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2022-23 Annual Report

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2022-23AnnualReportFAITHFAMILYEXCELLENCE LUMEN CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL A proud ministry of Saint Benedict Parish

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This Annual Report was prepared for the supporters of Lumen Christi Catholic High School. Every attempt was made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. If you find any inaccuracies or omissions, please accept our apology and contact the Director of Advancement at 907-273-1530 with any corrections. We would like to extend a special thank you to Antje Carlson Photography as well as the students, parents, faculty and staff whose photos were used in this publication.Have a worldview centered in the teachings of Jesus Christ;Are servant leaders in the Church, community, and society;Strive to live justly and value service to others before self;Are confident and prepared for life’s challenges;Communicate effectively, think critically, and solve problems;Respect the value and dignity of others as made in God’simage.Our Mission:As a ministry of Saint Benedict Parish, Lumen Christi High School provides a rigorous Catholic education in a Christ-likeenvironment.Our Graduates:2022-2023 ADMINISTRATION Fr. Tom LillyPastorMr. Brian RossPrincipalMr. Doug BerryCampus MinisterMrs. Debbie BrewerDean of AcademicsMs. Anne GoreDirector of AdvancementMr. John WarrenAthletic DirectorTABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome......2School Board.......3Financial Summary.....42022-23 School Profile....5Archangel Sports....7Shout Outs!....8The Year in Review....9“Denim & Diamonds”....112022-23 Donors....13Campus Life....18

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Brian A. Ross, Principal WELCOME!Fr. Thomas C. Lilly, PastorThe small but mighty graduating class of Class of 2023, five in total–2 youngwomen and 3 young men–all extraordinary and all imbued with the attributesof a Lumen Christi graduate, who together secured $1.16 million dollars inacademic scholarships for their college educations; Dear Friends and Families of Lumen Christi Catholic High School,Fall is always an exciting time to be a Principal! The previous years’ successes arestill in the forefront of my mind and the upcoming year is fresh with promise. As Ireflect on the 2022-23 school year and look ahead to 2023-24, this feelsparticularly true! While too numerous to adequately capture all, a few of lastyear’s successes worth noting include: A Division 1A State high school basketball championship secured by our Lady Archangels under the direction ofUAA Alum and professional basketball player Coach Kenny Barker; Over $55,000 in new local, private and nonprofit grant funding to support the expansion of our robust sciencedepartment with new tables, microscopes, and other materials;A highest ever (98%) return rate of our existing student body during spring re-enrollment, which dovetails intolooking ahead at this year. When we said goodbye on May 22, 2023 it was to 97 students; when our doorsopened just three months later it was to 131 students, including 41 new ones from 27 new families. We areliterally bursting at the seams!These successes are possible because of the sacrifices made on a daily basis by parents, friends and benefactors ofthe school; through the hard work and dedication of an amazing team of educators and support staff, but mostimportantly by the grace of God from Whom all blessings flow! -Brian Ross, Principalprinciples of justice and love; and a desire to form the whole person to the greater glory of God. These are the thingsthat make a Catholic school vibrant and unique. As you read through this Annual Report we hope you see thoseattributes shining forth in the pictures and words that seek to capture another great year in the life of Lumen ChristiCatholic High School. It’s in a spirit of deep gratitude that we offer this publication, celebrating the gifts,achievements, and generosity of the Lumen Christi community this past year. Thank you, and enjoy! - Fr. Tom Lilly, PastorBy God’s grace, and with insightful leadership of an outstanding Principal, personallyinvolved faculty and staff, and tremendous donations of time, talent, and treasurefrom supporters like yourself, Lumen Christi is thriving as a place of encounter withthe person of Jesus Christ! He is the reason our school exists. Families entrust theirsons and daughters to us because our school teaches and models the truth of theGospel message. In looking to the future with steadfast hope, we stand ready towelcome new families and prepare their children to seek and fulfill God’s plan forlearning and life. The truly important things that make a Catholic school great are theintangibles; firm foundation in the faith; a desire to emulate Christ in the service ofothers; a lively and challenging academic environment; a community built on the Celebrating 28 years of the Light of Christ!

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Seated, L to R: Marcus Holmquist, Audrie Williams,Aaron Sperbeck, Anne Gore. Standing, L to R: MichelleHadjukovich, Dr. Kevin Jones, Rys Miranda, DanielGeorge, Bill Arnold, Marcy Adkins, Jim Seeberger, Fr.Tom Lilly. Not pictured: Brian Ross and Shane Locke. A lifelong Alaskan who enjoys hunting, fishing and occasionallydabbling in the law as a litigation trial attorney, I’ve worked as ahumble and dedicated servant in the Lumen Christi communityfor many years. I started first as a volunteer for the manygrowing sports programs at Lumen Christi and am now a proud,cheering parent of two daughters who attend here. I’ve servedas a member of the Board and Vice President since 2020 and inboth capacities have sought to demonstrate a commitment tothe school’s core values of Faith, Family and Excellence. I’m sothankful for the opportunity to again stand with my fellowparents and community members to lend a hand in theeducation of our children. I firmly believe that a traditionalCatholic education stands as a cornerstone in the foundation ofcivilized communities. At its core, education must empowerindividuals with knowledge, equipping them with the tools andskills necessary to question, understand, and transform theworld around them. As a Board, we must insist that theinfluence of education transcend mere academic knowledge; itmust nurture creativity, instill moral values, and foster criticalthinking. Our values of Faith, Family and Excellence are not justabout reading, writing, or arithmetic; they’re about cultivating alifelong passion for learning under the ever watchful eye of ourLord. Thank you for the opportunity to again serve.Aaron Sperbeck 2022-23 SCHOOL BOARD It has been my privilege to serve on the LumenChristi School Board as a member and as yourSchool Board President these last four years.Working with the principal and pastor, teachersand coaches through lean years and tighteningof purse strings; COVID restrictions and onlinelearning; its aftermath; and then the incrediblegrowth of our student body, has been a joy towitness. Collaborating with such a dedicated andthoughtful Board to create the “SpeakersSeries” and advise on policy focused on Faith,Family and Excellence truly is a calling shared bythose who work within these walls. As a lifelongCatholic, this experience has only deepened myfaith and my belief in Catholic education. We areblessed to have Lumen Christi active and thrivingand I thank all of you for your time in helping uscontribute to this these last two years. As AaronSperbeck takes the reins, I know you are in morethan capable hands. God bless you and know youwill be in my prayers this 2023-2024 school year. Michelle HajdukovichThe Lumen Christi School Board assists the Pastor ofSaint Benedict Parish and the School Principal byproviding advice and counsel in the following areas:Strategic Planning; Policy Formulation; Evaluation ofPlans, Mission Effectiveness and Board Self Evaluation;Institutional Advancement and Development; FinancialPlanning and Financial Management; and,Communication and Mission Enhancement. We’redeeply grateful to those who give of their time andtalent to serve the school in this advisory capacity. Ifyou are interested in serving on the School Board,please contact Fr. Tom Lilly. From Our Incoming and OutgoingSchool Board Presidents:

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SCHOOL REVENUES$ 933,526 Tuition and Fees$ ( 26,175) Tuition Discounts$ 297,047 Fundraising $ 104,499 Archangel Attic$ 42,838 Athletic Fees/Tournaments$ 6,070 Sales Income$ 22,000 Saint Benedict Parish Subsidy$ 216,211 Grant/Other Income $ 1,596,016 TOTAL RevenuesSCHOOL EXPENDITURES$ 967,892 Personnel$ 70,643 Facility and Utilities$ 35,788 Repairs and Maintenance$ 42,322 Athletics$ 346,239 Other Expenses Including Supplies, Bank Fees, Marketing, Printing, Textbooks$ 1,462,884 TOTAL Expenditures FINANCIAL SUMMARYAs a mission of Saint Benedict Parish, Lumen Christi has traditionally received an annual parish subsidy to supportstudent scholarships and school operations. During lean years, this annual subsidy has exceeded $200,000. Last yearhowever, thanks to a continued robust student population, successful fundraising and generous donors, the need for thissubsidy was reduced by over 90% and in fact we ended the year with a generous surplus. We are forever grateful to theparishioners of Saint Benedict Parish whose support was critical during our lean years. We hope that you are proud ofyour parish school!PARISH REVENUES$ 619,661 Collections $ 81,142 Donations $ ( 22,000) School Subsidy$ 149,914 Other Income Total $ 828,717 TOTAL RevenuesPARISH EXPENDITURES$ 354,919 Personnel$ 39,360 Facility and Utilities$ 109,630 Repairs and Maintenance$ 99,861 Dues and Assessments $ 7,918 Bank Fees $ 131,077 Other Expenses $ 742,765 TOTAL Expenditures BUDGET SURPLUS$ 133,132.00Surplus funds were used to support a number of needed items in theschool: new heat and chemicalresistant science tables and chairsfor three classrooms; $108,000 infinancial aid for students in the2023-24 school year and deferredmaintenance items. Our exuberant 8th grade Earth Science students on a field trip to the Eagle River Nature Center, September. 2022

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Electives & IntensivesChoirDebateYearbookCulinary ArtsIntroduction to DronesAutomotive BasicsYear Round ElectivesQuarterly IntensivesFaculty & Staff14 Full Time 2 Part Time14 Bachelor's Degree 6 Master's Degrees 1 Doctoral Degree 16 years average teachingexperience Tuition $9,000 - Jr. High$9,250 - High School Scholarships$65,000 - Total Distribution (up from$43,000 in 2020-21)Enrollment 99 Students 78 Families Jr. High = 40 18 Girls, 22 Boys High School = 59 25 Girls, 34 Boys Co-ed Soccer, Jr. HighCo-ed Soccer, High School Co-ed Rifle Team, High School Girls Volleyball, High School Boys and Girls Basketball, Jr. High/High SchoolCo-ed Rifle Team, Jr. High Co-ed Volleyball, Jr. High Co-ed Futsol, Jr. HighCo-ed Track and Field, Jr. High/High SchoolFall SportsWinter SportsSpring Sports Lumen Christi boasts an exclusive agreement with theAnchorage School District and the Alaska StateActivities Association (ASAA) which allows ourstudents to participate in public school sports notoffered at Lumen Christi. The 2022-23 National Honor Society inductees includeKyle Boquet, Hayden Estabrook, Lane Crosby, AmaraWarren and Lucille Stephens. These students areflanked by, and join returning members Kateri Everard(far left); Mia Sperbeck and Natalie Grubba (far right) inpromoting leadership, character development andservice at the school. Well done, 2022-23 NHSinductees!Not pictured: Emily Ross and NHS Advisor Allison Craig. 2022-23 SCHOOL PROFILEAcademic ProgramsActive National Honor SocietyChapter Honors classes in Biology,Forensic Science, Research,English, Calculus and PhysicsAP Classes in English, Biology, USHistory, and Calculus (whenenrollment and demand allows)Ability to dual-enroll in Universityof Alaska classesAthleticsLumen Christi Catholic High School

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Class of 2023 Graduates = 5Total Lumen Christi Alumni = 2682 Females3 MalesClass of 2023 Total CollegeScholarship Offers$1,168,500Seated, L to R: Natalie Grubba, Emily Ross Standing, L to R: Carson Blackford-Esary, Sam Kaplan, Tate Hart Senior Motto: "Though young men faint and grow weary, and youths stagger and fall, they that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; they will run and not grow wearing, walk and not grow faint. -Isaiah 40:30-31Class of 2023 AcceptancesBaylor UniversityCalifornia State Polytechnic University, HumboldtColorado School of MinesEastern Oregon UniversityEastern Washington UniversityGeorge Fox UniversityGonzaga UniversityLinfield UniversityMilwaukee School of EngineeringMontana State University, BozemanOregon Institute of TechnologyPacific University of OregonPurdue UniversitySt. Louis UniversityUniversity of PortlandUniversity of St. ThomasTHE CLASS OF 2023

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“Sports contribute to the love of life, teachessacrifice, respect and responsibility, leading to thefull development of every human person.” - Saint Pope John Paul II ARCHANGEL SPORTS

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The “And Then Some” award recognizes a student who makes a significant andpositive impact during any given semester. To be considered, the nominee mustgo above and beyond that which is normally expected of a Lumen Christistudent. Student accomplishments should set them apart from their peers andshould have a noticeable contribution to the school and community at large. Thisis not an academic ability award nor is it an athletic prowess award. Rather, thisaward showcases a student who best exemplifies and lives daily our core valuesof Faith, Family, and Excellence...and then some. The 2023 “And Then Some Award” winner was 12th grader EMILY ROSS.Described by teachers as someone who “...always volunteers to help otherswhen her work is done…..makes good, and thoughtful suggestions….is friendlyand mindful…..goes above and beyond when working in a team setting…exhibits exceptional sportsmanship on and off the court…..” Emily clearlyexemplified the ideals of this award. It was a joy for her teachers to watch hermature into a young woman who upholds the ideals of a Lumen Christigraduate. Congratulations, EMILY!...And Then Some!SHOUT OUTS!It was a season of hard work,endless practices, injuries andrecoveries. It was a season ofdetermination and of heart. In theend, it was a season of champions!Congratulations to our LadyArchangels, their head coach KennyBarker and Assistant Coach MarisaMack. Together this dream teamtook Lumen straight to the top ofour Conference – and State! CONFERENCE AND STATECHAMPIONS - DIVISION 1AKneeling, L to R: Meredith Kaplan, Addi Nelson, SophiaTurner, Amara WArren. Standing, L ro R: Jules Butcher, LillyMuller, Aurora Williams, Kennedy Thimsen-Whitehead, AlliNelson, Emily Ross, Haydon Estabrook, Natalie Grubba. Notpictured: Coaches Kenny Barker and Marisa Mack.

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It was a spectacular night for fundraising at the "Denim & Diamonds" Gala on February 11th, 2023. The eventmade history by grossing just over $250,000 in support of the extraordinary students who attend Lumen Christi.The Gala offered both live and silent auctions including 400+ items featuring vacation getaways, exclusive diningexperiences, student projects, and more. The "Fund-a-Future" bid-card raise which supports student scholarshipsbrought in an astounding $81,000 with 3 donors each pledging a full year's tuition ($9,500). We were humblednot just by their generosity, but by that of everyone who gave during that portion of the night. Over 260 tickets were sold for the event, which was held in the completely-transformed-for-the-evening schoolgymnasium! Attendees enjoyed a delicious meal courtesy of The Bridge Catering and upped their fun for thenight by purchasing raffle tickets and elbowing their way to the front of the pack for the ever-popular "DessertDash."Thank you to the Gala Committee (Anne Gore, Carla Blackford-Esary, Joscelyn VanDuren, Shareen Crosby,Celine Kaplan, Tracy Ross, Merrileigh Boring, Yvette Tousignant and Patrick Muller) for their hard work inorganizing such a fantastic event. Additional thanks to the parent volunteers who assisted the team before, duringand after, and a final, deepest thanks to the friends, sponsors, donors and attendees who came out in support ofCatholic education and our amazing students! Thank you! DENIM & DIAMONDS GALA SETS RECORDSAVE THE DATE It's a Mardi Gras Gala!Saturday, February 10th, 2024

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While the 2022-23 school yearunofficially kicked off in early Augustwith our back-to-school registrationand family BBQ, celebrating our firstMass as a community always feelslike the ‘official’ start of the year! We were so thankful to have ArchbishopBellisario join us on August 22nd for bothMass and then a blessing of all classroomsand offices. Thank you, Archbishop, forstarting our year off right!After being dormant through COVID,“our Big A/little a” (“A” for Archangel)program was back with a bang! Underthe guidance of Mrs. Bouton, our seniorclass reignited this time–honoredmentorship program, pairing each new 7th and 8th graders (little a’s) with an upperclassman “Big A.”Thank you Mrs. Bouton and the senior class of 2023. United in faith! We love our sisterschool, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton andhelping out at their Annual HalloweenCarnival is always great fun for ourstudents. Thank you to our SchoolBoard for organizinganother excellent SpeakerSeries, this one featuringMr. Chris McKenna,founder of “Protect Young Eyes,” who shared both excellent and practical advice onhow parents and students alike can navigate today’s digitalculture. AUGUSTSEPTEMBERNOVEMBERNo matter the year, November always seems to come and go in a blur. From the junior high basket-ball season starting; to biology class “elections”(to determine the most important part of a cell’s structure); togetting bills passed in U.S. Government’s mock Congress; toexploring different forms of kinetic energy and all othersubjects in-between, students still made time to reflect and share thanks for the goodness and grace in their lives. SPORTS, SPORTS AND MORE SPORTSIn addition to being active in the community, with our sister school and in the classroom, our junior high and high school students had busy fall sports seasons, as well. Co-ed Soccer (Junior High andHigh School); Girls High School Volleyball, and the Senior(Advanced) Rifle Team were all busy on the field, court andrange. DECEMBERFaith in’s a thing! While our high school students were on anovernight retreat at St.Therese’s camp in mid-September, our juniorhigh students helpedclear overgrown gravesites at Memorial Park Cemetery. Faith in Action Fact:by the end of the 2022-23 school year, Lumen Christistudents will have collectively donated over 3,000 hours ofvolunteer time in service to our school, Catholic parishes andour community at large. Our first semester closed out with Debate Team wins; the start of high school basketball; historical escape room victories; our Jesse Tree ornament tradition; Advent; Reconciliation service; and finally–the end of the semester and final exams. A busy but exciting close to 2022!THE YEAR IN REVIEW Last but not least in October, Mr. Doug Berry, joined ourstaff as the new Campus Minister. Welcome, Doug! OCTOBER

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MAY May is always the most bittersweetmonth of the year. Last senior photos around campus; the senior drive–by; transferring the Light of Christ to thejunior class; Baccalaureate Mass and finally graduation–these all happen within just a few weeks of each other andthen our year comes to a close. APRILMARCH As Lent continued, so did our annual tradition of student–led Stations of the Cross each Friday, as well as themuch loved and teacher provided heartysoup lunches. Teacher charge a nominal feefor homemade soups with students then choosing a charityfor the funds to be directed to, after Easter. March was also very busy with what else? Basketballregional and state championship tournaments! After severalstrong years for our boys’ team, this year it was all about ourLady Archangels, who captured both the region and statetitles. We couldn’t be more proud of our girls both on andoff the court, with many players being named to all state andconference teams, as well as the all academic team as well. FEBRUARYAfter months of preparation, “Denimand Diamonds” – the school’s Annual Fundraising Gala – was held on February 10th. The eventwas not only a great success but loads of fun. That funcontinued just a few days later with our clever 12th graders and their “Senior Sundae” fundraiser. Ash Wednesday was marked with a Rosary, a beautiful Mass and Reconciliation. Returning after a restful Christmas break, we gathered with other Catholic school students to celebrate Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Co-Cathedral during “Celebrate Catholic Schools Week.” We also welcomed five new students into our National Honor Societychapter, the largest group of inductees ever! Principal Ross also delivered his “State of the School” address to the Lumen Christicommunity on the last Tuesday of the month. This annualpresentation has become a communication cornerstone inoutlining the current school environment, finances andenrollment projections, as well as detailing short and long termsgoals and activities. The high school basketball season was infull swing with wins and losses for both teams, but with playsbeing worked and major skills developing. JANUARY CLOSE UP!For the first time in Lumen Christi history,twenty–three students travelled to WashingtonD.C. to witness our government in action. Meeting with elected officials; touring the Capitol; visitingtreasured monuments and historical sites– it was a very busy week for our students and their chaperones. We’re thankful for the support of the parents and adults who helpedmake this opportunity available and are certain the experiences created lifelongmemories for this next generation of engaged Alaskans. We were also excited to once again host Science Day for 5th and 6th grade students from Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. “Elephant toothpaste,” frog and squidanatomy, liquid nitrogen ice cream, newly hatched babychicks–these hands on activities and more kept students busyand entertained at this informative STEM event. In addition to saying goodbye to the small but mighty classof 2023 in May, we also said goodbye to two belovedteachers, Mr. Mike Bauzon and Mrs. Sierra Zorea. Both leftus to become students themselves and we trust it won’t belong before Mr. Bauzon will be bedside as a nurse and Mrs.Zorea settling legal cases as an attorney! We are thankfulfor their years of service to our students and schoolcommunity and while they will be missed terribly, we wishthem the very, very best in the years to come. Thank Youfor a fantastic year!THE YEAR IN REVIEWContinued

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The following summary of contributions includes all gifts received by Lumen Christi from July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023 viathe LUMENary Annual Fund Drive; Pick.Click.Give; In Memoriam or Celebration of; “Lighting the Path to the Future”long term giving; or as a cash donation at Denim and Diamonds, our 2023 Fundraising Gala. To our long term donors - we are eternally grateful for your ongoing support of our school and the extraordinary studentswho attend here. To our new donors - thank you for believing in us. We are humbled by each and every gift. 2022-23 DONORSAnonymous x2A&A The ShopLonnie and Marcy AdkinsAdvanced Oncology AssociatesAK Federation of Filipino AmericansAlaska Oil and Gas AssociationTheresa Alles - In Memory of Joan AllesStephanie AlvarezApril AlvarezJohanna AlvarezAbigail Andrews Raymond and Blanche AntiMaria and Manfred AponteShirley and William ArnoldAurora Maternal Fetal MedicineTheresa and Keith AustinCaitlyn AveryCristina and Deacon Gus AzpilcuetaAnn BabsonMaria Vitari and James BaileyMarsha and Gregg BacklundJenny BalassoneGeena and Coach Kenny BarkerLinda BarnettKate and Peter BazinRyan and Sabrina BenV. Gail BendixenRiza BendixenRebecca and Doug BerryWendy BjorntonCherie BlackfordCarla and Steve Blackford-EsaryCarolyn BohanonLynn BootsKevin and Melissa BoquetBernadette BoringJamie and Merrileigh BoringJB and Lea Bouton James and Nicole BranchMaurice and Mary Ellen BransfieldLaura BrewerDebbie BrewerRocky and Araceli BrionesTheresa BrooksAllison BurchettJohn BurgerClay and Laura ButcherSylvia ButcherTheresa BuzbyMartin and Antje CarlsonDebbie CarlsonChristopher and Amy CarmanGregory M. CarrJessica and Kevin CederbergCarolyn ChapmanLarry ClementCharlie and Christine ColeKim and Coach Brian ConnakerLaurel Coombs Barbara and Steve CorsoAllison CraigCarol Crosby Dr. Rich and Shareen CrosbyEdward CunninghamChristine CunninghamAnn S. CurroGary and Robin DayleyJames R. and Geraldene DeganDONOR KEY: Bold - School and Parish Staff; Italics - School Board Member; Legacy+ - Has named Lumen Christi in a Will or Trust

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DONORSContinuedAnnette Delozier - In Memory of Joan AllesSolange DixonEdwin and Bernadette DoodyCoach Donna DooleyErica and Jeremy DufraneJohn and Marian DunlevyNicole and Marc DunnePamela Dupras Joyce Durcanin-RobbinsSarah DushkinBenjamin DwigginsCheryl T. EdgrenJoseph and Jennifer EdwardsDylan EsaryJohn and Heather EstabrookJessica Estes Joel and Courtney EverardJudy Ann EverardMadison FagnaniPenny FairbanksIosef and Maletina FeliseJoyce FeliseSharon and Vince FennimoreBob and Letha Flint Sandie Yonker and Andrew FloresElizabeth FlowersJulie FoggWilliam FowlerCindy FranzenReverend Paul FrazierBernard Freeman Megan GallagherMary Grace and Joseph GalleiraPamela GarciaNancy GarciaJohnny and Tess GarciaMargarita GarciaJill GatesPatricia and Bill GeeJamilia GeorgeDaniel GeorgeGlenn and Ava GoodmanNathan GoodwinAnne GoreBryan Schroder and Mary Gore Jennifer Gore-DwyerJackie GraeberBeverly GroskreutzBrian and Stephanie GrossMichelle and Greg GrubbaPeter and Donna GuerraTheresa J. GuckerKathy and Sven GustafsonJess KutzweilerCoach Chris and Kimberly GuzmanPaul HafaleJim and Michelle HajdukovichFr. Bill HanrahanDavid and Patricia Harnan - In Memory of Joan AllesChad HarrisonKathy HattonMalcolm and Pepper HaugheyJenet HawksMatt and Stacey Heilala Janna and Matt HemryMary and Mike HenryJeff HensleyMonica Quintero and Marvin HernandezBetty A. HiltweinThomas and Danna Hoellering Michelle and Eric HohmannDr. Irina Grimberg and Marcus HolmquistRob and Susan HoltaKirsten and John HoppeCharles and Dale-Ann HosackJennifer HughesAmani JacksonJenia and Dave JarrettMary Louise JohnsonJulie JokinenDONOR KEY: Bold - School and Parish Staff; Italics - School Board Member; Legacy+ - Has named Lumen Christi in a Will or Trust

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DONORSContinuedAlicia JonesDr. Kevin JonesDebra Jorgensen Sonja Jorgensen Greg and Celine KaplanCaryle KeefeEileen KeeganKevin KerrNick and Oriele KinderJohn and Rosemary KlemKnight of Columbus/John Forsting CouncilMark Meyer and Kelleen KoganeDr. Kevin and Heidi KollinsJonathan Konkler Trisha KozlerGary and DeLana KretchikMaria and Mike KucharJane KurtzNicholle LaFazioDolores LaFazioRomy and Nora LagansonColleen and Paul LarsonVenus LarsonJasmin and Kevin LechtenbergStacy LenormanNicole LewisPaul and Monica LidrenFr. Tom LillyBrian and Sarah LindamoodDoug and Melissa LipinskiWilma LjubicichAmy and Shane LockeBob and Judy LockeLiz and Drew LoefflerDonna LoganBarbara LopetroneSoo Kang LowCharles LunaMyron Melovidov and Coach Marisa MackEilisa and Randall MaesDeacon Les and Mrs. Brenda MaimanGretchen MaloneWeichel Maloney -In Memory of Fr. GiebelEdith ManasalaMary Alice ManesLisa MarquissMarsh and McLennan AgencyDonna Martin Celia and Pol MasalungaDebra MasonAquila MathewShelly MathewAnita MatignasPeter Mauro Char McClelland - In Honor of Joan AllesJames McCormack Dennis McClothinLaura and Mike McLaughlinJennifer McLeanKaren and Bob McMorrowTrudy and Gerry McMullenLauren and Loren McReeDr Jeff and Cathy MedlandMark Merrill Angela MichaudRichard Miller Dr. David MillerDave and Katherine MitchellJohn and Patricia MitchellAndrea MoceriBlaine MooresCoach Patrick MoranAngela and Joe MoranGerry and Kara MoriartyRobert MorrellClaire and Johann MuelllerPatrick and Corinna MullerBrian MurkowskiGovernor Frank and Nancy MurkowskiMike and Karen MurkowskiDONOR KEY: Bold - School and Parish Staff; Italics - School Board Member; Legacy+ - Has named Lumen Christi in a Will or Trust

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DONORSContinuedJenifer NelsonJoyce NeumannDan NewmanEmilie NiedermeyerKatie and Rich NovcaskiKathleen O'LearyMegan and Gabe O'LenaColonel James and Pilar OatesRobert and Susan OravecJuliana Osinchuk Rich OwensTeresita PalmaBeau and Rachel PalumboElizabeth PantaleoneJim and Fran PekarBrian PekarBrandy and Jordan PenningtonPaul and Diana PfeifferMarilyn Picou Charles PohlandPolar Bear DentalLeila and Ralph PortellElaine PotterProvidence Alaska Medical Center Ann PurcellDiane RayNicole ReynoldsRichard H. Nelson and Joan B. RiccaJoyce Durcanin-RobbinsNeil and Stacy Robertson Barbara Robertson Orlando and Ramona Jimenez RomeroWayne and Ginny RossTracy and Brian Ross Emily Ross Nikki and Tim RossLarry and Bette RossMolly and Chad RutledgeTravis and Danielle RybickiJim and Sue SabrowskiSaint Christopher by the Sea Charles P. SandersKatheren and Brent SandersClara and Maj. General Torrence SaxeDanelle SchunemanLaurel ScottPat and Jerry ScottHalina and James SeebergerJim and Sally SeeleyKelli SelnessSina and Floyd SenaDr. Stephen and Kerry SettleAshley ShawBrooke and Reed SillersMariacelia Simmons Bernard SimonSuzanne SmithMindy SmithAlison Sneadmiller - In Celebration of Sue SabrowskiJohn SperbeckDavid SperbeckKelly and Aaron SperbeckJ. Matthew and Megan Spillers Lucia Wooley and Kevin SpillersAnne StanislowskiTeal and Ryan StanleyPatrick and Cecilia StanleyEdward and Wendy StarkLorraine J. StarkRick and Mary StephensMary Lee StevensMichael and Colleen StevensRachael and Zach Stohr Bob Gunderson and Sherry StrizakLynn Sturh-Goblowsky and Marty StuhrWendy and Tai SturdivantCarol and Roe Sturgulewski - Legacy+ Daniel and Jaimie SultenfussJoelle and Jim SwallingMary Swalling DONOR KEY: Bold - School and Parish Staff; Italics - School Board Member; Legacy+ - Has named Lumen Christi in a Will or Trust

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Mary E. SwansonChuck and Carol SzopaT3 ALASKAElizabeth Taylor-Forsman Paul and Emily ThomasSean and Kaleigh ThompsonJenney ThomsonKellie and Alec ThomsonGerianne Thorsness Henry Thorsness Julie TiborJohn and Loretta TiborKimberly ToomanYvette TousignantShawn TraskyVictor and Joan TrujilloThomas Finch and Kirsten TrujilloMartha and Charlie TruncaleMartin Truscott - In Memory of Joan AllesDeacon Bill and Sherry TunillaDONORSContinuedAdam and Bryanne TurnerGG and Terry TutorChris and Sandy TzvetcoffBeth and Bill Van CowenbergheDeacon Dave and Mrs. Stephanie Van TuylJoscelyn and Shawn VanDurenShannon WalshBob and Patrice WalshDaniel WalterNerida WaltersAlicia and John WarrenKimberly and Mike Thimsen-WhiteheadWalter IV and Audrie WilliamsAbe and Krista WilliamsJohn WIlliamsonDonald and Nancy WingateDeanna WladKaren WolskiBrian and Kaleigh WotringRobyn WoyteJames Yeargan There are many ways to give to Lumen ChristiRemembering Lumen Christi with a gift from your will or trust is easy; aphone call to your lawyer is all it takes. A Financial Advisor can help you with other gifts, many of which come withsignificant tax benefits to you, the donor. Have you already named Lumen Christi in your will or trust? Please callAnne Gore at 907-273-1530 so you can be recognized as a Lumen ChristiLegacy member. Gifts from a Will or TrustRetirement Plan SecuritiesIllustrations provided by

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8th grader Carson puts the finishing touches on his replica of London’s famous Rolling Bridge.7th Grader Nadya hoping for a prince?!High School basketball teams on the ferryenroute to Cordova. Mr. Ross escorts members from the Gold Crew of the USS ALASKA (SSBN-732) to thegym, where they share with students the rigors oflife in the Navy aboard a nuclear powered ballisticmissile submarine. CLOSING SCENES FROM Bishop KolioTumanuvao Etuale fromthe Diocese of Samoa-Pago Pago celebratesMass, sings some ElvisPresley and then sends aselfie back home!Everyone loves Tortilla Day in Deacon Gus’s Spanish class!School Board members taking time on a chillyJanuary morning to offer coffee and doughnuts toparents at drop off. Budding (and stylish) brilliance in biotechnology class.Students and staff share someinteresting talents!

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Thank you APD for celebrating Faith & Blue with us!Who is that beardedman? Why it’s Mr.Berry-Claus and theJesse Tree!National Honor Societymembers prepareValentine’s gift bags forresidents at Clare House. Making memories - hanging theJesse Tree ornaments inDecember. 10th grader Lucille tackles one ofthe national debate topics: “Be itresolved that the United Statesshould implement a single payeruniversal health care system.” 8th grader Kaylee learns the fine art ofdicing during her Culinary Arts Intensive. High schoolers on retreat at St. Therese’s relax around the bonfire.AROUND CAMPUS Dancin’ the night away at Neon Ho-Co.Another successful all-school fooddrive in support of the Saint FrancisFood Pantry.Members of theSenior Classcelebrate inApril as theylook forward totheir Maygraduation. 8th Gradeobservations ona field trip to theAnchorageMuseum and DiscoveryCenter.

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Lumen Christi Catholic High School ~ Saint Benedict Catholic Church8110 Jewel Lake RoadAnchorage, AK