Additional College-Sponsored Merit Scholarship Winners (Evanston, Illinois) Today, National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced over 1,200 additional winners of National Merit Scholarships fi nanced by colleges and universities. These Merit Scholar designees join more than 2,600 other college-sponsored award recipients who were announced in June. Offi cials of each sponsor college selected their scholarship winners from among the Finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program who will attend their institution. College-sponsored awards provide between $500 and $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution fi nancing the scholarship. This year, 155 colleges and universities are sponsoring over 3,800 Merit Scholarship awards. Sponsor colleges include 82 private and 73 public institutions located in 42 states and the District of Columbia.-more-NATIONAL MERIT® SCHOLARSHIP WINNERSJuly 11, 2022 AnnouncementFor release on Monday, July 11, 2022Note to editors: College-sponsored Merit Scholarship® winners in your state are listed alphabetically by city following this press release. News media are encouraged to contact high school principals for additional information about these outstanding students.This material is prepared solely for news media to announce the names of Merit Scholar® designees; its use for any other purpose is prohibited.NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP CORPORATION1560 Sherman Avenue, Suite 200, Evanston, Illinois 60201-4897 (847) 866-5100This is the last group of National Merit Scholar designees to be announced in 2022 by National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC® ). In three spring releases, NMSC announced winners of corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards, National Merit® $2500 Scholarship awards, and the fi rst group of college-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards.Contact: Eileen Artemakis or Matthew Budreau Phone: (847) 866-5100 Public Information Email: Website:
Add oneAdditional College-Sponsored Merit Scholarship Winners This fi nal group of winners brings the number of 2022 National Merit Scholars to more than 7,200. These distinguished high school graduates will receive scholarships for undergraduate study worth a total of nearly $28 million. In addition to college-sponsored awards, two other types of National Merit Scholarships were off ered—2,500 National Merit $2500 Scholarships, for which all Finalists competed, and about 1,000 corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards for Finalists who met criteria specifi ed by their grantor organizations.2022 National Merit Scholarship Competition This year’s competition for National Merit Scholarships began when high school juniors took the 2020 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®), which served as an initial screen of program entrants. In September 2021, more than 16,000 Semifi nalists were named on a state-representational basis in numbers proportional to each state’s percentage of the national total of graduating high school seniors. Semifi nalists were the highest-scoring program entrants in each state and represented less than one percent of the nation’s seniors. To become a Finalist, each Semifi nalist had to complete a detailed scholarship application, which included writing an essay, describing leadership positions and contributions in school and community activities, showing an outstanding academic record, and being endorsed and recommended by a high school offi cial. Semifi nalists also had to take the SAT® or ACT® and earn scores that confi rmed their performance on the initial qualifying test. From the Semifi nalist group, over 15,000 attained Finalist standing, and about half of the Finalists were chosen to receive National Merit Scholarships. NMSC, a not-for-profi t corporation that operates without government assistance, was founded in 1955 to conduct the National Merit Scholarship Program. Over the past 67 years, approximately 368,000 outstanding young individuals have won National Merit Scholarships worth more than $1.3 billion. The majority of awards off ered each year are underwritten by approximately 400 independent corporate and college sponsors that support NMSC’s eff orts to recognize scholastically talented youth and encourage the pursuit of academic excellence.# # #CAUTION: Any attempt to compare high schools on the basis of numbers of Merit Scholarship winners will lead to erroneous and unsound conclusions. The National Merit Scholarship Program honors individual students who show exceptional academic ability and potential for success in rigorous college studies. The program does not measure the quality or eff ectiveness of education within a school, system, or state.NMSC, National Merit, Merit Scholarship, Merit Scholar, and the corporate “Lamp of Learning” logo are federally registered service marks of National Merit Scholarship Corporation. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of National Merit Scholarship Corporation and College Board. SAT is a registered trademark of College Board. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc.
IDAHO - 3 -College-sponsored Merit Scholarship winnersof July 11, 2022Taylor Jamison Knipe BOISE 83706Probable career field: Chemical EngineeringTIMBERLINE H. S., BOISENATIONAL MERIT UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA SCHOLARSHIPThe University of Alabama offers over 150 undergraduate and 85 graduate majors through 12 divisions. A resident student body ofsome 18,000 comes from across the nation and over 60 foreign countries. The university has many innovative learning programs, aLaw Center, a School of Mines and Energy Development, a College of Engineering, and a College of Commerce and BusinessAdministration. Student activities center around some 300 organizations, including fraternal groups, student government, andservice organizations.Davin Werntz BOISE 83702Probable career field: Chemical EngineeringBOISE H. S., BOISENATIONAL MERIT UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SCHOLARSHIPThe University of Utah is located in Salt Lake City at the foot of the rugged Wasatch Mountains. Instructional programs are offeredin a graduate school, three colleges and thirteen professional schools. Bachelor's degrees may be earned in over 60 fields of study.Advanced degrees are offered by most departments. The 3,250 members of the teaching faculty make distinguished contributionsin teaching, research and public service. Seventy-five percent of the regular faculty hold doctoral degrees.Stella L. Rieth MERIDIAN 83646Probable career field: Biomedical EngineeringCENTENNIAL H. S., BOISENATIONAL MERIT UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO SCHOLARSHIPThe University of Idaho is a comprehensive, land-grant institution that offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs.More than 11,000 students pursue degrees in the Colleges of Agricultural & Life Sciences; Art & Architecture; Business & Econ.;Education, Health & Human Sciences; Engineering; Graduate Studies; Law; Letters, Arts & Social Sciences; Natural Resources;and Science. Located in Moscow, UI is surrounded by the rolling Palouse Hills, forested mountains, and the scenic Snake andClearwater rivers.Micah W. Wolbrecht MOSCOW 83843Probable career field: Mechanical EngineeringMOSCOW H. S., MOSCOWNATIONAL MERIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO SCHOLARSHIPWith more than 200 top-quality academic career programs, the University of New Mexico, located in Albuquerque, is a leadingresearch university with renowned faculty and exceptional facilities for learning and exploring.John T. Keegan SANDPOINT 83864Probable career field: Film ProductionSANDPOINT H. S., SANDPOINTNATIONAL MERIT UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO SCHOLARSHIPThe University of Idaho is a comprehensive, land-grant institution that offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs.More than 11,000 students pursue degrees in the Colleges of Agricultural & Life Sciences; Art & Architecture; Business & Econ.;Education, Health & Human Sciences; Engineering; Graduate Studies; Law; Letters, Arts & Social Sciences; Natural Resources;and Science. Located in Moscow, UI is surrounded by the rolling Palouse Hills, forested mountains, and the scenic Snake andClearwater rivers.