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2022 Nth Dimensions Medical Student Symposium Program

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EVENT PROGRAMInaugural EventInaugural EventBoston, MABoston, MAMarch 25-27, 2022March 25-27, 2022Nth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit OrganizationNth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit OrganizationA M E R I C A N A C A D E M Y O FA M E R I C A N A C A D E M Y O FD E R M A T O L O G YD E R M A T O L O G Y

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TABLE OF CONTENTSNth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit OrganizationNth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit OrganizationWelcome Letter030405SponsorsPartners0908Nth DimensionsSummer InternshipAgenda1213Stay ConnectedSave the DateLeadership06-0710NDSI PartnersNDSI Preceptors11

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2022 NTH DIMENSIONS MSS03WELCOMELetitia Bradford Executive DirectorNth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit OrganizationDr. Letitia Bradford, MD, FAAOS, FACSNth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit OrganizationIt is our honor to welcome you to the 2022 NthDimensions Medical Student Symposium at theAmerican Academy of Dermatology AnnualMeeting in Boston, MA on March 25-27, 2022.The Inaugural Nth Dimensions Medical StudentSymposium (MSS) at the American Academy ofDermatology will provide a unique opportunity forstudents to meet with Academic chairs, programdirectors, faculty, and residents from dermatologyprograms nationwide. Fostering theserelationships early and often has been proven tohave a positive impact on career paths.Throughout the symposium, our Nth Dimensionsleaders and faculty will address the non-clinicalaspects of medicine that you will need to masterin order to be comprehensively prepared and acompetitive dermatology residency programapplicant.Lifting As We Climb,

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2022 NTH DIMENSIONS MSS04Johnson & Johnson believes good health is thefoundation of vibrant lives, thriving communities, andforward progress. That’s why for more than 130 years,they have aimed to keep people well at every ageand every stage of life. Today, as the world’s largestand most broadly-based healthcare company, theyare committed to using their reach and size for good.They strive to improve access and affordability,create healthier communities, and put a healthymind, body, and environment within reach ofeveryone, everywhere.LEARN MORELEARN MORESPONSORSWith a membership of more than 20,500 physiciansworldwide, the AAD is committed to: advancing thediagnosis and medical, surgical, and cosmetictreatment of the skin, hair, and nails; advocatinghigh standards in clinical practice, education, andresearch in dermatology; and supporting andenhancing patient care for a lifetime of healthierskin, hair, and nails.MEDICAL STUDENT SYMPOSIUM

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2022 NTH DIMENSIONS MSS05The NMA Dermatology section is dedicated to increasing the number ofAfrican Americans and other underrepresented groups in the field ofdermatology. Over the past year, the NMA Dermatology section formalized theresearch, mentorship, and advocacy committees, with a goal ofensuring blacks are well represented in dermatology across the board.LEARN MOREPARTNERAll events have been made possible because of generous grants and partnerships fromAmerican Academy of Dermatology, Johnson &Johnson, and NMA-Derm.Medical Student SymposiumMedical Student SymposiumProgram Sponsors + PartnersProgram Sponsors + PartnersMEDICAL STUDENT SYMPOSIUM

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Nth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization2022 NTH DIMENSIONS MSS06LEADERSHIPSenior Director of Clinical EducationWILLIAM A. J. ROSS, JR., MD, FAAOSFounder and Senior AdvisorBONNIE SIMPSON MASON, MD, FAAOSExecutive DirectorLETITIA BRADFORD, MD, FAAOS, FACSNth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit OrganizationNTH DIMENSIONS

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Nth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization2022 NTH DIMENSIONS MSS07Senior Program CoordinatorDirector of Partnerships + ProgramsSONYA SEYMOURNICHOLE HAMILTONNth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit OrganizationLEADERSHIPDermatology Program CoordinatorBIANCA ALLENNTH DIMENSIONS

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2022 NTH DIMENSIONS MSS08Nth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit OrganizationFRIDAYMARCH 25SATURDAYMARCH 2610:00 am - 12:00 pm: Underrepresented MinorityMentoring Program (UMMP) IBoston Westin Seaport | Commonwealth Ballroom C 10:00 am Tell me; Show me; Let me; Expect me William A. J. Ross, Jr. , MD. FAAOS 10:30 am Dermatology Career Options Hope Mitchell MD, FAAD Meena Singh MD, FAAD 11:00 am Dermatology Bioskills Workshop 12:00 pm Lunch Corey Hartman , MD, FAAD Adeline Kikam , DO, FAAD1:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Underrepresented MinorityMentoring Program (UMMP) II Boston Westin Seaport | Commonwealth Ballroom C 1:00 pm Reflect and Discuss Morning Session 2:00 pm Getting Into Residency Panel Discussion 2:45 pm How to Stay and Thrive in Residency Panel Discussion 3:30 pm I Wish I’d Known… Mentoring Panel 4:00 pm ClosingDinner and evening activities are on your own. AGENDA2:30pm- 4:00pm Student Check InBoston Westin Seaport | Harbor Ballroom I & II4:00pm - 6:00pm: Nth Dimensions Medical StudentMentoring ProgramBoston Westin Seaport | Harbor Ballroom I & II 4:00 pm Welcome Acknowledgments Nth Dimensions /AAD/J&J 4:15 pm Why Dermatology Needs You Chesahna Kindred, MD, MBA, FAAD Letitia Bradford. MD, FAAOS, FACS 4:45 pm Telling Your Story DiAnne Davis, MD, FAAD 5:15 pm “You are NOT an Imposter” William A. J. Ross, Jr. MD. FAAOS6:00 pm Nth Dimensions NDSI PreceptorOrientation/Meet and Greet 7:00 pm Nth Dimensions Welcome Reception 8:30 pm Iron Sharpens Iron Session Woman to Woman Session SUNDAYMARCH 27:00 am - 8:00 am: Your Conference ExperienceBreakfastBoston Westin Seaport | Grand Ballroom C 7:00 am Peer to Peer Mentoring 7:30 am What’s Next? Letitia Bradford, MD, FAAOS, FACS William A. J. Ross, Jr., MD, FAAOS8:00 am - 12:00 pm PlenaryBoston Westin Seaport | Ballroom East/West12:00 pm -1:00 pm: Attend Industry Booths andExhibits Students are encouraged to tour the industrybooths and exhibits on their ownMEDICAL STUDENT SYMPOSIUM

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SUMMER INTERNSHIPFOLLOW OUR SOCIAL MEDIA#nthmssderm2022 #nthdimensions #nthdim #nthfam4life⠀ OPM Education d/b/a Nth Dimensions is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit OrganizationNTH DIMENSIONS2022 NTH DIMENSIONS MSS09Nth Dimensions recognizes our academic, society, and industry partners for modeling privatesponsorship to affect and help to eliminate disparities in healthcare.Nth Dimensions would like to sincerely THANK our Past, Present, and Future OrthopaedicSummer Internship Preceptors. Without your tireless support, we could not fulfill our missionto increase the number of women and under-represented minorities in orthopaedic surgerythrough specific and engaging programming.

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2022 NTH DIMENSIONS MSS11Nth Dimensions, a 501c3 Non-Profit OrganizationPRECEPTORS Dr. Candrice HeathTemple Health Dr. Chesahna Kindred*Kindred Hair and Skin Center Dr. Hope MitchellMitchell Dermatology Dr. Ginette Okoye*Howard University College of Medicine Dr. Aleta SimmonsVanderbilt University Dr. Rebecca VasquezUniversity of Texas Southwestern *Nth Dimensions Founding Preceptor NTH DIMENSIONS SUMMER INTERNSHIP

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SAVE-THE-DATEOPM Education d/b/a Nth Dimensions is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization2022 NTH DIMENSIONS MSS12FOLLOW OUR SOCIAL MEDIA#nthmssderm2022 #nthdimensions #nthdim #nthfam4life⠀ OPM Education d/b/a Nth Dimensions is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization2023 ANNUAL MEETINGNew Orleans, LA03.17.23 - 03.21.23 See you there!REGISTERMedical StudentSymposiumApplications OpenNovember 1, 2022

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