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2021 Telehealth Informational Directory

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2021 TelehealthInformational Directory

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2 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryTABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS2021 Telehealth Informational Directoryl. Introduction...................................................................................................................................3 ll. Telehealth Informational Directory – Access Physicians.....................................................................................................4-13 – Array Behavioral Care...........................................................................................14-32 – Blue Cirrus....................................................................................................................33-45 – Eagle Telemedicine, LLC..................................................................................46-53 – FasPsych, LLC............................................................................................................54-62 – Forefront Telecare..................................................................................................63-77 – Noteworth....................................................................................................................78-93 – Omnicure......................................................................................................................94-97 – OSF OnCall Digital Health..............................................................................98-112 – PharmD Live............................................................................................................113-121 – Telehealth Solution...........................................................................................122-125 – ThriveHealth...........................................................................................................126-132 III. Appendix........................................................................................................................133-138Copyright ©2021 by the Illinois Critical Access Network (ICAHN). All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be copied, reproduced, replaced, distributed, published, displayed, modied, or transferred in any form or by any means except with the prior permission of ICAHN. Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law subject to criminal and civil penalties.

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| 3IntroductionICAHN is pleased to provide this 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory to ICAHN members for use as a reference in identifying reputable and vetted telehealth companies and consultants. The Directory emerged as a member resource need by the 2020 Issues Committee under its chair Don Robbins, as to what companies have experience working with rural providers, skill sets, and telemedicine services and equipment available. The Directory includes information about each business organization and its resources, scope, availability, and contact details so that hospitals may contact these organizations directly. These are wonderful companies that are interested in working with you and building a relationship of support and telehealth services.The Directory can be printed out or shared electronically among your hospital team. ICAHN plans to produce the Directory annually so that members have access to the most up-to-date telehealth business resource information. The Directory is not a training manual, but a resource and information guide for our members to use.I would like to thank Don Robbins, 2020 Issues Committee Chair, and the committee members for their feedback, Curt Zimmerman, for coordinating the request for information process with the telehealth businesses, and Stephanie DeMay for pulling the Directory together in ne format.Pat Schou, Executive DirectorJune 10, 2021

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4 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryAccess PhysiciansICAHN Blue Star Partner

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| 5Company IntroductionOrganization name: Access PhysiciansCorporate address: 1717 Main Street, Suite 5850, Dallas, TX 75201Years in business: 10Primary Contact Name/Title: John Henry, VP, Business DevelopmentPrimary contact email: john.henry@accessphysicians.comPrimary contact phone: 972.437.8059Primary contact years with this organization: 1 year, 10 monthsCompany Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?Access Physicians is one of the largest multi-specialty telemedicine physician groups in the country. Our core specialties include teleneurology, cardiology, hospitalist, infectious disease, pulmonary/critical care, maternal fetal medicine, endocrinology, rheumatology and code blue/cross coverage. We are led by a singular vision and mission: to keep care local, provide timely access to care through engaged world class physicians and to drive clinical and nancial outcomes. We are also a healthcare technology company and frequently provide that service to large health systems without clinical services.Describe your unique qualications/experience with these services that would benet our members.Access Physicians’ roots are in rural healthcare. We started as a traditional in-personphysician group in rural northeast Texas. However, we fully transitioned to telemed-icine in response to the same struggles that most rural hospitals face in an inability to recruit/retain specialists outside of an urban setting. Our rst 100% telemedicine program was an eICU that was the rst of its kind in Texas. Since the inception of our rst telemedicine program, Access Physicians has facilitated more than two million patient encounters via telemedicine, with a large portion of those in rural and critical access hospitals. Our services were born out of a belief that, regardless of geogra-phy, all people have a right to access quality care.Describe your target group for marketing your services/programs/equipment.Access Physicians is uniquely capable of serving the needs of hospitals of all sizes.However, each service line that Access Physicians provides is currently active inmultiple rural hospitals across the US. We frequently partner with rural hospitalsthat have little to no telemedicine services available and build programs to safely keep patients in their local communities and help hospitals drive improved clinicaland nancial outcomes.

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6 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryTelemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?Access Physicians has providers licensed in Illinois. Our credentialing team will work to ensure we are in-network with all of the payers in a community (currentlybill out of network less than 1% of the time). The vast majority of telemedicineservices are billable in rural Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA). During theCOVID exception period, these rules have applied to urban MSAs, and we expectmany of those changes to remain in eect.What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?Our physicians predominantly practice on Access Physicians’ telemedicine cartand/or station. The cart was designed by physicians, nurses and other medicalsta. It is the only telemedicine platform on a Mac-based system, and for goodreason. There’s arguably no other company in the world that has invested as muchin consumer satisfaction and product usability as Mac. The screen on the cart is27” and the closest thing to lifesize that Mac makes. On the hospital side, it’s a no-click interface and runs on the hospital’s WiFi. The physician simply remotes inthrough the Zoom app, controls the camera, and facilitates an encounter withoutthe nurse doing anything but bringing the cart to the patient’s bedside. Thephysician can zoom in/out, pan up/down and read 12-point font from 15 feetaway. The cart includes a USB-stethoscope.Access Physicians supports the carts with an in-house tech support team based inthe United States. This team of 10 (and growing) is available 24/7 and boasts anaverage cart up rate of 99.9998% and problem resolution between 2.7 and 3.2minutes. Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?Yes. Access Physicians understands that a service must be clinically and nanciallysustainable. Our group will bill and collect for all inpatient services, and thehospital will be able to collect the facility fee. The primary goal of our program is to safely keep patients in their local communities and cut down on transfers.Outpatient services will be billed and collected by the hospital. These programsalso create revenue for the hospital through additional labs, procedures, andimaging. The hospital will be able to retain 100% of all collections for professionalfees and other services in the outpatient model.

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| 7Our physicians run code blues and acute strokes across the country, andwe understand the need for the technology to work. The carts are also armed withredundancies in the form of a backup iPad (w/cellular card) WiFi hotspots in theevent the hospital network goes down. An extra 90-minute battery pack ensuresthe platform remains powered in the event that it is not plugged in to an outlet.What are the advantages of your telemedicine services? Outcomes, improvement in care, and access? Population served?The primary advantage of Access Physicians’ telemedicine service is the ability for hospitals to access the following specialists:• Cardiology• Pulmonary/critical care• Hospitalist• Infectious disease• Nephrology• Maternal/fetal medicine• Endocrinology• CardiologyAccess Physicians partners with hospitals to reduce transfers and improvesoutcomes by creating access to care. In many of the communities we partner with,they have never had access to some specialists on an inpatient basis and haveestablished transfer patterns. Access Physicians will continue to transfer patientsthat need intervention; however, if they can be safely managed in the community,that is the goal. Depending on the service line, improved outcomes are listed below:• 2-3x increase in ICU census while decreasing length of stay• Average 15% decrease in length of stay for hospitalist service line• Up to 20% increase in Case Mix Index• 30-80% decrease in unnecessary transfers to other facilities• Zero unfilled night or weekend shifts• 9 out of 10 patients would recommend telemedicine services to a friendSubscription cost and contract terms:Cost of clinical services varies greatly depending on volume, service line, andschedule. Standard contracts are for two years, with the ability to terminate with a 180-day notice. Access Physicians’ goal is to build sustainable programs that thehospital can aord. We frequently work with partner hospitals on contract termsto meets their needs.

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8 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryHow long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing? Access Physicians will guide you through our checklist-based launch readinessprocess to get you up and running with your telemedicine program quickly. Ourteam will make sure that at the time of launch, each site will have facility-widebuy-in, their sta is trained, and that their procedures, protocols, and processes are ready for telemedicine. Six Weeks to Launch ProgramIn 2017, the clinical operations team introduced core playbooks for each clinical service line, along with an automated project management system to ensure services launch on time. The system provides a comprehensive overview of launch readiness across physician workforce (including credentialing), clinical workows, and telemedicine technology, as well as risk analysis. This proprietary process allows assembly line-like launch eciency, with site-specic exibility. As a result, 91% of the clinical programs implemented by Access Physicians have launched on time.Access Physicians was awarded accreditation from the Joint Commission in 2020and is able to enter into credentialing agreements with facilities. If a facility isunable to delegate credentialing authority, our team will work directly with themto complete the credentialing packets in a timely manner. Each hospital and healthsystem has their own rules and timelines that dictate the speed at whichcredentialing is processed.General Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services?The Access Physicians’ telemedicine cart and station provides the highest quality encounter with at least 5MB upload and 5 MB download capabilities. Most rural hospitals are able to provide that capability quite easily. Each cart is also outtted with a WiFi hotspot on the cellular plan that works best in their community. This ensures consistent connectivity even if the hospital’s network were to drop. AccessPhysicians’ telemedicine carts have a 99.999% uptime and 24/7 U.S.-based techsupport.Do you have an established client base in Illinois?Access Physicians currently has three active teleneurology programs in the Peoria area. We are in the process of submitting a proposal for an outpatient pulmonology clinic to a critical access hospital in southeastern Illinois.

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| 9How do you price your services?Pricing for clinical services is dependent on volume, service line, and scope of services needed. There are no hidden fees in the contract, and we provide aproposal that outlines the nancial impact for the hospital. Access Physicians’ telemedicine station and cart are sold to each facility and require a monthly technology support fee.Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services?Access Physicians is willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for technology services and support.

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10 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory Lynn Falcone, CEO, Cuero Regional Hospital CLINICAL EXCELLENCE THROUGH TELEMEDICINEEXPERTS IN HIGH-ACUITY, COMPLEX CASE CARE. Access Physicians partners with hospitals of all sizes to build and sustain specialty telemedicine programs of excellence.Built and led by physicians, our team designs Access Physicians programs to deliver superior patient care. We deliver consultative telemedicine to on-site health care professionals to allow more patients to be cared for locally – avoiding transfer and fragmented care. From working in the client hospital’s EMR to working as part of the hospital’s medical staff, our goal is superior operational integration and clinical excellence for your patients. We provide dedicated specialists for each hospital to promote an ongoing, collaborative, team-based relationship among patients, physicians, nurses and staff.What Telemedicine Programs can Access Physicians Build for Your Hospital?ANTIBIOTIC STEWARDSHIP CARDIOLOGYCARDIAC ARREST (CODE BLUE) ENDOCRINOLOGYGENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE GENERAL NEUROLOGY & ACUTE STROKE HOSPITALISTINFECTIOUS DISEASEMATERNAL-FETAL MEDICINE NOCTURNISTPULMONOLOGY AND CRITICAL CARE“In just one year of telecardiology partnership with Access Physicians, we have kept more than 100 patients in our hospital, avoiding transfer to remote hospitals and providing integrated, high quality care for our patients right here at home.”Minimizing length of stay.Maximizing CMI.Increasing census.Optimizing throughput.Increasing DRG reimbursement.FEATURES INCLUDE:

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| 11 Reliable, Secure Technology in the Serviceof Patient CareWith an Access Physicians telemedicine program, hospitals get unparalleled specialty and subspecialty coverage delivered via tele-technology that supports the patient-provider relationship. The technology prioritizes ease of use, high-reliability, immediate resolution of any maintenance issues and second-to-none uptime.“The technology has to work quickly, easily and reliably. But it’s a tool ... not the star of the show. The technology is the platform by which we put world-class specialists in your hospital, at your patients’ bedside, 24 hours a day, seven days a week in a fraction of the time of traditional on-call or coverage programs.”NO-CLICK LAUNCHSLEEK, HIGH-RESOLUTION DISPLAY HD CAMERA WITH TELE-SPECIALIST REMOTE CONTROL TO PAN, TILT AND ZOOMSMALL, RUGGED, EASY TO MANEUVERSECURE, HIPAA-COMPLIANT VIDEODIGITAL STETHOSCOPEANTIMICROBIAL COATINGREDUNDANT CONNECTIVITY24/7 SUPPORT WITH A CLINICAL SENSE OF URGENCY TWO-YEAR WARRANTYFREE ADVANCE REPLACEMENT FOR ANY DEFECTIVE COMPONENTTECHNOLOGY FEATURES:Chris Gallagher, MDCEO, Access PhysiciansClinical ExcellenceFirst and ForemostACCESSPHYSICIANS.COM | OR CALL 972-449-0540CLINICAL EXCELLENCE THROUGH TELEMEDICINE

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12 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory Access Cart 972-449-0540 | © 2018 Access Physicians, PLLC. All rights reserved. All or parts of this document may also be proprietary and subject to confidentiality or trade secrecy. Any duplication or distribution without the express advance permission of Access Physicians, PLLC, is strictly prohibited. HD Pan/Tilt/Zoom Camera Apple® iPad® with data plan 27-inch Apple® iMac® No-click launch Sturdy shelf for charts Flat cleanable surfaces Wired keyboard and trackpad Wi-Fi hotspot with data plan Digital stethoscope Three-sided handlebar Antimicrobial coating Hotswappable components Uninterrupted power supply Small, rugged footprint Hospital-grade reel casters 2-year warranty Companies come in and say look how great our cart is. Look at all the bells and whistles. I don’t need that. I need to talk to patients, I need it to be easy to use for my doctors and nurses, and I need it to never go down, because the cart is our lifeline. The Access Physicians cart does all that. — VP Clinical Programs “ Built by physicians for the ideal patient encounter. Access Physicians was founded by doctors who sought to add telemedicine to their practice and found the leading systems didn't work the way they wanted to - as physicians. Inspired by surgeons making their own tools, we decided to create our own cart. Made from the most cost-effective and reliable components that mirror how we practice, the Access Cart is HIPAA-compliant, clinician-tested, and supported by a 24/7 team of health IT professionals with a clinical sense of urgency.

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| 13 972-449-0540 | © 2018 Access Physicians, PLLC. All rights reserved. All or parts of this document may also be proprietary and subject to confidentiality or trade secrecy. Any duplication or distribution without the express advance permission of Access Physicians, PLLC, is strictly prohibited. HD Camera The camera is inverted to allow physicians to pan/tilt/zoom to examine the patient – from dilation of pupil to legs and feet or other diagnostic equipment – without nurses having to move the cart. No-Click Launch Nurses keep hands free with no clicks required to start an encounter. The encounter also will resume instantly even after a brief loss of connection, as when using the elevator between floors. Sleek, High Resolution Display The Apple® iMac® instantly puts staff and patients at ease, with a sleek aesthetic, best-in-class display, booming audio, and superior reliability and durability. Digital Stethoscope Stored neatly in the cart drawer, nurses can use the digital stethoscope at the direction of the physician to listen to heart, lungs, and abdomen. Small, Rugged, Easy to Maneuver Powerful technology in a small, rugged package with hospital grade reel casters and a three-sided handlebar at shopping cart height. Perfect for small rooms where space, especially during emergent care, is at a premium. Redundant Connectivity Two ways to connect – Wi-Fi and included data plan. Two display options – iMac® and iPad® (also with included data plan on alternate carrier). Plus, an integrated uninterrupted power supply which enables encounters to continue when in motion for up to 45+ minutes. Secure, HIPAA-Compliant Video All encounters are encrypted (TLS 1.2, AES 256-bit). No data is stored, and we sign a Business Associate Agreement with all clients. 2-Year Warranty Free advance replacement for any defective component, and available advance replacement program for damaged components. Antimicrobial Coating All surfaces of the cart, drawers, and peripherals can be wiped down. The cart itself features an antimicrobial coating to combat infection by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and mildew. Headache-Free Implementation By leveraging the pan/tilt/zoom camera there is no need to integrate with other peripherals or systems. Physicians document directly in your EMR. Only enterprise Wi-Fi required with minimal bandwidth needed. 24/7 Technical Support Our US-based health IT professionals are accountable to clinicians and trained for telemedicine support. They answer the call with a clinical sense of urgency because minutes matter, and failures to remain calm, communicate clearly and follow protocol affect patient outcomes. Current resolution time is < 3 minutes. Reduced IT Burden Robust remote monitoring tools ensure 99.999 up-time. The Access Physicians support team handles all technical support, upgrades, patches, and performs monthly scheduled maintenance. “ Thank you for your unwavering support. No matter how big your company grows, we always feel like the most important client regardless of the facility we’re in at the time. Thank you for that! — Hospital Market CEO

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14 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryArray BehavioralCare

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| 15Company IntroductionOrganization name: Array Behavioral CareCorporate address: 4525 N. Ravenswood Avenue #201, Chicago, IL 60640Years in business: 21Primary Contact Name/Title: Scott Baker, Senior Group Lead, Vice President of Business DevelopmentPrimary contact email: scott.baker@arraybc.comPrimary contact phone: 239.851.5661Primary contact years with this organization: 11Company Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?Array Behavioral Care is the leading national telepsychiatry service provider organization with a mission to transform access to behavioral health care through innovative applications of technology. Array has over two decades of experience, serves hundreds of organizations, and is uniquely positioned to oer scalable telepsychiatry services in settings across the continuum of care. Our services consist of three operational divisions: OnDemand Care, Scheduled Care and AtHome Care.Describe your unique qualications/experience with these services that would benet our members.Array Behavioral Care is uniquely positioned to service the needs of ICAHN members on account of 3 primary factors: 21+ years of experience, roots in onsite psychiatric care, and ability to deliver care across the continuum. Our organization was born out of a brick-and-mortar behavioral health practice in 1999 and has maintained a focus on clinical excellence. Over the past 21 years, we have expanded our impact across 38 states and have developed and deployed care models that address gaps at every point in the care continuum from the Emergency Department to outpatient clinics as well as directly to patients in their homes.OnDemand Care:OnDemand Care provides 24/7 access to a team of board certied psychiatrists to serve emergency departments, inpatient units, and other areas where rapid access to a psychiatric provider is needed. This service addresses common challenges, such as high incidence and long duration psychiatric boarding, high rates of inpatient transfers, and clinical support for complex cases requiring collaboration between hospitalists and psychiatrists. Array’s OnDemand Care enables your hospital timely access to qualied psychiatric intervention which will, in turn, allow the provision of a higher level of care within less time, in a more cost-eective manner than via traditional stang methods.

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16 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryScheduled Care:Scheduled Care provides a consistently named clinician to see and manage a case-load of patients as a closely integrated and collaborative member of the care team at an existing clinic or network of clinics. A Scheduled Care clinician can provide a full scope of outpatient services including initial evaluations, ongoing medication management, ongoing therapy sessions, and treatment team meetings. The Array clinician, will be hand selected for your program based on the clinical needs of your population and preferences of your organization. The remote clinician develops a longitudinal relationship with his/her caseload that remains consistent throughoutthe duration of your program.AtHome Care:Array’s direct-to-consumer AtHome Care is designed to bring life-changing behavioral care directly into people’s homes or places they choose. This makes it easier for individuals to get the help they need, when and where it works for them. This service is available in Illinois already and does not require additional contracting or implementation to begin referring clients in your community. By connecting with licensed professional therapists and psychiatry providers through our secure, HIPAA-compliant platform, individuals can actively engage with their own care and be the champion of their improvement. With exible scheduling and convenient online appointments, our clients are able to more easily access psychiatrists and other behavioral health clinicians who most closely t their needs.Describe your target group for marketing your services/programs/equipment.Array Behavioral Care aims to improve access to behavioral health when and where these services are needed. We partner with a variety of organizations in various settings, including hospitals and health systems of all sizes (ED, med/surg, ambulatory), application-based behavioral health companies; Managed Medicaid and Medicare Advantage health plans; correctional facilities, Native American tribes, primary care clinics, including Federally Qualied Health Centers and large value-based primary care chains; school-based settings; and outpatient behavioral health and substance use disorder clinics. Array has experience deliveringservices across the entire continuum of care including the home, outpatient, inpatient and emergency department settings.Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?Array has developed a robust ROI tool to assist hospitals in evaluating their current cost exposure and available osets relative to On Demand services. Array has developed a reimbursement calculator to assist hospitals in assessing the value of using a Scheduled Care program and billing for services. The vast majority of services delivered by Array are eligible for reimbursement by payers, which isretained by the hospital.

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| 17As credentialed members of the medical sta of your organization, Array’s providers will assign any billing rights related to the delivery of their professional services back to your organization and will enroll with local Medicare or Medicaid payers at your request based on specic requirements outlined during implementation and setup. By paneling under your entity’s provider number, our providers truly become a part of your treatment team and thus can oer better care to individuals. We recommend that your billing department contact your primary payers to understand their reimbursement policies relative to telemedicine.Though telepsychiatry reimbursement is not universal with all payer sources, when applicable, there are typically two billable events within each encounter: a professional fee and a facility fee which would go directly back to you to help oset infrastructure costs. The Array medical aairs team can assist in the credentialing process and will provide documentation in order to facilitate the submission of applications for the remote providers to be enrolled with appropriate payers. Your account management team will be able to oer custom support as your organization sets itself up to bill for telehealth sessions for the rst time.Telemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?Array Behavioral Care’s three service divisions allow us to provide care into any setting and meet any clinical need. Each of these divisions has a range of options within them, and these are detailed below.OnDemand CareArray’s approach to delivering On Demand coverage is highly focused on integra-tion within the existing system of care. During implementation, operational and clin-ical leadership from our respective organizations will formulate workows modeled around your existing processes, married with telehealth training and best practices that we’ve rened over our 21 years of experience. The coverage team of telepsychia-try clinicians will be credentialed and privileged members of the medical sta and will be well versed in the community of care around each of your facilities. This awareness of resources in the community is a critical factor that enables ourclinicians to make the most appropriate, least restrictive disposition decisions on patients.Array’s OnDemand Care model allows for a variety of encounter types that are dened by setting, scope of services, and response time. These encounter types include: Emergent Video Encounter, Emergent Telephone Consult, Emergent Telephone Consults + Order(s), Follow-up Video Encounter, and Inpatient Med Consult via Video.

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18 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryEmergent video encounters include:• Initial psychiatric evaluations• Change in mental status examinations• Assessments for commitment• Complex decision making and care planning• Review of collateral information• Medication checks• Second opinionsEmergent video encounters are requested online through our Access system or by calling our 24/7 Access Center where a live representative collects preliminary demographic and clinical information of the case before routing the request to the appropriate clinician. Documentation of emergent video encounters include psychiatric evaluations in your EMR, commitment paperwork, and computerized provider order entry (CPOE). These encounters do not include capacity evaluations or prescribing upon discharge. The average response time for emergentvideo encounters is two (2) hours.As you are aware, we are seeing additional restriction of already scarce psychiatric inpatient resources in Illinois and across the country. Array’s medical leadership has communicated additional guidance to our OnDemand Care teams to ensure that clinicians are providing detailed treatment guidance anticipating a higher incidence of long boarding times for BH patients in the ED.Emergent telephone consults include:• Formal phone consultations• Informal curbside consultations• Discussion regarding need for video evaluation• Collaboration with sta for admissions• Covering Call for Inpatient UnitsNot all encounters with a telepsychiatry clinician will require video-based communi-cation. Array’s telepsychiatry clinicians are available for phone consultations to physicians, nurses, social workers or case managers. These phone consultations can be used to help onsite professionals eectively manage the care of behavioral health patients as well as reduce the cost of the telepsychiatry services by decreasing the number of video evaluations. The average response time for an emergenttelephone consultation is one (1) hour. Emergent telephone consults can include admission or other necessary orders.Follow-up video encounters include:• Re-review of a previously seen patient• Medication checks• Stability assessments

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| 19Telepsychiatry services can be used to supplement capacity by providing psychiatric follow-up encounters to patients who have already been seen and need reevaluation due to time or a change in presentation. If treatment has been initiated and a prescription requires follow-up, or if a patient’s condition has stabilized/changed, Array’s telepsychiatry clinicians are available.Array follow-up video encounters have an average response time of four (4) hours and include a note within the EMR and computerized provider order entry (CPOE). Follow-up video encounters do not include second opinions on initial psychiatric evaluations or prescribing upon discharge.Inpatient med oor consults via video include:• Capacity evaluations• Collaboration with hospitalistsArray’s services can also be utilized on the hospital’s medical or surgical oors as a consultation service to hospitalists or other physicians. Consultation-liaison psychiatry focuses on the care of patients with comorbid psychiatric and medical conditions.The telepsychiatry clinician can also be available to interview and assess patients directly via video much like a traditional psychiatric evaluation. Documentation includes a note within the EMR and computerized provider order entry (CPOE). The average response time for inpatient medical oor consults is eight (8) hours. This model does not include evaluation for patients in crisis or prescribing upon discharge.Placement AssistanceIn addition, Array Behavioral Care has clinicians available for remote case manage-ment for patients in the hospital setting, in particular the Emergency Department. This includes phone or video collaboration with patient, family, and sta sending and receiving facilities or programs to enable timely disposition. For inpatient placements, this includes nding a bed, conducting intake with facility coordinator, and may include arranging facility to facility medical transport. For IOP or partial program placement, this includes securing placement and may include non-medicaltransport, depending on the payer. For outpatient program placement, this includesproviding resource lists for appointments.Scheduled CareArray Scheduled Care provides clinic-based scheduled telepsychiatry services, doc-to-doc consultations and various home-based care options for community organizations such as primary care and outpatient clinics, critical access hospitals, and community mental health centers. With Array Scheduled Care, we assign and match a consistent clinician or small group of clinicians to serve a regular caseload during scheduled hours.

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20 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryThe following clinicians are available through Scheduled Care:• Adult psychiatrists• Child/adolescent psychiatrists• Psychiatric nurse practitioners• Licensed clinical social workers and licensed therapistsArray clinicians can be available in blocks of time for anything an onsite clinician would do, such as initial assessments, medication management, treatment team meetings, supervision, therapy, and care management. Array’s Scheduled Care services provide clinics with guaranteed blocks of clinician time, and we utilize a mutual matching process to ensure long term clinician ts. Array hand-selects each clinician for the unique needs of our partner. Some factors Array will use to select clinicians will include:• Professional experience• Specialty• Comfort level with specic populations (example youth)• Fit within the culture of the organization and patients they will be serving• Prescribing practices• Level of professionalThe organizations partnering with Array will also have ability to approve clinicians during the implementation phase before any services are delivered. In the unlikely event that the clinician and partner do not feel it is a t, Array will collaboratively work with the agency to identify a more suitable candidate.After services start, Scheduled Care programs are wrapped into a quality assurance program and receive ongoing operational support. Since Array has established a team of employed medical sta, we have oversight both clinically and operationally over our clinicians. All Array clinicians are enrolled in our quality assurance program and go through cyclical chart, peer, sta and partner reviews to ensure they are regularly delivering excellent service. Array also runs continued education programs for all Array clinicians to keep our team up-to-date on the latest and greatestindustry news, and cultivate learning communities and peer educational support, despite our clinician’s remote physical locations.Array’s Scheduled Care clinicians become fully integrated members of the onsite care team and organization. Array clinicians chart within the site EMR, follow documentation procedures, become credentialed and paneled with payers, and eectively communicate and collaborate with the on-site care team members.

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| 21Our approach to Scheduled Care is built on continuity of care and integration. We take the time to learn about our partners’ needs and ensure that there is alignment in the services and availability that is needed from the Array clinicians. Array’s Scheduled Care services supports critical access hospitals in bringing additional psychiatry and therapy services in-house to patients in need of long-term care. With Scheduled Care, clinics can sidestep the burdens of recruiting and onboarding onsite clinicians by accessing experienced clinicians who manage a regular caseload of patients to improve the bandwidth of your team without sacricing the ability to provide needed clinical services.Quality Metrics and Account ManagementOur approach is also characterized by proactive account management. We ask to establish recurring and structured check-in meetings to allow for discussion of program data and trends. These checkpoints allow for transparent accountability on topics, such as response times and service levels. Close management of the data allows us to be proactive in planning around scenarios, such as increased demand trends that may impact response times, or specic populations presenting with higher acuity or complexity. In response, we may adjust stang levels during specic days/times, or alert medical leadership of the need to highlight training for the team on a certain topic.Array is committed to providing high-quality care and maintains a robust quality assurance program to ensure satisfaction with clinical and administrative services. The clinical services we provide are supported by teams dedicated to deployment and implementation, clinician recruitment, clinician relations (providing clinician support), quality oversight, account management (providing partner support) and IT to ensure that our solution is customized to our partner’s needs and success is measured on an ongoing basis.Array therapists are overseen by a clinical director, and psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners report to a medical director. All clinicians are approved by a credentialing committee. The credentialing committee facilitates clinical mentorship programs and other support functions for any providers who may need it. Our clinical leaders are supported by Array’s quality assurance team that ensures quality care through chart review, clinical check-ins, and performance-in-practice improvement modules.We actively participate in organizational eciency and improvement eorts. Our internal clinical quality assurance program and operational performance improve-ment system is outlined below. All of the quality components involve input and data that is reportable to our partners. Requested and relevant outcomes are reported to partners on a timely basis. Operational logs can be made available to monitor performance over time.Our standard approach is to set specic goals during workow design and programimplementation to identify and establish performance indicators consistent with the partner’s performance focus.

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22 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryAre your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted? Billable?Our providers are licensed in Illinois and are billable by our partner facilities. We have honed our recruiting, vetting, and hiring process over the past 21 years to focus not only on quality clinical care and experience but also on projected success delivering care via telehealth. Every clinician undergoes rigorous background checks and primary source verications, and is personally interviewed by a member of our medical leadership team. Once hired, our clinicians undergo various onboarding tasks pertinent to medical aairs, operations, and clinical best practices. Array’s providers are overseen by a team of clinical and non-clinical leaders and supported by ongoing continued education and engagement support teams.What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?Array Behavioral Care is a behavioral health practice at its core, not a technology company. Instead, we seek to use technology to bridge the gaps in access to care. Due to this, we do not require specic hardware equipment to be used, but we would be happy to provide recommendations for services to your team based on hospital size, budget, and usage frequency. Our hardware requirements relate to factors including screen size, volume, and other technical specications that are based on the American Telemedicine Associations guidelines. We can also work within existing hardware in place or with other 3rd party vendors that provide equipment, such as Teledoc, InTouch, Access Physicians, and more.For OnDemand Care services, Array utilizes ArrayAccess. ArrayAccess is a secure web-based portal for requesting and accessing OnDemand Care services. ArrayAccess acts as a hub for quick access to track encounter request status, patient details, videoconferencing links and your EMR. ArrayAccess is also utilized to track, monitor and report on clinical and operational outcomes.For Scheduled Care services, Array oers ArrayConnect. ArrayConnect enables healthcare organizations to increase access and improve the reach of their behavioral health services. Through multi-site, multi-clinician virtual care technology, ArrayConnect enables hand-selected Array clinicians to provide care to more patients across multiple locations while collaborating with on-site care teams. During prescheduled blocks of time, clinicians adapt to established workows and seamlessly deliver care without interrupting the patient experience.What are the advantages of your telemedicine services? Outcomes, improvement in care and access? Population served?The specic clinical outcomes and metrics that we track and improve can vary depending on our partner’s unique situation. Listed on the next page are common areas of focus for our partners.

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| 23OnDemand Care, with the focus on hospital settings, aects the following metrics:• Emergency Department Length of Stay and Throughput• Transfer Rates for Behavioral Health Patients• Left AMA Rates• Sitter Hours• Patient and Sta SatisfactionScheduled Care oers the following benets:• Permanently remove the burden of psychiatric retention and recruitment• Access to broader pool of pre-screened and vetted clinicians• Reliable capacity to grow as clinical need grows• Clinical leadership to ensure clinician meets organizations care standards• Administrative support for credentialing and licensureAdvantages to partnering with Array Behavioral Care stem from our role as the leading national telepsychiatry service provider organization with a mission to transform access to behavioral healthcare through innovative applications of technology. Array has over two decades of experience, serves hundreds of organizations and is uniquely positioned to oer scalable telepsychiatry services in settings across the continuum of care.The combination of our three delivery models through a unied telepsychiatry service provider enables our healthcare partners to seamlessly deliver behavioral health care in a manner that meets the needs of various patient populations while transitioning and supporting patients from setting to setting as their status improves.Our roots are in onsite behavioral health care services, arming us with an intimateunderstanding of the nuances of these care settings and operational workows. This allows us to condently support our partners to establish and perform foundational standards of remote care to improve eciencies and collaboration.Subscription cost and contract termsThere are no subscription costs for hardware. The fees for ArrayAccess, the web-based platform to access OnDemand Care services, are built into the monthly availability fee. ArrayConnect, the web-based platform to access Scheduled Care services, is available for a monthly fee per site. Purchase of ArrayConnect is optional and not a requirement to implement Scheduled Care services.The cost structure for OnDemand clinical services utilizes a xed availability fee per month and a fee per encounter. Scheduled Care services are priced via an hourly rate contingent on the level of clinician and volume of time.Our standard contract length is one year for Scheduled Care and two years for OnDemand Care.

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24 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryHow long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing?The implementation and onboarding process varies depending on the service line. For OnDemand Care, the longest element is often the privileging process at our partner hospitals. To ensure we can provide a rapid response around the clock, we bring a panel of psychiatrists that will complete your hospital’s credentialing and privileging process. We understand that this is often a labor-intensive process for most hospitals, and to that end, we have a large medical aairs department that will assist with this work. We also have a list of recommendations regarding telehealth- friendly bylaws that can go to great lengths to accelerate this process.When working with a hospital partner that is motivated to get services started as soon as possible, we see an average time from contracting to go-live of two to four months in Illinois.Array and its partners commonly nd that the most signicant challenges to expeditiously launching services relate to site requirements for credentialing and payer enrollment. The average implementation timeline for outpatient services is three to ve months, depending on the site’s timeline to process credentialing applications, payer enrollment, clinician and licensure requirements.General Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services?Bandwidth requirements are minimal in today’s day and age. Especially as the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the usage of video calls for many healthcare workers. Our evaluations require the same bandwidth that a traditional video call service such as Zoom, Blue Jeans, or Teams requires. Regarding the potential for technical issues, during implementation Array will establish a written procedure detailing a contingency plan for a failure of transmission or other technical diculties that render the telepsychiatry service undeliverable. We will share best practices learned over two decades of experience that can be adapted to each site’s needs.The largest barrier to eectively launching a telebehavioral health program is often frontline sta buy-in and training. To this eect, a notable part of Array’s implementa-tion process focuses on sta training and resource development by providing initial and periodic training to ensure program success. During this training, sta will acclimate to the technology (as applicable), understand clinical and operational workows, conduct mock patient encounters and discuss the most appropriate use of our services.

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| 25Additionally, onsite presenters are given training materials on telepsychiatry best practices. These materials include written information on: • Requesting a telepsychiatry session• Eective collaboration with a remote clinician• Introducing a patient to telepsychiatry• Documentation of a telepsychiatry session• Dealing with technical, clinical, and operational emergencies• Getting consent for telepsychiatry from an individual is in crisis• Conveying important sensory information, vitals, and collateral to the remote providers• Handling emergencies/escalation techniques• Starting and ending the telepsychiatry sessionArray has also developed a “Telepsychiatry Presenter Best Practices” course that can be completed for CEUs towards a number of dierent license types. The purpose of this course is to provide onsite sta with information to prepare themselves as a pre-senter during a telepsychiatry encounter. Throughout this course, there are materials that will help adjust to supporting a telepsychiatry program.Do you have an established client base in Illinois?Array Behavioral Care has an extensive client base in Illinois. Our company was created from the merger of two leading telebehavioral health companies, InSight and Regroup. Both companies have over a decade of experience working within the state of Illinois, and as a matter of fact, Regroup was founded in Chicago, and there continues to be a main oce located in the city.How do you price your services?The pricing models are built to be exible to the needs of our partners and vary between OnDemand Care and Scheduled Care.OnDemand Care uses a pricing model that combines a xed monthly fee and a fee per encounter. This model is the best approach to allow us to have providers available for you around the clock while at the same time giving you the control over the total utilization and therefore, total cost.Scheduled Care services are priced based on a hourly rate per clinician type.The only additional costs outside of the models above is a one-time implemen-tation fee. To provide a more accurate cost specic to your facility, we can hold a brief meeting to understand your facility’s goals and needs regarding telebehavioral health service.Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services?Our pricing is created with the goal of allowing access to our services by a wide range of groups, including many publicly or grant funded organizations. What this means for you is that you can be condent that we work to keep our costs low when compared to the level of clinical excellence we provide.

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26 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryIn the spirit of helping improve access to behavioral health services to ICAHN member hospitals, we can oer reductions of our implementation fee for hospitals that meet certain criteria regarding the communities they serve, prioritization of implementation and the credentialing/privileging processes in place. Based on our knowledge and conversations throughout the ICAHN membership, it is likely that your facility would qualify for this discount.

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| 27Telepsychiatry ServicesArray Behavioral Care offers access to experienced telepsychiatry clinicians when and where they’re needed most, empowering healthcare organizations to quickly determine the most appropriate, least restrictive level of care. OnDemand CareWhy Array?Premier ProviderAs the nation’s leading and largest telepsychiatry provider, Array brings 20+ years of experience and a deep pool of clinicians to serve our OnDemand Care partners and their patients. 24/7/365 CoverageWith clinicians available 24/7/365, we offer tailored coverage options that complement your team’s expertise and availability. End-to-End QualityFrom routing requests quickly through our in-house Access Center to real-time charting in your electronic health record, we’re committed to providing responsive, quality and compliant care at every step. Our Telepsychiatry ServicesDirect Costs• Reduce length of stay through timely patient dispositions• Avoid inappropriate admissions with lower reimbursement rates• Avoid unnecessary transfer costs for patientsOnDemand Care can help organizations enhance patient care while reducing costs in a variety of ways.Indirect Costs• Increase satisfaction and retention of emergency department staff • Manage liability and risk appropriately • Adhere to EMTALA requirements Opportunity Costs• Conserve emergency department and inpatient beds for medical encounters with higher reimbursement

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28 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directoryaverage revenue loss for a healthcare system for each patient that requires psychiatric care$2,264average emergency department bed turnover prevented by psychiatric boarding2.2Array is the leading and largest telepsychiatry service provider in the U.S. with a mission to transform access to quality behavioral healthcare. Its size, diversity of services and extensive experience and expertise have helped establish it as an industry thought leader that has helped to shape the field, define the standard of care and advocate for improved telepsychiatry-friendly regulations. To learn how Array can help your organization deliver quality behavioral healthcare, visit ArrayAccess critical behavioral health coverage and enhance the bandwidth and expertise of in-house staff with Array’s OnDemand Care services. • Psychiatric assessments• Admission and commitment decisions• Consults and orders• Rounding• ReferralsOur ExpertiseOur ProcessOur telepsychiatry clinicians bring expertise and deliver support across the continuum of care.• Emergency departments• Inpatient units• Medical/surgical floors• Crisis centers• Mobile crisis and law enforcement teams• Residential programs• Correctional centersServices in Any Setting Onsite sta contacts the Array Access Center to request a telepsychiatry encounter Access Center identifies appropriate clinician and routes the on-demand request Telepsychiatry clinician contacts onsite sta to establish connection with siteOnsite presenter remains present during crisis encounters to ensure session success and safetyTelepsychiatry clinician completes session, discusses disposition and care plan with onsite sta, and documents directly within the electronic health record12345

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| 29As the industry leader and a trusted partner to health organizations nationwide, Array Behavioral Care offers unparalleled resources and expertise across the continuum of care. Benefits of TelepsychiatryTelepsychiatry SolutionsWhy Array?Premier ProviderAs the nation’s leading and largest provider of telepsychiatry services, Array leverages its deep pool of telebehavioral health clinicians to deliver high-quality care to partners and their patients. Care Across the ContinuumWith Scheduled, OnDemand and AtHome care available, Array’s unmatched breadth of services helps health systems and other organizations meet patient needs in any clinical setting. Committed to Partner SuccessArray seeks to form long-term strategic partnerships, providing partners with implementation, IT, regulatory insight and trusted guidance to help them build and deliver successful telepsychiatry programs. Increases patient accessOptimizes clinical care costsSupports regulatory complianceReduces recruitment and retention costsCreates new revenue opportunities12345 77%of healthcare organizations believe that telepsychiatry significantly increases patient access to mental health services.

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30 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryOur Telepsychiatry ServicesScheduled CareWith a telebehavioral health program, a clinician or team of clinicians are ready to serve your patients. They can do everything an onsite clinician can do. From evaluating to prescribing to participating in treatment team meetings, Array clinicians, consistent throughout the duration of your program, are matched to the needs of your organization and patients for optimal collaboration and unified patient care.AtHome CareArray’s direct-to-consumer AtHome Care is designed to bring life-changing behavioral care directly into people’s homes or place they choose. This makes it easier for individuals to get the help they need, when and where it works for them. By connecting with licensed professional therapists and psychiatry providers through our secure, HIPAA-compliant platform, individuals can actively engage with their own care and be the champion of their improvement. Capacity and expertise• Assessments• Medication management• Supervision• Treatment team meetingsServices for any setting• Community mental health centers• Primary care sites• Correctional facilities• Colleges and universities• Tribal health and wellness centers• Residential facilitiesOnDemand CareArray OnDemand Care makes clinicians available to evaluate individuals upon request, collaborate with onsite resources and provide guidance in treatment decisions so that individuals can move on to appropriate next levels of care quickly. Our clinicians are credentialed at partner hospitals or healthcare organizations in states where they are licensed to offer around-the-clock coverage or as-needed coverage during difficult-to-staff hours.With Array’s on-demand telepsychiatry services, the onsite care team at your hospital can connect seamlessly with our remote psychiatric professionals who can evaluate patients via video and determine appropriate disposition, improving bed availability and care for everyone. Capacity and expertise• Psychiatric evaluations• Rounding• After-hours admissions• Crisis intervention and screening• Consultation with onsite care teamServices for any setting• Hospitals ◦ Emergency departments ◦ Psychiatric inpatient units ◦ Med/surg floors• Psychiatric crisis centers• Correctional facilities • Organizations requiring as-needed assessments and care Find a clinician who’s the right fitYour Program Directlyto Patients, From HomeArray Scheduled Care also empowers your organization to extend your behavioral health program beyond the clinic. Whether an Array clinician or your very own team using our platform, broaden the reach of your care services and pass along convenience and travel cost savings to your patients by offering quality in-home behavioral care. Array is the leading and largest telepsychiatry service provider in the U.S. with a mission to transform access to quality behavioral healthcare. Its size, diversity of services and extensive experience and expertise have helped establish it as an industry thought leader that has helped to shape the field, define the standard of care and advocate for improved telepsychiatry-friendly regulations. To learn how Array can help your organization deliver quality behavioral healthcare, visit ArrayAccess sessions through a computer, smartphone or tablet 3Schedule and change appointments1 2

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| 31Telebehavioral Health for Community-based Organizations Array Behavioral Care aligns skilled telebehavioral health clinicians to the needs of healthcare organizations, helping to increase access to care across the community and retain patients without impacting clinical quality or operational efficiencies. Scheduled CareWhy Array?Premier ProviderAs the nation’s leading and largest telebehavioral health organization, Array brings 20+ years of experience and the deepest pool of behavioral health clinicians who serve our community-based partners and patients in need of their services. Telehealth Expertise with Onsite Understanding Cultivated from a health network that delivers in-person care, Array is 100% dedicated to increasing access to behavioral care by partnering with onsite teams. We understand the unique qualities and needs of your organization, creating an unmatched standard of telehealth-enabled clinical care services.Flexible in Every Way From adult, child and adolescent psychiatrists to psychiatric nurse practitioners and other specialists, Array’s behavioral care services can be delivered into your facility and your patients’ homes, increasing access, expanding your reach, improving convenience and promoting engagement with care.Scheduled CareDelivered in a recurring, reliable and structured format, a telebehavioral health program modernizes a typical approach to behavioral health service delivery in a way that minimizes disruption and builds on the familiar workflows and experiences your team and patients know and trust. With Scheduled Care, you can sidestep the burdens of recruiting and onboarding onsite clinicians by accessing experienced clinicians who manage a regular caseload of patients to improve the bandwidth of your team without sacrificing the ability to provide needed clinical services.Services• Initial Assessments • Medication Management • Treatment Team Meetings • Supervision • Therapy

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32 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryYour Program Directly to Patients, From HomeArray Scheduled Care also empowers your organization to extend your behavioral health program beyond the clinic. Whether an Array clinician or your very own team is using our platform, broaden the reach of your care services and pass along convenience and travel cost savings to your patients by offering quality in-home behavioral care. Array is the leading and largest telepsychiatry service provider in the U.S. with a mission to transform access to quality behavioral healthcare. Its size, diversity of services and extensive experience and expertise have helped establish it as an industry thought leader that has helped to shape the field, define the standard of care and advocate for improved telepsychiatry-friendly regulations. To learn how Array can help your organization deliver quality behavioral healthcare, visit ArrayOur ProcessKeep the best elements of face-to-face interaction and overcome the limitations of in-person care. Array clinicians efficiently deliver modern behavioral health care across various health settings. • Health Centers• Community Mental Health Centers• Primary Care & FQHCs • Correctional Facilities • Nursing Homes • Schools & Universities • Tribal Communities and Reservation Health Centers • Skilled Nursing and Residential Facilities • Patient Homes A patient schedules an appointment with onsite sta as usual The patient arrives at your facility for their scheduled appointment (during the clinician’s scheduled block of time) A member of the sta acting as the presenter escorts the patient to a private telehealth room The presenter requests a session through the Array platform (or preferred secure platform)The Array clinician is notified in real-time, accepts request and is connected to the patient The session occurs (initial evaluation, medication check-up, therapy session, etc.) Presenter escorts patient when session is over Clinician orders labs, Rx (if applicable), charts in your EHR and coordinates with care team 12345Telebehavioral collaborative care sets out on a treat-to-target mission, where care plans are adjusted based on clinical outcomes and patient results. Array’s consulting psychiatrist supports behavioral health elements of the plan while PCPs keep patients under their own direct care and maintain control of the comprehensive picture. • Streamline costs • Activate new reimbursement streams • Refer to Array’s direct-to-consumer AtHome network Collaborative Care for Primary Care 678Care Anywhere

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| 33Blue Cirrus

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34 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryCompany IntroductionOrganization name: Blue Cirrus ConsultingCorporate address: 8595 Pelham Road, Suites 400-402, Greenville, SC 29615Years in business: 11Primary Contact Name/Title: Michelle Hager, Managing PartnerPrimary contact email: michelle.hager@blue-cirrus.comPrimary contact phone: 864.335.8070Primary contact years with this organization: 11Company Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?Strategic planning, regulatory and reimbursement analysis, Implementation, vendor selection, technology review, grant writing, mentorship, and advisory services.Describe your unique qualications/experience with these services that would benet our members.Blue Cirrus Consulting is a privately held, woman-owned small business, founded in Greenville, SC, in 2010. We provide reliable quality resources to hospitals nationwide. Blue Cirrus has been named ‘Top Telehealth Company to Know’ by Becker’s Hospital Review for four straight years (2017-present) and also certied by the Clear Health Quality Institute (now URAC). Blue Cirrus is a full-service management consulting rm providing interim leadership, telehealth services, project manage-ment, and IT resources, and analysts to our clients. We consistently receive high praise from our clients and our consultants exhibited in our sta retention and client repeat services. The company was founded on the idea that clients deserve consultants that not only meet their skill needs but t into the culture of the organization and our recruiting reects that mission. Blue Cirrus partners with you to nd the solution you need to achieve the highest results. We are skilled in analysis, planning, support and optimization; specializing in telehealth, interim leadership, business planning, and technical redesign. Our Team averages over 25 years of healthcare experience and has serviced clients nationwide. Our experience matters. We make the investment by building a partnership with our clients, providing the highest quality resources and assuring positive outcomes.

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| 35Telemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?No clinical services are oered. What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?We communicate via email, phone and meetings. This is for the purpose of status on the project versus a clinical service communication. What are the advantages of your telemedicine services? Outcomes, improvement in case, and access? Population served?Blue Cirrus is committed to empowering healthcare providers as the trusted resource for information technology services and clinical program development. We are dedicated to the success of our clients by providing superior consulting at just the right time.Subscription and contract terms?Our terms are either xed fee or hourly. Typical contracts are anywhere from 4-8 months long, depending on the client need.How long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing?For our consulting service, we use our discovery phase to onboard and understand the organization. This phase usually takes anywhere from a few days to two weeks, depending on the size of the organization.Describe your target group for marketing your services/programs/equipment.Our market is providers, healthcare groups and facilities looking for the right vendor in telehealth and looking for a plan or roadmap to implement or expand their telehealth program.Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?Our grant services often result in funds generated for the implementation of the program; in addition, our proforma development demonstrates the potential ROI and VOI for an organization using telehealth. We also review claim information in our reimbursement module to assist in getting a clean telehealth claim.

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36 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryGeneral Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services?No bandwidth requirement and no barriers to our services.Do you have an established client base in Illinois?We have worked for many years with Presence Health in Chicago, as well as Elmhurst Hospital.How do you price your services?Fixed fee or hourly.Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services?Yes – we always provide discounted pricing based on the revenue of the organization, so larger organizations pay more than smaller ones.

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| 37 BLUE CIRRUS – ICAHN RFI RESPONSE | 17 2.0 Scope of Services and Programs A. Strategic and Business Planning Blue Cirrus Service(s) Scope of Service/Deliverable Headers 1.0 Telehealth Business Plan Development Headers 1.1 Initial Discovery The Initial Discovery allows Blue Cirrus to gain a clear understanding around the mission and values of the organization(s), why the Telehealth program is being proposed, past and ongoing Telehealth efforts, and Telehealth acceptance across the organization. This becomes an organizational archival piece for current Telehealth activities. Deliverable: Discovery Overview 1.2 Needs/Opportunity Assessment The Needs Assessment identifies the specific health care issue(s) or clinical problem(s) that require resolution, the options that exist for addressing the need, why Telehealth is an option, and how resolving the issue or problem using Telehealth will have an impact. Deliverable: Telehealth Needs/Opportunities Report 1.3 Readiness Assessment The Readiness Assessment assesses how prepared the organization is for implementing a Telehealth program. Deliverable: SWOT Analysis & Maturity Model 1.4 Telehealth Services The Telehealth Services Review assesses the clinical services to be provided through the Telehealth program and how those services will be delivered. Deliverable: Telehealth Services Plan 1.5 Market Analysis The Market Analysis provides evidence of the Telehealth market opportunities. Deliverable: a) Telehealth Market Trends b) Competitive Analysis 1.6 Integration Strategy The Integration Strategy identifies how the organization plans to integrate the Telehealth Services into routine practice to ensure program sustainability. Deliverable: Workflow and EHR strategy 1.7 Regulatory Assessment The Regulatory Assessment identifies regulatory impacts on Telehealth and identifies gaps and opportunities. Deliverable: Regulatory Gap Analysis 1.8 Strategy Development The Telehealth Strategy will provide the client with a framework for their overall Telehealth Program. From this framework, the client will be able to create their operational/implementation plan. Deliverable: Strategic Priority and Effort/Impact Matrix 1.9 Cost and Benefit Analysis The Cost and Benefit Analysis identifies the core financial objectives and the cost to achieve those objectives. Deliverable: Proforma ROI 1.10 Business Plan Development The development of the Telehealth Business Plan is a culmination of all deliverables in an executive level report. Deliverable: Business Plan

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38 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory BLUE CIRRUS – ICAHN RFI RESPONSE | 17 B. Regulatory and Reimbursement Analysis Regulatory Assessment The Regulatory Assessment identifies regulatory impacts on Telehealth and identifies gaps and opportunities. Deliverable: Regulatory Gap Analysis 1) Review Credentialing and Privileging requirements. 2) Review Licensure requirements. 3) Review Malpractice requirements. 4) Works with Compliance or Security Officer for Security and Privacy planning. 5) Work with Contracting and Telehealth program administration on reimbursement policies. 6) Establish process to allow for future legal and regulatory research. Cost and Benefit Analysis The Cost and Benefit Analysis identifies the core financial objectives and the cost to achieve those objectives. Deliverable: Proforma ROI 1) Determine Financial Objectives 2) Calculate funding of medically underserved in rural populations. 3) Review costs for setup and staffing to manage and support the service. 4) Identify revenue/cost savings models. 5) Identify funding options. 6) Determine reimbursement for services. 7) Determine Clinical Program Revenue from direct contracts with other entities, insurance reimbursement, and new referral streams from Telehealth programs. 8) Determine revenue opportunities from program user fees (i.e., educational material), extramural funding, etc. 9) Evaluate financial impact of reimbursement, funding, cost avoidance, cost reduction, and additional revenue. Reimbursement Analysis The Reimbursement Analysis identifies the payor, state, federal and medical board requirements for telehealth services. After the completion of this work the client will have the capability to bill appropriately, understand revenue potential and apply performance metrics. Deliverable: Revenue Cycle Assessment 1) Identify telehealth services to be reviewed. 2) Define state and federal policies and regulations related to services reimbursement 3) Identify state medical board scope of practice guidelines 4) Payor contract review for telemedicine reimbursement 5) Determine coding requirements 6) Identify reimbursement allowances 7) Develop revenue projections for service population 8) Determine required clinical and financial data components 9) Coordination of coding and billing processes for test bill 10) Monitoring quality of revenue cycle processing for test bill 11) Identify reporting and performance metrics

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| 39 BLUE CIRRUS – ICAHN RFI RESPONSE | 17 C. Implementation and Activation Implementation and Activation Deliverable: Implementation Plan and Go Live Plan 1) Design of the program rollout 2) Build and integration of the services and technology 3) Go live planning and project leadership D. Technology Review Technology Review The Technology Review assesses the overall IS technical structure and support model, vendor contracts and the effectiveness of the technology in support of the organization’s needs. The technical Review and Assessment identifies needed technologies to achieve the stated goals including integrating existing technology and EHR capabilities Deliverable: Technical Gap Analysis Assess IS Technical infrastructure and support to include: a. Hardware architecture diagram b. Network architecture diagram c. Data architecture diagram d. Community broadband gaps e. Applications architecture diagram f. End User computing – hardware, software, data g. External connectivity for providers, staff and patients h. Complete inventory of all active vendors, including contracts, SLA performance i. Recommend best practice benchmarks, performance and SLA metrics j. Disaster recovery, business continuity and patch management k. Maintenance and refresh plan l. Evaluate organizational readiness for technology changes to include cloud-based services vs. server-based services m. Evaluate technology monitoring tools E. Vendor Selection 1. Vendor Criteria Templates Identify the specific health care issue(s) or problem(s) that require resolution and opportunities for addressing the need. It also incorporates the goals addressed in the Discovery and creates a list of viable vendors. 2. Request for Proposal Documents defines for the potential vendor(s): response criteria, methodology and pricing formats. Purpose of the RFP, Background Information, Vendor Instructions, Calendar, Questions Submissions, Requirement Response Instructions, Response Method, Pricing Format and Financing Options, Detailed Product and Service Description, Project Requirements, Terms and Conditions 3. Vendor Demonstration and Final Scoring Sheet Provides leadership and contact back to the vendors for the purposes of managing responses, answering questions and ensuring a full response rate

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40 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory BLUE CIRRUS – ICAHN RFI RESPONSE | 17 4. Contract Gap Analysis - Expert review of selected vendor contract to: 1) assure inclusion of necessary components needed for implementation success 2) document risks and 3) provide gap analysis. 4) pricing advantages. F. Grant Writing and Report Management 1. A project definition to gain a clear understanding of the purpose of the project, area of focus, mission and project goals and objectives. 2. Funding Sources Report Identifies specific funding sources that are consistent between the purpose and goals of the project and the funding source. 3. Project Plan Response Preparation provides to pinpoint funding opportunities to pursue. This phase deepens the relationship between the funding organization and the client organization. 4. Grant Response: Grant Writing Services section provides the services needed to complete the grant response. 5. Report Criteria and Templates: Reporting and Metrics section develops the reporting requirements and metrics needed for cyclical reporting. G. Other Services A. Mentorship a. We have mentored staff and leadership for the new roles at several institutions including Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Hospital, Monadnock Community Health and Shriner’s Hospital for Children B. Curriculum Development a. Our team has reviewed and updated or created the curriculum and training materials for a telehealth academic program as well as health systems. Our current academic curriculum development project is with Old Dominion University in partnership with Cornell University. We are also in final discussions to assist Thomas Jefferson University in expanding their telehealth certifications. C. Total Cost of Ownership a. During a large scale EPIC selection and implementation we have conducted a total cost of ownership and identified a 3-5 year cost model as well as a comparative analysis of three different EHR vendors. This TOC was most recently completed for Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Hospital.

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| 41 BLUE CIRRUS – ICAHN RFI RESPONSE | 17 4.0 Implementation Management A. Project Resources Available Blue Cirrus will apply a team approach to the project by assigning consultants with experience in each area of focus. The team will be coordinated through a main project manager and work collaboratively. The team composition varies however these are the types of roles: . Deliverables: Each section has a deliverable that will be presented to ICAHN membership. Each deliverable will encompass the results of the work in that section with the final findings and recommendations presented in the work product and a Final Executive Presentation which is done to executive leadership or a board as requested by client. B. Travel The project team is generally able to complete work effectively remotely which lowers overall cost for the organizations and maintains the integrity of the project. If a client does request a consultant to be onsite then the cost is billed on actual cost of flight, hotel and food. 5.0 Fees In consideration of Blue Cirrus’ performance of the scope of service, the pricing we define is by module, fixed fee and also can be hourly at $160/hr. We price of services based on the revenue of the organization so our pricing can scale for the ICAHN market. We will also offer a discount on pricing. We generally find that fixed fee pricing once modules are agreed is best. It avoids concerns that there is escalating costs for a consultant to speak to a team member or vice versa. Our estimates are sensitive to budgets and we customize based on the revenue of the organization and can use creative planning to achieve the stated goal. 6.0 Conclusion We are enthusiastic about the opportunity to submit this response and to be considered for ICAHN’s directory. We are a proven partner to healthcare providers and we understand the access to care issues in a wide service area. We strive to understand the services, the culture and the goals of the institution. Our telehealth expertise is known in the industry having served on the Industry Council for the American Telemedicine Association, Advisory Council for the Center for Telehealth Policy and eLaw and published the “Telehealth Quick Start Guide” for the American Telemedicine Association. Role Description Project Lead Overall management of the project timeline, milestones, deliverables and project scope. Will coordinate resources to assure all project are addressed in the most efficient and productive manner and contribute to deliverables as required. Telehealth Operations Consultant Expertise in program design, workflow,business and strategic planning Technical Consultant Focus on the IT Technology assessment, current and future state and community broadband limitations. Telehealth Reimbursement Consultant Expertise and focus on reimbursement module and payment options including revenue cycle process flows Implementation Consultant Expertise in telehealth vendor implementation and management. Will assist with workflow redesign as needed and keep project on time and on budget. Telehealth Clinical Consultant Expertise in service offerings, workflow and process redesign

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42 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory7.0 Appendixes – ReferencesSite: Virginia Rural Health Association – VA 2020-2021 Summary of Blue Cirrus work: Blue Cirrus is was engaged to provide telehealth expertise to the ruralclinics and organizations in the State of Virginia. This program encompasses but is not limited to needs analysis, vendor selection, training, reimbursement analysis and proforma development. The program has a focus on rural health and behavioral health implentations. Site: Maine General Hospital – Portland, Maine 2019-2021Summary of Blue Cirrus work: Blue Cirrus is providing project leadership through an RFP process for adirect to consumer and a remote patient monitoring solution. MaineGeneral also asked Blue Cirrus toprovide project leadership through the contracting and implementation of both solutions. These projects were implemented in tandem and in close coordination with the clinical service areas. Site: Phoebe Putney Health System – Albany, GA 2019-2021 Summary of Blue Cirrus work: Blue Cirrus is currently engaged to assist and lead the Phoebe Putneyvirtual health program. Phoebe Putney was hit the hardest per capita with COVID-19 in the state ofGeorgia and reaching those rural patients with access to care issues to protect the providers as well asimprove access to care was the key initiative. Simultaneously we provided strategic leadership in the virtual health program and successfully submitted an FCC grant application for the Connected Health Pilots winning Phoebe over $670K. Blue Cirrus is also currently engaged to complete a vendor review as asystem was quickly purchased during the COVID crisis and now an analysis and vendor selection isunderway to select a new vendor for the future.

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| 43Site: Akron Children’s Health System – Akron, Ohio 2017-2018 Summary of Blue Cirrus work: Akron Children’s is a hub children’s hospital in the eastern side of Ohio. Located in the city of Akron but servicing a rural area in the surrounding counties including westernPennsylvania. The children’s hospital engaged Blue Cirrus to provide a business plan and strategy for their newly developed telehealth department. Our deliverables included a readiness assessment includingstaffing and governance, capacity planning, service line review, new service recommendations andstrategies to address over transferring for outlying facilities and reduce diversion in the organization. We provided a team and worked with Akron for multiple months and assisted in their transition to a digitalenvironment.Site: Lawrence General Hospital and My Care Family ACO – Lawrence, Massachusetts 2019-2020Summary of Blue Cirrus work: Blue Cirrus is creating a business plan including a needs assessment,readiness assessment and proforma for the members of the ACO. Our work encompassed identifying andmitigating risk for high risk and rising risk patients in a Value Based and ACO contract with the State of Massachusetts. In addition, a follow-on project leading the effort to select the proper vendor for tele-pych ER assistance including vendor selection, contract negotiation and reimbursement and revenue analysis.

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44 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory BLUE CIRRUS – ICAHN RFI RESPONSE | 17 8.0 Appendixes – Sample Deliverables

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46 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryEagle Telemedicine,LLC

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| 47Company IntroductionOrganization name: Eagle Telemedicine, LLCCorporate address: 280 Interstate N. Circle SE, Unit 150, Atlanta, GA 30339Years in business: 13Primary Contact Name/Title: Patrick Sherman, Senior Regional Director,Business DevelopmentPrimary contact email: patrick.sherman@eglhp.comPrimary contact phone: 678.441.8529Primary contact years with this organization: 6Company Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?Eagle Telemedicine (ETM) provides more than a dozen inpatient and outpatient medical specialties, including the following: TeleHospitalist, Tele-ICU, TelePulmnology, TeleStroke,TeleNeurology, Tele-ID, TeleNephrology, TelePsychiatry, TeleCardiology, TeleRheumatology, Tele-GI, Tele-Oncology, and Tele-MFM. Our coverage capabilities include 24/7/365 on-call coverage,APP back-up services, scheduled inpatient consults, and OP block clinic time. We customize each specialty partnership to the unique needs of our partner organizations.In our 24/7/365 and 12/7/365 on-call models, our physician is on-call for the 12-24 hour period for phone calls and consultations as needed. Response time for emergency calls is 5 minutes, and for routine calls 15 minutes (typical average is less than 5 minutes). Routine scheduled consults are typically performed same day or next morning (always within 24 hours of request by attending physician), 7 days per week. Our providers call the attending after each consult, and document in EMR the same day. Eagle Telemedicine is strictly a physician group, and does not manufacture or sell any hardware or software; we are “technology agnostic”, and utilize our partner hospital’s EMR, and whatever telemedicine hardware platform that they select. Describe your unique qualications/experience with these services that would benet our members.Eagle Telemedicine began 12 years ago with the recognition that rural hospitals had unique physician stang challenges and specialty resource limitations that could be well met by a physician group focused on rural remote medicine. From our rst program in Bardstown, KY - still a partner a decade later - to 300+ inpatient telemedicine programs nationwide today, the overwhelming percentage of our hospital partners are rural; and many (50+) critical access hospitals.

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48 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryThis experience has shown, time and time again, that a telemedicine physiciangroup in partnership with forward-thinking rural hospitals can bring needed physician services to communities in support of medical and nursing stas, allowing more pa-tients and their families to stay in their hometown hospitals for needed medical care.ETM has amassed substantial experience over the past decade, with 25,000+ patient admissions, and patient-telemedicine interactions in excess of 20,000 per year.Describe your target group for marketing your services/programs/equipment.Eagle Telemedicine oers physician services to small rural hospitals, as well as medium-sized and large health systems. The national physician shortage aects hospitals and systems of all sizes. Eagle’s services help partners address coverage gaps in all specialties. The majority of our 300+ partners are smaller, community hospitals (including 50+ critical access hospitals), but we also assist many larger metropolitan hospitals with various specialty coverage needs.Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?Eagle Telemedicine’s services generate revenue for partner hospitals while assisting in the delivery of care to patients in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. Eagle’s telemedicine programs are designed to improve the measures that aect our partner hospitals’ ROI, and we work with potential partners to identify which specic special-ties will make the biggest revenue impact. Financial benets of Eagle’s telemedicine programs include reducing unnecessary transfers, eliminating locum support costs, lower turnover and less physician burnout, increased patient satisfaction, and reduced length of stay.Telemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?ETM provides more than a dozen inpatient and outpatient specialties, including TeleHospitalist, Tele-ICU, TelePulmonology, TeleStroke, TeleNeurology, Tele-ID, TeleNephrology, TelePsychiatry,TeleCardiology, TeleRheumatology, Tele-GI, Tele-Oncology, TeleDermatology, and Tele-MFM. Our coverage capabilities include 24/7/365 on-call coverage, APP back-up services, scheduled inpatient consults, and OP block clinic time. We customize each specialty partnership to the unique needs of our partner organizations.As builders and shapers of the telemedicine industry, we have netuned telemedi-cine models of care, adapting them to meet the ever-changing needs of hospitals of all sizes.

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| 49The following are three coverage models we have pioneered over the last decade:• Eagle Eye Coverage™When time is of the essence, 24/7 coverage is the solution. Eagle’s on-call model oers an eective, sustainable solution to your facilities’ stang needs:TeleHospitalist, TeleStroke, TeleCardiology, Tele-ICU, TeleNephrology, Tele-ID, and TelePsychiatry.• Eagle Expert Consults™Eagle’s scheduled consult model presents an aordable opportunity to enhance specialty services at your facilities. Your sta simply schedules consults with our telemedicine providers, which will take place within 24 hours of the consult request. These consults can be provided in either IP or OP clinic settings:Tele-ID, TeleNephrology, TelePsychiatry, TelePulmonology, Tele-Cardiology, TeleMFM, Tele-Oncology, Tele-GI, and Tele-Dermatology.• Eagle Virtual Partnerships™Many of our partner hospitals have on-site specialists available, but not 24/7/365. Our virtual partnership model presents a solution to support sta and extends coverage through nights, weekends, vacations, or leaves of absence: TeleNeurology, Tele-ICU, TelePulmonology, TeleCardiology, TelePsychiatry, Tele-ID, and TeleNephrology.If your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?Yes: We have over 30 providers in ve specialties actively licensed in the state of Illinois. Eagle Telemedicine is Joint Commission-accredited, and, as such, every physician is privileged by Eagle.Eagle Telemedicine assigns pro fee billing rights to our partner hospitals. CAHs, in general, are well-positioned around billing for professional fees associated with most telemedicine services that Eagle physicians provide. Eagle assigns the professional fee billing rights and our hospital partners then bill, collect, and retain eligible fees. We are happy to provide guidance and references of partner hospitals who are already engaging in telemedicine professional fee billing.To facilitate third party plan enrollment of our physicians, Eagle has a credentialing oce which supports your billing/business oce toward getting Eagle physicians enrolled in the third party payer plans. Your oce would take the initiative in identifying the plans and for $200 per physician, we would support with requested data eorts to enroll our physicians in all the plans of interest.What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?Eagle Telemedicine is unique in that we use the specic telemedicine platform that individual hospitals have designed and acquired themselves: This includes everything from the telemedicine cart itself as well as EMR and charge capture, as applicable.

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50 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryAt the highest level, the technology platform can be pictorially depicted as follows:Telemedicine cart and related peripherals• Connection Point: Eagle providers connect to the telemedicine cart through hospital-provided connection point, usually Hosted SIP (session initiation protocol)• Mobile Telemedicine Cart: Telemedicine cart with high resolution screen and pan/zoom/tilt camera with minimum 12x zoom. Typically oer both wireless and hardwire functionality• E-Stethoscope: Hardwired stethoscope is recommended; allows for auscultation of the human bodyEMR Access/Charge Capture (as applicable)Eagle’s providers remote directly into the hospital’s EMR through a VPN-type tunnel, or other secure connection point to the host network EMR. Commonly used is a Citrix receiver or hospital-designed network access portal. Eagle does not interface directly with the hospital’s EMR or exchange information. The most accurate comparison is to your existing physicians logging into the EMR from his/her home.Secure TextingEagle providers typically utilize TigerConnect, which is a HIPAA compliant, Joint Commission-approved secure texting platform. Many of Eagle’s clients use other secure texting platforms as well. Eagle is exible.

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| 51What are the advantages of your telemedicine services? Outcomes, improvement in care, and access? Population served?Key dierentiators of Eagle Telemedicine services include:Extensive experience: Eagle Telemedicine has amassed substantial experience over the past decade-plus with 25,000+ patient admissions, and patient-telemedicine interactions in excess of 20,000 per year.Small Team Approach: Eagle assigns a small “pod” of 5-6 physicians to partner hospitals so that they are not dealing with a “cast of thousands.” This simplies and shortens the credentialing/privileging process, lessening the burden on MSOs, and fosters familiarity and collaborative relationships with on-the-ground doctors, nurses, and APPs. Our providers become “true members” of your house sta, in more than name only.Breadth of Specialties: Eagle Telemedicine is the only telemedicine physician services group that oers more than a dozen inpatient and outpatient specialties. When you partner with Eagle, you have a single, dedicated partner than can address any and all specialty coverage needs in both the IP and OP settings.Technology Flexible: Eagle Telemedicine does not manufacture or sell any hardware or software. Our providers document in our partner hospital’s EMR, and we will utilize whichever telemedicine software and hardware that they prefer. This exibility provides the maximum benets and results for our hospital partners.In regard to outcomes and improvement in care/access: Eagle does not request or have permission to collect quality data. It is dependent on the client hospital to share in its quality process, and it is pleased to participate when requested. However, Eagle armatively drives quality in its programs in the following fashion:• Client KPI Documentation: We assure our providers will meet or exceed the medical sta standards at your facility.• Good Processes Enable Good Outcomes: Operational processes have been rened with HSHS over the years, resulting in quality, customized processes,yielding quality outcomes.• Timely and Eective Consults: Telemedicine can positively impact patient outcomes with timely and eective consults, reducing delays in diagnosis, treat-ment, and medication administration. Response times to text average under ve minutes.• Timely and Accurate Documentation: Eagle remote physicians document their consultation following the consult (unless a clinical urgency/emergency is pending) in your EMR.• Real-Time Attention to Issues: Patient care and operations issues are best addressed as soon after the event as reasonably practical. Eagle keeps an operations executive and medical director on-call in the event any issue requires immediate attention.

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52 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory• Promote Among Our Providers the National Patient Safety Goals: - Identify patients correctly - use two identiers- Improve sta communication - timely test results and timely EMR documentation- Prevent infections - remind on-site sta if we note a concern- Identify patient safety risks• How does Eagle conduct peer review and quality outcome review for your telemedicine services?- Eagle works with the client hospital on peer and quality reviews, supporting their process and issues as requested.- Once a peer review situation is identied, we use another physician within that specialty group to perform the review for the hospital.Subscription cost and contract terms:An Eagle Telemedicine Master Service Agreement (MSA) is for one-year and auto-renews unless either party terminates; all Eagle Telemedicine MSA include a 90-day opt-out clause, without cause.Eagle Telemedicine does not charge a subscription cost: we do not manufacture or sell any hardware or software, and are not involved in the procurement of the technology (although we can provide “technology recommendations” based on our providers’ extensive rst-hand experience with various technology vendors, if requested).How long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing?Depending on medical licensure and facility credentialing, the implementation/onboarding phase is typically 120 days. During that timeframe, all elements of implementation (including credentialing/privileging, clinical workow development, EMR training, and Mock Go-Lives) are performed in parallel to expedite a go-live date.Standard credentialing timeframe is 120 days once an application is submitted to CVO/MSO for processing. The process moves much faster with our hospital partners that are Joint Commission-accredited and accept credentialing by proxy. ETM has a 12-member credentialing team. We internally credential all providers prior to processing providers with our partner hospitals. We handle the licensing process for our providers in-house. We work with the state medical board in order to control and expedite the licensure process. We also handle all license/CSR/DEA renewalsfor the providers in order to avoid any issues with physicians not renewing the required state/federal licenses to practice. We assist the providers by pre-populat-ing their facility applications using the information we have veried during our internal credentialing process. We credential to the facility’s specic requirements and are here to help follow up on any outstanding references and verications once the le is in process.

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| 53General Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services?In most cases, hospitals can deliver bandwidth required for quality telehealth video sessions. We recommend 20Mbps and higher circuits. Sporadically, the hospital network security can initially block IP addresses or ports to allow successful connection, but our technology teams will work on the details with the hospital IT to ensure the telehealth sessions are reliable and secure.Do you have an established client base in Illinois?Yes: Eagle Telemedicine has nearly 30 hospital partners in the state of Illinois, in ve specialties: TeleHospitalist, TeleStroke, TeleNeurology, Tele-ICU, and Tele-ID.How do you price your services?Our pricing structure for inpatient services is simple and straightforward, and has only two elements, based on coverage model selected.Eagle Eye or Virtual Partnership Coverage: For on-call coverage, there is an hourly rate for availability and a “per click” charge for admissions (for TeleHospitalist programs) or for new or follow-up consultations (for all other specialties).Schedule Consult Coverage: For our scheduled consult model, there is a nominal per diem for program management and a “per click” charge for new consultations or follow-up consultations.For outpatient clinic services, there is a simple hourly rate for “block time” coverage (in either four or eight hour blocks) for any of our specialties.Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services?Eagle Telemedicine works with partner hospitals, systems, and networks to nd any and all opportunities to create economies of scale. For any proposal for services to ICAHN members, we would seek to provide scale in the hourly rate or the per diem (depending on coverage model requested). Similarly, if more than one ICAHN member hospital implements a specialty, the one-time implementation fee per hos-pital would be reduced by 50%.

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54 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryFasPsych, LLC

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| 55Company IntroductionOrganization name: FasPsych, LLCCorporate address: 8687 E. Via De Ventura, Suite 310, Scottsdale, AZ 85258Years in business: 14Primary Contact Name/Title: Todd McDaniel, Regional Development SpecialistPrimary contact email: t.mcdaniel@faspsych.comPrimary contact phone: 480.269.9259, ext. 1023Primary contact years with this organization: 3Company Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?FasPsych provides behavioral health telemedicine encounters with child psychia-trists, psychiatrists, psychiatric NP, LCSW, and counselors.Describe your unique qualications/experience with these services that would benet our members.FasPsych has licensed providers in Illinois who provide psychiatric evaluations, medication management, MAT services, in-patient rounds, on demand emergency evaluations/consults, outpatient services, and counseling.Describe your target group for marketing your services/programs/equipment.FasPsych services can be customized to accommodate the smallest clinic to largest hospital system. Our telepsychiatry platform is web-based, so our services can be used on existing equipment wherever there is internet service.Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?Both. FasPsych allows you to bill for the behavioral health appointments and surrounding services. We simply charge an all-inclusive hourly rate. Also, FasPsych services are an integral part of value-based care programs by lowering per patient costs associated with patients not in a behavioral health program.

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56 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryTelemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?We have psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and counselors available to provide the following services:• Psychiatric evaluations• Medication management• MAT drug treatment programs• On-call services/crisis• Psychiatric consultations• Counseling services• Utilization management/review• Remote medical director functionsWe have a physician recruiting department who screens providers. We allow the hospital/clinic to interview the provider prior to placement. FasPsych helps credential providers to your dierent payers so you may bill for all services.What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?Two-way video communication on any capable device connected to the internet. It is not necessary for hospitals to purchase equipment to implement FasPsych telepsychiatry.What are the advantages of your telemedicine services? Outcomes, improvement in care, and access? Population served?Patients who have their behavioral health managed well will see improvement in other areas of health. For example, a diabetic patient suering depression is more likely to skip taking medications and appointments, causing a serious problem and long-term hospital stay.Subscription cost and contract terms:FasPsych is happy to discuss each opportunity individually to accurately provide rates, specically for type of service. FasPsych generally provides hourly and on-demand rates and can be exible to other pricing models based on services.How long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing?FasPsych has a credentialing department who will work with your team toprovide all of the paperwork required from the provider. In general, it takes 45-60 days to complete the credentialing process. However, the payers are the one variable that can change the outcome that we can’t control.

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| 57General Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services?The video programs are all cloud-based. If you can run a Zoom meeting, you have enough bandwidth for our service.Do you have an established client base in Illinois?Yes - universities, hospitals, counseling centers, and primary care.How do you price your services?On-demand rates. However, we can work with you depending on your specic service requirements.Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services?FasPsych would give our best rates.

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58 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryIntroducing PsychConnectIn response to the growing need for home-based services, FasPsych, LLC is pleased to announce the launch of PsychConnect, which oers services directly to individuals in need of psychiatric evaluation, medication management and counseling services. Referring providers are encouraged to connect patients in need of these services to PsychConnect’s intake team for initiation of televideo-based care.Psychiatric Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN’s) and Independently Licensed Therapists are available and licensed to see adults and children in all 50 states. Please note: prescriptions for controlled substances will not be written for adults. Children, however, may be prescribed a stimulant medication in accordance with evidence-based treatment for ADHD/ADD.Currently, we are only accepting cash payments for services while we pursuecontracts with insurance carriers across the country.Patients who could benet from the addition of psychotropicmedication to their current treatment regimen can nd moreinformation at the following websites:Get Started Today!8687 East Via de Ventura #310 Scottsdale, AZ 85258psychconnect.comScroll to the bottom of the page, select “Contact Us Today” and complete the “Request an Appointment” section.faspsych.comSelect the “Individual” tab in the upper right corner which will re-route the user to the PsychConnect website to request an appointment.

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| 59 FASPSYCH, LLC CAPABILITY STATEMENT REV. 5.22.20 1 FASPSYCH, LLC CAPABILITY STATEMENT OBJECTIVES ➢ Provide exemplary practitioners to organizations that are in need of additional psychiatric providers ➢ Improve patient outcomes through care delivered at the highest quality standards ➢ Assist organizations in achieving or exceeding internal benchmark related to provider performance CAPABILITIES/CORE COMPETENCIES ➢ Provides long term staffing solutions by supplying Psychiatrists, Psychiatric Advance Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) such as nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists, and independently licensed counselors such as LCSWs, LMFTs and LPCs. ➢ Practitioners and clinicians document directly into electronic medical record at patient site ➢ 365/24/7 technical support for practitioners and clinicians ➢ Stable and reliable video platform ➢ Flexible staffing capabilities can meet the needs of most organizations ➢ Inpatient and outpatient psychiatric evaluation, medication management services and counseling ➢ Telephonic and video consults to emergency rooms, detention facilities, primary care clinics ➢ On-call services, remote medical director services, utilization management ➢ Willing to partner with both managed care organizations (MCOs) and MCO network organizations to develop creative solutions for implementing telepsychiatry to augment current network capabilities REPRESENTATIVE CUSTOMERS ➢ Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) ➢ Federally Qualified Health Clinics (FQHCs) ➢ Psychiatric Hospitals ➢ Medical/Surgical Hospitals ➢ Counseling Practices ➢ Primary Care Clinics ➢ Correctional/Detention Facilities ➢ Universities and Schools ➢ Tribal Health Services ➢ Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) ➢ Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) ➢ Skilled Nursing/Assisted Living Facilities ➢ Residential Treatment Centers (RTCs) A PIONEER IN THE TELEPSYCHIATRY FIELD, FASPSYCH WAS ESTABLISHED IN 2007 WITH THE SOLE MISSION OF PROVIDING OUR PARTNER FACILITIES AND COMMUNITIES WITH HIGH QUALITY, AFFORDABLE, TELEPSYCHIATRY STAFFING SOLUTIONS THAT CAN BE ACCESSED FROM ALMOST ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY OUR GOAL IS TO PROVIDE IMMEDIATE, INNOVATIVE STAFFING SOLUTIONS TO ORGANIZATIONS LOOKING TO AUGMENT TRADITIONAL ON-SITE SERVICES WITH EXCEPTIONAL PRACTITIONERS DELIVERING CARE VIA TELEPSYCHIATRY.

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60 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory FASPSYCH, LLC CAPABILITY STATEMENT REV. 5.22.20 2 DIFFERENTIATORS/EXPERTISE ➢ Specializing in telepsychiatry for over 12 years ➢ Currently providing approximately 225,000 visits per year ➢ FasPsych is flexible – We serve a variety of facilities including outpatient clinics, inpatient units, residential treatment programs and correctional facilities ➢ Currently, we have access to approximately 4000 psychiatrists, psychiatric APRNs and counselors who are available to provide services to organizations in all 50 states QUALITY ➢ FasPsych is only interested in placing the highest quality clinicians with the organizations we serve; ➢ Practitioners supplied by FasPsych will participate in quality management activities at the patient site; ➢ FasPsych requires practitioners to perform in accordance with the organization’s policies, procedures and operational processes; ➢ Practitioners are expected to be part of an organization’s clinical team. They are to be responsive to the organization’s clinical leadership and follow the organization’s chain of command. PLATFORM ➢ FasPsych is platform neutral and clinicians are familiar with a wide range of electronic medical records (EMR) and computerized practitioner order entry (CPOE) applications. ➢ Practitioners supplied by FasPsych will use the video technology in place at the patient site. Alternatively, our platform will be made available to the practitioner and the patient site at no additional cost. IMPLEMENTATION ➢ FasPsych has partnered with hundreds of organizations to successfully implement telepsychiatry services in most states; ➢ Implementation time varies with the size and scope of the organization; ➢ FasPsych works with organizations to facilitate the credentialing process, to establish the video and EMR connections and to provide quarterly schedules; ➢ Guidance documents including an implementation plan and some basic information on telepsychiatry are available ➢ FasPsych will assist organizations with regard to researching state regulations addressing; telemedicine/telehealth/telepsychiatry upon request. CUSTOMER COMMENTS “Thanks for checking in. Things are awesome with Angela. We love her.” – Assistant Medical Director referring to FasPsych APRN “I cannot thank the FasPsych team enough for getting this detail to us so quickly. We so appreciate our long-standing partnership and the level of support and service always provided.” – CMHC HR Director in response to FasPsych Team’s response to CARF audit “I am always impressed with the service and dedication of FasPsych. The implementation of our 24/7 Psychiatric Consult program was seamless due to the professionalism and tireless dedication of the FasPsych staff. Our program continues to expand across our 23,000 plus square mile service area. FasPsych has helped this program become a successful and well-integrated part of the Hospitals and Primary Care Physicians we serve. I continue to be amazed by the extra efforts they put into communication and the supports they continue to provide to this program.” – 1115 Waiver Projects Manager, Texas Center for MHDD

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| 61 FasPsych Video Counseling ServicesFasPsych, LLC8687 E. Via de Ventura, Ste. 310Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: (480) 970-9097Fax: (480) 970-5318www.faspsych.comIs Counseling a Good Choice for me or my Family Member?Sometimes, obstacles or experiences arise in our lives that can be dicult to manage alone. Seeking help from experienced, compassionate professionals can make a tremendous dierence in your life or the lives of a loved one.Making the choice to seek counseling is not an easy decision; it takes courage and trust to allow someone else to help you process and solve the problems you may be experiencing. Sadness, anger, stress, anxiety, and substance abuse are just a few examples of things that can distract us from nding hope and happiness. Counseling can help to increase self-awareness and understanding, bolster your self-esteem, reduce internal and interper-sonal conict and improve communication.What Types of Problems Can I Discuss with my Counselor?Some of the more common topics of discussion include, but are not limited to, the following:These are just a few of the common areas that can be addressed through video counseling. The counselors FasPsych provides are strengths-based and tailor interventions to meet the needs of each individual client. Each counselor oers a safe atmosphere where personal concerns can be openly explored and discussed with a professionally trained counselor, via real-time, interactive tele-video communication. • Relationship di iculties• Parenting issues• Depression• Anxiety• Substance use/abuse• Family concerns• Self-esteem• Grief • Work or school related stressNext StepsFasPsych contracts with multiple organizations to oer video counseling. If you have received this brochure, it is likely you, or your loved one, receives services at one of our partner organizations. Please speak to a sta member at your service organization to see if video counseling is an option for you. If you are not connected to a FasPsych partner organization, please call: 480-970-9097 to inquire whether a FasPsych counselor is available in your area.

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62 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryCurrent Partners FasPsych currently collaborates with a multitude of organiza-tions and the behavioral health professionals we supply provide services in multiple states. We currently provide psychiatrists, psychiatric advance practice registered nurses (APRNs) and counselors to community mental health centers, inpatient facilities, acute care inpatient emergency rooms, correctional facilities, residential programs, and counseling practices and other facilities. Additionally, professionals are available to provide specialty services, such as autism-specic support, to individuals and families.In-home counseling may also be available; however, this service is available to those who have insurance that will cover home-based telemental health services, or who can pay for services independently.Counselor CredentialsCounselors working through FasPsych are highly trained, licensed in the state where you reside and meet state guidelines to practice independently.Hours Counselors have exible hours and will work with you to determine a schedule that works best for you and your family. Sessions can occur weekly or the frequency of appointments can be modied to best meet your needs.PaymentServices provided are subject to the terms and conditions of your insurance however in most circumstances, your session should be covered by your insurance plan. If this is not possible you will be advised of your fee prior to your appointment. Is the Video Connection Secure and Condential? Many of you have probably heard of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Among other things, HIPAA aords patients the right to condentiality and protects patients from unauthorized disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI). At a minimum, the video connection between your location and the location of the counselor is encrypted using 128-bit encryption keys that are generated automatically at the start of each video session. 128-bit encryption is a data/le encryption technique that uses a 128-bit key to encrypt and decrypt data or les. It is one of the most secure encryption methods used in most modern encryption algorithms and technologies. 128-bit encryption is considered to be logically unbreakable. While the probability of an unauthorized individual accessing PHI during a telepsychiatry visit is very, very low, the video connection between you and the clinician is further safeguarded through use of a private, secure network. www.faspsych.comPhone: (480) 970-9097 Fax: (480) 970-5318

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| 63Forefront Telecare

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64 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryCompany IntroductionOrganization name: Forefront TelecareCorporate address: 200 American Metro Boulevard, Suite 112, Hamilton, NJ 08619Years in business: 11Primary Contact Name/Title: Rosemarie Foley, need titlePrimary contact email: rfoley@tcare.comPrimary contact phone: 617.974.3685Primary contact years with this organization: 9 monthsCompany Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?Today we are providing virtual behavioral health services for health systems, hospitals, long-term care, and home health settings for over 10 years. Forefront Telecare subsequently developed a HIPAA-compliant service that provided its start in behavioral telehealth. As one of the rst companies to serve the behavioral health needs of senior living facilities through telehealth, Forefront en-tered the marketplace in early 2010, soon after the approval of such services by CMS.Formed with the goal of delivering high-quality behavioral telehealth to Medicare populations in rural geographies where care options are limited, such as rural hospitals and skilled nursing facilities, Forefront has a long history of caring for vulnerable patient populations. Today, Forefront is one of the companies that truly views the technology-enabled care experience through the eyes of its patients.Our unique history gives us a distinct advantage over our competitors. To understand the technical and logistical intricacies of making a telehealth program work long-term, a company should start as a telehealth and logistics company. Forefront did just that. We started as a telehealth logistics and technology company, so we understand and embrace the tasks that make Forefront Telecare work in either a small facility, private practice, or hospital.Our history has led to an essential qualitative dierence. A commitment to the highest quality of service is imbued in our corporate DNA and every team member you meet — wherever you need Forefront Telecare.

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| 65Describe your unique qualications/experience with these services that would benet our members.Our unique qualications/experience are such that we understand the technical and logistical intricacies of making your telehealth program work long-term. We are ser-vicing hospitals, like all ICAHN member hospitals today, across the country. We also provide the billing of your services, since we have the experience and are contract for most of the insurance plans in Illinois today. Describe your target group for marketing your services/programs/equipment.Our focus is really all the above. In your member hospital network, our breadth of services is inclusive of the Behavioral Health Continuum of Care that is needed for all. Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?Our service is a revenue-generating program for your member hospitals, and we will either complement your team to assist in the delivery of care or we can provide all resources; whether it is a Psychiatric Medical Director and/or a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Telemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?Psychiatric Unit Stang 24/7/365 coverage with Medical Director and NP rounding, including call for geriatric or adult units on full or part-time basis. Emergency Department Behavioral Health Consultations 24/7/365 professional Psychiatric MD/NP stang to support the ED teamMedical Surgical Behavioral Consultations NP stang with same day/next day scheduled appointments on an as needed basisFollow the Patient with behavioral health resources to reacclimate patients to home or their long-term care settingsCrisis Stabilization Unit Coverage unit medical directorship 24/7/365 professional psychiatric NP stang with rounding and call coverageOutpatient Professional Stang Professional MD and NP stang for scheduled appointments in your clinics, while reducing no shows with direct-to-consumer technology

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66 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryHome Health Consults in the home helps to assist some challenging populations while preventing unnecessary readmissionsIntensive Outpatient Programs Medical Director role for admissions and discharge planning with NP stang for monthly medication management of IOP and PHP programsWe have providers licensed in the state of Illinois. We follow Joint Commission’scredentialing processes. More information is required, however, typically we bill for professional services to the insurance plans.What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?We provide a mobile cart system as part of our services. We also partner with Access Physicians and others utilizing internal and third-party cart systems.What are the advantages of your telemedicine services? Outcomes, improvement in care, and access? Population served?Partnering with Forefront Telecare oers your member hospitals the opportunity to ll or complement their care gaps for behavioral health. Whether they need 24/7/365 coverage, inpatient geriatric or adult unit coverage, ED/Med Surg coverage or wherever the need may be. Today doctors are providing care for patients in their day shift. With telehealth, you are now able to scale your coverage into the day, week, or your unpredictable shifts.Behavioral health coverage will guide better, time-sensitive care, in many cases reducing transfer rates while continuing to provide meaningful, personal, and individual care experiences and positive outcomes for your patients. The population that we serve is adult and geriatric. Subscription cost and contract terms:More information will be needed to understand the scope of the project. How long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing?Since we are already in the state, 90-120 days. This will also be dependent on your internal process. It also takes approximately 90-120 days for credentialing, and this will also be dependent on your internal process.

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| 67General Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services?Yes. For optimal hospital telehealth session performance, we highly recommend a broadband connection of at least 3.8Mbps/3.0Mbps (up/down) bandwidth dedicated to the service.Regarding barriers, further information gathering would be requested to learn more about the needs of each member hospital. • Access to the patient’s Electronic Health Record for informing our clinicians prior to the visit• Technical resource contact information for setup and support• Any specic hospital connection requirements (e.g., VPN; Virtual Desktop; etc.)Today, we have several clients in the state of Illinois that represent both skilled nursing facilities and hospitals. How do you price your services?More information is required to learn about the specic needs of your member hospitals. Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services?Yes, once we understand the scope of the project.

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| 69Forefront’s clinical network consists of a team of 400 Psychiatrists, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners, Psychologists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers that help our clients with solutions to meet the needs of patients in hospitals, residents in skilled nursing and other long term care facilitieswww.forefronttelecare.comCurrent Forefront practiceIn process fall 2020In process spring 2021Providing virtual behavioral health services for health systems, hospitals, long-term care, and home health settings for over 10 years.including assisted living, as well as in home settings. We provide these psychiatric support services to individuals in need, in collaboration with the care teams who are managing all their other medical needs, with a focus on long term quality of life. Operating in 46 states today, Forefront provides technology for both facility and in home direct to consumer needs or utilizes existing facility technologies to deploy behavioral health services in all settings.

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70 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryIntensive Outpatient Programs Medical Director role for admissions and discharge planning with NP staffing for monthly medication management of IOP and PHP programsEmergency Department Behavioral Health Consultations 24/7/365 Professional Psychiatric MD/NP staffing to support the ED team.Psychiatric Unit Staffing 24/7/365 coverage with Medical Director and NP rounding including call for Geriatric or Adult units on full or part time basis. Medical Surgical Behavioral Consultations NP staffing with same day /next day scheduled appointments on an as needed basis.Outpatient Professional Staffing Professional MD and NP staffing for scheduled appointments in your clinics, while reducing no shows with direct-to-consumer technologyFollowing patients into the community and back again for better care. Home Health Consults in the home helps to assist some challenging populations while preventing unnecessary readmissionsBEHAVIORAL HEALTH COVERAGE FOR HEALTH SYSTEMSFollow the Patient with behavioral health resources to reacclimate patients to home or their long-term care settings. Crisis Stabilization Unit Coverage Unit Medical Directorship 24/7/365 Professional psychiatric NP staffing with rounding and call coverage

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| 71Discharge Continuum of Care services empower your organization to manage patients’ behavioral health needs post discharge into patients' homes or back to skilled facilities. Consistent care coordinated with teams managing other comorbidities greatly reduces costs and improves the quality of life for patients in their care transitions. Drive Revenue Our programs maximize your psychiatric unit's ADC, while improving quality of care with timely coverage, and streamlining the admissions process with 24/7/365 coverage.No More Locums as we permanently solve professional staffing problems. We reduce turnover & clinical burnout among your existing behavioral providers, while reducing hospital costs, maintaining a pool of resources for organizational growth.Workflow Integration with Forefront providers documenting inside your EMR and collaborating with your teams. We supply the technology if needed, and we can handle all billing.Hospital Challenges:Professional Behavioral Health Coverage continues to be a challenge in psychiatric and other units while demand outpaces the supply of providers. Low ADC is a direct result of coverage. Organizations face difficult 24 / 7 / 365 need especially on nights and weekends impacting their ability to serve patients.Locums are costly resources, and many do not meet the quality standards of the organization but necessary without a pool of behavioral health resources.Infection Control is of greater importance than ever. Geriatric units in particular risk closure with outside professional staffing exposing vulnerable seniors.BEHAVIORAL HEALTH COVERAGE FOR HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRIC UNITSOrganizations need to prevent unnecessary readmissionsand behavioral needs challenge Med-Surg units, Emergency Rooms, and Outpatient clinics to follow patients care needs into the home after discharge.

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72 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryHospital Challenges:SNFs and Home Health agencies often lack behavioral health resources to adequately meet the needs of seniors.Selection of post-acute care options are limited for discharge planners with behavioral complexities causing longer inpatient stays and reduced DRG value payments.SNFs are reluctant to take on new psych unit discharges due to level of complexity and access to professionals to help them manage those transitions.Many Home Health agencies are forced to pass on patients with behavioral care needs even as a comorbid condition due to lack of resources to help them manage those patients’ needs.Forefront’s decades long focus on senior behavioral health enables us to provide a Discharge Continuity of Care program for seniors working with our hospital partners.Forefront can follow the patient home whether that is back to a long-term care setting or to their family.SNF nursing staff need help. Enhance your market position with all the SNFs in your region/state by offering them skilled professional staff to assist in managing returning patients often with new and more complex medication regimens. If your unit is full or closed for infectious disease, don’t lose the admission! Have Forefront treat those patients in place until you are able to admit them to the hospital.If you have a Medicare patient seeking care regularly at your Emergency Department, Forefront can help to treat them at Home and set up appropriate treatment plans to try to mitigate the pattern. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DISCHARGE CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM

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| 73How it Works: 3 Step process Follows the Patient HomeCare CoordinationPatient RegistrationPatient CareBH Care Coordinators collaborate with discharge teams to support Seniors:• Identify seniors with behavioral health need post discharge who lack a scheduled Psychiatric provider for follow up.• Provides clinical details in support of psychiatric team for patient visits in SNF or Home.Forefront Visits patient:• In SNFs via facility technology and Forefront links sent to staff.• In the Home via text to patient on any smart device with a camera. (Computer, Tablet, Phone)• On evaluation provider schedules any follow up visits needed with reminders + links sent for appointments to patients.Behavioral HealthCare Coordinators:• Coordinate with SNF or Home Health teams, verifying technology and insurance information• Schedules patient/resident• Verifies Insurance• Technology capabilities in the home for patient visits12 3Hospital +ForefrontForefront +SNF/familyForefront +Caregivers/PatientPre-admission and Inpatient Value• Pre-surgery Consultation: Treating Med Surg seniors with cardiology and neurology needs with behavioral as a comorbidity prior to surgery where behavioral services are lacking, and in the hospital.• Treat in Place: Support your post-acute referral sources and keep future admissions in queue until beds open up. Protect your future revenue streams.Post Discharge Value• Support your referral sources with post discharge dedicated staff to follow the patient out of the hospital: back to SNF to support the nursing team; back home to support family care givers.• Prevent early readmissions with BH professionals that manage discharge care directives for first 60 days post discharge.• Provide hospital discharge specialists with guaranteed care delivery for patients regardless of post-acute setting: Home or LTC.

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74 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryWe supply the technology & providers at no charge. We bill all insurers.We coordinate with staff to establish regular session times & ensure residents who need care get it.How it Works:An initial appointment is scheduled then provides care plan advice to the care team on frequency of care needed and diagnoses.Progress notes are sent to staff to document each encounter & communicate change in condition or medication adjustmentsWe provide:Medication Management for residents on psychiatric medications, from antidepressants to antipsychotics, to ensure these medications are still appropriate and should be continued.Psychotherapy is a critical part of behavioral health particularly supporting both Transition Therapy for new residents and alternative therapies during Gradual Dose Reductions (GDRs)Good clinical medicine, particularly with geriatric populations, requires intensive, ongoing re-assessment of a resident’s status, followed by initiation of treatment, follow-up for signs of symptom relief, possible side effects, drug-drug interactions, & medical problems are all part of comprehensive psychiatric care. We provide care that residents deserve and that benefit your facility professionally as well as financially. All while effectively collaborating with your care teams.ENABLING BEHAVIORAL HEALTH FOR LONG TERM CARE FACILITIES

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| 75Forefront’s consumer application for home health links our nationwide provider network to patients in need of psychiatry and psychology treatment programs. Forefront Telecare Offers Behavioral Health Services to Patients via their Smartphones, Tablets, PCs or MacsAppointments for initial patient assessments can be scheduled during business hours. We work with each patient’s primary care provider to coordinate care across the care team.Forefront’s psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, clinical psychologists, and clinical social workers stand ready to serve your clients needs.Program Goals:Enable care teams with support and access to professional behavioral health resources to grow service capabilities.Identify and Address Behavioral Health needs to improve care plan adherence while increasing your case mix.Match Forefront’s professional resources to each patient’s need. Including Medication Management and Psychotherapy.Communicate back to the care team and PCPs all treatment plans for coordination.ENABLING BEHAVIORAL HEALTH FOR HOME HEALTH

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76 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryOur easy online behavioral health screening tool, utilized in care settings from ED and Medical Surgical to Skilled Nursing and Home settings, which can be conducted in 2-7 minutes identifying potential behavioral issues and severity.An immediate report provided to the care team members scores the level of severity for depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, substance abuse illness, and somatic illness identifying potential patients for professional treatment and/or next stage disposition.Forefront’s FastCheckNow is a dynamically programmed questionnaire that responds to patient answers with clarifying questions to capture behavioral health needs and provide care team and professional resources with diagnostic guidance.FastCheckNOWMild Issues – Care team offers to help client with an introduction to Forefront.Moderate, Severe, or Very Severe– Client needs help, care team notifies Forefront who will facilitate outreach to patient, family, and other care givers.No Issues – No action needed

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78 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryNoteworth

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| 79Company IntroductionOrganization name: Noteworth, Inc.Corporate address: P.O. Box 476, Hoboken, NJ 07030Years in business: 6Primary Contact Name/Title: Sebastien Blanchard, Senior BD ManagerPrimary contact email: sebastien@noteworth.comPrimary contact phone: 202.848.4169Primary contact years with this organization: 3Company Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?Noteworth is the most comprehensive and scalable virtual care delivery platform on the market. Unlike disparate point solutions, Noteworth enables care teams to leverage all domains of the virtual care spectrum, driving continuous patient care and engagement across multiple ambulatory care specialties, for any disease condition or patient population. Patients are empowered to manage multiple conditions, medications, and treatments through one intuitive app that is congured for their specic care journey. This personalization gives patients a deeper understanding of their overall health and a clear barometer of how theirhealth is progressing.Noteworth allows forward-thinking organizations to innovate faster. Modular by design, the single, congurable platform easily scales to meet both immediate and long-term goals. Healthcare systems can leverage Noteworth and turn on dierent capabilities at various times without disrupting clinical team workows, slowing down patient care, or creating additional technology friction for IT teams. We are helping health systems across the country to close gaps in the most trending ambulatory use cases from a single platform:• Condition management (chronic and post-acute)• Remote patient monitoring• Home health• Behavioral health• Telemedicine• Care coordination• Patient engagement

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80 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryDescribe your unique qualications/experience with these services that would benet our members.Your members could leverage Noteworth to engage up to 100% of their ambulatory patients, managed and engaged through a combination of tech-supported programs as opportunities to normalize care protocols and close care gaps, even in the most remote areas.Our clients praise our modular approach that allows to align usage of the platform (use cases, programs, pathways) with their clinical roadmap and facilitate adoption.Patients praise Noteworth for the experience we enable, the ease of use of the app interface, and the opportunities we unlock to actively participate in their care journey, as our app rating demonstrates (4.9/5). Describe your target group for marketing your services/programs/equipment.Noteworth partners with a variety of health systems of all sizes, in both urban and rural areas.• Integrated delivery networks• Group practicesWe are witnessing an increasing demand from systems operating in rural areas as the value of our platform is exponential in these remote settings, enabling to close gaps in regards to access to care, and providing continuous encounters.Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?Noteworth is designed so that each program can be tied to one or a combination of ROI, in FFS, VBC, and at-risk models. Some services we enable may qualify for net revenue opportunities where applicable, including telemedicine encounters, remote patient monitoring, chronic care management, and Hospital at Home.Noteworth has a proven record helping our clients producing ROI in the below categories:• Cost avoidance and de-utilization• Eciencies of clinical and administrative workows (CM saving 90’ a day)• Improved quality of care and outcomes• New net revenue streams (where applicable): ROI up to 10X• Increased patient engagement

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| 81Telemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?Noteworth oers a built-in telemedicine suite supporting secured video visits.In addition, Noteworth oers a secured built-in asynchronous chat feature available for clinicians in the platform and for patients in the app. The feature also includes internal communication for members of a patient’s care team to interact on a pa-tient’s care eciently and securely. That capability includes asynchronous telemedi-cine encounters with a “store & forward” approach to sharing photos and documents asynchronously.Noteworth is a SaaS solution, oers technology (software, hardware, if applicable) and the services associated (support, logistics, IT). We do not include sta as our value is to empower your current sta with technology.What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?Noteworth’s tech ecosystem is simple:• A web-based clinician-facing interface• A patient-facing mobile appThis two-sided ecosystem sits on a three-layered concept governing the purpose of every feature and functionality available on the platform: collect, assess, and action Patient-Generated Health Data (PGHD):1. Collect: Noteworth enables to collect Patient Generated Health Data (PGHD) from multiple channels and access the data continuum in near real time.• Connected peripherals• Non-connected peripherals (manual entry)• Patient-reported outcomes (PROs)• Medication management• Symptom tracking2. Assess: PGHD analysis is made seamless with built-in features to help care teams to manage and make sense of the data inux, for ecient and timely decision-making.• Care coordination suite• Instruction loops• Focus notes (alert engine)• Dashboards and reports

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82 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory3. Action: Noteworth enables to drive proactive interventions that matter to patients building ecient workows, recording, and documenting encounters and oering video visits.• Video visits and asynchronous messaging• Care Circle (caregiver engagement)• RAC auditable encounter tracking• Patient education materialWhat are the advantages of your telemedicine services? Outcomes, improvement in care, and access? Population served?Our unique approach to telemedicine replicates as much as possible the in-oce workows from scheduling, to rooming the patient, pre- and post-form collection and surveys, note-taking, and simultaneous consultation of patient’s Noteworth record to inform the encounter.For patients, telemedicine encounters (video visits) occur on the secured mobile app and therefore oers best quality and comfort. Clients leverage Noteworth’s telemed-icine suite to engage patients on the entire spectrum from pediatric patients (supported by guardians) to geriatric patients (potentially supported by caregivers) through a large variety of patient subsets and clinical applications (chronic, acute, well visits, coaching, classes, etc.)Subscription cost and contract terms?Standard engagement includes a standard 3-year commitment to allow for a healthy ramp and adoption up to enterprise levels.Noteworth is an SaaS solution and is priced as per the model below:1. Platform Access: Noteworth’s simple and transparent model, only factored by the number of patients using it, helps you plan your investment and maximize your ROI potential. PMPY goes down as you go up in tiers.• Unlimited clinical users• Unlimited programs• Access to all standard features:- Patient-generated health data (manual entry)- Dashboards and reports- Instructions and focus notes- Patient education- Care planning- Medication management- Encounter tracking- Care Circle- Care PathwaysStarts at $5K /mo for TIER 1 (up to 2,500 patients)

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| 832. Premium Features: Provide enhanced capabilities and ROI (these generate a cost for Noteworth, and as such, most are priced per the volume of patients using them, by tiers).• Device kits• BYOD• Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs)• Asynchronous messaging• Video visits* (licensing pricing model - license for billable providers + sub-licenses for sta included)3. Additional Services and Optional One-Time Fees: • Professional services• White-labeled app• Integrations (EHRs, other solutions and devices)• Data-as-a-ServiceWe would be pleased to walk you through the nancial model and provide more accurate estimates throughout your process by collecting information about your desired scope.How long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing?Implementation duration varies by the complexity of the initial engagement and deliverables (integrations needed, number of programs to be congured, custom requirements, etc.).Traditionally, we have implemented clients in:• Less than a month when Noteworth is rst deployed as a stand-alone solution• Less than 3 months if integrations are needed

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84 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryGeneral Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services?Noteworth was built to purposely remote barriers to implementation by creating immense value for our clients (all care delivery capabilities), even when operated as a stand-alone solution. We believe integration should be a function of optimization, not implementation, unlocking opportunities to streamline and automate administrative workows (limiting double documentation, etc.).Do you have an established client base in Illinois?A client, headquartered in Missouri, has a few locations in Illinois.How do you price your services?See above in Subscription cost and contract terms.Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services?Our nancial model includes economies of scale as the volume of patients managed in the platform increases. In addition, we would reserve the right to oer additional discounts to support enterprise level partnerships with ICAHN directly and/or across your membership.We believe in our ability to help your members to “normalize” tech-enabled care protocols across your entire network and the patients you proudly serve. We would be pleased to work with you in that direction to optimize the value/investment ratio.

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| 85ICAHN | 20212The only product on the market to act as a full solution and delivers on the promise of digital health. Empowers healthcare providers to deploy customizable digital medicine directly into the care environment right into their patients’ hands to meet their needs throughout their care journey.

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86 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryTECH HAS FAILED CARE DELIVERY3Healthcare is facing a huge problem. Billions of dollars of investments have been made in the administration of healthcare IT (EMR, ERP, CRM…). Additionally, patient and provider experience are hindered by fragmented point solutions. None of this has yielded an impact on the delivery of care. Patient care still looks as it did in 1980.NOTEWORTH IS CARE DELIVERY4Noteworth solves this problem by allowing the deployment of limitless use-cases across an organization, delivering impactful technology to every stakeholder in the organization, and scoped towards clinical and financial performance improvement.

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| 87MAJOR TRENDS IN HEALTHCARE5The business and clinical needs of healthcare are emerging into 6 Industry trends. Noteworth’s versatile capabilities cover all these trends, enabling health organizations to engage up to 100% of their patients.6TARGET ALL TYPES OF ROIIndustry trends show that every health system is aiming at the same goals (financial growth, patient retention, efficiencies…), and struggle through the same challenges in the path to modernization in an increasingly competitive market. No player can afford status quo and whether you are Fee-For-Service, largely value based or transitioning to at-risk models, you don’t have to place bets any more. Noteworth offers limitless configurations to maximize your impact.Cost Avoidance and De-utilizationEfficiencies of workflowsImproved Quality of Care and OutcomesNew Revenue Streams ROI up to 10XIncreased Patients EngagementAnd more…

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88 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory7HOW NOTEWORTH WORKS8OUR CLINICAL ECOSYSTEMNOTEWORTH Clinician-facing tools easily integrate with your existing EMR and practice management softwareNOTEWORTH CONNECT Patient-facing mobile app makes patient participation simple and keeps engagement high

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| 899NOTEWORTH 50,000 FT VIEW10COLLECTNoteworth enables to collect Patient Generated Health Data (PGHD) from multiple channels and access the data continuum in near real time:Branded device kitsBYODPatient Reported Outcomes (PROs)Medication Management

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90 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory11ASSESSPGHD analysis is made seamless with built-in features to help care teams to manage and make sense of the data influx, for efficient and timely decision-making:Workflow DesignFocus NotesInstructionsProgram Reports12ACTIONVideo VisitsCare CircleEncounter TrackingPatient EducationNoteworth enables to drive proactive interventions that matter to patients building efficient workflows, recording and documenting encounters and offering video visits:

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| 9113PATIENT APPNOTEWORTH CONNECT is the patient-facing mobile app that makes patient participation simple while keeping engagement high.PATIENT EXPERIENCE14The Noteworth Connect application is the one-stop place for patients to interact with all of your digital health programs. From taking readings, to answering surveys and joining video visits, our fully configurable app does it all for your patients.

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92 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory15Show your patients you care by extending your reach. Noteworth’s customizable kits allow you to target patients in need as well as attract new patients with exciting and valuable care models.CUSTOM BRANDED KITS16OPTIMIZATION THROUGH INTEGRATIONNextGen and more…Easy IT Standalone or integrated with your EMR, Noteworth makes it easy to implement and achieve a seamless workflow for your clinical users with HL7, FHIR and API hooks available.Partner Program Noteworth partners with other digital solutions to enable best-in-class experiences for patients and clinicians.

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| 93FEATURE COMPLETE17Care Planning and DeliveryPopulation Health AnalyticsPatient EducationPatient Support Professional Services LogisticsData Export and ReportingSimplified Integration (HL7, FHIR and API)IT SupportWe have built in support and tools designed to complete the entire care journey for patient and staff. YOUR PARTNER FOR INNOVATION18Feature-complete platform •Telemetry Data •Care Pathways •Telemedicine •Care Planning •And more…Across all applications •RPM & CCM •Condition Management •Specialty Medicine •Transitions of Care •Behavioral Health •Home Health •And more…Care pathways & programs libraryConfigurable platformInstall in weeks (Standalone)Integrated approach for continuous care anywhereEasy for patients and clinicans to adopt and useFully supported experience for users and patientsIntegrates with other software, e.g., HIS, EMR, etc.ROI for all stakeholders – providers, clinicians, patients

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94 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryOmnicure

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| 95Company IntroductionOrganization name: OmnicureCorporate address: 33 Picardy Lane, St. Louis, MO 63124Years in business: 5Primary Contact Name/Title: Oren Kodish, Operations LeadPrimary contact email: oren@omnicuremd.comPrimary contact phone: 216.401.1108Primary contact years with this organization: 2Company Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?• Tele-ICU• Provider-to-provider consultative services in multiple subspecialties (intensivists, neurologists, nephrologists, psychiatrists)• Tele-EMS: a platform for EMS personnel and paramedics to communicate through audio/video/text with Medical Control before patient arrival to ERDescribe your unique qualications/experience with these services that would benet our members.Intensivist-led company that was founded by critical care physicians with years ofTele-ICU experience to create a system that delivers the same services, but one that is easier to implement, easy to scale, and one that has minimal capital outlay.We are currently participating in the US Government Department of Defense-sponsored program called the National Emergency Tele-Critical Care Network. This gives us access to a large number of dierent types of specialists, most importantly critical care specialists, as well as government funding to provide budget-neutral help during times of emergency (e.g. COVID surge, natural disaster, mass casualty event).Describe your target group for marketing your services/programs/equipment.For our Tele-ICU system, ideal hospitals are small rural and middle-sized hospitals that do not have any or limited 24/7 intensivist coverage. For the EMS clinical use case, we work with EMS agencies and Medical Control.

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96 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryIs your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?Assists in delivery of care. Generates revenue if hospitals improve patient retention and ICU occupancy. Also, can generate revenue if hospital bills for service.Telemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?Consultative support for dierent types of bedside providers who are caring for critically and acutely ill patients. Depending on the urgency indicated, physicians respond to any requests for consultations within 5 or 15 minutes of the time of request. Remote specialists can round on ICU patients if requested by the partner hospital.Yes, we have providers licensed in IL. We do a thorough vetting process includingprimary source verication, practice history, licensing board checks etc. Providers can bill CMS and commercial insurance for services. What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?Our platform is mobile-friendly, and works on tablets and smartphones. Providers use audio and text communication on our app, as well as video, for assessment of patients using the back-camera of smartphone and tablets which are being held by bedside clinicians. The system’s video components can also be integrated to run on any existing telemedicine hardware (e.g. xed cameras, mobile carts) located in hospitals.What are the advantages of your tele-medicine services? Outcomes,improvement in care and access? Population served?Immediate access to sub-specialists, ability to care for high-acuity patients, reducedneed to transfer patients to higher level of care.Using the service for pre-hospital triage with EMS services helps avoid unnecessary ER visits and initiates time-sensitive treatments at point of rst contact.Subscription and contract terms:Costs of technology licensing, support, and specialist coverage are bundled into amonthly subscription cost.

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| 97General Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services?NoDo you have an established client base in Illinois?NoHow do you price your services?Charged on a monthly basis - software subscription costs are billed monthly; physician services are billed as a bundled charge as well, with the cost depending on how many beds we are covering.Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services?Yes How long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing?Onboarding typically takes 2-3 weeks, depending on scope of an implementation. Some dierent aspects are listed below.• Account creation is quick and easy, and training and testing usually takes less than a week• Technology implementation can take 1-3 months, depending on the scope of the EMR and ADT integration• Timeline for credentialing is dependent on hospital processes and usually takes1-4 monthsLead time for implementation at a new receiving site can be accelerated signicantly for emergent needs with rapid onboarding of users onto this intuitive, simple-to-use system.

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98 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryOSF OnCallDigital Health

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| 99Company IntroductionOrganization name: OSF OnCall Digital HealthCorporate address: 330 SW Adams Street, Peoria, IL 61602Years in business: Since 2012 (OSF HealthCare since 1880)Primary Contact Name/Title: Jennifer Junis, SVP, OSF OnCall Digital HealthPrimary contact email: jennifer.a.junis@osfhealthcare.orgPrimary contact phone: 309.308.9440Primary contact years with this organization: 7 years with OSF HealthCare, 30 years in the healthcare industryCompany Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?In addition to the high-level summary below, please see supplemental documentation.• Intensive Care by OSF On-Call- The intensivist-led care team consists of critical care nurses and healthcareassistants that remotely monitor and assess for changes in patient condition - Provide real-time support to on-site caregivers anywhere in-house24/7/365 operational time for the entire care team - Centralizes aspects of care to increase reliability and eciency (e.g. bestpractices, sepsis bundle compliance, organ procurement, etc.) - Uses information technology tools and predictive analytics to alert todeterioration or changes early, improve ICU workow, facilitatecommunication and track performance - Virtual presence can be provided to connect caregivers and patients in anyICU bed at any time - Promotes organizational change enabling system-wide standardization and results tracking• Results- 27% decrease in average ICU LOS from inception to current day - 20% decrease in average ICU mortality from inception to current day -Ventilator days have decreased an average of 1.4 days - Achieved ROI 15 months ahead of schedule

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100 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory• Hospitalists by OSF OnCall- Hospital Program Description: a technology-centric solution that provides highquality inpatient care in an eort to improve outcomes and provide moreeective resource stewardship. Program has been active within OSF Health-Care since early September 2019 and is located in the OSF OnCall Building in Peoria, IL and staed by a physician from 7p.m. to 7 a.m. Daytime stang options are also available.• Results/Benets: Telehospitalist program has direct and indirect cost-savingpotential, making it an attractive model for small to moderate sized hospitals.- Direct cost savingsHospitals pay only one provider for higher quality care across multiple facilities (instead of paying multiple providers for potentially less eective care)Ecient night coverage for multiple smaller hospitals by provider(s) who actively manage and interact with patients- Indirect cost savingsIncreased quality of care and timely ordersIncreased thoroughness of initial management of disease process leading to potential decreased patient LOS; increased daytime physician ecacy; increasing night nursing sta satisfaction by providing a more accessible support; increased patient satisfaction and decreased physician burn-out with likely decrease in physician medical errors and decrease in non-benecial patient transfers; and decreased physician recruitment eort and cost in dicult to recruit locations. • Remote Patient Monitoring by OSF OnCall- For all patient types from healthy to complex patients with multiple orchronic conditions.- Dedicated remote patient care team that includes nursing and ancillaryresources (e.g. pharmacy, dietitian, social worker)- Dedicated team of advanced practice providers and physicians- Involved care team and associated technology depends on speciccondition monitoring needs.- Variety of touchpoints available for patients (from traditional phone callsto text messages and/or self-reported)- Mobile phones to tablets that are connected to necessary peripherals(some tethered, others Bluetooth-based) that requires internet connectivity (WiFi and/or cellular connected)• Chronic condition management modules available- Diabetes: Monitors blood glucose levels and supply accessibility- COPD: Tracks breathing and vital signs to prevent worsening symptoms- Heart failure: Monitors heart health through tracking breathing, edema, vital signs, and weight- Hypertension: Tracks blood pressure and hypo/hypertensive symptomology- Asthma: Monitors breathing with/without peak ow meter and tracksinhaler utilization

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| 101- Dialysis: Monitors symptoms and tracks appointments/treatment adherence- Depression: Tracks mood and depressive symptoms via PHQ-9- Additional modules available upon request: coronary artery disease, general maternity, high-risk maternity, obesity, and hypercholesterolemia• Digital Health Workers (community “boots on the ground” workforce to help address social determinants of health of your patient population)- Connect to/access and engage with technology- Connect to local organizations and resources that can help- Promote and provide necessary educational resources• Additional Services for ICAHN Member Consideration - Virtual Urgent Care (mobile or web-based experience; asynchronous andsynchronous connections to 24/7/365 care, prescription at patient preferredlocation available at end of visit if treatment plan suggests, staed by OSFemployed clinicians to ensure that our high quality standards and expectationsare upheld)- The target market for these products can span all categories suggested – small/rural, mid-sized, or large systems. The use cases and benets discussed can be realized by clients of all sizes. With OSF’s experience, the primary customer has been small/rural to mid-sized facilities, with all beneting from positive results from the telehealth options presented. OSF has specic experience and expertise in deploying telehealth and telemedicine tocritical access hospitals, as three of our 14n hospitals are critical access hospitals.Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?The programming largely assists in the delivery of care. The value for both intensive care and hospitalist services is primarily seen in the avoidance of costs associated with complications, length of stay, and high-cost care models. The ability to leverage high-cost providers (intensivists, hospitalists, etc.) across the geography allows facilities to pay for productive time only for these providers. Remote patient monitoring is an important part of lowering total cost of care delivery for each patient, especially those with complex chronic diseases, and results in improved health outcomes for the patients enrolled.

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102 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryTelemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?Intensive Care – 24/7/365 management and monitoring of intensive care patients by a full critical care team (intensivist, critical care RN, and healthcare assistant) utilizing technology to remotely consult, round, assess, monitor, and analyze trends for the sickest patients.Hospitalist – 7 p.m.-7 a.m. x 365 days management of the adult hospital patients. The telehospitalist admits, transfers, consults on change in condition, and places orders as needed on the adult patient population at night. All providers are licensed in Illinois. All providers are vetted through the OSF clinical standards and CMS requirements for credentialing, privileging, and performance re-view. There are certain services that can be billed per CMS (i.e. critical care consults, pulmonary consults, inpatient services, virtual urgent care visits, etc.)What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?Intensive Care utilizes installed in-room equipment (camera, mic/speaker, monitor, eLert button, PC) and 2-way audio video software to monitor and manage patients remotely.Intensive Care and Hospitalist services can both use telehealth mobile cart technology with camera, mic/speaker, monitor, and PC, with 2-way audio video software to monitor and manage patients.Remote Patient Monitoring uses a variety of equipment depending on condition complexity (from traditional phone to phones with SMS capability to smartphones with Bluetooth integrated peripherals).OSF OnCall clinical sta monitor clinically reported data and digitally correspond if/when participants meet clinically designated health status or sequence of triggers.Reported data can be provided to meet operational stakeholder needs and/or beintegrated within the EMR as needed.What are the advantages of your tele-medicine services? Outcomes,improvement in care and access? Population served?OSF OnCall has the advantage of the collaboration with OSF Innovation on exploring and implementing cutting edge technology and processes within our services. This allows our team access to resources and skillsets that are not common in the marketplace.

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| 103Intensive Care has seen decreases in mortality over 20% and decreases in ICU length of stay over 20%. Increase in the utilization of evidence-based best practice and decrease in complications has also been seen. Please see aforementioned data/results for additional detail.Subscription and contract terms:Costs vary and are dependent on scope of need and size of facility.How long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing?• An Intensive Care implementation normally takes six months for a full install, including interfaces from the hosted EMR, network connectivity, and installation of equipment.• A Hospitalist implementation would take 90 to 120 days.• Credentialing- OSF utilizes delegated/proxy credentialing and privileging in accordance with CMS guidelines. This process usually takes 4 to 8 weeks depending on the facility med sta meeting schedule.• Remote patient monitoring can be implemented within 45 to 90 days, depending on programming complexity and equipment needs.General Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services?• The Intensive Care service does require a specic point-to-point secure network connection that would be evaluated by the number of beds and type of service needed.• The Hospitalist service can be provided across a normal network connection. A network connection and access to the host EMR/PACS is necessary for service.• Remote patient monitoring and virtual urgent care services are more dependent on patient connectivity but can be leveraged through standard mobile devices/data plans as well as traditional phone.Do you have an established client base in Illinois?• Yes, we currently provide services to 14 OSF hospitals and direct to our patients with services like remote patient monitoring and virtual urgent care.• OSF HealthCare also hosts external facilities with Intensive Care by OSF OnCall, such as, KSB Hospital in Dixon, IL.• Through grant funding from HFS and IDPH, we served over 10,000 patientsthrough the COVID-19 pandemic through Remote Patient Monitoring and DHW services.• Within OSF’s advanced chronic disease management program, we havesuccessfully cared for over 230 complex, chronic patients with multiple comorbidities.

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104 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryHow do you price your services?OSF OnCall Digital Health prices services using a cost plus methodology or fair market value, if one is available. We also charge consulting fees should the client nd value in our consulting services. Fees are largely dependent on size of facilities.Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services?Yes. ICAHN members will receive a discount range between 10 and 25%, depending on service commitment.

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| 1053AAbboouutt OOSSFF OOnnCCaallll DDiiggiittaall HHeeaalltthhOSF OnCall Digital Health doesn’t just provide health care – we bring together creative solutions with a human connection to offer a simplified, seamlessexperience and we look forward to the possibility of partnering with you to reach new heights of success.2We understand you need a different kind of partner in providing health and wellness services to your employees and covered lives. With our clinical expertise and industry-leading innovation, we offer a variety of convenient and custom care options that support achievement of key metrics.

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106 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE

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| 107DDiiggiittaall EExxppeerriieennccee tools, methods and processes to make your clinical preparation and overall health care journey easier, more convenient and seamless. [Before]DDiiggiittaall CCaarreetools, methods and processes to make your on-going treatment and/or post-treatment more personalized, convenient and seamless. [During and After]OOnn--ddeemmaanndd tools, method, processes and services to make a self-navigated health care experience possible, convenient and seamless. [Immediate. Self-service.]10,000+ patient interactions a day across the OSF OnCall journey!

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108 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryCCuurrrreenntt PPrroodduucctt OOffffeerriinnggss 9Focus Area Product Description Data/OutcomesICU • Intensive Care by OSF OnCall• Multi-skilled, intensivist-led care team to provide real-time support to on-site caregivers anywhere in-house• Centralizes aspects of care to increase reliability and efficiency (e.g. best practices, sepsis bundle compliance, organ procurement, etc.)• Uses information technology tools and predictive analytics to alert to deterioration or changes early, improve ICU workflow, facilitate communication and track performance• Virtual presence can be provided to connect caregivers and patients in any ICU bed at any time• Promotes organizational change enabling system-wide standardization and results tracking• 24/7 hours of operation, 365 days a year for entire care team• 200+ monitored ICU beds• Achieved ROI 15 months ahead of schedule• 27% decrease in average ICU LOS from inception to current day• 20% decrease in average ICU mortality from inception to current day• Ventilator days have decreased an average of 1.4 days420,445196,298Nurse Triage VisitsPandemic Health Worker InteractionsVirtual Interactions16,753 Virtual Advanced Care Interactions7,629Intensive Care11,0519.39%44,181 MyChart Video VisitsAcute COVID at Home Interactions10,939 Growth of Virtual Clinical Interactions*Urgent Care Video Visits 6,053Digital Hospital at Home Interactions553FY20 Data 10/01/19 – 09/30/20, Updated 12/03/20*Virtual Clinical interactions includes: MyChart Video Visits, Pandemic Health Workers Program, Virtual Advanced Care and Digital Hospital at Home**Chatbot interactions 03/13/20 – 09/30/20, Updated 12/03/20Chatbot Interactions**141,102DIGITAL DELIVERY OF CARE

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| 109CCuurrrreenntt PPrroodduucctt OOffffeerriinnggss 12Focus Area Product Description Data/OutcomesVirtual Urgent Care• OSF OnCall Urgent Care • 24/7 Virtual Urgent Care• Synchronous (video)• Asynchronous (online interview and messaging)• Prescription at pt. preferred location available at end of visit (if treatment plan suggests)• 6,800 visits • 20% asynchronousClinical Triage• OSF Know • 24/7 dedicated clinical triage access• High quality nurse triage, through evidence based practice protocol guidelines• 500,000 COVID-19• 15,000 average per weekAdditional Options • Digital Health Worker • Connect Bar• Local non-clinical connection to resources• Physical location to connect to technology/OSF OnCall resources• Covering 700 zip codes in Illinois• 3 current locations-Streator/Galesburg/PeoriaCCuurrrreenntt PPrroodduucctt OOffffeerriinnggss 10Focus AreaProductDescriptionData/OutcomesHospitalist • Hospitalistsby OSF OnCall• Technology-centric solution that provides high quality inpatient care in an effort to improve outcomes and provide more effective resource stewardship. Program has been active within OSF HealthCare since early September 2019, is located in the OSF OnCall Building in Peoria, Illinois and staffed by a physician from 7PM to 7AM. Daytime staffing options also available. Direct cost savings:• Hospitals pay only one provider for higher quality care across multiple facilities (instead of paying multiple providers for potentially less effective care)• Efficient night coverage for multiple smaller hospitals by provider(s) who actively manage and interact with patientsIndirect cost savings:• Increased quality of care and timely orders• Increased thoroughness of initial management of disease process leading to potential:• Decreased patient LOS• Increased day time physician efficacy• Increasing night nursing staff satisfaction by providing more accessible support• Increased patient satisfaction• Decreased physician burnout with likely:• Decrease in physician medical errors • Potential to decrease non-beneficial patient transfers• Decreased physician recruitment effort and cost in difficult to recruit locationsCCuurrrreenntt PPrroodduucctt OOffffeerriinnggss 11Focus Area Product Description Data/OutcomesPatient Monitoring • Remote Patient Monitoringby OSF OnCall• 24/7 clinical remote monitoring team• Remote patient monitoring modules with flexible engagement options• Diabetes: Monitors blood glucose levels and supply accessibility• COPD: Tracks breathing and vital signs to prevent worsening symptoms• Heart Failure: Monitors heart health through tracking breathing, edema, vital signs and weight• Hypertension: Tracks blood pressure and hypo/hypertensive symptomology• Asthma: Monitors breathing with/without peak flow meter and tracks inhaler utilization• Dialysis: Monitors symptoms and tracks appointment/treatment adherence• Depression: Tracks mood and depressive symptoms via PHQ-9• Additional modules available upon request: Coronary Artery Disease, General Maternity, High Risk Maternity, Obesity, Hypercholesterolemia• 10,000 COVID-19• 500 average census Home Care-multi disease• Increased medication adherence (anecdotally)• 230 advanced chronic disease• 27,000 hypertension to be launched Spring

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110 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryClient: State of Illinois Dept. of HFS15Appendix

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| 111Client: State of Illinois Dept. of HFS17Client: State of Illinois Dept. of HFS16

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112 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryClient: State of Illinois Dept. of HFS19Client: State of Illinois Dept. of HFS18

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| 113PharmD Live

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114 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryCompany IntroductionOrganization name: PharmD LiveCorporate address: 1629 K Street Northwest, Washington, DC 2006Years in business: 6Primary Contact Name/Title: Richard Alvarez, Director of Sales (Midwest Region)Primary contact email: ralvarez@pharmdlive.comPrimary contact phone: 847.466.7925Primary contact years with this organization: Six monthsCompany Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?PharmD Live® partners with physicians and other providers to deliver telemedicine services as a seamless extension of the provider’s practice, including: • Chronic Care Management-CCM (including medication management, risk stratication, coordination of care between doctors, patient counseling,and education)• Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)• Transitional Care Management (TCM)• Annual Wellness Visits• Medication Adherence Program• Medication Therapy Management• Diabetes Protection Program• PharmacogenomicsDescribe your unique qualications/experience with these services that would benet our members.Clinical Pharmacists Optimize Care DeliveryPharmD Live telehealth solutions were developed under the guidance of board-certied clinical pharmacists, the recognized experts in medication management and drug interactions. Our pharmacists leverage industry-leading, medication risk management technology that enables early detection and prevention of medication complications and close disease care gaps. Our clinicians provide 24/7 oversight and support for your Medicare patients. This dierentiates PharmD Live from other chronic care management companies and characterizes it as the most comprehen-sive and robust in the nation.Our pharmacists are medication experts who rank among the most trusted healthcare professionals. Board-certied clinical pharmacists are skilled in disease management and complex medication therapy management, medication reconciliation and motivational patient counseling.

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| 115AI-Drive Telehealth Technology with Predictive Analytics Improves Patient Outcomes PharmD Live’s 24/7 telemedicine solutions are powered by our HIPAA compliant, proprietary AI-driven platform that seamlessly integrates with most EHRs to enable a bi-directional patient data ow in real-time. Our predictive analytics and side-eects proling algorithms enable the identication and prevention of potential medication risks and gaps in chronic disease management, and generate actionable business and clinical intelligence reports.Describe your target group for marketing your services/programs/equipment.PharmD Live® targets primary care practices with Medicare patients including ACOs, CINs, Medical Groups and providers. PharmD Live has no size or location restrictions. We work with small/rural to large health systems and providers in all 50 states including Puerto Rico.We see a signicant opportunity for practices to expand care and increase practice revenue with telehealth in the chronic care management space for Medicare patients. According to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), eective CCM improves overall health and reduces the cost of care. Through a system of Current Procedural Technology (CPT)® codes, CMS reimburses providers who deliver structured CCM.Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?PharmD Live oers a revenue-sharing model that includes complete implementation and management of chronic care telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, and medication management services, with no upfront costs or oce overhead. Our program is private-labeled for the hospital, clinic, or medical provider, and our fees are a percentage of the Medicare reimbursement. Because PharmD Live receives payment only after the provider is paid, our goals and timelines are in complete alignment.Telemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?PharmD Live’s services are Chronic Care Management (CCM) is a non face-to-face clinical support service delivered in between oce visits to Medicare patients with multiple chronic conditions. Services consist of medication therapy management, chronic care monitoring, transition of care management, and remote patient monitoring.Please see PharmD Live Overview 1.21 at the end of this section.

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116 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryPharmD Live’s clinical pharmacists are licensed in Illinois. We subscribe to the following standards for our clinical pharmacists:• Clinical pharmacists must be licensed by the Illinois State Board of Pharmacy• Obtain advanced practice certication through Board of Pharmacy Specialties®• Minimum 5-years post graduate experience• Experience in disease management• Experience in medication therapy management• Experience in motivational patient education and counseling• No prior sanctionsWe are exible in how we bill for our telehealth services. Typically for CCM and RPM services, we bill as a percentage of the Medicare reimbursement. We do not charge an implementation fee. Also, there are no integration fees for EHR integration, and no ongoing administration fees.What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication.PharmD Live® has developed an AI-Driven Telehealth Technology with advanced clinical rules engine, predictive analytics algorithms, and side-eects proling, which enables patients qualication and assessment, risk stratication, and the identication and resolution of disease care gaps and medication-related risks.We provide a patient portal with key features which allows patients to add, edit, or update their medications, review their appointments, and secure chat with our clinical pharmacists 24/7.For Remote Patient Management, PharmD Live provides senior-friendly, pre-congured 4G enabled RPM devices are sent directly to the patient’s home, where data begins transmitting upon the rst reading. PharmD Live’s 24/7 clinical pharmacist-led service is the easiest and fastest way for patients to stay connected and engaged in their care.What are the advantages of your telemedicine services? Outcomes, improvement in care and access? Population served?.Advantages of PharmD Live Solutions for hospitals and clinics• Targets and improves 88 MIPS/APMs Quality Measures, 19 ACO Measures and Medicare Parts C and D Star Ratings Measures• Additional revenue stream (both direct & indirect)• No upfront costs or monthly admin fees• Alleviate physician workload and burnout, resulting in job satisfaction• Optimal patient experience, satisfaction, and loyalty• 24/7/365 access to a clinical pharmacist• Actionable, clinical intelligence, which supports value-based care• Seamless, non-disruptive EHR integration• Decreases non-billable time for providers• End-to-end turnkey solutions with PharmD Live assuming 99% of the workload

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| 117Advantages of PharmD Live Solutions for patients• Monitored care in between doctor oce visits• Access to personal clinical pharmacist 24/7/365• Improved disease self-management• Reduced healthcare costs• Decreased hospitalizations, ER visits, and readmissions• Better quality of life• Convenience of at-home careImproved Quality Measures and Transition to Value-Based Care• 88 MIPS measures impacted• 19 ACO measures impacted• Focus on Quadruple AIMSubscription cost and contract terms:For CCM, RPM and TCM, we have no subscription costs or administrative fees. Our contract term is year to year.How long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing?Client onboarding for CCM, RPM, and TCM is 4-6 weeks.General Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services?We prefer the ability to interface with your EHR. This is not a requirement but an interface with your EHRs that allows us to use our proprietary software to identify eligible CCM, RPM, or TCM patients, risk stratify and run the predictive model for any care or medication risks.Do you have an established client base in Illinois?NoHow do you price your services?For CCM, RPM, or TCM services, we bill a percentage of Medicare reimbursement. We are paid once you are reimbursed by Medicare. We do not charge an implementation fee nor a monthly administration fee.Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services?Yes

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118 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryThe Little-Known Health Crisis Aecting America’s SeniorsThe misuse of medications and the complexity of medication therapy, especially for people with chronic conditions, is on the rise and getting both dangerous and expensive. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), three out of four Americans who are 65 and older, have multiple chronic conditions and are taking several medications, increasing the risk for an Adverse Drug Event (ADE). Medication errors lead to approximately 1.5 million preventable ADEs at a cost of more than $3 billion per year. Experts in Medication and Chronic Care Management3 in 4 elderly patients take several medications prescribed by dierent doctors.Adverse Drug Events are the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. behind heart disease, cancer and stroke.4thMedications are involved in 80% of treatment plans, but 50% of medications are not taken as directed.Each year, Adverse Drug Events result in:•Over 3.5 million physician oce visits•An estimated 1 million ER visits•Approximately 125,000 hospitaladmissions.PharmD Live DierentiatorsWe are PharmD Live®PharmD Live partners with physicians and other providers to deliver telehealth care solutions for patients with multiple chronic diseases. Our collaborative telehealth solutions include advanced Chronic Care Management (CCM), Medication Therapy Management, Transition Care Management and Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM). We are a team of disruptive thinkers comprised of clinical pharmacists, healthcare IT engineers, physicians, innovators, scholars and industry experts, driven by a shared commitment to reduce costs and improve quality healthcare outcomes.Clinical Pharmacist AvailabilityNationwide network of board-certied pharmacists available 24/7/365 for patients and physicians.Medication Management Pharmacological and disease management expertise mitigate medication-related risks and educate patients with complex medication needs.AI-Driven TechnologyOur proprietary side eects proling tool identies, predicts and prevents potential medication risks and gaps in care.

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122 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryTelehealth Solution

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| 123Company IntroductionOrganization name: Telehealth SolutionCorporate address: 101 N. Tryon Street, Suite 112, Charlotte, NC 28246Years in business: 5Primary Contact Name/Title: Dr. Waseem Ghannam, President/Co-FounderPrimary contact email: ghannam@telehealthsolution.comPrimary contact phone: 704.726.1587Primary contact years with this organization: 5Company Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?We provide a comprehensive telehospitalist solution (Clinical Telemedicine). This includes rounding, admitting daytime, nocturnal admitting, equipment included in our service oering, and ICU management.Describe your unique qualications/experience with these services that would benet our members.We have been providing telehospitalist services for over 5 years and have garnered partnerships with healthcare organization system rollouts and university systems. We focus on being a tech-enabled healthcare organization meaning that we start with qualied providers and build o that.Describe your target group for marketing your services/programs/equipment.Our focus is to serve critical access and rural hospitals throughout the United States and areas where there is a healthcare disparity in coverage.Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?Our solution assists in the delivery of care by providing a high-quality, cost eective way to deliver healthcare to rural communities.

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124 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryTelemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?We are a provider-services organization that knows how to leverage digital medicine technology. We provide Nocturnal Coverage, Daytime Coverage, 24x7 Coverage and an Admitter Service. Our solution covers rounding, admissions, swing shifts, and weekend coverage as well. Our technology is included in our pricing, and it is as simple as one-touch on the telemedicine cart screen, which gives our providers easy access to begin a telemedicine visit. Our providers are licensed in the state of Illinois. Our providers are employees of Telehealth Solution and are vetted through our Chief Medical Ocer and clinical team.What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?Telehealth Solution developed a state-of-the art, cloud-based software program that can be used on a desktop, smartphone, or tablet. A nurse or someone from the facility contacts us via the app and immediately our provider team is notied that there is a patient needing to be seen. We also oer a telemedicine cart which allows the nurse or other clinical person at the hospital the ability to connect our provider with the patient just by tapping the screen.What are the advantages of your telemedicine services? Outcomes, improvement in care and access? Population served?Advantages are being EHR agnostic, provider-rst, tech-enabled, second, with a fo-cus on our core fundamentals and then weaving that with the hospital’s clinical cov-erage goals. Our highest concentration of clients is in the critical access and small, rural health markets where the biggest disparity in healthcare equality usually exists.Subscription cost and contract terms:To be determined, based o scope of work.How long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing?To be determined, but typically 60 days.

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| 125General Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services? The hospital needs to have WiFi connectivity. The WiFi needs to have a minimum of 20 Mbps download, with 5 Mbps upload. Low packet loss, 1% or less. Low latency, 100 MS or less.Do you have an established client base in Illinois? Pending contractsHow do you price your services? It is based on scope of work. We focus on critical access hospitals, we understand that producing a high-quality, outcome-based service is paramount in rural communities. Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services? To be determined, but once the scope of work is dened, this is possible.

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126 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryThriveHealth

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| 127Company IntroductionOrganization name: ThriveHealthCorporate address: 11414 W. Park Place, Milwaukee, WI 53224Years in business: 1Primary Contact Name/Title: Jim Byrne, Sales OperationsPrimary contact email: jim@thrivehealth-us.comPrimary contact phone: 630.605.6701Primary contact years with this organization: 1Company Services and ProgramsWhat type of services do you provide?ThriveHealth oers both telehealth and telemedicine.Telehealth• iThryveTM telehealth is being used by providers for medical and mental health encounters. It was designed and developed by clinicians for clinicians and patients with stability and ease of use in mind.• Care Hub is on-demand multi-specialty telehealth that enables patients with direct access to quality U.S. board-certied providers at home, work or on the go from an iPhone or iPad.• Remote Patient Monitoring allows providers and patients to stay connected and easily share vital information that can improve patient outcomes. Our remote patient monitoring is made possible by providing our API set to device manufacturers. TelemedicineThrive Health oers digital healthcare services in the areas of training, optimization, and computerized cognitive behavior therapy.Describe your unique qualications/experience with these services that would benet our members.ThriveHealth is a patient-centric telehealth innovator. Throughout COVID-19, ThriveHealth assisted physicians and health centers across the country with the implementation and optimization of telehealth solutions.

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128 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryOur experience and expertise were poured into our product to develop the following features. Some of iThrye’sTM features include:• Unlimited, beautifully clear video, voice, and chat capability• Secure le transfer between patients and doctors• A dedicated phone number for providers• One-click connect• A customizable waiting room for triage• UpToDate® for physiciansCare Hub supports critical access and community hospitals by oering more than 100 multi-specialists licensed nationwide that can augment the hospital’s medical team with:• On-call assistance• After hours support• Temporary coverage• On-demand specialist collaborationWith Care Hub, hospitals gain real-time access to high-quality specialists, helping to retain the provision of care within their communities. Patients have increased access to specialists, regardless of their location or demography.Remote Patient Monitoring allows providers and patients to stay connected and easily share vital information that can improve patient outcomes. ThriveHealth remote patient monitoring integrates with devices that measure:• Blood pressure• Glucose levels• Blood oxygen levelsOur remote patient monitoring is made possible by providing our API set to device manufacturers. We are currently working with two manufacturers.Knowing that most clients we help are highly concerned about regulatory compliance, ease-of-use, and cost when searching for a patient-facing technology solution, our solutions are HIPAA compliant and secure, don’t require any downloads, and have a choice of subscription options. Organizations that partner with us see the opportunity to improve the patient and provider experience, as well as their bottom line.Describe your target group for marketing your services/programs/equipment.Our target audience is small and rural health centers, medical groups, and critical access and community hospitals. We are particularly interested in reaching the underserved, wherever that may be.

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| 12 9Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics, or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care?iThryveTM telehealth technology assists in the delivery of care and helps hospitals, health centers, and medical groups expand access to care, driving additional revenue.Care Hub, an on-demand multi-specialty telehealth service, assists in the delivery of care by oering hospitals, practice groups, individual providers and patients direct access to quality U.S. board-certied providers from home, work, or on-the-go using an iPhone or iPad. Care Hub provides rural and critical access hospitals the ability to oer specialty care at an aordable price when and where it is needed the most.Telemedicine ServicesIf your company oers telemedicine services, please describe the types of clinical services oered. Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted?Billable?Yes, our providers are licensed to practice medicine in Illinois. They are vetted through standard Primary Source Verication through the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation, the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education and the American Medical Association. Yes, our providers are billable. They will code through your EMR system.What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?Our providers use ThriveHealth’s proprietary telehealth platform, iThryveTM, for communication.ThriveHealth remote patient monitoring integrates with devices that measure:• Blood pressure• Glucose levels• Blood oxygen levelsOur remote patient monitoring is made possible by providing our API set to device manufacturers. Our providers will work in your EMR system or other platforms as needed.

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130 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryWhat are the advantages of your telemedicine services? Outcomes, improvement in care and access? Population served?Tele-Psych: Through our network of over 50 psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and clinical social workers (LCSW/LMSW), our customers are able to extend their services to include psychiatric evaluation, bed placement services, referral to outpatient programs, treatment collaboration, medication recommendations, documentation, education, and training.Tele-Nephrology: Through our network of over 75 nephrologists and nurse practitioners, ThriveHealth supports hospital medical teams for on-call, after-hours, temporary coverage, and on-demand specialist support, working alongside the ED or hospitalist team to make the best recommendations for the patients.Subscription cost and contract terms:ThriveHealth oers three service tiers with monthly and annual subscription options. iThryveTM and Care Hub can be used as a white-label service or through API integration. Pricing and contract terms can be discussed by contacting Jim at long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing?This depends on the medical stang oce within the respective hospital. Since licensure is already completed, the privileging process can begin as soon as we have a verbal commitment. On average, we nd this process takes around 45 days, which includes all onboarding eorts.

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| 131General Telehealth and BusinessDo hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services? ThriveHealth’s telehealth service, iThryveTM, has beautifully clear video and audio and is simple to use. ThriveHealth’s technology works in any browser; there is no need to download software. Patients don’t have to create an account or a password. One-click from a link via text or email (on a smartphone or computer) allows patients to easily and securely connect and engage in telehealth services.Broadband is dened by the FCC as having a bandwidth of at least 25Mbps download speed and 3Mbps upload speed. However, for a quality high-denition telehealth session, ThriveHealth recommends a synchronous connection with at least 5Mbps up\down available for the session. That being said, the telehealth session will be functional with far less and in extreme cases, the voice portion of a session can be moved to traditional telephone/cellphone as needed.Do you have an established client base in Illinois? Yes, we have clients in Illinois.How do you price your services? We have three service tiers with monthly and annual subscriptions. A brief consultation will help us understand members’ needs and allow us to identify a service plan that works best for them. Would you be willing to oer an ICAHN member discount for these services? ThriveHealth will oer special pricing to ICAHN members. Thrive Health will extend a 10% discount to individuals and 15% to groups over 10 members.

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132 | 2021 Telehealth Informational DirectoryAPPENDIX

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| 1331 | Page TeleHealth Vendor Request for Information (RFI) About ICAHN The Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network (ICAHN) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, established in 2003 for the purposes of sharing resources, education, promoting operational efficiencies, and improving health care services for our 57 member hospitals. Our mission is to strengthen critical access and other small, rural hospitals through collaboration, with an overarching goal of preserving access to rural healthcare while improving the vibrancy and viability of the communities they serve. ICAHN serves our members by:  Ensuring appropriate funding and financial resources for our members  Continued efforts to be a recognized resource on critical access hospitals and rural healthcare in Illinois  Promoting efficient use of information technology services for the network  Maintaining and further developing specific peer networks, activities, and Listservs that promote hospital operational efficiencies and connectivity  Offering ongoing educational opportunities and resources  Developing and offering projects that are self-sustaining and which add value to the organization and its members  Developing and offering shared services that offer value to members Opportunity Access to telehealth services increased greatly during the coronavirus disease pandemic. Even though telehealth resources existed prior to the pandemic, demand for these services has grown in response to the public health emergency. This has lent to an increased level of acceptance of virtual visits between patients and providers and demonstrates the convenience and efficiency that telehealth services offer. As the role and importance of telehealth and telemedicine have increased through the Covid pandemic, ICAHN member hospitals and clinics find themselves presented with numerous opportunities and solicitations from telehealth and telemedicine vendors.

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134 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory2 | Page Members have asked ICAHN to coordinate this Request for Information (RFI) with interested vendors, with the objective of gathering and compiling information that will assist our hospitals in comparing, evaluating and perhaps selecting a telehealth/telemed vendor. ICAHN will not recommend any particular vendor through this process; rather, it is our expectation that our members will use this information to make their own selections. (ICAHN has a Sponsorship and Business Partner Program that some telehealth/telemed vendors may currently participate in. This Program offers certain benefits and member connection opportunities that are only available to our business partners. Please contact Curt Zimmerman if you are interested in becoming an ICAHN business partner.) This RFI is being distributed to vendors on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 and responses will be collected through end of day on Wednesday, March 31, 2021. Please direct any questions or comments to Curt Zimmerman, Director of Business Services & Development at TeleHealth vs. TeleMedicine The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) defines telehealth as, “The use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health, and health administration. Technologies include videoconferencing, the internet, store-and-forward imaging, streaming media, and terrestrial and wireless communications.” Telehealth is different from telemedicine because it refers to a broader scope of remote health care services than telemedicine. While telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical service, telehealth can refer to remote non-clinical services, such as provider training, administrative meetings, and continuing medical education, in addition to clinical services. Telemedicine is not a substitute for all clinical interactions, but if used appropriately, it could supplement care provided in rural areas and improve access to important health care services and alleviate travel. For this RFI, we ask that your organization clearly define your services as being telehealth-focused, telemedicine-focused, or both.

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| 1353 | Page Vendor Information Please answer all questions that pertain to your organization and the services you offer, and feel free to use as much space as needed. You may also include attachments to supplement your RFI responses. Company Information Organization name: Corporate address: Years in Business: Primary contact name/title: Primary contact email: Primary contact phone: Primary contact years with this organization: Scope of Your Company Services and Programs What type of services do you provide? (Clinical telemedicine, e-ICU, remote monitoring, equipment, consulting, other) Please describe your unique qualifications/experience with these services that would benefit our members: Please describe your current target group for marketing your services/programs or equipment. (Small/rural, middle or large systems, other) Is your program/service revenue-generating for hospitals, clinics or medical providers or does it assist in the delivery of care? TeleMedicine Services - If your company offers tele-medicine services, please describe in more detail the types of clinical services offered: Are your providers licensed in Illinois? How are they vetted? Billable? What type of equipment do you use for assessment and communication?

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136 | 2021 Telehealth Informational Directory4 | Page What are the advantages of your tele-medicine services? Outcomes, improvement in care and access? Population served? Subscription cost and contract terms How long does it take to onboard a client? Credentialing? General Telehealth and Business Do hospitals have to have a certain bandwidth (broadband)? Are there any barriers to the provision of your telehealth programs or telemedicine services? Do you have an established client base in Illinois? How do you price your services? Would you be willing to offer an ICAHN member discount for these services? What is your expectation of being included in ICAHN directory?

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For more information, contact:Curt ZimmermanSr. Director, Business Services & Development815.875.2999 • 815.503.1731 (cell)