MAKING LEMONADE FROM LEMONS:MATHEMATICS ACTIVITIES Book: The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies Making Lemonade from Lemons- Materials List Budget Goods and Services Corporation Credit, Debt, and Loans Economic Choice Employment, Money, Payroll, and Salary Labor Profit Competition Grade Level: Elementary SchoolMaterials:Time Required: 20 School Days Lesson Description: Throughout the unit, students will read The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Daviesand complete reading and math activities for each chapter. As students read thebook, they will reflect on the business venture of opening and running alemonade stand while dealing with a variety of economic choices and outcomes.At the end of the unit, students will create their own lemonade stands wherethey will compete with other groups to gain the most profit. Additionally, themathematics packet provided is a companion to The Classroom Mini-Economyor can be assigned independently as a mathematics workbook.Economics and/or Personal Finance Topics:
English 4.1 & 5.1 The student will use effective oral communication skills in a varietyof settings. 4.4 & 5.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. Math 4.6 & 5.5 The student will add and subtract and solve single and multi-steppractical problems using decimals. Virginia Studies VS.1 The student will demonstrate skills for historical and geographicalanalysis and responsible citizenship. Standards: Procedure: Making Lemonade from Lemons- Suggested Schedule & Plans - This is a packet of mathematics worksheets and activities are a companion toThe Classroom Mini-Economy. This also works as a standalone mathematicsworkbook. the unit, students learn and practice skills related toentrepreneurship, profit, economic choice, and business ventures byparticipating in creating their own businesses and making their own real-lifeeconomic choices. After their time of practicing their entrepreneurial skills,students reflect upon the business decisions that were made as they make plansfor changes for the future business ventures. Extension & Modifications: The Lemonade War series has 5 books that can be used as extension activitieswith various economic skills in each book of the series. This lesson can easily be adapted for students in various grade levels and withdifferent abilities. Throughout the novel study and business ventures, studentscan be provided with as much or as little support as needed. By partneringstudents with a variety of interests and backgrounds, students can work togetherto create business opportunities that will be unique. Upload of Supplementary Materials: Lemonade from Lemons: Mathematics Activities By: Laura Sunder-Roa
Explain how this lesson/unit teaches or reinforces the economics/personalfinance concepts above: While reading the Lemonade War novel, students beginto think about business opportunities that are available to young individuals. Asthey begin to encounter business opportunities, students begin to reflect on howdifferent economic choices impact businesses. By opening actual lemonadestands to the public, students are provided an opportunity to utilize theeconomic terms and skills they have learned and to see how their businessdecisions affect their profits in a real-life scenario. Making Lemonade from Lemons: Mathematics Activities By: Laura Sunder-RoaLaura Sunder-RoaElkton Elementary School Rockingham County Public Schools