2Dear OLG Community,I’m excited to present to you the Our Lady of Grace 2023-2024 Parish Annual Report. Our Parish remains full of life, reminding me everyday of how blessed we are. I am proud of how we as a community continue to make Jesus Christ known and loved.This year, we focused on developing and participating in small groups to carry out Archbishop Hebda’s vision to renew our Church through the Archdiocesan Synod. Our parish has over 40 participating groups. We also celebrated OLG School’s 75th year—what a blessing to have our students learning in new and remodeled spaces along with a growing number of students. Our Parish continues to grow in faith manifested with our many oerings from our Mission and Discipleship team, while also supporting our parishioners, local communities, and our outreach partners in Ghana and Honduras.The heart of the vitality of OLG lies in you, our parishioners. As a family of faith, we understand the importance of service, tithing, and prayer to help make our parish a place with Jesus is known and loved. Thank you for your continued faith, and for your love in action through the life and ministries of Our Lady of Grace. Thank you. I hope you will nd our Annual Report not only informative but an encouragement to our continued mission.Father Kevin FinneganPastor
3“I am the vine, and you are the branches.” John 15:5Seeking. We all come to Our Lady of Grace seeking. Seeking something, maybe Someone: community, friendship, a welcoming environment for the kids, a good education, peace, forgiveness, truth. All seeking. And for all of us there is a universal truth, we are sought. The words from Jesus echo in us, “it was not you who chose me, but I who chose you (Jn 15:16).” We are sought as individuals, and families, and as a Church. God is with us. He is for us. He invites, “Come, be my disciple.” And for many, through the ministries, mission, and especially the liturgies of Our Lady of Grace, this deepest longing of the heart is realized in communion with the Living God. Yes, Jesus always invites us further.“Remain in me,” he says. He has more for us. Growth. Transformation. Healing. Salvation. That’s the kind of thing Jesus is doing here at Our Lady of Grace. In us and through us, and even with us. He saves. He takes broken people and does something beautiful with our simple, and imperfect willingness to know him, and love him, and serve him. Through us he knows, and loves, and serves others—our family members, neighbors, the poor, vulnerable, and under-served.As we remain with him in prayer and the power of the Eucharist, he bears fruit in and with and through us. A God who is innite loves and delights in us. All. Of. Us. In you too. It’s astonishing and beautiful—yet simple in its own way. He invites. We respond. This is what Jesus does at Our Lady of Grace. And together that is what we are trying to do, to listen well and live in and through him. To joyfully answer his call to “Remain in me and bear much fruit.”
4Our Parish10,000+ Parishioners444New Parishioners(from FY 22-23)21%OLG School Families79%Non-School Families3,500+HouseholdsOur Parishioners by AgeSilent Generation (79+)Baby Boomer (60-78)Generation X (44-59)Millennial (28-43)Generation Z (19-27)High School (15-18)Middle School (11-14)Elementary School (5-10)Preschool & Younger (0-4)5% 4%11%7%6%12%23%19%13%
5Rooted in the SacramentsBaptisms - 174 Infants, 10 Adults First Holy Communions - 145 Youth, 28 Adults First Reconciliations - 145 Youth, 28 Adults Conrmations - 150Weddings at OLG - 46 (54 couples in our Marriage Prep Ministry)
6Faith Formation for Youth & AdultsMinistriesSunday School Participants - 72 Faith Formation School Participants: Grades 1 through 5 - 155 Grades 6 through 8 (Encounter) - 127Middle School Youth Group (EXTREME) - 55High School Youth Group (HSYM) - 50RCIA - 25 Adults, 7 Youth(Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, now OCIA)New Ministry Spotlight: Golden OpportunitiesInspired to create faith-based educational, social, and cultural experiences for active empty-nesters, retirees, and all those in the Golden stage of life. Golden Opportunities (GO) has had 290+ registrations for our monthly events, including: tours of the Cathedral, Basilica, and Grasshopper Chapel; guided religious art tours at MIA and Church of St. Michael; visiting the Arboretum in spring; and singing carols on a Christmas lights bus tour in winter! Much more is happening in the year to come. Stay active, stay engaged, stay on the GO at OLG!
7Small GroupsOutreachWhen people gather around the Word of God for fellowship, spiritual growth, and prayer, things denitely happen! God always shows up and there is always spiritual fruit. This year, we established additional adult small groups: 20 new groups journeyed together during Lent as they worked through the book, With Jesus to the Cross. Over half of the groups loved the experience so much they decided to continue to meet after Lent and into the fall 2024 season. Here is what some members said was most meaningful about their experience of small groups: • Finding friendships rooted in Christ. • Hearing other’s perspectives and guidance.• Being in a space where people have similar values and can speak about faith freely.• Connecting outside of the weekly discussion times. • Being able to walk in faith with other men or women who are in a similar state of life. Supplies DrivesThis year, almost 200 back packs plus classroom essentials were collected in the Fall for our sister school, St. John Paul II Catholic School. We also hold twice-yearly drives to collect warm weather gear and hygiene kits for Veterans. The World’s Largest Diaper Drive in May yielded 1,500 diapers and 2,700 wipes, and we collected several hundred sweatshirts, plus hundreds of fuzzy socks and bottles of nail polish through the Sharing & Caring Hands Christmas Drive for Teens. Food Ministries & CollectionsEvery month, OLG volunteers served about 100 guests lunch at Sharing & Caring Hands. Beginning Fall 2024, OLG will be increasing our commitment to twice per month, with a goal of 400 meals each month. Through our Giving Bins, 250 pounds of food was donated to VEAP weekly on average, and the Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive for STEP yielded over 1,500 lbs of food. Meals were also delivered twice a month to individuals in the Edina area by a dozen of our Meals on Wheels volunteers.Prison MinistrySince being established this Spring, over 200 inmates in Minnesota have received birthday cards. Additionally, nearly a dozen OLG parishioners are training or have trained to minister to the incarcerated inside prison walls, assisting priests with Mass, teaching OCIA, and participating in Bible Studies.“We felt our group grew so close and loved connecting at other events. Wonderful to have social connections built on such deep conversations and shared faith!” - Anonymous Member
8Financial Report, FY 23-24Dear OLG Community,We are pleased to present the Annual Financial Report for Our Lady of Grace for the scal year ending June 30, 2024. Thanks to your generous support, we nished the year with an ordinary surplus of $316,119, a testament to the commitment of our parish community. This surplus represents the results of the parish’s day-to-day operations.This surplus enables us to reinvest in our parish and community initiatives, enhancing our facilities, supporting educational programs, and strengthening outreach eorts to those in need.From a parish school perspective, we welcomed a fourth classroom of rst grade students alongside our existing four classrooms of kindergarten students. This expansion, coupled with an increase in Mass attendance and involvement in ministries, has led to signicant growth in school enrollment. Our mission of Making Jesus Christ known and loved is resonating throughout the metro area and beyond.The ”Ordinary Income” surplus of $316,119 for scal year 2024 exceeded our budget. Overall, revenues from all ministries increased by 15.8% compared to the previous year, driven primarily by higher enrollment in our educational ministries and a 9.3% increase in collections. This collection revenue is vital for funding our ministries and covering daily operating expenses of the parish. This support is vital to executing our mission.We also saw a remarkable overall surplus of $1,267,685 in the “Other Income and Expense” categories, which includes investment returns and special bequests. In 2024, we completed all outstanding payments related to the Advancing Our Mission (AOM) campaign, and positive gains in the nancial markets contributed to the growth of our endowment accounts.Looking ahead to scal 2025, we are excited about several upcoming initiatives, including:· Expanding outreach programs for the under-served. · Enhancing our worship experience and facilities. · Promoting faith formation for all ages.We are grateful for your ongoing support, which makes a signicant impact in our community. Your contributions help us exceed our budget and reect our shared commitment to OLG Parish.As we continue to manage our nances responsibly, we invite you to prayerfully consider renewing or increasing your nancial commitment to our vibrant faith community. Together, we can build a bright, Christ-lled future for Our Lady of Grace.Thank you to all our parishioners for your steadfast support, and a special thanks to our Finance Council, sta, and volunteers for their dedication throughout the year.Let us continue to work together to fulll our mission and grow in faith and service.In Christ’s Love, SteveBonello JeHansen Business Administrator Finance Council Chair
9Income StatementOrdinary Income - General Operations FY 24-25 Budget FY 23-24 Actual FY 22-23 Actual Total General Operations - Parish $ 3,713,000 3,674,226 3,363,652 Total Hospitality $ 633,000 556,311 - Total Rectory Building $ 14,500 14,750 21,250Total Parish Outreach $ - 630 26,793 Total Youth Formation $ 37,300 47,058 26,178 Total Sacramental Preparation $ 28,785 9,389 14,829Total Elementary School $ 6,585,525 5,744,522 5,471,716Total Pre-School $ 1,753,200 1,689,889 1,226,734Total Latchkey $ 496,472 530,228 442,990Total Athletics $ 79,000 82,711 65,790 Total Ordinary Income $ 13,340,782 12,349,714 10,659,933 Ordinary Expense - General Operations FY 24-25 Budget FY 23-24 Actual FY 22-23 Actual Total General Operations $ - 6,215 4,618 Total Business Oce $ 1,579,315 1,605,491 1,239,901 Total Hospitality $ 653,800 808,340 - Total Plant - Grounds $ 1,232,985 1,179,381 1,074,826 Total Rectory Building $ 52,470 25,973 28,699 Total Liturgy $ 187,611 155,441 154,012 Total Music $ 139,819 119,639 119,063 Total Clergy Services $ 205,036 205,673 199,680 Total Pastoral Care $ 278,563 217,506 179,075 Total Parish Outreach $ 90,945 34,746 102,393 Total Social Justice $ 167,790 89,350 66,971 Total Youth Formation $ 405,993 377,207 298,060 Total Youth Ministry $ 179,405 118,948 118,901 Total Sacramental Preparation $ 43,440 35,576 31,747 Total Adult Formation $ 261,080 209,945 226,185 Total Elementary School $ 6,336,333 5,644,976 5,605,787 Total Pre-School $ 1,079,154 846,913 811,099 Total Latchkey $ 298,540 319,971 261,639 Total Athletics $ 46,400 32,302 29,969 Total Ordinary Expense $ 13,238,679 12,033,594 10,552,626 Ordinary Income / (Loss) $ 102,103 316,119 107,307 Other Income / Expense FY 24-25 Budget FY 23-24 Actual FY 22-23 Actual Total Other Income $ - 2,593,635 2,854,251 Total Other Expense $ - 1,325,949 6,137,235 OtherIncome/LossProt $ - 1,267,685 (3,282,984) NetProt/(Loss) $ 102,103 1,583,805 (3,175,677)
10StewardshipStewardship Collectionsby number of donors in each range of giftHowtogivetotheSundayStewardshipFundOnline: Sign up for online giving. An automated donation means you can support us continually, easily and without having to be present physically. Go to olgparish.org/give or scan the QR code.In Person: Bring your weekly contribution by check in your oering envelope to Sunday Mass or the Parish Oce.By Mail: Mail in your weekly contribution by check in your oering envelope to: Our Lady of Grace Catholic ChurchATTN: Stewardship Giving 5071 Eden Ave Edina, MN 55436Annual Stewardship Giving represents oertory giving only, including envelopes, EFT and online giving to the Stewardship Fund. Stewardship giving (tithing) funds our mission of making Jesus Christ known and loved by providing programming for faith formation, sacramental preparation, liturgies and all daily operational costs of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church and School, including grounds, sta, facilities upkeep, maintenance and utilities.31530528230630125426723524727522720210388 90513502477175170166959185614946FY 2023-24FY 2022-23FY 2021-22$1 - $99.00 $100.00 - $250.00 - $500.00 - $750.00 - $1,000.00 - $2,500.00 - $5,000.00 - $10,000.00 $249.99 $499.99 $749.99 $999.99 $2,499.99 $4,999.99 $9,999.99 and above
11OLG Endowment FundsEnsuring our traditions for future generations.OLG specically honors those contributors who have given $5,000 or more to any of the OLG endowment funds as members of the OLG Endowment Heritage Society.Our Lady of Grace Parish EndowmentThe parish endowment nancially benets the mission of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church and its religious, charitable and educational ministries. FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23Beginning Balance $ 1,559,627.87 1,412,692.75Deposits $ 24,243.36 65,460.10Grants $ (53,400.00) (49,400.00)Fees $ (6,177.80) (5,933.79)Gain/(Loss)-Market $ 180,999.78 136,808.81Ending Balance $ 1,705,289.21 1,559,627.87Beginning Balance $ 4,453,491.37 4,167,801.55Deposits $ 27,146.77 59,141.48Grants $ (162,500.00) (156,600.00)Fees $ (17,562.12) (17,331.38)Gain/(Loss)-Market $ 514,260.16 400,479.72Ending Balance $ 4,814,836.18 4,453,491.37Beginning Balance $ 676,669.37 594,258.77Deposits $ 26,504.67 47,612.05Grants $ (21,500.00) (20,000.00)Fees $ (2,707.83) (2,506.12)Gain/(Loss)-Market $ 79,431.13 57,304.67Ending Balance $ 758,397.34 676,669.37Our Lady of Grace School EndowmentThe school endowment exclusively benets the mission, programs and operations of Our Lady of Grace School, ensuring that the school remains viable for future generations.Father Robert T. Cassidy Scholarship EndowmentFr. Robert T. Cassidy served as pastor of Our Lady of Grace from 1985 to 2002. The Robert T. Cassidy endowment helps Our Lady of Grace oer nancial aid to families in need to attend Our Lady of Grace School.“We believe that the three OLG endowments give us the opportunity to share our blessings with the parish, while sustaining future growth in a place that has nourished our family’s faith formation and sacramental life for many years.”- Sheila and Peter Lind, Parishioners and OLG Endowment Heritage Society Members
Non-Prot Org. US Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 30681OLG SchoolWe ocially wrapped up the 75th Anniversary year of our school this past June! Thank you to everyone who has supported our school spiritually and nancially, and for helping us provide an incredible 75 years of Catholic education.View our most recent year-end School Report, which gives an overview of enrollment, service, sacraments, and test scores for the 2023-2024 school year, at olgschool.net/our-tradition