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2023/2024 Our Story... Discovering Christ Serving Others

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Our StorySaint Francis United Methodist ChurchDiscovering Christ... Serving Others2023-2024 Narrative Budget

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Who We Are and How We LiveDiscovering Christ... Serving OthersAt Saint Francis United Methodist Church, worship is at the center ofour lives together as a congregation. Each Sunday, we gather tofaithfully mark the seasons of the Christian year, keeping themrelevant to our lives today; and to celebrate Holy Communion wherethe bread and juice are offered as a means of God’s grace in JesusChrist.We seek to be a place where all are accepted, just as they are.Each Sunday, our Welcome Statement is read aloud as a reminderof who we aspire to be for Jesus Christ, and as a witness that theinclusion of all people is a priority for our church. We extend our commitment to being a welcoming congregationoutward from worship into all our gatherings, whether for spiritualgrowth, missions, fellowship or the administrative work of the church. We choose to create space for all who seek to grow as a disciple ofChrist, embracing the openness of John Wesley who wrote, “Thoughwe cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of oneheart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, wemay.” We serve with a passion for mission and advocacy work, living outour call to be the hands and feet of Christ. We love our church and invite you to join us as we grow togetherDiscovering Christ… Serving Others by:Gathering in the presence of Christ; Growing as disciples of Christ; Giving in response to God's grace; and Going forth to serve in love.1

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The operating budget for Saint FrancisUnited Methodist Church is more than lineitems on a spreadsheet. It’s a story of God’s love in action. Saint Francis used budget dollars during the2023/2024 fiscal year to share God’s loveand help others grow in faith by...Proclaiming the Word (pg. 3),Serving Others in Love (pg. 6),Fanning the Flame of the Holy Spirit for our children and youth (pg. 9), Growing in Faith (pg. 12),Walking Together (pg. 14), and Being Good Stewards of all the wonderful blessings that God has gifted our church (pg. 16).Incorporated into these areas is the work of ourchurch’s Vision Forward, a time of dreaming,visioning and listening as a congregation,discerning together how God is calling us to bethe church now; our newly re-organizedWelcoming Ministries; and the support of ourchurch staff.At the end of this story (pg. 18) you find ourFinancial Summary for the 2023/2024 fiscalyear.While it’s hard to capture every detail, read onto see much of what was accomplished!2

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Proclaiming the Word$260,04123%Worship & Musicexperienced a 9% increase in worship attendance overlast year, averaging 200 in-person and 90 online views facilitated worship with active teams providing more than30 people each Sunday serving as Ushers, Greeters,Communion Servers, Bulletin Slide Operators, OnlineHosts, Lay Readers, Chancel Team, AV Techs, andWelcome Desk staff (Common Tables) resumed healing prayers & anointing on the first Sundaysof the monthexplored our faith through Advent and Lenten worshipseries and celebrated the seasons with additional worshipservicescelebrated 3 baptisms and welcomed 18 new memberscontinued to extend hospitality by offering pre-packaged communion elements, both regular and allergen-freenurtured our children with Godly Play, Worship ActivityBags (new), opportunities to lead the congregation in the Prayer for Illumination and a professionally staffed nurserymade upgrades to the lighting and sound system in thesanctuaryenhanced production of worship livestream and securedrequired copyright permissions Worship is at the heart of who we are as a community of faith. Each Sunday, wegather for praise and prayers, music andscriptures, and to share Holy Communion.Last year, we... 3

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SA Closer Look...The Saint Francis ChoirMore diverse voices are making a joyful noise unto theLord, thanks to growth over thepast year in the adult choir! Young people who were in our children’s and youth choir are returning to participate asadults.Choir members are like family, bonding together over weekly shared prayer concernsand monthly first Wednesday dinners. Sally Ann Timothy,Saint Francis’ Director of Music, explains “It’s a great time to just fellowship and enjoy the camaraderie that wehave. The music is important, but it’s not about the notes. It’s about relationships andsupporting one another,” sheadded. “It’s about sharing what’s going on in our lives.” enhanced worship with thevaried musical gifts of our congregationexperienced growth in the adult choir with 12 newmembers of diverse ageswelcomed a new director ofthe Saint Francis BrassBandpraised God with a colorfuland lively ChristmasCantata that combinedadult & youth choirs with anorchestrashared music with ourcommunity by caroling at asenior living communityenhanced worship with anactive adult handbellministry and resumed thehandbell choirs for childrenand youth refurbished our handbellsenjoyed fellowship with aCinco de Mayo MusicExtravaganza presented byour Music Ministry (May)“It’s a greattime to just fellowship &enjoy thecamaraderiethat we have.”4

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re-engaged our children andyouth in serving our Acolyte Ministry blessed pets during the Feast ofSt. Francisshared Ministry Moments,testimonies of God’s presence inthe ministry work of the churchwelcomed a new Associate Pastoroffered a Community EasterSunrise Service with GenesisUMC & White Plains UMC celebrated All Saints‘, GraduationRecognition, Scouting & LaitySundayssoffered a Back-to-School Blessingcelebrated our WelcomeStatement & affirmed all peopleinto the life of our church with aReconciling Service (June) 5

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Serving Others in Love$190,79017%Missions & Outreachcelebrated the more than 20 active missions andadvocacy groups at Saint Francis by holding a Missionsand Advocacy Fair on Laity Sunday supported students and families at Oak Grove Elementarywith school supplies and snackshelped combat local food insecurity by supporting DorcasFood Pantry with onsite assistance processing fooddonations and stocking food shelves (new this year) andby organizing on-going collections, including freshproduce from the Disciples’ Community Gardenshared the story of Christ’s birth with our communitythrough our 25th Annual Live Nativity eventprovided financial support to missionary Wil Bailey andthe Costa Rica Mission Project; and to Hawaii, Turkeyand North Carolina through UMCOR disaster relief supported Apex Immigration Services providing low costimmigration advice and legal services locallygathered to pack over 10,000 meals for Rise AgainstHungerhelped feed homeless families through Family Promise ofWake County several times throughout the yearOur congregation is motivated by God’s love to be the hands and feet of Christ for countless mission and outreach opportunities, locally and around the globe. Last year, we... 6

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donated items andfinancial gifts as weworked with WorldChurch Services, settingup local apartments forrefugeescontinued to be areconciling church andstaffed booths at localPride festivals served our localcommunity throughadvocacy andengagement with ONEWakesupported the missionand ministry of theUnited Methodist Churchby meeting ourapportionmentsincreased awareness ofGun Violence in theUnited States by creatinga display showing thenumber of massshootings throughout2023For the past 3 years, Saint Francis has worked alongside Church World Service, helping refugees settle into homes in the Triangle. To date, our churchhas set-up13 homes for 57 refugees from countries including Afghanistan, Sudan, Columbia, Honduras, Venezuela and Cameroon. Team member Alison Anderson reflects, “The work of the RRWT ministry at Saint Francis offers a helping hand to refugee families and undoubtedly eases theirtransition to life in a newcountry. Setting up newhomes for these families isalso a beautiful way ofsharing God’s love andhospitality to vulnerable andsuffering people fromaround the world.” A Closer Look...The Refugee Resettlement Welcome Team “... abeautifulway ofsharingGod’s loveandhospitality tovulnerableand sufferingpeople fromaround theworld.”7

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provided over $11,000 in mortgageand rent assistance to those in needthrough Dorcas Ministrieswrote postcards supporting the work ofMission Amplify to engage electedofficials on behalf of public schoolchildrengave financial support to Pastors forNC Childrenserved on worksites and providedfinancial support to Habitat forHumanity organized our 30th annual ChristmasAngel Tree supporting the clients ofCommunity Partnerships, Inc.gleaned fields of produce to distributeto area food pantries through theSociety of St. Andrewsupported incarcerated women at theNC Women’s Prison in Raleigh,facilitating a book club and donatingitems.8

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Fanning the Flame$193,77818%Children’s, Youth &Family Ministriescreated a new Children‘s & Family Councilexpanded Sunday nightgatherings for SuperheroSleuths (K-2nd), Bible Buddies(3rd-5th) gifted bibles to our 3rd graders gathered 3rd - 5th graders fora Bible Buddies Retreat & madeblankets for Project Linusenjoyed family fellowship witha “SPARK & Sprinkles” icecream sundae eventgrew our faith with FamilyLenten Activity Kits provided Children‘s EasterActivity & Treat Bagshad a blast at Vacation BibleSchool with 50 campers & 35 youth and adult volunteers grew in appreciation for God’screation through a GreenThumb Garden Ministry The spiritual formation offered to ourchildren and youth lays a foundation of faith. Last year, we...A Closer Look...Children’s & Family CouncilCreating opportunities forconnection and spiritual growth for children and families... that’s the mission of the newly formed Children’s & Family Council. The group is made up of 8 adults, all parents of children of varying ages. Some haveserved the ministry before, othersare taking part for the first time!Karin McMahon, Director ofChildren’s & Family Ministries,says “It’s a great group who isbringing fresh ideas of how thechurch might partner withparents to provide a space forchildren and families to grow inthe presence of God.” Thecouncil has already startedimplementing ideas withChildren’s Worship Activity Bagsand special activity/treat bagsfor Easter Sunday.“...a spacefor childrenand familiesto grow inthe presenceof God”9

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continued to offer opportunitiesfor Christian Education andfellowship through Youth Sundayschool & Sunday Night YouthGatheringsgathered for small groups including Elevate (6 - 8th gradegirls), Upperclass Coffee (11-12th graders), and Anchored (10-12th grade boys) g rew our faith attending two lock-ins, Pilgrimage, and a Camp Don Lee retreat served our community with service days & organized a “Souper Bowl of Caring” Oak City Cares fundraisersupported high school graduateswith educational scholarshipsmade homes warmer, safer anddrier through Appalachia ServiceProject, sending 24 youth andadults on an annual mission tripauthored 2 weeks of reflectionsand prayers for the Daily PrayerMinistry organized a new BLAZE YouthLeadership TeamBLAZE Anchored is a new ministry designed to help high school boys bridge the tension between faith and daily struggles. Topics included sin, peer pressure, shame, self-image and how prayer can alleviate negative feelings. “Anchored teachesus to turn to God when we feel those emotions,” high school senior Max Haugh said.“We also examine scripture andhow it relates to the internalstruggles we face.” Anchoredcoincided with this year’s overalltheme for the Youth Ministry,“Abide”, which encouraged theyouth to lean into the abidinglove of Christ through faithformation, fellowship and fun. “Iget to be with my friends andhave people to turn to when I amin bad situations,” Max said.“The sense of community isstrong, and we can always laughtogether without worrying aboutdrama or being self-conscious.”A Closer Look...BLAZE Anchored“I get tobe with myfriendsand havepeople toturn towhen I amin badsituations”10

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welcomed 500+ people to our 2ndAnnual Trunk-or-Treat with over 25decorated trunks, free hot dogs andlemonade, and a special guest - theCary Fire Department raised $1300 for our ZOEEmpowerment group in Kenya bymaking 120 Soup Mix Jars - all jarssold!enjoyed an evening of family funwith our annual Advent WreathWorkshop & Chili Cook-Offtook part in serving opportunitiessupporting MATCH, Dorcas, OakCity Cares, and homeboundmembers of the congregation at ourannual Feast of St. Nick Eventfellowshipped on Shrove Tuesdaywith a Pancake Supper, over 120 inattendance! (Pancakes provided andcooked by the Men of Saint Francis)organized a “Pots of Gold” Potluckand Mission Event, kids hunted forgold “nuggets” to support ZOEEmpowershad a fun night together at theDurham Bulls!11

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Growing in Faith$109,62510%Adult Ministriescreated a new lay leadership position to coordinate adultstudiescontinued to grow in our understanding of God's word,and how to apply it to our lives with ongoing Sundayschool classes and Lectionary Bible Study started up a new ongoing Sunday school class for women offered various short-term studies throughout the yearincluding “The Gift of Empathy,” “Don’t Sing Songs to aHeavy Heart,” “Ready or not: Planning for the NextChapter,” “7 Wonders of the World” and “Heaven andEarth” Advent Studycontinued to cultivate community and grew in ourrelationship with Christ and with each other through eightactive Common Table groupscontinued weekly meetings for covenant disciple groups(Wesley Covenant and Emmaus 4th Day Reunion) joined in fellowship for men at quarterly gatherings andan annual off-site retreat (Men of Saint Francis)supported the Appalachia Service Project, the SaintFrancis Educational Scholarship Fund, BSA Troop 202and our Primetimers’ group through the annual ChristmasTree sale organized by the Men of Saint Francis Growing in our understanding of faith and what it means to be disciples of Christ is a life long journey. Last year, we...12

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continued to offerfun and fellowshipthrough monthlybrunches andlearningexperiences(Primetimers) enjoyed fellowshipand interest groupsfor practicing yogaand exploringfamily genealogygathered for anannual OrnamentExchange and amonthly LIFT bookclub (Women)rekindled interest ina new Women ofSaint Francis groupcelebrated ourtogetherness withan annual Church Cook-out A Closer Look...Common Tables “We aremade up ofindividuals...who havebecome afamily, lovingand caring foreach other” Sharing food, prayer, devotions and a love of God, six active Saint Francis Common Tables have been meeting for at least eight years. Two new tables were started in the spring of 2023, adding a total of 27 new people, and “in the words of one member, they are thriving,” said Rosemary Whaley, Common Table Coordinator. “I understand the value of finding ‘family’ in a small group such as this at Saint Francis, and I hope that every member will find this type of community in ourchurch,” she said. Common Tables havebeen staffing the Welcome Desk afterworship on Sundays, and that hasproven to be a meaningful experience,Whaley shared. “They are excited tomeet and welcome visitors and to shareinformation with the pastors about ourvisitors,” she said. Common Tablemembers serve together in other ways,too — furnishing supplies for the RefugeeResettlement Welcome Team, providingmeals for Family Promise, setting uptrunks for the Trunk or Treat event,clearing yard debris in the Confirmand’sGarden — and more. “We are made upof individuals, young and old, who havebecome a family, loving and caring foreach other,” Whaley said. 13

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Walking Together$111,24810%Prayer & Care Ministriesanswered requests for prayer with a devoted PrayerTeam, sharing as appropriate with our church family sent cards to persons requesting prayer continued to share God’s word, prayers and reflectionsthrough our Daily Prayer Ministry, reaching more than100 people every daycontinued to provide disposable masks and handsanitizer at the entrances of our buildingsgave 17 prayer quilts to folks in need of comfort andprayer, both near and far put a stand in place at the entrance of the outdoor PrayerLabyrinth with guides for using the labyrinth reached out in love to more than 20 people who lost aparent or child by sending a series of books to helpnavigate grief (Stephen Ministry)offered one-to-one, confidential Christian listening through15 trained Stephen Ministers including 7 newly trainedand commissionedprovided food, service and decorations for churchreceptions, events and funeralsAcknowledging that we are called to love one another, we are a church that is kind and compassionate, encouraging andcomforting, hospitable to all with fellowship,prayer and support. Last year we...14

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served as a touchpoint for care andsupport tocongregantssuffering loss,loneliness, injury orillness by providingmeals,transportation andcompanionship offered eveningprayer in theGathering Spaceduring times ofpreparation,discernment andlossequippedintercessors to offerhealing prayer inworship on the firstSunday of themonthA Closer Look...Daily Prayer Ministry “Reading the messageseach daytransformsmy morning”Started 15 years ago, the Daily PrayerMinistry offers spiritual inspiration eachday. The messages are available toanyone who would like to receive them,and more than 100 people are signed-up. Eleven members of our congregation take turns writing the messages for a week at a time. Beverley O’Daniel, the ministry’s new coordinator, has served as a Daily Prayer writer for several years. “This is a labor of love for me,” she says, “I felt led to do it.” The scriptures that guide the messages are from the Revised Common Lectionary, which coincides with the readings inworship on Sunday morning. Themessages are as varied as the writersthemselves. Some stay close to spiritualinterpretations of the text. Others relate tomore everyday occurrences withanecdotal examples. Some writers includemusic like a favorite hymn or pictures withtheir messages. Others seek input fromtheir Common Table groups. Themessages usually close with a prayer.While reflecting on the lectionary text,writers often offer a very personalperspective on their own lives and spiritualjourney. Readers also respond to themessages with their own reflections orindividual experiences. “Reading themessages each day transforms mymorning,” Beverley says. “It is a blessing.”15

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installed two new defibrillators on campus and providedtwo training sessions to the congregation added a new main water cutoff at the sanctuary buildingmade needed upgrades to the audio/video equipment inthe sanctuary made updates to the church’s internet connectivityrepaired water line breaks at the sanctuary buildingmaintained and repaired our HVAC equipment maintained the beautiful landscaping on our campus withour God’s Gardeners groupstarted a new volunteer group that serves in rotation tospecifically maintain the Confirmand Garden Being Good Stewards$241,38622%Church Facilities and InfrastructureMaintaining and upgrading our beautifulchurch and its campus is vital to making ourspiritual journey safe, welcoming andenjoyable. Last year, we...began to study thepossibility of the additionof a columbarium continued work creating afamily restroom in theSanctuary building(diagram at left)16

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A Closer Look...Church Work Days joined together to takepart in two church-wide workdays withthe help of the scouts,cleaning and repairinginside the church andtending the outsidelandscapingwere blessed by ouractive BSA Pack 202which supplied andapplied mulch toflower beds on campusin the springsupported our SaintFrancis Preschool andBSA Troop/Pack 202“The daysare a goodway to keepour churchlookingnice. It’salso a lot of goodfellowship!” Keeping our facility in top working order is a continuous job! The Board of Trustees has organized fall and spring Church Workdays for about 20 years as a way for everyone to come together to spruce up the campus with rakes, vacuums and elbow grease. Most recently,Trustees member, Becky Millard, has coordinated the events. “The days are a good way to keep our church looking nice,” she says. “It’s also a lot of good fellowship!” Typically about 50 people come out to serve. In addition to our congregation, members of BSA Troop202 are often on-hand, as well. Thechurch provides snacks and a pizzalunch which helps celebrate the end ofthe half-day of work. All ages andabilities are welcome. Jobs range indifficulty from dusting the sanctuary toreplacing rotten boards, from removingcandle wax from the pews (fromChristmas Eve candle lighting) to pullingup weeds in the flower beds. Paintingdoors, re-organizing the kitchen andwashing windows often make the list, aswell. The church asks everyone to sign-up, so enough tools and snacks areavailable. But the event is always open to anyone to just show up and help.17

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2023/2024 Fiscal Year Financial SummarySources of Generosity2023/2024 Fiscal Year Operating Expense Budget: $1,034,909Temporary Designated Funds $71,960Total $1,106,869How our Financial Resources Were UsedWELCOMING MINISTRIESBalance in Additional Fundsas of 2/29/24Various Temporary Designated Funds $281,482Permanent Designated FundsMen of Saint Francis $51,684UMF Educational Scholarship Fund $262,223UMF Parsonage Escrow Fund $275,216UMF Gurney Fund - Organ $3,1452023/2024 Fiscal Year Operating Expense Budget andEstimated Designated Funds SpendingTotal $1,106,86918

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