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2023-2024 Annual Report

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The 2023-2024 school year startedout like many other school yearsat Clear Creek Christian School. The halls were all decked out with flair and with glee, rainbows,butterflies, landscapes - what a sight to see! Superheroes swoopedin, full of might and of grace, as fresh paint and clear carpets gavelife to the place. In classrooms, on walls, what wonders were found, math facts andwords danced all around. With scriptures so powerful and affirming“I AM” statements so strong, each student felt right where theybelong. But, beyond the colorful walls and smart boards, something biggerwas taking place...were beingOur valuesshaped1

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The school was abuzz with our new“BEE PRACTICES.”The bees, you see, teach us how to LOVE, LEARN, and LEAD as weimitate what it means to “BEE” like Jesus.These practices, rooted in biblical principles and our core values,teach us how to LOVE like Jesus by “beeing” present and positive;how to LEARN through rigorous academics by “beeing” productiveand passionate; and how to LEAD by “beeing” purposeful andprayerful - not looking out for what is good for ourselves, butwhat is good for others around us. A Great Place to "BEE"3

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It wasn’t always easy, but we were upfor the challenge!Sometimes we needed gentle reminders to love our teachers andclassmates by being present and engaged in our work, activelylistening, and responding with respect and kindness when thingsdidn’t go our way! We practiced love by staying positive during the building expansionconstruction! Sometimes we moved entire classrooms toaccommodate the work being done on the school. We enduredloud pounding as the construction workers tore through layers oflimestone for the new foundation and access road. And even though we loved watching the construction at recess,sometimes it meant that we had to practice being positive bymoving recess indoors! Love is Kind.”“Love is patient.4

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As we Grew in our love at school, in theclassroom and on the playground - Wepondered, “How do we spread this lovebeyond our school walls?”Enter our epic annual quest, the "By Our Love" project, inspired byJohn 13:35. We embarked on a heartwarming two week journey,loving senior citizens by being present and positive with them. All ofour students, from Kindergarten through 6th grade, connected withsenior citizens, listening to stories about what it was like to growup, go to school, and follow Jesus in their generation. We pottedflowers for them, wrote messages and delivered care packages too! Singing, praying, and devouring ice cream together, we discoveredthat sharing Jesus' love brings smiles galore! by your love.”“They will knowyou are my disciples6

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The bees inspired us to approach learningwith productivity and passion, taking uson an exhilarating experiential journey! In our STEAM class, students transformed into engineers,constructing pyramids and catapults to launch Bibles to unreachedpeople groups. We delved into neuroscience, unraveling the originsof intense emotions and developing strategies to manage stresseffectively. Embracing the once-in-a lifetime total eclipse, webecame astronomers, mastering coding and simulating the eventusing Ozobots.Additionally, we maximized our school's unique setting byembarking on field trips to renowned historical landmarks such asthe Indiana Statehouse, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, andConnor Prairie. Locally, we immersed ourselves in nature at HilltopChristian Camp and Peden Farms. Moreover, students honed theirengineering skills at CRANE Naval base and explored live theaterthrough captivating productions at the Indiana Repertory Theaterand the Buskirk Chumley Theater.heart to“Apply yourunderstanding.”8

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listen “Let your earsto wisdom.”Our passion for learning becameevident in our individual and collectiveAcademic performances. Collectively, we continued to outperform local school districts inboth ILEARN and IREAD scores. We boasted an impressive100% proficiency rate on IREAD this year, leaps and boundsover the state average! It’s no wonder that our students performed well in academics,when their passion for learning was supported by our teachers’individual attention and academic enrichment programs.Students shined in their academic gifts through opportunitieslike Speech Meet, Spelling Bee, Reading Olympics, Robotics andpoetry writing. They also explored their interests throughafterschool clubs such as Spanish Club, Coding Club, Yearbook,Cross Stitch, Archery and Bible study.Our mission “to equip students, through love and instruction,with a bibical worldview” delivers academic success in theclassroom, and creates well rounded leaders for the future.11

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Perhaps one of the most importantPractices the Bees taught us this year isto “lead with purpose.”The Bees helped our staff, board members, and alumni serve theschool with the same core values and motivation that we taughtthe students. We believe we are all image bearers of Christ,reflecting His love through purposeful encounters, to bring glory toGod. Leading with purpose happens as we start to prayerfully leanin to that calling. This year, our staff embarked on a new wellness initiative thatprioritized Jesus’ example of rest, prayer, solitude and sabbath,recognizing that our time spent with Jesus is the only way toeffectively pour out for Him day after day. Our alumni became an important part of stewarding students intheir faith as they came back to CCCS to lead our After Careprogram, where they loved and played with students in a safe andjoyful environment. And, at the end of the school year, our alumniled a panel discussion for sixth graders, answering tough questionsabout what it’s like to be a Jesus follower in Junior High and HighSchool. We are proud of our alumni and enjoyed watching themdisciple and mentor the students at Clear Creek this year! of Christ.”“Follow my exampleas I follow the example12

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The bees showed us that Leading withpurpose begins as we lean in to god’scalling for our lives.Students led purposefully and prayerfully as they recognized theworld around them and addressed needs that exist. They formeddiscipleship groups and Bible studies; They created a KindnessClub, bringing joyful surprises and smiles to everyone; Sixth gradestudents led younger students in Reading Buddy groups andthrough Mind Maze; They served local community organizationsthrough their Hat Day initiatives; They prayed together when lifewas hard and they celebrated together when achievements weremade. They discipled their peers by leading Chapel on Fridaymornings, proclaiming the good news of Jesus to their classmates! As their eyes began opening to the hope of Christ, ten studentspublicly declared their faith in Jesus and were baptized duringChapel services. We see God moving in the hearts of our studentsin incredible ways!so that theymight be saved.”“I do it15

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Just like all good stories must cometo an end... We ended our year grateful for the Bee Practices that guide ourvalues. Not because they bring us a check list to morality, butbecause they show us The Way of Jesus.As Jesus said in Matthew, so true and so bright (paraphrased), “Youare the light of the world, shining through the night. A town on ahill cannot hide from the view, and a lamp placed high lights up thewhole room too. Let your light shine, so others can see, the goodthings you do, and bring glory to Me!”We pray that our light shines for Jesus on this corner ofBloomington, and that it brings all glory to our Father in heaven!Thank you for your love, prayers and support for CCCS. We lookforward to celebrating with you in the coming year - our 30thAnniversary at CCCS! 16

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Course to A Clear FollowFriends of Clear Creek, When I think about the 23/24 school year, a few big and obvious things come tomind. Most notably, the groundbreaking and construction of a new education wingto serve more families and students with Christian education. But I’m remindedthat growth for growth’s sake is not always God’s plan. Leaders of organizations ofany type and size know that the danger of growing without clear purpose canactually destroy the very thing you set out to grow. In our case, we spent a yearuncovering and defining the culture of our school, of which a key element is that itis small! Keeping this in mind has helped us stay true to the things that make CCCS such anappealing place for our families, while at the same time, “enlarging our house” (Isa54:2) to bring others in to experience that family that they have come to know andlove. The trend is clear: Christian education is here to stay, especially in Indiana,and more and more people will be seeking it in the years to come. God is on themove, and He’s using schools like ours to raise up a generation of young people tobe His ambassadors to a world that so desperately needs Him.God has been faithful to CCCS for 29 years now, and He’s faithful to continue thework! CCCS families are living in and receiving the blessing that those who camebefore them believed in faith would come. Supporters like you have given legs tothe vision and dream that God placed on the hearts of those who laid thefoundation of this school. Remember, where there is no vision, the people perish(Prov 29:18). Thank you for the part you have played in keeping the vision of CCCSalways focused on opening the eyes of generations to the hope of Christ.Scott WallacePrincipal17

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Tuition and Fees1,055,100.05Fundraising/Donations148,367.24Payroll791,285.40Operating256,706.20Capital88,098.27The Sagamore Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) is our state subsidizedtuition assistance program. The SGO program offers lower income studentstuition scholarships to attend CCCS. Donations to the SGO are unique in thatthe donor can receive a CREDIT back on their state taxes for 50% of thedonation. If you have questions about giving to the SGO, please contact SarahPeden at or scan the QR code to learn more.Giving to CCCS helps keep our tuition fees low by providing funding forenrichments not covered by tuition - including many of the programs shownthroughout this report. From tangible needs in the classroom, to technologyand curriculum, to clubs and sports, field trips, and camps, your contributiondirectly impacts our ability to fulfill our mission of equipping students, throughlove and instruction, with a biblical worldview. For ways to support CCCS, scanthe QR code to be directed to our website. 2023-2024 Financial OverviewBudget Revenue = $1,203,467.29 Budget Expenses = $1,136,089.87SGO donations towards state subsidized tuition assistance not reflected in the budget.THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS!THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS! Your love and generosity helps fuel our shared vision to open the eyes ofYour love and generosity helps fuel our shared vision to open the eyes ofgenerations to the hope of Christ. We are grateful for your partnership!generations to the hope of Christ. We are grateful for your partnership!$5KSagamore Institute Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO)18

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We have a 20 minute commute to school eachmorning and so a lot of the time we use it to memorizethe bible verse for the week. These bible versesalways lead to bigger conversations between the boysand me. I love not only memorizing the verse but alsogetting to chat about the verse and what it means inthe bible and to us. These verses have reallyimpacted our family for the better each week. I’m sothankful for this CCCS tradition. -Kassie WellsI look back on years past and I’m like holy moly,look at how much she has grown, not just in heighteither! In her education, her faith, her friendships. Iam personally so thankful that we were led toCCCS because this school has been nothing but aGod sent blessing. Thank you for everything youdo. -LeeAnn Ratcliff I wanted to let you know that Samuel has progressedso much with his spelling and reading over the last fewmonths! I'm sure you've noticed but I wanted to sayTHANK YOU for the time and energy you've investedin him. We are able to get through his homework inhalf the time now. He is more confident and thingsseem to be clicking faster. We have several '100%'spelling tests on the fridge now! -Tarisha GrayI wanted to let you know “A” used the restroom todayand met another girl who helped her find her earringwhen it fell out. She said the girl prayed for her afterthey found it. I thought that was a cool story that thereare kids in your school looking for ways to help othersand thinking to just pray for a few seconds even whenno adults are around to watch. -Anonymous parentWe’ve seen a massive positive shift in “A’s” attitude at homesince moving her to CCCS. She has come home energizedand filled up literally EVERY SINGLE day after school. Shehas been more emotionally stable and mature, she has beenmore encouraging and loving to us and her brothers, and sheis suddenly much more helpful around the house. Herreading has advanced rapidly, she doesn’t complain at allabout school work, and she just got a job at Chick-fil-a (justkidding). But seriously - we’ve seen astounding changes, andwe attribute it all to the positivity and love that she’simmersed in every day, being surrounded by people who arefilled with Christ’s love. Thank you SO MUCH!!! -Anonymous parentI brought lunch to Tristan and Addie last week and I hadnever seen how lunch worked, and let me tell you...the staffwas on it! Everyone was so kind and so helpful and justseeing how loved those kids are when parents are awaytruly made my heart swell. I don't know how often thosewords are expressed to the staff but I just wanted to let youknow how appreciative I am for all of you while we are awayworking or whatever we might be doing. Those kids are soblessed! Keep up the great work and showing the love ofGod throughout every day, I truly believe they will take thatthrough every walk of life as they get older. -Ashley Bowling19

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