Trust) was established inJanuary 2023 with $40 million in funding from the State of Utah. The Trust, co-led by the National Audubon Society’s Saline Lakes Program and TheNature Conservancy, aims to enhance water quantity and quality for the GreatSalt Lake and its wetlands. Over $8.5 million was awarded through a RFP process in 2023 from the Trustfor projects to protect and enhance the incomparable resources the Great SaltLake provides. From improving the conveyance efficiency of the Jordan Riverto controlling invasive vegetation species that prevent water from entering thelake — these projects seek to ensure the Great Salt Lake is preserved for futuregenerations..Great Salt Lake Watershed Enhancement TrustThe Silicon Slopes Computer Science Fund (SSCSF) was established torespond to the need for computer science education, so that every child inUtah has the opportunity to learn and develop computer science skills. InAugust, SSCSF began a RFP process to identify projects to reach studentsfrom diverse backgrounds and provide access to computer science education. Westminster University, Utah State University, Salt Lake EducationFoundation, and Utah Coalition for Education Technology were awardedmore than $400,000 in funding to assist teachers with implementingcomputer science learning in their classrooms. These projects focus onexpanding computer science integrated learning for 4th-6th grade studentsin rural schools, providing supplies and equipment for e-textile classes, andsupporting a computer science conference for educators in indigenouscommunities.Silicon Slopes Computer Science Fund4Community Impact

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CommunityEngagementMorgan Stanley FellowshipThe 2023 cohort of Morgan Stanley CommunityDevelopment Graduate Fellows featured the risingtalent of Utah’s emerging nonprofit leaders. Inpartnership with Morgan Stanley, the Fellows werepaired with nonprofit organizations to develop theirskills, build their networks, and receive hands-onexperience in community development work. Theirprojects ranged from closing real estate deals foraffordable housing to organizing community events forfamilies experiencing extreme poverty.“This Fellowship has reaffirmed my belief in the power ofcommunity.” — Tiana Chaparro, Master of Arts inCommunity & Organizational Leadership5

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Ogden Circle of GivingThe Ogden Circle of Giving (OCOG) was established by agroup of philanthropists who wanted to create asustainable giving model for their community. TheOCOG awarded the first annual grantmaking cycle ofthe Dr. Ezekiel R. and Edna Wattis Dumke FoundationCharitable Fund in 2023. After careful consideration, theOCOG selected Seager Memorial Clinic and YCC FamilyCrisis Center for the Fall 2023 grant cycle. Theseorganizations were granted $29,000 each to make apositive impact for underserved communities ofNorthern Utah.“Our friendship has grown deeper, more meaningfulroots through our collective belief in the power of givingthrough our passion for philanthropy.” — Dr. MikelleBarberi-Weil, Weber State UniversityUtah Grantmakers AllianceThe Utah Grantmakers Alliance (UGA) serves as alearning community for local family foundations anddonors committed to sharing best-practices tomaximize their philanthropic impact. In 2023, UGAhosted Glen Galaich, CEO of the Stupski Foundation, fora conversation on foundation governance, buildinggrantee relationships, and the Stupski Foundation'sdecision to spend down. As a follow on to Glen’sdiscussion, UGA members shared their philanthropicintentions and practices in a peer workshop.“Utah Grantmakers Alliance is an excellent resource toengage with peers.” — Ellen Rossi, Janet Q. LawsonFoundation6

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Social Sector SabbaticalIn 2023, CFU launched an inaugural Social SectorSabbatical and our annual Invest in Success initiative.Executives from Utah nonprofit organizations werebrought together to share their challenges and setintentions for a two week sabbatical. Simultaneously, asenior staff member from these organizations wasnominated to participate in CFU’s Invest in Successprofessional development initiative to help preparethem to step into any leadership gap while theirexecutive was away. These paired initiativesdemonstrate CFU’s investment in retaining anddeveloping top talent in Utah’s social sector.“I loved the Social Sector Sabbatical and am so gratefulfor the experience. The time itself came right when Ineeded some calm in my mind.” — Liz Owens, YWCAUtah7

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Mark & Christi JensenCFU is proud to partner with Mark and Christi Jensen, two donors who arecommitted to serving the needs of others. Since establishing a Donor AdvisedFund, Mark and Christi have supported impactful organizations serving peoplewith disabilities, uplifting the arts, and improving education. They believe in theimportance of social sector excellence, which is why they donated to TheCommunity Endowment.“The last few years we have been able to exceed our philanthropic goals byutilizing the [Community Trust of Utah]’s flexible donor advised gifting structure.We are pleased in turn to support CFU in its mission to help Utah Philanthropicleaders become more effective. The Community Foundation of Utah is workingto make Utah better and Utahns better off.” — Mark & Christi Jensen, CommunityPhilanthropistsCFU is building an endowment for our community. Donations to our CommunityEndowment support the expansion of our Social Sector Leadership initiatives toserve more nonprofits around the state. CFU thanks its donors for theirinvestment in Utah’s social sector.Donor Impact8

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Board of DirectorsThis year, CFU welcomed Trish Coughlin as Chair of the Board of Directors. Trish is Vice President, Accounting at Amazon, and is responsible for Devices andProject Kuiper — an initiative to build a low Earth orbit satellite constellation toprovide affordable broadband service to underserved communities around theworld. Prior to Amazon, she was the Chief Accounting Officer for Cornerstone andWorkday, a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs, a Divisional Controller atHoneywell, and Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers.Trish is passionate about creating a brighter future for Utah, donating her time touplift childhood education and women’s resources. She is actively involved in hercommunity and has supported CFU with her expertise for more than a decade.We are proud to have her leadership help guide our organization. Thank you,Trish!Chris ConardTrish Coughlin, ChairBrad DicksonDoug HansenJosh KanterJeramy LundJennifer RobinsonMarty TateJensen WarnockDavid Eccles School of BusinessAmazonB-Rad IndustriesTanner LLCJosh Kanter Wealth Advisory ServicesAlly BankKem C. Gardner Policy InstituteKunzler Bean & Adamson, PCMercato Partners9

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10Through community-centered philanthropy, theCommunity Foundation of Utah enables all Utahnsto contribute to our community today, ensuring abrighter tomorrow.If you want to make the world a betterplace where do you start?

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