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2022 Co-Op Annual Report FINAL

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CO OPCo-Op Summer Enrichment2022 Annual ReportA place where summer happens

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CO OPAs a team of Directors, when we reflect back on Co-Op Summer 2022, one wordcomes to mind: HOMECo-Op feels like our summer “home,” a place where we gather to laugh, learn, devourice cream, circle up in the reading room, get excited in the Math Cave, find friends onour Color Wars team and explore curiosity in Code Conquest, Inside/Out and HabitatHunters. With all of that happening, Co-Op is more than a moment in a child’s life or inour lives. Rather, Co-Op is a sense of place. In this Co-Op Annual Report, you will find numbers, impressive impact metrics andcurriculum spotlights. But with this report, what we are really doing is opening our Co-Op doors to you. Come inside and meet us at Co-Op — where quality summerhappens for all children!There is so much for you to know about our summer place:A message from the directorsA placewheresummerhappensWith shared joy,Kerry Daly-Paredes, Carolina Ramon-Caro & Dustin LombardoCo-Op Summer Enrichment Directorswhere all are welcome, where learning is blended with summer fun, where young minds become STEM explorers, where traditions connect us, where confidence flourishes, where campers become leaders, where young adults take the lead and quality comes first because #summerMATTERS.

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5%black4%white1%other89%of campersqualify for free or reduced lunch38%of campers are returning for their 4th summer80%of campers arereturning70%of families indicated that their childwould have stayed at home if theyhad not had the Co-Op program —essentially Co-Op is their onlyoption for summer programming82%hispanic8%multi-racial 2022 demOgrapHics

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100%of professional staff agree that Co-Opprovides a stimulating, welcoming andsupportive environment for all children95%of parents indicate that theirchild(ren) were well cared forAll arE WelcomeA place whereI think that working with peoplefrom such a wide variety ofbackgrounds allows for the camp to be more fun andinclusive, as more viewpointsand perspectives arerepresented by the staff.CO-OP COUNSELOROur child has social anxiety and Co-Op camp has been a safe,nurturing environment where he has grown and shown muchimprovement. PARENT OF RISING 6TH GRADERWe are deeply grateful for the safe environment andopportunities that Co-Op hasprovided our child. The staff andcounselors are truly invested in providing a personal andwonderful experience for each child. RISE PARENT93%of all campers feel that thestaff took good care of them

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STEM Campers have a differentSTEM Major each week (5 total) as well as dailyreading and regular math learningSUMMER LEARNING SUMMER FUNSUMMER FUN90%said that attendingCo-Op will makethem a better studentin September54%of Co-Op camperscompared to only 48% oftheir low-income peersgained 1 to 3 reading levelsin SeptemberMORE FUN ACTIVITES!Co-Op offers arts & crafts,engineering, board games,movement, and sportsMath Caveour math fun room, was ranked ABOVE sports& recreation, reading and engineering79%of campers said that swimmingwas their favorite extra activityis blended with89%of families indicatedthat they chose Co-Opso their child couldcontinue learningduring the summer.LEARNING A place where

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A place where young minds becomeExpLOrERs30 HOURSof hands-onSTEM learningeach summer!Our campersengage in 79%like to learn new thingsabout STEM81%believe that understandingSTEM is important78%are excited about STEMMany of our campers struggle with STEM confidence:do not believe that “someone like me” can work inSTEM jobs when they grow up38%30%indicate that STEM makes them feel confused or nervousfeel that they do not do well in STEM33%But Co-Op kids embrace STEM learningand aspire for more:

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Buoyancy HydraulicsHabitatOrganismsFlotation60%of campers used STEM content languageto describe "what they learned at Co-Op” 96%of parentsindicated thatlearning STEM topicsis importantfor their childParents express thatSTEM learning isa priority forthemBut gainingaccess to STEMlearning is hardfor Co-Opfamilies68%of parentsindicated thattheir children hadnever taken aSTEM class before. . . in Code Conquest that robots use 1 and 0. AGE 7, ALMA’S SEA TURTLES . . . that water can become a solid, turn into ice. AGE 5, MARC’S STING RAYS . . . the differences between fish and mollusks. AGE 6, ALEX’S SEAHORSESWHAT PARENTS SAY ABOUTIn code conquest, I learned that robots use 1 and 0. - Age 7, Alma’s Sea Turtles, 2nd gradeI learned that water can become a solid, turn into ice, Age 5, Grade 1, Marc’s Sting RaysI learned of the power of water Age 9, Brandons ManateesI learned the differences between fish and mollusks. Age 6, Alex’s SeahorsesI learned

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TRadiTiONs A place whereconnect us5yearsof Color WarsWinners to date:2018: Pink 2019: Orange2020: Yellow2021: Pink2022: Orange24morning ralliesthat launched each daywith our camp song245ice cream treatsproviding cool reliefand sugary smiles80children makingtheir first Co-OpBadge Shield10,000Keva planksplus 5 LEGO bins forengineering featsover 5 feet tall5field tripsincluding opportunitiesfor over 30 parentsto chaperone80%of campers arereturning campersstaff memberswere formerCo-Op campers9averagereturning staff50%Co-Op is family. Myself, my siblings, all of my cousinsand my two kids attended Co-Op camp. PARENT, RISING 4TH GRADER They keepcoming back!

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I love hearing how proud campers are of their ability toswim as their lessons progress. It is clear that theirconfidence in the water becomes much stronger. AQUATICS TEAM MEMBERConfidence Flourishes. . . and whereof children wereindependent swimmers at the start of summerOnly14%28%ages 5-14For childrendrowning is thesecond leading causeof unintentional injury(CDC, 2022)Children attending 4 or more summers were TWICE as likely to be independent swimmers by the end of the summer 2Xwereindependentswimmers bysummer close,double thenumber!

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Leadership can be very important, can give you moreconfidence,sociability and morestrategies. RISE PARTICIPANTBeComE LeadersResponsibility & Independence throughSummer EnrichmentA place where campersindicated that RISE helped them: Feel strong enough to take chances& try new things in the future Learn to use their voice to speak upfor things that they believe in89%of RISE Leaders-in-Training saidthey learned “that anyone has theability to be a leader”100%of professional staff indicatedthat Co-Op helps campersdevelop personal responsibility,self-direction, and leadership100%RISE LEADER-IN-TRAINING PROGRAM197th & 8th Graders 25 hrsof interactiveleadership training1:1mentoringplus regular writtenfeedback on theirperformance as role models

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YoUng adults. . . and where take the leadEverything we do is crucial to giving ourcampers a summer that matters…especially the amazing young adults whoengage so deeply with them. Even the smallmoments when they get to read with anolder camper or when they are silly withtheir counselor — it all matters. CO-OP DIRECTORCo-Op is unique because it formspartnerships with a diverse group ofyoung people who are future leaders inour community. CO-OP EDUCATOR48 hoursHigh school & college aged counselorsreceive 48 hours of leadership and jobtraining throughout the summer3 reviewsEach counselor receives3 written performance reviewsthroughout the summer

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Co-Op growsleadership skills!1100%ATTENDED CO-OP3 SUMMERSOR MOREHISPANIC80%FEMALE60%major themesemerged:Co-Op’s role in middle school transitionsOur staff conducted a two year qualitative studyof 43 Co-Op campers who attended 3 or moresummers and who are currently in middle schoolCampers toldspecific lessons thatthey learned fromtheir counselors:70%of campers said they could seethemselves as counselors in the futureRISEalumniindicated they they will be leaders byJoining student councilHaving the courage to talk tomore peopleHelping new studentsIt is OK toask for helpNevergive upTreat everyoneequally32years43campers+impactLong term

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Co-Op grows confidenceto overcome challenges3Co-Op grows a child’ssense of STEM identity 257%increasedtheir interestin STEM27%had a morepositive attitudetowards STEM16%feel morecapablein STEM98%said attending co-Op made the transition tomiddle school easier100%described accomplishing something at camp that theydid not think that they could do such as learning to swim,STEM projects and making new friends"I understand STEM more deeply.""Science is my favorite subject now.""STEM is broader than I realized.""I want to do science as a career."I learned that I am more ofan extroverted person, Ialways thought I was moreof a quiet person but Co-Opmade me feel safe and Iwas able to open up moreand express myself. From Co-Op, I learned that Ican try many new things, likethings that I never thought Icould do. This year we had ascience class that I wasn't sureif I would have been able to dobut I did.IN THEIR OWN WORDS

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for New York Life and National Summer Learning Association's Excellence inSummer Learning Award1 of 8national finalistsCamper EngagementRelationship BuildingClimateAdministrationProgramming91%of parents indicated they arelikely/very likely to re-enrolltheir child next summer86%of campers want tocome back to Co-Opnext summerqUaLiTy A place where comes first93%was the average score onour Quality Self Assessmentacross 10 evaluation areaswith strongest marks for:I’m a single mom and I feel relieved that Ican work while my two daughters areattending a camp that is full of wonderfulexperiences and yet it’s also providing thelearning tools that they need. PARENT OF RISING 1ST & 5TH GRADERSThe variety of learning that comes intoeach camper's life for 5 weeks is reallyexceptional. They are working their minds,bodies and spirits, doing everything fromexpanding their science, math and readingskills to moving their bodies in sports anddance, in addition to thinking criticallyabout relationships and the world aroundthem. It's incredible! CO-OP EDUCATOR

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All Co-Op curriculum is project based learning. Childrenstart with a question and are resourced with supplies,tools and materials to explore that question. For ourdissection class, the guiding question was:How do scientists create diagrams to teach people about the anatomy of animals?What makes Co-Op Curriculum Unique?Consider our STEM Major: Inside / OutSpotlightonCurriculumAuthentic Experiences1.5 hourlearning blocks forlonger projects Children explored animal anatomy using thesame tools as scientistsChildren asked What do you think the insideof this will look like?Children worked: Let's sketch it, open it &discover its parts,then draw a new sketchChildren observed and documented theirscientific stepsScientific inquiry focused on:pattern recognition when comparingsystems of different speciesexploration of systems and system modelsfor each organ systemcomparing structure and function acrossorganisms, plants or animals.1.2.3.

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Salaries58%Staff Development3%Program Materials & Trips25%Insurance & Overhead11%Fundraising3%Tuition17.78%Mamaroneck Union Free School District36.08%Village of Mamaroneck & Town of Mamaroneck9.02%Foundations & Grants23.13%Individual Gifts13.99%$1,352Cost per child100%of campers receivescholarshipassistance2XCounselor end ofsummer bonuseswere doubledSTEM LEADERS$25,000 - $99,999Heidi & Jim HanleyAlix & Ruedi LaagerJane Orans Charitable TrustLance R. Wachenheim FoundationFinancialOverviewEXPENSESREVENUEDoNorsCo-OpCo-Op Summer Enrichment is a cooperative. While muchof the funding is supplied by the Mamaroneck SchoolDistrict, the Village of Mamaroneck, and the Town ofMamaroneck, this program depends on financialdonations. Thank you to those who support Co-Op!STEM CHAMPIONS $100,000 and upGloria & Richard Kushel FoundationOur mascot "Chance"because every childdeserves a chance tohave a great summer!

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Jill Bock & Andy DresnerSarah & James CoadyStephany & Ryan KirkpatrickLauren & James LambertSasha & Chris NahrThe Philip & Lynn Straus FoundationAndrea & Andrew PotashCarla Volpe PorterTown of MamaroneckVillage of MamaroneckSTEM FRIENDS $1-$999Catherine & Joe CarneyLisa CatucciElaine ChapnickSheila ChervinMindy ChopraLeslie CondonStacey CreemLindsay & Kevin DanckwerthCarol & Albert DoldMeryl ElkinTrish EllingwoodSofia EstradaLiz EstroffRachel EstroffStephen EstroffSusan EstroffMarty & John FarrisMary Jane & Ernest FeleppaSabrina FiddelmanMegan FischerKatie & Seth FreidmanJudith FriedmanMaria AlbanoNicole AlifanteNoa AriasVerena ArnabalRobin AskinsAllison BelolanSonita & Peter BennittEllie & Bob BerlinMichael BerlinDanielle BesharMatthias BogarinErin BondGail BoylePam BrandmanBarry BrauseZachary BreaultPatricia BrighamTami BurksJoyce CallahanPatricia CampbellJoan CapaldiMartha Carballo LopezMaura & Glenn CarlinAnne Kimball & Malcolm FroumanLuisa FuentesJulio Garcia-OrtizSandra Wong GerouxLaurie & Stephen GirskyNancy GoodmanScott HeifetzTodd HendricksCourtney HewsonTeresa HoughRobert IngenitoChiyo ItohCary JamesChristiane Janssen & Jean-Emmanuel SheinCoralie JosephDavid KahnChristopher KäuferRebeca KnirschMarlene & Gerald KolbertMark L KramerKarin LaagerJamie LazarLynne Barnes Leahy & Richard LeahyPaige & Gregory LewisJoe LibertiBonnie & Wayne LinStefanie Lob & Zinovy IosovichJulia LoveKatherine MacleodJirandy MartinezLisa & Kirk MasonAllison MayJoanne McHughEleanor McNamaraMichele MetschJean MichelOindrila PathaniChristel PuginGeorgia QuinnEmmanuel RawlingsLindsay ReitzesJill RobertsonRandi RobinowitzBadger Swim ClubGabi Blumberg & Tim PowerRisa & Matthew CrandallMary & Palmer DavisStacy DiCristofaroEpiscopal Church Women of St. John’s ChurchStephanie & John PowerLarchmont Temple George & Claude SchwabNicole SheindlinKate Snow & Chris BreaultSt. John's Episcopal ChurchAlice Tenney & Budd WiesenbergTD Charitable FoundationSandi RosenbergEdith RothTheodora SaalJill and Paul SarkoziPam SchwabThomas Secker-WalkerDiane Sferrazza KatzKarin ShermanAlison & Jonathan SilvermanJane SovernCortney StanleyChristian TemplemanAmy Tenney LevereDena VachnaMaryAnn WalkinMarcia WarnerBruce WeinsteinElizabeth WeissSally WestbrookPhilippa & Philip WhartonMichelle & Neil WhitePam YergerLisa YoungSTEM SUPPORTERS$1,000 - $4,999STEM ADVOCATES$5,000 - $24,999Ellie FredstonHoulihan LawrenceAlison & Kevin MaertensMark Manley & Ainslie SimmondsAmy & Bruce MeighanJen Mitchell & Dave SzuchmanSam & Nathalie Orans

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oUr 2022 Co-op TeaM48Young AdultCounselors Leaders-in-Training19ProfessionalEducators5Directors & LeadAdministrators11Young & RisingEducators5

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(Pictured left to right, top to bottom row)Abigail Hernandez, Co-RegistrarKerry Daly-Paredes, Elementary Co-DirectorSephora Luzincourt, Young Adult LeaderDustin Lombardo, Elementary Co-DirectorImani Bell, RISE DirectorManny Rawlings, Business ManagerTracy Apotheker, Young Adult LeaderAna Rodriguez, Middle School DirectorMargaret Käufer, Lead AdministratorCarolina Ramon-Caro, Elementary Co-DirectorCo-Op is Mamaroneck’s only summer programfor low-income children.Co-Op is led by The STEM Alliance, a STEMeducation 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and is primarilyfunded by the Mamaroneck School District withsupport from local municipalities. The STEMAlliance raises additional funds annually in theform of grants and donations that are used tomaintain the quality of the program.THE CO-OP MISSION:About Co-Op Summer EnrichmentLeADership teamTHE CO-OP MANTRA: Equal access to quality programmingbecause summer matters! To provide at-risk students with equal access toexemplary summer enrichment in a safe environmentthat promotes independent thinkers andcollaborative learnersTo meet the Mamaroneck School District’s goals ofproviding a continuum of services and academicenrichment while encouraging summer fun

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Donate now Or mail your check made payable to: The STEM AllianceP.O. Box 528, Larchmont, NY 10538Add notation to check: Co-Op Summer Enrichment Fund The STEM Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN # 46-0973552Your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.Creating a network of STEM learning opportunities! Your gifts provide access toquality programming for all!SUMMER MATTERS!