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2023 - 2024IMPACT REPORTGrowth & Joy

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Chad CampbellChief Executive Officer A Message From Our LeadersBill NejaChair, Board of DirectorsTawonda Burks, RAEDIAmy Eich, Rochester Public SchoolsIan Farrell, Associated BankDan Groteboer, Re/MaxScott Hoss, Think BankMalachi Johnson, Rochester Public SchoolsMatt Johnson, Rochester Business LawJim Kelly, Community VolunteerBOARD OF DIRECTORSMelissa Murphy, Mayo ClinicChad Murray, Think BankBill Neja, Rochester Sand and GravelJohn Pacchetti, Home Instead Senior CarePat Sexton, Rochester Area BuildersClaudia Tabini, SE Service CooperativeJim Wilson, Mayo Clinic Health SystemEvery day, kids walk into our Clubs because they know they belong and they matter. They know that Clubstaff believes in them and their community cares about them. Thank you, our dedicated champions, whohave made great futures possible for thousands of kids for more than 20 years. We invite you to dreambig with us as we continue to realize our own great future. With your support, we will continue to grow ourimpact in response to tremendous and growing community need. Let’s continue this good work, and thisincredible growth together, on behalf of our kids and our community.With gratitude, It has been a milestone year of growth and impact. Building on a foundation of financial stability andcommunity connection allowed Boys & Girls Club of Rochester to imagine big futures alongside our kidsin 2023-2024. Our growth can be seen in our success with one of our perennial goals: Serve More Kids. Over the entiretyof the school year and summer, we connected with over 500 kids, as well as their families, schools, andcommunities. And, our growth goes beyond our numbers served. We’ve grown in how we connect withour members and families and in the innovative programming we provide. During the past year, we set to work expanding sites, engaging our caregivers and community, leaninginto impact measurement, and doing more of what we do best: empowering kids to achieve their greatestpotential. In partnership with Rochester Public Schools, a new club site at Longfellow, and summerprograms at Gage, and Riverside Elementary have more than doubled the number of youth we serve. OurCaregiver Council Survey invited families to share about their Club experience, their priorities, and theirmost pressing needs. We learned that safety, education, and relationships with caring adults are chiefpriorities for Club families. And, resoundingly, we heard that Club benefits families. We added the SearchInstitute’s Developmental Relationships Survey (DRS), which measures the internal and external assetsmembers have available for their social-emotional development, to our Results Based Accountabilitymeasurements.

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W H O WE A R E | P A G E 33241Through consistently evaluating programming, curricula, partnerships,and quality measures, our Impact Team gathers and analyzes data tohelp guide organizational planning. We regularly survey parents, families, and Club members to ensurealignment of our programming and service delivery with kids’ andfamilies’ needs and expectations. These are some highlights from the2023 National Youth Outcome Initiative (NYOI) Member Survey,which asks Boys & Girls of Rochester members to share theirperceptions and experiences of their Club. Their responses allow us toassess how well Clubs deliver a high-quality Club experience thatpromotes positive youth development. Family voice, partnership, and engagement are key to informing howwe carry out our mission of providing Club members with a safe,supportive, fun, and enriching environment that inspires andempowers them to achieve their greatest potential. These strategieshelp us prioritize meaningful and necessary after-school programsand summer activities in our Clubs - giving every youth a chance tofind their place at the Club. OUR MISSION is to empower all young people,especially those who need us most, to realize theirfull potential as productive, responsible, and caringcommunity members.Where We AreO U R I M P A C TOur Club SitesThe Place 1.Longfellow Elementary School2.Riverside Elementary School3.Gage Elementary School4.of Club Membersexpect to graduatehigh school.of 11th and 12thgraders reportedparticipating incareer exploration attheir Club. of Club Members said,“The adults at this Clubbelieve I will be asuccess.”of Club Members saidthey understand howtheir feelings invfluencetheir actions.of Club Memberssaid, “People at thisClub accept me forwho I am.”of Club Members feel“safe from harm” attheir Club. of Club Members saidthe adults in theirClub care about them.98%92%98%96%As of June 2024, Boys & Girls Club ofRochester operates three Club sites atRochester Public Schools throughout thecommunity and our home site at The Place. 96%100%100%

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Black or African American48.5%White20.2%Multi-racial13.1%Hispanic12.1%Asian4%Male52.7%Female46.9%Non-binary0.4%K-5th45.7%9th-12th33.3%6th-8th21%ETHNICITY2024 Minnesota Youth of the YearWHO WE SERVEGENDERGRADEIn Fiscal Year 2023, we served 469 registered members at The Place and Longfellow Elementary Club sites.American Indian or Native Alaskan2%Baylie has twice been named Rochester Youthof the Year and became Minnesota’s Youth ofthe Year in March, 2024. She is a strong leader who embodies Club’svalues of service, academic excellence, andhealthy lifestyles. She exemplifies the criticalimpact that Boys & Girls Club of Rochester hason young people’s lives.A 2024 graduate of Century High School, Bayliewill pursue a career in nursing by attending theUniversity of Minnesota Rochester.Baylie Chappuis

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Staff Member Spotlight“I see myselfin the kidsevery day.” -Keturah QuinnAs I step further from the frontline role atClub, I see the bigger picture. Now,working to build relationships betweenschools, partners, and Club sites is whatgets me excited. Those partnerships willlead to positive community change. I have such a passion for working with kids. It was all about them when I first startedbecause I see myself in these kids. I come from where they come from. I understandtheir struggles, wants, and desires, and I am proud to give them an experience I wish Ihad as a kid. It means a lot to me to be able to affect change on a personal level, helping a kid whohad a rough start to the school year learn how to maintain a schedule and do theirhomework or building a relationship with a child who struggled with authority figureswho now gives me hugs when they see me at Club.Meet Keturah Quinn, Site Director at Boys & Girls Club at The Place Rochester is like the community I grew upin, and it means a lot to me to build thattrust with kids, to show them that theirvoice is valid, they are heard, and I willmeet them where they are. Community is where you serve. It’s where you feelmost comfortable and where you feel that urge tohelp. And, it’s about the partnerships you build alongthe way – with families, teachers, administration, andother sites. If we work together, we can create a life-changing experience for our kids.”

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Our ProgramsO U R P R O G R A M S | P A G E 1 0100%93%92% of teens expect to pursuesecondary education afterhigh school educationof surveyed Club memberssaid they had lifetimeabstinence from marijuanaand 91% from cigarettes.* of kids and teens feel that ifthey’re the leader of a group,they make sure thateveryone feels important. * Club provide s kids and teens with opportunities to grow asleaders. Our youth-driven programs equip young leaderswith the tools they need to take initiative in personallymeaningful ways. Leadership clubs, peer-mentoringopportunities, and service opportunities encourage kids todevelop into responsible, confident, caring leaders – in theirClubs, neighborhoods, and beyond. At Boys & Girls Club of Rochester, academic programs givekids a space to explore, experiment, and expand on thelessons learned during the school day. Educationally-enriching activities in every area of the Club – from the artroom, to the gym, to the STEM classroom – are intentionallydesigned to foster skill building and spark kids’ passion forlearning. At Boys & Girls Club of Rochester, kids of all agespractice building healthy habits for their minds and bodies.Every day we provide kids with the tools they need toenvision and build a healthy life and say no to risky behaviors. ACADEMICS & CAREERHEALTHY LIFESTYLESCHARACTER & LEADERSHIPTHE ARTS*2021-2022 NYOI Club Member Data *Boys & Girls Club of Rochester 2022 National Youth Outcomes Survey At Boys & Girls Club of Rochester, we are committed toproviding opportunities for our members to access theirimagination and creativity. We offer a variety of artsprogramming so that our members can learn to expressthemselves through visual arts, applied arts, and performingarts in a safe space.of Club membersparticipate in Art Class,Music Makers, Dance, orthe Talent Show at Club.100%Key Program Areas

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Financial InformationFY23 RevenueFY23 ExpensesProgram Services FundraisingAdministrationContributionsGov’t GrantsSpecial EventsSupport ServicesEndowmentsIn-Kind $ 815,301$ 664,700$ 233,700$ 92,700$ 25,000$ 164,819$1,551,053$ 327,580$ 125,941Total Revenue $1,996,220Total Expenses $2,004,574FISCAL YEAR 2023: January 1 - December 31, 2023**UnauditedEndowments 1%Other Misc. .2%Contributions44.4%Special Events 13.1Gov’t Grants36.3%Support Services5%Program Services77.4Fundraising16.3Administration6.3%

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THANK YOUThanks to the commitment of our supporters, community partners, donors, and all ofthose who believe in our mission, we were able to serve over 400 kids in Rochesterduring our last program year. We’re confident that with the power of collective actionand community support, together, we can continue to provide inspiration, academicsupport, empowering relationships, and more for the next generation of leaders at Clubsites throughout our community. Thank you for believing in their futures and theopportunities they find at Boys & Girls Club. Boys & Girls Club of Rochester1026 E. Center St., Rochester MN 55904507.287.2300VISIONARY SPONSORHERO SPONSOR