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2022-23 Magazine

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A N N U A L G I V I N G R E P O R T2022-2023

Click to play Class of 2023 Validectorian Brinley Dwyer's Commencement Speech

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insideinsideTHI S I SSU ETHI S I SSU EFrom the Pastor & Principal22St. Rose High SchoolSRHSNJ@SRHSNJSt. Rose High School Network@SRHSNJCheck out the latest St. Rose news atwww.srhsnj.comAlumni Awards44Century Club66Class of 20231818Support Us2020The Principal’s Circle2121Giving Report77

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-2023The Miriam-Webster Dictionary defines anticipation as to give advance thought,discussion, or treatment to; to meet (an obligation) before a due date; to foresee anddeal with in advance; to use or expend in advance of actual possession; to actbefore (another) often to check or counter; to look forward to as certain. I believe that last definition could well characterize the 2022-2023 school yearat St. Rose High School. Not only were students anticipating another year oflearning and growing academically, socially, and spiritually in all that SRHSprovides, but it was a year many of us had been anticipating and waiting tocelebrate---the Centennial Anniversary of St. Rose High School. I am always amazed how everywhere I go whether it’s a wedding, a Baptism,some social event or even in a restaurant, I meet so many people who arealumni of Saint Rose. They always express how grateful they were for theeducation they received, the dedication and caring of the faculty andadministration, and the family community they experienced in their years ofstudy. What has made Saint Rose High School so special? What has kept it flourishingthese many years—and will continue to flourish, please God? There are many,many reasons in response to those questions. As I see it, it is the generosity ofso many alumni, friends and benefactors who over the years have “kept the fire and enthusiasm going,” who have shared time, talent, and treasure to makeSRHS the wonderful high school that it is. With this annual report, I take the occasion to humbly and gratefully sayTHANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU for your generosity in supporting themission of our Catholic high school. We thank you for partnering with us and Ihope—and anticipate—that as you go through the pages of this report, you willcontinue your spirit of generosity in supporting St. Rose High School as wemove forward into our next century. With an assurance of my prayerful wishes to you and especially rememberingyou and your family daily as I celebrate the Eucharist, I remainGratefully yours in Christ,Rev. Msgr. Edward J. ArnisterPastorDear Alumni, Parents, and Friends,Praise Jesus Christ now and forever!2FRO M T HE PAS TOR & PRI NCI PALFRO M T HE PAS TOR & PRI NCI PALPastorRev. Msgr. Edward J. Arnister, JCLAdministrationPrincipalRobert Dougherty ‘05Vice Principal for AcademicsTim O’HalloranVice Principal for Student AffairsCrystal Ganley ‘05Campus ChaplainFather John Paul Del RasarioCampus MinisterNicholas PetrilloDirector of AdmissionsJennifer Hatfield Tallarico ‘92 Director of Alumni RelationsMichelle Devoy ‘89Advancement CoordinatorKerry CarrDirector of FinanceSusan IronsDirector of TechnologyMichael FalgaresSt. Rose BoardJohn O’Malley P ’13 ’15 ’17 ChairmanJohn Dalton ’00 Mr. Matthew Durkin 1983Judith Jackson Harms ‘87 P ‘17 ‘19 ‘20Francis Heine ’80 P ’08 ’11 ‘17 Sarah O’Connor Karan Taylor P ‘16 David Valiaveedan P ’15 ’21Stephen Westhoven ‘86 P ‘15 ‘16 ‘22 Parent Teacher AssociationPresident - Lisa Clayton Vice President- Nancy HanlonVice President - Brigid MagriniTreasurer - Lisa Morgan Athletic ClubCo- Presidents: Erin DeLuca, Kara RaganCo- Vice Presidents: Eric Brophy, Greg GlassbergTreasurer: Kara Theobald ContributorsFr. Edward ArnisterKerry CarrLouis (Del) Dal PraMichelle DevoyRobert DoughertyMichelle DriesMichael Falgares

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Dear St. Rose Community,Returning to my alma mater has been an incredibly rewarding experience, allowing me to reconnect with the special essence of this institution that we all hold dear. It brings me immense joy to witness our students flourishing in an environment where they are not just educated, but known, valued, and challenged each day. The achievements of our recent graduates, with 90% of the class of 2023 being accepted to their first-choice colleges and receiving substantial scholarships, speak volumes about the dedication of our staff andthe unwavering support of our St. Rose community.At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to instilling a spirit of unity with God and others, preparing ourstudents to be disciples of Christ and leaders of tomorrow. This mission serves as our guiding light, propellingus forward in our collective efforts to nurture the spiritual and academic growth of our students.With each passing year, my gratitude deepens for the transformative impact of a St. Rose education. The timespent within these walls leaves an indelible mark on the young men and women who have the opportunity tobe Purple Rose. I am profoundly grateful to our families who make sacrifices to prioritize Catholic educationand entrust their sons and daughters to our care, thereby advancing our school's mission.It's important to acknowledge that tuition alone does not cover the full cost of providing a St. Rose education.It is through the incredible generosity of our community, demonstrated through initiatives like the St. RoseAnnual Fund, that we are able to enhance our academic and extracurricular offerings and make Catholiceducation accessible to all families, regardless of financial circumstances.I am deeply thankful for the unwavering support of our dedicated alumni and community members whounderstand the importance of Catholic education and continually contribute their time, resources, andexpertise. We will continue to build upon the tradition of excellence that has defined our school for the past century,ensuring that future generations of Purple Roses will have the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Thank youfor your continued support, dedication, and commitment to St. Rose High School. Go Roses!Yours in faith and education,Robert J. Dougherty '05PrincipalSt. Rose High SchoolST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-2023Dear St. Rose Community3

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-2023THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARDThe distinguished service award is presented to that individual who has demonstrated lifelongservice and dedication to St. Rose High School as a faculty member, alumnus, or friend.Mark Fletcher ’90The Alumni Loyalty Award is presented to those graduates who have distinguished themselves through loyalcommitment to St. Rose through their generosity and by their efforts on behalf of alumni and students.Honoring Our AlumniHonoring Our AlumniSt. Rose is proud to have so many accomplishedand loyal alumni and friends.4ALUMNIALUMNITo honor them, St. Rose has instituted alumni awards to acknowledge these individuals.Please join us as we recognize these amazing St. Rose graduates.THE ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARDThe St. Rose High School Alumni Achievement Award is presented to those graduates who havedistinguished themselves in their field of endeavor, whether in public life, the professions, the arts,education, nonprofit organizations, or in the business world.James Duran ’75THE ALUMNI LOYALTY AWARDRichard Hope ’77

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-202322- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T6Our initiative, which waslaunched in 2018, continuesto grow with more generousfamilies and individualsjoining to support St. Rose.The commitment and visionthey share has made somuch possible for ourstudents and teachers.Members of the Century Clubinvest their financial supportby giving a minimum gift of$5,000 a year for 5 years,and have joined together toensure that St. Rose entersour second century with astrong foundation.THE CENTURY CLUBPositioning St. Rosefor the next century!If you, or your family, wish to join the Century Club please contact The Advancement Office to schedule a meeting, or to have your questions answered, about this exciting opportunity.The Annitto FamilyAnonymous 1963Ms. Kathleen Ballou 1979 and Mr. Kevin McCarthyMr. Kevin 1983 and Mrs. Claire Loftus Bormida 1984 P '15 '17Mrs. Bernadette Muller Broccolo 1973Mr. James Bromley 1982 and Mrs. Kristina Newman Bromely 1982Mr. Louis J. Carr Jr. 1957Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chinery Jr. P '11 '13 '19 '21Mr. Patrick Dwyer 1986 and Mrs. Jeanne Dwyer P '20 '21 ‘26Mr. Vincent FalconeMr. and Mrs. Christopher Fitzmaurice P '23Mr. Peter Forlenza 1984Mr. Phil Forlenza 1977 and Mrs. Clare Forlenza P '10 '12 '15 '19Mr. Vincent Forlenza Jr 1971Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gaffney P '88Mrs. Mary Ann Gately Mr. Vincent H. Gifford 1959 Mr. Robert and Mrs. Judith Jackson Harms 1987 P '17 '19 '20Mr. Brian Hatfield 1994 and Mrs. Christine Reynolds Hatfield 1992 P '21Mr. Francis Heine 1980 and Mrs. Kathy Heine P '08 '11 '17Mr. Robert Heine 1970 and Mrs. Mary Grace HeineMr. and Mrs. James Hickey P '19 '21Mr. Richard 1977 and Mrs. Susan Hope P '21 '22Mr. Christopher Housen 1983 and Mrs. Amanda Armstrong Housen 1982Mr. Patrick Housen 1985 and Mrs. Patricia Housen P '21Mr. and Mrs. John Inderwies P '23 '24Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jennings P '21 '23 '24Mr. Robert King 1976 and Mrs. Cindy KingThe Magrini Family P'18 '20 '23Mr. Jason Martin 1993 and Mrs. Carla Jung MartinMr. and Mrs. Thomas Oliver P '15 '21Mr. and Mrs. John O'Malley P '13 '15 '17Mrs. Janet Brown Quintal 1966Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Regan P '16 '18Mr. James and Mrs. Jill McWeeney Reilly 1965 P '92 GP '18 '19 '20 ‘23 ‘24 ‘25 ‘26Mr. Philip Schneider Jr. 1950Mr. Michael Scotto and Mrs. Kathleen Mullarkey Scotto 1977 P '06 '08 '11 '13Mr. Peter Smith 1963Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Taylor P '16Mr. and Mrs. John Tonero P ’25Mrs. Kailtin Briscoe Valcarcel 2001Mr. David Valiaveedan & Dr. Kathleen Dowling P '15 '21 Mr. and Mrs. John Visceglia P '20Mr. Stephen 1986 and Mrs. Monica Westhoven P '15 '16 '22

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-20237$100,000 and aboveMr. Robert McAllan 19641923 LEADERSHIP SOCIETYThe 1923 Leadership Society is made up of donors who are committed to the advancement of St. Rose by making a gift of $1,000 or more.EX TRAO RDINA RY G I VINGFO UNDE R’S C IRCL E$20,000 - $99,999Anonymous 1963Mr. Louis J. Carr, Jr 1957Dr. Barbara L. Godbold 1960Jersey Mike’s Franchise Systems, Inc. Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Grace Mazzarella -Educational Foundation ScholarshipMr. and Mrs. Ryan Sansone 1997Mr. James and Mrs. Jill McWeeney Reilly 1965 P '92 GP '18 '19 '20 ‘23 ‘24 ‘25 ‘26Mr. Michael Scotto and Mrs. Kathleen Mullarkey Scotto 1977 P '06 '08 '11 '13TH E GO LD SO CIET Y$10,000 - $19,999AnonymousMr. Matthew & Carla Abrahamson P ’26Mrs. Kathleen Ballou 1979Mr. George Brogan 1980Mrs. Mary Ann Gately Mr. Francis Heine 1980 and Mrs. Kathy Heine P '08 '11 '17 Mr. Robert Heine, 1970 and Mrs. Mary Grace Heine Mr. Patrick Housen 1985 and Mrs. Patricia Housen P '21Mr. and Mrs. John and June Inderwies P ‘23 ‘24Mr. Richard Kenah GP '17 '23 Manasquan Savings Bank Lt. Col. Robert Picht 1949Mr. Peter Smith 1963 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Taylor P '16The Ruth Giunco Grandchildren’s Charitable TrustSI STER S OF ST. J OSEP H SOC IETY$5,000 - $9,999Anonymous Anonymous 1975Mr. Kevin Bormida 1983 and Mrs. Claire Loftus Bormida 1984 P '15 '17Mrs. Bernadette Broccolo Esq. 1973Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Tracy Chinery Jr. P '11 '13 '19 '21Mr. Patrick Dwyer 1986 and Mrs. Jeanne Dwyer P '20 '21 ‘26Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fitzmaurice P '23Mr. Phil Forlenza 1977 and Mrs. Clare Forlenza P '10 '12 '15 '19Mr. Vincent Forlenza Jr. 1971Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gaffney P '88 Mr. Vincent Gifford 1959 Mr. Christopher Housen 1983 and Mrs. Amanda Armstrong Housen 1982Mr. Robert 1976 and Mrs. Cindy King The Magrini Family P' 18 '20 '23Ms. Marcy McGinnis 1968 Mr. and Mrs. John and Marianne O'Malley P '13 '15 '17Mrs. Janet Brown Quintal 1966Mrs. Kaitlin Briscoe Valcarcel 2001PU RPLE ROSE S CL U B$2,500 - $4,999Mr. and Mrs. Bernard and Marion Berry P '93 '93 '95 '00 '02CPC Behavioral Healthcare Boardwalk Family Chiropractic, LLCCPC Behavioral HealthcareMr. Christopher Devoy and Mrs. Michelle Miraglia Devoy 1989 P '22 Mr. & Mrs. John and June Inderwies P ‘23 ‘24Investors Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Yvonne Vignone Kreider, 1961Mr. Jason Martin 1993 and Mrs. Carla Jung Martin Mr. Paul McEvily 1971Mr. Eugene Paduano 1962 and Mrs. Rosemary Corbo Paduano 1965Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Kara Ragan Jr. P ’24 ‘24 ‘26 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Tami Regan P '16 '18St. Mark's ParishThe Estate of Bertha Maresco Ms. Catherine Tormey 1978 Mrs. Maureen Manning Weber 1975CO MMUN ITY C IRCL E$1,000 - $2,499Anonymous 1963Anonymous 1974Mr. John Baldwin Mr. Mark Barry 1974 and Mrs. Doreen Barry P '08 '10 '13 '17Mr. Robert Basso 1963 and Mrs. Mary BassoMs. Hilary BundyBy Design LandscapingLTC (Ret.) Marguerite Cook Campbell, 1968Mrs. Maria Geiger Checton, 1976 Class of 1990Mr. William Cobb, 1974 db Orthopedic Physical Therapy, PCMr. Brian Dugan 1985Elite Turf Construction, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Pedro and Sandra Escandon P ‘18 ‘20 ‘22 Mrs. Cathleen Conforti Fareri 1977Mr. Paul Gallagher Ms. Patricia Gately 1949Mr. James Gowen and Mrs. Linda Wall Gowen 1987 P ‘14 ‘16 ‘19 ‘22 ‘ 24Mr. Joseph Gowen 1981 and Mrs. Laurie Baiano Gowen 1982 P '13 '17 '22Mr. Timothy Heine 1973 and Mrs. Susan HeineMr. Thomas Howell 1957Mr. Collin D. Kamm 2005CDR James Kelly 1962 and Ms. Beverlee BickmoreMr. Scott Kobil 1996 and Mrs. Ellen Scharr Kobil 199922- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-20238Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Maureen Lake P ‘90 ‘95Mr. David Lipton Mr. Robert Maliff 1983Mr. John Marmora 1977 and Mrs. Kathleen Heine Marmora 1977Mr. Kevin Mclver 1972 Dr. Charles Nicola Ms. Sarah O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Allison Penkethman P ‘26Schoenhut Family FoundationMr. Robert Philburn 1946Mr. Shaun Polke 1997Mr. Henry Renk 1963 and Mrs. Elynor Griffin Renk 1963Mr. Patrick Roddy 1987Mr. Gerald E. Rogers 1958 P '85 '86 '91 '93Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Roy P '12Mr. Joseph Schaad 1958Ms. Kimberly ScottMr. Francis Sczerzenie 1963Mrs. Eileen SherdianMs. Thea Sheridan 1986 Thrive Spine and Sports Rehab, LLC Urner Barry Publications, Inc. Mr. Paul Vignone 1964 and Mrs. Deirdre Graham Vignone 1964Mrs. Ann Villa Mr. James Wingard 1972GOOD NEIGHBORS SOCIETY $500 - $999Anonymous 1963Mr. Robert Basso 1963Mrs. Amy Berry-Healy 1993 Dr. Joseph Bogan 1987Mr. Robert Bradley 1968Mrs. Nancy Gilligan Brautigan 1956 P '76 '77 '78 '82 '85Mr. Clemens Bremer Jr. 1961Mrs. Kathleen Broderick 1963Dr. and Mrs. James A. Clarke P '04 '08Mr. Melvin Coble Mr. Robert Cordes 1981Mrs. Patricia Cranmer 1961Mr. Ron and Rachael Crudo P ‘24Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeFazio P '14 '19 '21Mr. James Doran Jr. 1975Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Dugan P '85 '87 '88 '91 '95Dr. Patricia Jacques Emmanuel 1978Ms. Margaret Gathman P '07 Mrs. Patricia Kelly Grana 1967Dr. and Mrs. Robert Guenther P '97 '99 '01 '04 '06 '08Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hamill P '03Ms. Allison K. Heine 2011Mr. Robert Hogan 1977 and Mrs. Judith Formichella Hogan 1978Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Holl Mr. Thomas Hood 1959Mrs. Kathleen KeadyMr. Richard Kluge 1981Mr. and Mrs. Richard Looney P '18 '24Mr. Brian Lynch P ‘26 Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacAllister 1970Manasquan River Marlin & Tuna Club Mr. Joseph Marmora 1953 P '82 '84 GP '13 '17Mr. Jason Martin 1993 and Mrs. Carla Jung MartinMr Jerome McCabe Jr. 1971Mr. Andrew McCarthy 1992Ms. Margaret McConnell 1985Ms. Moira McKenna 1999Mrs. Colleen Muller Padnos 1981Dr. and Mrs. Bryan L. Patrick P '11 '13 '15 '16Mr. Francis Sczerzenie 1963Mr. Michael Skea and Mrs. Maureen Comer Skea 1977 P '07 '10 '14Mr. David Yhlen 1978 and Mrs. Kathleen Flickinger Yhlen 1979DONORS Up to $499Anonymous Anonymous 1973Anonymous 1974Anonymous 1996Ms. Mary Theresa Abel P '96Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Albin P '99 '01Ms. Mary Jo Alburts 1967Ms. Carla Aldarelli 1981Mr. Paul Allocca 1969 Mr. Tyler H. Alten 2002Mrs. Charlene Michalkowski Anderson 1989Mr. Frank Antonides 1983Mr. Philip Antonides 1987 Mr. Matthew AppleyardLt. Col. George Armstrong 1961Mr. Anthony AttardoMr. and Mrs. Robert Baker P '06Mr. Lawrence Baldwin 1974Mr. Vincent Ball 1966 Mr. Casey Ballou 2020Mr. Robert and Mrs. Elizabeth Harford Barrett 1965Ms. April R. Barry 2010Mr. Mark D. Barry Jr. 2017Ms. Shauna J. Barry 2013Mrs. Anne McDonough Beavan 1967Mr. and Mrs. Philip Biase P '08 '13Mrs. Pamela Day Biggs 1966Mr. Joseph Bogan 1967Mrs. Mary Ann Albano Bogan 1959 Mrs. Mary Bogan-Hicks 1957Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bogdan P '10Mrs. Linda Camooso Bolmarcich 1964Mr. Michael BonelliMs. Courtney Bormida 2015 Ms. Barbara Koerber Boyington 1967Mr. Michael Bozza 1966Mr. Phillip Bradford 1982Mr. Paul Brahney 1967 Ms. Lynn Brautigan 1985Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Brennan, Jr.Mr. Gregory Broege 2001 and Mrs. Erin Lenahan Broege 2001Mr. John Brogan 1978Mr. Thomas Brower 1983Dr. Judith F. Brown 1963Mrs. Patricia BrownettMs. Margaret Guidera Buckley 1967Ms. Janet Dudik Bunchman 1967Mr. Nicholas Burke 1953Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burtis P '91 '00Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Byrnes P '17Ms. Mary Flannery CaliseMrs. Ann Marie Carmody Callahan 1980Mrs. Jane Campanile 1963Ms. Suzanne Settembre Campion 1961 P '86Mrs. Lisa Capozzoli P ‘12Ms. Gina CappielloMrs. Suzanne Swiney Carroll 1977Mr. Rocco J. Cavaluzzi Jr. 1967Mr. John Cernak 1965 and Mrs. Maryann Cernak 1969Ms. Feba ChackoMrs. Jane Dryburgh Challender 1964Ms. MaryBeth Bowler Chambers 1979Mrs. Yanira ChiszarMrs. Patricia Chojnacki Mr. Ronald Climes Mr. William ClingermanMs. Emma Coakley 202022- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-20239Mr. Ethan J. Coakley 2018Mr. James Coakley 1990 and Mrs. Lisa Mastroserio Coakley 1990 P '18 '20Mr. Owen Cobb 2010Mrs. Jennifer Drew Coelho 1992Mr. Thomas Coghan 1957 Mr. William Collopy 1962Mr. Richard Comer 1985 Ms. Barbara Clark Compton 1967Mr. John Conforti 1983Ms. Lisa Connell 1983Mrs. Patricia Morton Cranmer 1961Mr. William Cunningham 1967Mrs. Theresa McTernan D'Amato 1970Ms. Alyssa D’Amico 2017Ms. Imelda DeMartinMr. Robert DeGennaro and Mrs. Sarah Ward Degennaro 1975 P '20Mr. William DeGennaro 2020Mr. Sean Dettlinger 1988 Mr. Christopher Devoy 2022Mr. Robert DiLeoMr. Joseph Doherty 1965Mr. Roger Domal 1972Mr. Scott Dombrowski 1991Mrs. Karen Donahue Ms. Kathleen Senecke Dooley 1966 Ms. Patricia A. Dougherty 1979Mr. Robert Dougherty 2005Mr. and Mrs. John Downing P '22Ms. Maura Downing 2022Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dube P '02 '04 '06 '11 Ms. Donna Dudik 1969Mr. Mark Duffy 1969 and Mrs. Constance Forlenza Duffy 1969Mrs. Mary Burke Dunn 1968 P '02Ms. Janet Dugan Dunshee-Baldwin 1955Mrs. Regina Manzi Egea 1975Dr. Susan Cunningham Elliott 1963Mrs. Melinda Wade Engelbrektsson 1976Mr. Paul Falcone 2013Ms. Clare Fallon 2011Ms. Jane Farrell-Beck 1959Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fastiggi P '06Mr. Gregory Fehrenbach 1965Mr. Thomas G. Ferguson P '00Ms. Jean FerreiraMr. John Ferruggiaro 1954 Mr. Gary FinniganMrs. Eileen Motzenbecker Finnin 1961Mr. Matthew Fitzgerald Mr. Robert Fitzgibbon 1971Mr. Charles and Mrs. Ginny Feeney Fitzpatrick 1966Mr. Terence Flanagan 1988 Msg. Peter J. Flood 1961Mr. David Force 1988 P ’19 ’21 Ms. Cara A. Forlenza 2010 Ms. Suzanne C. Forlenza 2012Mr. Vincent Forlenza Jr. 1971 Mrs. Mary Ann Fortunato Ms. Rosemarie FracassiMrs. Kathy FrancisMr. Donald Fraser Ms. Maureen Murphy Frevert 1966Mrs. Marylou FultonMr. David FurbishMs. Mary Galeani 1969Mrs. Catherine Farren Gambino, 1988Mrs. Crystal Whitley Ganley 2005Mr. James Gardella 1974Mrs. Karen Domaleski Gardner 1967Mrs. Kathryn McCormick Garrecht 1967 Ms. Susan Gately Mr. Jeffery Geller 1971 Mr. Richard Geller 1970 Mr. Charles George 1954Mrs. Barbara Bertolami Gilligan 1968 Mr. Joseph Gilligan 1963Mr. and Mrs. James Gilligan P '12 '15Mr. Gregory Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. James C. Giotis P ‘06 ‘10Mr. William Giunco 1956Mr. Victor Giunco 1960 Mr. Richard Golding and Mrs. Maria Connor Golding 1986 P ’22 ’24Mrs. Eileen Gough-LavisMr. James Gowen 1987 and Mrs. Linda Wall Gowen 1987 P'14 '16 '19 '22 ‘24 Mr. James Gowen 2014Mr. Michael Gowen 2016Ms. Mary Gowen 2019Mr. Matthew Gowen 2022Ms. Laura Greene 2009Mr. John G. Griffin 1967 P '00 '03Mrs. Mary Muller Grogan 1966 Mrs. Linda GrohMrs. Margaret Brown Haas 1970Mr. Richard Hagopian 1988 Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hambsch P '17 '22Mr. Paul Hanley 1967Ms. Olivia Hanlon Ms. Aisling Hanna Ms. Hailey Hathaway 2022Ms. Jane Heine 1973Ms. Kirsten F. Heine 2017Father Michael Heine 1980Mrs. Rosemary Heine Mrs. Antonia Bertolami Hemler 1966 Mrs. Mary Beth Heutele Henderson, 1974LTC. Joseph Henn 1966 and Mrs. Anne Miller Henn 1966 Mrs. Carol Hull Herneisen, 1971 Mr. Martin HolleranMr. Thomas Hood 1959Mr. Robert Hopkins 1962Mr. Sean Houston Mr. Robert M. Howard Jr. 1971Mr. and Mrs. Martin Huben P '07Ms. Gail Sullivan Huisman 1961Mr. Richard Hunter 1967Mrs. Judith Diviney Hutchison 1959Dr. Stephen Imgrund 1969Mr. John Inderwies 2023Mr. Ross Inderwies 2024Mr Robert Jacobs Mr. Jonathan Jacobs Mr. John R. Jacobus 1969Dr. Kathleen Rowan Johns 1973Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson 1970 Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Jordan P '15 '17 '19Mr. Walter Judge 1981Dr. Maryann Diviney Juska 1965Mrs. Maryanne Putz Kain 1975 P '03 '09 '10 '11 Sr. Mary Jo Kearns, 1963 Mr. Peter and Mrs. Nancy McInerney Kelly '73 P '09, '10Mr. Brian KellyMs. Geraldine Menzler Kelsey, 1948Mr. John Killeen 1990Dr. Jodi Kinney and Mr. Richard Kinney P ‘25 ‘27Mrs. Nora Dillon Kolmer 1964Mr. K.C. Kuntz 1996Ms. Amanda Kurack 1996Mrs. Mary Newman Kwietniak 1969Ms. Christine LandesMs. Brigette Lang P '22Mr. Timothy Lang 2022Mrs. Leslie Lattanzi Ms. Anna Lazic Ms. Sarah Lemonie 2019Mr. and Mrs. William Lemonie P '18 '19Mr. Will Lemonie 2018Mrs. Christine Leonhardt-Kimm 1979Mr. John Lewis 1949 P '75Ms. Mary Sica Lewis 1964Mrs. Mary Anne D'Ambrosio Linder 1970Dr. Kathleen Ward Lombino 1963Mr. Michael Long 1985 and Mrs. Karen Brautigan Long 1985Mr. William Lonseth Mr. Sean D. Lowry 2013Ms. Caroline Lowry 2017Ms. Beth Backus Lozier 1978Mr. Christopher Lukas 1982Mr. Brendan W. Lynch 2013 The Honorable Marlene Lynch Ford 1972Mr. Richard Magovern 1962 Mr. Dennis Magovern 1959 Mr. Mickey MaguireMs. Michaela Maguire 2013 Mrs. Mary Roddy Maguire 1981 P '13 Ms. Rita Mahon Akers 1966 Mrs. Joan Clark Malespina 1969Mr. Joseph T. Malone 1998Ms. Bridget Manzi 1967 Mr. Anthony Marinaccio 1967Mrs. Lois Marks22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T

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Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mastrorilli P '81 '83 '87 '88 '96 GP '15Mr. Raymond Maxwell 1969Mrs. Frances Muessle McCann 1955Ms. Christine McCleanMr. Paul McEvily 1971 Mr. Frederick H. McGrath Jr. 1973Mrs. Kathleen Doyle McGraw 1991Ms. Jeanne Marie Ahern McGreal 1966 Mr. James McInerney 1989Mr. Kevin McIver 1972 Mr. Donald McLaughlinMs. Christine McNamaraMrs. Kelly Fitzpatrick McNamara 1986 Ms. Eileen McRory Ms. Beck Meah Ms. Elizabeth Meehan 1981 Mrs. Faith Grimes Meiners 1968Mr. Steven Miller and Mrs. Carol Miller Ms. Jeannine Fay Mood 1973 Ms. Cathleen Moore Mrs. Daniel Moore 1962 Ms. Mary Ann Moore Mr. Tim Moore Mr. Eugene Morton 1957 Mrs. Marion Mullarkey P '77 '80 '83 '85 Ms. Eileen Mullarkey 1980Mr. Donald Muller 1999 and Mrs. Kerry Burke Muller 1999Mr. Henry Muller 1977 Ms. Joan Muller 1968Mr. Donald Murday 1978Cmdr. Francis Murphy, USN 1968Mrs. Sharyn Jennings Murtha 1962Mr. Richard Myles 1972 P '08 '12Mr. Joseph Napolitano 1976 and Ms. Justine Slattery Napolitano 1976Mrs. Kathleen Gibson Naughton 1971Mrs. Patricia Looney Nebus 1973Ms. Lindsay G. Nelson 2017Mr. Harold Neuhaus 1962Mr. William Neumann 1967Mr. William S. Nunnally 1961Mr. Walter O'Brien 1964 Ms. Catherine O’Connor 2024My. Patrick O’Donnell Dr. and Mrs. William O'Grady P '94Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O'Halloran P '01 '05 '08Mr. John P. O'Malley 2013Mr. Ryan O’Malley 2015 Mr. Brian O'Neill 1973Mr. Michael and Mrs. Kara O'Brien O'Shaughnessy 1986 P '17Mr. Michael Palumbo 1964 Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Pasula P ‘12 ‘13 Ms. Kerry PattersonMrs. Mary Chenoweth Peluso 1964Ms. Maureen McGinnis Penta 1964Mrs. Marygrace Chizek Pesce 1982Mrs. Mary Anne Carver Peterson 1966Mr. Roy Pickell 1953Mrs. Mary Savner Pierce 1998Mrs. Margaret Day Plummer 1960 Mr. Robert Pollina P '89 '91Mrs. Barbara Sanfilippo Preston 1969Ms. Diane Pullen Dr. Margaret Quinn 1972Mrs. Coleen Raccuglia and Mr. Joseph Raccuglia Mrs. Susan McKinley Ragan 1964 Ms. Katharine Ramus P '99 '02Mr. Sean RappleyeaMr. Steven Raymus 1975Mr. Marc Reed 1965 and Mrs. Kathryn Motzel Reed 1968Mr. Thomas Reilly 1978 and Mrs. Ellen Reilly P '17Mr. John Reuther 1967Mr. and Mrs. David L. Rhodes P '08 '10 '14Mrs. Megan Furey Rigney 1991Mr. Richard Riopel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritota P '06Mr. Martin Roddy 1978 P '10 Ms. Kelly Roddy 2010 Mrs. Mary O'Heney Roff 1971Mrs. Anna Farruggio Rose 1973Mr. Patrick RossMr. Raymond J. Ryan, Jr. 2004Mr. Frank RyanMr. and Mrs. John P. Ryan, Jr. P '10 '13Ms. Kimberly Ryllun P '23Saint Aloysius Men’s Group Mr. Joseph Santora Mr. Robert Sauchelli 1965Ms. Irene Savage P '81Mrs. Judith Farrell Schadl 1964 Ms. Catherine Muessle Schofield 1960Mr. James T. Serano Ms. Catherine Yavarone Sewnig 1980Mrs. Carolyn Sharrock Mrs. Tara Brennan Shinn 1974 P '04Mrs. Mary Sica Lewis Sigman Management Inc.Ms. Rosemarie SilverMs. Lisa SimonMs. Antonia Zarcaro Smith 1949Ms. Betsy B. Smith 1961 Ms. Gia Spano Mrs. Evelyn Stafford-Smith 1949Mrs. Carol Stansbury Mr. Joseph M. Storch Jr. 1966Mrs. Jeannette Dubac Strain 1962Ms. Sally Tevis Suarez 1961SubcomMr. John E. Sullivan 2015Summer of 69, LLC Mr. Michael and Mrs. Diane Dempsey Supko 1964Mr. Kevin Sweeney 1978Dr. Adele Sykes 1971 Mr. John Tallarico and Mrs. Jennifer Hatfield Tallarico 1992 P '20 '22 '24Mrs. Anne Pickell Tallmadge 1949Mr. Nicholas Tallman 1983Ms. Katharine Taylor 2016 The Doran Family Charitable Fund Mr. Brian Throbald 2023Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Theobald P '17 '23TJ’s Pizzeria, Inc. Mrs. Liz Tolchin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Tompkins P '10Ms. Beth Tormey 1977Mrs. Robyn Pollina Trimmer 1977 P '03 '05Mr. Kevin Trinkaus 1976 Mr. John Tully 1962Ms. Delina Stack Tumolo 1948Mr. Michael Tuzzio 1976 and Mrs. Carol Tompa Tuzzio 1980 P '09 '11 '13 '16UBS Community Impact and Corporate Responsibilities, AmericasMrs. Donna Vassalo P '15 Mrs. Diane Martenz Veneziano 1963Mr. Richard Vermeulen 1987 and Mrs. Colleen Ritter Vermeulen 1987 Mrs. Ann VillaMr. John Villa Mr. James Vitale 2023Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vitale P '22 '23Ms. Mary Burns Vongas 1961Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wade P '78 '80 '82 '86 Mrs. Maureen Mendres Ward 1965Mr. Bryan Ward Mr. Stephen Ward Mr. Mark Warkala 1975 Mr. Chris Warkala 1978Mrs. Joan Wimmer Watson 1963Mrs. Carolyn Forlenza Weierman 1971Ms. Jennifer WeingartenDr. Gail Delap Wenger 1969 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Westhoven 1986 P '15 '16 '22Ms. Amy Whalen 1986Mr. Michael Williams 1989 P ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wojtowicz Mr. David Yhlen 1978 and Mrs. Kathleen Flickinger Yhlen 1979 ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-20231022- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-2023111955 (17%)Ms. Janet Dugan Dunshee-Baldwin Mrs. Francis Muessle McCann1962 (10%) Mr. William CollopyMr. Robert Hopkins CDR James Kelly Mr. Richard Magovern Mr. Daniel MooreMrs. Sharyn Jennings Murtha Mr. Harold Neuhaus Mr. Eugene Paduano Mrs. Jeannette Dubac Strain Mr. John Tully 1956 (2%)Mrs. Nancy Gilligan Brautigan Mr. William Giunco 1957 (18%)Mrs. Mary Bogan-Hicks Mr. Louis Carr Mr. Thomas Coghan Mr. Thomas Howell Mr. Eugene MortonMrs. Maureen Manning Weber 1958 (10%)Mr. Gerald E. RogersMr. Joseph Schaad1959 (9%)Anonymous Mrs. Mary Ann Albano Bogan Mrs. Jane Farrell- BeckMr. Vincent H. Gifford Mr. Thomas Hood Mrs. Judith Diviney Hutchison Mr. Dennis Magovern 1960 (4%)Mr. Victor Giunco Dr. Barbara Godbold Mrs. Margaret Day PlummerMrs. Catherine Muessle Schofield1961 (15%)Lt. Col. George Armstrong Mr. Clemens Bremer, Jr. Ms. Suzanne Settembre Campion Mrs. Patricia Morton Cranmer Mrs. Eileen Motzenbecker Finnin Msg. Peter J. Flood Mrs. Gail Sullivan Huisman Mrs Yvonne Vignone KreiderMr. William S. Nunnally 1961 (15%)Lt. Col. George Armstrong Mr. Clemens Bremer Jr. Ms. Suzanne Settembre Campion Mrs. Patricia Morton Cranmer Mrs. Eileen Motzenbecker Finnin Msg. Peter J. Flood Mrs. Gail Sullivan Huisman Mrs Yvonne Vignone KreiderMr. William S. Nunnally Ms. Betsy B. Smith Mrs. Sally Tevis Suarez Mrs. Mary Burns Vongas1963 (14%)Anonymous Mr. Robert Basso Mrs. Kathleen E. Broderick Dr. Judith F. Brown Mrs. Jane Chenoweth CampanileDr. Susan Cunningham Elliott Mr. Joseph Gilligan Sr. Mary Jo Kearns Dr. Kathleen Ward Lombino Mrs. Elynor Griffin Renk Mr. Henry RenkMr. Francis Sczerzenie Mr. Peter Smith Mrs. Diane Martenz Veneziano Mrs. Joan Wimmer Watson 1965 (22%)Mrs. Elizabeth Harford Barrett Mr. John Cernak Mr. Joseph Doherty Mr. Gregory Fehrenbach Dr. Maryann Diviney JuskaMrs. Rosemary Corbo Paduano Mr. Marc Reed Mrs. Jill McWeeney Reilly Mr. Robert SauchelliMrs. Maureen Mendres Ward 1966 (15%)Mrs. Rita Mahon Akers Mr. Vincent Ball Mrs. Pamela Day BiggsMrs. Marianne Thompson BozzaMrs. Kathleen Senecke DooleyMrs. Virginia Feeney Fitzpatrick Mrs. Maureen Murphy Frevert Mrs. Mary Muller GroganMrs. Antonia Bertolami Hemler Mrs. Anne Miller Henn Ltc. Joseph HennMs. Jeanne Marie A’Hern McGreal Mrs. Mary Anne Carver Peterson Mrs. Janet Brown Quintal Mr. Joseph M. Storch Jr. 1967 (14%)Ms. Mary Jo AlburtusMrs. Anne McDonough BeavanMr. Joseph Bogan Ms. Barbara Koerber Boyington Mr. Paul BrahneyMrs. Margaret Guidera BuckleyMr. Janet Dudik BunchmanMr. Rocco J. Cavaluzzi, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Clark ComptonMr. William Cunningham Mrs. Karen Domaleski Gardner Mrs. Kathryn McCormick GarrechtMrs. Patricia Kelly Grana Mr. John G. Griffin Mr. Paul Hanley Mr. Richard Hunter Ms. Bridget Manzi Mr. Anthony Marinaccio Mr. William NeumannMr. John Reuther 1968 (5%)Mr. Robert BradleyLTC (Ret.) Marguerite Cook Campbell Mrs. Mary Burke Dunn Mrs. Barbara Bertolami GilliganMs. Marcy McGinnisMrs. Faith Grimes Meiners Ms. Joan Muller Cmdr. Francis Murphy Mrs. Kathryn Motzel Reed Ms. Donna Dudik Mrs. Constance Forlenza Duffy Ms. Mary Galeani Mr. Stephen ImgrundMr. Peter Jacobus Mr. John R. Jacobus Mrs. Mary Newman KwietniakMrs. Joan Clark Malespina Mr. Raymond MaxwellMrs. Barbara Sanfilippo Preston Mrs. Gail Delap Wenger1970 (6%)Mr. Paul AlloccaMr. John CernakMrs. Theresa McTernan D'Amato Ms. Donna Dudik Mrs. Constance Forlenza Duffy Ms. Mary Galeani Mr. Richard GellerMr. Stephen ImgrundMr. Peter Jacobus Mr. John R. JacobusMrs. Elizabeth Johnson Mrs. Mary Newman KwietniakMrs. Mary Ann D’Ambrosio LinderMr. Robert MacAllisterMrs. Joan Clark Malespina Mr. Raymond MaxwellMrs. Barbara Sanfilippo Preston Mrs. Gail Delap Wenger1971 (4%)Mr. Robert Fitzgibbon Mr. Vincent Forlenza Mr. Jeffery GellerMrs. Carol Herneisen HullMr. Robert M. Howard, Jr.Mr. Paul McEvilyMr. Jerome McCabe Mrs. Kathleen Gibson Naughton Mrs. Mary O'Heney Roff Mrs. Adele SkyeyMrs. Carolyn Forlenza Weierman 1972 (5%)Mr. Roger DomalThe Honorable Marlene Lynch FordMr. Kevin McIver Mr. Richard MylesMrs. Margaret QuinnMr. James Wingard1973 (6%)AnonymousMrs. Bernadette Muller Broccolo Mr. Timothy Heine Ms. Jane Heine Dr. Kathleen Rowan JohnsMrs. Nancy McInerneyMr. Frederick H. McGrath Jr. Ms. Jeannie Fay MoodMrs. Patricia Looney Nebus Mr. Brian O'Neill Mrs. Deborah Turchyn Rogers Mrs. Anna Farruggio Rose 1974 (8%)AnonymousMr. Lawrence Baldwin1964 (23%)Mrs. Linda Camooso Bolmarcich Mrs. Jane Dryburn ChallenderMrs. Nora Dillon Kolmer Mrs. Mary Sica LewisMr. Robert McAllanMr. Walter O’BrienMr. Michael Palumbo Mrs. Mary Chenoweth PelusoMrs. Maureen McGinnis Penta Mrs. Susan McKinley RaganMrs. Judith Farrell SchadlMrs. Diane Dempsey SupkoMrs. Deirdre Graham Vignone Mr. Paul Vignone 1954 (2%) Mr. John Ferruggiaro Mr. Charles George 1953 (10%)Mr. Nicholas Burke Mr. Joseph Marmora Mr. Roy Pickell 1949 (38%)Ms. Patricia Gately Mr. John Lewis Lt. Col. Robert Picht Ms. Antonia Zarcaro Smith Mrs. Evelyn Stafford-SmithMrs. Anne Pickell Tallmadge Donors By ConstituencyALUMNI BY CL A S S Y EAR1948 (6%)Ms. Geraldine Menzler Kelsey Ms. Delina Stack Tumolo Ms. Betsy B. Smith Mrs. Sally Tevis Suarez Mrs. Mary Burns Vongas22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T1969 (12%)Mr. Paul AlloccaMr. John Cernak Mr. Mark Duffy1946 (1%)Mr. Robert Philburn

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1983 (5%)Mr. Frank Antonides Mr. Kevin Bormida Mr. Thomas Brower Mr. John Conforti Ms. Lisa Connell Mr. Christopher Housen Mr. Robert P. Maliff Mr. Nicholas Tallman 1977 (8%)Mrs. Suzanne Swiney Carroll Mrs. Cathleen Conforti Fareri Mr. Philip Forlenza Mr. Robert Hogan Mr. Richard Hope Mr. John Marmora Mrs. Kathleen Heine Marmora Mr. Henry Muller Mrs. Kathleen Mullarkey Scotto Mrs. Maureen Comer SkeaMs. Beth Tormey Mrs. Robyn Pollina Trimmer 1978 (11%)Mr. John Brogan Mrs. Patricia Emmanuel Ms. Beth Backus Lozier Mr. Donald Murday Mr. Thomas Reilly Mr. Martin RoddyMr. Kevin Sweeney Ms. Catherine Tormey Mr. Chris WarkalaMr. David Yhlen 1979 (4%)Ms. Kathleen Ballou Mrs. MaryBeth ChambersMs. Patricia A. Dougherty Mrs. Christine Leonhardt-KimmMrs. Kathleen Flickinger Yhlen 1980 (7%)Mr. George Brogan Mrs. Ann Marie Carmody Callahan Mr. Francis Heine Mr. Michael HeineMr. Robert KingMs. Eileen Mullarkey Ms. Catherine Yavarone Sewnig Mrs. Carol Tompatuzzio1981 (6%)Ms. Carla Aldarelli Mr. Robert Cordes Mr. Joseph GowenMr. Walter JudgeMr. Richard KlugeMrs. Mary Roddy Maguire Ms. Elizabeth Meehan Mrs. Colleen Muller Padnos1985 (5%)Ms. Lynn Brautigan Mr. Richard ComerMr. Ryan DuganMr. Michael LongMr. Patrick Housen Ms. Margaret McConnell 1986 (7%)Mr. Sean Annitto Mr. Patrick DwyerMrs. Maria Connor Golding Mrs. Kelly Fitzpatrick McNamaraMrs. Kara O’Brien O’Shaughnessy Ms. Thea SheridanMs. Amy WhalenMr. Stephen Westhoven 1993 (1%)Mrs. Amy Berry-Healy Mr. Jason Martin 1996 (4%)AnonymousMr. Scott KobilMr. K.C. Kuntz Mrs. Amanda Kurack Mrs. Jacelyn McGowan2014(1%)Mr. James Gowen1982 (6%)Mr. Phillip Bradford Mrs. Laurie Baiano Gowen Mr. Paul Heine Mrs. Amanda Armstrong Housen Mr. Christopher Lukas Mrs. Marygrace Pesce1987 (4%)Mr. Philip Antonides Dr. Joseph Bogan Mr. James Gowen Mrs. Linda Wall GowenMr. Patrick RoddyMrs. Colleen RitterMr. Richard Vermeulen1988 (5%)Mr. Sean DettlingerMr. Terence FlanganMr. David ForceMrs. Catherine Farren Gambino Mr. Richard Hagopian1989 (3%)Mrs. Charlene MichalkowskiAnderson Mr. James McInerneyMrs. Michelle Miraglia Devoy Mr. Michael Williams1990 (2%)Class of 1990Mr. James CoakleyMr. John Killeen1991(3%)Mr. Scott DombrowskiMrs. Kathleen Doyle McGraw Mrs. Megan Furey Rigney 1992 (2%)Mrs. Jennifer Coelho Mr. Andrew McCarthyMrs. Jennifer Hatfield Tallarico 1997 (3%)AnonymousMr. Jason MartinMr. Ryan SansoneMr. Shaun Polke 1998 (2%)Mr. Joseph T. Malone Ms. Mary Pierce1999 (1%)Mrs. Ellen Scharr KobilMs. Moira McKennaMr. Donald MullerMrs. Kerry Burke Muller 2001 (2%)Mr. Gregory Broege Mrs. Kaitlin Valcarcel 2002 (1%)Mr. Tyler H. Alten 2004 (1%)Mr. Raymond J. Ryan, Jr. 2005 (4%)Mr. Robert DoughertyMrs. Crystal Whitley GanleyMr. Colin Kamm Mrs. Alexandria Bonanno Waters 2009( 1%)Ms. Laura M. Greene 2010 (4%)Ms. April R. Barry Mr. Owen Cobb Ms. Cara A. Forlenza Mr. Jason MartinMs. Kelly Roddy2011(3%)Ms. Clare FallonMs. Allison K. Heine 2012 ( 1%)Ms. Suzanne C. Forlenza 2013 (5%)Ms. Shauna J. BarryMr. Paul FalconeMr. Sean D. Lowry Mr. Brendan LynchMs. Michaela MaguireMr. John P. O'Malley 2015 (3%)Ms. Courtney BormidaMr. Ryan H. O'MalleyMr. John E. Sullivan 2016 (2%)Mr. Michael GowenMs. Katharine Taylor2017 (12%)Mr. Mark D. Barry, Jr. Ms. Shauna BarryMs. Alyssa D’AmicoMs. Kirsten F. Heine Ms. Caroline D. Lowry Mr. Sean LowryMr. Brendan LynchMs. Lindsay G. Nelson Ms. Marykate R. O'Malley Ms. Michaela Maguire 2018 (2%)Mr. Ethan J. Coakley Mr. Will Lemonie 2019 (2%)Ms. Mary Gowen Ms. Sarah Lemoni2020 (3%)Mr. Casey Ballou Ms. Emma Coakley Mr. William DeGennaro 2022 (5%)Mr. Christopher DevoyMs. Maura DowningMr. Matthew GowenMs. Hailey HathawayMr. Timothy Lang2023 (4%)Ms. Sofia Gialenalla Mr. John InderwiesMr. Brian Theobald Mr. James Vitale2024Mr. Ross InderwiesMs. Catherine O’Connor1976 (5%)Mrs. Maria ChectonMrs. Melinda Wade Engelbrektsson Mr. Robert King Mr. Joseph NaplitanoMs. Justine Slattery Napolitano Mr. Kevin Trinkaus Mr. Michael Tuzzio 1975 (3%)Mrs. Regina EgeaMrs. Sarah Ward Degennaro Mr. James DoranMrs. Maryanne Putz Kain Mr. Frederick MoodyMr. Steven Raymus Mr. Mark WarkalaMrs. Maureen Weber Mr. Mark Barry Mr. William Cobb Mr. James Gardella Mrs. Mary Beth Heutele Henderson Ambassador Maureen Quinn Mrs. Tara Brennan ShinnST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-20231222- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-202313CLASS OF 2023 Mr. Sean Annitto 1986 and Mrs. Kathleen Annitto P '22 '23 ’25Mr. and Mrs. John Inderwies P '23 '24Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Connor P '23Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Theobald P '17 '23Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vitale P '22 '23 ’26PARENTSThe support of our parents is essential to the success of our school. We are grateful to those families who gave above and beyond tuition.CLASS OF 2024Mr. Sean Annitto 1986 and Mrs. Kathleen Annitto P '22 '23 ’25Mr. Ron and Rachael Crudo P ‘24Mr. James Gowen 1987 and Mrs. Linda Wall Gowen 1987 P'14 '16 '19 '22 ‘24 Mr. and Mrs. John Inderwies P '23 '24Mr. Patrick O’Connor P ‘24Mr. & Mrs. Walter and Kara Ragan Jr. P ’24 ‘24 ‘26 Mr. John Tallarico and Mrs. Jennifer Hatfield Tallarico 1992 P '20 '22 '24CLASS OF 2026Mr. Matthew and Carla Abrahamson P ’26Mr. Brian Lynch P ‘26Mr. Patrick Dwyer 1986 and Mrs. Jeanne Dwyer P '20 '21 ‘26Mr. & Mrs. Walter and Kara Ragan Jr. P’ 24 ‘24 ‘26 FORMER & CUR R E N T FACULTY AND S T A F FMr. Matthew AppleyardMr. Anthony AttardoMr. and Mrs. Robert Bogdan P '10Ms. Barbara BolandMr. Michael BonelliMrs. Marianne BozzaMrs. Marianne Thompson Bozza 1966Mrs. Patricia BrownettMs. Gina CappielloMs. Feba ChackoMs. MaryBeth Bowler Chambers 1979Mrs. Yanira ChiszarMr. William ClingermanMr. James Coakley 1990 and Mrs. Lisa Mastroserio Coakley 1990 P '18 '20Ms. Alyssa D’Amico 2017Mrs. Michelle Miraglia Devoy 1989 P ‘22Mr. Robert DiLeoMr. Robert Dougherty 2005Mr. Patrick Dwyer 1986 and Mrs. Jeanne Dwyer P '20 '21Mr. Paul Falcone 2013Mr. Fred Fastiggi and Mrs. Marie Fastiggi P '06Mr. Gary Finnigan Ms. Kathy FrancisMrs. Marylou FultonMr. Paul GallagherMrs. Crystal Whitley Ganley 2005Mr. and Mrs. James Gilligan P '12, '15Mrs. Linda GrohMrs. Aisling HannaMr. Martin HolleranMrs. Maryanne Putz Kain 1975 P '03 '09 '10 '11Mr. Brian Lynch P ‘26Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O'Halloran P '01,'05,'08Mr. Sean Rappleyea Mr. Patrick RossMr. John Tallarico and Mrs. Jennifer Hatfield Tallarico 1992 P '20 '22 '24Mr. Stephen WardMrs. Maureen Manning Weber 1957Ms. Jennifer WeingartenFOUNDATIONS A N D O RGANIZATIONSBoardwalk Family Chiropractic LLCBy Design LandscapingCPC Behavioral Healthcaredb Orthopedic Physical Therapy, PC Elite Turf Construction LLCInvestors Foundation, Inc.Jersey Mike’s Franchise Systems, Inc. Manasquan River Marlin & Tuna ClubManasquan Savings BankMazzarella Educational Foundation Scholarship Saint Aloysius Men’s GroupSchoenhut Family FoundationSigman Management Inc. St. Mark’s ParishSubcomSummer of 69 LLCThe Doran Family Charitable FundThe Estate of Bertha MarescoThe Ruth Giunco Grandchildrens' Charitable TrustThrive Spine and Sport Rehabilitation LLCTJ’s Pizzaria, Inc.UBS Community Impact Corporate Responsibility Americas Urner Barry Publications, Inc. 22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR TCLASS OF 2025Mr. and Mrs. John Tonero P ‘25

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THE FIDELIS S O C I E TYThe Fidelis Society recognizes donor loyalty to St. Rose. A dedicated core of alumni, alumni parents, grandparents and friendsgenerously support our School each and every year. We are profoundly grateful for their steadfast support of over five or more years,which has helped sustain St. Rose’s tradition of excellence.DONORS WHO H A V E G IVEN FOR THE L A S T FIVE OR MORE C O N S ECUTIVE FISC A L Y E ARS.Mr. Vincent Adams 1949Ms. Carla Aldarelli 1981Anonymous 1963 Mr. Frank Antonides 1983Lt. Col. George Armstrong 1961Mr. Vincent Ball 1966Ms. Kathleen Ballou 1979Mr. Mark Barry 1974 and Mrs. Doreen Barry P '08 '10 '13 '17Ms. Shauna J. Barry 2013Dr. Tymara Berry- Delatush 1995Mrs. Randil Blauth 1962Mrs. Mary Bogan-Hicks 1957Mrs. Irene Boles-Petry 1971Mr. Kevin Bormida 1983 and Mrs. Claire Bormida 1984 P '15 '17Mrs. Nancy Gilligan Brautigan 1956Ms. Lynn Brautigan 1985Mrs. Bernadette Muller Broccolo 1973Mr. Gregory Broege 2001Dr. Judith F. Brown 1963Mrs. Janet Dudik Bunchman 1967 Mr. Nicholas Burke 1953Mr. John Byrne 1963Mrs. AnnMarie Carmody Callahan 1980Ms. Suzanne Settembre Campion 1961 P '86Mr. Rocco Cavaluzzi 1967Ms. Jill Clancy 2000Mrs. Patricia Murphy Cleveland 1978Mr. James Coakley 1990 and Mrs. Lisa Mastroserio Coakley 1990 P '18 '20Mr. Ethan Coakley 2018Mr. William Cobb, 1974Mr. Thomas Coghan 1957Mr. John Conforti 1983Ms. Lisa Cnnell 1983Mr. Robert Cordes 1981Mrs. Patricia Morton Cranmer 1961Mr. Robert Davis 1949Mrs. Sarah Ward DeGennaro 1975Mrs. Esther Paglia Dioguardi 1975Ms. Kathleen Senecke Dooley 1966Ms. Donna Dudik 1969Mr. Mark Duffy 1969 and Mrs. Constance Forlenza Duffy 1969Mr. Patrick Dwyer 1986Ms. Jane Farrell-Beck 1959Mr. Gregory Fehrenback 1965Mrs. Patricia Keegan Ferren 1949Mr. John Ferruggiaro 1954Mr. Robert Fitzgibbon 1971Mr. Sean Flaherty 1987 P '21Capt. William Ford 1951Mr. Philip Forlenza 1977 and Mrs. Clare Forlenza P '10 '12 '15 '19Mr. Robert Forlenza 1974Mr. Edward Freel 1965Mr. Edward Freel 1965Ms. Maryann Galassetti 1972Ms. Mary Galeani 1969Ms. Hannah Gammond 2017Mrs. Karen Domaleski Gardner 1967Mr. Stephen Gepp 1949Mr. Vincent Gifford 1959Mr. Joseph Gowen 1981 and Mrs. Laurie Baiano Gowen 1982 P '13' 17 '22Mrs. Linda Wall Gowen 1987Mrs. Patricia Kelly Grana 1967Mrs. Charlene Guewesky Guest 1952 Mr. Thomas Guthrie 1967Mr. Francis 1980 and Mrs. Kathy Heine P '08 '11 '17Mr. Robert Heine 1970Ms. Allison Heine 2011Ltc. Joseph Henn 1966 and Mrs. Anne Miller Henn 1966Mr. Vincent Hirsch 1957Mr. Robert Hogan 1977Mr. Richard Hope 1977 and Mrs. Susan Hope P '21 '22Mr. Robert Hopkins 1962Mr. Patrick Housen 1985Mr. Robert M. Howard Jr. 1971Mr. Thomas Howell 1957Mr. Richard Hunter 1967Mr. Peter Jacobus 1969Mrs. Michele Czajkowski Jerz 1967Sr. Mary Jo Kearns 1963CDR James Kelly 1962 and Ms. Beverlee BickmoreMs. Geraldine KelseyMs. Margaret King 1977Mr. and Mrs. Robert King 1976 P '14Mrs. Nora Dillon Kolmer 1964Mr. Kenneth Kuntz 1996Mr. John Lewis 1949 P '75Mrs. Mary Anne D’ambrosio Linder 1970Mr. Robert MacAllister 1970Mrs. Carol Bolger Maliff 1978Ms. Bridget Manzi 1967Mr. Anthony Marinaccio 1967Mr. John Marmora 1977 and Mrs. Kathleen Heine Marmora 1977Mr. Joseph Marmora 1953 and Mrs. Virginia Crandall Marmora 1952 P '82 '84 GP '13 '17Mr. Jason Martin 1993 and Mrs. Carla Jung MartinMr. Andrew McCarthy 1992Ms. Nancy McGaughanMr. Brian McGrath 1974Mr. Kevin McIver 1972Ms. Moira McKenna 1999Mrs. Faith Grimes Meiners 1968Ms. Eileen Mullarkey 1980Mr. Henry Muller 1977Ms. Joan Muller 1968ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-20231422- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-202315Ms. Emily K. O'Brien 2013Ms. Erin O’Brien P ’07 ’10 ’11 ’13 Dr. George P. O'Brien 2007Mr. and Mrs. John O'Malley P '13 '15 '17Mr. Brian O'Neill 1973Mrs. Colleen Muller Padnos 1981Mr. Eugene Paduano 1962 and Mrs. Rosemary Corbo Paduano 1965Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Peters P '20 '22Mr. Robert Philburn 1946Mr. Roy Pickell 1953Ambassador Maureen Quinn 1974Mr. Richard Ralph 1975 and Ms. Denyce Wilson 1976Mr. Steven Raymus 1975Mrs. Jill McWeeney Reilly 1965 P '92 GP '18 '20 '23Mrs. Megan Furey Rigney 1991Ms. Marie RitchieMr. Raymond J. Ryan, Jr. 2004Mr. Francis Ryan 1955 and Mrs. Elizabeth Flood Ryan 1962Mrs. Kylie E. Salazar 2011Mr. Joseph P. Schippert 1966Mr. Michael J. and Mrs. Kathleen Mullarkey Scotto 1977 P '06 '08 '11 '13Mrs. Tara Brennan Shinn 1974 P '04Ms. Antonia Zarcaro Smith 1949Mr. Joseph M. Storch Jr. 1966Ms. Beth Tormey 1977Ms. Delina Stack Tumolo 1948Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wade P '78 '80 '82 '86Mr. Mark Warkala 1975Mrs. Joan Wimmer Watson 1963Mr. David Yhlen 1978 and Mrs. Kathleen Flickinger Yhlen 1979FIRST TIME D O N O R SWe are always grateful to welcome a new group of donors to the St. Rose family, and we congratulate them for making their first gift in support of our students.Mr. & Mrs. Robert BakerMr. John BaldwinMr. Mark Barry Jr. Ms. Courtney BiggsMr. Courtney BormidaMs. Hillary BudnyMrs. Mary Flannery CaliseMrs. Jane CampanileMs. Gina CappielloMs. Feba ChackoMrs. Yanira ChiszarMrs. Patricia ChojnackiClass of 1990Mr. William ClingermanMr. Rob CrudoMs. Imelda De MartinMr. Christopher DevoyMr. Robert DiLeoMs. Karen DonahueMr. James DoranMr. Robert DoughertyMs. Maura DowningMrs. Regina EgeaMr. John FerruggiaroMr. Matt FitzgeraldMrs. Virginia FitzpatrickMr. Terence FlanganMrs. Mary Ann FortunatoMs. Rosemarie FracassiMrs. Kathy FrancisMr. David FurbishMr. Paul GallagherMr. Jeffery GellerMr. Gregory GilmoreMrs Maria GoldingMr. James GowenMr. Richard HagopianMr. Steven HainesMs. Olivia HanlonMs. Hailey HathawayMrs. Rosemary HeineMr. Christopher HollMr. Sean HoustonMr. Robert JacobsMr. Jonathan JacobsMs. Donna JamisonMrs. Elizabeth JohnsonMr. Collin KammMrs. Kathleen KeadyMr. John KilleenDr. Jodi KinneyMr. and Mrs. Scott and Ellen KobilMs. Leslie LattanziMs. Anna LazicMr. David LipmanMr. William LonsethMr. Mickey MaguireMs. Christine McCleanMr. James McInerneyMs. Christine McNamaraMs. Beck MeahMr. Steven MillerMs. Cathleen MooreMs. Mary Ann MooreMr. Tim MooreDr. Charles NicolaMr. Walter O’BirenMs. Sarah O’ConnorMr. John O’Malley Jr. Mr. Claudio PasulaMrs. Kerry PattersonMr. Michael PenkethmanMrs. Colleen RacccugliaMr. Elynor RenkMr. Richard RiopelMr. Patrick RossMrs. Christine RoyMr. Frank RyanMs. Kimberly RyllunMr. Joseph SantoraMs. Kimberly ScottMr. James SeranoMrs. Carrolyn SharrockMrs. Mary Sica LewisMs. Lisa SimonMs. Gia SpanoMr. Michael SpanoMrs. Carol StanburyDr. Adele SkyesMs. Katharine TaylorThe Estates of Bertha MarescoMr. Brian TheobaldMs. Liz TolchinMr. James VitaleMs. Mary VongasMr. Bryan WardMr. Michael WilliamsMr. David Yazdan22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T

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22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR TAWARDS AND S C H O L A RSHIPSThe awards and scholarships listed below are vital because they provide opportunity for deserving students to thrive and excel at St.Rose. We are grateful for the generosity and vision of the individuals and families who have chosen to honor a loved one, or to committo the future, by funding these valuable assets.THE CARR FAMILY ALUMNI LEGACY SCHOLARSHIP Mr. Louis Carr 1957THE HEINE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIPMr. Robert Heine 1970THE TIM HAUSER AWARD Mr. Melvin A. Coble Mr. Vincent H. Gifford 1959THE JANE MURPHY CELLA AWARDMr. Lawrence Baldwin 19774Mr. William Cobb 1974 THE LISA GAFFNEY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPMr. and Mrs. Michael Gaffney P '88THE JEAN M. BOGAN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIPDr. Joseph Bogan 1987THE PAUL GATELY 1961 SCHOLARSHIPMr. Donald FraserMrs. Mary Ann Gately 1961Mrs. Patricia Gately 1949Mrs. Susan GatelyMrs. Kelly Fitzpatrick McNamara 1986Ms. Eileen McRoryMr. William S. Nunnally 1961Ms. Diane PullenMs. Ann VillaMr. and Mrs. John VillaMr. and Mrs. Paul WojtowiczROBERT MCALLAN SCHOLARSHIP, IIRobert E. McAllan 1964THE MICHAEL KETCHAM MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPAnonymousAnonymous 1963Mr. Philip Antonides 1987Mr. Sean Dettlinger 1988Mr. Terence Flanagan 1988Mr. David Force 1988 P ‘19 ‘21Ms. Mary Ann Fortunato Mrs. Kathryn McCormick Garrecht 1967Mr. Gregory GilmoreMr. James Gowen 1987 and Mrs. Linda Wall Gowen 1987 P '14 '16 '19 '22 ‘24Mr. Richard Hagopian 1988Mr. Steven HainesMr. Robert JacobsMr. Jonathan Jacobs Mrs. Kathleen KeadyMrs. Yvonne Vignone Kreider 1961Mrs. Christine LandesMs. Anna LazicMr. William LonsethMs. Michaela Maguire 2013Mrs. Mary Roddy Maguire 1981 P '13Mr. James McInerney 1989Ms. Christine McNamaraMs. Beck MeahMr. & Mrs. Steven and Carol MillerMs. Maryann MooreMr. Timothy MooreMs. Cathleen MooreMr. Patrick O’DonnellMrs. Margaret Day Plummer 1960Mrs. Coleen Raccuglia and Mr. Joseph RaccugliaMrs. Susan McKinley Ragan 1964Mr. Patrick Roddy 1987Ms. Kelly Roddy 2010Mr. Martin Roddy 1978 P ‘10Mrs. Carolyn SharrockMr. Peter Smith 1963Ms. Gia SpanoMr. Michael SpanoMs. Carol StansburyMs. Liz TolchinMr. Richard Vermeulen 1987 and Mrs. Colleen Ritter Vermeulen 1987 P ‘26Mr. Paul Vignone 1964 and Mrs. Deirdre Graham Vignone 1964Ms. Mary Burns Vongas 1961Mr. Michael Williams, 1989Mr. David Yazdan Jr.THE SUSAN MCKINLEY RAGAN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIPMr. and Mrs. Walter P. Ragan Jr. P ‘24 ‘26MAZARELLA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPMr. and Mrs. Joseph and Grace MazzarellaTHE STEPHANIE SANTORA SCHOLARSHIPMs. Courtney Bormida 2015Mr. Richard Comer 1985CPC Behavioral HealthMs. Clare Fallon 2011Mr. Matthew FitzgeraldMa. Olivia HanlonMr. and Mrs. Christopher HollMr. Brendan Lynch 2013Mr. Ryan O’Malley 2015Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Pasula P ‘12 ‘13Mr. and Mrs. Richard RiopelSaint Aloysius Men’s GroupMr. Joseph SantoraThe Estate of Bertha MarescoMrs. Donna Vassalo P '15THE NICK VANHARTE SCHOLARSHIPThe Class of 1990ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-202316

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-202317GIFTS GIVEN I N H O NOR OFIn honor of Kaye and Al GathmanMs. Margaret GathamIn honor of Rosemary Patricia HuntSchoenhut Family FoundationIn honor of Karan TaylorMr. Ronald ClimesIn honor of my DaughtersMrs. Marion Mullarkey P '77 '80 '83 '85In honor of the St. Rose High School Vietnam VeteransMr. Dennis Magovern 1959 In honor of Vietnam Veterans from the Class of 1962Mr. Richard Magovern 1962In honor of The Class of 1965Ms. Elizabeth Barrett 1965In honor of The Class of 2023Mr. John InderwiesIn honor of Kathleen LooneyMr. Mark Warkala 1975 GIFTS GIVEN I N M E MORIAMIn memory of Bernice Hughes AhernMs. Jeanne Marie Ahern McGreal 1966In memory of Sr. Agnes of RomeMs. Geraldine Kelsey 1948In memory of Allison Berry Wagner The Berry Family In memory of John Benedict 1964Mr. John FerruggiaroIn memory of Robert Bogan,1959Mrs. Mary Ann Albano Bogan 1959In memory of Tim BrennanMrs. Maryanne Kain 1975 P '03 '09 '10 '11In memory of Robert Chojancki. JrMrs. Patricia Chojnacki In memory of Dorothy A. Coghan-Chizek 1960Mr. Thomas Coghan 1965In memory of Patricia Cooney King, Class of 1981Ms. Elizabeth Meehan 1981 In memory of John Doherty, Class of 1965Mr. Joseph Doherty 1965In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Anna Volpe DubeMr. and Mrs. Richard Dube P ‘02 ‘04 ‘06 ‘11 In memory of Richard J. Fay 1947Ms. Jeannie Mood 1973In memory of Augustus & Robert GiuncoMr. William Giunco 1956Mr. Victor Giunco 1960In memory of Margaret Jennings Manzi, Class of 1938Ms. Bridget Manzi 1967In memory of Joan Gough MurphyMrs. Eileen Gough-LavisIn memory of James Heine 1947Mrs. Rosemary HeineIn memory of Josephs and Matthew HennMr. Joseph Henn 1966In memory of Sister Michael HillMrs. Mary Savner Pierce 1998Mr. Stephen Ward In memory of Wesley KainMrs. Maryanne Putz Kain 1975 P '03 '09 '10 '11In memory Patty Cooney King 1981Ms. Elizabeth Meehan 1981In memory of Nancy & Durkin McEvilyMr. Paul McEvily 1971In memory of Margaret McIverMr Kevin McIver 1972In Memory of Kathryn P. Muller 1970, Susan Muller 1974 and Edward O. Muller 1980 Mrs. Bernadette Muller Broccolo 1973Mrs. Mary Muller Grogan 1966Mr. Henry Muller 1977Mrs. Colleen Muller Padnos 1981In memory of Bernard and Lois MurphyMs. Maureen Murphy Frevert 1966In memory of Mary Ann Satuta Mrs. Carol Herneisen 1971In memory of T. Kevin Smyth 1971Mr. Vincent Forlenza Jr. 1971Mr. Jeffery Geller 1971Mr. Richard Geller 1970Mr. Paul McEvily 1971Dr. Adele Sykes 1971In memory of Paul E. Taylor Ms. Katherine Taylor 2016In memory of James Tully 1963 and Mary Lu Tully Kelsey 1958Mr. John Tully 1962In memory of Rosemary & Richard Volpe Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dube P ‘02 ‘04 ‘06 ‘11In memory of Robert Wade III Mr. and Mrs. Robert B Wade P ’78 ’80 ’82 ’86 In memory of the departed members of the Class of 1964Mrs. Linda Camooso Bolmarcich 1964In memory of the departed members of the Class of 1967Mrs. Patricia Kelly Grana 196722- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T22- 23 ANN UAL RE POR T

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CongratulationsCongratulationsST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-202318

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Class of 2023Class of 2023ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-202319

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-202320The St. RoseAnnual FundAn Essential ResourceThe St. Rose Annual Fund is an essential resource that funds both anticipated budgetitems and strategic opportunities. Bridging the gap between tuition and the actual costof educating each St. Rose student, the Annual Fund allows the school to respondswiftly to new challenges and continue our tradition of educational excellence.Your yearly contribution and steadfast commitment to the St. Rose Annual Fund is truly invaluable.Make your gift today by check or online at is nothing we can’t do if we do it TOGETHER!

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ST. ROSE MAGAZINE 2022-202321THE PRINCIPAL’S CIRCLEWhen an individual or family chooses to include St. Rose in their estate planning for the future,they have become true partners in preserving the tradition of Catholic educational excellencefor which St. Rose is known. These donors are honored through membership in the prestigiousPrincipal’s Circle.Members of The Principal’s Circle:Create Your Legacy at St. Rose High SchoolFrom scholarships, to academic service programs, to campus building, the impact of estate gifts bygenerous benefactors has been central to furthering St. Rose High School’s mission.An estate gift of any size is quite often the most straightforward way for members of the St. Rose familyto realize their charitable goals at St. Rose High School and provides an avenue for alumni, parents, andfriends to impact our school beyond what would be possible during their lifetimes.Making an Estate Gift is SimpleEstate gifts can be made to St. Rose High School through your Will or Living Trust. Examples of theseestate gift structures include a specific dollar amount, securities, real estate, or a percentage or residueof your estate. Another means of making an estate gift is by designating Notre Dame as a beneficiary of a retirement account or life insurance policy.Is St. Rose High School Already in Your Estate Plan?If you have already made St. Rose High School a beneficiary of your estate, thank you! So that we canproperly acknowledge and steward your gift, please contact our advancement office so we may providean Estate Gift Confirmation form.Advancement office: 732.681.2858, ext. 707. Email: kcarr@srhsnj.comHonora BroganJoseph BroganJanet Dudik Bunchman 1967Dr. Thomas Eckert 1975Alana EdelmannSue Ann Gaffney Dr. Barbara Godbold 1960Richard Hunter 1967Paul Kapalko 1972 Kathryn Daniels O’Brien 1960*George Stoll P’ 89

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60 7 7 th Av enu eBe lma r, NJ 07 719(7 32) 681-285 8ww w.s rhsnj .co mBe Known...Be Valued...Be Challenged.... Be MORE AT ST. ROSE! Be MORE AT ST. ROSE!Please consider making a gift and joining in our mission of preparing our students to be disciples of Christ and leaders of tomorrow.Join us in our mission!Join us in our mission!