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2023 Annual Report

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July 1, 2022 - June 30, 20232023Annual ReportOur MissionTo partner with people living with intellectual and developmental disability for EQUAL participation and inclusion in the communities of eastern Connecticut.Our Vision The Arc Eastern Connecticut will be eastern Connecticut’s leader in partnering and advocating for equality of opportunity and equality of choice.A Year of Transformation A Year of Transformation

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2Thank you for the transformation . . . Still Walking in Partnership for Full Equality!Thanks to strong advocacy from the people we serve, our talented team, our visionary Board of Directors, and our legislators, The Arc Eastern Conneccut had a wonderful year.As we head toward 2024 for discernment and strategic planning, our Board, leaders, and team plan to embrace the challenging quesons that agencies commied to large-scale social change face. How can we grow our mission? What do the people whom we serve and the team who serves them need today . . . and tomorrow? How can we enhance our community partnerships? { A successful year of rsts, 2022-23 brought good news and more. Business Expert Press, the h largest business book publisher, released 11 Secrets of Nonprot Excellence – Merger, Transformaon, and Growth. We hope you’ll enjoy reading The Arc Eastern Conneccut’s 71-year story of walking In Partnership for Full Equality as much as we enjoyed telling it. { MORE FUNDING SUCCESS! Aer a decade of ghng, Direct Support Professionals nally were rewarded with an $18 minimum wage. For the rst me, funding disparies longstanding for people with IDD, their families, and private providers were acknowledged. As always, your vote maers! { Leadership training, so well received, will be ongoing. In June, four new team members stepped up to lead the Council for Leadership Excellence, an iniave that sustains quality services at The Arc ECT and empowers leaders for tomorrow. A Gallup survey yielded a 4.4 team sasfacon rang out of a possible 5 stars from our team. The Arc Eastern Conneccut thrives because its mission today is as strong as when parents seeking a fair shake for their kids founded it 71 years ago. We remain America’s largest human rights movement for people with IDD.In partnership for full equality, Kathleen Stauer Chief Execuve Ocer

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3This year, our generous team members contributed $12,516 to the 2023 United Way Employee CampaignOur Impact in 2023A Snapshot of The Arc Eastern Conneccut $23.9 MillionTotal Agency Budget $168,600 raised through fundraisers $59,000 raised through the Annual Appeal $99,000 raised through grants $81,268 raised through general donaons Over 800 People served throughout eastern Conneccut 84 People and 336 336 family membersfamily members supported in their own homes 86 People living in 2222 residenal homes residenal homes 65 People supported in employment programs 62 People supported in day programs 19 Seniors receiving special supports 28 People supported in pre-vocaonal, school, and transional employment programs 139 People parcipang with Community Life & Advocacy and the Volunteer Corps 102 Campers enjoyed week-long overnight programming at Camp Harkness 394 Team members 219 Full-Time160 Part-Time 15 Seasonal

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4Technology and DesignThe department supported parcipants and sta in 2023 with a variety of innovaons, upgrades, and proacve accommodaons ensuring the safety and security of everyone.Wi-enabled Assisve Technology (AT) systems success-fully debuted at several program locaons this year; all customized AT will be wi-enabled by the end of next year, including the AT at our new 7-apartment assisted living program in New London. Technology sta have also been key players in the ongoing agency opmizaon study, and completed an evaluaon and acquision of accessibility equipment f or team members as well as implemenng an agency-wide Cyber Security awareness webinar. Transforming . . . July 2022: CEO Kathleen Stauer gives a presentaon on nonprot mergers at the ATECH conference in Groton, a talk leading up to the publicaon of the Book 11 Secrets of Nonprot Excellence: Merger, Transformaon and Growth. Advocacy and the Fight for Fair FundingFamily Hearing Day on May 4, 2023 at the State Capitol, hosted by the IDD Caucus, began a month-long on-site campaign to educate legislators on the importance of including increased supports and services for people with IDD in the 2024 budget. A host of advocacy events culminang in the CT Nonprot Alliance’s May 26th Rally represented a year of hard work by friends, family members and self-advocates pushing for the need for increased supports for people with IDD and improved wages for direct support professionals. CEO Kathleen Stauer praised legislators’ eorts, and commended those who kept IDD supports front and center as the budget moved forward. “Our advocates and our team real-ly made their voices heard and they deserve all the credit for the success we achieved.”

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5LEADERSHIPThe Arc ECT’s Council on ExcellenceBeginning in July 2022, four team members represenng dierent departments hold regular meengs with WorkChoice Soluons with the goal of improving the quality of services for people with IDD through eecve leadership. “We want to act as a resource,” said Alex Cabezas, Director of Residenal Services for the Northeast. “Leaders who show compassion, consistency, and fairness let their own sta, and by extension the people we support, know that their opin-ions count. The object of good leadership is, aer all, improving the lives of the people we support.” The group developed a “Leadership Conversaon Series” for all team members, and discussions have been richly informave. The rst four-member Council was honored at the agency’s annual Founder’s Day cele-braon in June 2023 for the high standards they set and solidifying the mission and acvies of the group. Michelle Torres is the newly-promoted Director of In-Home Supports. “Being a part of this council and ‘passing the baton’ to new members means there will always be new ideas that can lead to change.”August 2002: Joe Courtney meets with CL&A’s Self-Advocates and talks about the Americans with Disabilies Act and transportaon issues throughout the state. Planning for the Future Our facilies survey partner, Northeast Collaborave Archi-tects, completed Phase I of a comprehensive analysis of all The Arc ECT’s buildings, programs, and transportaon paerns this year. The group evaluated all aspects of each facility as well as its current ulizaon; this informaon will aid in plans that opmize agency locaons in relaon to transport and access.An audience-specic community survey complemented this evaluaon, and is measuring public awareness, the quali-ty and eecveness of our supports and services, potenal barriers to employment for people with IDD, and gaps in ser-vice delivery. Findings and recommendaons will be available in Fall 2023 and will become an important part of the agency’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan.

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6Transforming . . . September 2022: The Arc ECT parcipates in Cultural Diversity Events in Norwich, and Disabilies Vong Rights week (part of the REV-UP iniave with a social media campaign.)• The Arc ECT introduces a Social Equity & Financial Wellness program free to all team members. Day Supports Our Day programs in Norwich, Groton, and Danielson connue to partner with each other through the extremely popular “Club-house” model, establish ed last year, to provide a wide array of choice-driven acvies that are excing and day- enhancing. This year the programs worked with addional community organizaons to oer a wider range of volunteer opportunies to parcipants, allowing them to parcipate more fully in their communies. Our Day Program Community PartnersBuonwood Park ZooDanielson Veterans Coee houseDaily BreadHay Burr FarmGet Fired UpGroton Senior CenterHorizon WingsKillingly LibraryLucky StrikeMohegan Bowl (MA)NECOG Animal Shelter DanielsonNew London Senior CenterNorwich Senior CenterOur Lady of Lakes Catholic ChurchPomfret Audubon CenterPreston LibraryQuinebaug Valley Senior CenterRoger Williams: Zoo, Park, Museum & PlanetariumSouthwick Animal FarmSterling LibraryTEEG (Thompson Ecumenical Empowerment Group)Thompson Library“I’m so happy that The Arc gives Janet the opportunity to have her Day program at home. The young woman who’s with her is very good with her.”—Rita Sirio, Janet’s Mom

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7Community Life & Advocacy— a plan for a full lifeThe return to in-person acvies rejuvenated many of CL&A’s Empowerment and Enrichment programs, including its new Men’s Group and its Voices group for women. The Self Advocates enjoyed a surge in popularity as they solidied their mission and accomplished great things at the State Capitol. Members enjoyed in-person acvies including health and tness, Special Olympics training programs, adap-ve dance, art classes, cultural excursions, and Volunteer Corps acvies including road races, community fairs, and munic-ipal cleanups. As one volunteer said “I love these events! I love helping The Arc, and my community. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”In-Home and Individualized SupportsThis unique program was restruc-tured this year to oer an even more extensive variety of cus-tomized supports to people with IDD and their families in their own homes. While preparing for the excing opening of the new mixed-income housing development in New Lon-don, where seven parcipants will be moving in late 2023 and an addional eight in 2024, The Arc ECT was one of two agencies chosen to parcipate in the CT DDS-sponsored Remote Supports pilot program. The IHS and Individualized Supports teams are now cered to provide the technical assistance and individual living needs of people with IDD transioning into more independent living arrangements. Residential Supports —promoting choice and personal growthThree residents at our supported homes were transioned into independent supported housing this year. They will be assisted by technology tailored to meet their specic needs, which will help them become more self-sucient, while remaining connected to support sta as needed. Partnering with the In-Home Supports program, the Residenal program worked this year to close one of our congregate homes and transfer residents to homes that were in a less isolated area, allowing people to be much more acve within their community. INDEPENDENCE & CHOICEOctober 2022: The Redempon Center/Donaon Staon in Woodstock, one of The Arc’s Micro-Enterprises, processes its one millionth (1,000,000th) can of the year. “This has been a very good choice for Josh’s ‘forever home.’ Staff spent time to get to know him and now have settled him into routines, providing a secure and predictable living environment in his daily life. Josh is happy and more confident. Who could ask for anything more? I am most grateful to The Arc and the people who work every day at his home.”—Mariann Rossi-Ondusky (parent)

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8The Arc ECT’s Customized and Transitional Employment Programs—more options for job-seekers!The Employment Department worked with the CT Bureau of Rehabilitave Services this year to further our Customized Employment program and ensure that all team members are cered and trained as Job Coaches. “Our team has always had great skills,” said Director of Employment James Hyman, “and now they’ll be given the tools to understand their role even further and be able to recognize addional job opportunies in the community for parci-pants.”Transional Employment Services (TES) program in Groton and Danielson also expanded this year. The 3-year program provides supported vocaonal services to people with IDD age 22 and over determined to further their ca-reers. “Post-pandemic, we’re concentrang on bringing back our internship opportunies with area employers,” noted Director of TES, Senior Supports, and Educaon Paula Kowalski. “People are parcipang in more hands-on ac-vies in a variety of organizaons and businesses, and are geng a greater exposure to dierent places where they might like to work and where their skill sets would be most read-ily deployed.”Our School-to-Work Transion program was mod-ied this year to reect area schools’ development of their own respecve transion programs. This year, our Educaon programs in both the northeast and southeast partnered with area schools to pro-vide supports to young men and women needing more intensive supports as they improved on skills developed during the school year. Transforming . . . November 2022: The Cookie Factory begins its Meet our Bakers campaign, focusing on a new bakery employee each week and emphasizing the importance of the Customized Employment model.

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9The Arc’s Micro-Enterprises —Real world experience leading to competitive employment with local busi-nesses• The Lawn & Landscape Crew connues to provide summer and winter maintenance at commercial and private properes along with The Arc’s oces and residences. The crew worked with the Main-tenance Department this winter, learning valuable on-the-job repair and building maintenance skills.• The Cleaning Crew is responsible for 7 locaons, including all The Arc’s program/administrave oc-es, Camp Harkness in Waterford, and the CT DAS Fleet in Norwich. Each group develops skills based around commercial maintenance dues.Our Woodstock building hosts three micro-enterprises:• The Emporium upscale thri store connues to be extremely popular with shoppers from around the region. Through generous community donaons, the store sees new shoppers daily, aracted by the quality merchandise, great sale days, and cheerful employees!• The Redempon Center/Donaon Staon in Woodstock connues to grow, and now has 30 outside donaon bins spread from Woodstock to Groton. Five employees are in charge of all facets of processing, as well as maintain-ing the outdoor and indoor donaon bins. • The Grand Opening of the Cookie Factory in Woodstock this past April drew legislators, donors, the Northeast Chamber of Com-merce, and community members eager to ocially welcome the new micro-en-terprise to the area. Shis of 5 employees bake and package cookies for commercial orders in over 50 stores regionwide, and also operate the walk-in storefront. Camp Harkness ReturnsThis is the second year that programming has returned to in-person acvies since the pandemic, and this year we were back to over-night! Over 100 campers enjoyed 6 week-long sessions lled with games, water acvies, cras, dances, travelling musicians . . . and a ma-gician! This was also our rst year with our new camp soware, which eased the applicaon pro-cess for families and also streamlined the medical processes and documentaon for camp nurses.OPPORTUNITIESDecember 2022: The Arc ECT’s Board, Leadership, and the Development department parcipated in a Social Media Summit designed to increase The Arc ECT’s online presence, recruit team members, and opmize our outreach and educaon eorts.

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10A Year of Fabulous Fundraisers• Our 45th Annual Strides Road Race in October 2022 at Camp Harkness in Waterford drew close to 200 runners; our generous sponsors helped us raise over $29,000.• April’s Film Fesval didn’t leave a dry eye in the house. The popular fundraiser, now in its 7th year, was held at the Norwich Inn and Spa, and together with generous sponsors and a great silent aucon raised over $28,800.• The 35th Annual Gardner Johnson Memorial Golf Tournament was held in June 2023 at the CT Naonal Golf Cub in Putnam. The event connues to grow; our 20 sponsors teamed up with 115 golfers to help raise over $45,260. 100% of Proceeds from all our fundraisers benet supports for people with IDD in eastern Conneccut.The Year in NumbersExpenses FY2022 FY2023 Salaries $12,539,929 $13,219,168Benets $2,170,703 $2,895,389Program $853,504 $1,023,221Transportaon $1,195,901 $1,226,087Building & Equip $1,653,052 $1,802,058Admin & General $2,518,673 $2,981,603Total Expenses $20,931,453 $23,147,526 Revenue FY2022 FY2023Contract Revenue $18,081,218 $21,050,654Room & Board $863,188 $870,314Service Fees $349,994 $528,205Supported Employment $293,573 $334,332Grants $153,284 $98,969Public Support $69,739 $59,032Fundraising $120,611 $168,600Rental Income $69,354 $57,289Investment Income$4,497 $3,017Other Income $691,569 $736,496Total Revenue $20,697,027 $23,906,908Transforming . . . 57%13%4%5%8%13%FY2023 ExpensesSalariesBenefitsProgramTransportationBuilding & EquipAdmin & General57%13%4%5%8%13%FY2023 ExpensesSalariesBenefitsProgramTransportationBuilding & EquipAdmin & General

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11Holiday GenerosityThe Day’s Make a Dierence campaign allowed us to provide a great holiday full of much-needed items to one of our parcipant families in need. The “Befriend A Family” group, comprised of employees from Pzer and Electric Boat and coordinated by Royce Homan, donated personalized gis of clothing, games, and specialty items to our residents. We also received many generous donaons from our Giving Tuesday campaign. These gis demonstrate the caring and generous spirit of our neighbors and community partners; we’re so grateful for their kindness and compassion.Grants & SupportsMany organizaons, foundaons, and state/federal funders contributed to our employment, community involvement, and enrichment programs through grant funds and regular cash gis in 2023. Grant funding is a vital component of our programming and allows us to provide unique and person-centered experiences for everyone we support.Berkshire Bank FoundaonCommunity Foundaon of Eastern ConneccutConnecCare, Inc. & AliatesCT Commission on DisabiliesCT Department of Developmental DisabiliesCT Department of Energy and Environmental ProteconTown of East LymeElectric Boat Employees Community Service AssociaonKnights of Columbus Council #7054EversourceCity of GrotonTown of GrotonJewe City Savings BankTown of KillinglyLedyard Garden ClubThe Edward & Mary Lord FoundaonTown of Old LymePzer Conneccut LabsUnited Way of Southeastern ConneccutTown of WaterfordCOMMUNITY SUPPORTJohn and Mallorie Moody are longme partners of The Arc Eastern Conneccut. Recently we asked them what prompted them to become recurring donors.“We give to ensure that opportunities are provided to every person in the community. The Arc is near and dear to our hearts because of the support and friendship they give to my sister Patty. Giving monthly ensures we will never forget to be partners in The Arc’s important work.”

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12Our Hero Sponsors —making our fundraisers a great success through their support of each of our annual fundraisers Archambault Insurance AssociatesMarn & Arlean Bednar Berkshire Bank FoundaonBoston Document SystemsChace Building Supply of CT, Inc.Charter Oak Federal Credit UnionChelsea Groton BankCollins & Jewell CompanyComcastDime BankEastern CT Savings Bank Gerardi Insurance Services, Inc.Hometown Bank Community Foundaon, Inc.Kevin Wickless Law, LLCLinemaster Switch CorporaonLisbon Tire, LLCMashantucket Pequot Tribal NaonMohegan SunMuenzner Payroll SoluonsMutual of AmericaNorwich Public UliesPutnam Lodge #46 A.F & A.MRawson MaterialsRose City Financial ServicesRx Health, A Tarrytown Expocare PharmacyBarry & Brenda SheadSpirol Internaonal Corp.Kathleen StauerThe Rotary Club of NorwichWorkers’ Compensaon TrustEvent SponsorsWe’re indebted to the continuous support of our event-specific sponsors 21st Century Tolland FundAlarm Security Protecon Co, Inc (ASP)All Souls Unitarian Universalist CongregaonDiane & Robin AubinBonner Electric, Inc.Byrnes Agency Insurance, Inc.Glenn & Kim CarberryCentreville Bank FoundaonCharity PainngClarity Output Soluons - Premier PrinngCohnReznickGene Michael & Elizabeth DearyElectric Boat Discreonary FundERW, IncFlanders Fish MarketGilman & Valade Funeral Homes and CrematoryJewe City Savings Bank FoundaonKillingly Asphalt Products, LLCLupien, D.D.S. HouseholdMaern Construcon, Inc.Miyoshi AmericaMJ Sullivan Automove GroupEmily & Andrew MorrisonMysc River Building CompanyNew London Telephone Employees Community Service AssociaonNorthern Light GemsNorthwestern MutualO&G Industries, IncPaquee Electric Co., Inc.Putnam Bank - a Division of Centreville Bank Thomas & Candy SullivanSure Bright Inc.TCORSThe Day Publishing CompanyThe Mitchell D. Phaiah Foundaon, Inc.The Nutmeg Companies IncThe Rideshare CompanyThe Robert F & Maureen T O’Keefe Family FoundaonTOMRA Collecon SoluonsUS FoodsWheelabrator Putnam Inc.Yankee RemodelerTransforming . . . January 2023: The “Connecng our Community” iniave, developed in 2022 to opmize service delivery across the agency, expands its mandate and elects to include parcipant, caregiver, business, and pubic input in the comprehensive facilies study.

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13To commemorate the founding year of both The Arc New London County and The Arc Quinebaug Valley, the 1952 Society recognizes donors who have exceeded a lifeme contribuon of $1,me contribuon of $1,952. The Adams Family Shannon & Robert AielloDenise Archambault Diane & Robin Aubin Marn & Arlean BednarMadelyn Berube & James Cournoyer (new members Y2022)Roger BoisvertDavid & Lynn Bourque George & Pam Brown Sherri Burdee & Walter HewiChristopher & Patricia Burke The Chojnicki Family Victoria Chrisan Joann & Charles Cirrito Stephen Colgan James & Deborah Dandeneau Michael Deary Gene Michael & Elizabeth DearyBarbara Deindorfer & Gregory Young The DeMao FamilyThe Demicco Family Lisa DeMots Davies Edward & Mary Lou Desaulnier Mark & Susan Desrosiers Thomas & Julie Dupont Patricia & Edward Favolise (new members Y2022)Denise & John FournierDenton Gates Louis GedeonLaura Giannelli Maureen Gilardi Andy & Nancy Grant (new members Y2022)Deborah Gregoire-RickesPat Grygorcewicz Patricia & William Gulley Bey Hale The Halloran FamilyThe Heck Family Laurie Herring Terrence Hickey Sco KadeyBob Kaufman & Joann Chapel Michael & Nell KelleherDeborah Kirby Sara & Richard KlemmerDonald & Jean Leone Perry Lorenz Stanley Lucas Roland H. Lupien, D.D.S.Diane ManningCarol & Joe MastronunzioEllen & Michael MausThe Middleton FamilyJohn & Darlene MillerEmily & Andrew MorrisonAlice MunyanPeter NewthThe O’Keefe FamilyOnnolee RaderAllan & Kathie RawsonJerey & Jessica RawsonLinda & John RhodesDaniel & Judith RoveroKevin & Linda ShawThe Siart FamilyBob & Jinny SmanikMary Ellen SnyderSobolov FamilyKathleen StauerThomas & Candy SullivanRalph & Vicki TateAnn & Robert TetreaultSusan & Tom TheveSteven & Marge TownsendRobert & Sue VincentDenise & Tony WalstraThe Adams Family Shannon & Robert AielloDenise Archambault Diane & Robin Aubin Marn & Arlean BednarMadelyn Berube & James Cournoyer (new members Y2022)Roger BoisvertDavid & Lynn Bourque George & Pam Brown Sherri Burdee & Walter HewiChristopher & Patricia Burke The Chojnicki Family Victoria Chrisan Joann & Charles Cirrito Stephen Colgan James & Deborah Dandeneau Michael Deary Gene Michael & Elizabeth DearyBarbara Deindorfer & Gregory Young The DeMao FamilyThe Demicco Family Lisa DeMots Davies Edward & Mary Lou Desaulnier Mark & Susan Desrosiers Thomas & Julie Dupont Patricia & Edward Favolise (new members Y2022)Denise & John FournierDenton Gates Louis GedeonLaura Giannelli Maureen Gilardi Andy & Nancy Grant (new members Y2022)Deborah Gregoire-RickesPat Grygorcewicz Patricia & William Gulley Bey Hale The Halloran FamilyThe Heck Family Laurie Herring Terrence Hickey Sco KadeyBob Kaufman & Joann Chapel Michael & Nell KelleherDeborah Kirby Sara & Richard KlemmerDonald & Jean Leone Perry Lorenz Stanley Lucas Roland H. Lupien, D.D.S.Diane ManningCarol & Joe MastronunzioEllen & Michael MausThe Middleton FamilyJohn & Darlene MillerEmily & Andrew MorrisonAlice MunyanPeter NewthThe O’Keefe FamilyOnnolee RaderAllan & Kathie RawsonJerey & Jessica RawsonLinda & John RhodesDaniel & Judith RoveroKevin & Linda ShawThe Siart FamilyBob & Jinny SmanikMary Ellen SnyderSobolov FamilyKathleen StauerThomas & Candy SullivanRalph & Vicki TateAnn & Robert TetreaultSusan & Tom TheveSteven & Marge TownsendRobert & Sue VincentDenise & Tony WalstraThe 1952 SocietyThe 1952 SocietyCOMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPSFebruary 2023: The Arc ECT’s Connuous Quality Improvement (CQI) scores from the CT Department of Developmental Services connue to be the highest in the state, with an agency average of 99.5% and the majority of scores reaching 100%.

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14Our DonorsSince 1952, the friends and family members of the people we support have furthered The Arc Eastern Connecticut’s mission through their generous contributions. We’re proud to honor our 2023 donors. Anonymous (7)Roberto & Ellen AbunMargaret AdamsRobert & Nancy AgerShannon & Robert AielloRobert AllingAmazon SmileAmerican Legion Post 104American Truck Historical SocietyBill AndrzeicikRichard AndrzeicikDenise ArchambaultArchambault Insurance AssociatesClaire & David ArmstrongColleen ArmstrongAndy AsensioThomas AssmarMary & Daniel AtwoodCarol AugerRaymond & Lorraine BalickRonald BatesMarn and Arlean Bednar Charitable FundAlan & Judith BenneLouise BenneCarol BensonBerkshire Bank FoundaonSusan BerlamMyrtle Berube & James CournoyerBig Y World Class MarketClare & Natalie Billing Jr.Gregory & Karen BoluchJe BondGertrude & George BorduaLynn & DavidKay BousquetCatherine BouthillierGary & Theresa BowneFrancis Breton Jr.Philip BrighamElsie A. Brown Fund, Inc.Mary Duke Brown Family FundBrownington FoundaonSarah BuehlerSherri Burdee & Walter HewiChristopher & Patricia BurkeKim & Susan BusheyBrian ButremovicSusan CalamanCamp Harkness Fund, Inc.Glenn & Kim CarberryRichard & Dolores CarnahanMaribel CarrionCharter Oak Federal Credit UnionChelsea Groton Bank FoundaonPamela ChoqueeChrist Church of PomfretClam Shell Quilt Guild Reuven CleinPaul ColangeloGeorge & Joy ColleloJay ConollyPatrice CorreiraAnthony CosennoCaroline CouigGerald DaigleMarge DalyRita Dancosse & Barbara Alice GiordCurt & Betsie DanforthPatricia DaviauJohn & Monica DeanGary & Lynn DeckerBarbara Deindorfer & Gregory YoungLouis & Janice DemiccoWilliam DennisMahew & Julie DesaulnierCharlene DexterMarc DiSilvestro & Wendy DalyBill & Abby DolliverJohn & Mary DriscollMichael DriscollNhu DuongThomas & Julie Ann DupontRebecca DurhamLee ElciERW, IncAntonia ErwinJerome & Diane EthierEdward & Patricia FavoliseFiberopcs Technology Inc.Patricia FitzgeraldJoseph & Mary Ann Fodor Jr.John FolsomMark FontaineBill ForemanSen. Paul FormicaMary GardnerCorey GaudeeLouis GedeonGerardi Insurance Services, Inc.Frances GesualdiThomas & Mary Ellen Giard Jr.Bernard & Mary GilbertJohn & Kathleen GilgenbachArthur GirardLouise GislesonRaymond & Carol GlaudePaul & Eleanor GrantRodman & Karin GreeneSusan GreenleafPaul GrenierRobert & Rebecca GrilloTheresa GromkoRonald & Margaret GuarneriPerryn GullTimothy & Margaret HaireBey HaleRonald & Wanda HalinskiMary-Beth HallColleen HalloranMa HargusPaul & Janet HarringtonFrederick & Patricia HedenbergPeter & Beverly HersteinBrian & Bridgee HickeyDiane HitchcockDaniel HonerRobert & Leslie HollandAllen & Susan HornRichard & Nancy HorseldMarge HoskinDebra Huber & Thomas FernRobert & Lorraine HurdPaul & Kimberly HurlockCharles Jaskiewicz IIIJan JensJewe City Savings BankDoris JohnsonMelissa JunkinsHenry & Chrisne KaiserRobert Kaufman & Joann ChapelMaureen KelleyJohn & Constance KentDeborah Kershaw & Jonathan RiinKillingly Brooklyn Rotary ClubKillingly High SchoolJanice KimballRichard & Sara KlemmerKnights of Columbus - Ponemah Council #34Anthony & Giselle KomorowskiLeonel & Marie Konicki Sr.Bruce & Donna Kosa FundTherese KovachTamara KruzelJohn & Judi LachanceDonor Generosity . . . March 2023: The Arc ECT, along with friends and family members, solicits and submits tesmony regarding HB 6612, regarding compensaon for providers supporng people with IDD.

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15IS TRANSFORMATIVE!Ladies Auxiliary VFW No. 1523John & Mary LafontaineJean LafreniereLorraine LaGarde & Kimberly BriereSusan LaidleyJohn & Joan LambertLorraine LanyonJane Lassen BobruPaul & Leslie LavalleeRandall & Janet LawKevin & Michelle LengyelLisbon Tire, LLCJay & Emma LongJohn LopesPeter LoprioreDeborah LoserLori LoughlinLucas Law P.C.Gary & Anna LussierEdward & Barbara LutherM. Provost Trucking & Landscape ProductsWilliam MacLarenMahew & Barbara MakowskiMark & Ellen MaloneyCarla MamoloDiane ManningElaine MarcheterreDaniel & Darlene MarrioShelley Martell-BiltonAmerico & Dawn MastronunzioCarol MastronunzioMaern Construcon, Inc.Mike & Ellen MausPaul MaxeldRussell & Nancy Mayhew Jr.Donna McDonoughFrancis & Barbara McGarryJohn & Melissa McGuireMelwood Horcultural Training CenterGregory & Renee MessierMicroso Rewards / Give with BingRicky & Donna MilnarikMJ Sullivan Automove GroupMohegan SunMontville Police Union Local 2504John & Mallorie MoodyVirginia MooreAndrew & Emily MorrisonGinger MorseDeborah Moshier-DunnCharolee MosleyGary MonEdward & Karen MunroeAlice MunyanMichael & Debra MurphyAndy & Margo MyersJennifer NadeauNancy NardoneNaonal Charity Services, IncNew London Telephone Employees Community Service AssociaonNorwich Public UliesLaurie NoyesMarianne O’NeilRonald & Gail ObachEamon OconnellJulie O’ConnerOdd Fellows Faith Hope & Charity Fund, IncJack & Robin O’KeefeMary Anne O’KeefeLawrence & Chrisne ParqueeLindsay PaulMichael & Rosemarie PaynePeter & Lynda PetridesAllan & Emily PeersonPzer Matching Gis ProgramAnne PiersonEric & Debra PorterMary Porter PriceJames & Irene ProfeoPutnam Lions Club Foundaon, Inc.Putnam Rotary Club No. 6507David & Deborah RabonMadelyn Rathbun-MorganJerey & Jessica RawsonRonald RegesLaura RhaultLinda & John RhodesFrank & Jacqueline RicciDonald & Eileen RichmondLawrence Ring & Patricia LevesqueGrant & Elizabeth RierDiane RitucciBryan RockRose City Financial ServicesIrene RoyMark & Mary Jane RuoDavid & Judith RzucidloS & S Worldwide John SacreyBarry & Marie SalukRoger & Cheryl SalvasCarmen SandsKenneth & Patricia SarasinWalter & Rosemary Sawicki Jr.Elizabeth SchaferPatrick SchaerCarol SchneiderRita SerioJeremy SerwerSandra SharrKevin & Linda ShawGuy & Darlene SimonianKrishan SinghJohn & Lisa SmigelHolly SmithPhyllis SmithRobert & Susan SorokolitGary & Debra SpinelliState Of CT Department Of Correcon - Brooklyn CaresKathleen StauerPeter & Gail StempienDonald & Muriel SurprenantPaul SwantekTakeda MillenniumLisa Tate FundThe Rotary Club of NorwichTom & Susan TheveMary ThomasThompson Lions ClubSteve & Mary TomeoSoa TorresTown of ThompsonMichael & Penela TuranoDavid & Pat VarholyDavid & Mary VitaleHany Wahba MD & Noheir WahbaThomas WallRichard & Janet WatsonDawn WeissGrace WerlingMary WhiteCarrie Whitney-PickeKaren WhiemorePierre WickerRobert & Ann WicksLinda Wierz FerraroSco WolfeRobert WoodWorkchoice Soluons LLCPaul & Lynn YellenNancy ZamagniMarn ZeldisZlotnick Construcon, Inc.April 2023: The Cookie Factory in Woodstock celebrates its ocial Grand Opening!If you made a gift to The Arc Eastern Connecticut in 2023 and do not see your name on our list of Community Partners or Donors, please accept our apologies. You may contact Denise Tift at T: 860.889.4435 x116 to be added to next year’s report.

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16In Memoriam The Arc Eastern Connecticut is honored to receive donations from friends and family members in memory of the following loved ones:Michael AndrzeicikAunt BakerAnne BeanDoris BriereTom BrighamNorma CasseeriPatricia CassidyMary CostelloCecilia DalyGeorge DalyRick DeMaoLinda GedeonAntonio GesualdiMary GesualdiPhilip GodinYvee GordonAmy GrantKara GrilloKeith HarnoisAlfred JonaschMary “Courtney” KelleherSteven KennedyEd KonickiJack LaGardeSusan Rojecki LohreyLouisa LopesJanice LuppertMelvin MasonAmerico MastronunzioLily MastronunzioChrisne MaxeldJoseph Honore MessierKaren NazarethMarjorie Lorenz PaulEarl PetersGerard RoyPeter RzucidloGilbert SheeldJanine TheveButch TilleryNorman “Bobby” ToppingPatrick WoodHonorees Gifts were made this year in honor of the follow-ing friends and family members:The Arc ECT’s Senior Program Kaliel AyauMarn BednarDoris BriereAndy CaldwellGary CoteJohn DeindorferJohn GromkoSt. Jude - for favors grantedPatricia MoodyPatricia ParkerRobert PontonJanet SerioAbby SnyderNicole WalstraMay 2023: The Arc ECT contracts with GreatBlue of Glastonbury to implement a comprehensive sasfacon survey of businesses, caregivers, people with IDD, and the general public.

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17June 2023: 11 Secrets of Nonprot Excellence by CEO Kathleen Stauer becomes available on Amazon.Gifts in Kind These organizations, businesses, and families provided generous and thoughtful donations of goods and services to our fundraising events and to our day, residential, advocacy and employment programs.Anonymous (2)Robert & Shannon AielloAlan & Judith BenneBig Gary’s Discount LiquorsBig Y World Class Market -NorwichBob’s Discount Furniture Charitable Foundaon,Inc.Chef TrishClarus Studios Inc.Coca Cola Boling CompanyConneccut Naonal Golf ClubCostco WholesaleGates Buick GMC NissanGoshen Fire Department Hart’s GreenhouseTerrence & Jeannee HickeyHoldridge Home & Garden ShowplaceKelley’s PaceLoPres FarmMitchell College AthlecsCharolee MosleyZoe OemkeArt ParadisQuinebaug River ChurchRon’s RosesThe Rose FamilySheeld PharmaceucalsDorothy SmithMary Ellen SnyderSouthwick ZooStop & Shop - NorwichBruce StevensTerry Brodeur Breast Cancer FoundaonTown of WoodstockUnited Way of South- eastern ConneccutVocatura’s PizzaWireless Zone

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18Board of DirectorsLooking ahead to FY 2024 { Beginning in January 2024, The Arc ECT’s Board of Directors will lead a process of discernment in ancipaon of creang a new strategic plan that will include re-envisioning our facilies based on the needs of our families and our team members. This is a crical part of our Board-driven, ongoing commitment to our community and our mission. { Phase II of our Supported Living project will see an addional 8 people with IDD transion from group support to independent living in their own apartments in a mixed-income complex in New London. { Grants to our bole and can Redempon Center/Donaon staon micro- enterprise in Woodstock, CT will allow for increased services throughout the re-gion. { 11 Secrets of Non-Prot Excellence will hold its ocial launch and book-signing events.Linda Rhodes, PresidentDiane Aubin, Vice PresidentRay Baribeault, SecretaryGene Michael Deary, TreasurerDirectorsExecutive CommitteeShannon Aiello Rebecca Durham Paul Formica Erin Haggan Emily Morrison Abby Snyder Mary Ellen SnyderExecuve Linda RhodesFinanceGene Michael DearyBoard DevelopmentEmily MorrisonCommittee Chairs

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19Kathleen StauerChief Execuve OcerLaurie HerringChief Operaons & Quality OcerTerrence HickeyChief Financial OcerSco KadeyChief Informaon Ocer William FurguesonChief Markeng & Development OcerDenisse MateoChief Talent OcerAnnemarie BellenoitChief AdministratorBey-Jo DavisDeputy Chief Quality Assurance Ocer —Residenal ServicesYvee HortonDeputy Chief Quality Assurance Ocer—Individualized ServicesValerie MaloneDeputy Chief Quality Assurance Ocer —Support Services and Community Life & AdvocacyJennell RicardDeputy Chief Quality Assurance Ocer —Day ServicesSenior ManagementDeputiesLewis BeasleyDirector of Residenal Services Southeast Alex CabezasDirector of Residenal Services NortheastJoann CirritoDirector of Day Services SoutheastDebbie DensmoreCommunity Life & Advocacy CoordinatorJames HobsonDirectors of Employment Services Susan JamesDirector of Day Services Northeast Paula KowalskiDirector of Senior Rerement & Transional Employment Sarah KutzCamp AdministratorRachel MerrillDirector of Finance Penny NewburyDirector of Grants & Communicaons Jennifer RicciDirector of Community Enterprise Denise TiDirector of Community OutreachMichelle TorresDirector of In-Home SupportsDirectorsLeadership Team

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TheArcECT.orgCentral Offices 125 Sachem St., Norwich, CT 06360T: 860.889.4435Northeast Administrative Offices687 Cook Hill Rd., Danielson, CT 06239T: 860.774.2827Northeast Day Services 193 Mechanic St., Danielson, CT 06239T: 860.779.2362Employment Transition Center52 Sacred Heart Dr., Groton, CT 06340T: 860.449.1529Community Enterprise Center22 Rt. 171, Woodstock, CT 06281T: 860.928.4727