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2022 Newsletter

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2022 Newsletter

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR Melinda E Ford DO FACOFP VICE CHAIR Phoung N Huynh MD 2022 Fall SECRETARY TREASURER Steven W Crawford MD MBA CPE FACOG DIRECTORS Craig A Brown MAP Krisanna L Deppen MD Stephen R Feagins MD MBA FACP David D Goldberg DO Johnathan A Good Esq Timothy L Kolb DVM Gregory J Nixon OD FAAO Theresa C Novak M Ed PCC S CWC Jason E Theuener MD Matthew A Vail MD MPH James W Van Hook MD What is a PHP A Physician Health Program PHP is a confidential resource for physicians other licensed healthcare professionals or those in training who are suffering from addictive psychiatric medical behavioral or other potentially impairing conditions STAFF What do PHP s do EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Kelley M Long MBA MEDICAL DIRECTOR Richard N Whitney MD FASAM ASSOCIATE MEDICAL DIRECTOR Christina Delos Reyes MD CLINICAL DIRECTOR Nelson H Heise MS PCC S LICDC S OUTREACH AND COMMS DIRECTOR Sarah J Damiani PHPs coordinate effective detection evaluation treatment and continuing care monitoring of physicians and other healthcare professionals with these conditions This coordination and documentation of a participant s progress allows PHPs to provide documentation verifying a participant s compliance with treatment and or continuing care recommendations POLICY DIRECTOR Jennifer L Hayhurst OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Cheryl A Evans M Ed How many PHPs exist in the US MARKETING AND DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Sydney B Gale PHPs currently operate in 47 states and the District of Columbia PROJECT MANAGER Katie Trausch EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Dani Fitzgerald CASE MANAGERS Shirley Eiland M Ed LSW Rosalie S Hemphill MSW LSW Anne N Kelley LISW Dawn M Riegel MS LPCC LICDC Micah D Wright CDCA COMPLIANCE MANAGER Jill K Aitcheme MPH CDCA COMPLIANCE COORDINATORS Kara R Armbruster CDCA CHES Samantha L Kinser CDCA CPT CLINICAL COORDINATOR Molly G Upton CDCA CLINICAL CARE COORDINATOR Quincey Chambers PROGRAM ASSISTANT Skylar Gilbert CDCA 130 E Chestnut Street Suite 200 Columbus Ohio 43215 Phone 614 841 9690 info ophp org www ophp org Ohio PHP OhioPHP OhioPHP OhioPHP Why are PHPs important In 1974 the American Medical Association AMA acknowledged physician impairment from alcoholism and drug dependence occurs and recognized alcoholism and addiction as illnesses With the advice and consent of the AMA and the Federation of State Medical Boards FSMB plans were launched for the development of therapeutic alternatives in lieu of automatic discipline of physicians who needed assistance PHPs have particular expertise in the recognition and prevention of burnout and enable thousands of physicians and other healthcare professionals to safely practice medicine and provide care for millions of Americans by providing therapeutic monitoring SEPTEMBER 2022 PAGE 2

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Newsletter Why Our Work Matters OhioPHP is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting Ohio s healthcare professionals Everyday our care givers face impossible decisions ever increasing demands and have limited time to care for their own health and well being Our work matters because taking care of Ohio s caregivers is the right thing to do Everyone deserves to live a healthy and meaningful life Table of Contents What is a PHP 2 Partnerships 4 One Bite Program 5 Covid 19 Well Being Survey 6 Well being CARE Service 8 OhioPHP Behavioral Health Screens 10

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OUR PARTNERS We are grateful to OhioPHP for providing timely and expert guidance when we needed it We were not aware of the depth of resources available and the confidential process to access compassionate assistance and we look forward to working together to help spread the word and make these resources available across all healthcare communities Sarah Friebert MD Quote from Dr Kramer Director Pediatric Palliative Care Akron Children s Hospital Thanks to all of our partners SEPTEMBER 2022 PAGE 4

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THE ONE BITE PROGRAM State Medical Board of Ohio What is the One Bite Program A confidential path for licensees of the State Medical Board of Ohio SMBO to seek help for a substance use disorder In 2018 the Ohio General Assembly established a program that allows an eligible practitioner who is impaired due to a substance use disorder to avoid formal disciplinary action by the SMBO by utilizing established confidential monitoring and treatment conditions as defined in ORC 4731 251 4731 252 and 4731 253 Who is eligible for the One Bite Program A licensee or applicant of the SMBO that has been diagnosed with a substance use disorder The licensee or applicant has not participated previously in the program Unless the SMBO referred the licensee or applicant to the program the licensee or applicant has not been sanctioned previously by the SMBO for impairment Duty to Report Impairment ORC 4731 224 B 2 SMBO licensees shall report the information upon which the belief is based to the monitoring organization conducting the program established by the board OhioPHP Licensee s duty to report impairment is fulfilled by notifying OhioPHP How does OhioPHP help Referral for more diagnostic evaluation and if indicated to quality treatment provider to address diagnosed conditions Coordination of treatment and discharge planning with primary treatment provider Clarification and explanation of statutes and rules ensuring licensee compliance with the One Bite Program regulations Coordination of return to work recommendations with primary treatment provider Monitoring of licensees continuing positive response to treatment as well as long term therapeutic support Providing supportive documentation to employers insurance panels and others based on licensees compliance and success in One Bite Program SEPTEMBER 2022 PAGE 5

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THE WELL BEING OF OHIO S HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS The COVID 19 pandemic exacerbated existing challenges within our healthcare system for patients and for healthcare professionals Fear loss lack of personal protective equipment ongoing surges and much more have impacted everyone in ways we cannot even begin to understand Preexisting levels of stress and burnout were further elevated as healthcare professionals faced this unknown and everchallenging pandemic Recognizing the need to know more about how to support our healthcare professionals in these fields especially as it relates to their emotional welfare became readily apparent OhioPHP received a grant from the Federation of State Medical Boards Foundation that supported the development of an online survey targeted at healthcare professionals across the state of Ohio to gauge their pandemic related experiences levels of stress overall well being and knowledge and use of supportive resources OhioPHP deployed the survey in July 2021 13 532 professionals responded to the survey SEPTEMBER 2022 PAGE 6

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5 Takeaways from the 2021 COVID 19 Wellbeing Survey with Ohio s Healthcare Professionals Physicians were less likely than other healthcare professionals to seek support during the pandemic Resident physicians reported having more suicidal thoughts during the pandemic 31 of healthcare professionals indicated that confidentiality concerns were an obstacle to seeking support 25 of healthcare professionals reported feeling emotionally drained EVERDAY Only 1 in 4 healthcare professionals sought support during the pandemic Full report and Executive Summary can be found on our website by visiting www ophp org publications SEPTEMBER 2022 PAGE 7

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The Well Being Checkup And Referral Engagement Service About The Well Being Checkup And Referral Engagement Service is a simple free and anonymous checkup of your mental and emotional health In these trying times for healthcare professionals tools that support wellness and well being are more important than ever Using the Well Being CARE Service is quick and easy 1 Take the 10 minute questionnaire designed to help assess the healthcare professional s current state of mental health and well being 2 A licensed mental health professional will review the answers and will reply with a personalized response with recommendations 3 The healthcare professional can choose whether to connect with the licensed mental health professional to establish a helpful relationship for future action Participation is free voluntary and anonymous Learn more or get started at WellBeingCARE org Powered by Thanks to the OSMA Foundation and in partnership with the Ohio Physician Health Program OhioPHP and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention AFSP we are thrilled this service is available to all Ohio healthcare workers SEPTEMBER 2022 PAGE 8

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HIGHLIGHTS August 15 2022 tier 1A tier 1B high distress tier 2 moderate distress tier 3 little to no distress high distress with suicidality endorsed SURVEY RESULTS Dialogued for Resources Did Not Engage in Diaglogue Tier 1A Tier 1B Tier 2 Tier 1A 29 Tier 1B 47 Tier 2 23 Tier 3 1 Tier 3 0 25 50 28 of Participants Engaged in Dialogue SEPTEMBER 2022 PAGE 9 75

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BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SCREENS What is a behavioral health screen OhioPHP offers a comprehensive behavioral health screen for healthcare professionals in Ohio We utilize a multi disciplinary team approach to provide recommendations related to burnout mental health disorders substance use disorders and others Who is a good candidate for participating in an OhioPHP behavioral health screen OhioPHP s behavioral health screens are designed for individuals experiencing Burnout Stress Anxiety Depression Other issues impacting your mental health and well being Our screens are available to Ohio s healthcare professionals licensed with the State Medical Board of Ohio Ohio Vision Professionals Board Ohio Veterinary Medical Licensing Board Ohio State Dental Board Ohio State Chiropractic Board We may be able to provide services to other licensees please call OhioPHP for more information What is the process for scheduling a behavioral health screen If you or someone you know may need a behavioral health screen you can reach out to the OhioPHP clinical team to begin the confidential process After the initial call you will be asked to fill out a demographic form and return to the OhioPHP staff Upon completion of the demographic form an OhioPHP staff member will reach out to schedule an appointment and send electronically several pre screening tools Pre screening tools should be completed prior to the appointment I am an individual who needs an OhioPHP behavioral health screen what can I expect During the behavioral health screen you will receive a number of pre screening assessments to assist in the process These tools will screen for burnout mood disorders depression or anxiety substance use disorders or any major psychiatric conditions After the pre screening assessments are completed a bio psychosocial interview is completed with one of OhioPHP s masters level clinicians and the OhioPHP Medical Director and or Associate Medical Director During this interview the clinical team will gather additional information to provide recommendations SEPTEMBER 2022 PAGE 10

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I am an Employer who recommended someone for a behavioral health screen what can I expect Any individual recommended to OhioPHP through their employer will be asked to sign a release of information for their employer Upon completion of the behavioral health screen recommendations from the OhioPHP clinical team may be sent to the employer with potential next steps The OhioPHP clinical team may also be available for additional conversations Is there a cost for the behavioral health screen No OhioPHP s services are free The only cost that may be associated with a screen is a toxicology test if necessary After the screening process is complete will I receive recommendations based on the results Yes OhioPHP s clinical team will provide recommendations to you regarding the results of the screen Recommendations may include additional evaluation individual counseling any necessary treatment or others Are the results of my screen confidential Yes Screening results can be provided to any third party only at the request and authorization of the individual What other services can OhioPHP provide based on the results of the screen OhioPHP can provide additional services for healthcare professionals if necessary We have an incredibly talented and caring clinical team that can assist with a number of concerns We can offer referrals for treatment counseling or additional evaluation For healthcare professionals in need of more comprehensive support OhioPHP can also provide monitoring To learn more about our monitoring program visit us at www ophp org monitoring and advocacy program For more information visit www ophp org SEPTEMBER 2022 PAGE 11

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OhioPHP 130 E Chestnut Street Suite 200 Columbus Ohio 43215 614 841 9690 www ophp org