Community.Collaboration.Commitment. 2023-2024 Annual Report
The Sturgis Area Community Foundation is a $30M foundationcommitted to serving the charitable needs of local communities andenriching the quality of life for all people in the Sturgis area. We arededicated to addressing our communities’ most challenging issues andproviding hope for the future. By bringing together the passion ofcommunity members and the generosity of philanthropic partners, wework to be a center for progress and a catalyst for change. We partnerwith nonprofits, stakeholders, and donors to cultivate thriving andcollaborative communities, celebrate diverse perspectives and createclear paths to economic security and well-being for all. SACF Annual Report | 2023-242
Thanks to your continued support, we are happy to share another successful year at the SturgisArea Community Foundation. Our continued success would not have been possible without thegenerous support of our fundholders, donors, Board of Trustees, affiliate board members andcommittee members. Without all of you, the Sturgis Area Community Foundation and itsaffiliates, the Constantine Area Community Foundation and the White Pigeon Area CommunityFoundation, would not be able to make a lasting impact in our communities.Through the results of the Quality-of-Life Dashboard that was previously completed, the SACF isnow focusing on four funding priorities. These strategic priorities include Housing, EducationalAttainment & Workforce Development, Care of Children, and Community Development. As youlook around our communities you can see examples of the Community Foundation’s work ineach of these areas. In the area of Housing, we continue to partner with Sturgis Neighborhood Program, providingthe financial backing for both residential rehab projects and new construction. To supportEducational Attainment & Workforce Development, we expanded our scholarships programs,creating new awards targeted at non-traditional students like adults and trades students. Grantsto Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Southwest Michigan ensure working families have access toaffordable before-and after-school care for their children. An example of our last priority,Community Development, can be seen with our partnership with the Sturgis ImprovementAssociation to collectively support The Watershed, a mixed-use building in downtown Sturgis. Byfocusing on these four priorities, SACF is making a greater impact in surrounding communitiesand is well-positioned to expand our outreach to the entire county.As we look to the future and how we can continue to enrich the lives of all people living in thecommunities we serve, we know we are not able to do it without the support of all of you. Onbehalf of the Board of Trustees and the staff of the Sturgis Area Community Foundation, thankyou!Sincerely, Erin Melchi-Baker ChairDear Friends,SACF Annual Report | 2023-24 3
Our Reach$1, 280, 914 Dollars granted$110,660Awarded in scholarships49Funded organizations184Grants awarded166Active fundsFISCAL YEAR 2023-24SACF Annual Report | 2023-244
Erin Melchi-BakerChairNed HaylettVice ChairKim BontragerTreasurerJohn CarmichaelTrusteeEric EishenTrusteeJoe HaasTrusteeFrank PerezTrusteeElizabeth WhiteheadTrusteeJane TonerYouth TrusteeCaroline HughesYouth Trustee in TrainingLindsay AguilarExecutive DirectorShelly LuceOperations ManagerAnna BrandProgram OfficerBOARD OF TRUSTEESSTAFFSACF Annual Report | 2023-24 5Leadership
EmpoweringCommunityWith the support of a competitive grant from the Michigan HealthEndowment Fund, SACF and its affiliates completed a quality-of-life evaluation of St. Joseph County. The results of the study wereused to identify strategic priority areas to focus SACF resourcesand efforts on addressing the most pressing needs andopportunities within the community.
Strategic Funding PrioritiesBy setting clear priorities guided by real data, the CommunityFoundation ensures that its initiatives are impactful, sustainable, andaligned with the community's evolving challenges. This targetedapproach allows for more efficient use of funds, fosters strongerpartnerships, and creates measurable outcomes that support long-term development and well-being. Current funding priorities include:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTEmpowering local projects that create a vibrant community, encourage economic growth, fostercommunity pride, and contribute to overall well-being. HOUSINGImproving living conditions, economic stability, and community resilience through housing.EARLY LEARNING & CAREPromoting equity and ensuring all children and families have the tools they need to thrive. EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTRemoving barriers to success and fostering a more skilled and competitive workforce.SACF Annual Report | 2023-24 7
“Community development, particularly through placemaking,plays a crucial role in fostering a vibrant and thriving town,” saysLindsay Aguilar, Executive Director of SACF. “Throughpartnerships with our local municipalities and DowntownDevelopment Authorities, SACF seeks to help our partnerscreate environments that are not only visually appealing butalso supportive of social interaction and economic growth,places where residents can meet, attend community events,and foster a sense of pride in their hometown.” Over time, SACF’s collective efforts and support of communitydevelopment can help attract new residents and businesseswhile making the community more sustainable and resilient inthe long term. By investing in its people and places, theFoundation ensures that the Sturgis area is not only growingbut thriving for generations to come.Community DevelopmentBUILDING VIBRANT COMMUNITIESRecent Grants & CollaborationsSturges-Young Center forthe Arts Restoration Art Around TownSturgisFest Community Movie NightsConstantine HarvestFestival White Pigeon TownshipLibrary’s SummertimeTunesSturgis Area Community Foundation has long been dedicatedto the growth and well-being of local communities. Fromrevitalizing parks to enhancing local schools, the Foundationinvests in initiatives that strengthen the fabric of the Sturgisarea. These projects, whether they are parks, downtownimprovements, or cultural events, are designed to enhance thequality of life for residents and encourage a deeper connectionto their community.SACF Annual Report | 2023-24 9
Since 2011, SACF has collaborated withnonprofit partner Sturgis NeighborhoodProgram (SNP) to address the housingshortage in the City of Sturgis. With the regionfacing low housing inventory and rising homeprices, the Foundation has stepped in toprovide increasing levels of financial supportfor SNP throughout the years, most notablythrough its growing impact investmentsprogram, which provides low-interest loans toSNP for the rehabilitation of residential homesin the city. Impact investments allow SNP toaccess the financial backing necessary toacquire properties and execute renovations,with funds being returned to the Foundation,and reinvested into the community, after eachsale. In addition to renovation projects, thepartnership has expanded in recent years toinclude new initiatives like home construction.HousingINVESTING IN NEIGHBORHOODS Currently, SACF is financially supporting apartnership between SNP and the CTEBuilding Trades Program, which allows localstudents to participate in the construction of anew home each school year. This partnershipnot only benefits local housing conditions, butalso supports career development in thetrades. Through these efforts, both SNP andSACF continue to tackle the housing crisistogether, while promoting long-termcommunity growth.“Sturgis Neighborhood Program is gratefulfor the SACF’s support and partnership inpursuit of our mission to improve livingconditions within the Sturgis Community.”Kathryn Myers, Sturgis NeighborhoodProgram Executive DirectorSACF Annual Report | 2023-2410
nearly 1 in 5 Michiganchildren live in poverty52% of St. Joseph Countysurvey respondentsreported paying more than10% of Household Incomeon child careView southwestMichigan‘s RegionalChildcare Plan in fullusing this QR codeKey to the plan is the recommendation to launchimplementation teams in each county throughout southwestMichigan. Sturgis Area Community Foundation will lead effortsin St. Joseph County supported with private funding and incontinued partnership with Pulse at the W.E. Upjohn Institute. “Childcare is critical infrastructure,” explains Kathy SzendaWilson, Co-Director of Pulse at the W.E. Upjohn Institute. “Inorder for our communities and families to thrive, we mustensure that childcare is available, affordable and quality. SACFstepping up as an implementation partner has been key to thesuccess of our shared goals. Together we'll make progress onthis important issue.” Sturgis Area Community Foundation is proud to support a newplan created by Pulse at the W.E. Upjohn Institute that putssouthwest Michigan on the path toward more affordable andaccessible childcare. This comprehensive plan follows anexpansive survey and engagement with partners representingall facets of the childcare landscape. SACF Annual Report | 2023-24 13Early Learning & CareCOLLABORATING ON CHILDCARE
With support from SACF’s Sturgis SUCCESSEndowment Fund, the Sturgis SUCCESSprogram helps Sturgis High School studentsnavigate one of the most complicated aspectsof the college application process - thecompletion of the Free Application for FederalStudent Aid (FAFSA). FAFSA completion programs are vital forincreasing college access and affordability,especially for students from low-income andunderrepresented backgrounds. The SturgisSUCCESS program helps students and familiesnavigate the often confusing and complexFAFSA process, ensuring that studentsmaximize their eligibility for financial aid,including grants, scholarships, and loans.“Sturgis SUCCESS is dedicated to ensuringevery senior completes the FAFSA. Weguide students through the process,visiting each class and keeping track tooffer help whenever needed. Our goal is toreach 100% completion and, last year, weimproved our completion rate by 10%.” Brooke Moses, Career Prep Coordinator In Sturgis, an estimated 16% of families livebelow the poverty line and more than half ofstudents qualify for reduced or free lunch,making programs like Sturgis SUCCESSincredibly important. By guiding studentssuccessfully through the application process,Sturgis SUCCESS reduces financial barriersthat might prevent students from attendingcollege or trade school. SACF Annual Report | 2023-2414Educational AttainmentSUPPORTING STUDENT SUCCESS
Unrestricted FundsUnrestricted Funds focus on meeting the changing needsof local communities and provide the primary source offunding for community impact grants. Donors may opt todirect funding to a specific community when establishingan unrestricted fund.Creating lasting impact16 SACF Annual Report | 2023-24
Adele M. Gray FundThe Fund for ConstantineDr. Paul and Barbara Brothers FundEdwin & Marguerite Haines Memorial FundFoundation Support FundLawrence G. & Onalee M. Hopkins FundMasil W. and Eleanor M. Wyer FundNext Generation Fund for SturgisOldenburg Family FundThe Fund for SturgisThe Patrick Arseneau Memorial Fund(Sponsored by the Open Door Gallery)The Fund for White Pigeon William & Helen Doyle FundSACF Annual Report | 2023-24 17Unrestricted Funds
Maximizing Your ImpactWHY DONORS CHOOSE TO SUPPORT UNRESTRICTED FUNDSSACF Annual Report | 2023-24 19Flexibility to Address Emerging Needs: Unrestricted funds allow the Foundation to respondquickly to urgent, unforeseen or emerging challenges. This adaptability ensures that resourcesare directed to areas of greatest need as situations evolve. For example, in 2020, unrestrictedfunds enabled the Foundation to work with donors to create emergency hardship programs thatdelivered critical resources to residents and nonprofits impacted by the pandemic.Holistic Community Impact: SACF has a broad understanding of local needs and can allocateunrestricted funds to the most impactful initiatives across sectors that deeply impact quality oflife. Donors trust the Foundation to take a comprehensive approach to improving thecommunity.Sustained Long-Term Solutions: While restricted funds often target specific causes, unrestrictedfunds empower the Foundation to support sustainable, long-term initiatives. This can lead tosystemic change by addressing root causes rather than just short-term symptoms.Builds Resilience in Communities: By providing unrestricted funds, donors help build theFoundation’s capacity to support long-term resilience, enabling communities to withstand andrecover from future challenges.Encourages Collaborative Solutions: With unrestricted funds, the Foundation brings togetherdiverse stakeholders—nonprofits, businesses, government, and other funders—to collaborate oncomplex, multi-faceted issues, creating a broader and deeper impact.
Field of InterestFundsField of Interest Funds allow you to support an area ofinterest that you define. You identify an area of charitableinterest (e.g., education, the arts, seniors, etc.), then SACFidentifies organizations and makes grants to supportcauses that best fit your interests.Supporting the causes youcare about mostSACF Annual Report | 2023-2420
ARCH Continuation Endowment FundBeverly McCullough Music Performance FundBob, Nancy, and Scott Sutton FundCarlson Constantine Education FundClare and Jane Wiedlea FundConstantine Youth Advisory Council FundDaisy Marie Allabach FundDaniel E. Martin FundElks Club Boots and Shoes FundHealthy Youth & Healthy Seniors FundJohn E. McKillen Golf Memorial FundJohn Oster Memorial FundLucy Gallup Pet Haven Endowment FundPerry Family Youth for the Arts FundRichard & Mary Magee Business EnterpriseFundRichard & Mary Magee FundRosemary Thomasma FundSNP Sturgis Building Trades Support FundSt. Joseph County Great Start CollaborationEarly Childhood Implementation FundSt. Joseph County Homeless Prevention FundSturgis Community Music FundSturgis Garden Club Horticultural CivicBeautification FundSturgis SUCCESS Endowment FundThe Spirit FundYouth Advisory Council FundField of InterestFunds in Action“Because of grants from the RosemaryThomasma Fund, we have been able tokeep the costs of our youth tennis camp tojust $25 per child for full four weeks eachsummer.” Mike Liston, Doyle Community CenterSince 2012, the RosemaryThomasma Fund has madesummer tennis affordable forlocal youth.SACF Annual Report | 2023-24 21Field of Interest Funds
In addition to his teaching roles, Dilts serves as a math tutor,summer-school teacher, and is an active member of the SturgisLions Club. His peers describe him as "just amazing”, and Diltshimself expressed that his motivation comes from seeing thecommunity’s needs and making a difference. He emphasizesthe importance of giving back, noting that teaching adulteducation helps him make a full-circle impact on thecommunity.Celebrating Local Classroom HeroOSTER FUND RECOGNIZES EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION“The impact of teachinggoes far beyond what youever know. You don’t do itfor the accolades. Seeingthe community need, that’swhat inspires me the most.Giving back and helping inthe community where I canis important to me. That’sone of the reasons why Ialso teach adult ed, tomake a full-circle impact. Ittakes a village to raise achild.” Tyson Dilts, Sturgis PublicSchools TeacherSturgis Public Schools teacher Tyson Dilts received the 2023-24John E. Oster Award for Excellence in Teaching, an honor givenannually to a teacher in the district who demonstrates highprofessional standards, dedication to the Sturgis community,and a positive impact on students and education. The award,named after late Sturgis attorney John Oster, highlights Dilts'exceptional efforts both in and out of the classroom.Superintendent Art Ebert praised Dilts, who has taught firstgrade for seven years, for his commitment to teaching duringthe day and working in adult education in the evenings.SACF Annual Report | 2023-24 23
Designated FundsDesignated Funds allow donors to choose one or morespecific charitable organizations to support. Grants arethen restricted to these organizations alone. These fundsare great for donors who already know the specificorganization(s) they would like to support, or for nonprofitorganizations seeking to build a sustainable source offunding for the future. Building sustainabilitySACF Annual Report | 2023-2424
Arend/Sturgis Neighborhood Program FundAugspurger Pool FundAugspurger Tennis Courts FundBarbara Hochstetler Youth for Christ Inc.,Southwest Michigan Endowment FundCamp Fort Hill Endowment FundCamp Fort Hill Principal and Income FundCamp Fort Hill Support FundChildren’s Concerns of St. Joseph County FundDale E. Gray Council of the Arts Endowment Doyle Community Center FundElks Club of Sturgis Community Activities FundFlora Beck Performing Arts Endowment FundFranks Park Endowment FundJames E. Riley Memorial FundKelly & Marilyn Murphy Salvation Army FundKiwanis Club of Sturgis Endowment FundKlinger Lake Area Conservancy FundLake Area Christian School Endowment FundLifeCare Ambulance Endowment FundLucy Gallup Sturgis Public Library MemorialFundMunson Family Endowment Fund for MessiahLutheran ChurchOpen Door Gallery FundPatricia A. Franks Council of the ArtsEndowment FundPaul H. Casault Senior Center Memorial FundPaul J. & Nancy L. Troyer Fund for HospiceRobert & Delores Probst Camp Fort Hill YouthActivities FundRobert & Marian Hair Sturgis History FundRooted Safehouse FundSpence Field Endowment FundSt. Joseph County Enrichment Center/SturgisSenior Activity Center FundSt. Joseph County United Way EndowmentFundSturges-Young Auditorium Capital FundSturges-Young Auditorium FundSturges-Young Auditorium Programming FundSturgis Area Business/Education Alliance FundSturgis Bark Park Endowment FundSturgis Community Pool FundSturgis Depot & Freight Depot PreservationFundSturgis Historical Museum at the Depot FundSturgis Historical Society FundSturgis Hospital Endowment FundSturgis Instrumental Music Alumni AssociationFundSturgis Pregnancy Helpline Endowment FundSturgis Pregnancy Helpline Non-EndowedFundSturgis Public Library Endowment FundSturgis Rotary Club Leadership/BusinessScholarship and Grant FundSturgis Vocational Education/TrojanManufacturing Solutions Center FundSturgis Woman’s Club Clubhouse FundThurston Woods Village Foundation FundTodd D. and Diana L. Maynard Sturgis HighSchool Music Program FundTrojan Legacy Marketing FundTrojan Timbers Playground FundWhite Pigeon Township Library FundWhite Pigeon Township Library Outreach FundSACF Annual Report | 2023-24 25Designated Funds
SACF Annual Report | 2023-24 27Sustaining the SoundMAYNARD FUND ISSUES FIRST GRANT TO SHS BAND PROGRAMThe Todd D. and Diana L. Maynard SHS MusicProgram Fund was established in lovingmemory of lifelong Sturgis resident DianaMaynard. A tribute to Diana’s passion andcommitment to music, the Fund providesannual support to the music programs thatDiana once participated in as a student andlater served as a volunteer.During the 2023-24 fiscal year, the MaynardFund issued its first grant in support of theSturgis High School band program. Fundinghelped the band program purchase newmusic, instruments, and helped cover costs ofthe summer band camp. “Sustaining a thriving music programrequires a collective effort. We areimmensely grateful for the generouscontributions, especially from the MaynardFund, that have played a vital role in thesuccess of the Sturgis band program.”Jim Whitehead, SHS Band Instructor
Donor-Advised FundsA Donor-Advised Fund is a charitable giving vehicle thatoffers immediate tax advantages while enabling you tosupport your chosen charities at your own pace. It serves asa more efficient and cost-effective alternative to private orfamily foundations. As a donor, you play an active role byrecommending grants from your fund to nonprofitorganizations that align with your interests. Fueling your philanthropySACF Annual Report | 2023-2428
1st Lt. Johnathan W. Edds Memorial FundAnimal Care FundDoe/Felt FundEric and Lynn Jones Family FundEugene and Bobette Melchi Family FundGraydon C. & Marion R. Fox FundJames & Jeannie Gerchow FundMcClain Oster FundMetz/Christenson Family FundMighty Matt Keyser FundNewell A. & Grace A. Franks FundPaul & Jean Casault Family Grant FundPlaying for Peyton FundRaymond H. Dresser, Jr. & Gretchen M. DresserFund Windy City FundSACF Annual Report | 2023-24 29Donor-Advised Funds
Last year, Sturgis Area Community Foundationpartnered with friends and family of Sturgisresident Peyton Render to establish apermanent endowment in his memory. ThePlaying for Peyton Fund will supportcharitable causes in Peyton’s memory forever.As a donor-advised fund, Peyton’s family willbe able to play an active role inrecommending grants from the fund,supporting causes that were special to Peyton,and creating a lasting, meaningful legacy.Playing for PeytonA LASTING LEGACY FOR PEYTON ROBERT RENDER“SACF is always a source of good, butsometimes, it is also a source of healing -a way for individuals, families, and ourcommunity to collectively grieve andcelebrate life through philanthropy.” Lindsay Aguilar, SACF ExecutiveDirector Peyton Robert Render was born in Sturgis onSeptember 26, 2014, a son of Cody andMichelle (Sobata) Render. A third grader atEastwood Elementary School, Peyton did wellin school and loved playing sports includingbasketball, flag football, and especiallybaseball for the Junior Trojan team. When hewasn't in school or playing sports, Peytonenjoyed time with his family, picking on histwo younger sisters, and indulging a growinglove for the outdoors and fishing. He adoredplaying with his cousins and his neighborhoodfriends. Peyton always had a smile on his faceand was a joy and blessing to all who knewhim. ABOUT PEYTONSACF Annual Report | 2023-24 31
Scholarship FundsScholarship Funds enable donors to create a permanentsource of support for local students. These funds allowdonors to define key eligibility criteria for awards that maybe based on merit, need, or academic performance tobenefit students of any age, background, or educationallevel. Opening doors to educationSACF Annual Report | 2023-2432
Anonymous Scholarship FundAustin Stemen Scholarship for the TradesBill Shinn & Julia Shinn Mingus ScholarshipFundBudd & Helen Munson Scholarship in Memoryof Michael P. MunsonBudd Munson Tennis Scholarship FundCharles A. Sturges FundJean and Colleen Yunker Scholarship FundCornelius J. and Lillian Geimer FundDaisy & Graydon B. Allabach Scholarship FundDaniel C. Pursley & Karen E. Pursley MemorialScholarshipDave Locey Kiwanis Club of Sturgis MemorialFundDeloris Schenk Scholarship FundDon Gage Scholarship FundDon Mathews Scholarship for the TradesDr. Aurora F. DeCastro Scholarship FundDuffield Memorial Fund in Memory of Dick &Edith DuffieldEllen Eisele Memorial FundElizabeth Peckham Memorial Scholarship FundErnest V. Schaeffer Memorial Scholarship FundEvelyn H. Schwenk & Florence M. SchwenkScholarshipFORL FundFrank & Ethel Kime Bogen Scholarship FundHackman Family Trinity Lutheran SchoolScholarshipHarley & Eva Pierce Memorial Scholarship FundHarold, Catherine & James Young ScholarshipFundHarold & Jean (Dickinson) Mann & Karen (Mann-Herber) Heimann Healthcare Endowment FundHoward & Dorothy Kendrick Scholarship inMemory of Rebecca HooleyJack and Carol Deller Scholarship FundJamie Casault Memorial FundJane & Wesley Hubbard FundJessie S. Schaeffer Memorial FundJohn E. Brand Memorial FundJohn T. Svendsen 5/11 FundJulia Renee Zimmerman Scholarship FundKirsten L. Carter FundLillian M. Anway Scholarship FundLucy A. Gallup Memorial FundMargaret Adams Scholarship FundMartin E. Peck & Wanda V. Peck EducationFundOlin Lepard/Robert Lewis Memorial FundPhyllis E. Gray Sports Scholarship FundPythian Sisters Pocahontas Temple No. 121ScholarshipRalph & Marie McCarthy Memorial ScholarshipRobert & Barbara Hackman MemorialScholarshipRosalie R. and Leonard L. Eishen ScholarshipFundSACF Scholarship Endowment FundSturgis Public Schools Endowment FundSusan Poffenberger Memorials ScholarshipTheodore R. & Rita A. Combs FundTim and Denell Reilly FundVictoria Lee Poffenberger MemorialScholarshipVirginia Langworthy Wyman Math ScholarshipScholarship FundsSACF Annual Report | 2023-24 33
“First-generation students often faceunique financial and social challengeswhen pursuing higher education and maylack the family experience or resources tonavigate the college process. This makesscholarships critical in removing financialbarriers. We know that St. Joseph Countystruggles with educational attainmentrates when compared with other countiesso aligning scholarship goals to help movethat needle is exciting.”Anna Brand, SACF Program OfficerThe Dr. Aurora DeCastro Scholarship is the firstof its kind at SACF. The scholarship, totaling$40,000 over four years, is awarded to onegraduating senior annually and specificallytargets first-generation college students(students from homes where neither parenthas completed a four-year college degree).This year, SACF piloted the selection processwith St. Joseph County high schools. In 2025,the scholarship will open to students in St.Joseph, Cass and Elkhart County, according toDr. DeCastro’s wishes. Dr. Aurora DeCastro, who immigrated fromCuba as a young girl and built a successfulcareer in the U.S., established the scholarshipto help others further their education. Anotable inventor and businesswoman, shepassed away in 2023 but left a lasting legacythrough this scholarship fund.Three Rivers High School senior Aryana Gould received the 2024 Dr. Aurora DeCastro Scholarship. Gouldwill attend University of Michigan - Ann Arbor where she plans to study Political Science.Breaking BarriersNEW SCHOLARSHIP EMPOWERS FIRST-GENERATION STUDENTSSACF Annual Report | 2023-24 35
Scholarship RecipientsLuke FrostMax FusaroRobert FusaroAshley GarciaCindy GonzalezAryana GouldZachary GreenPreston GumpAlivia HallDrake Harker Mikayla HartzellBranson HernandezClaire HoltzCarli HulettAspen Hyska Liv JohnsonJacie KingHunter KosmerickDustin KrontzCallahan LambAmy LedyardAllison LittlefieldCecilia Lopez-NievesLiliana Luna-LillyAdilene Martinez-CarmonaCohen McGeeEdward MillerGrady MillerFatima AlcantarAlex Arroyo-MaldonadoSydney BachellerElijah BatesChloe BehrendsKenzie BrownVanessa BucioGeorge BucklinMacey BurgessTeagan BushEmily BylerRylee CarverGibson CaryDenise CastroTristan ClarkEloise ComptonDylan ConeyCristian Correa CarmonaGregory CrawfordBella CulliferAshton CulpElaina EicherRiley EicherCollin FeatherstoneOlivia FeyesMarisol Flores MontoyaPaige FosterMichael FrankowskiMarkus MillerMcKenna MillerAubrey MonroePaola MundoNghi NgoTaner PatrickLily PetersKayleen ShuppTyler SikorskiBryce SpeelmanAshley SutterDalton TisdelAlexis TobiasJane TonerBrooke TroyerRodrigo UrbinaAmaya WalkerCole WalkerKylee WeinbergMatthew WickeySACF Annual Report | 2023-2436
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YouthPhilanthropySACF Youth Advisory Council (YAC) programs are comprised ofhigh school students from Sturgis and Constantine. YAC membersmeet regularly to discuss important issues affecting youth in thecommunity. Additionally, they review grant proposals that aim toenhance the lives of young people in the area.
Elevating Youth Voices By involving youth in philanthropy, the Community Foundation ensures that its initiatives aremore inclusive, relevant, and reflective of the needs and perspectives of the younger generation,building a stronger, more engaged community for the future.YAC’S MISSIONTo positively influence the youth of our communities by giving our time, skills, and financialresources.YAC’S VALUESLeadership - Empowering youth to take initiative, lead by example, and inspire positive change.Inclusivity - Creating an environment where all youth voices are heard and valued.Innovation - Encouraging creative thinking to address the evolving needs of youth in our area.Service - Committing to giving back and making a difference in the lives of others.YAC’S HISTORYThe Youth Advisory Council Fund was established in 1996 with help from a challenge grant fromthe W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Since 1999, the YAC Fund has generated nearly $1 million in totalassets. More importantly, since its inception, the program has awarded more than $400,000 toprograms that address relevant, pressing issues for local youth.SACF Annual Report | 2023-24 39
ConstantineYouth Advisory CouncilAmaya Walker, PresidentChase Gray, TreasurerOlivia Ransbottom, SecretaryParker SharpRiley SmithCarly HicksCOUNCIL MEMBERSHigh School Recycling ContainersMiddle School 8th Grade Holiday Visit & TripChristmas Shopping for Constantine YouthSpotlight for Drama PerformancesMiddle School ScanMarker Reader PensMiddle School Journalism & Broadcasting ClassGRANT RECIPIENTS"The Youth Advisory Council is not just a group; it's a platform whereyoung people can actively contribute, learn leadership skills, and make areal difference. I want everyone to know that we are dedicated to creatingopportunities for youth and making Constantine a place where everyyoung person feels valued and empowered."Amaya Walker, Constantine YAC PresidentSACF Annual Report | 2023-2440
SACF Annual Report | 2023-24 41CASA - Advocacy for Children in St. Joseph CountyYouth For Christ Building RenovationsThurston Woods Philanthropy ProjectChristmas Shopping for Sturgis YouthSHS English 10 College VisitRooted Safe HouseGRANT RECIPIENTSSturgis Youth Advisory CouncilAlan Montoya, President Luke Frost, Vice PresidentLiliana Luna-Lilly, SecretaryIan Johnson, TreasurerEdison TranJane TonerZach GreenMia AlbarranKaitlyn StoneOlivia HappelCaroline HughesJimena Lopez-NievesAna BucioTessa HattMyah BurkeyValeria CastroCaleb HohnAlex ValdezMaritza SanchezHenry EbertCOUNCIL MEMBERS"As President, I want everyone to know that we’rehere to help—whether it’s starting a new club atschool, supporting community initiatives,developing youth programs, or listening tocommunity ideas. Your voice is just as important asours, and we’re here for you."Alan Montoya, Sturgis YAC President
CACF FUNDSCarlson Constantine Education FundFund for Constantine Constantine Youth Advisory Council FundDon Mathews Scholarship FundEdwin & Marguerite Haines Memorial FundHarold & Jean (Dickinson) Mann & Karen (Mann-Herber) Heimann Healthcare Endowment FundJack and Carol Deller Scholarship FundKirsten L. Carter FundMunson Family Endowment Fund for MessiahEvangelical Lutheran Church FundOldenburg Family FundVirginia Langworthy Wyman Math ScholarshipKathy Messner, PresidentRob BeachyDerek BettsAustin CooperKaren HeimannMark HoneysettDoug MathewsDan SorensenMegan SorensenJennifer PlatzJan RimerMax TavernierADVISORY BOARD MEMBERSConstantine Area Community FoundationConstantine Area Community Foundation (CACF) is an affiliate of the Sturgis Area CommunityFoundation, dedicated to serving the charitable needs of the Constantine community. Guided bya local advisory board, CACF allocates grants to nonprofit organizations and institutions workingto enhance the quality of life in the Constantine area.SACF Annual Report | 2023-2442
Trina AmbrisAustin Cooper AgencyInc.Tim and Christine BakerSteven and Jean BarrusRoberta BaumDerek and Annette BettsMr. and Mrs. CharlesBoeschensteinBrandon Brew-Ambris Ida BucholtzDavid and Joetta CherrySharon ClevelandJeremiah CordleKristin CroweDelta Sigma Phi WMULawrence and RebeccaDoddTom DoubledayMichael and Joy FreudePhyllis GieraKaren HeimannDon and Robyn HuttonSusan JohnsonRod and Sharon JudayChristine LangworthyJames Langworthy MDChad LeibyJustin and Jill LozoAlan MaciagLarry and Marian MalloEbert and Laura MarchDoug and RubyMathewsMeeks Mill Garden Club Mark and KarenMellingerLisa MerchantMessiah LutheranChurchMike and Kathy Messner Malia MorrisonJay and Deb NihartCynthia PetreJennifer PlatzAhmer RehmanKenneth and Jan RimerKyle and Megan RimerDianne SchaeferJohn SchmelzlePam SchulmanGraham SellersDan and MeganSorensen Maryann SparksMike and Niki TulleyJoelen ZimontCACF DonorsINSPIRING GIVINGSACF Annual Report | 2023-2444
With the support of a grant from the Constantine AreaCommunity Foundation, a brand-new press box wasconstructed, creating a beautiful new showcase for the park.Constantine Little League Coach and family friend ShastaMcCallie expressed her gratitude for the Foundation's support,saying the grant further memorialized Allie and turned thecommunity's grief into inspiration. The dedication ceremonyand the plaque now serve as lasting reminders of Allie's spiritand the community's love for her. Board President KathyMessner shared the Foundation's pride in helping keep Allie'smemory alive. Thanks to the Foundation's grant and thecommunity's generous contributions of time, labor, and money,"Allie's Field" will stand as a powerful symbol of one person'simpact on a community for years to come.Making Allie’s Field a RealityHONORING ALLISON SUE GRANT"I’d like to give a hugeheartfelt thank you to theConstantine Area CommunityFoundation for awarding thegrant to build the press-boxfor Allie’s Field. By awardingthe grant, CACF has furthermemorialized Allie. In doingso, the grief and loss felt byAllie’s family, friends,teammates, coaches, and therest of the Constantine LittleLeague Community, has beenturned into inspiration byshowing Constantine trulycares about her, and thecommunity as a whole." Shasta McCallieIn August 2022, the Constantine Little League community wasdeeply saddened by the loss of a remarkable young girl, AllisonSue Grant. To honor her memory, her family dedicatedcontributions to Constantine Little League, inspiring therenaming of Field 3 to "Allie's Field," where Allie spent much ofher time playing.SACF Annual Report | 2023-24 45
WPACF FUNDS1LT Johnathan W. Edds Memorial FundDaisy M. Allabach FundAdele M. Gray FundFund for White Pigeon Eric and Lynn Jones Family FundRichard and Mary Magee FundWhite Pigeon Township Library EndowmentFundWhite Pigeon Township Library Outreach FundEric Jones, ChairMichele BushShelly McBrideBobette MelchiBarb NiblockJackie KrullMarv SchneiderSally VallengaADVISORY BOARD MEMBERSWhite Pigeon Area Community FoundationWhite Pigeon Area Community Foundation (WPACF) is an affiliate of the Sturgis AreaCommunity Foundation, dedicated to serving the charitable needs of the White Pigeoncommunity. Guided by a local advisory board, WPACF allocates grants to nonprofit organizationsand institutions working to enhance the quality of life in the White Pigeon area.SACF Annual Report | 2023-2446
WPACF DonorsINSPIRING GIVINGAbbvieChristopher and PatriciaAllmandAnonymous DonorJohn Appuhn and LyndaFord AppuhnKathleen ArenzTim BachRobert and NancyBaidasKirby Baker and ErinMelchi-BakerRoger BockChristopher and DinahBowersRobert and ShelleyCartwrightSusan ClinePeggy Cox and MarkWaszakGretchen DresserRalph GillumChuck and NancyDiGiovanniSidney and Jean HagenDonald and Susan GrantNancy HaslerCarol HoopesKenneth HoskinsHerman and ConnieHouinEric and Lynn JonesLinda KennerMrs. Sugar KirschTed KrullMichael and MelissaKrullJohn and PhyllisMaichenJim and Nancy Marks Carmen MarkstromJohn and Lorie McGrathEugene and BobetteMelchiTerri MillerMichael and HeidiNeedhamRick and Patti NeedhamRob NeedhamVictoria NeedhamRonald and NoreenOwczarzakJudith Lee PooleSusan PottsAndy and Teresa RiethSheila RileyPhilip RollinsPatrick RollinsEmily RollinsJoseph SaundersMarv and JulieSchneiderElaine L. StjernholmNoah TroyerMark and SharolWatkinsLeslie WeinbergWhite Pigeon Class of1965White Pigeon TownshipLibrarySACF Annual Report | 2023-2448
For many community members, visiting the library is not alwaysfeasible due to various limitations. By removing these barriers,the Bookmobile will ensure that everyone, regardless of theircircumstances, can benefit from the library's offerings. Thiscommitment to equity of access is a significant step towardenhancing the overall quality of life within the community.The White Pigeon Township Library's vision for the Bookmobilealigns with broader community goals of education,engagement, and empowerment. With support from localcommunity partners, the library is making strides towardensuring that every resident has the tools they need to learn,grow, and thrive.“Our bookmobile will allowus to reach those whocan’t easily visit the librarydue to mobility,transportation, or socio-economic limitations. Thegoal is to invest in thefuture of the communityby removing barriers andproviding equity of accessfor all citizens. Ourrelationship with SACF, ourpatrons, and our manysponsors will help us dojust that.”Perri Saunders, White Pigeon TownshipLibraryAccess to books and educational resources plays a vital role inbuilding strong, informed, and resilient communities.Recognizing the power of knowledge, the White PigeonTownship Library is embarking on an exciting new initiative: thecreation of a Bookmobile, or "traveling library." The Bookmobilewill bring books, resources, and essential library services directlyto residents who face challenges in accessing the library due tomobility, transportation, or other socio-economic barriers.SACF Annual Report | 2023-24 49Bringing Books to Your DoorWHITE PIGEON TOWNSHIP LIBRARY BOOKMOBILE
Kirby Baker and ErinMelchi-BakerMichael BakerScott BakerTim and Christine BakerLorraine Idriss BallKathleen BappertMelissa BarlowFrances BarnesKathleen BarnesLuci BarnesMargaret BarnesSteven and Jean BarrusDavid BarthBob BattjesPatrick and Mary BauerRoberta BaumCarl and Terri BaumeisterJames L. BeatteyMaria BehrChris BellJohn and Teresa BeloteMax and Beverley BenneJohn BensonJeffrey and Jennifer BerryThomas and Babs BettcherDerek and Annette BettsKelly BibbEric BilenkoRoger and Ann BirdPhyllis BishopJames and Barbara BlainJohn and BarbaraBlanchardJohn and Mary Blasius Abbott LaboratoriesAdrian and Lindsay AguilarChristopher and PatriciaAllmandTrina AmbrisSusan AmburgeyDarrell and Marty AmlinDave and Karol AndreeJohn and SharmanAnkenbruckAnonymous DonorBrandon AnsariJohn Appuhn and LyndaFord AppuhnRose ArbanasDavid Arend and TelkaArend-RitterKathleen ArenzMatthew ArnoldCharles and Cheryl ArverReed and AssociatesSalvador AtecaGeorgia AustermannAustin Cooper Agency Inc.Autoquality LLC/MeyersAutomotive ServiceHoward R. Avildsen and JoE. MorrissonHarlan BloodMichael and Jill BobalikRoger BockMr. and Mrs. CharlesBoeschensteinMary BogartMark and Kelly BogenBogen Concrete, Inc.Stephen and Carol BolandKelly Renner BooneTyler BourassaChristopher and DinahBowersJulie BoydenAnna Brand Dave and Lynn BrandEric BranzMary BrauerMichael BrendMary Beth BrennemanDr. Thomas and JulieBrennerBrandon Brew-AmbrisJames BroadbridgeJohn BrociekCarol BrodMichael BronstetterBarbara J. BrothersBob and Lori BrothersJim and Laura BrottJ.C. BrownRobert and Linda BruceFrances and Laura BruniIda BucholtzDeann BuckholdAMargaret BaberTim BachRobert and Nancy BaidasHope BaileyDavid BakerMrs. Judy BakerKim BakerBSACF Annual Report | 2023-2450Donors
Ann CochranTed and Jane CombsWendell Cook ComptonTherese ConradJeremiah CordleAnthony and Lynn CotranoPeggy Cox and MarkWaszakThomas Cratin, D.D.S.Sharon and ChristineCreadonJohn and Muge Crone Gretchen CropseyKristin CroweMichael CushingNames in green represent SACF Loyalty Circle Members. Loyalty Circle Members have supported theCommunity Foundation with any gift amount for at least five years or have made gifts totaling $5,000 or more.Janet CampagnoliMari CampbellBrad and Deb CapmanAmanda CarpenterKevin CarrPatricia CarrAllison CarterRobert and ShelleyCartwrightMike CavanaghMichael J. and LauraCaywoodCenter for Health andWellness of Sturgis PCCentury Bank and TrustSerena Wolf-CergizanDebbie CheathamDavid and Joetta CherryMichael ChiovariCity of SturgisMr. and Mrs. Richard Clark Linda ClarkAmy Vogt ClausingSharon ClevelandSusan ClineMike and Chris ClipfellCMatt and Patty DavidsonJenifer Taylor-DavisJoseph and Margaret DavisScott DavisJames DawsonGary DayDr. Aurora F. DeCastro Trust Ms. Melissa DelaryeBuddy and ElizabethDenmanRobert and Mary PatDeputyStephen and Sue DeterCalvin DetrickBrian DewerffStephen and Theresa Diehl Chuck and NancyDiGiovanniLora DinnonDMichael and Mary EckertKeith and Jodi EichlerJohn and Linda EiselFather James F. EiseleLeonard and Rosalie EishenKimberly EmersonWarren and Laurie EnglishDan and Barb EvertEFarmers State BankJim and Christine FarrisMichael and Anne FasslerMollie FeltJudith FerrelTimothy FerrelJohn and Esther FeyesAmanda FeyesFiebig Jewelers, Inc.Ron and Pat FimbelFrank and CathyFinnermanDavid FisherTheresa FlanaganBill and Joan FoleyFEthel BuhlJulie BulowSheryl BurlingameThomas Burns and BhartiPatelBurr Oak Tool Inc.Jennifer BurrisSandra BurrisDavid and Kimberly BuschLauren DobberteenLawrence and RebeccaDoddMike and Debbie DoeTom and Lori DoubledayThomas and MicheleDrennanGretchen DresserJohn and Mary DresserBetsie Drumm51SACF Annual Report | 2023-24
Karen HeimannJackie HeipleGeraldine HendricksNicholas HerbletChris and Shawn HermonTerence HeuelNed and Sally HeydlauffSherry HibbardPatricia HildebrandKurt and Dedee HillSusan HoersterPhillip and Pam HoffineRick and StephanieHolcombRyan and Audra HolmesCarol HoopesKenneth HoskinsHerman and Connie HouinLarry and Esther HowellRick and Pamela HowellMatt and Allison HuffMcKenna HuffstutterLarry and Kathy Humphreys John HunterDon and Robyn HuttonEdmund GalvinScott and Sarah GardnerG R and Judith GattonMarcus and Kate Gauthier Jennifer GauthierDaniel and Susan Geeting Kelly GibsonPhyllis GieraSam GillilandRalph GillumNicole GittingerMs. Mary GloverDennis and SusanGoodpasterPaul and Dianne GorsuchBruce and Leslie GoslingDesiree GosselinkCraig GrabeGRamze and Alison IdrissPeter and Denise IllingKurt and Marcia InmanDavid IntorciaSharon IsaksenIJoseph and Joyce Haas HaasCaywood PCGreg and Amy Hackman Hackman Family FuneralHomes Sidney and Jean HagenMary K. Hahn Doris Hale Laureen Hall Tom and Sue Hamilton Chris and Amy Hamlin Gary Hansen and KimLamson Larry W. Harker Nick Harker Keihly Hart Susan Harter-Martin Phil and Denna Hartman Wink and Cristi Harvey Nancy Hasler Fredericka Hastings Marla Hatfield Ned and Mary HaylettHPat ForsytheDylan and Jodi FosterGraydon and Marion FoxFrank Perez InsuranceAgencyDavid FrankJoan FranksLeeAnn FranksNewell and Kelly FranksRyan and Mary FranksThomas and Mildred FrawleyJeff FreemanR Freeman TrustMichael and Joy FreudeDon and Cathye FrostMrs. Coral FryMichael and Lisa GraberDonald and Susan GrantRyan and Melissa GrantBarbara GrayAlex GreenEmerson and Audrey Green Gregory GriffinJack and Joan GrimWeiland GroupMary GuinnBrent and Marti Gutwein52 SACF Annual Report | 2023-24Donors
Lakeshore Townhomes ofKlinger Lake CondominiumAssociationKelli LambChristine LangworthyJames Langworthy MDKath LavidgeWilliam and Julie LavidgeJamie and Lynn LegoChad LeibyLAlan Maciag Gene and KathleenMadigan Richard Magee Michael MainLarry and Marian Mallo Ebert and Laura March Michael Marien Jim and Nancy Marks Carmen MarkstromMRita KahleFrank and Sarah KalaskyLinda KaneJames and Lynne KaseyHerb and Dorothy KeelerJ. Robert and Judi KeimKristin KelleyW. Quinn and Dorothy Kelly Linda KennerKeith KerchnerKaren KeyserKeith and Holly KeyserSarah KileyRuth KingMark and Allison KirschMrs. Sugar KirschEric and Leasa KistlerDiane KitchellRosemary KlingerKlinger Lake Country ClubKKlingler ManagementServices, LLCJeffrey and Kathryn Knautz Richard KnoedlerDavid KobzaJane Wiedlea KoehlerMelissa KomrskaRoger and TheresaKomrskaGeorge and Cynthia Koplos Robert and Lucy KoszykRobert and Carol KrashenThomas and KathyrnKrasnewichFrancis and RobynKrawczakTimothy and ColleenKrellwitzKaryl KrepsMichael and Melissa KrullTom and Jackie KrullTed KrullMrs. Merry KrzemienskiKS Auto ServiceMichael KurkowskiAlicia KyleKevin and Colleen Lenhard Gilbert and Vicki LeRoque Pete and Sharon Liegl David Lillvis and CanonMeredith Hunt James and Joan LindsleyStacy LinihanJim and Jackie LioyStephen and KatherineLittle Elizabeth Lively-HagbergKeith and Susan LlorensCherie LoceyMichael and Connie LoefflPatricia LoefflCindy LoganJohn LongoJohn and Kerry Longo Rosemary Longo-High Justin and Jill Lozo Shelly Luce Tyler and Brooke Luce Jeanine Lugo Theresa Lutz-Hopkins Marcia JahnckeElizabeth JeffriesLinda JehlikJM Equipment, Inc.Bob and Patti JohnsonSusan JohnsonSuzae JohnsonDavid and Janice JonesEric and Lynn JonesJessica JozwiakRod and Sharon JudayJSACF Annual Report | 2023-24 53Donors
Mr. and Mrs. JeffreyMiddletonJohn and HeatherMikulenasAlexander and Cathy MillerDennis and Nani MillerTerri MillerAshley Riley MillerMichael B. MillerPatti Miller Tim and Laurie Miller John and Joyce MillsAnna Minar Jeffrey Mohney Barbara MontgomeryNelson Elizabeth Moore Stephen Morcos William and Joette Morden Daniel and Darlene More Kim More Morgan Olson LLC Kathy Morris Ms. Malia Morrison Keith and Alice Morton Donald and Mary Moses Matthew and Brooke Moses Carol Wilson-Mrock Clarence and NancyMroczkowski Esther Muehlberger Kelly and Marilyn Murphy Patrick Murphy Linda Robinson Murray Jon MykrantzBetsy Martin Ray and Gloria Martin Steve Martin Maynard Masters Doug and Ruby MathewsByron and Judy Matson Susan MayerTodd Maynard Joyce Mazzoni Charles and DeborahMcBrideDaniel McCarthyDennis and KathrynMcCarthy PhD Brian McConnellJohn and Lorie McGrath Tom McHaffie Mark and KathleenMcKillenBraeden McKillen Michael and Ella McTighe Mr. & Mrs. Loren Meabon James and Elena MeadowsBryan and KristinMecklenburg Meeks Mill Garden Club Mike and Cinda Meese Eugene and Bobette Melchi Mark and Karen Mellinger Lisa Merchant Mike and Kathy Messner Gary Metz Kim Meyer Christopher Meyer Mr. and Mrs. RichardMeyersMichael and HeidiNeedham Rick and Patti Needham Rob Needham Victoria NeedhamJudi NelsonStephen and Barb Niblock Troy and Madison Niblock Jay and Deb Nihart Stephanie NishiokaKathryn Norris Anna Northam John and Julie Novak Elizabeth Nusken and JohnWuorinenNOak Press Solutions, Inc. Olivia Oberc Elizabeth O'Dell Keith O'Dell Linda O'Dell Jane OdomVirginia Olds Ryan and Krissi Olsen Roger and Sharon Orebaugh Greg and Michelle Owczarzak Ronald and Noreen OwczarzakODavid Page and JudithJoslin-Page Clayton and LorrainePainterDavid Palmer Jennifer PalmerPSACF Annual Report | 2023-2454Donors
James and BarbaraPancoast Dr. and Mrs. Arsenio ParialSang J. Park Linda Parsons Courtney Patrick Thomas Pechin, MD Richard and Lois PelkeyLaura PennerKathy Perry Jackie Persing Tim and Kamela PetersonBeth PetersonCynthia PetreMorgan PhillipsTracy PiekarzHarley Pierce Jr.Eric PiersonTed PinoBrian and France PiteraJennifer PlatzAmy Jo PollerJudy PollockJudith Lee PooleSusan PottsCarol PrebleMr. and Mrs. Robert Puckett Tracie PueschelTimothy and Kalyn PullingBrian Quinn Debbie QuiterQRon and Carol RambadtGary and Cindy RauchJeremy RauchBryan RawlingsGarry RawlingsBobbie Ray Lindsey RayJ. Lynn ReedSteven RehkemperAhmer RehmanMr. Edgar Reihl P.E.Rob and Shelly RenderDon and Linda RiachAndy and Teresa RiethCathy RietschaBonnie RiggsSheila RileyKenneth and Jan RimerKyle and Megan RimerDarrel and Kerri RitchieAnita RitterAmy RobertsonEllen K. RobinsonPaul and Joanne RoeLarry RohrEmily RollinsPatrick RollinsPhilip RollinsRooted of St. JosephCounty, Inc.Sarah RosemaRichard and Emily Roth Emily RothRAnujeet Sahni Arlene Santelli Nathan and NatalieSaunders Joseph SaundersDianne Schaefer Renee Schaefer Dr. Sara S. Schaeffer, LPC,LMFT and Donald A.AmidonStephanie Harker Schau Melissa ScheireyEric and Marie Scheske Matt and Melissa Scheske John Schmelzle Marv and Julie Schneider Brent and Kelly Schroeder Mrs. Viola Schuler Pam Schulman James Schultz John Schwenger Mary ScottMarnie Segal Graham and Jean Sellers Thomas and Ann Semans Louis Senese Ryan Seymour Cathy Shank Kenneth and Karen SheltonSLynn Rovelstad James and Harriet Royer Jeff and Norene Rusteen Nancy RutledgeSACF Annual Report | 2023-24 55Donors
Sturgis Bank & TrustCompanySturgis Instrumental MusicAlumni AssocationSturgis Kiwanis Club Inc.Sturgis Public SchoolsMr. and Mrs. David SturgisGary SturgisCharlie Stutesman andJulie E. Daniels-StutesmanTimothy and MarthaStutzmanMr. and Mrs. Arne SwitalskiPatrick ShinnMs. Karen ShookDavid ShreinerGary ShreinerThomas and JudyShumakerRichard and DebraSingletonLyle and Barbara SissonRichard and Susan SleeperGary G. SmithMax and Laura SmithMollie SmithMonica SmithSharon SmithGreg SmokerMay SnowDonnie SnyderEverett SolonDan and Megan SorensenMaryann SparksAlfred and Jan SpinellKathy Skach-SpinelleSt. Joseph County UnitedWayTyler StahlEthel StearsMr. and Mrs. Robert W.Sterrett Jr.Kristine StevensGregg StevensAllan and Karen StimsonElaine L. StjernholmTim and Julie StollSteve and Laurie StroupBryan SturgisMr. and Mrs. Randy TackettCarol TafavotiBrian TallmadgeAnthony TarantinoKaren ThatcherMichael and CathieThomasmaElizabeth ThomasmaTeresa ThomasmaThomas and Jan ThomasmaJohn ThompsonLisa TisdelSusan TobinDuke and Margaret TomeiChad TomlinsonDrew TraxelCynthia TroutMrs. Nancy TroyerNoah TroyerMike and Niki TulleyLarry and Mary TylerTAndrew UlrichGeorge UshelaSusan UshelaUJames ValleroDavid VanCampDouglas and Ann VanMeter Ashley VerclerVW.E. Slitt & Sheet CompanyTerrance WaggonerRobert WaglerTimothy and Anne WalshMichael and Stacy WaltersDr. Phil and Isabel WardJerry and Jan WarstlerMark WatkinsJohn and Kelly WatsonJack WayneDaneil WebbLeslie WeinbergHaven WensingerJim and Pam WestermanTimothy WhalenRita WhiteWhite Pigeon TownshipLibraryJames and ElizabethWhiteheadJohn and Ann WiedleaSonya WilkinsPaul and Sara WilliamsSteve Wilson and DianaWells-WilsonWSACF Annual Report | 2023-2456Donors
Floyd and Karen YoderLavon and Esther YoderLyle YoderSandra YoungYSharlee ZalewskiStephanie ZannJean ZimmermanJoan ZimmermanRon ZimmermanBen and Kathyrn Zimont Joelen ZimontJoyce ZletzMark and Karin ZonaZMr. Daniel Wing and Mrs.Judith West-WingWings of Sturgis LLCDaniel and Sharon WinnikeJoanne WoiteshekNoel WojtulewiczWade and Julie WolfNina WolfeCharles and Roberta WolfeSteven Woods and AlisonSchmidt-WoodsGloria WoolleyTom and Tracy WulfDarcy WynesBarbara AmmermanPhyllis BalzerJames BalzerKathy BloodCarol DellerBarb EvertLawrence FranksBill GainesThomas HagertyMarian HairJulia’s 23rd BirthdayLinda KershnerMatthew William KeyserJack KirschMary Catherine MageeDiana MaynardMarjorie (Brand) McConnellJoe McMillinMary MettlerMarguerite Jean MillerEvelyn MyersEvelyn R. (Harman) PantGarry RawlingsPeyton RenderJohn SullivanCarol SybesmaConnie WoodsJames YoungGifts in Memory ofJeff BackscheiderBill and Shirley BettsJames and Barbara BlainLyman BrownLeonard and Rosalie EishenThe Falkenstein FamilyOlivia and Mia FeyesJoan FranksNed and Mary HaylettThe Lahmeyer KidsDoug and Linda LargeTyler LuceMike and Kathy MessnerHeidi and Mike NeedhamSusie and Clint RanglerJane RimerSACF StaffPerri SaundersAmy SayersSHS Class of 1995Dan and Megan SorensenSheree SorensenCindy and Barry SummeySteve and Wendy WeithVickie WiddelJoe and Matt WynesGifts in Honor ofSACF Annual Report | 2023-24 57Donors
SACF Annual Report | 2023-2458PhotographersSarah Vanderlugt Page 2, 17, 22, 60Page 7Aleeyah WoodKenneth BrownCourtney Stuart CamachoJane Hoogenboom EleyGeorge MurphyPage 1, 9, 19, 28Page 20Page 24Page 42, 43, 44A heartfelt thank you to all our talented local photographers who generously contributed theirphotos for this year’s Annual Report. Your creativity and dedication have beautifully captured theheart of our communities, and we truly appreciate your support in bringing our vision to life.Photo CreditKaren E. Brown Page 58
LiabilitiesAccounts payableGrants payableAgency Funds$11,564.93$297,088.73$1,306,323.60Total Liabilities $1,614,977.26AssetsNet AssetsInvestment Objectives for Endowed FundsFor endowed funds, our investment goals are to preserve the original value of gifts in terms ofinflation and grow our assets as much as market conditions allow so we can address communityneeds now and in the future. SACF employs a moderate growth strategy in which 65 percent isinvested in equities, 20 percent in fixed-income vehicles, and 15 percent in alternative funds. Weare committed to an investment strategy of disciplined asset allocation, regular rebalancing,minimizing fees and expenses, and not reacting to near-term market pressures or newinvestment fads. Cash and cash equivalentsAccrued incomeStudent loans receivableInvestments$1,095,707.56$4,371.08$7,356.28$31,096,693.21Total Net AssetsTotal Liabilities & Net Assets$30,589,150.87$32,204,128.13$32,204,128.13Total AssetsMarket Value of Investments as of 3/31/2024: $31,096,693Investment Performance as of March 31, 2024Last 12 Months16.33%Last 2 Years4.91%Last 3 Years4.53%Last 5 Years7.38%*This is an unaudited statement for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. SACF’s annual audit is currently in progressand is estimated to be complete in November 2024. At that time, audited financial statements will be made availableon our website at Annual Report | 2023-24 59Financials*
Give whereyou live.310 N. Franks Ave., Sturgis, MI 49091 (269) 659-8508STURGISFOUNDATION.ORG