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4 Pixel Tubes | 40012 Pixel Tubes | 100016 Pixel Tubes | 13008 Pixel Tubes | 700Pixel tubes are the hot new lighng effect to make your dance party stand out from the rest!PIXEL TUBESUPLIGHTINGThe kingpin of ambient lighng is the “uplight.” This refers to small wireless lighng fixtures, tucked up next to the walls, evenly spaced around the room accenng the enre perimeter of your room with the color of youyour choosing.10 Lights | 60020 Lights | 120030 Lights | 180040 Lights | 24004 Lights1000(4 Lights)6 Lights15008 Lights2000INTELLIGENT LIGHTING5002 LightsAdd energy and excitement while leng loose to your favorite music on the dance floor. The word “intelligent” refers to our ability to control every aspect of the lighng via computer creang a customized effect for every moment.LIGHTING OPTIONS

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VI DEOSCREENS 60 VI DEO SCREENS 60 Vi deoSc r eens Li v eVi deo L ogoEf f ec t s Vi deoT ec h 2Sc r eens 1000 4Sc r eens 1500 70 VI DEO SCREENS 70 Vi deoSc r eens Li v eVi deo L ogoEf f ec t s Vi deoT ec h 2Sc r eens 1300 VI DEO WALL Vi deoWal l 9f t 4000 Li v eVi deo L ogoEf f ec t s 14f t 5000 Vi deoT ec h 20f t 7000 4Sc r eens 2100

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I LLUMI NATEDSTAGI NG Seeandbes eenaty ourev entwi t hourbeaut i f ul i l l umi nat ed s t ages Weof f ervar i ouss i z es t agesf oranys i z eev ent Gues t sandf r i endswi l l par t ywi t ht hegues tofhonoron s t agel i k eVI Ps Spec i al moment sar ehos t edandc r eat edon t hes t agegi vi ngy ourpar t yt heat t ent i oni tdes er v es 1 0x4 22x4 1 4x4 1 6x6 1 8x4 20x6

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PARTYENHANCEMENTS Thes eopt i onswi l l t ak ey ourpar t yt ot hene xtl ev el Us edi nt er mi t t ent l yt hr oughoutt he ev ent ouruni que oneof aki ndpar t yenhanc ement swi l l ac c entt hemos tener get i cmoment sl ea vi ngy ourgues t si na wewi t heac hbl as t s hotordi s pl a yofournewes tef f ec t s Hi ghI nt ens i t yWhi t eSmok e Saf eForAl l AgesT oUs e Hi ghEner gyEf f ec t Col dBur s t s NoHeat NoSmel l NoSmok e Hi ghEner gyEf f ec t Per f ec tf orSpec i al Moment s UpT o20Uni t sAvai l abl e Saf eForAl l AgesT oUs e Launc hesAl l Sof tI t emsAtSaf eVel oc i t y

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800800• Roaming Photo Station• Attendant• Pictures or GIFs • Digital Props• Text, QR & AirdropMOBI BOOTH• Open-Air Photo Kiosk• Attendant, Props & Signs• Customized Layouts• White Background• Prints and Texts1 of 4STANDARD BOOTH• 3-Walled Seamless Enclosure• Custom Interior Wall Printing• Attendant, Props & Signs• Prints & Texts+ Custom Floor | 800+ Custom Exterior | 800IMMERSIVE BOOTH+ Custom Background | 400+ Print & Share Station | 50013002400PHOTO BOOTHS*pictured w/ custom floor

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2 of 48001600• Open-Air Photo Kiosk• Attendant• White Background• Enhanced Lighting• Re-Touch Filter• Prints and TextsGLAM BOOTH3200• 3-Sided Swing Enclosure• Attendant• Custom Backgrounds• Prints and Texts+ Custom Floor | 800+ Custom Exterior | 800SW ING BOOTH• Magic Mirror Photo Station• Attendant, Props & Signs• Customized Layouts• Prints and TextsMIRROR BOOTH+ Custom Background | 4001900PHOTO BOOTHS

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+ Custom Floor | 800• Crinkle Walls (many colors available)• Custom Back Wall• Attendant• Prints & Texts3300CRINKLE BOOTH3300• Fully Enclosed Mirrored Room• Attendant• Prints & TextsINFINITE MIRROR ROOM• 360 Capture Station• Attendant• Custom GIFs and Videos• Text Message Delivery2600360 BOOTH+ Custom Banners | 300/eaPHOTO BOOTHS3 of 4

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+ Custom Printed | 1600PHOTO LOUNGE• 1 Loveseat, 2 LED Tables w/ Stools• Attendant, Props & Signs• LED Tube Lighting• Prints & TextsPHOTO BOOTHS14004 of 4INFLATABLE BOOTH• Inflatable Illuminated Enclosure• Attendant, Props & Signs• Customized Layouts• Prints & Texts16002400• Green Screen Photo Station• Attendant, Props & Signs• Custom Curated Backgrounds• Prints & TextsCHROMA BOOTH

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LED Corn HoleFoosballPop-a-ShotAir HockeyPing PongJenga XL Connect Four XL • Up to 5 hours• Addional Customizaons available400/ea1 of 2

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Custom Wrapped | 2000Standard Design | 1000• Up to 5 Hours• 100 Prizes Included• Adjustable difficulty• 12’ Foosball Table• Up to 5 Hours of Use• 4-16 Players at a Time1200• Up to 4 Hours with Aendant• Customized Digital Backboards• High Score Tracking• 4 Player, 60 Second Rounds 2300• 4-Player White Table with LED Nets • Up to 5 Hours 1000LED QUAD-PONG• Up to 5 Hours• 10,000+ Games• All Classic Consoles 6002 of 2

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FURNI TUREALACARTE SOFAS SECTI ONALS a b c d f e g a Si ngl eSeat b L ov eSeat c 6 Couc h d 12 Couc h e The L8 f The Z3 g The T4 h The T8 i The X8 85 170 255 510 595 255 340 680 680 Cus t om conf i gur at i onsandaddi t i onal i t emsal s oavai l abl e Pl eas ei nqui r ewi t hi n h i TABLES OTTOMANS STOOLS j n q l k o t r j Bas i cEnd 50 k Bas i cCof f ee 100 l LEDCof f ee 200 m LEDCube 100 n LEDCoc kt ai l 250 o 6 LEDBar 400 ni ng 600 p LEDDi q S qa ur eOt t oma n 80 r L ongOt t oman 100 s RoundOt t oman 120 t Sc oopSt ool s 15 u Cl earSt ool s 15 m p u s t u

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LOGO DESIGNMONTAGES40060010005002000Up to 100 PicturesIntro/OutroUp to 4 Songs3D Picture EffectsFull Frame BackgroundsBASICUp to 120 PicturesUp to 4 Video ClipsEnhanced Intro/OutroEnhanced TransitionsUp to 6 Songs3D Picture EmphasisFFull Frame BackgroundsCLASSICUp to 120 PicturesUp to 8 Video ClipsMotion Graphics Intro/OutroMotion Graphics TransitionsUp to 8 Songs3D Picture EmphasisCollaboCollaboration MeetingUp to 8 Additional Video Clips Subtitling of VideosEnhanced TransitionsFull Frame BackgroundsThemed EffectsIncludes: • At least 3 proofs/concepts • 2 rounds of re-editing • 1 Final Logo and 1 SublogoADVANCEDUp to 150 PicturesUp to 10 Video ClipsMotion Graphics Intro/OutroMotion Graphics TransitionsUp to 8 Songs3D Picture EmphasisCollaboCollaboration MeetingUp to 8 Additional Video Clips Subtitling of VideosEnhanced TransitionsFull Frame BackgroundsThemed EffectsPREMIUM