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2022 RMC Wilma's Way MS Discussion Questions

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PRESENTED BYTHE LIFE OF WILMA MANKILLERMiddle School Discussion QuestionsWILMA’S WAY HOME:Author/Illustrator by Doreen Rappaport

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne F. Wilma’s Way Home: The Life of Wilma MankillerAuthor/Illustrator by Doreen RappaportDisney-Hyperion /2019STORY SYNOPSIS: This picture-book biography of WilmaMankiller, the first female chief of theCherokee Nation, begins with her early lifein rural Oklahoma. The sixth in a family ofeleven children, she grew up in a poor, butloving family. Her life in a supportive ruralcommunity is disrupted when a newgovernment policy relocates her family tosuburban San Francisco. There she facesmany challenges, but eventually finds anew community at the Oakland IndianCenter, returns to Oklahoma, and finds hercalling as a leader. Direct quotes fromWilma Mankiller’s autobiography areincluded in the blank verse narrative.

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Introduction: Show the students the cover of the book Wilma’s Way Home: The Life ofWilma Mankiller. Tell them they will be listening to a story about a Native Americanwho was the first female of the Cherokee Nation. Reading Makes Cents 2022-2023Wilma’s Way Home: The Life of Wilma MankillerLesson Plan By:Lynne F. Stoverstoverlf@jmu.eduMiddle School Discussion Questions Wilma Mankiller was born in 1945 to a large family in Oklahoma. She was a member ofthe Cherokee Nation. Can you name three American Indian language groups that areindigenous to Virginia? [The Algonquian, the Siouan, and the Iroquoian]Her family struggled to put food on the table and did not have indoor plumbing orelectricity. How did they manage to get food and other resources? [They survivedthough Gadugi, the philosophy of helping each other by bartering goods and services.This philosophy states, “We are all interdependent. Do things for others rather thanjust yourself.”] When Wilma was about eleven-years-old the federal government created a new policyto relocate Indians from their lands to cities. Wilma’s father decided to take his familyhoping for a better job and a brighter future for his children. Do you think this was agood policy? Why or why not? [Answers will depend on the students’ background andprior knowledge.] All choices have costs (negative effects) and benefits (positive effects). What weresome of the costs Wilma incurred by leaving her family and living with hergrandmother when her family relocated to San Francisco? [She missed her family,went to a different school, and could no longer go to the Indian Center.] What weresome of the benefits? [She no longer felt out of place and enjoyed the hard work andfresh air.]The 1960’s was an era of protests. What were some of the protests referred to in thebook? [Black Americans marched for equality. Latino farm workers went on strike forhigher wages. Citizens demonstrated against the war in Vietnam. Women formedgroups concerning their equal rights. Native people protested the taking of their triballands.]

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Reading Makes Cents 2022-2023Wilma’s Way Home: The Life of Wilma MankillerLesson Plan By:Lynne F. Stoverstoverlf@jmu.eduWhen Wilma moved back to Oklahoma with her two daughters, she was hired towork for the Cherokee Nation Government. She helped her people by applying forgrants, organizing work teams, and inspiring others to help themselves andimprove their lives. In 1983 she ran for a position on the Cherokee nation council.How did some people show their resentment of her because she was a woman?[They sent her hate mail, slashed her tires, and refused to attend her rallies.] Wilma was elected and during her ten years of leadership the Cherokee Nationexperienced economic growth and brought positive attention to her people. Doyou think being a woman hurt her leadership abilities? [Answers will vary.]Enrichment Question:Challenge the students brainstorm a list of what incentives, besides money, mayhave motivated Wilma Mankiller to become a community leader. [PossibleResponses: having pride in her heritage, helping others, getting to know newpeople, developing additional skills, contributing to society, learning to beindependent, providing a purpose for oneself.] 6. 7.