2023-2024I • S E R I E SE y e - O p e n i n gP r o g r a m m i n gf o r C o m m u n i t yE d u c a t i o nFOOTSTEPSFOOTSTEPS OF MY FATHEROF MY FATHERPastor Chris EdmondsSON OF RODERICK EDMONDS,RIGHTEOUS AMONG THE NATIONSinsightthrougheducation.orgCREATINGA BETTERWORLD,ONESTUDENTAT A TIME.PROVIDE engaging programs that instillthe lessons of the HolocaustINFORM educators about the Holocaustand how to teach it effectivelyENCOURAGE students to be upstanders,NOT bystandersinSIGHT Through Education funds grantsin Palm Beach County Schools that...A nonprofit 501(c)(3) volunteer-run organization. inSIGHT wasestablished to fund Holocaust education mandated by FloridaStatute. In 2020, antisemitism was added to the instruction.inSIGHT Through Education, Inc. | info@insightthrougheducation.orgPO Box 33054 | Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420 | 561-570-2656
Footsteps of My FatherDirector: Paul AllmanAn award-winning documentary about Master Sgt. Roddie Edmonds.Copyright © Jewish Foundation for the RighteousMotivated by a desire to trace his father's path, Pastor Chris Edmonds embarks on a journey to uncoverthe harsh realities faced by captured Jewish Americansoldiers. His quest extends to locating and connectingwith the men whose lives Roddie Edmonds saved.Actual diary of Roddie Edmonds,Righteous Among the NationsBook co-authored by Pastor Chris Edmonds abouthis father’s act of heroismJANUARY 11, 2022TEMPLE BETH AMEvent Chairs: Debbie & Jeff Mann
Footsteps of My FatherDirector: Paul AllmanAn award-winning documentary about Master Sgt. Roddie Edmonds.Copyright © Jewish Foundation for the RighteousMotivated by a desire to trace his father's path, Pastor Chris Edmonds embarks on a journey to uncoverthe harsh realities faced by captured Jewish Americansoldiers. His quest extends to locating and connectingwith the men whose lives Roddie Edmonds saved.Actual diary of Roddie Edmonds,Righteous Among the NationsBook co-authored by Pastor Chris Edmonds abouthis father’s act of heroismJANUARY 11, 2022TEMPLE BETH AMEvent Chairs: Debbie & Jeff Mann
Beyond his spiritual leadership, Pastor Chris holds aSenior Professional in Human Resourcesdesignation, having earned a business degree fromthe University of Tennessee. Further enhancing his credentials, he also possesses a Master of Artsin Religion from Liberty Theological Seminary.As the founder of Roddie’s Code, he ardently worksto extend Sergeant Edmonds' impactful legacy byinspiring heroes to embrace life, express love, andnurture a connection with God.Employing the compelling style of a Southernpreacher, Pastor Chris urges everyone to live byRoddie’s Code, emphasizing the importance ofmaking righteous choices, standing againstwrongdoing, honoring the sanctity of life, andshowing respect to all. The powerful narrative ofSergeant Edmonds, interwoven with Pastor Chris'simprobable journey to unveil it, serves as awellspring of inspiration for countless individuals,motivating them to prioritize the welfare of othersand embrace their own heroic potential.PASTOR CHRIS EDMONDS
Beyond his spiritual leadership, Pastor Chris holds aSenior Professional in Human Resourcesdesignation, having earned a business degree fromthe University of Tennessee. Further enhancing his credentials, he also possesses a Master of Artsin Religion from Liberty Theological Seminary.As the founder of Roddie’s Code, he ardently worksto extend Sergeant Edmonds' impactful legacy byinspiring heroes to embrace life, express love, andnurture a connection with God.Employing the compelling style of a Southernpreacher, Pastor Chris urges everyone to live byRoddie’s Code, emphasizing the importance ofmaking righteous choices, standing againstwrongdoing, honoring the sanctity of life, andshowing respect to all. The powerful narrative ofSergeant Edmonds, interwoven with Pastor Chris'simprobable journey to unveil it, serves as awellspring of inspiration for countless individuals,motivating them to prioritize the welfare of othersand embrace their own heroic potential.PASTOR CHRIS EDMONDS
Master Sergeant Roddie EdmondsRighteous Among the NationsMaster Sergeant Roddie Edmonds was a deeplyreligious individual hailing from Tennessee. In adaring act during World War II, Edmonds riskedhis own life to rescue 200 Jewish soldiers held captive by the Germans.Roddie Edmonds, sadly, never fully grasped the immense impact of his courageous act before his passing. Unbeknownst to him, he would later be recognized as the sole American soldier honored by Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations. Remarkably, Roddie Edmonds chose to remainsilent about his heroism, sharing his story with no one. Now, through the revelation of hispersonal writings, penned in his own hand, the voice of this unsung hero echoes throughtime, ensuring that the story of his extraordinary bravery is finally heard.RODDIE EDMONDSRODDIE EDMONDSRighteous Among the NationsRighteous Among the Nations
Master Sergeant Roddie EdmondsRighteous Among the NationsMaster Sergeant Roddie Edmonds was a deeplyreligious individual hailing from Tennessee. In adaring act during World War II, Edmonds riskedhis own life to rescue 200 Jewish soldiers held captive by the Germans.Roddie Edmonds, sadly, never fully grasped the immense impact of his courageous act before his passing. Unbeknownst to him, he would later be recognized as the sole American soldier honored by Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations. Remarkably, Roddie Edmonds chose to remainsilent about his heroism, sharing his story with no one. Now, through the revelation of hispersonal writings, penned in his own hand, the voice of this unsung hero echoes throughtime, ensuring that the story of his extraordinary bravery is finally heard.RODDIE EDMONDSRODDIE EDMONDSRighteous Among the NationsRighteous Among the Nations
The Jewish Federation of Palm Beach Countycongratulates inSIGHT Through Education on the 2023-2024 I-Series. We applaud your mission to encourageacceptance and respect for all, by opposinghatred, bigotry, bullying and prejudice. Thank you for bringing these eye-opening programs tothe Greater Palm Beach Community. We are honored to be a sponsor of this program throughthe One World Davis Family Tolerance Project. 561.478.0700www.jewishpalmbeach.orgAVAILABLEAT:insightthrougheducation.orgGifts to InSIGHT Through Education Inc. qualify as charitable contributions toan IRC Sec. 501(c) (3) organization for federal income, estate, and gift tax purposes. The organization's EIN is 27-3388434.for tributes upto $994.5" x 6.5"folded butterflynotecardsfor tributes of $100+8.5 x 11 cardstockwith hand-embellishedbutterlySEND ASEND A WE SEND WITH YOUR PERSONAL MESSAGEPERSONALIZEDPERSONALIZEDTRIBUTE CARDSTRIBUTE CARDSCUSTOMCUSTOMTRIBUTE CERTIFICATESTRIBUTE CERTIFICATESIN HONOR • IN MEMORY • ANY OCCASIONIN HONOR • IN MEMORY • ANY OCCASION
The Jewish Federation of Palm Beach Countycongratulates inSIGHT Through Education on the 2023-2024 I-Series. We applaud your mission to encourageacceptance and respect for all, by opposinghatred, bigotry, bullying and prejudice. Thank you for bringing these eye-opening programs tothe Greater Palm Beach Community. We are honored to be a sponsor of this program throughthe One World Davis Family Tolerance Project. 561.478.0700www.jewishpalmbeach.orgAVAILABLEAT:insightthrougheducation.orgGifts to InSIGHT Through Education Inc. qualify as charitable contributions toan IRC Sec. 501(c) (3) organization for federal income, estate, and gift tax purposes. The organization's EIN is 27-3388434.for tributes upto $994.5" x 6.5"folded butterflynotecardsfor tributes of $100+8.5 x 11 cardstockwith hand-embellishedbutterlySEND ASEND A WE SEND WITH YOUR PERSONAL MESSAGEPERSONALIZEDPERSONALIZEDTRIBUTE CARDSTRIBUTE CARDSCUSTOMCUSTOMTRIBUTE CERTIFICATESTRIBUTE CERTIFICATESIN HONOR • IN MEMORY • ANY OCCASIONIN HONOR • IN MEMORY • ANY OCCASION
Film clips from Shared Legacies explore the historiccollaboration between the Black and Jewishcommunities during the Civil Rights era. Our guestswill discuss initiatives of Spill the Honey*, a nonprofitadvancing relations between these communities. *Dr. Rogers: Co-Founder *Brenda Lawrence: Executive DirectorSHAREDSHARED LEGACIESLEGACIESDr. Shari Rogers FILM PRODUCER & DIRECTORMONDAYFEB 5, 20247:00 PMTHE BENJAMINSCHOOL Benjamin HallPALM BEACH GARDENSSQUIRREL HILLSQUIRREL HILL & MODERN& MODERNANTISEMITISMANTISEMITISMMark OppenheimerAMERICAN WRITER AND JOURNALISTI • S E R I E SEye-Opening Programmingfor Community EducationTUESDAYMAR 5, 20247:00 PMFAUJupiter Osher LifelongLearning instituteJUPITERAcclaimed journalist and podcaster, Mark Oppenheimer, reframes the narrativeabout the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting --focusing on the community's resilience. In the aftermath of October 7th, Mark willembark on a thought-provoking and engagingdiscussion of modern antisemitism. insightthrougheducation.orgTICKETS & SPONSORSHIPINFORMATION atTICKET PRICES:MEMBERS: $30 | NON MEMBERS: $35 | ALL 3 EVENTS PACKAGE: $75*For inSIGHT members onlyMembership Donations of $1000+INCLUDE an I·SERIES SponsorshipI • S E R I E SEye-Opening Programmingfor Community Education
Film clips from Shared Legacies explore the historiccollaboration between the Black and Jewishcommunities during the Civil Rights era. Our guestswill discuss initiatives of Spill the Honey*, a nonprofitadvancing relations between these communities. *Dr. Rogers: Co-Founder *Brenda Lawrence: Executive DirectorSHAREDSHARED LEGACIESLEGACIESDr. Shari Rogers FILM PRODUCER & DIRECTORMONDAYFEB 5, 20247:00 PMTHE BENJAMINSCHOOL Benjamin HallPALM BEACH GARDENSSQUIRREL HILLSQUIRREL HILL & MODERN& MODERNANTISEMITISMANTISEMITISMMark OppenheimerAMERICAN WRITER AND JOURNALISTI • S E R I E SEye-Opening Programmingfor Community EducationTUESDAYMAR 5, 20247:00 PMFAUJupiter Osher LifelongLearning instituteJUPITERAcclaimed journalist and podcaster, Mark Oppenheimer, reframes the narrativeabout the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting --focusing on the community's resilience. In the aftermath of October 7th, Mark willembark on a thought-provoking and engagingdiscussion of modern antisemitism. insightthrougheducation.orgTICKETS & SPONSORSHIPINFORMATION atTICKET PRICES:MEMBERS: $30 | NON MEMBERS: $35 | ALL 3 EVENTS PACKAGE: $75*For inSIGHT members onlyMembership Donations of $1000+INCLUDE an I·SERIES SponsorshipI • S E R I E SEye-Opening Programmingfor Community Education
AnnA Salton Eisen“PILLAR OF SALT“Sponsored bySUNDAY · JAN 28, 2024 MANDEL JCC · 5221 HOOD ROAD · PALM BEACH GARDENS REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED · SECURITY WILL BE PRESENT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION · CONTACT CAROLE ROSEN · CROSEN101@COMCAST.NETReception and Book Signing at 1:00 PMProgram starts at 1:30 PMAnna Salton Eisen, noted author and historian to speakabout her recently released book Pillar of Salt. Anna,daughter of Holocaust survivors George and Ruth Salton,gives insight to growing up in a home where the Holocaustexperiences of her parents, were a well-kept secret. future generations bylearning the lessons of the Holocaust.Gail Danto & Arthur RoffeyWe are pleased to supportENGAGING,EDUCATING &EMPOWERINGand its mission of
AnnA Salton Eisen“PILLAR OF SALT“Sponsored bySUNDAY · JAN 28, 2024 MANDEL JCC · 5221 HOOD ROAD · PALM BEACH GARDENS REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED · SECURITY WILL BE PRESENT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION · CONTACT CAROLE ROSEN · CROSEN101@COMCAST.NETReception and Book Signing at 1:00 PMProgram starts at 1:30 PMAnna Salton Eisen, noted author and historian to speakabout her recently released book Pillar of Salt. Anna,daughter of Holocaust survivors George and Ruth Salton,gives insight to growing up in a home where the Holocaustexperiences of her parents, were a well-kept secret. future generations bylearning the lessons of the Holocaust.Gail Danto & Arthur RoffeyWe are pleased to supportENGAGING,EDUCATING &EMPOWERINGand its mission of
FOR MORE INFORMATION:DEVELOPMENT@INSIGHTTHROUGHEDUCATION.ORGAn opportunity to hear from Senator Jacky Rosen, a distinguished figure in American politics. Her legislative journey reflects steadfast commitment to vital initiatives, including advancing Holocaust education,combating antisemitism, addressing Hamas attacks, fostering global cooperation, and spearheading cybersecurity advancements.THIS PRIVATE EVENT IS OPEN TO LEADERSHIP CIRCLE DONORS AS OF JANUARY 23RD.WITH DISTINGUISHED GUESTJacky RosenUS SENATOR FROM NEVADAinSIGHT LEADERSHIP CIRCLE EVENTfor Donors $5,000+inSIGHTThrough Educationto Palm Beach County STUDENTS & TEACHERSPROVIDE ENGAGING,NECESSARY EDUCATIONWe must all work together toensure that future generationslearn from the past.In loving memory of Alexander KarpJudy and David KarpJudy and David Karpon the lessons learned from the tragedy of the Holcaust.This vitally important organization isunique in its ability to We are proud to supportMONDAY, JANUARY 29TH • 11:30 AMLUNCHEON & TALK
FOR MORE INFORMATION:DEVELOPMENT@INSIGHTTHROUGHEDUCATION.ORGAn opportunity to hear from Senator Jacky Rosen, a distinguished figure in American politics. Her legislative journey reflects steadfast commitment to vital initiatives, including advancing Holocaust education,combating antisemitism, addressing Hamas attacks, fostering global cooperation, and spearheading cybersecurity advancements.THIS PRIVATE EVENT IS OPEN TO LEADERSHIP CIRCLE DONORS AS OF JANUARY 23RD.WITH DISTINGUISHED GUESTJacky RosenUS SENATOR FROM NEVADAinSIGHT LEADERSHIP CIRCLE EVENTfor Donors $5,000+inSIGHTThrough Educationto Palm Beach County STUDENTS & TEACHERSPROVIDE ENGAGING,NECESSARY EDUCATIONWe must all work together toensure that future generationslearn from the past.In loving memory of Alexander KarpJudy and David KarpJudy and David Karpon the lessons learned from the tragedy of the Holcaust.This vitally important organization isunique in its ability to We are proud to supportMONDAY, JANUARY 29TH • 11:30 AMLUNCHEON & TALK
LettersLetters Honoring For educating and inspiringthousands of students to stand up tohatred, bigotry and antisemitism For encouragingacceptance and respect for differences For paving the wayto a better tomorrow! So proud to be inSIGHTERS, Anita and Robert Naftaly PRESENTED BY:IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:Anne Anne fromfromMartinMartinFebruary 13 • 1 PM Friedman Hall at Morse Life • West Palm BeachFebruary 15 • 7 PMSt. John’s Missionary Baptist Church • Boyton BeachFurther information at insightthrougheducation.orgREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.RSVP BY 2/6/24Crafted from the timeless voices of Anne Frank's diary andDr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birmingham Jail letter,thisperformance conveys vital messages of peace and unity.Universally resonant, it's the Anne Frank Center USA'smost requested program, captivating audiences of all ages.SCAN FOR INFO
LettersLetters Honoring For educating and inspiringthousands of students to stand up tohatred, bigotry and antisemitism For encouragingacceptance and respect for differences For paving the wayto a better tomorrow! So proud to be inSIGHTERS, Anita and Robert Naftaly PRESENTED BY:IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:Anne Anne fromfromMartinMartinFebruary 13 • 1 PM Friedman Hall at Morse Life • West Palm BeachFebruary 15 • 7 PMSt. John’s Missionary Baptist Church • Boyton BeachFurther information at insightthrougheducation.orgREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.RSVP BY 2/6/24Crafted from the timeless voices of Anne Frank's diary andDr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birmingham Jail letter,thisperformance conveys vital messages of peace and unity.Universally resonant, it's the Anne Frank Center USA'smost requested program, captivating audiences of all ages.SCAN FOR INFO
In these troubling times we feel it’s important to educate all of the generations since the Holocaust. We must never forget and must never repeat the atrocities of that time. Our school-aged children should be enlightened to the truths of the past andtaught how that past affects their present and future. Thank you to inSIGHT through Education for taking on this vital responsibility. Mayyou go from strength to strength and continue this good work. We also want to thank Pastor Edmond’s for sharing the story of his father Roddy whowas awarded the honor of being a righteous among the nations by the State of Israel. Those who protect the innocent and speak out against hate, bigotry andantisemitism are an example to all of us. Let’s stand up and be counted. Am Yisrael Chai! Robin and David Gelles
In these troubling times we feel it’s important to educate all of the generations since the Holocaust. We must never forget and must never repeat the atrocities of that time. Our school-aged children should be enlightened to the truths of the past andtaught how that past affects their present and future. Thank you to inSIGHT through Education for taking on this vital responsibility. Mayyou go from strength to strength and continue this good work. We also want to thank Pastor Edmond’s for sharing the story of his father Roddy whowas awarded the honor of being a righteous among the nations by the State of Israel. Those who protect the innocent and speak out against hate, bigotry andantisemitism are an example to all of us. Let’s stand up and be counted. Am Yisrael Chai! Robin and David Gelles
Dana and Jonathan KellerWith deepest appreciation,We are grateful for your ongoing commitment to Holocaust education, and we look forward to continuing this important journey together.Your insightful teachings have not only enriched the curriculum, but have also played a crucial role in shaping a generation that is knowledgeable and compassionate about thisdark chapter in history. Your commitment to ensuring that the lessons ofthe Holocaust are not forgotten is truly commendable,especially during this horrific time in Israel and the world. for your invaluable contribution to Holocaust education program in Palm Beach County schools. Your dedication to fostering awareness, understanding, and empathy has made a lasting impact on bothstudents and educators alike.9:00 AM - 3:00 PMCard Party12:00 PM1:30 PM - 4:00 PMinSIGHT'S BOUTIQUE, LUNCHEON & CARD PARTYMarch 22, 2024LuncheonBallenIsles Country ClubFabulous new vendors! 20% of sales support inSIGHT’s mission!REGISTRATION OPENS FEBRUARY 5THWe would like to express our sincere gratitude to
Educating our youth for a bettertomorrowis more importantthan EVER before!for bringing suchOUTstandingprogramming to ourstudents and teachers.Thank you Eunice Ring and FamilyDirected by Lisa Reznik, this award-winning documentary chronicles a transformative travel mission of students, holocaust survivors and local community members, led by Dr. Harriet Sepinwall and Dr.Margaret Roman, in Berlin and Poland in 2016 to comprehend theharsh reality of the Holocaust.Featuring Pinchas Gutter, Survivor of six concentration camps.InSIGHT volunteer and supporter, Marjorie Feinstein is a Co-Producer of this film. VIRTUAL SCREENINGMARCH 264:00 PMwww.insightthrougheducation.org
Educating our youth for a bettertomorrowis more importantthan EVER before!for bringing suchOUTstandingprogramming to ourstudents and teachers.Thank you Eunice Ring and FamilyDirected by Lisa Reznik, this award-winning documentary chronicles a transformative travel mission of students, holocaust survivors and local community members, led by Dr. Harriet Sepinwall and Dr.Margaret Roman, in Berlin and Poland in 2016 to comprehend theharsh reality of the Holocaust.Featuring Pinchas Gutter, Survivor of six concentration camps.InSIGHT volunteer and supporter, Marjorie Feinstein is a Co-Producer of this film. VIRTUAL SCREENINGMARCH 264:00 PMwww.insightthrougheducation.org
Dana and Jonathan KellerWith deepest appreciation,We are grateful for your ongoing commitment to Holocaust education, and we look forward to continuing this important journey together.Your insightful teachings have not only enriched the curriculum, but have also played a crucial role in shaping a generation that is knowledgeable and compassionate about thisdark chapter in history. Your commitment to ensuring that the lessons ofthe Holocaust are not forgotten is truly commendable,especially during this horrific time in Israel and the world. for your invaluable contribution to Holocaust education program in Palm Beach County schools. Your dedication to fostering awareness, understanding, and empathy has made a lasting impact on bothstudents and educators alike.9:00 AM - 3:00 PMCard Party12:00 PM1:30 PM - 4:00 PMinSIGHT'S BOUTIQUE, LUNCHEON & CARD PARTYMarch 22, 2024LuncheonBallenIsles Country ClubFabulous new vendors! 20% of sales support inSIGHT’s mission!REGISTRATION OPENS FEBRUARY 5THWe would like to express our sincere gratitude to
With gratitude toJUDY KARP & KELLY WARSAWJUDY KARP & KELLY WARSAWC O - P R E S I D E N T SAND TO THE BOARDS & VOLUNTEERSThank you, thank you for your commitment to the mission of this vital organizationwhich provides needed programs to students and teachers that instill lessonslearned from the Holocaust.THROUGH EDUCATION, CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.Linda and Rudy Slucker
With gratitude toJUDY KARP & KELLY WARSAWJUDY KARP & KELLY WARSAWC O - P R E S I D E N T SAND TO THE BOARDS & VOLUNTEERSThank you, thank you for your commitment to the mission of this vital organizationwhich provides needed programs to students and teachers that instill lessonslearned from the Holocaust.THROUGH EDUCATION, CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.Linda and Rudy Slucker
T H A N K Y O U T O A L L “ I N S I G H T E R S ”F O R T H E I R S U P P O R T A N DC O M M I T M E N T T O E D U C A T I O N .T H A N K Y O U I N S I G H T F O R P R O V I D I N GT H E G R A N T S T H A T B E N E F I T S T U D E N T SA N D T E A C H E R S . T H E S E P R O G R A M S A R ET H E B U I L D I N G B L O C K S F O R A NE N L I G H T E N E D F U T U R E .“An education is the one thing that noone can ever take away from you.”W A L T E R B R O D H E I M ( M Y F A T H E R )A H O L O C A U S T S U R V I V O RRuth BellR O S E A N D W A L T E R B R O D H E I MIn loving memory ofAmazing VolunteersThank you to allwho give their gift of time and love thatfuel the great work of inSIGHT.Gail Danto and Arthur Roffey
T H A N K Y O U T O A L L “ I N S I G H T E R S ”F O R T H E I R S U P P O R T A N DC O M M I T M E N T T O E D U C A T I O N .T H A N K Y O U I N S I G H T F O R P R O V I D I N GT H E G R A N T S T H A T B E N E F I T S T U D E N T SA N D T E A C H E R S . T H E S E P R O G R A M S A R ET H E B U I L D I N G B L O C K S F O R A NE N L I G H T E N E D F U T U R E .“An education is the one thing that noone can ever take away from you.”W A L T E R B R O D H E I M ( M Y F A T H E R )A H O L O C A U S T S U R V I V O RRuth BellR O S E A N D W A L T E R B R O D H E I MIn loving memory ofAmazing VolunteersThank you to allwho give their gift of time and love thatfuel the great work of inSIGHT.Gail Danto and Arthur Roffey
So muchgratitude toEllen and Mark LevineKelly WarsawKelly WarsawinSIGHT's Past Presidents for your courage, leadership and legacyinSIGHT's Board and Volunteers for your dedication to educating others about the lessons of the Holocaust...encouraging kindness and respect for allEach of YOU here tonight,we couldn't do this work without youKimberly Coombs for your commitment and tireless effortsimplementing our programs in the schoolsMy Family Jerry, Erin and Madison for your collaboration, love and supportWith pride for the workWith pride for the work we do and gratitude towe do and gratitude to ...
So muchgratitude toEllen and Mark LevineKelly WarsawKelly WarsawinSIGHT's Past Presidents for your courage, leadership and legacyinSIGHT's Board and Volunteers for your dedication to educating others about the lessons of the Holocaust...encouraging kindness and respect for allEach of YOU here tonight,we couldn't do this work without youKimberly Coombs for your commitment and tireless effortsimplementing our programs in the schoolsMy Family Jerry, Erin and Madison for your collaboration, love and supportWith pride for the workWith pride for the work we do and gratitude towe do and gratitude to ...
In this uncertain world, it’s wonderful to know that is steadfast in itscommitment to bring programming to studentsthat instills acceptance, kindness and respect toward all.Their works helps to create critically-thinking adults with astrong moral compass.We support their strides to impact the nextgeneration. Leyah & David NamoffWe are proud to support inSIGHT’s missionto inspire and bring aboutpositive change througheducation.Sharyn and Ron Kranzler
In this uncertain world, it’s wonderful to know that is steadfast in itscommitment to bring programming to studentsthat instills acceptance, kindness and respect toward all.Their works helps to create critically-thinking adults with astrong moral compass.We support their strides to impact the nextgeneration. Leyah & David NamoffWe are proud to support inSIGHT’s missionto inspire and bring aboutpositive change througheducation.Sharyn and Ron Kranzler
Debbie and Jeff Mann whose mission ensures that thelessons of the Holocaust beremembered & understood by the students and teachers ofPalm Beach County schools.Thank you for all you do to ensure future generations learn from the past. We are proudto supportThrough EducationWe are proud supporters ofLinda and Rudy SluckerKeep up this most important work!Teaching youth toS T A N D U P T Othe dangers ofB I G O T R Y ,P R E J U D I C E &A P A T H Y . . . through lessons ofR E S P E C T &T O L E R A N C E .
Debbie and Jeff Mann whose mission ensures that thelessons of the Holocaust beremembered & understood by the students and teachers ofPalm Beach County schools.Thank you for all you do to ensure future generations learn from the past. We are proudto supportThrough EducationWe are proud supporters ofLinda and Rudy SluckerKeep up this most important work!Teaching youth toS T A N D U P T Othe dangers ofB I G O T R Y ,P R E J U D I C E &A P A T H Y . . . through lessons ofR E S P E C T &T O L E R A N C E .
Natalie, Brett, Benjamin & BrianBarthHope and Gene SilvermanWith much gratitude for thework of inSIGHT...you are making a difference in thelives of so many at a time when itis so vitally important.And with much appreciationto your Chairs, Judy Karp and Kelly Warsawand your entire Board for doing such amazing work day in and day out to ensurethat the next generation NEVER forgets.
Natalie, Brett, Benjamin & BrianBarthHope and Gene SilvermanWith much gratitude for thework of inSIGHT...you are making a difference in thelives of so many at a time when itis so vitally important.And with much appreciationto your Chairs, Judy Karp and Kelly Warsawand your entire Board for doing such amazing work day in and day out to ensurethat the next generation NEVER forgets.
We are proud to support and their tireless dedicated workerswho are making a difference in the lives of so many who desperately needthe education that inSIGHT provides...Shelley and Nathan RabhanWe are proud to supportinSIGHT'S outstanding work Supporting Holocaust Education in Palm Beach County schools for both students & teachers.Robin and Mitchell WayneWe must NEVER forget.In loving memory of Larry Wayne
We are proud to support and their tireless dedicated workerswho are making a difference in the lives of so many who desperately needthe education that inSIGHT provides...Shelley and Nathan RabhanWe are proud to supportinSIGHT'S outstanding work Supporting Holocaust Education in Palm Beach County schools for both students & teachers.Robin and Mitchell WayneWe must NEVER forget.In loving memory of Larry Wayne
Proud to support theI•SERIESand to be working with like-minded individuals forsuch an IMPORTANT cause.inSIGHT gives meaningto my days!Irma BlaunerWe are l ivin g in a tim e wh e n th e wor l d ne e ds in S IGHT most .T h a n k y o u t o t h e t i r e l e s se f f o r t s o f o u r d a u g h t e r ,J u d y K a r p &C o - P r e s i d e n t , K e l l y W a r s a wWe are so proud of you,Marilyn & Arnold Blank
Proud to support theI•SERIESand to be working with like-minded individuals forsuch an IMPORTANT cause.inSIGHT gives meaningto my days!Irma BlaunerWe are l ivin g in a tim e wh e n th e wor l d ne e ds in S IGHT most .T h a n k y o u t o t h e t i r e l e s se f f o r t s o f o u r d a u g h t e r ,J u d y K a r p &C o - P r e s i d e n t , K e l l y W a r s a wWe are so proud of you,Marilyn & Arnold Blank
T H A N K S T O C O - P R E S I D E N T S O F I N S I G H T T H R O U G H E D U C A T I O NJudy Karp and Kelly Warsawfighting prejudicethrough education.S t a c e y & D a v i dT r a c h t e n SUPPORT inSIGHT TODAY!We are proud to support as an educational beacon for teachers and students.inSIGHT is our hope for a kinder, enlightened world.Our congratulations to inSIGHT's leadership anddedicated membership!With Our Best Wishes,Roz and RalphW i t h t h e w e a l t h o f r e s o u r c e s r a i s e d b y t h i sf o r m i d a b l e t e a m a n d w i t h t h e i r a m b i t i o u sv i s i o n , t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n h a s t a k e n o n ac o m p l e t e l y n e w m e a n i n g . U N D E R T H E I R L E A D E R S H I P , i n S I G H T I S A S H I N I N G S T A RJoAnn and Jerry ChasenWe are proud to supportinSIGHT’s importantand meaningful work. Karen and Mark Weinstein
T H A N K S T O C O - P R E S I D E N T S O F I N S I G H T T H R O U G H E D U C A T I O NJudy Karp and Kelly Warsawfighting prejudicethrough education.S t a c e y & D a v i dT r a c h t e n SUPPORT inSIGHT TODAY!We are proud to support as an educational beacon for teachers and students.inSIGHT is our hope for a kinder, enlightened world.Our congratulations to inSIGHT's leadership anddedicated membership!With Our Best Wishes,Roz and RalphW i t h t h e w e a l t h o f r e s o u r c e s r a i s e d b y t h i sf o r m i d a b l e t e a m a n d w i t h t h e i r a m b i t i o u sv i s i o n , t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n h a s t a k e n o n ac o m p l e t e l y n e w m e a n i n g . U N D E R T H E I R L E A D E R S H I P , i n S I G H T I S A S H I N I N G S T A RJoAnn and Jerry ChasenWe are proud to supportinSIGHT’s importantand meaningful work. Karen and Mark Weinstein
INSPIRE, EDUCATE, RECOGNIZEAND OPPOSE ANTISEMITISM,HATRED AND BIGOTRYW e a r e p r o u d t o s u p p o r tI n S I G H T i n t h e i r m i s s i o n t o :T H I S I S A P R I O R I T Y I N S U C H U N C E R T A I N T I M E S .Penny and Greg SherryVictims of the HolocaustAbby & Ron Shumacherand working towardscreating a more just andhumane world wheresuch atrocitiesnever happen again.In memory of theWe want to thank all INSIGHT TEAM Ann and Bob Barth 413-575-5071 susanbkline@comcast.net116 Sunset Cove LanePalm Beach Gardens, FL 33418SUSAN KLINETrainer, Writing Coach, ConsultantBUSINESS WRITING ● ORAL PRESENTATIONS ● EDITINGBUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS
INSPIRE, EDUCATE, RECOGNIZEAND OPPOSE ANTISEMITISM,HATRED AND BIGOTRYW e a r e p r o u d t o s u p p o r tI n S I G H T i n t h e i r m i s s i o n t o :T H I S I S A P R I O R I T Y I N S U C H U N C E R T A I N T I M E S .Penny and Greg SherryVictims of the HolocaustAbby & Ron Shumacherand working towardscreating a more just andhumane world wheresuch atrocitiesnever happen again.In memory of theWe want to thank all INSIGHT TEAM Ann and Bob Barth 413-575-5071 susanbkline@comcast.net116 Sunset Cove LanePalm Beach Gardens, FL 33418SUSAN KLINETrainer, Writing Coach, ConsultantBUSINESS WRITING ● ORAL PRESENTATIONS ● EDITINGBUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS
inSIGHT Brett HartmanLori, Keith and RachelSYDELLE SONKIN Former TeacherMy deep gratitude tofor proving essential education to students inPalm Beach County, most especially during thiscrucial time of our history. I am very appreciative toall of inSIGHT's Volunteers who make thisorganization so amazing.inSIGHT Through Education's actions, education, platforms and events will locally affect the younger populationand their families of our immediate area and other areas for future generations.Linda Y WeissSupporting inSIGHTSusan and Jeffrey ShohamTeaching studentsto be UPSTANDERS,not bystanders.
inSIGHT Brett HartmanLori, Keith and RachelSYDELLE SONKIN Former TeacherMy deep gratitude tofor proving essential education to students inPalm Beach County, most especially during thiscrucial time of our history. I am very appreciative toall of inSIGHT's Volunteers who make thisorganization so amazing.inSIGHT Through Education's actions, education, platforms and events will locally affect the younger populationand their families of our immediate area and other areas for future generations.Linda Y WeissSupporting inSIGHTSusan and Jeffrey ShohamTeaching studentsto be UPSTANDERS,not bystanders.
Thank you to INSIGHT For continuing to educate students and teachers in Palm Beach County. Anita Kolleeny and David HaynesThe study of Holocaust ismore than just a state statute.It allows students to learn from the pastand develop their understanding ofand the ramifications ofprejudice, racism and stereotypingin any society. Our visionfor us as a district, in partnership withis for ALL students at ALL schoolsto know every personbears the responsibility to fight antisemitism and hatredwherever and whenever it happens. KIMBERLY COOMBS, M.ED Program Planner of Holocaust Studies K-12 School District of Palm Beach County working with inSIGHT.We are happy to be a part of an organization that is truly making a difference.It’s been a pleasure Judy Auerbach-Adamo & Frank Adamo
Thank you to INSIGHT For continuing to educate students and teachers in Palm Beach County. Anita Kolleeny and David HaynesThe study of Holocaust ismore than just a state statute.It allows students to learn from the pastand develop their understanding ofand the ramifications ofprejudice, racism and stereotypingin any society. Our visionfor us as a district, in partnership withis for ALL students at ALL schoolsto know every personbears the responsibility to fight antisemitism and hatredwherever and whenever it happens. KIMBERLY COOMBS, M.ED Program Planner of Holocaust Studies K-12 School District of Palm Beach County working with inSIGHT.We are happy to be a part of an organization that is truly making a difference.It’s been a pleasure Judy Auerbach-Adamo & Frank Adamo
PRESENTING SPONSORS2023-2024I • S E R I E SINDIVIDUAL EVENTS$30/member • $35/non-memberSTUDENTS & FACULTYREGISTER FOR FREE! SAVE! ALL THREE EVENTS$75/member T I C K E T SGENERAL ADMISSIONinsightthrougheducation.orgFor Group Sales or Questions: events@insightthrougheducation.orgELITEPRESENTINGSIGNATURE$1,000 $2,500 $5,000½ PAGE AD IN ALLPROGRAMS 4 PREMIUMRESERVED SEATS AT EACH EVENT1 PAGE AD IN ALLPROGRAMS6 PREMIUMRESERVED SEATSAT EACH EVENTLOGO OR NAME ONSCREEN 2 PAGE SPREAD AD& PODIUM MENTIONIN ALL PROGRAMS8 PREMIUMRESERVED SEATS AT EACH EVENTLOGO OR NAME ONSCREEN S P O N S O R H I PO P P O R T U N I T I E SI•SERIESELITE SPONSORSMarilyn & Arnold BlankIrma BlaunerMarjorie & Norman FeinsteinEllen & Bernie GottliebDeedee and Martin JaffeSharyn & Ron KranzlerAnita & Robert NaftalyShelley & Nathan RabhanHope & Gene SilvermanAnita & Ronald TaylorRobin & Mitchell WayneNatalie & Brett BarthRuth BellRobert BerenRobin & David GellesJudy & David KarpDana & Jonathan KellerEllen & Mark LevineVivian LiebermanDebbie & Jeff MannLeyah & David NamoffEunice RingGail Danto & Art RoffeyLinda & Rudy SluckerKelly & Jerry WarsawS P O N S O R STHANK YOU TO OURz’l
PRESENTING SPONSORS2023-2024I • S E R I E SINDIVIDUAL EVENTS$30/member • $35/non-memberSTUDENTS & FACULTYREGISTER FOR FREE! SAVE! ALL THREE EVENTS$75/member T I C K E T SGENERAL ADMISSIONinsightthrougheducation.orgFor Group Sales or Questions: events@insightthrougheducation.orgELITEPRESENTINGSIGNATURE$1,000 $2,500 $5,000½ PAGE AD IN ALLPROGRAMS 4 PREMIUMRESERVED SEATS AT EACH EVENT1 PAGE AD IN ALLPROGRAMS6 PREMIUMRESERVED SEATSAT EACH EVENTLOGO OR NAME ONSCREEN 2 PAGE SPREAD AD& PODIUM MENTIONIN ALL PROGRAMS8 PREMIUMRESERVED SEATS AT EACH EVENTLOGO OR NAME ONSCREEN S P O N S O R H I PO P P O R T U N I T I E SI•SERIESELITE SPONSORSMarilyn & Arnold BlankIrma BlaunerMarjorie & Norman FeinsteinEllen & Bernie GottliebDeedee and Martin JaffeSharyn & Ron KranzlerAnita & Robert NaftalyShelley & Nathan RabhanHope & Gene SilvermanAnita & Ronald TaylorRobin & Mitchell WayneNatalie & Brett BarthRuth BellRobert BerenRobin & David GellesJudy & David KarpDana & Jonathan KellerEllen & Mark LevineVivian LiebermanDebbie & Jeff MannLeyah & David NamoffEunice RingGail Danto & Art RoffeyLinda & Rudy SluckerKelly & Jerry WarsawS P O N S O R STHANK YOU TO OURz’l
Co-PresidentsJudy Karp & Kelly WarsawVice-President of DevelopmentGail DantoVice-President of Membership Mikki RockerVice-Presidents of Programming Ann Barth & Irma BlaunerRecording SecretarySue KlineImmediate Past PresidentsNancy Cook & Linda BerlinMember at LargeRuth BellPast President’s Council RepresentativeRoz LewyinSIGHT LEADERSHIP 2023-2024inSIGHT LEADERSHIP 2023-2024 Boutiques & Trunk Shows:Ruth Bell*, Stacy Milner*, Judie Muntner, Phyllis SniderCard Party at BallenIsles:Ruth Bell*, JoAnn Chasen, Judie Muntner, Phyllis SniderCard Party at Frenchman’s Creek:Linda Eigner*, Melanie Lipson, Wendy Maurer, Joan MopperEducational Grants:Judy Auerbach-Adamo*, Marion Fainman,Susan Roth, Lee Ostrowski, Phyllis SchusterCommunity Representatives:Erika Barr & Elaine Lewis - inSIGHT ChairsSheila Lewis & Fali Rubinstein - BallenIslesEllen Gottlieb - Frenchman’s CreekGail Silverman - The Club at IbisEve Pinsky - MirasolDevelopment Coordinator:Leslie HallBOARD MEMBERSPROGRAM COMMITTEEESPROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIPChief Development OfficerLindsay ShapiroOrganizational ConsultantRobyn TeplitzkyAdministrative AssistantLauren SlutskyStewardship:Linda Slucker*, Robin Gelles, Dana Keller,Stacey TrachtenSunshine Cards:Mary SchwartzTribute Cards:Wendy TulmanI•SERIES - Adult Community Education:Pastor Chris EdmondsDebbie & Jeff MannShari RogersBarbara & Michael WildsteinVicki & Stephen WildsteinMark OppenheimerBetsy & Vincent JosephPenny & Greg Sherry AnonymousJudith Auerbach-Adamo & Frank AdamoLaney & Harold BeckerLinda & Arthur BerlinSandra BobbEdith BroidaBarbara Baumstein & Carl EksteinJoAnn & Gerald ChasenNancy & Jack CookLori & Keith HartmanBarbara & Bob HurwitSusan & Robert HurwitzAnn & Bob BarthAnn & Robert CopelandGari & Ira DanskyLinda & Michael EignerAdrienne Glazov & Allan WulfstatFlorence GoodmanJill & David GuzReva HalperinJudith & Marvin HansSylvana & Murray KleinSusan and Ed KlineAnita Kolleeny & David HaynesShirley & Gene KorthSandy LefkofskyMarcia & Bruce LevyErna & Sam LiebovichRoz Lewy & Ralph InsingerAlice & Asher MichaeliLaura & David PerlmanLois & Phillip ProgerRobert RahrMikki and Michael RockerFali & Jack RubinsteinPhyllis & Ronald SchusterPenny & Greg SherrySusan & Jeffrey ShohamSydelle SonkinAnita & Ron TaylorStacey & David TrachtenKaren & Mark WeinsteinLinda WeissBonnie & Stuart YoungentobCynthia & Morton ZetlinPAST PRESIDENT’S COUNCILEdie BroidaBarbara HurwitRoz LewyAnita NaftalyCarole Rosen*CHAIR2023-2024I • S E R I E SS P O N S O R STHANK YOU TO OURSIGNATURE SPONSORS
Co-PresidentsJudy Karp & Kelly WarsawVice-President of DevelopmentGail DantoVice-President of Membership Mikki RockerVice-Presidents of Programming Ann Barth & Irma BlaunerRecording SecretarySue KlineImmediate Past PresidentsNancy Cook & Linda BerlinMember at LargeRuth BellPast President’s Council RepresentativeRoz LewyinSIGHT LEADERSHIP 2023-2024inSIGHT LEADERSHIP 2023-2024 Boutiques & Trunk Shows:Ruth Bell*, Stacy Milner*, Judie Muntner, Phyllis SniderCard Party at BallenIsles:Ruth Bell*, JoAnn Chasen, Judie Muntner, Phyllis SniderCard Party at Frenchman’s Creek:Linda Eigner*, Melanie Lipson, Wendy Maurer, Joan MopperEducational Grants:Judy Auerbach-Adamo*, Marion Fainman,Susan Roth, Lee Ostrowski, Phyllis SchusterCommunity Representatives:Erika Barr & Elaine Lewis - inSIGHT ChairsSheila Lewis & Fali Rubinstein - BallenIslesEllen Gottlieb - Frenchman’s CreekGail Silverman - The Club at IbisEve Pinsky - MirasolDevelopment Coordinator:Leslie HallBOARD MEMBERSPROGRAM COMMITTEEESPROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIPChief Development OfficerLindsay ShapiroOrganizational ConsultantRobyn TeplitzkyAdministrative AssistantLauren SlutskyStewardship:Linda Slucker*, Robin Gelles, Dana Keller,Stacey TrachtenSunshine Cards:Mary SchwartzTribute Cards:Wendy TulmanI•SERIES - Adult Community Education:Pastor Chris EdmondsDebbie & Jeff MannShari RogersBarbara & Michael WildsteinVicki & Stephen WildsteinMark OppenheimerBetsy & Vincent JosephPenny & Greg Sherry AnonymousJudith Auerbach-Adamo & Frank AdamoLaney & Harold BeckerLinda & Arthur BerlinSandra BobbEdith BroidaBarbara Baumstein & Carl EksteinJoAnn & Gerald ChasenNancy & Jack CookLori & Keith HartmanBarbara & Bob HurwitSusan & Robert HurwitzAnn & Bob BarthAnn & Robert CopelandGari & Ira DanskyLinda & Michael EignerAdrienne Glazov & Allan WulfstatFlorence GoodmanJill & David GuzReva HalperinJudith & Marvin HansSylvana & Murray KleinSusan and Ed KlineAnita Kolleeny & David HaynesShirley & Gene KorthSandy LefkofskyMarcia & Bruce LevyErna & Sam LiebovichRoz Lewy & Ralph InsingerAlice & Asher MichaeliLaura & David PerlmanLois & Phillip ProgerRobert RahrMikki and Michael RockerFali & Jack RubinsteinPhyllis & Ronald SchusterPenny & Greg SherrySusan & Jeffrey ShohamSydelle SonkinAnita & Ron TaylorStacey & David TrachtenKaren & Mark WeinsteinLinda WeissBonnie & Stuart YoungentobCynthia & Morton ZetlinPAST PRESIDENT’S COUNCILEdie BroidaBarbara HurwitRoz LewyAnita NaftalyCarole Rosen*CHAIR2023-2024I • S E R I E SS P O N S O R STHANK YOU TO OURSIGNATURE SPONSORS
2023-2024I • S E R I E SE y e - O p e n i n gP r o g r a m m i n gf o r C o m m u n i t yE d u c a t i o nFOOTSTEPSFOOTSTEPS OF MY FATHEROF MY FATHERPastor Chris EdmondsSON OF RODERICK EDMONDS,RIGHTEOUS AMONG THE NATIONSinsightthrougheducation.orgCREATINGA BETTERWORLD,ONESTUDENTAT A TIME.PROVIDE engaging programs that instillthe lessons of the HolocaustINFORM educators about the Holocaustand how to teach it effectivelyENCOURAGE students to be upstanders,NOT bystandersinSIGHT Through Education funds grantsin Palm Beach County Schools that...A nonprofit 501(c)(3) volunteer-run organization. inSIGHT wasestablished to fund Holocaust education mandated by FloridaStatute. In 2020, antisemitism was added to the instruction.inSIGHT Through Education, Inc. | info@insightthrougheducation.orgPO Box 33054 | Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420 | 561-570-2656