With gratitude and enthusiasm, the Board of Directors of theWoodside School Foundation is pleased to present the AnnualReport for the 2023-24 school year. Once again, the Foundation andthe entire Woodside School community have demonstratedunwavering dedication to our shared mission:Raising the necessary funds to ensure our school continues to excel inevery area. Your belief in our school's vision and your commitment to making it areality are what keep our community thriving. At WES, we cometogether as a village — volunteering in classrooms, warmly welcomingnew families, contributing our energy and resources, and workinghand in hand to create an environment where our children receivethe personalized attention they need to reach their full potential.THE WSF 2023-2024ANNUAL REPORTThe mission of the Woodside School Foundation (WSF) isto provide a dependable source of funds to supplementthe budget at Woodside School, ensuring continuedexcellence in academic, social and cultural programs.The Foundation raises this financial support from, and isaccountable to, the parents and the wider community ofWoodside.The Foundation supports the strategicdirection set by the School Board andthe Administration through yearlyunrestricted grants that comprise asignificant portion of the annualschool budget. WSF MISSION STATEMENTT H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R TP A G E 1
achievement that every member of our community should celebrate.Your dedication and generosity have set a new standard for what wecan accomplish together.Last October, we kicked off the Annual Fund with our Gratitude event,an evening filled with food, drinks, live music, and the joy ofconnecting with friends old and new. The celebrations continuedwith our Grand Auction: Viva Las Vegas, one of the most outstandingauctions we’ve ever had!A heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to the success ofboth events. Your support made them unforgettable and was vital toour record-breaking year.As we look ahead, the Foundation is deeply grateful and excited tocontinue working hand in hand with you to provide exceptionaleducation, nurture the growth of every student, and strengthen thebonds that make our school community so unique. Your generosityand support make all the difference; we couldn’t do it without you!With sincere gratitude,Scottie Durrett, WSF PresidentSCOTTIE DURRETTWS F P RE S I D EN TP A G E 2After serving on the Woodside SchoolFoundation board for eight years, I’mhonored to be WSF President again forthe 2024-25 school year. Witnessingour community come together hasbeen remarkable.I’m thrilled to share that we had arecord-breaking year, raising the mostmoney ever through our twofundraisers. This is a hugeT H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T
FUNDS RAISEDAnnual Fund (Net of Expenses)$1,344,370Auction (Net of Expenses)$1,358,426Administrative Expenses($177,359)TOTAL RAISED$2,525,437FUNDS TO WOODSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICTBase Grant$2,000,000Yes on E Campaign Donation$30,000Incremental Strategic Grant$250,000TOTAL PAID TO SCHOOL$2,280,000OTHER INCOMEYearly investment payout*$599,828Other, Local, and Parcel Taxes5.8%Federal0.7%2023-2024 WSF OPERATING HIGHLIGHTSP A G E 3From Woodside Elementary School Districtestimated actuals dated June 30, 2024.Fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Unaudited. *Annual payout of foundation's assets.Property Taxes73.9%State4.3%WSF15.3%WESD FUNDINGSOURCES2023-24As a basic aid district in the stateof California, WESD’s budget isfunded primarily through localproperty taxes. The secondlargest source of funds is theannual grant provided by theWoodside School Foundation.T H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T
Small Class Sizes | We maintain one of the lowest student-to-teacher ratiosin San Mateo County, ensuring personalized attention for each student.Full-Time School Counselor | Our students have consistent access to 1:1counseling support, promoting their emotional and mental well-being.Outstanding Early Intervention Programs | We offer tailored support inmath, reading, and learning strategies, helping all students achieveacademic success.Professional Development | Continuous opportunities empower our staff toexceed educational standards and stay on top of best practices.Music Education | Our comprehensive music program teaches students toread and write music, sing, perform, and play instruments, enriching theircreative expression.Performance and Public Speaking | Students gain confidence in publicspeaking beginning in TK, culminating in the celebrated 8th gradeOperetta.Physical Education | Students participate in multiple PE classes each week,fostering physical health and well-being.Art and Design Classes | Led by a full-time art teacher, these classes inspirecreativity and design thinking, which are critical skills for the future.Global Languages | Beginning in 5th grade, students receive instruction inboth Spanish and Mandarin, broadening their global perspectives.Dedicated School Librarian | Our librarian guides students throughdiscussions about age-appropriate literature, fostering a love of reading.Vibrant School Garden | This outdoor classroom integrates hands-onlearning with nature for all grades.Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Program | Communication andconflict-resolution skills develop well-rounded individuals who can navigatelife’s complexities.Each year, the unrestricted grant from the Woodside School Foundation(WSF) enables Woodside Elementary School to provide a comprehensive,whole-child education through the following initiatives:FUNDING EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATIONP A G E 4T H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T
Furthermore, our administrative team has the cushion to explore what agenuinely best-in-class school looks like by partnering with experts at theforefront of educational research. Finally, our students can safely honetheir strengths and explore their interests among peers, teachers and acaring parent community. All of this is thanks to the extra funds (15% ofour yearly budget) granted to the District by WSF. As we step into yearthree of the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan, I am confident in our ability toexecute our mission and vision because of WSF’s support. I'm proud toserve as Superintendent of such an outstanding school and thank WSF andits donors for helping us to continue to be a model school that serves thewhole child.ST E VE FRA NKWES D SUP ERI N TE N DEN TThe steadfast partnership of the WoodsideSchool Foundation allows Woodside School toprovide an exceptional learning experience in apublic school setting. Property tax and localrevenue provide sufficient funding to operate;however, the generosity of WSF’s donorcommunity allows us to offer personalizedlearning environments where teachers andspecialists have the space to create meaningfulrelationships with our students. P A G E 5these goals with the sustained support of the Woodside School Foundation.WSF closes the gap between the amount the district receives in propertytax revenue and the amount the district needs to attract and retain highquality educators, to offer a broad curriculum and to maintain small classsizes. On behalf of the Woodside School Board, I want to express ourdeepest gratitude for your generosity, hard work and commitment toensuring that our school continues its tradition of excellence.Woodside Elementary School is the cornerstoneof the Woodside community. In collaborationwith the Administration Team, the Board iscommitted to providing an excellent educationfor our TK through 8th grade students. This pastyear we have achieved incredible goals as aschool community: Our chronic absenteeism ratedropped from 17% to 7%; we passed a bond for$36 million; and our students continued to scorewell on standardized tests. We could only attainJE N NY HAY DENSCH OOL BO A RD PRE SID E NTT H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T
2019 2020 2021 2022 20230%20%40%60%80%100%As we bid farewell to the 2023-24 school year, we express our heartfeltgratitude for your unwavering support of the Annual Fund. Your generosityhad a tremendous impact on our treasured school, and we’re excited toshare some highlights.Your contributions have been essential in bridging the financial gapbetween state and local funding and the actual budget needed to providean extraordinary education. As a result, we provided the district with a$2.25 million grant, covering about 15% of the school's operating budget.Your support has been key in maintaining the excellence for whichWoodside School is renowned. From supporting our enriching programs toour outstanding educators, your contributions directly impact the qualityof education our students receive.The sense of community at Woodside School is stronger than ever, withover 86% of our families contributing to this year’s Annual Fund. Localbusinesses also rallied behind us, recognizing the vital role WoodsideSchool plays in our thriving community. We thank each and every one ofyou for your commitment to Woodside School. Your support is trulyinspiring and we look forward to another remarkable year ahead.THE 2 023 ANNUAL FUNDP A G E 6LIZ SMITH & CH RIS TIN A H ENG EHO LD2023- 2 4 ANNUAL FUND CO- C HAIRS 81%79%72%90%86%ANNUAL FUND PARTICIPATIONDonate NOW to the2024 Annual Fund! T H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T
It’s been an incredibly rewarding experience to lead our Grand Auctionteam for the past two years in support of our beloved school. This spring,our team transported attendees to the glitter and glam of Las Vegas. Ourparty began in a lavishly decorated tent reminiscent of the floral gardensof the Bellagio hotel. Costumed attendees embraced a ‘joie de vivre’ thatpropelled us into WSF’s most successful fundraising evening on record. WES dad DJ Huski brought dancers to the floor and a parent re-creation ofthe Blue Man Group mesmerized attendees. The community gym wastransformed into a luxurious casino and supper club. On-screen visuals ofour children counting down to the main event invited attendees to take aseat. From that point, sheer magic. Generous donors competed to windistinctive curated experiences: a VIP evening with the Warriors, hostedtrips to Aspen and Hawaii, a night in the booth with legendary DJ SteveAoki and even a weekend at the 2025 Super Bowl. As the auction anddinner wound down, guests moved on to casino games and dancing. In the end, we raised nearly $1.4 million for the kids! These incredible fundswill continue to support the educational experience we treasure at ourschool. I’m still stunned by the generosity of our community. Thank you allfor your support. The WSF team loves to throw the auction each spring. We’re not justfundraising, we’re creating spectacular lifelong memories. I’m proud tohand the reins to my 2024 Co-Chair Mia Hall as she leads the efforts for ourevening in the Wild Wild WES on May 17, 2025. We hope you join us there!P A G E 7ME LIS SA LAN D2023 - 2 4 WSF G R A N DAUCT I O N CHAIRTHE 2 024 G RAN D A UC TIO NT H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T
VALEDICTORIANPeter and Victoria BaileyDror and Diti BermanLarry and Rachael BowmanEric and Jamie BoyleMicah Collins and Vanessa Carrion-CollinsDan and Nelleke GibsonPatrick and Jamie GilsonPatrick Grady and Sarah GuoEstevan and Elsa GuerreroJonathan and Mia HallMatthew and Christina HengeholdThe Humphrey FamilySujay and Eleni JaswaJason and Farah KleinMicky Malka and Becky Kleiner Chris and Amanda PeifferAndrew and Elizabeth ReedJames and Caitlin RozziAymeric and Kelly SallinChris and Jennifer SkarakisAlex and Elizabeth SmithBrett and Melody WesterveltSUMMA CUM LAUDEJason and Corrie AppelbaumAnne T. & Robert M. Bass FoundationPark and Scottie DurrettDon and Katie FaulBrad GerstnerGive Forward FoundationRavi and Avani GuptaTage Howerton and Courtney ChandlerDean and Alana JacobsonBrian and Melissa LandSasha and Enzo Lazaro TrustSUMMA CUM LAUDE (Cont.)Dan and Beth NashMina and Nada RezkErnest and Urszula SemerdaJesse and Jessica VenticinqueMichael and Christina WarrenAndy Yang and Jean Jing LiangMAGNA CUM LAUDEChris and Patricia BorsMark and Carrie CaseyOliver Chen and Sherry LinChris and Jane ClareLiam and Sanam FinneganJonathan and Lindsey HaswellBrian and Jenny HaydenHenry and Katie JohnsonJoseph and Angelica KauffmanWill and Devon KohlerDivesh and Diksha MakanKyle and Chelsea MatterLaurance and Maura NarbutYoulian and Melissa PetkovNolan and Susannah WrightEthan and Jennifer ZweigP A G E 8T H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T2023-2024 DONORSTHANK YOU!
DEAN'S LISTJon and Dana BaileyWilliam and Liana BrownAdam and Rayna CoccariTom and Anne EarpPaul and Silvia EdwardsDaron and Sarah EvansEhsan Farkhondeh and Leanne BradleyMatt and Stacia GarrPankaj and Lisa GoelChad Heaton and Meghan CressNikheel Kolatkar and Jennifer MinihanAlec and Priscilla LittleJohn and Dawn LockeWilliam Marr and Sonia WillamsWaleed Ojeil and Lee-Anne MulhollandJuston and Erika PayneChris and Lucia RotelliDan and Helena SimonCreed and Erica StaryFrank and Annie TimonsNick and Ling TriantosJames and Jennifer WallJudd and Melissa WeissP A G E 9MERIT SCHOLARAnonymous (5)Matt and Christina BaldwinLeah BernthalMichelle BoyersEliott and Stephanie ButlerSiqi Chen and Yi DingPaul Ciccolella and Liz KerrKC and Ashley CorkeryMark Dahlen and Anne Porzig DahlenDoug and Caroline FisherJoseph and Lauren GhazalMerel P. GlaubigerJesse and Kristin HerzogAlex and Erin HimelAndrew Howard and Stacey DoynowJohn and Renee HuhsJonathon and Susan IrizarryPrabjot Jaaj and Samidha ThakralRowan MacNiven and Aubriana KasperTyler and Kelly MacNivenSean and Jessica McBrideKelly PorterChris Purpura and Elizabeth KaskeCody Roderick and Kelley HarringtonTrevor and Lauren SaganGiancarlo Savini and Annapia RacanelliNeil and Julie SequeiraZack and Meghan SimkoverNigel Snoad and Miranda SissonsAnthony and Sarah StevensonBuck TealT H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T2023 - 202 4 DON O RSTHAN K YO U !
P A G E 1 0HONOR ROLL (Cont.)Bill and Jennifer GuyerAlex and Rebecca GyrLars and Deborah HagenbuchBetsy HobsonRyan and Monika HussSilvia Keller and Kerstin DoerrePeter and Christina KolotourosDimitrios and Carrie KoutoumanisErik and Krista MackSven and Sheena MawsonKaren McAniffDavid and Emma McCullochScott Moran and Elizabeth HonkanenMatt and Kelly MurphyYusuke and Madoka NakauchiSascha and Karla NaujoksRyan Nece and Amanda Williford-NeceKaren OffenMatthew and Anna Ouellette-MassiouShaun and Jacqueline PhillipsKlaus and Ellen PorzigJoshua Przybylko and Zoe BeathJeff Reagan and Weihai HeJon Reilly and Britney KingDouglas RekerdresIsmael and Carly RiveraScott and Celestine SchnuggStuart Schonberger and Carmen DiCinqueCourtney Schrobsdorff and Ellen OhChris and Andrea Shaw, The Danielson FoundationJohn and Sheree ShochMERIT SCHOLAR (Cont.)Jim Thomason and Annie Di TiberioChristopher Wardle and Cherishma ShahBob and Mary WilsonAkira and Kaori YamamotoRick Yost and Heather KingTodd and Olivia ZwaanstraHONOR ROLLAnonymous (8)Puneet and Aarti AgarwalGarrett Anderson and Nicole O'NeillRuben and Sonee Kelley ArceThe Arvidsson Family FundBear Gulch FoundationYonaira and Kristina BellTom Bernthal and Sheryl SandbergMatt and Kirsten BigliardiJoshua and Eleanor BlattBill and Heidi BrownJonathon and Andrea BuntDonnie and Jackie BurnettNicolas and Lorianne ChammasFrancois and Taylor ChaubardHarrison Chilton and Patricia LudwigDennis and Kyoko ClarkSandy ColdDavid and Jeanne ConnollyLarry and Prachi DumasAaron and Ambra DuncanAmy ElliottNathan ElliottScott and Lulu EschelmanAvo and Elizabeth EsralianThomas and Masha FoleyGreg and Kelly GolubGeorge Goslee and Tovis Page2023-2024 DONORSTHANK YOU!T H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T
P A G E 1 1HONOR ROLL (Cont.)Katie SimpsonJatinder Singh and Sandra SteppMarc Tarpenning and Erika SchillingerStephan Thomsen and Kim HansenThomas and Kelly UmbergVamsi and Carmela YarlagaddaFrancesco and Alexandra ZappacostaHao Zhong and Mya TranPARTNERAnonymous (17)Craig Adams and Anne MyongTinea Adams and Tamarra DevaroeLars and Michelle AhlströmTom and Joyce AnthonyAlexis and Ana ArguelloCraig and Lauren BaumgartnerMichael Meyers and Valerie BonettiBreakout VenturesCollin and Nikki BryantGabe Burke and Kara FlavinLorinda ChungMichele ColucciChristopher Conaway and Elizabeth KerinBrian and Shenny CovottaBeth DameronBarry and Sophie DanielJulie Darmstadt MandiaMihael and Lisa DayehVito and Erica DiCarloDaniel DiCiccoBrian and Ashley DombkowskiEvan and Grace ElsenbroichDan and Karen FloresSteve FrankMichael FraserPARTNER (Cont.)Michael and Helene FreidmanJesse and Lauren FrittsAlexandra FurnerNeil and Elizabeth FurukawaOscar Galicia and Priscilla ReyesBella Flor GarciaHanson and Alexandra GiffordNed and Karen GilhulyJonathon and Riley GoldmanTimothy and Erin GradyBeau and Danielle HeidrichAlan Herzig and Jeanne WohlersHuck Holz and Hang LyGurinder Hundal and Sarah NanakPatrick HurleyChris IversonEric and Janet JohnsonTyrone and Christine Jones IIKathy JonesDaniel Klear and Sugeily BenitezKatie LippertMats and Jean LundgrenRichard and Brandy McAniffIan McDowall and Karen FleckT H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T2023-2024 DONORSTHANK YOU!
P A G E 1 2PARTNER (Cont.)Susanne MeierRiaz and Lily MoledinaJoanne MurphyJustin Newton and Chelsea SedlacekAli and Geri NouriFreddy PadillaKate and Raquel PayeJennifer PedersenGary and Mary PinkusJuan Portilla and Yadira NaranjoNayeli QuilesErik and Kendra RagatzBlair Ratcliff and Ruth CronkiteAngel Recinos and Nancy TorresMatthew and Lesley RennaHowie Rosen and Susan DohertyTorrey Rothstein and Fiona RyanHugo Saucedo and Estela GarciaSean and Justine ScottJack and Terry SculleyAndrew and Sarah ShihHab Siam and Bahareh IranmaneshLizette and Yesenia Silva-NuñezKevin and Mer SlempHans Hull and Marlene SlogerChristian and Jasmine SuchoskiMati and Natalie SzeszkowskiAmanda TealLydia TorresMario Torres and Michelle SilvaSandeep Tulachan and Anjali ShresthaLucila ValenciaJorge and Audrey Vargas BaquedanoDaniel Villalobos and Juana UrenaGreg and Sonja VirgallitoChris and Nina WanstrathDana WardVeronika WestinPedro Espino Zamudio and Maria Cisneros HernandezT H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T2023-2024 DONORSTHANK YOU!
2023 - 202 4 BUS I NESS DONO R STHAN K YO U !P A G E 1 3AMDAppleBarracuda Golf ChampionshipBill and Melinda GatesFoundationCanyon Ranch WoodsideCreditKarmaCTO Forum, Inc.Dahl Dental PracticeDecathlon Sports ClubElectronic ArtsGoogleGraw BeautyInnovation Endeavors / HillspireIntuitive FoundationInstacoachIntuit IncKKRManulifeMauna Kea Beach HotelThank you to the following businesses, who have supported theWoodside School Foundation directly via donation matchingprograms or through generous in-kind donations.Mehta Plastic SurgeryMountain Camp WoodsideNeely WinePanthers CampPursuit SalonRoberts Tack and FeedSchumacher PhotographySERA Design GroupStephen Silver Fine JewelrySusie Fox JewelryThe Capital Group CompaniesThe Guild TheaterThe Gut CenterThe Village DoctorThe Village HubThe Village PubTown of WoodsideW San Francisco HotelWoodside Hospitality GroupT H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T
OFFICERSPresident: Scottie DurrettVice President: Beth NashTreasurer: Lauren Sagan*Secretary: Christina BaldwinDIRECTORSCorrie Appelbaum*Leah BernthalPatty BorsRachael BowmanCarrie CaseyElsa GuerreroMia HallChristina Hengehold*Steve HumphreyKatie JohnsonHeather KingFarah KleinJordan Koch*Melissa Land Yuliya Lazaro*Sherry LinBill Marr*Chelsea Matter*Karen McAniffMaura Naurbut*Melissa Petkov Caitlin RozziWOODSIDE SCHOOL FOUNDATION BOARD 2023-24P A G E 1 4OFFICE STAFFJeanne Connolly Melissa ZdrodowskiCOMMUNITY MEMBERS —INVESTMENT COMMITTEEVictoria BaileyJason BogardusJason KleinFrank TimmonsJohn ZdrodrowskiCOMMUNITY MEMBERS — AUDITCOMMITTEEMark CaseyBrian LandThe Woodside School Foundation’s Board of Directors is composedof parents who donate their time and energy to fundraise forWoodside Elementary School. The Board would like to thank itsretiring members for their dedication and generosity over their yearsof service. We recognize Christina Baldwin, Leah Bernthal, CarrieCasey, Jordan Koch, Erica Stary and Maura Narbut for theirleadership and contributions.Liz SmithErica StarySusannah Wright*New Members in 2023-24T H E W S F 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T
DIAMONDMichael Warren Real EstateVeryfiNeil Dahl JewelersSILVERErika Demma, CompassMary and Brent Gullixson RealtorsThe Village DoctorBRONZERoberts MarketCOMM U NITY PAR T NERSWe are grateful to our Community Partners — businesses in our townand environs that support Woodside School through their gifts to WSF.These organizations understand that a small town is strengthened by allof its members coming together in unity and we encourage you toutilize their services.The Woodside School Foundation wasincorporated in 1983 as a non-profit501(c)3 organization.3195 WOODSIDE ROAD • WOODSIDE, CA 94062 • WSF@WOODSIDESCHOOL.US