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2023-24 Annual Report

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2023-2024 ADMINISTRATION Fr. Tom LillyPastorMr. Brian RossPrincipalMrs. Marcy AdkinsBusiness ManagerMr. Doug BerryCampus MinisterMrs. Debbie BrewerDean of AcademicsMs. Anne GoreDirector of Advancement Mr. John WarrenAthletic DirectorTABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome......1School Board.......2Financial Summary.....32023-24 School Profile....4Class of 2024.....5Archangel Sports....6Shout Outs!....8Mardi Gras....9Seasonal Highlights....10Donor Information.....132023-24 Donors....14Our Mission:As a proud ministry of Saint Benedict Parish, Lumen Christi Catholic High School provides a rigorous Catholic education in a Christ-like environment.Our Graduates:Have a worldview centered in the teachings of Jesus Christ;Are servant leaders in the Church, community, and society;Strive to live justly and value service to others before self;Are confident and prepared for life’s challenges;Communicate effectively, think critically, and solve problems;Respect the value and dignity of others as made in God’s image.This Annual Report was prepared for the supporters of Lumen Christi Catholic High School. Every attempt was made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. If you find any inaccuracies or omissions, please accept our apology and contact the Director of Advancement at 907-273-1530 with any corrections. We would like to extend a special thank you to Antje Carlson Photography as well as the students, parents, faculty and staff whose photos were used in this publication.

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Dear Friends and Families of Lumen Christi Catholic High School, In July 2016, we both reported to the St. Benedict Parish/Lumen Christi Catholic HighSchool community – Father Tom as Pastor and Brian Ross as Principal. Truth be told, wehave seen many ups and downs over the past 8 years. When we first arrived, enrollment was 80 students; at one point it dipped as low as 67.But eight years later when we welcomed students back to school in August, 2023, it wasto 131 students, a 49% increase over the lean enrollment years!In 2016, Mass was celebrated once a week as a school; eight years later, we celebrateMass four times a week with the sacrament of Reconciliation offered on the fifth day.There are many days when our school Chapel of the Archangels is overflowing duringafternoon Mass and the line for Wednesday reconciliation is long, but patient andreverent. Advent is now marked each year with a morning assembly where ornamentsrepresenting the people, events and prophecies of Jesus’ ancestors are hung on theschool’s Jesse tree. Every Monday during Lent our students collectively walk and pray theStations of the Cross as we prepare for the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection. In 2016, we had 7 full-time teachers; we now have 10 full-time teachers, plus a full timeCampus Minister, Athletic Director, Director of Advancement and Front Office Manager.We also have a committed School Board comprised of parents, parishioners, andmembers at large from the legal, financial, high tech, and academic sectors of ourcommunity who give tirelessly of their time and expertise to ensure that Lumen Christi isrun efficiently, economically, and in accordance with all tenets of our Catholic faith. Thework of these talented professionals ensures that we will hold true to our mission ofproviding "a rigorous Catholic education in a Christlike environment" in the years tocome.In other words, our school is thriving! Credit for this growth, development, andexpansion goes to God first, of course, but also to all of you – the friends, families,donors, and benefactors of Lumen Christi Catholic High School. You can take greatpride in all that we have accomplished together, a small portion of which is capturedwithin the pages of this Annual Report. Together, as Pastor and Principal, it brings usgreat joy to be able to report to you that your parish school, first founded in 1996, is on astrong foundation in all areas: enrollment, governance, financial, academic, athletic, andspiritual. Our most sincere thanks to all of you who have helped make it all happen and for yourcontinued and dedicated support. Together we are educating the next generation ofCatholic faithful! To God be all glory and honor! Fr. Tom Lilly, Pastor Brian Ross, Principal Saint Benedict Church Lumen Christi Catholic High School A LETTER FROM OUR PRINCIPAL AND PASTOR“Together, as Pastorand Principal, it bringsus great joy to reportthat your ParishSchool, first founded in1996, is on a strongfoundation in all areas:enrollment,governance, financial,academic, athletic andspiritual.”

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L to R: Anne Gore, Fr. Tom Lilly, Mary Stephens, Marcy Adkins, Aaron Sperbeck, NancyWingate, William Arnold, Brian Ross, Shane Locke, Audrie Williams, Marcus Holmquist. Not pictured: Harriet Furton, Daniel George, Kevin Jones, Deacon Dave Van TuylFrom Our Board President:2023-24 SCHOOL BOARDThe Lumen Christi School Board assiststhe Pastor of Saint Benedict Parish andthe School Principal by providing adviceand counsel in the following areas:Strategic Planning; Policy Formulation;Evaluation of plans; MissionEffectiveness; Board Self Evaluation;Institutional Advancement andDevelopment; Financial Planning andManagement; and, Communication andMission Enhancement. We’re deeply grateful to those who giveof their time and talent to serve theschool in this advisory capacity. If youare interested in serving on the SchoolBoard, please contact Fr. Tom Lilly. A lifelong Alaskan who enjoys hunting, fishing and occasionally dabbling in the law as a litigation trial attorney, I’ve worked as ahumble and dedicated servant in the Lumen Christi community for many years. I started first as a volunteer for the many growingsports programs at Lumen Christi and am now a proud, cheering parent of one Lumen Christi graduate and a rising Sophomore.I’ve been a member of the Board since 2020 and currently serve as the Chair; in both capacities have sought to demonstrate acommitment to the school’s core values of Faith, Family and Excellence. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to again stand with my fellowparents and community members to lend a hand in the educationof our children. I firmly believe that a traditional Catholiceducation stands as a cornerstone in the foundation of civilizedcommunities. At its’ core, education must empower individualswith knowledge, equipping them with the tools and skillsnecessary to question, understand, and transform the world aroundthem. As a Board, we must insist that the influence of educationtranscend mere academic knowledge; it must nurture creativity,instill moral values, and foster critical thinking. Our values of Faith,Family and Excellence are not just about reading, writing, orarithmetic; they’re about cultivating a lifelong passion for learningunder the ever watchful eye of our Lord. Thank you for the opportunity to again serve. Aaron SperbeckAaron, Mia (Class of 2024), Genevieve (Class of 2027) and Kelly Sperbeck

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SCHOOL REVENUES$ 1,286,306 Tuition and Fees$ 36,636 Ordinary Revenue$ 267,354 Fundraising $ 114,878 Archangel Attic and Other Sales$ 20,281 Athletic Fees and Tournaments$ 31,025 Investment Income$ 1,756,480 TOTAL RevenuesSCHOOL EXPENDITURES$ 1,066,581 Personnel$ 29,755 Professional Services$ 100,655 Supplies$ 238,056 Facility, Utilities, Repairs$ 25,312 Travel and Transportation$ 9,084 Dues and Assessments$ 20,728 Education and Development $ 12,556 Capital Expenditures/Depreciation$ 140,079 Advertising, Bank Fees, Licensing, Events $ 1,642,806 TOTAL Expenditures PARISH REVENUES$ 639,750 Collections $ 46,552 Other Donations $ 87,285 Rebates and Subsidies$ 24,519 Fees, Interest and Misc. Sales$ 798,106 TOTAL RevenuesPARISH EXPENDITURES$ 450,281 Personnel$ 166,997 Facility, Utilities, Repairs$ 17,049 Professional Services$ 83,530 Supplies $ 1,118 Travel and Transportation $ 118,248 Dues and Assessments $ 1,054 Education and Development$ 25,407 Licensing, Bank Fees, Other Expenses$ 107,305 Depreciation $ 970,989 TOTAL Expenditures SCHOOL BUDGET SURPLUS:$ 113,674.00Surplus funds were used to supporta number of needed items in theschool: new chairs for sevenclassrooms, additional financial aidfor students in the 2024-25 schoolyear and the St. Scholastica SnackShack renovation. FINANCIAL SUMMARYAs a mission of Saint Benedict Parish, Lumen Christi has traditionally received an annual parish subsidy to supportstudent scholarships and school operations. During lean years, this annual subsidy has exceeded $200,000. Last yearhowever, thanks to a continued robust student population, successful fundraising and generous donors, not only was thesubsidy was reduced to $0, but we ended the year with a generous surplus. We are forever grateful to the parishioners ofSaint Benedict Parish whose support was critical during our lean years. We hope that you are proud of your parish school!

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Enrollment AthleticsTuition ScholarshipsLumen Christi Catholic High School Faculty & Staff15 Full Time 2 Part Time15 Bachelor's Degree 8 Master's Degrees 1 Doctoral Degree Average 14 years ofclassroom experience,among teaching staffAcademic ProgramsActive National HonorSociety Chapter Honors classes in Biology,Forensic Science, Research,English, Calculus, andPhysicsAbility to dual-enroll inUniversity of Alaska classesSCHOOL PROFILE$9,2,50 - Jr. High$9,750 - High School $135,000 - Total Distribution (up from$ 85,175 in 2022-23)131 Students 98 Families Jr. High = 51 22 Girls, 29 Boys High School = 80 34 Girls, 46 Boys Fall SportsCo-ed Soccer, Jr. HighCo-ed Soccer, High School Co-ed Rifle Team, High School Winter SportsGirls Volleyball, High School Boys and Girls Basketball, Jr. High/High SchoolCo-ed Rifle Team, Jr. High Spring Sports Co-ed Volleyball, Jr. High Co-ed Futsol, Jr. HighCo-ed Track and Field, Jr. High/High School Lumen Christi boasts an exclusive agreement with theAnchorage School District and the Alaska StateActivities Association (ASAA) which allows ourstudents to participate in public school sports notoffered at Lumen Christi. Electives, Intensivesand ClubsYear Round ElectivesChoirDebateYearbookBandQuarterly Intensives & ClubsCulinary ArtsIntroduction to DronesCrochet Club2023-24 National Honor Society MembersSeated L to R: Lane Crosby, Lucille Stephens,Amara Warren, Peri Sanders. Standing L to R: KyleBoquet, Helen Pendergast, Hayden Estabrook,Mia Sperbeck, Vincent Everard, Aurora Williams,Hazel Wotring, Advisor Allison Craig. Not pictured:Kateri Everard

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Class of 2024 Total CollegeScholarship Offers$3,969,2005 Females 6 MalesClass of 2024 Graduates = 11Total Lumen Christi Alumni = 279CLASS of 2024Class of 2024 AcceptancesAmerican University ~ Catholic University ofAmerica ~ Chaminade University ~ ColoradoSchool of Mines ~ Colorado Mesa University~ Colorado State University ~ DaytonUniversity ~ DePaul University ~ DrexelUniversity ~ Embry Riddle AeronauticalUniversity ~ Fordham University ~ GeorgeFox University ~ Gonzaga University ~ GreenRiver College ~ Linfield University ~ LoyolaMarymount ~ Marquette University ~Misericordia University ~ Molly University ~Montana State University ~ NorthernArizona State University ~ ProvidenceCollege ~ Rollins College ~ Saint John'sUniversity ~ Saint Leo University ~ SantaClara University ~ Seattle University ~ SetonHall University ~ Southern OregonUniversity ~ St. Mary's College of CA ~ St.Joseph's University ~ St. Louis University ~Stetson University ~ Trinity University ~Truman State University ~ University ofNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill ~ University ofAlaska, Anchorage ~ University of Alaska,Fairbanks ~ University of Connecticut ~University of North Dakota ~ University ofPortland ~ University of San Francisco ~University of Southern Florida ~ Universityof St. Thomas, Houston ~ University ofVermont ~ University of Wisconsin, Madison~ University of Wyoming ~ WhitworthUniversity ~ Willamette UniversitySenior Motto: "Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." -Saint Pope John Paul IISeated, L to R: Kateri Everard, Mia Sperbeck, Kennedy Thimsen (daughter ofKimberly Thimsen, Lumen Christi Class of 2000), Sophia Turner, Verity Pendergast Standing, L to R: Benjamin Medland, Riley Gross, Luka Hart, Andrew Butcher, Walter Webb, Colin Murkowski

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ARCHANGEL 2023 ACSAA Jr. HIGH CHAMPIONS2023 CONFERENCE and STATE CHAMPIONS“Give thanks to God for thegift of sport, in which thehuman person exercises hisbody, intellect and will,recognizing these abilities as somany gifts of his Creator.”- Saint Pope John Paul II 2023 ACSAA GOLDDIVISIONCHAMPIONS

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SHOUT OUTSThe “And Then Some” award recognizes a student who makes a significantand positive impact during any given semester. To be considered, thenominee must go above and beyond that which is normally expected of aLumen Christi student. Student accomplishments should set them apartfrom their peers and should have a noticeable contribution to the schooland community at large. This is not an academic ability award nor is it anathletic prowess award. Rather, this award showcases a student who bestexemplifies and lives daily our core values of Faith, Family, andExcellence...and then some. The 2024 “And Then Some Award” winner was 9th graderBENJAMIN BOUTON. Described by teachers as someone whose“...‘and-then-some actions’ are reflected in his attitude to happilyassist with any request whether it be for the summer garage sale, theSaint Scholastica Snack Shack, at a sporting event, or in a classroom.He looks out for others, is a kind and caring young man who servesas an inspiration to younger students. This unwavering support foranybody who asks for help, his concern for community and hissunshine demeanor make him the perfect ‘and then some’candidate.” CONGRATULATIONS, BENJAMIN! ...And Then Some!Through sun, rain, sleet and snow, there are no finer gents than the Knights of Columbus who carry precious Lumen Christi cargoday in and day out! Starting their days well before 6 a.m. and logging hundreds of miles per week, our volunteer drivers are unsungheroes of our school. Thank you to 11th grader Lane Crosby who designed sweatshirts for our beloved ‘Bus Boys’ - MikeMcLaughlin, Jim Seeberger, Paul Hafele, Bernie Freeman and Pol Masalunga - which were presented to them on April 23rd,National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day!

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MARDIIt was a Bourbon Street night to remember on February 8th as thecommunity came together in support of our school and extraordinarystudents!Our annual fundraising Gala offered both live and silent auctions, including400+ items featuring vacation getaways, exclusive dining experiences,student projects, and more. The "Fund-a-Future" bid-card raise whichsupports student scholarships brought in an astounding $65,000 andcontributed to the night’s proceeds which totaled over $220,000. Over 300 tickets were sold for the event which was held in thecompletely-transformed-for-the-evening school gymnasium!Attendees enjoyed a delicious meal courtesy of The Bridge Cateringand upped their fun for the night by purchasing raffle tickets andelbowing their way to the front of the pack for the ever-popular"Dessert Dash."$4,625.00...a fine ‘Split the Pot’ return on a $50 raffle ticket!Thank you to the Gala Committee (JoscelynVanDuren, Shareen Crosby, Tracy Ross, CarlaBlackford-Esary, Ryan and Teal Stanley, YvetteTousignant and Anne Gore) for their hard work inorganizing such a fantastic event. Additional thanksto the parent volunteers who assisted the teambefore, during and after, and a final, deepest thanksto the friends, sponsors, donors and attendees whocame out in support of Catholic education and ouramazing students! Thank you, and we’ll see you nextyear!Principal Ross and Father Tom came ready to ‘mardi’ the night away!

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Faith, Family, Excellence in our academics, extracurriulars and activities!SEASONAL Fall All school retreat atSaint Therese’sCamp, led by theClass of 2024

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It’s Santa Berry!Ash WednesdayFebruary Gala movie stars in the making.Gingerbread house competition Thank you to our School Board whohanded out hot chocolate to parentsduring Catholic Schools Week! Nothing beatsa teacher-provided lunch of chiliand cornbreadon a coldwinter day. WinterDay of the Dead Celebrations in Spanish I & IIHIGHLIGHTS

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Helping St. Benedict Parishprepare for Palm Sunday SpringThe Class of ‘24 about to be pie’d! Fox Hollow Prom Mrs. Baldessari’s fiction class takescrime solving to a new level.May CrowningNew arrivals in the labGood Friday Faith Walk Science Day with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 6th GradersOur students are....biohazards?!

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346 Donors287Gala Supporters89Enrolled Families17Faculty and Staff31Pick. Click. Give.15School Board6In Memorium/LegacyWHO ARE OUR ANNUAL DONORS?346 individual, family and corporate donors gave over $300,000in gifts to our school. We're grateful for this support in all themany ways it came: through long term/planned giving;Pick.Click.Give; a contribution to our Annual LUMENary Drive;a memorial gift, or by participating in our February Gala(donating, attending, bidding).To our long term donors -- we are eternally grateful foryour ongoing support of our school and the extraordinarystudents who attend here. To our new donors, thank youfor believing in us. We are humbled by each and every gift. Duringthe 2023-24 school and fiscal year, Note: Many of our donors fall into multiple categories. 78St. Benedict Parishioners

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July 1, 2023 ~ June 30, 2024Katie AdkinsLonnie and Marcy Adkins (S, P)Deacon Kurt and Joan AdlerAdvanced Oncology AssociatesAlaska AirlinesAlaska Oil & Gas AssociationJoey and April AlvarezJohanna AlvarezAbigail and Ryan AndrewsLisa AnglenManfred and Maria AponteRafael and Marijes ApostolWilliam and Shirley ArnoldAurora Maternal Fetal MedicineKeith and Theresa AustinPhilip and Erica AyerKen AyersCristina and Deacon Gustavo Azpilcueta (S)Gregg and Marsha BaklundSam and Carolyn Baldessari (S)Maria BallardGeena and Coach Kenny Barker (S)Janice BarnardPeter and Kate BazinRonald and Kristen BeardAnthony and Mary BernhardtRebecca and Doug Berry (S, P)Cherie BlackfordCarla Blackford-Esary and Steve EsaryCarson Blackford-EsaryMaxine Ann BlakeKevin and Melissa BoquetBernadette C BoringJamie and Merrileigh BoringJB and Lea Bouton (S)Megan BowersCarolyn BradshawJames and Nicole BranchDebbie Brewer (S)Laura BrewerRocky and Araceli BrionesTheresa BrooksBrown's ElectricShelby and John Burger (P)Michael and Nancy BurkeAngelina BurneyClay and Laura ButcherTheresa Buzby Brandon and Genelle CainThomas and Natalie CareyMartin and Antje Carlson (S)Gregory M. CarrEllie CashEthan Castongia and Helen MichaelsonLeAndra ChildsOlga and Shannon ClemLarry and Cheryl ClementCharlie and Christine ColeKim and Coach Brian Connaker (S)Connections Counseling, LLCConocoPhillips AlaskaJason and April CooleyLaurel CoombsMike Cordy and Molly CornishCourt S. Pius X #1866, Catholic Daughters of AmericaAlison Craig (S)Carol CrosbyRich and Shareen CrosbySarah CrossEdward Alan CunninghamAnn CurroSheena DavisJames and Geraldene DeaganMarlene DodgeEdwin and Bernadette DoodyCoach Donna Dooley (S)Double Eagle Real Estate & InvestmentsKathryn DunnMarc and Nicole DunnJoseph and Jennifer EdwardsDylan Esary and Sarah HoeferJohn and Heather EstabrookJames and Jessica EstesEverard Physical TherapyJoel and Courtney EverardJudy Ann EverardFarina's Restaurant SupplyIosefo and Maletina FeliseJoyce FeliseTommy Finch and Kristin Trujillo-BradyElizabeth FlowersJim and Julie FoggGIVING KEYBold = School (S) or Parish (P) StaffItalics = Member of the School Board + = In Memoriam = Has named Lumen Christi in a will, trust or as a beneficiary Gifts Given

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Cindy FranzenBernard and Beatrice FreemanTim and Lisa FriesenJohn and Harriet Furton (S)Margie GarciaNancy GarciaDaniel GeorgeJose and Olga GomezGlenn and Ava GoodmanKristi and Laurel GoodwinNathan James GoodwinAnne Gore (S)Bryan Schroder and Mary GoreJennifer Gore-DwyerJackie and Mike GraeberFr. Hank GroedeckiBeverly GroskreutzBrian and Stephanie GrossTheresa GuckerDonna and Peter GuerraBob Gunderson and Sherry StrizakSven and Kathy GustafsonCoach Chris and Kim Guzman (S)Jess GutzwilerPaul HafeleVicky Diane HahnGabe Hanselpacker and Shannon HefferanJim and Michelle HajdukovichFr. Bill HanrahanJackie HansenJohn HarmonChad HarrisonJudy HartleyJosh and Catherine Haslett (S)Megan Hauck (S)Malcolm and Pep HaugheyJenet HawksRuth C. HayesJanna and Matt Hemry (S)DeLynn HenryJoseph and Chelsea HigginsThomas and Danna HoelleringEric and Michelle HohmannMarcus Holmquist and Irina GrimbergCharles and Dale-Ann HosackChris HoudeBob Hudson and Jennifer OpsutGifts GivenDave and Jenia JarrettOrlando and Ramona Romero Alicia JonesKevin JonesDebra JorgensenSonja JorgensenGerald and Ann KaiserAlexis KallenGreg and Celine KaplanDick KaploskiLauri KappJayne Kasmar and Coach David AlstonEileen KeeganJohn and Rosemary KlemKnights of Columbus, John A. Forsting Council #9830Knights of Columbus, St. Benedict Council #12290Mark Meyer and Kelleen KoganeLeslie KoldewayKevin and Heidi KollinsMeghan KontzTricia KozlerGary and DeLana KretchikKuchar ConstructionMike and Maria KucharErik and Nori KussroNicholle LaFazio and Caitlyn AveryDolores LaFazioLake Otis OpticalPaul and Colleen LarsonKevin and Yasmin LecthenbergPaul and Monica LidrenFr. Tom Lilly (P, S)Brian and Sarah LindamoodDouglas and Melissa LipinskiMary LiputWilma LjubicichTina Llewellyn, in memory of Robert Llewellyn +Amy and Shane LockeElizabeth and Drew Loeffler (S)Barabara LopetroneGreg and Beth LottridgeRolando and Marina MacatoLinda MacCubbinLiza MackMelodie MackeyKevin MaherDeacon Les and Brenda MaimanWeichel MaloneyMary Alice ManesGloria MasaricAquila and Shelly MathewPete MauroJames McCormackVince McCoy and Shawna RaganSean and Laura McLaughlinKaren and Robert McMorrow (P)Loren and Lauren McReeJeffrey and Catherine MedlandFr. Scott and Mrs. Maria Elena MedlockTim and Lori MellorCharles MichaelJennifer MichaelsonReverend David MillerDavid and Katherine Mitchell (P)John and Patricia MitchellFr. James MooreKara MooreMike MooreMichael Morales

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Marvin Hernandez and Monica Quintero-CubidesCharles and Nicole ReynoldsMargaret RichmondRob and Abigail RiggsDarron RizerJoyce Fenik Durcanin-RobbinsNeil and Stacy RobertsonEmily RossGreg and Patty RossTracy and Brian Ross (S)Chad and Molly RutledgeEstate of Jerome Rutoski +Travis and Danielle RybickiDorothy RyckmanJim and Sue SabrowskiBrent and Katheren SandersCharles P. SandersMaj. Gen. Torrence and Clara SaxeMaleia SchaezleinArdith Marlene SchillerJerry and Pat ScottMark and Natalia SearsJames and Halina SeebergerSally and Jim SeeleyFloyd and Sina SenaDonabelle and Mark ShepherdReed and Brooke SillersCruz SimmonsMariacelia and Cruz SimmonsSherry SmithSuzanne K SmithKeith and Anna SoboleskyWilliam and Karen SoboleskyAaron and Kelly SperbeckDavid and Janet SperbeckJMatthew and Megan Spillers (S)Anne StanislowskiCarl and Brenda StanberryRyan and Teal StanleyLorraine StarkMira StarrRick and Mary StephensMary Lee StevensMike and Colleen StevensPaul StevensZach and Rachael StohrLynn StuhrTai and Wendy SturdivantGifts GivenRoe and Carol Sturgulewski Tim and Terrill SullivanDaniel and Jaimie SultenfussJim and Joelle SwallingDiane SwederskyChuck and Carol SzopaT3 ALASKAElizabeth Taylor-ForsmanPaul and Emily ThomasSean and Kaleigh ThompsonCurtis and Kellie ThomsonJenney ThomsonGerianne ThorsnessJohn and Loretta TiborKimberly ToomanYvette TousignantFr. Pat TraversVictor and Joan TrujilloCharles and Martha TruncaleDeacon Bill and Sherry TunillaAdam and Bry TurnerTerry and Judyann TutorChris and Sandy TzvetcoffBill and Beth Van CouwenbergheStephanie and Deacon Dave Van TuylShawn and Joscelyn VanDurenJoe VergnettiJames Bailey and Maria ViteriAmanda Von ImhofGarrett WalkerAlicia and John Warren (S)Mike and Pam WebbMelissa WelterKyle WessellsMike and Kimberly Thimsen-WhiteheadTravis WhitlockSue WilkensAbe and Krista WilliamsWalter IV and Audrie WilliamsJohn WilliamsonDonald and Nancy WingateRoxanna and Deacon Dan Winters (P)Deanna WladThomas and Annie WoodsWoods Plumbing & HeatingBrian and Kalleigh WotringMichael and Debi YacinoJames YearganCoach Patrick Moran Boyd and Kathryn MorgenthalerGerry and Kara MoriartyRobert MorrellJohann and Claire MuellerPatrick and Corinna MullerBrian MurkowskiGovernor Frank and Nancy MurkowskiMike and Karen MurkowskiVerne Martell and Senator Lisa Murkowski Emily NeidermeyerJenifer NelsonScott and Maryann NormanKatie and Rich NovcaskiPatrick Henry O'BrienKathleen O'LearyMaria OatesLisa M. OrizottiAnne OrtizJuliana OsinchuckRich OwensBrian PekarJim and Fran PekarJerome Raychel, In Memory of Jim Pekar +Kevin and Rochelle PendergastBeau and Jennifer PepinPaul and Diana PfeifferIsaac PickettMarilyn PicouCharles A. PohlandPolar Bear Dental CareMichelle PopeJennifer PoppeRalph and Leila PortellElaine Potter (P)Providence Foundation AlaskaGrandparents Mass

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Gifts GivenLUMENCHRISTIInsuranceLUMENCHRISTIGifts from a Will or TrustLUMEN CHRISTIRemembering Lumen Christi with a gift from your will or trust is easy; a phone callto your lawyer is all it takes. A Financial Advisor can help you with insurance, security and retirement gifts, manyof which come with significant tax benefits to you, the donor. Have you already named Lumen Christi in your will, trust or listed us as abeneficiary? Please call Anne Gore at 907-273-1530 so you can be recognized as aLumen Christi Legacy member. Illustrations provided by PlannedGiving.comSecuritiesRetirement Plan LUMENCHRISTILEGACY GIVING

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Lumen Christi Catholic High School a proud ministry of Saint Benedict Catholic Church8110 Jewel Lake RoadAnchorage, AK 99502www.lumenchristiak.comwww.stbenedictsak.comEducating the next generation of Catholic faithful.