ANNUAL REPORT 2023-2024Everything Beautiful In its Time
In 20 years, I want to be a babysitter taking care of alot of babies because I really love babies .In 20 years, I want to be a babysitter taking care of alot of babies because I really love babies .
Dear Friends,In 2004, when Pastor Robert Gelinas and others wereforming what would become Project 1.27, they dreamed ofChristian families welcoming Colorado foster children whowere waiting to be adopted. That dream has been fulfilled forwell over 500 children.What they didn’t know is that Project 1.27 would go on tohelp meet Colorado’s need for foster parents, provideongoing training and support for kinship caregivers (relativescaring for young family members) and develop a network of18 ministry organizations to serve children and familiesacross the United States.Project 1.27 and our National Network have engaged withlocal churches, community partners, donor friends andindividual families over the last 20 years. We’ve watchedmany respond to God’s call in James 1:27, “Religion thatGod our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to lookafter orphans in their distress…” Every child in a nurturing family. Thank you for makingProject 1.27’s vision a reality over the last 20 years. I hopeyou enjoy reading about all the beautiful things God has beendoing and imagining just what He has planned for the next 20years!Because kids need families and families need YOU!SHELLY RADICProject 1.27 President
The Jones family celebrated DJ’s adoption in October! Nathanand Libby have made it a priority to keep a relationship with allof DJ’s siblings, who were placed different homes. They oftenget together for playdates and activities, and the siblings alsojoined the family at the courthouse for the adoption finalization!Since 2004, 525 children have been adopted byProject 1.27 families. ADOPTION
In 20 years, I want tobe a nurseand a fosterparent.In 20 years, I want tobe a nurseand a fosterparent.
NEIGHBORPROGRAMFounded in 2017, the Neighbor Program (formerly FosterTogether) connects participating kinship and foster families withtheir own volunteer “Neighbor.” Neighbors deliver meals,groceries, or care packages to one family for six months,building a friendship through encouraging notes and phonecalls. This community support shows isolated, overwhelmedfamilies, "You are not alone."“Over the last 6 months, I got to know the family andhave dinner with them several times. The highlight was getting to know the family andkids and see what amazing people they are.” -Andrea, NeighborThe Neighbor Program had 39 volunteers servingfamilies this year.
TRAININGIn 2023-2024, Project 1.27 trained 47 families and239 church volunteers.Project 1.27 has started offering BRAND NEW, state-approvedcertification training called NTDC (National Training andDevelopment Curriculum) that includes Project 1.27's uniquefaith-based persective. This comprehensive curriculum providescaregivers with culturally relevant training about childdevelopment, attachment and behavior, trauma-responsive care,and the importance of maintaining familial connections.“Our trainers were thorough, kind, and patient as wewent through each lesson. My favorite part of thetraining was the foster parent panel which gave usreal life experiences from foster parents and thechance to ask questions about their experiences.”-Judy, NTDC Participant
CELEBRATING 20 YEARS SERVING CHILDREN AND FAMILIES2015In 2015, another sibling set became the300th and 301st children adopted into aProject 1.27 family. crews familyAdoptions 300-3012020In 2020, Project 1.27, quickly pivoted tovirtual training and supporting families innew waysCovidAfter much prayer, planning, and Robert'ssermon series on serving vulnerable children,254 people attended Project 1.27's firstOrientation in January 2005. 2004project 1.27 begins2016In 2016, Project 1.27 openedan office in Mesa County.2018In 2018,the Waite family celebratedthe adoption of brothers. waite familyadoptions 400-401project 1.27 western slope
The Williams became the first Project 1.27family to adopt, welcoming three siblings. Theycontinue to serve as foster parents.2005Williams familyAdoptions 1-3Wombaker familyAdoptions 100-101In 2009, the Wombakers celebrated the 100th adoption into a Project 1.27 family. 2009 In 2022, the Mroch family adoptedthree siblings, marking the 499, 500, &501 Project 1.27 adoptions.MROCH familyadoptions 499-5012022In 2024, Project 1.27 developed a newmission, vision,and tagline, just in timeto celebrate our 20th Anniversary. 20 years & beyond202420131.27 national networkProject 1.27 shares coaching andresources with churches andleaders across the county.2012pelican familyAdoptions 200-201In 2010, the Pelican welcomed 2-year old twins, the 200th & 201stadoptions.
In 20 years, I want to be adoctor becauseI like helpingpeople.In 20 years, I want to be adoctor becauseI like helpingpeople.
FOSTER CAREWhen we took the leap into fostering, we felt both excited anduncertain. We had completed our training and prepared ourhome, but when our first placement arrived — a seven-year-oldgirl with wide, wary eyes — the reality felt overwhelming. Project 1.27 had been with us through training, but we quicklylearned that their support extended far beyond those initialsessions. Within hours of her arrival, they brought a bag ofclothes tailored to her needs, which made an immediatedifference in helping her settle in. They invited us to coffeedates, sharing wisdom from their own journeys as fosterparents. The mentors encouraged us to celebrate small wins,like the first time she laughed or trusted us with a story.One evening, when the weight of it all felt heavy, Icalled one of the mentors. She listened, reassuredus, and reminded us that our love and consistencywere making a difference. Her words gave us thestrength to continue, feeling understood andsupported.As days passed, our foster daughter began to open up, herlaughter becoming more frequent and her trust more visible.The journey isn’t easy, but with Project 1.27, we’ve found acommunity that walks with us, making us stronger fosterparents and helping her feel the love and stability she deserves.Project 1.27 supported 389 families and 1457children this year.
SUPPORT1335 children benefited from practical resourcesprovided through Project 1.27. Over 50 churches connected with us this year,serving 275 children and families.Project 1.27 supportedchildren and families byproviding resources andtraining opportunities, hostingevents like the Family Picnic,Christmas Party, and Hopefor the Journey Conference,and providing meals andmonthly encouragement forfamilies who are struggling.
Pam is a kinship provider in Mesa County, caring for herdaughter’s best friend’s two children. Pam and her householdconnected to Project 1.27 through their placement resourcemanager, who recommended they take the ECHOflex class.ECHOflex is a resiliency program for foster, kinship, adoptivefamilies, and youth. Families like Pam’s come together withother families just like them to learn about mental health skillsand support in a fun way. When asked about the most significant takeaway from herECHOflex class, Pam stated, “I didn’t realize how others sawme. I never really thought about it. I find it easier to solve issueswith the kids by sitting down and discussing things while findingsolutions together.” ECHOFLEX In 2023-2024, 127 children and parents participatedin an 8-session ECHOflex cohort. “We’ve learned to expect the unexpected andrealize it’s not always bad. We have learned it’s OKto laugh at yourself. And... to be happy with whoyou are and don’t try to be someone else.”
The 1.27 National Network grew to 18 ministriesTogether we served over 7000 kids across the U.S.A group of independent bridge ministries whosupport each other as they work to connect localchurches to the needs of local foster care.1.27 NATIONALNETWORK
The Wildwood Collective is a new movement of churches andorganizations in Iowa coming alongside families before, duringand beyond foster care. Their largest emphasis is providingchurches with the strategic framework and training to mobilizetheir congregations around foster families. “I wish every supporter could listen in on theconversations amongst the 1.27 National Networkmembers. We are launching new programs, reachingmore kids, and leading more effective organizationsbecause of these relationships. Project 1.27 is leadingout and creating ripples of impact that go beyond whatany of us could ever quantify.” -AJ Doyle, Director of the Wildwood CollectiveThey knew when theylaunched, that the need inIowa was urgent anddaunting - 4000 childrenin foster care, and notnearly enough fosterfamilies to care for thesevulnerable kids. With somuch at stake, they didn’twant to waste time, sothey joined the 1.27National Network to learnfrom others who hadalready been doing thiswork for many years, inorder to accelerate theimpact in Iowa.
In 20 years, I want to be a model and asubstitute teacher.In 20 years, I want to be a model and asubstitute teacher.
20 years serving children & familiesSINCE 2004, Project 1.27 has trained 1547 FAMILIES asfoster and adoptive parents.These families have cared forover 2000 CHILDREN.Of those children, 525ADOPTIONS have taken placein Project 1.27 homes.