Administrative TeamKelley Long, MBAExecutive DirectorSarah DamianiOutreach and CommsDirectorJennifer HayhurstPolicy DirectorCheryl Evans, M.EdOffice AdministratorDani FitzgeraldExecutive AssistantSydney GaleMarketing andDevelopment ManagerKatie TrauschOutreach ManagerJack SchadekMarketing and DigitalContent CoordinatorClinical TeamRichard Whitney, MD, FASAMMedical DirectorChristina Delos Reyes, MDAssociate Medical DirectorPhuong N Hyunh, MDWell-Being and AssociateMedical DirectorNelson Heise, MS, PCC-S,LICDC-SClinical DirectorCase ManagersJill Fulton, LISW-S, LICDCRosalie Hemphill, MSW, LSWKami Imes, LISW-S, CEAPAnne Kelley, LISWDawn Riegel, MS, LPCC, LICDCMicah Wright, CDCACompliance TeamJill Aitcheme, MPH, CDCAQuality & ComplianceManagerKara Armbruster, CDCA, CHESCompliance ManagerQuincey ChambersClinical Care CoordinatorSamantha Kinser, CDCA, CPTCompliance CoordinatorMolly Upton, CDCAClinical CoordinatorSkylar Gilbert, CDCAProgram AssistantStaffBoard of DirectorsChairMelinda E. Ford, D.O., FACOFPVice-ChairKrisanna L. Deppen, M.D., MBA, FACPTreasurer/SecretarySteven W. Crawford, M.D.Jonathan A. Good, Esq.Timothy L. Kolb, D.V.M.Gregory J. Nixon, O.D., FAAOTheresa C. Novak, M.Ed., PCC-S, CWCJason E. Thuener, M.D.Matthew A. Vail, M.D., MPHJames W. Van Hook, M.D.DirectorsOhioPHP Annual ReportCraig A. Brown, MAPStephen R. Feagins, MD, MBA, FACP
A Message from OhioPHP Medical Director2022 brought more great changes toOhioPHP, the Ohio Professionals HealthProgram. As you can see, the first changeto note is our new name! This change wasimplemented to be more inclusive of theincreased number and variety ofhealthcare professionals (HCPs) in Ohiothat now have access to OhioPHP’sservices. We worked with the OhioOccupational Therapy, Physical Therapyand Athletic Trainers Board (OTPTAT) todevelop a confidential safe haven program,which launched in December 2022. Thoselicensed by this Board who may needassistance for stress, burnout, mentalhealth or substance use disorders can nowaccess supportive services throughOhioPHP. In addition to this Board, we now work with the licensees of the State Medical Boardof Ohio, Ohio State Dental Board, Ohio Board of Pharmacy, Ohio State ChiropracticBoard, Ohio Vision Professionals Board, and the Ohio Veterinary Medical LicensingBoard. Our expansion of services to other healthcare professionals will continuethroughout 2023.Joining us in this expansion is OhioPHP’s first Associate Medical Director. ChristineDelos Reyes, MD joined our staff in November 2022. She is a board-certifiedaddiction psychiatrist whose primary duties include working with healthcareprofessionals who participate in well-being screenings, clinical assessments,monitoring agreements, and more. She brings over 30 years of expertise and we arethrilled she joined our team at OhioPHP. OhioPHP presented at our first national conference for theFederation of State Physician Health Programs (FSPHP) in NewOrleans, Louisiana. The presentation was on the results of our2020 survey project, “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic onthe Health and Well-being of Ohio’s Healthcare Workers.” Thiswas a significant honor and recognizes the need for supportiveservices for Ohio’s healthcare community. Additionally, the results of the COVID-19 well-being survey werealso published in the Journal of Medical Regulation, marking thefirst time we have been published in a national journal. Wethank our research partners, Mighty Crow, for doing an excellentjob in statistical analysis and organizing this important data toassist medical licensing boards and other medical regulators inthe recognition of the additive stress that the COVID-19pandemic placed on our healthcare providers in Ohio andaround the country.Finally, we received a record amount of financial assistance fromstakeholders around the state in 2022. We were even able tosurpass our stretch fundraising goal. These generous donationswill assist us in continuing to deliver our services at no expenseto Ohio’s healthcare providers and to help them provide highquality care to patients throughout the state. We look forward tothe future as we continue to expand our services to all of Ohio’shealthcare professionals. Richard N Whitney, MD, DABAM, FASAMMedical DirectorOhioPHP Annual Report
A Message from OhioPHP Executive DirectorOhioPHP Annual Report2022 was a great year full of growth andchange for the Ohio ProfessionalsHealth Program (OhioPHP). Wecontinue to work with new regulatoryboards to expand our crucial services tomore healthcare professionals in Ohio.The first new safe haven program waslaunched in December 2022, for theOccupational Therapy, PhysicalTherapy, and Athletic Trainers Board'slicensees! Confidential safe havenprograms are also being created withnew licensing boards such as the OhioChemical Dependency ProfessionalsBoard, Ohio Veterinary MedicalLicensing Board, Ohio VisionProfessionals Board, the Ohio Board ofPsychology, and the Ohio Board ofNursing. Additionally, the individuals that are seeking our services are more burned out,more stressed, and experiencing more complex issues than prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. To combat this, OhioPHP is providing more comprehensiveservices to healthcare professionals. We have grown from 12 staff members atthe beginning of 2021 to 25 employees today, including our first AssociateMedical Director. Dr. Christine Delos Reyes has over 30 years of experience withaddiction medicine, and we are proud to have her on our team.Dr. Goldberg not only served on the Board for many years, he was theMedical Director for 8 years, and he signed the original Articles ofIncorporation when OhioPHP became its own nonprofit in 1995! Onbehalf of the Board and Staff at OhioPHP, I would like to extend oursincere thanks and appreciation to Dr. Goldberg and all he has done forour organization. 2022 was also a year full of exciting activity for OhioPHP. We completed59 educational presentations to help spread awareness of our services.We partnered with the Ohio State Medical Association and the AmericanFoundation for Suicide Prevention to launch the statewide “Well-BeingCheckup and Referral Engagement Service (CARES), which connectshealthcare professionals with mental health resources anonymously. Wecontinue to collaborate with the State Medical Board of Ohio to amendexisting statutes and rules to allow significant improvements to thecurrent impairment regulations. We finalized the qualitative data reportfrom our research “Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Health andWell-Being of Ohio’s Healthcare Workers.” Most recently, we finalized theresearch results on the Counseling, Social Worker, and Marriage andFamily Therapist Board, Board of Pharmacy, and the Board of Nursing.I am inspired by our donors, partners and staff who have risen to thegrowth we continue to experience. They have demonstrated resilienceand a dedication to the healthcare professionals we serve. We lookforward to the future as we continue to expand our services to helpmore healthcare professionals than ever before. When we work togetherto keep Ohio’s healers healthy, we can achieve great things. Thank youfor your continued support of OhioPHP. As I reflect back on the path that got us to where we are, I can't help but thinkof a long-time OhioPHP advocate, Dr. David Goldberg who recently retired fromthe Board of Directors.Kelley M. Long, MBAExecutive Director
Gave a record breaking 59educational presentationsAssisted 649 healthcareprofessionals withburnout, mental health,or substance useYOU MADE THIS POSSIBLE IN 2022Raised more moneythan ever beforePresented at the firstnational conference inOhioPHP historyCOVID-19 Well-beingSurvey Results published inthe Journal of MedicalRegulationHelped us fully eliminateprogram fees in 2021 andallowed us to offer FREE Well-being Screenings to Ohio'sHealthcare Professionals
Expanded Programs to Serve ALL of Ohio's Healthcare ProfessionalsOhioPHP continues to work with new regulatory boards to expand our crucial services to more healthcareprofessionals in Ohio. The first new safe haven program was launched in December 2022, for the OccupationalTherapy, Physical Therapy, and Athletic Trainers Board's licensees! Three other licensing boards have recently filedrules to enact confidential monitoring programs for their licensees and several other boards are in the rule draftingstage. Thus far, a total of 8 regulatory boards have taken steps to implement confidential safe haven programs fortheir licensees! We are excited for the addition of new programs in 2023 as we continue to expand our services tomore of Ohio’s licensed healthcare professionals. New and Enhanced Services - Well-being ScreeningsOhioPHP can assist with the identification of stress, burnout, mental health, and substance use disorders or otherissues by providing comprehensive well-being screenings to healthcare professionals. We utilize a multi-disciplinary team approach to provide recommendations related to these concerns. Our screenings are available toall licensed healthcare professionals in Ohio. In 2022, OhioPHP completed 59 screenings! Since launching thisservice in 2020, we have seen a 556% increase in healthcare professionals completing a well-being screen.Hired First Ever Associate Medical DirectorIn 2022, OhioPHP hired our first ever Associate Medical Director. Dr. Christine Delos Reyes assists the MedicalDirector in overseeing the confidential monitoring program and all clinical services. Prior to joining OhioPHP, shepracticed addiction psychiatry at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and was the Program Director ofthe Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship for 20 years. Dr. Delos Reyes graduated from the BS/MD program at theNortheast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED). She is extremely passionate about physician well-being andrecovery and has been since starting medical school. She even volunteered with OhioPHP as a peer monitor in the90’s and she served on the OhioPHP Board of Directors for 10 years! Dr. Delos Reyes has been active in organizedmedicine for over 25 years and most recently served as President of the Ohio Society of Addiction Medicine from2020 to 2022. We are thrilled to have such an asset and pioneer for practitioner well-being on our team!A Year in Review
Our Confidential Well-being ProgramsJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec50 40 30 20 10 0 PhysicianResident/StudentDental ProfessionalAA/RCPVet ProfessionalChiropractorPAOptometristOther150 100 50 0 BoardSelfHospitalColleagueTreatmentOtherLegalAssociationPHPFamily100 75 50 25 0 SUD Education Other MH BH75 50 25 0 Inquiries per MonthTotal Number of Referrals Substance Use ReferralsRecovery Rate31269%Confidential Agreements86%97%Agreements by ProfessionInquiry Type BreakdownReferral Source2022 2021 2020OhioPHP Annual Report
Presentation TopicsHospitals14Conferences/Meetings30Substance Use DisordersSafe Haven ProgramsSurvey ResultsTotal Attendees2,793Schools/Training Programs15Total Presentations Completed in 202259OhioPHP OverviewBurnoutWell-beingLanguageOur Education ProgramOhioPHP Annual Report
CDCADDSDieticianEMTLMTLISWPharmMD/DOStudentRCPPARNVetVet TechMFT15 10 5 0 OHIOPHP WELL-BEING SCREENINGSLaunched in 202117Well-being ScreeningsCompleted in 202159Completed in 2022RegulatoryBoardsColleague/EmployerSelf57%27%10%Other6%OhioPHP utilizes a multi-disciplinary teamapproach to provide recommendationsrelated to burnout, mental health disorders,substance use disorders and other issues forhealthcare professionals, at no charge.OhioPHP Annual Report
2019 2020 2021 2022100% 75% 50% 25% 0% FinancialSnapshotExpensesProgram ServicesMarketing & GeneralFundraising
2019 2020 2021 2022100% 75% 50% 25% 0% FinancialSnapshotRevenueGrants & DonationsProgram FeesOtherOhioPHP Annual Report
Academy of Medicine of Cleveland and Northern OhioAcademy of Medicine of CincinnatiColumbus Medical Association Ohio Academy of Family Physicians Ohio Athletic Trainers’ AssociationOhio Chapter, American College of SurgeonsOhio Chapter, American Academy of PediatricsOhio Chiropractic Association Ohio Dental Association Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Association Ohio Occupational Therapy Association Ohio Optometric Association Ohio Osteopathic Association Ohio Pharmacists Association Ohio Physical Therapy AssociationOhio Psychiatric Physicians Association Ohio State Medical Association Ohio Veterinary Medical Association Our Partners"We are grateful to OhioPHP forproviding timely and expert guidancewhen we needed it. We were notaware of the depth of resourcesavailable and the confidential processto access compassionate assistance,and we look forward to workingtogether to help spread the word andmake these resources available acrossall healthcare communities."Sarah Friebert, MDDirector, Pediatric Palliative CareAkron Children's HospitalOhioPHP Annual Report
2022 DonorsPhysicians Honor Society ($50,000+) Ohio Medical Quality FoundationOhio Department of Mental Health and Addiction ServicesHeritage Society ($25,000 - $49,999) Coverys Community HealthCare Foundation OhioHealth Corporate in honor of National Doctor’s DayPinnacle Society ($10,000 - $24,999) Ohio Veterinary Medical AssociationKeystone Society ($5,000 - $9,999) Academy of Medicine of CincinnatiTower Society ($1,000 - $4,999) The Academy of Medicine of Cleveland and Northern Ohio Mike Baumann Plumbing Ohio Society of Anesthesiologists Ohio Optometric Association in honor of Dr. Gregory Nixon Providence Medical GroupPillar Society ($500 - $999) Graff & Associates Hancock County Medical Society Ohio Academy of Family Physicians Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical AssociationCornerstone Society ($200 - $499) Allergy Immunology Associates Bellisari’s Gourmet Convenience Kroger Montgomery County Medical Society The Ohio State University College of Optometry inhonor of Dr. Gregory NixonFounders Society ($1 - $199) Amazon Smile Network for Good Organizations & SocietiesOhioPHP Annual Report
Tower Society ($1,000 - $4,999) Adena Regional Medical Center The Bellevue Hospital Medical Staff Blanchard Valley Hospital Medical Staff Cleveland Clinic Medina Hospital MedicalStaff Clinton Memorial Hospital Medical Staff Dayton Children’s Hospital Medical Staff Fairfield Medical Center Fairfield Medical Center Medical Staff Fisher-Titus Medical Center Medical Staff Fulton County Health Center Medical Staff Joint Township District Memorial Hospital Pillar Society ($500 - $999) Mercy Health St. Anne Hospital Medical Staff Mercy Health St. Charles Hospital Mercy Health St. Charles Hospital MedicalStaff Mercy Health St. Rita’s Medical CenterMedical Staff ProMedica Fostoria Community Hospital Cornerstone Society ($200 - $499) Aultman Orrville Hospital Medical Staff Pomerene Hospital Pomerene Hospital Medical Staff Wyandot County Medical Society Wyandot Memorial HospitalKeystone Society ($5,000 - $9,999) Akron Children’s Hospital Medical Staff Cincinnati Children’s Hospital MedicalCenter Medical Staff Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center MedicalStaff Nationwide Children's Hospital MedicalStaff OhioHealth Grant Medical Center MedicalStaff Premier Health Miami ValleyHospital Medical Staff The Ohio State University Wexner MedicalCenter Medical Staff University of Cincinnati Medical CenterMedical Staff Kettering Health Network Greene MemorialHospital and Soin Medical Center Medical Staff Licking Memorial Hospital Licking Memorial Hospital Medical Staff Mary Rutan Hospital Medical Staff McLaren St. Luke's Hospital Medical Staff Mercer Health Mercer County CommunityHospital Mercer Health Mercer County CommunityHospital Medical Staff Mercy Health Clermont Hospital Medical Staff OhioHealth Doctors Hospital Medical Staff OhioHealth Mansfield and Shelby HospitalMedical Staff ProMedica Defiance Regional Hospital MedicalStaff Salem Regional Medical Center Medical Staff St. Vincent Charity Medical Center Medical Staff University Hospitals Parma Medical CenterMedical Executive Staff Wayne HealthcareMedical Staff ProMedica Memorial Hospital Medical Staff Premier Health Upper Valley Medical Center Premier Health Upper Valley Medical CenterMedical Staff Southeastern Med Medical Staff Southern Ohio Medical Center Trinity Health System West Medical Staff University Hospitals Samaritan Medical CenterMedical Staff University Hospitals St. John Medical CenterMedical Staff2022 Donors HospitalsOhioPHP Annual Report
2022 Donors IndividualsTower Society ($1,000 - $4,999) Anonymous (1) Dr. and Mrs. David Applegate Steven W. Crawford, M.D., MBA,FACOG Christina Delos Reyes, M.D. in honorof Kelley Long Krisanna L. Deppen, M.D. Stephen R. Feagins, M.D., MBA, FACP Melinda E. Ford, D.O., FACOFP Dr. and Mrs. David D. Goldberg Kevin Hommema in honor of Drs.Carol Chung, Heidi O’Neil, andMatthew Vail Jeffrey L. Hunter, MSc, DC, D.O.,FASFP, FACHE Phuong N. Huynh, M.D. Kelley M. Long, M.B.A. Sybil K. Marsh, M.D. Eric and Lori Plinke Drs. William and Kimberly Rothermel Nancy and Robert K. Rupp, J.D. Herbert A. Schumm, M.D. Jason Thuener, M.D. Pillar Society ($500 - $999) Anonymous (1) Farshid Afsarifard, Ph.D. Jan Baumann Robert L. Brandt, Jr., M.D. Richard Cardella, M.D. Thomas Gregoire, Ph.D. Nelson H. Heise, MA, MS, PCC-S, LICDC-CS Michael Kelly, M.D. Timothy L. Kolb, D.V.M. in memory of Dr.Thomas Kozlowski Christopher Meyer, D.O. Elizabeth Read, M.D. Robert C. Schiff, Jr., M.D. Michael Schottenstein, M.D. Anita Steinbergh, D.O.Cornerstone Society ($200 - $499) Anonymous (3) Seth Alpert, M.D. in honor of Rama Jayanthi T. Dean Bobbitt, D.D.S. Robert Clinger The Clinton Family Fund Ruth A. Cooper, D.P.M. Laura M. Courtney, D.V.M. Patricia Davidson, M.D. Josefina Delos Reyes, PhD. in honor of Dr.Delos Reyes Robert DiSalle, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Doyle Leslie R. Dye, M.D. G. Patrick Ecklar, M.D. Robert Falcone, M.D. Arnold P. Good and Lisa M. Newmark Andrew T. Hearn, M.D. Susan Hubbell, M.D. Lawrence J. Jacobs, M.D. Christine J. Julian, M.D. Molly Katz and Carl Parrot Fund of TheGreater Cincinnati Foundation James N. Kaya, M.D. Dr. David and Mrs. Margaret Tondow Fund Matthew A. Vail, M.D., MPH James W. Van Hook, M.D. James W. Van Hook, M.D. in memory of Dr. F. E. Gene Seale Richard Whitney, M.D., FASAM OhioPHP Annual Report
2022 DonorsIndividualsFounders Society ($1 - $199) Anonymous (4) Jill Aitcheme, MPH Costa Andreou, M.D. Sarah Anstine Robert L. Barker, M.D. Ronald J. Bloomfield, M.D. Craig A. Brown, MAP in memory ofDr. Gregory Vignon Annette M. Chavez, M.D. Judith Childers, D.V.M. Victoria Damiani Nicholas Davis, M.D. Pamela DeFranco in honor of Dr.Delos Reyes Laura Edwards Ben Ertel Robert Exten, M.D. Elizabeth Fowler, M.D. Jennifer L. Gwilym, D.O. in honor ofDr. Melinda Ford Edward C. Hall, M.D. Jennifer Hayhurst David Karol, M.D. Patricia Kellner, M.D. Linda Lehmkuhl, DVM Lynn Long Deborah J. Lynn, M.D.Bonita D. Malit, M.D. Andrew and Emily Maly Christopher P. Marett, M.D., MPH inmemory of John M. Stang David B. McClure, M.D. Claudia Metz, M.D. Frank Miller III, M.D. Kenneth S. Moss, M.D. Link R. Murphy, M.D. Peter Muscarella II, M.D. Michelle Nicopolis, Ph.D. in honorof Theresa Novak Colleen Opremcak, M.D., MS, FAPA Peter Pema, M.D. Linda L. Post, M.D. Elizabeth A. Roseberry, M.D. William L. Tedford, M.D. Tammy Thompson in memory ofPaul, Jeanne, and Terry Thompson Rekha Trivedi, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Christopher WhiteCornerstone Society ContinuedAlan Levy, M.D. Joseph Mastandrea, D.O. James McCracken, D.C. Ronald L. Miller, M.D. William R. Mitchell, M.D. David J. Montanaro, D.O. Gregory J. Nixon, O.D., FAAO Theresa C. Novak, M.Ed., PCC-S, CWC David R. Paolone, M.D. Eric Pizza, M.D. Craig Pratt, M.D., DFASAM, FAPA William Roddick, M.D. Ann M. Saluke, M.D. Sara A. Sukalich, M.D. Katie Trausch Timothy Wiechers, J.D. Cheryl D. Wills, M.D. Micah D. Wright, CDCA Daniel ZinsmasterOhioPHP Annual Report
Cornerstone Society ($200 - $499) Ohio Association of Physician Assistants Ohio Chapter, American College of Emergency PhysiciansTower Society ($1,000 - $4,999) American College of Emergency Physicians, Ohio Chapter Cleveland Academy of Osteopathic Medicine Ohio Academy of Family Physicians Ohio Association of Physician Assistants Ohio Dental Association Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Association Ohio Ophthalmological Society Ohio Optometric Association Ohio Society of Addiction Medicine Ohio Society of Anesthesiologists Ohio State Chiropractic Association Ohio Veterinary Medical Association Pillar Society ($500 - $999) Ohio Association of Medical Staff Services Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association Ohio Society of Respiratory Care Ohio State Medical AssociationOhioPHP relies on the generosity of our stakeholders to continue providing confidential services and education to Ohio’shealthcare professionals. The generosity of our donors allows OhioPHP to serve thousands of healthcare professionals eachyear at no program cost! In 2022, we had a record-breaking year raising more funds than ever before, and we are tremendouslygrateful for the support we have received as we work to expand our services to more of Ohio’s healthcare community. Wewould also like to thank the Ohio Medical Quality Foundation and the Ohio Department of Mental Health and AddictionServices for their continued funding and partnership. We look forward to serving more of Ohio’s healers in 2023. THANKYOU!2022 Donors In-KindOhioPHP Annual Report
"OhioPHP is uniquely positioned to serve thehealth and well-being needs of any licensedhealthcare professional in Ohio. We can'tthink of a better way to recognize thecontributions of our own physicians thansupporting OhioPHP at this time."Teri Caulin-Glaser, MDSenior Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer,OhioHealthDONOR SPOTLIGHTOn National Doctor's Day 2022,OhioHealth Hospital Systemgenerously donated $20,000 tosupport the health and well-beingof their physicians. This incrediblegift helped us serve healthcareprofessionals from 5 healthcareregulatory boards while workingwith additional licensing boards inOhio on developing confidentialmonitoring programs for theirlicensees. We are thankful for theirgenerosity. OhioPHP Annual Report
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Supporting Ohio's Healthcare Professionals since 1995