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2023 Annual Report

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Message Growth Through HopeGrowth Through Hope2023 Annual Report

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OURMISSIONOURMISSIONOUR MISSIONOUR MISSIONTo facilitate the health andwellness of healthcareprofessionals in order to enhancepatient care and safety.

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OUR IMPACTOUR IMPACT8,300+Healthcare workers served1,000,000+ Ohioans maintained access tocare because OhioPHP helpedhealthcare workers get back towork93%of OhioPHP’s participantsremained in recovery with norelapse during 2023

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Growth ThroughGrowth ThroughEducationEducationEducated over7,403healthcare workersGave99Education ProgramsProvided2,856hours of continuing education

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Franklin CountyHamilton CountyLucas County Montgomery CountyHancock CountyAdams CountyAllen CountyAthens CountyAuglaize CountyClark CountyCuyahoga CountyDelaware CountyErie CountyFayette CountyGallia CountyHighland CountyHocking CountyJackson CountyLicking CountyMahoning CountyMiami CountyPickaway CountyPike CountyPortage CountyRoss CountyScioto CountyStark CountySummit CountyUnion CountyVinton CountyWarren CountyWashington County

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2020 2021 2022 2023020406080100Well-being ScreeningsOhioPHP provided free well-being screenings tomore healthcare professionals than ever before! OhioPHP Well-being Screenings were created toassist with the identification of stress, burnout,mental health, and substance use disorders orother issues. Once completed, our clinical teamprovide recommendations on how to improveyour mental health and well-being!9175995

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750 Well-being VisitsOur Case Managers provided over 750well-being visits to healthcareprofessionals to support their mentalhealth and well-being!Our well-being visits are provided asongoing support to thoseparticipating in our programs.460 Referrals2023 was a busy year for our wholestaff. We received more referrals thanever before increasing by 47% in justone year! 2020 2021 2022 20230100200300400500Confidential Agreements87% of OhioPHP agreements wereconfidential in 2023. That means,hundreds of healthcare workers wereable to get the help they neededwithout impacting their professionallicense!Growth Through SupportGrowth Through SupportConfidential Well-being Programs

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In June, we hosted our first ever Open House at our newoffice located in downtown Columbus. Over 100 of ourfriends, family, and long-time supporters joined us for anevening of celebration and to learn about the vision andexpansion of OhioPHP as we take on new programs,services, and support more healthcare professionals thanever before.Growth ThroughGrowth ThroughCommunityCommunityThe Power in Reaching OutOhioPHP Open HouseIn 2023, we launched our first ever awareness campaigncalled ‘The Power in Reaching Out’. The goal of thiscampaign was to encourage healthcare professionals toreach out to their colleagues for support. Thousands ofhealthcare professionals engaged with the awarenesscampaign and OhioPHP is continuing to use it’s powerfulmessage.Akron Children’s Hospital Medical Staff

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Growth Through AdvocacyGrowth Through AdvocacyOhioPHP advocated for the removal of mental health treatment questions on theState Medical Board of Ohio’s initial and renewal applications, as well as encouraged allother healthcare boards to update this language.6 new safe haven programs werecreated in 2023 for Ohio’shealthcare professionalsThe State Medical Board of Ohio created a new safe haven program called the“confidential monitoring program” for all licensees, applicants and certificate holders.State Medical Board of Ohio

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Current Safe Haven ProgramsOhio Board of PsychologyOhio Chemical Dependency Professionals BoardOhio Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Athletic Trainers BoardOhio Veterinary Medical Licensing BoardOhio Vision Professionals BoardState Medical Board of Ohio (known as the Confidential Monitoring Program)Growth Through PartnershipsGrowth Through PartnershipsOhioPHP partnered with healthcare regulatory boards in Ohio to create pathways for healthcare professionals toreceive support for burnout, mental health disorders, substance use disorders and other conditions that mayimpact their health and well-being. Our Safe Haven PartnersOur Safe Haven PartnersCOMING SOON!Emergency Medical Services BoardOhio Board of NursingOhio State Chiropractic BoardOhio State Dental BoardOhio Speech and Hearing Professionals Board

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Our TeamOur TeamBoard of DirectorsMelinda E. Ford, DO, FACOFP - Chair Krisanna L. Deppen, MD - Vice-ChairTimothy L. Kolb, DVM - Secretary/Treasurer Craig A. Brown, MAPStephen R. Feagins, M.D., MBA, FACPJonathan A. Good, Esq. Gregory J. Nixon, O.D., FAAO Christopher J. Richardson, M.Ed., LPC, LICDC-CSLaura H. Rocker, M.D. Mrunal S. Shah, M.D.Jason E. Thuener, M.D.Matthew A. Vail, M.D., MPHJames W. Van Hook, M.D. Executive LeadershipKelley M Long, MBA - Executive DirectorRichard Whitney, MD - Medical Director

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Clinical TeamChristina Delos Reyes, M.D., FASAMPhuong Huynh, M.D., FASAMNelson Heise, MA, MS, PCC-S, LICDC-CSTara Hart, APRN, CNP, PMHNP-BCEllen DeFrance, LISW-SJill Fulton, LISW-S, LICDC-CSRosalie Hemphill, LSWKami Imes, MSW, LISW-S, CEAPAnne Kelley, LISW-SDawn Riegel, MS, LPCC, LICDCChristie Shaw, LISW-SKayla Tomak, LISWMicah Wright, CDCAAdministrative TeamSarah DamianiSydney GaleJenn HayhurstCheryl MayleEvelyn ParsioTeresa ThompsonCompliance TeamJill Aitcheme, MPH, CDCAKara Armbruster, CHES, CDCACodie Cartwright, CDCAQuincey ChambersLauren ChiangMaegan DunnKaylee FerebeeSierra MendozaAerin WellsBreanne Wilkins, CDCA

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Growth Through YouGrowth Through YouOrganizations and SocietiesPhysicians Honor Society ($50,000+)Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction ServicesOhio Medical Quality FoundationHeritage Society ($25,000 - $49,999)Coverys Community HealthCare FoundationPinnacle Society ($10,000 - $24,999)Ohio Veterinary Medical AssociationTower Society ($1,000 - $4,999)Academy of Medicine of CincinnatiColumbus Medical Association Ohio Optometric Association in honor of Dr. Gregory NixonOhio Society of AnesthesiologistsOhio State Medical Association Foundation Providence Medical Group Pillar Society ($500 - $999)Graff & McGovern, LPAHancock County Medical Society Mike Baumann PlumbingOhio Academy of Family PhysiciansOhio Foot and Ankle Medical AssociationYield Giving Open Call Fund Cornerstone Society ($200 - $499) Kroger Montgomery County Medical SocietyThe Ohio State University College of Optometry inhonor of Dr. Gregory Nixon Founders Society ($1 - $199)Amazon Smile Our work would not be possible without YOU!OhioPHP relies on the generosity of our stakeholders to continue providing our services to Ohio’s healthcare professionals, free ofcharge! Our donors allowed us to expand our services to include confidential support for all of Ohio’s healthcare professionals, create neweducational programs to raise awareness about mental health and substance use issues within the professional community, andcreate wellness programs to better support the well-being of our healthcare workforce. From all of us at OhioPHP,Thank you!

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Growth Through YouGrowth Through YouHospitalsPinnacle Society ($10,000 - $24,999)The Christ Hospital Medical Staff Keystone Society ($5,000 - $9,999)Akron Children’s Hospital Medical Staff Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Medical StaffMercy St. Vincent Medical Center Medical Staff Nationwide Children's Hospital Medical StaffOhioHealth Grant Medical Center Medical Staff OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital Medical StaffPremier Health Miami Valley Hospital Medical StaffThe Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Medical StaffUniversity of Cincinnati Medical Center Medical Staff Tower Society ($1,000 - $4,999)Adena Regional Medical CenterAdena Regional Medical Center Medical Staff The Bellevue Hospital Medical Staff Blanchard Valley Hospital Medical StaffCleveland Clinic Medina Hospital Medical StaffClinton Memorial Hospital Medical StaffDayton Children’s Hospital Medical StaffFairfield Medical CenterFairfield Medical Center Medical StaffFisher-Titus Medical Center Medical StaffFulton County Health Center Medical StaffTower Society Continued Kettering Health Dayton Medical Staff Licking Memorial HospitalLicking Memorial Hospital Medical StaffMary Rutan Hospital Medical StaffMercer Health Mercer County Community Hospital Mercer Health Mercer County Community HospitalMedical StaffMercy Health Allen Hospital Medical Staff Mercy Health Clermont Hospital Medical StaffMercy Health Fairfield Hospital Medical StaffMercy Health Lorain Hospital Medical Staff Mercy Health St. Joseph Warren Hospital Medical Staff Mercy Health West Hospital Medical Staff OhioHealth Doctors Hospital Medical StaffOhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital Medical Staff OhioHealth Grady Memorial Hospital Medical Staff OhioHealth Mansfield and Shelby Hospital Medical Staff OhioHealth Marion General Hospital Medical StaffProMedica Defiance Regional Hospital Medical StaffSalem Regional Medical Center Medical StaffSumma Health Akron Campus Medical Staff University Hospitals Parma Medical Center MedicalExecutive StaffWayne Healthcare

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Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center 2023 Keystone Society DonorUC Health 2023 Keystone Society DonorThe Christ Hospital 2023 Pinnacle Society Donor

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Growth Through YouGrowth Through YouHospitalsPillar Society ($500 - $999)Lima Memorial Health System Medical Staff Mercy Health St. Charles HospitalMercy Health St. Charles Hospital Medical Staff Mercy Health St. Rita’s Medical Center Medical StaffProMedica Fostoria Community Hospital Medical StaffProMedica Memorial Hospital Medical StaffPremier Health Upper Valley Medical CenterPremier Health Upper Valley Medical Center Medical StaffSouthern Ohio Medical Center Trinity Health System West Medical StaffUniversity Hospitals Samaritan Medical Center Medical StaffCornerstone Society ($200 - $499)Aultman Orrville Hospital Medical Staff Memorial Hospital Medical StaffPomerene Hospital Pomerene Hospital Medical StaffWyandot Memorial HospitalWyandot Memorial Hospital Medical Staff HONORARIA Cornerstone Society ($200 - $499)Marietta Memorial Hospital Pillar Society ($500 - $999)Mount Carmel St. Ann’s Ohio Dental Association IN-KINDTower Society ($1,000 - $4,999)American College of Emergency Physicians, Ohio Chapter Cleveland Academy of Osteopathic MedicineOhio Dental Association Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical AssociationOhio Optometric Association Ohio Psychiatric Physicians AssociationOhio Society of Anesthesiologists Ohio State Medical AssociationOhio Veterinary Medical AssociationPillar Society ($500 - $999)Ohio State Chiropractic Association

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Growth Through YouGrowth Through YouIndividualsTower Society ($1,000 - $4,999)Anonymous (1) Drs. David and Mary Applegate Robert L. Brandt, Jr., M.D.Stephanie Costa, M.D. in memory of Dr. Cliff Maximo Steven W. Crawford, M.D., MBA, FACOGChristina Delos Reyes, M.D. Krisanna L. Deppen, M.D. Stephen R. Feagins, M.D., MBA, FACPMelinda E. Ford, D.O., FACOFPPhuong N. Huynh, M.D.Sybil K. Marsh, M.D.Eric and Lori PlinkeLaura H. Rocker, M.D. William Roddick, M.D.Drs. William and Kimberly RothermelNancy and Robert K. Rupp, J.D.Jason Thuener, M.D.Dr. David and Mrs. Margaret Tondow Fund Matthew A. Vail, M.D., MPHJames W. Van Hook, M.D. Richard Whitney, M.D., FASAMPillar Society ($500 - $999)Anonymous (1) Farshid Afsarifard, Ph.D.Jan and Michael Baumann Michael Bess, M.D. Robert DiSalle, M.D.G. Patrick Ecklar, M.D.Dann Ganzhorn, M.D.Dr. and Mrs. David D. GoldbergMary Gombash, M.D. Jake and Gretchen Hammond Christine J. Julian, M.D.Timothy L. Kolb, D.V.M. Christopher Meyer, D.O. in honor of Dr. Melinda Ford Eric Pizza, M.D.Robert C. Schiff, Jr., M.D.Herbert A. Schumm, M.D.Anita Steinbergh, D.O. in memory of George F. Dunigan IIDaniel Zinsmaster in memory of Ryan Fryman, D.O.Cornerstone Society ($200 - $499)Anonymous (3) Seth Alpert, M.D. in honor of Rama Jayanthi Ronald J. Bloomfield, M.D.

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Growth Through YouGrowth Through YouIndividualsTower Society ContinuedJeffrey Briggs, M.D. Ruth A. Cooper, D.P.M.Patricia Davidson, M.D. MacArthur and Josefina Delos Reyes in honor of Dr. Christina Delos ReyesDr. and Mrs. Patrick B. DoyleThomas Gregoire, Ph.D.Edward C. Hall, M.D.Susan Hubbell, M.D. Perry Hux, M.D. Mark Jerman, D.D.S.Molly Katz and Carl Parrot Fund of The Greater Cincinnati FoundationJames N. Kaya, M.D.Kelley M. Long, M.B.A.Frank and Stephanie Loucka William R. Mitchell, M.D.David J. Montanaro, D.O.Kevin Muise, M.D.Gregory J. Nixon, O.D., FAAO Colleen Opremcak, M.D., MS, FAPADavid R. Paolone, M.D.Marc Parnes, M.D. Barry Robertson, M.D. Ann M. Saluke, M.D. and Donald YeltonJoseph Simone, D.O. Sara A. Sukalich, M.D. Bruce A. Wall, M.D. Richard Wardrop, M.D., Ph.D.Timothy Wiechers, J.D.Cheryl D. Wills, M.D.Founders Society ($1 - $199)Anonymous (3) Jill Aitcheme, MPH Mauro Amendola, M.D. Sarah AnstineKara Armbruster in honor of Sydney Gale David Brager Craig A. Brown, MAP Annette M. Chavez, M.D.Christine Collins, M.D. Lexie Daily Nicholas Damiani Sarah Damiani Ellen DeFrance Chris Davis Nicholas Davis, M.D. Laura EdwardsBen Ertel Joe and Patty Evans Robert Exten, M.D. Jill Fulton

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Growth Through YouGrowth Through YouIndividualsTower Society ContinuedMona Ferrer-Kaw, M.D. in honor of Dr. Christina Delos ReyesKurt Harrison, D.O.Jennifer Hayhurst Alicia Heidenreich, M.D. Nelson H. Heise, MA, MS, PCC-S, LICDC-CSLuan Huynh Michael and Kami Imes David Karol, M.D.Patricia Kellner, M.D. Alan Levy, M.D.Carol E. Lewis, M.D. in honor of Dr. Christina Delos Reyes Lynn Long Deborah J. Lynn, M.D.Tim Maglione, J.D. Bonita D. Malit, M.D. Christopher P. Marett, M.D., MPH in memory of John M. StangDavid B. McClure, M.D.Dr. Christopher and Nancy Meier Dr. John and Linda Meier Bruce J. Merkin, M.D. in honor of Dr. Christina Delos ReyesClaudia Metz, M.D. Frank Miller III, M.D. Link R. Murphy, M.D.Sally Murphy Peter Muscarella II, M.D. Michelle Nicopolis, Ph.D. in honor of Theresa Novak Molly O’Neill in honor of Sarah Damiani Linda L. Post, M.D.Craig Pratt, M.D., DFASAM, FAPADawn Riegel Elizabeth A. Roseberry, M.D.Emily Schuman Megan Thompson Tammy and Rick Thompson in honor of Sarah Damiani Rekha Trivedi, M.D. Lynn Turner, DVM in honor of Nelson Heise and Dawn Reigel Dr. and Mrs. Christopher White Breanne Wilkins Bridgette Wiggers, Ph.D. Jon Wills Margaret Williams in honor of Dr. Phuong Huynh

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Donor SpotlightDonor SpotlightOhioPHP donors are some of the most passionate, dedicated members of the healthcarecommunity. We wanted to take some space to highlight an amazing donor who makes ourwork possible. Our donors are the heart of our organization, and we are so excited to give youthe opportunity to get to know one of them better. Coverys Community Healthcare Foundation (CCHF) strives to positively impact the healthcarecommunity and make a difference in their communities. Since its inception, CCHF has awardedover $28 million through charitable contributions and its grant programs. The CCHF has beensupporting our programs and services since 2016 and has provided OhioPHP with a total of$294,500 over the years to support the health and well-being of Ohio’s healthcare professionals!We are thankful for their continued support and partnership. Their commitment to thehealthcare community inspires us. OhioPHP wants to thank the Coverys Community Healthcare Foundation for their ongoingsupport and dedication to supporting Ohio’s healthcare workers.From all of us at OhioPHP, thank you!

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2020 2021 2022 20230.0%20.0%40.0%60.0%80.0%100.0%FinancialSnapshotExpensesProgram ServicesMarketing & GeneralFundraising

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2020 2021 2022 20230%20%40%60%80%100%FinancialSnapshotRevenueGrants & DonationsProgram FeesOther

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Supporting Ohio's Healthcare Professionals since 1995