PRESENTED BYLesson: Job PoemsAuthor Cathy Ballou Mealey, Illustrator Kelly Collier SLOTH & SQUIRREL IN A PICKLE
Lesson Plan By:Lynne F. Sloth & Squirrel in a Pickle Author Cathy Ballou Mealey, Illustrator Kelly Collier Kids Can Press/2021 STORY SYNOPSIS: A pair of unlikely friends, decide they wouldlike a new tandem bike and begin theirpursuit to earn money to purchase one. Mr.Peacock, the manager of a pickle-packingcompany, hires them and it does not gowell. Squirrel’s plan to specialize, with himpacking the jars and Sloth attaching thelabels, backfires. When Mr. Peacockdiscovers six hundred and seventy-sevenpickle jars with upside down labels, he firesthem. Stating he cannot pay them for theirwork, he gives them the unsellable pickles. The entrepreneurial friends turn theirmistake into a unique business, make aprofit, and surpass their goal.
Lesson Plan By:Lynne F. Book- Sloth & Squirrel in a Pickle by Cathy BallouMealey Document cameraActivity Sheet – Job Poems Writing Tools The student will listen to a story featuring variousjobs they will identify. The student will be introduced to the concept ofentrepreneurship. The student will complete an activity featuringrhyming words. Entrepreneur – a person who organizes, operates,and assumes the risk for a business hoping to makea profit.Consumer – a person uses or buys goods andservices in a consumer. Human Resources- human effort directed towardproducing goods and services.Job - work that a person does regularly in order toearn money.Producer – a person who makes goods or providesservices is a producer.Product - something manufactured or refined forsale.INTRODUCTION: At the beginning of their adventure Sloth andSquirrel take a job to earn money. When that doesnot work out, they make a job and becomesuccessful entrepreneurs. GRADE LEVEL: K-3TIME ALLOCATION: 15-20 minutes MATERIALS:OBJECTIVES: ECONOMIC CONCEPTS:
Reading Makes Cents 2022-2023Sloth & Squirrel in a PickleLesson Plan By:Lynne F. Stoverstoverlf@jmu.eduVIRGINIA STANDARD OF LEARNING- HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCEThe student will match simple descriptions of work that people do with the namesof those jobs.The student will explain the difference between goods and services and describehow people are consumers and producers of goods and services.The student will orally identify, segment, and blend various phonemes to developphonological and phonemic awareness. b) Identify and produce words that rhyme.The student will orally identify, produce, and manipulate various phonemes withinwords to develop phonological and phonemic awareness. a) Create rhyming words.Introduce the lesson by telling the students that they will be listening to a storythat is about two friends setting out to accomplish a goal. Explain that one friend isa doer and the other friend a thinker and you will be asking them to identify whichone is which at the end of the story.Read the book to the students. This takes about five minutes. Ask them who wasthe “doer” [speedy Squirrel] and who was the “thinker” [slow Sloth]. Discuss why it ispossible for friends to be different than each other and still have a great friendship.Note: A YouTube read-aloud of the book may be found here: Job Poems activity sheet may be run off for individual students, used in alearning center, or displayed and conducted as a teacher directed lesson. Answers:1. Farmer, 2. Plant Manager, 3. Salesperson, 4. Artist, 5. Assembly Line Workers, 6.AuthorK.8K.7 1.2.3.PROCEDURE:VIRGINIA STANDARD OF LEARNING- ENGLISHK.33.0
Visual-Sloth & Squirrel Selling Pickle Pops A job is the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money. Sloth and Squirrel did not do a good job packing pickles in a factory.They decided to make a new product and start their own business. JOB POEMS When they lose their jobs something special occurs.Sloth and Squirrel become new entrepreneurs. * * Entrepreneur – a person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a businesshoping to make a profit.Reading Makes Cents 2022-2023Sloth & Squirrel in a PickleLesson Plan By:Lynne F.
My job is to grow cucumbers. You could call me a plant charmer. I plant, water, weed, and harvest. I am a hard-working ______.I design pickle manufacturing machines as part of my career. I use math and science every day. I am an ______________.Come to the shop to buy a bike for transportation or for fun. My job is to help you find what you want. I am a __________.I create advertisements that people simply cannot resist. I’m good with illustrations and lettering. I am an ____________.I’m in charge of the factory, from the assembly line to the janitor. Leadership skills are what I need. I am the ________________.Writing stories and poems is what I very much adore. Words are fun and wonderful! I’m a children’s book __________.Word BoxArtist Plant Manager AuthorSalesperson Farmer Engineer Lesson Plan By:Lynne F. Stoverstoverlf@jmu.eduReading Makes Cents 2022-2023Sloth & Squirrel in a PickleDirections: Sloth and Squirrel wanted to get a job to buy a new bicycle. A job is thework that a person does regularly in order to earn money. Use the jobs listed in theword box to complete the rhymes. Poems