TEXAS INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION CONSORTIUMAnnual Report 2021 Texas Based, Globally Engaged
3 Like all of our colleagues in international education, TIEC continues to adapt to the pandemic's impact on international travel and in-person programming. For TIEC, COVID provided enough crisis to force us to be clear about what we want to do, what we can do within the eld of international education, and what our members need us to do.We successfully turned the corner during the pandemic on our programmatic model and our function as a membership organization. We leaned hard into our new role and opportunities and learned valuable lessons about our own capacity and the ways we needed to adapt our organization to reach our goals. If FY20 was about guring our how we could best serve the needs of our stakeholders under this new set of realities, FY21 was dedicated to rening and solidifying both our programs and TIEC as a member organization.As we reect on this year's work, we have solid programs that contribute to international education, fulll our mission to increase internationalization of higher education in Texas, include our consortium expertise eectively, and oer learning outcomes that are in high demand among partners and donors. We launched the TIEC Fellowship for Afghan Evacuees: TIEC's rst program to support member internationalization through giving. Our membership has grown in size and engagement with the launch of our paid and expanded membership model, and our members show eagerness to be in the network. Our board is engaged and supportive, and oers outstanding leadership and guidance.Finally, we are proud to be respected by our peer organizations within our industry and sought out as potential partners. We were honored to be "highly commended" for the Real Life Learning award during the 2021 PIEoneer Awards', and we are thrilled to be taking the stage at the SXSW EDU Conference in 2022.In 2022, TIEC will be seeking a new headquarters aer selling our organizational home of 35 years. The symbolism of this is not lost on me. We are not weighted down by our past; rather, we take our experiences forward into the world as it is today and will be this decade. With our ever-expanding network of members, our new programmatic capacity and partners, and our strategy to invest in our members through our new fellowship program, TIEC will continue to grow as a strong and valuable leader in higher education internationalization. Please stay in close touch. I am grateful for your support and partnership with TIEC.With warm wishes,Robin J. LernerPresident & CEOTexas International Education ConsortiumPRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
4President's Message 03Board Chair Message 062021 Snapshot: TIEC's Impact 08A Year of Programs 10Membership 20Financial Update 22 TIEC Board of Directors for FY2022 24 Looking Ahead 2022 25 Harnessing the ingenuity of Texas to do good in the world.INDEX & CONTENTTIEC's Mission: To expand international education by facilitating and fostering lasting relationships between Texas and partners around the world toward building educational access, economic opportunity, institutional capacity, and professional development for those we serve and include.
5 HIGHLIGHTSPresident's Message03pageBoard ChairMessage06pageBoard of Directors FY202224pageLooking Ahead202225pageMembershipHIGHLIGHT20»SnapshotHIGHLIGHT08»FinancialHIGHLIGHT22»ProgramsHIGHLIGHT10»
6BOARD CHAIR MESSAGEOne year ago, TIEC launched a new membership model that opened the opportunity for expansion beyond the public universities of Texas. It was an experiment — a test of whether private institutions across Texas and partners around the world would see value of collaboration toward internationalization with and for the State of Texas. As we close 2021, I am pleased to see that we have the largest and most diverse consortium in TIEC's history. Our members are engaged and, thus, our rst set of results appears positive: TIEC's model of collaboration is valued.Higher education stands to gain so much by harnessing the potential of cooperation around internationalization. Educating our students in a diverse, culturally rich environment is integral to preparing a globally competent workforce and, at times, we may advance our eorts most eectively working cooperatively.Through TIEC, we are building a larger and simultaneously more close-knit global network that allows our institutions to maximize international opportunities. Our We are building a larger and simultaneously more close-knit global network that allows our institutions to maximize international opportunities.Together,the TIEC network can pool resources across our institutions.As we close 2021,I am pleased to see that we have the largest and most diverse consortium in TIEC's history.TIEC's model of collaboration is valued.
7 Lawrence Schovanec, TIEC Board ChairPresidentTexas Tech UniversityL. SchovecHigher education stands to gain so much by harnessing the potential of cooperation around internationalization.students become the primary benefactor, as student mobility and globalized curriculum increase with an enlarged network that has partnership with Texas as an intrinsic value.Together, the TIEC network can pool resources across our institutions. This year, TIEC launched its own Virtual Exchange Academy to oer faculty training that, for many member universities, would be too burdensome to build in-house. With that training, a greater number of our students will benet from courses that oer a globalized curriculum and international exposure in the classroom. Those experiences, in turn, build a Texas workforce with the kind of intercultural competencies that help keep Texas internationally competitive.TIEC has also facilitated the participation of scores of Texas faculty in programs that expand their networks, their international credentials, and promote their institutions with new partners. Our members are fortunate to have this program management resource in TIEC. Our faculty share Lawrence SchovanecTIEC Board ChairSince Dr. Lawrence Schovanec was named Chair of the TIEC Board of Directors in 2020, TIEC has expanded its membership by 26%, grown its strategic reserves by more than 45%, and received its largest single government grant in its history. Dr. Schovanec has steered TIEC through the Coronavirus pandemic, guiding the organization to successfully take on new programmatic directions. Likewise, under his leadership during a time of extreme challenge, Texas Tech University , saw a four percent growth in enrollment in fall 2020 and for the rst time enrolled more than 40,000 students.Texas Tech UniversityPresidenttheir expertise and work alongside peers around the world and TIEC manages the rest.Now, as we look ahead to 2022, where can the combined expertise and resources of Texas higher education best meet today's biggest challenges? Tackling changing needs around the world for energy and climate solutions is one such challenge we are poised to take on as a consortium. In 2021, TIEC stood up an Energy Working Group of experts across our membership, with the aim of contributing to the global clean energy transition through joint projects with partners around the world.As 2021 closes, I look back at TIEC's accomplishments to secure new partnerships and possibilities that tap into the true potential of a consortium like ours, and I am eager to see what 2022 brings.Thank you all for your continued engagement and support. With my best regards,TIEC Board ChairLawrence Schovanec
8~500 OGC membersTIEC's Online Global Community includes nearly 500 members.Our consortium grew to include39 UNIVERSITIES9 private and 26 public universities in Texas and 4 ailiate universities outside of the United States.TIEC projects spurred IRB-approved researchdegree programs reviewed by TIEC through curriculum services programsK-12 English language teachers and administrators completed TIEC's English Language Training Institute2 13 962021 SNAPSHOT
9 EVENTSVirtual NetworkingSpotlightsAs a benet to ailiates, TIEC hosts virtual networking events to facilitate partnership-building with Texas members.Over 80 participants from 12 Texas universities joined TIEC's event with Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd University; and 41 attendees from 11 Texas institutions joined Galala University of Egypt.13TIEC hosted eventsTIEC hosted a total of 13 member events over the year.
10TIEC has chosen to focus on specic programs around which we can build deep expertise and impact.A Year of ProgramsTIEC's programmatic expertise and capability situate us as a unique membership organization. Implementing impactful and sought-aer programming creates awareness of Texas expertise globally and provides a platform for our institutions and experts to engage peers worldwide. In short, it makes TIEC a relevant contributor to international education.TIEC's COVID-responsive international programs created early in 2020 provided steady programmatic work for Fiscal Year 2021, as did our large award with the American University of Iraq in Sulaimani. TIEC only lost one (out of six) pre-COVID programs due to the pandemic, with the majority of programs postponed to FY2021. Fiscal Year 2022 will, thus, bring intense implementation of these deferred programs in addition to the new programs generated in FY 2020, including the potential for in-person components in the spring.Interestingly, the pandemic gave TIEC the space to narrow down our program oerings and focus on programs that t our expanded membership model. While there are always programs we want to do, we have narrowed down to specic programs that we can build deep expertise and impact around.INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION
11 A Year of ProgramsFlexible LearningGhanaHigher EducationAmerican University of Iraq, SulaimaniMARFEBAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPFlexible LearningPhilippinesEnglish LanguageTeaching InstituteVirtual ExchangeAcademyCurriculum ReviewPrince Mohammad Bin Fahd Univ.OnlineGlobal CommunityJANOCTNOV
12Students from Japan engaged with peers from the other side of the world, built their language skills, and developed their speaking condence.TIEC oered a virtual exchange program with high school students from Mishima, Japan and Corsicana, TX in August.
13 Curriculum ServicesPrograms in which TIEC works with teachers, faculty, or administrators to improve their curriculum and/or instructional capacity. These include programs in online course design, online instruction, establishing university-wide systems for continuous quality improvement, curriculum reviews, and TIEC's English Language Teaching Institute (ELTI). TIEC has online and in-person professional development programs for English instructors and administrators around the world. TIEC's ELTI helps universities create or grow their own English language curriculum, as well as works with K-12 English instructors and administrators, who create the foundations for students to engage in English curricula at university.University PartnershipsPrograms that facilitate cooperation between our member university administrators, faculty, and researchers and peers around the world. This year, TIEC successfully established a virtual matchmaking event for our ailiate members. We hosted events for two of our ailiate members and are piloting additional opportunities to facilitate university partnerships.InternationalizationPrograms that contribute to the increased capacity of members — individual and institutional — to internationalize their curriculum, policies, programs, and methodologies. In 2021, one of the greatest needs was to provide global opportunities for students when international travel and study abroad were suspended. TIEC leveraged in-house and consortium expertise with virtual exchange, developed as a part of the Chris Stevens Initiative Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic, a division of the Aspen Institute, to launch our own TIEC Virtual Exchange Academy in 2021.EnglishPrograms that oer intensive English language learning for individual students.Over the past year, TIEC continued to oer agship intensive English programs through CEA-accredited classes. Going forward, TIEC will take a pause in our English oerings for individual learners and instead focus on English language teachers around the world through our ELTI.Types of Programs
14"As we return to campus and move into the second and nal year of this grant, I look forward to working with the new faces joining this project! Although we are based on two continents and have collaborators from universities across Texas, we all share the same goal of continued improvement at AUIS."— Dr. Rachel Gresk Assistant Vice President of Academic Aairs The American University of Iraq, Sulaimani12degree programs reviewed through TIEC's curriculum services program with AUIS.Hand in hand with TIEC and Texas faculty, the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani (AUIS) is creating gender-inclusive curriculum, policies, and procedures in Iraq.In northern Iraq, AUIS, an American-style educational institution, is a beacon of hope for a bright future for young Iraqis. To live uo tp that hope, AUIS has committed to make specic pedagigical advancements that oer additional opportunities for their students. Through a State Department-funded program, TIEC ia honored to be AUIS's partner as they take on this challenge.Support to American-Style Higher Education in IraqAmerican University of Iraq, Sulaimani
15 "The project propels us in our pursuit of building the needed capacity for the establishment of a more resilient and robust e-learning system that ensures seamless academic work all year round and also oer us the opportunity to transfer knowledge to individuals less privileged to access in-person learning experience from our University."— Prof. Rita Akousa Dickson KNUST Vice-Chancellor32participants at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana are successfully transitioning from only face-to-face instruction to online and hybrid modalities.University Partnerships Initiative — Flexible LearningResponding and Reimagining Education in GhanaGhana is poised to become a West African hub for online instructional excellence.Through a State Department-funded program, TIEC and our Texas faculty experts are collaborating with Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) to build capacity and develop a center of excellence for online instruction for the entire region.
16higher education institutions42participants165across the Philippines are successfully transitioning from only face-to-face instruction to online and hybrid modalitiesUniversity Partnerships Initiative — Flexible LearningResponding and Reimagining Education in The Philippines
17 "I really enjoyed the opportunity to work on our own VE but also seeing other VE ideas from other groups. I enjoyed learning about other platforms to utilize to engage students in VE."— Summer 2021 Session participant TIEC Virtual Exchange AcademyThe Texas International Education Consortium's English Language Teaching Institute (ELTI) is geared towards ESL/EFL educators and administrators. TIEC's English Language Institute can be used as a pre-program preparation for educators coming to the United States for study; post program follow-up for in-person study; or professional development in the place of an in-person study program for educators. FY2021 included TIEC's ELTI for EFL Instructors in Egypt with U.S. Embassy Cairo.96K-12 English language teachers and administrators completed TIEC's English Language Training Institute in FY2021.TIEC's English Language Teaching InstituteTIEC's Virtual Exchange AcademyLaunched in the spring of 2021, TIEC's Virtual Exchange Academy is focused on building capacity for Texas faculty and an international partner with coaching infused throughout development and implementation. TIEC's own program builds on lessons learned through TIEC's past Virtual Exchange Program for Nursing in Egypt, Jordan, and Texas, funded through the Stevens Initiative, a part of the Aspen Institute.
18Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University Curriculum ReviewKingdom of Saudi ArabiaTIEC is proud to be a long-standing partner to Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU) in the Kingdon of Saudi Arabia. Since the university was founded, TIEC has been assembling teams of curricular and subject matter experts to collaborate with PUM across a broad array of disciplines and needs. As PMU excels academically and creates more and more degree programs, TIEC's services have shied to providing recommendations and certifying that widely adopted, internationally recognized standards are met. In FY2021, TIEC completed one review degree program and has several moer underway with faculty experts across Texas.
19 TIEC's Online Global Community (OGC) is a global educator-driven, TIEC-supported network that currently connects some 500 instructors, faculty, and school leaders with collaboration opportunitites as a community of practice. The OGC fosters collaboration beyond the classroom walls and promotes diveresity. Within the OGC, members contribute to the community via instructional resources, discussions, reections, examples of student artifacts, lesson activities, assessments, and perspectives on instruction.TIEC's Online Global Community now includes nearly500 MEMBERSTIEC's Online Global Community
20TIEC's launch of a paid and expanded membership model last year was risky but successful. TIEC's members are engaged — active in our programs and interested in what we oer. We closed 2021 with 35 Texas university members — four more than we had with unpaid membership. This number includes nine private universities and 26 public. With a goal of ailiate membership growth, we are giving greater prominence and visibility to our tagline: Texas Based, Globally Engaged. In addition, TIEC has four paid international ailiate members.We hosted an impressive 13 member events last year, all with considerable member participation. Of those, we charged a small fee for a few, and the rest we oered as a benet of membership. The events were a mix of networking, professional development, and topical discussions for MembershipNew TIEC University MembersRice University Houston, TXTexas Tech University Health Science Center Lubbock, TXUniversity of Houston Houston, TXSt. Mary's University San Antonio, TXAlbilene Christian University Abilene, TXSouthern Methodist University Waco, TXTrinity University San Antonio, TXUniversity of the Incarnate Word San Antonio, TXKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology* Kumasi, GhanaGalala University* Suez, Egypt*Ailiate Membersour members. It also included spotlight events for our ailiates, a niche oering of TIEC.Membership growth and development are essential to the future of TIEC, and much of that lies in member services. To continue to build out member services, we added a full-time, dedicated membership coordinator to the TIEC team this fall.With our overall goals for membership, we see three focus areas where we can add value for our member institutions.1. Innovative Internationalization2. Networking and Peer-to-Peer Collaboration3. International Development and Diplomacy
21 Innovative InternationalizationWith an enlarged and engaged membership base, TIEC is now able to pursue meaningful consortium-based, collaborative projects and programs. Looking ahead, TIEC is positioned to be a convener through: Activated partnership development Broad exposure to internationalization and engaging member programming, including virtual exchange training and partnerships Development of public-private partnershipsNetworking and Peer-to-Peer CollaborationTIEC cultivates and enables dialogue and collaboration across the membership. Robust participation in Operating Council committees and our Energy Working Group have shown networking is a tangible benet for members. Through building strong channels of communication within the network and providing support for faculty and administrators keen on strengthening their internationalization experience and skills, TIEC provides: Leadership committee opportunities for international oicers Professional development opportunities for faculty and sta at low cost Avenues for faculty and administrators to develop peer mentorship relationships Easy relationship-building and channels of communication with international ailiatesInternational Development and DiplomacyTIEC spends every day considering how to harness the ingenuity of Texas to do good in the world. Through our extensive network of international partners, funders, and leaders, our job is to identify opportunity and bring it to our members. As ailiate membership grows, so does the number of partners Texas members can work with to pursue funded programs and research. TIEC brings opportunity to members to do good in the world by: Introducing new partners, contacts, experts, and funders to members Developing and implementing grant-funded programs with partners Convening experts in topical global issues, giving voice and visibility to Texas expertise, and coalescing members together to engage in programmatic opportunities
22An Opportunity to Invest in Internationalization for TexasOver the last three decades, TIEC's leadership wisely safeguarded its nancial reserves to secure long-term nancial stability. TIEC's investment strategy was pivotal in seeing the organization through the turmoil of a global pandemic. TIEC has been fortunate. With an increase in nancial reserves during the last year, we were able to operate with more security and infrastructure support. While TIEC's core sta remains small, we head into 2022 with the ability to invest in key positions that ensures our organizational chart matches our mission.Most importantly, with TIEC's reserves, we built a new membership model with a low membership fee and committed to our new TIEC Fellowship for Afghan Evacuees. The fellowship is the rst in TIEC's history that oers matching funds directly to our member universities to increase internationalization on their campus. With TIEC's matching funds, the fellowship gives Texas universities more leeway to do good in the world while also enriching their campuses with fellows whose professional experience will bring valuable, unique global perspectives. We are deeply heartened to be in the position to activate TIEC's funds to support consortium-wide eorts that invest in internationalization for Texas education. Regarding grant-funding for TIEC projects, FY2021 followed a record-breaking year for grant funding in FY2020. We found ourselves in the satisfying position of being at programmatic capacity.With TIEC's reserves, we built a new membership model with a low membership feeFinancial Update
23 Operations: Lean and FlexibleIn FY2021, TIEC also made a key investment with the hiring of Clion Laren Associates (CLA), a consulting rm that worked alongside our nance team and senior sta to look closely at our business model. The outside perspective and analysis encouraged TIEC's leadership to narrow down our focus areas to become a leaner operation.Streamlining over the past year allowed TIEC to fully transition our capabilities as a remote workplace. We ended the scal year under contract for the sale of TIEC's physical building, our headquarters in Austin's West Campus neighborhood, making exibility a priority. Before COVID hit, TIEC had invested in laptops, Google Suite, RingCentral for phones, and a number of other web-based programs that allowed sta to work remotely and collaborate more eiciently. In FY2021, we continued upgrading and are successfully paper-free and fully "in the cloud." We will no longer host our own servers, which reduces cost and oers us exibility when choosing our future workspace.TIEC Awards and Programs During FY2021Support to American-Style Higher Education in Iraq: American University of Iraq, Sulaimani (U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Near Eastern Aairs) University Partnerships Initiative — Flexible Learning: Responding and Reimagining Education in Ghana (U.S. Embassy Accra) English Language Teaching Institute for EFL Instructors in Egypt (U.S. Embassy Cairo) Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University Curriculum Review (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) University Partnerships Initiative — Flexible Learning: Responding and Reimagining Education in The Philippines (The Philippines Commission on Higher Education) Texas Member Paid Events and WorkshopsTIEC Virtual Exchange AcademyAfghanFellowshipThe fellowship gives Texas universities an opportunity to do good in the world while also internationalizing their campuses with students and fellows whose lived experiences will bring valuable, unique global perspectives.
24The University of Texas at ArlingtonInterim President Teik C. LimDIRECTORTIEC Board of DirectorsFY2022Texas Tech UniversityPresident Lawrence SchovanecCHAIRTexas A&M International UniversityPresident Pablo ArenazVICE CHAIRThe University of Texas at DallasPresident Richard C. Benson DIRECTORTexas A&M University-Corpus ChristiPresident Kelly Miller DIRECTORThe University of Texas at San AntonioPresident T. Taylor Eighmy DIRECTOR
25 At the close of FY2021, we secured funding to launch the TIEC Fellowship for Afghan Evacuees. The fellowship mobilizes resources from TIEC's strategic reserves to provide nancial and logistical support to any of our 35 Texas university members who are able to oer evacuees a fellowship or scholarship. While prioriting high-risk professional women evacuated from Afghanistan, the fellowship is also open to anyone looking for a university experience to start their new lives.TIEC's model for cooperation on a state-level was featured during a discussion in a meeting led by the White House on Afghan resettlement with the U.S. Secretary of Education as well as part of Welcome.US's national Welcome Campus Network.TIEC Fellowship for Afghan Refugees: An Investment in Strategic InternationalizationLooking Ahead2022
262022Looking AheadMarking the End of an EraA New Headquarter for TIECAs TIEC streamlined and focused our eorts and operations this year, we also signicantly downsized our organization's physical footprint. TIEC ended the scal year under contract to sell our headquarters building that we had owned for 35 years. So many lives were forever changed in that building. While TIEC today is very dierent than what it was 35 years ago, we are still changing lives and incredibly excited about our trajectory. Selling our building allows TIEC to modernize our workspace and see the TIEC home base used for a new purpose. While the team is working to nd a permanent new space, we are excited by the opportunity to match our physical footprint more closely with our current mission.
27 TIEC Energy Working GroupSharing Texas Ingenuity in Key Focus AreasEnergy and Climate SolutionsWith a growing consortium, TIEC looks to how we can pool resources across our universities, tapping the areas of expertise Texaxs is known for worldwide to tackle today's most complex issues. TIEC's newest initiative, the TIEC Energy Working Group, provides a forum for experts and researchers from a variety of Texas's top energy programs to discuss and develop innovative, sustainable solutions to critical energy challenges globally. The goal of this working group is to collaborate with international counterparts to increase collaborative research and development and to share and implement new programs with higher education and industry partners around the world. TIEC will host energy-focused events in 2022, starting with the "TIEC President's Forum on Climate Solutions and Higher Education" for TIEC's advisory council in January.
Annual Report 2021Texas International Education ConsortiumAddress:P.O. Box 92769Austin, TX 78709Contact:+1.512.477.9283info@tiec.orgwww.tiec.org