Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And weought to lay down our lives for our brothersand sisters. If anyone has materialpossessions and sees a brother or sister inneed but has no pity on them, how can thelove of God be in that person? Dearchildren, let us not love with words orspeech but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:16-18This is how we know what love is:
Our vision is to create a world where children are safe and families aretransformed throughradically compassionatecommunities.
As we look to the future and press on in 2024, we do so with great faith and hope,knowing that we have a committed community of dedicated individuals willing toserve, pray, and give towards keeping children safe and families together. Thank you for being the driving force behind Safe Families for Children!With Gratitude, Dr. David AndersonFounder & CEODear Faithful Partner,Our hearts are filled with gratitude and a sense of purpose aswe reflect on 20 years of Safe Families for Children. Rooted infaith, fueled by radical hospitality, disruptive generosity, andintentional compassion, we believe in the power of the gospelto change lives and transform communities. Your consistentencouragement, generous giving, and sacrificial service remainthe foundation of our movement. We are honored to presentthe highlights of our journey together. A MESSAGE FROM OUR FOUNDERSince 2003, we’ve had the privilege to serve and strengthen families whileproviding nearly 70,000 hosting arrangements. The impact of our missioncontinues to grow, and we’ve expanded our reach to include 100 chapters, in30 states and with exciting opportunities for global partnerships focused onpreventing child abuse and neglect, stabilizing isolated families, anddecreasing the number of children entering foster care. Through your generous support this past year, we have been able to keepchildren safe and families together which creates a ripple effect ofpossibility and stability in the lives of those we serve. It is because of YOU thatwe have been able to invest more deeply in parents and children providinghope to families who had nowhere else to turn.
Celebrating Major Milestones of ImpactProvided over 1.2 million bed nights of safety in host homesArranged 70,000 hosting placements for children Served over 40,000 children and families since 2003Launched 100+ Safe Families chapters nationwideEngaged 60,000 volunteers, churches, and communitypartners to keep children safe and families togetherExpanded in Canada, the UK, Hong Kong, and Philippines.With further expansion efforts in Australia, Gambia,Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, and South Africa for 2024.Officially accredited as an evidence-based program20 YEARS OF SAFE FAMILIES
Prevent child abuse and neglectSafe Families for Children hosts children and createsextended family-like support for parents who have nowhereelse to turn through a community of devoted volunteersmotivated to help keep children safe and families together. Deflect kidsfrom foster care systemFaith-motivated and family-focused Built by establishing a relationship, not a programParents voluntarily request a hosting and maintain full custody of their childrenVolunteers are motivated by their compassion to serve, not financial compensationOur MissionOur DistinctivesVolunteer-driven and professionally supportedPermanent support systems are built to providecontinued communityStrengthen and support familiesOur Goals
Our VolunteersSafe Families for Children (SFFC) mobilizes a compassionatecommunity of vetted volunteers in Circles of Support (COS) toserve families facing significant life stressors. Each volunteerplays a significant role in wrapping support around a familyunit. Whether you are single, married, or retired, we believethere is a role for everyone to help keep children safe andfamilies together!
COMPASSIONINTENTIONALOur Core ValuesRADICALHOSPITALITYDISRUPTIVEGENEROSITY “Radically ordinary hospitality is this: using your Christian home in a daily way that seeks to make strangers neighbors, and neighbors family of God.”-Rosaria Butterfield
"My name is Yolanda, and I had recently aged out of the foster care system in the past year. After experiencing a forced removal at the age of 7 and growing up in the foster care system,I desperately wanted a safe and stable home life. However, after a domestic violencesituation, I found myself homeless and living in my car with a baby. I had planned on makingdifferent life choices but being alone with a young infant made me fear that I was bound torepeat history with my son.RADICALHOSPITALITYThe problem with our world is we draw the circles of our families too small. - Mother TeresaStories of HopeWhen I first heard about SafeFamilies through a referringagency, ‘I thought there was noway a volunteer family wouldwant to help me without gettingcompensation...that would becrazy.’ However, I quickly foundout that Safe Families wasexactly what I needed. The loveand support they showed mewas radical in every waypossible. They quickly arrangeda hosting for my son so I couldconcentrate on housing, childcare, and employment. At first, Iwas very hesitant aboutallowing my child to be hostedand wasn’t sure if it was theright thing for me or if I couldtrust someone with my son, butit turned out to be an amazingexperience! for both of us!They assigned me a FamilyCoach and several FamilyFriends to assist me with theprocess of putting things inplace so I could be reunited withmy son. The Host Familyincluded me in gatherings so Icould see my son weekly. MyFamily Coach supported mewith locating housing andapplying for child care vouchers.Safe Families worked with otherorganizations to help me locatework and child care near myhousing so I could ride the bus.My Circle of Support helped mefind furniture and housing goodsand even loaded my refrigeratorand pantry with food. I can’teven describe all the smallthings that were done for us toset up my home.Most importantly, SafeFamilies was able to help megrow so much in my faith.Now, I attend church withone of my Family Friends andrecently got baptized. Theyhave really become like realfamily to my son and me.I believe Safe Families is veryneeded in our communitiesbecause there are so manypeople like me that don’t haveanyone they can call. They arecompletely alone. It has beenan invaluable comfort to knowthat there are people whowant to walk with me so I canreach my full potential. Ihonestly don’t know what Iwould do without SafeFamilies. Thank you from thebottom of my heart.“
As Safe Families for Children walks alongside families facing a crisis, unemployment and the lackof affordable and dependable childcare creates a tremendous challenge for families. Many of theparents we serve are jobless or without a steady income stream to provide crucial financialresources for their families. They often struggle to secure and maintain job opportunities becausethey lack social networks and sustained relationships. DISRUPTIVEGENEROSITYNo one has ever become poor by giving. - Anne FrankStories of HopeSafe Families for Childrenhelps connect parents tocommunity resources to assistthem in navigating possibleemployment opportunities.Unfortunately, many of theparents have no prior workexperience, never finishedhigh school or do not havehigher education which limitsthe places for employment. Oftentimes parents find jobsat fast food restaurants, butthis poses challenges. Thehours are typically very few,the location is far from wherethey live, the working hoursdon’t align with day shiftswhen their children can betaken care of, and the workenvironment isn’t positivewith co-workers and ideals tosupport already vulnerableparents. This was the exactsituation for Shayna, a youngmom SFFC was helping andsupporting. Recently, a Safe Familieschapter reached out to a localChick-fil-A operator to see ifone of our partnering parentscould secure a job opportunitythat was within walkingdistance of her home andchildcare provider, as well asan employer who would pourpositivity into her and assistwith her future success. Ahealthy work environmentwould enable Shayna to reachher desired goal to completeher GED and provide a safehome environment for herfamily.Not only did the Chick-fil-Aowner agree on the spot topartner with SFFC, but hegenerously offered Shayna ajob and worked diligently togive her hours that alignedwith her childcare and treatedher with honor, dignity, andrespect; something Shayna hadnever experienced in a workenvironment before. Shaynashared with SFFC staff, "I felt like I am part of a family atChick-fil-A, not just anemployee." After working forseveral months, the managerneeded weekend help and askedShayna to be a part of thisendeavor. Due to the workinghours being over a Saturdaywhen childcare wasn’t available,the owner offered to personallypay for childcare so Shayna couldfeel confident that her baby wassafe while she picked up themuch needed hours.For over a year, the Chick-fil-Aoperator and staff generouslysupported and loved Shayna likea family as she worked towardsher GED, learned how to drive acar, obtained a driver's licenseand transitioned into permanenthousing. SFFC celebrates whatcan happen when like-mindedorganizations work together forthe good of the community andwell-being of vulnerable childrenand families. “I will be forevergrateful for the generosity thatwas shown to me.”
Safe Families seeks to reframe how families are served and supported when facing crisis situations.
INTENTIONALCOMPASSIONStories of Hope“Safe Families for Children gave me hope. I didn’t know what I was going to do. Now my life lookscompletely different. This is the first time I’ve ever had anyone care about me and act like I was areal person. It feels so good to have someone call to check on me or someone to tell me that I’mdoing a good job. I wouldn’t know how to be a dad or even have my kids with me if it wasn’t forSafe Families.” - Mr. Huntto keep him on his feet andprovide stable housing for hisfamily. With generous financialsupport, Resource Friendscame along with a partnerchurch to help purchase amobile home. Mr. Hunt’s family is now on acompletely different path. The relationship between Mr.Hunt, his children and SafeFamilies volunteers will last alifetime. It bears witness to hispersonal growth through the hospitality, compassion, andgenerosity of volunteerswilling to open their heartsand homes to help keepchildren safe and familiestogether.Our first conversation with Mr.Hunt was heartbreaking. Hewept as he explained hissituation. He was jobless,homeless, and alone while tryingto raise his two children on hisown. His mother, who had beenhelping, had recently passed. Hiscircumstances landed him in aplace that was not good forhimself or for his children. Mr.Hunt was desperate. He had noidea what to do next, howeverhe knew that he wanted andneeded to be a better father tohis children. Thankfully, Mr. Huntcalled Safe Families for Children.Safe Families surrounded Mr.Hunt and his two children with aCircle of Support. Theintentional compassion andencouragement he receivedmotivated him to find permanentemployment, buy a car, and renta place to live. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by wideningour circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures. - EinsteinThe relationships he developedwith the Safe Families forChildren volunteers were lifechanging. His Family Coachencouraged him and helped himnavigate through things likegetting before and aftercare inplace for his children at schooland how to juggle eveningsupper, school activities, andhomework.He had Family Friends that tookhim to church and included himin the men’s discipleship events.Mr. Hunt even decided to givehis life to Christ and gotbaptized. Other Family Friendshelped provide day hostingswhen school was out and therewas no one to watch the kidswhile he was working. One ofhis Host Families even openedtheir home to him while theywere out of town for a week ashe transitioned during a move
$1,500 - Safe Families $40,000 - US Foster Care 39,906Bed nights of safety5,200HostingArrangementsChildren and Families Supported4,293 3,045ChurchParnterships96%FamilyReunification15,753Volunteers andCommunity AgenciesCOST PER HOSTINGAVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY2023 YEAR IN REVIEW4 weeks - Safe Families 18 months - US Foster Care
Safe Families provides a safe home forchildren and a supportive community forparents while they get back on their feet.
76%18%5%75%7%5%5%3%2%2023 AUDITED FINANCIALSREVENUEEXPENSESGovernment GrantsContributions + FoundationsProgram Service RevenueInvestments + Other IncomeTOTAL $1,956,518$8,338,300$499,313$144,910$10,939,041Chapter OperationsOther ExpensesSalaries Benefits + TaxesContractors + ConsultantsCommunications + ITDevelopment + TrainingSupplies + MiscellaneousTOTAL $7,366,681$478,820$689,590$284,168$181,820$465,696$231,749$94,217$9,792,7411%2%Audit ending 6/30/2023
SAFE FAMILIES LEADERSHIP BOARD OF DIRECTORSWarren Habib (Board Chair)Dorothy Chao (Secretary)Jim AlexanderLawrence BoysenScott EngleCorey LewisJill LyonsJohn PhillipsScott PriceLaurel RundleEXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP TEAMDr. David Anderson, Executive DirectorJeff Isola, Chief Financial OfficerCheri Jimenez, Chief Communications OfficerLaura Galt, Interim National Director of Field StrategyLynette Nelson, Director of AdvancementAbel Ortiz, Director of Program Development/Legal AffairsAarika Yarger, National Director of Family Support
We aim to provide a safe alternative for parentsand help build strong,resilient families in the community.
I tell you, even though he will not get upand give you the bread because offriendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get upand give you as much as you need.Luke 11:8This is our hope for the future:
4300 West Irving Park Road | Chicago, IL 60641 | 773-653-2200 | safe-families.org