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2021 NWCC Directory

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2021 NWCC Officers CHAIR Linda Vance 360 520 4081 lvance42 q com VICE CHAIR Missy Neill 206 679 1892 missy_misfit yahoo com SECRETARY Cathy Glover 604 328 3814 cathyglover telus net TREASURER Shannon O Dell 509 951 8053 contactnwcc3 gmail com BOARD MEMBERS Kory Kumar 360 970 8766 kory kumar 7714 gmail com Jeri Stone 360 413 5017 sptspots q com NWCC Directory Publisher MAGIC LOOK PHOTO DESIGN Danyelle Harp 206 229 2424 danyelle magiclookdesign com www magiclookdesign com THANK YOU To Elizabeth Knight Photography and NWCC Members for supplying candid photos for the 2021 Directory Advertisers Index Ambition Performance Horses 28 Ami Bennett Agencies 74 Binkerd Performance Horses 47 California Paint Horse Club 70 Calli Rouse Show Horses Back Cover CP Custom Saddles 40 Double E Ranch 55 Elizabeth Knight Photography 63 Erin Wilson John L Scott 67 Hoofbeats Blankets 48 Idaho Paint Horse Club 65 JKD Tack 21 Karma Huff Training 52 Larson Performance Horses 45 46 Latham Joanna 66 Leeper Performance Horses 37 38 Lope On In 7 Lutz Sarah 64 Machine Made AQHA 71 Magic Look Photo Design 44 Ment To Be AQHA 71 Michael Davis Show Horses 29 32 Migtty Mouse AQHA ABRA 71 Oregon Paint Oregon Quarter Horse 27 Pacific Northwest Paint Horse Club 67 Satern Show Horses 72 1 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory Saur Training 8 Scooters Place 68 Snake River Paint Horse Club 61 Sparrow Show Horses 62 Sun Dun Zippo AQHA ABRA 9 Tall Timber 10 Tammy Mills Performance Horses 56 60 The Rail Co 71 Wagner Show Horses 53 54 Washington State Paint Horse Club 17 Washington State Quarter Horse 1 Weddle Pet 41 Whitt Show Horses 69 Wilson Show Horses 18 20 Windhorse Farm 66 Zone One 22 NWCC Contents Membership List 33 36 39 40 42 43 Rules Regulations 49 51 2020 High Point Reserve Winners 11 16 2020 Year End Results 23 26 2021 Member Clubs 3 4 2021 Shows Events 5 6 2022 Directory Information 73 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2

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2021 NWCC Officers CHAIR Linda Vance 360 520 4081 lvance42 q com VICE CHAIR Missy Neill 206 679 1892 missy_misfit yahoo com SECRETARY Cathy Glover 604 328 3814 cathyglover telus net TREASURER Shannon O Dell 509 951 8053 contactnwcc3 gmail com BOARD MEMBERS Kory Kumar 360 970 8766 kory kumar 7714 gmail com Jeri Stone 360 413 5017 sptspots q com NWCC Directory Publisher MAGIC LOOK PHOTO DESIGN Danyelle Harp 206 229 2424 danyelle magiclookdesign com www magiclookdesign com THANK YOU To Elizabeth Knight Photography and NWCC Members for supplying candid photos for the 2021 Directory Advertisers Index Ambition Performance Horses 28 Ami Bennett Agencies 74 Binkerd Performance Horses 47 California Paint Horse Club 70 Calli Rouse Show Horses Back Cover CP Custom Saddles 40 Double E Ranch 55 Elizabeth Knight Photography 63 Erin Wilson John L Scott 67 Hoofbeats Blankets 48 Idaho Paint Horse Club 65 JKD Tack 21 Karma Huff Training 52 Larson Performance Horses 45 46 Latham Joanna 66 Leeper Performance Horses 37 38 Lope On In 7 Lutz Sarah 64 Machine Made AQHA 71 Magic Look Photo Design 44 Ment To Be AQHA 71 Michael Davis Show Horses 29 32 Migtty Mouse AQHA ABRA 71 Oregon Paint Oregon Quarter Horse 27 Pacific Northwest Paint Horse Club 67 Satern Show Horses 72 1 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory Saur Training 8 Scooters Place 68 Snake River Paint Horse Club 61 Sparrow Show Horses 62 Sun Dun Zippo AQHA ABRA 9 Tall Timber 10 Tammy Mills Performance Horses 56 60 The Rail Co 71 Wagner Show Horses 53 54 Washington State Paint Horse Club 17 Washington State Quarter Horse 1 Weddle Pet 41 Whitt Show Horses 69 Wilson Show Horses 18 20 Windhorse Farm 66 Zone One 22 NWCC Contents Membership List 33 36 39 40 42 43 Rules Regulations 49 51 2020 High Point Reserve Winners 11 16 2020 Year End Results 23 26 2021 Member Clubs 3 4 2021 Shows Events 5 6 2022 Directory Information 73 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2

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PACIFIC NORTHWEST PAINT HORSE CLUB BRITISH COLUMBIA PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW BCPHC COM Club President Cathy Glover 604 328 3814 cathyglover telus net Club Secretary Devon Smith 778 886 3814 devonalexandras gmail com NWCC Delegates Cathy Glover 604 328 3814 cathyglover telus net Dianne Rouse 604 530 3366 badgal7 icloud com NWCC Alternates Tamara Jameson 604 837 2176 tamarajameson hotmail com Becky Herford 778 989 4624 chicklet1976 live com IDAHO PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW IDAHOPAINTHORSECLUB COM Club President Aimee Hall 208 371 7429 dustn4prnts yahoo com Club Secretary Shawn Charters 208 830 6123 chartersconsulting gmail com NWCC Delegates Earlynn Chase 208 965 9692 earlynnchase gmail com Megan Dulin 956 245 9935 megallyn5 gmail com INLAND NORTHWEST PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW INPHC COM Club President Lanay Hambrook 509 627 4641 lanay hambrook gmail com Club Secretary Shannon O Dell 509 951 8053 contactinphc gmail com NWCC Delegates Shannon O Dell 509 951 8053 contactinphc gmail com Lanay Hambrook 509 627 4641 lanay hambrook gmail com NWCC Alternates Beth Brubaker 208 772 4312 bethbr inventidaho com OREGON PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW OREGONPAINTHORSECLUB COM Club President Kenny Strohecker 503 991 1753 Club Secretary Delany Wurdinger 503 209 7598 delany09 gmail com NWCC Delegates Natasha Steele 503 956 3528 natashatjaarda hotmail com Kathy Parker 541 619 2851 kparker smt net com NWCC Alternates Delany Wurdinger 503 209 7598 delany09 gmail com Dale Parker 3 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory WWW PNPHC COM Club President Staci Johnson 360 708 2749 sawhitford85 live com Club Secretary Tabitha Whitford 360 941 4430 twhitford87 hotmail com NWCC Delegates Staci Johnson 360 708 2749 sawhitford85 live com Lola Whitford 360 202 6508 sqpaints frontier com SNAKE RIVER PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW SRPHC ORG Club President Carol Bock 775 867 4440 rbock oasisol com Club Secretary Roy Bock 775 867 4441 rbock oasisol com NWCC Delegates Tom Black 208 353 7443 treasuresofthevalley yahoo com John Mejia 602 620 9380 SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW SWWPHC COM Club President Niki Slattery Abilla 360 909 5775 nikithehorsenut aol com Club Secretary Kory Kumar 360 970 8766 kory kumar 7714 gmail com NWCC Delegates Linda Vance 360 520 4081 lvance42 q com Niki Slattery Abilla 360 909 5775 nikithehorsenut aol com NWCC Alternates Kory Kumar 360 970 8766 kory kumar 7714 gmail com Kathy Tuttle 971 219 0792 majesticskyfarms comcast net WASHINGTON STATE PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW WSPHC NET Club President Patty Baker 360 280 1827 bakerstable hotmail com Club Secretary Christine Hackworth chackworth79 gmail com NWCC Delegates Melissa Neill 206 679 1892 missy_misfit yahoo com Monica Webb 360 480 0582 bakerstable hotmail com NWCC Alternates Shawn Kingma 206 794 1883 shawnkingma gmail com Jeri Stone 360 413 5017 sptspots q com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 4

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PACIFIC NORTHWEST PAINT HORSE CLUB BRITISH COLUMBIA PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW BCPHC COM Club President Cathy Glover 604 328 3814 cathyglover telus net Club Secretary Devon Smith 778 886 3814 devonalexandras gmail com NWCC Delegates Cathy Glover 604 328 3814 cathyglover telus net Dianne Rouse 604 530 3366 badgal7 icloud com NWCC Alternates Tamara Jameson 604 837 2176 tamarajameson hotmail com Becky Herford 778 989 4624 chicklet1976 live com IDAHO PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW IDAHOPAINTHORSECLUB COM Club President Aimee Hall 208 371 7429 dustn4prnts yahoo com Club Secretary Shawn Charters 208 830 6123 chartersconsulting gmail com NWCC Delegates Earlynn Chase 208 965 9692 earlynnchase gmail com Megan Dulin 956 245 9935 megallyn5 gmail com INLAND NORTHWEST PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW INPHC COM Club President Lanay Hambrook 509 627 4641 lanay hambrook gmail com Club Secretary Shannon O Dell 509 951 8053 contactinphc gmail com NWCC Delegates Shannon O Dell 509 951 8053 contactinphc gmail com Lanay Hambrook 509 627 4641 lanay hambrook gmail com NWCC Alternates Beth Brubaker 208 772 4312 bethbr inventidaho com OREGON PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW OREGONPAINTHORSECLUB COM Club President Kenny Strohecker 503 991 1753 Club Secretary Delany Wurdinger 503 209 7598 delany09 gmail com NWCC Delegates Natasha Steele 503 956 3528 natashatjaarda hotmail com Kathy Parker 541 619 2851 kparker smt net com NWCC Alternates Delany Wurdinger 503 209 7598 delany09 gmail com Dale Parker 3 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory WWW PNPHC COM Club President Staci Johnson 360 708 2749 sawhitford85 live com Club Secretary Tabitha Whitford 360 941 4430 twhitford87 hotmail com NWCC Delegates Staci Johnson 360 708 2749 sawhitford85 live com Lola Whitford 360 202 6508 sqpaints frontier com SNAKE RIVER PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW SRPHC ORG Club President Carol Bock 775 867 4440 rbock oasisol com Club Secretary Roy Bock 775 867 4441 rbock oasisol com NWCC Delegates Tom Black 208 353 7443 treasuresofthevalley yahoo com John Mejia 602 620 9380 SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW SWWPHC COM Club President Niki Slattery Abilla 360 909 5775 nikithehorsenut aol com Club Secretary Kory Kumar 360 970 8766 kory kumar 7714 gmail com NWCC Delegates Linda Vance 360 520 4081 lvance42 q com Niki Slattery Abilla 360 909 5775 nikithehorsenut aol com NWCC Alternates Kory Kumar 360 970 8766 kory kumar 7714 gmail com Kathy Tuttle 971 219 0792 majesticskyfarms comcast net WASHINGTON STATE PAINT HORSE CLUB WWW WSPHC NET Club President Patty Baker 360 280 1827 bakerstable hotmail com Club Secretary Christine Hackworth chackworth79 gmail com NWCC Delegates Melissa Neill 206 679 1892 missy_misfit yahoo com Monica Webb 360 480 0582 bakerstable hotmail com NWCC Alternates Shawn Kingma 206 794 1883 shawnkingma gmail com Jeri Stone 360 413 5017 sptspots q com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 4

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ISHSA Spring Double Point and APHA Show APRIL 2 4 2021 IDAHO HORSE PARK NAMPA ID Idaho Paint Horse Club www idahopainthorseclub com 2 Judges APHA All Breed Classes Zone One INPHC Summer Spectacular AUGUST 10 15 2021 FORD IDAHO HORSE PARK NAMPA ID www zoneone apha com August 10 APHA CHAMPS Classes Zone One 6 Judges Awards to Class Average 1 3 INPHC Jackpot Futurity Classes Show Bucks for Class Awards Painted N Sterling Spring Classic APRIL 24 25 2021 OREGON HORSE CENTER EUGENE OR Oregon Paint Horse Club www oregonpainthorseclub com 4 Judges Top 5 High Point Awards 400 Circuit Flat Fee Painted N Sterling Fall Classic SEPTEMBER 4 5 2021 OREGON HORSE CENTER EUGENE OR Oregon Paint Horse Club www oregonpainthorseclub com Splash of Colors MAY 8 9 2021 NW WASHINGTON EVENT CENTER LYNDEN WA Pacific Northwest Paint Horse Club www pnphc com 4 Judges APHA All Breed Classes Splash of Colors on Facebook 4 Judges Top 5 High Point Awards Beginner Buckle Classes Northwest Emerald SEPTEMBER 9 12 2021 EVERGREEN STATE FAIRGROUNDS MONROE WA Washington State Quarter Horse Association www swwphc com www wsqha com Casino Royale Silver Supreme 4 Judges APHA AQHA Classes SWWPHC NWCC Approved MAY 13 18 2021 WINNEMUCCA COMPLEX WINNEMUCA NV Snake River Paint Horse Club www srphc org 8 Judges APHA AQHA All Breed Classes NSBA Approved Futurities Jackpots Trophy Saddles Buckles Tall Timber Circuit JUNE 5 6 2021 TACOMA UNIT SPANAWAY WA Tall Timber www talltimbercircuit com 2 Judges APHA ApHC and All Breed Classes Star Spangled Classic JULY 23 25 2021 EVERGREEN STATE FAIRGROUNDS MONROE WA Washington State Paint Horse Club www wsphc net 6 Judges Dual APHA Show All Breed Classes CHAMPS Classes Summer Color Classic AUGUST 6 8 2021 FORD IDAHO HORSE PARK NAMPA ID Idaho Paint Horse Club www idahopainthorseclub com 4 Judges APHA ApHC Classes 200 Youth Day Fee 5 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 6

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ISHSA Spring Double Point and APHA Show APRIL 2 4 2021 IDAHO HORSE PARK NAMPA ID Idaho Paint Horse Club www idahopainthorseclub com 2 Judges APHA All Breed Classes Zone One INPHC Summer Spectacular AUGUST 10 15 2021 FORD IDAHO HORSE PARK NAMPA ID www zoneone apha com August 10 APHA CHAMPS Classes Zone One 6 Judges Awards to Class Average 1 3 INPHC Jackpot Futurity Classes Show Bucks for Class Awards Painted N Sterling Spring Classic APRIL 24 25 2021 OREGON HORSE CENTER EUGENE OR Oregon Paint Horse Club www oregonpainthorseclub com 4 Judges Top 5 High Point Awards 400 Circuit Flat Fee Painted N Sterling Fall Classic SEPTEMBER 4 5 2021 OREGON HORSE CENTER EUGENE OR Oregon Paint Horse Club www oregonpainthorseclub com Splash of Colors MAY 8 9 2021 NW WASHINGTON EVENT CENTER LYNDEN WA Pacific Northwest Paint Horse Club www pnphc com 4 Judges APHA All Breed Classes Splash of Colors on Facebook 4 Judges Top 5 High Point Awards Beginner Buckle Classes Northwest Emerald SEPTEMBER 9 12 2021 EVERGREEN STATE FAIRGROUNDS MONROE WA Washington State Quarter Horse Association www swwphc com www wsqha com Casino Royale Silver Supreme 4 Judges APHA AQHA Classes SWWPHC NWCC Approved MAY 13 18 2021 WINNEMUCCA COMPLEX WINNEMUCA NV Snake River Paint Horse Club www srphc org 8 Judges APHA AQHA All Breed Classes NSBA Approved Futurities Jackpots Trophy Saddles Buckles Tall Timber Circuit JUNE 5 6 2021 TACOMA UNIT SPANAWAY WA Tall Timber www talltimbercircuit com 2 Judges APHA ApHC and All Breed Classes Star Spangled Classic JULY 23 25 2021 EVERGREEN STATE FAIRGROUNDS MONROE WA Washington State Paint Horse Club www wsphc net 6 Judges Dual APHA Show All Breed Classes CHAMPS Classes Summer Color Classic AUGUST 6 8 2021 FORD IDAHO HORSE PARK NAMPA ID Idaho Paint Horse Club www idahopainthorseclub com 4 Judges APHA ApHC Classes 200 Youth Day Fee 5 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 6

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AVA LINTON BATT GIRL LOPIN HIGH POINT YOUTH 13 UNDER HIGH POINT JUNIOR HORSE I would like to thank NWCC for these awards Batt Girl Lopin and I are a new pair so I am extremely proud of everything we accomplished in 2020 While Ruby and I definitely had our struggles we ended the year a team I couldn t have gotten through this challenging year without Ruby my Wilson Show Horses family and my parents COLTEN DULIN MS SUPREME BONANZA RES HIGH POINT YOUTH 13 UNDER KARA JOHNSON JUSTA LOPENBY THE BAY HIGH POINT YOUTH WALK TROT It was a good but short year starting with a couple virtual shows for some intense practice Thank you to Snake River for a fabulous show in the sun and for adding Youth Walk Trot Ranch classes allowing mom and I to both show I also earned my first ROM in Showmanship A big thank you to Melissa Neal for all the help to make me a more confident rider We are looking forward to a busier 2021 MATTHEW AVERILL TOTALL DARKNESS RES HIGH POINT YOUTH WALK TROT ASIA REICH MAKE IT A DOUBLE PLZ HIGH POINT YOUTH 14 18 HIGH POINT NOVICE YOUTH I am so honored to win this award Romie and I have been a team for 3 years now The moment I met him I knew we would be an amazing team He has brought so much joy into my life he truly is one of a kind His kindness and willingness to perform is so astonishing I never thought I could have this strong of a connection with any horse before I met my sweet Romeo I would like to thank my trainer Amber Duckett for all her guidance this past year I would also like to thank my parents for their love and support of my passion CODY DULIN OH SO LICIOUS RES HIGH POINT YOUTH 14 18 EMILY TUMA THE PERFECT MACHINE HIGH POINT AMATEUR Bentley is one of those once in a lifetime horses that is special for so many reasons He doesn t love just anyone and you have to earn his trust I think that is what makes our bond so unique We have spent the last 3 years growing as a team learning new events together but more importantly learning how to trust each other He is a goofball that loves sweets more than I do and he is a big sweetheart behind that shark face he gives you when you see him in his stall I am so excited to continue this partnership with Bentley and see where we end up STACI JOHNSON JUSTA LOPENBY THE BAY RES HIGH POINT AMATEUR BRYANNA CARNEY TOP HATS ONLY RES HIGH POINT NOVICE YOUTH 11 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 12

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AVA LINTON BATT GIRL LOPIN HIGH POINT YOUTH 13 UNDER HIGH POINT JUNIOR HORSE I would like to thank NWCC for these awards Batt Girl Lopin and I are a new pair so I am extremely proud of everything we accomplished in 2020 While Ruby and I definitely had our struggles we ended the year a team I couldn t have gotten through this challenging year without Ruby my Wilson Show Horses family and my parents COLTEN DULIN MS SUPREME BONANZA RES HIGH POINT YOUTH 13 UNDER KARA JOHNSON JUSTA LOPENBY THE BAY HIGH POINT YOUTH WALK TROT It was a good but short year starting with a couple virtual shows for some intense practice Thank you to Snake River for a fabulous show in the sun and for adding Youth Walk Trot Ranch classes allowing mom and I to both show I also earned my first ROM in Showmanship A big thank you to Melissa Neal for all the help to make me a more confident rider We are looking forward to a busier 2021 MATTHEW AVERILL TOTALL DARKNESS RES HIGH POINT YOUTH WALK TROT ASIA REICH MAKE IT A DOUBLE PLZ HIGH POINT YOUTH 14 18 HIGH POINT NOVICE YOUTH I am so honored to win this award Romie and I have been a team for 3 years now The moment I met him I knew we would be an amazing team He has brought so much joy into my life he truly is one of a kind His kindness and willingness to perform is so astonishing I never thought I could have this strong of a connection with any horse before I met my sweet Romeo I would like to thank my trainer Amber Duckett for all her guidance this past year I would also like to thank my parents for their love and support of my passion CODY DULIN OH SO LICIOUS RES HIGH POINT YOUTH 14 18 EMILY TUMA THE PERFECT MACHINE HIGH POINT AMATEUR Bentley is one of those once in a lifetime horses that is special for so many reasons He doesn t love just anyone and you have to earn his trust I think that is what makes our bond so unique We have spent the last 3 years growing as a team learning new events together but more importantly learning how to trust each other He is a goofball that loves sweets more than I do and he is a big sweetheart behind that shark face he gives you when you see him in his stall I am so excited to continue this partnership with Bentley and see where we end up STACI JOHNSON JUSTA LOPENBY THE BAY RES HIGH POINT AMATEUR BRYANNA CARNEY TOP HATS ONLY RES HIGH POINT NOVICE YOUTH 11 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 12

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CHELBY PROCTOR LETSGETREADYTOPARTE HIGH POINT AMATEUR MASTERS Letsgetreadytoparte Rowdy and I have been a team for 12 years We have had a successful show career together however we were able to add a Western National Championship in the Master Amateur Western Riding to our resume this year quite an accomplishment Yes 2020 was challenging but looking forward to see what 2021 has instore Good luck to all and looking forward to a fun filled 2021 show season EVETTE HART ELITE LE ZIPPED UP RES HIGH POINT AMATEUR MASTERS SUSAN GIESE GSH SILENT ARTIST HIGH POINT WALK TROT AMATEUR What a ride 2020 has been a challenging year in many ways The riding front has given me many firsts this year PRODIGIOUS thank you to hubby Mike Anthony of Wilson Show Horses for expanding my knowledge tool box to be better prepared for the show ring From Squirrel not standing at the start cone to earning Superior and honor roll top 10 in APHA HMS has been nothing short of amazing I look forward to more new experiences in the coming year Thank you everyone for your friendship and support and here s to future shenanigans Thank You AMANDA BENNETT SENSATIONAL EFFECT RES HIGH POINT WALK TROT AMATEUR TERESA IRVIN GOOD GIRL GONE BAD HIGH POINT NOVICE AMATEUR Meeting Laura Satern in April of 2019 was a dream come true She started my beautiful two year old Cooper and the following year we found Lily In spite of the Covid pandemic I learned so much from both Laura and Lily in our two show trips in 2020 Laura added HUS Equitation and Trail to her repertoire and Lily excelled in those events also In limited showing Lily earned four ROMs two Novice Amateur High Points and completed 2020 by brining home the Novice Amateur Championship with Matt Culley at the APHA Western Championship I am honored that Lily and I finished 2020 with this Zone 1 Award SARAH LUTZ FANCY WHITE NIKES RES HIGH POINT NOVICE AMATEUR 13 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory OCEANS OF ASSETS OWNED BY MELISSA NEILL HIGH POINT HALTER GELDINGS 2020 was definitely an interesting year with many obstacles and changes Rip and I managed to weather the storm of changes and adversity and come away with the High Point Halter Geldings Award Along with this High Point Award Rip was also the 2020 National Champion in the Amateur Performance Geldings and Reserve National Champion in the Open Performance Geldings His success in the Halter also allowed him to finish his APHA Championship at just five years old Many thanks to Baker Training Stable Matt Henderson and my teammates for helping us along the way Dreams really do come true A GOOD MECHANIC OWNED BY SHERRI ROSSMILLER RES HIGH POINT HALTER GELDINGS 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 14

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CHELBY PROCTOR LETSGETREADYTOPARTE HIGH POINT AMATEUR MASTERS Letsgetreadytoparte Rowdy and I have been a team for 12 years We have had a successful show career together however we were able to add a Western National Championship in the Master Amateur Western Riding to our resume this year quite an accomplishment Yes 2020 was challenging but looking forward to see what 2021 has instore Good luck to all and looking forward to a fun filled 2021 show season EVETTE HART ELITE LE ZIPPED UP RES HIGH POINT AMATEUR MASTERS SUSAN GIESE GSH SILENT ARTIST HIGH POINT WALK TROT AMATEUR What a ride 2020 has been a challenging year in many ways The riding front has given me many firsts this year PRODIGIOUS thank you to hubby Mike Anthony of Wilson Show Horses for expanding my knowledge tool box to be better prepared for the show ring From Squirrel not standing at the start cone to earning Superior and honor roll top 10 in APHA HMS has been nothing short of amazing I look forward to more new experiences in the coming year Thank you everyone for your friendship and support and here s to future shenanigans Thank You AMANDA BENNETT SENSATIONAL EFFECT RES HIGH POINT WALK TROT AMATEUR TERESA IRVIN GOOD GIRL GONE BAD HIGH POINT NOVICE AMATEUR Meeting Laura Satern in April of 2019 was a dream come true She started my beautiful two year old Cooper and the following year we found Lily In spite of the Covid pandemic I learned so much from both Laura and Lily in our two show trips in 2020 Laura added HUS Equitation and Trail to her repertoire and Lily excelled in those events also In limited showing Lily earned four ROMs two Novice Amateur High Points and completed 2020 by brining home the Novice Amateur Championship with Matt Culley at the APHA Western Championship I am honored that Lily and I finished 2020 with this Zone 1 Award SARAH LUTZ FANCY WHITE NIKES RES HIGH POINT NOVICE AMATEUR 13 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory OCEANS OF ASSETS OWNED BY MELISSA NEILL HIGH POINT HALTER GELDINGS 2020 was definitely an interesting year with many obstacles and changes Rip and I managed to weather the storm of changes and adversity and come away with the High Point Halter Geldings Award Along with this High Point Award Rip was also the 2020 National Champion in the Amateur Performance Geldings and Reserve National Champion in the Open Performance Geldings His success in the Halter also allowed him to finish his APHA Championship at just five years old Many thanks to Baker Training Stable Matt Henderson and my teammates for helping us along the way Dreams really do come true A GOOD MECHANIC OWNED BY SHERRI ROSSMILLER RES HIGH POINT HALTER GELDINGS 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 14

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LINE UP FOR CANDY OWNED BY KENNA SLATER HIGH POINT HALTER MARES The moment I saw Eve I knew she was special I was looking for a horse that was strong in Western Pleasure and WOW what a bonus to have her be just as strong in Halter Thank you Matt and Erin Henderson for doing such an amazing job showing Eve Thank you Monica Webb for finding and training our Princess It s a group effort and I have an amazing crew to do this with BATT GIRL LOPIN OWNED BY AVA LINTON RES HIGH POINT HALTER MARES JUSTA LOPENBY THE BAY OWNED BY LOLA WHITFORD HIGH POINT SENIOR HORSE Reba and I had a short but successful 2020 show season finishing in 10th place for Zone One Open and 7th place in Zone One Amateur We have earned a total of 8 ROM s 1 Superior and an Amateur Versatility award It s been so much fun training and showing this versatile mare Thank you Melissa Neal for all of your guidance and advice and thank you to my mom for hauling and supporting us It is now time to turn Reba over to my daughter LAWLESS ZIPPOS OWNED BY KIMBERLY BASTERRECHEA RES HIGH POINT SENIOR HORSE BEST DON T DOUBT OWNED BY EVETTE HART HIGH POINT GREEN HORSE Best Don t Doubt also known as Whitney had an exciting year for the limited number of shows This mare under the guidance of Monica Webb is like watching poetry in motion It is truly inspiring to watch Monica navigate Whitney and continually set the bar for such great horsemanship I am excited for the years ahead and a big congratulations to Whitney and Monica this year SENSATIONAL GUCCI OWNED BY PATRICIA BROWN RES HIGH POINT GREEN HORSE HALTER STALLIONS SOLID PAINT BRED YOUTH SOLID PAINT BRED OPEN SOLID PAINT BRED OPEN HIGH POINT ALL AROUND NONE QUALIFIED OPEN TO ALL BREEDS YEAR END DIVISIONS LANAY HAMBROOK MY SCARLET CAMEO HIGH POINT IN HAND DIVISION NO PICTURE JAMECE VINCENT LIVN SENSATION ALL HIGH POINT WESTERN DIVISION HIGH POINT EQUITATION DIVISION HIGH POINT ENGLISH DIVISION Names with an asterik Did not have enough points to win an award 15 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 16

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LINE UP FOR CANDY OWNED BY KENNA SLATER HIGH POINT HALTER MARES The moment I saw Eve I knew she was special I was looking for a horse that was strong in Western Pleasure and WOW what a bonus to have her be just as strong in Halter Thank you Matt and Erin Henderson for doing such an amazing job showing Eve Thank you Monica Webb for finding and training our Princess It s a group effort and I have an amazing crew to do this with BATT GIRL LOPIN OWNED BY AVA LINTON RES HIGH POINT HALTER MARES JUSTA LOPENBY THE BAY OWNED BY LOLA WHITFORD HIGH POINT SENIOR HORSE Reba and I had a short but successful 2020 show season finishing in 10th place for Zone One Open and 7th place in Zone One Amateur We have earned a total of 8 ROM s 1 Superior and an Amateur Versatility award It s been so much fun training and showing this versatile mare Thank you Melissa Neal for all of your guidance and advice and thank you to my mom for hauling and supporting us It is now time to turn Reba over to my daughter LAWLESS ZIPPOS OWNED BY KIMBERLY BASTERRECHEA RES HIGH POINT SENIOR HORSE BEST DON T DOUBT OWNED BY EVETTE HART HIGH POINT GREEN HORSE Best Don t Doubt also known as Whitney had an exciting year for the limited number of shows This mare under the guidance of Monica Webb is like watching poetry in motion It is truly inspiring to watch Monica navigate Whitney and continually set the bar for such great horsemanship I am excited for the years ahead and a big congratulations to Whitney and Monica this year SENSATIONAL GUCCI OWNED BY PATRICIA BROWN RES HIGH POINT GREEN HORSE HALTER STALLIONS SOLID PAINT BRED YOUTH SOLID PAINT BRED OPEN SOLID PAINT BRED OPEN HIGH POINT ALL AROUND NONE QUALIFIED OPEN TO ALL BREEDS YEAR END DIVISIONS LANAY HAMBROOK MY SCARLET CAMEO HIGH POINT IN HAND DIVISION NO PICTURE JAMECE VINCENT LIVN SENSATION ALL HIGH POINT WESTERN DIVISION HIGH POINT EQUITATION DIVISION HIGH POINT ENGLISH DIVISION Names with an asterik Did not have enough points to win an award 15 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 16

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NOVICE YOUTH NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER SHOWMANSHIP NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER HUNT SEAT EQUITATION Justa Lopenby The Bay Staci Johnson 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich YOUTH WALK TROT YTH WALK TROT 11 18 HORSEMANSHIP 1 Justa Lopenby The Bay Kara Johnson YTH WALK TROT 11 18 HUNT SEAT EQUITATION 1 Justa Lopenby The Bay Kara Johnson YTH WALK TROT 11 18 HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Totall Darkness Matthew Averill YTH WALK TROT 11 18 RANCH PLEASURE Justa Lopenby The Bay Kara Johnson YTH WALK TROT 11 18 RANCH TRAIL Justa Lopenby The Bay Kara Johnson YTH WALK TROT 11 18 SHOWMANSHIP 1 Justa Lopenby The Bay Kara Johnson YTH WALK TROT 11 18 WESTERN PLEASURE Totall Darkness Matthew Averill YTH WALK TROT 11 18 TRAIL Totall Darkness Matthew Averill AMATEUR TRAIL WALK TROT 1 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese 2 Sensational Effect Amanda Boal Bennett AMATEUR WESTERN PLEASURE WALK TROT 1 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese 2 A Good Mechanic Sherri Rossmiller YOUTH YOUTH HORSEMANSHIP 13 UNDER 1 MS Supreme Bonanza Colten Dulin YOUTH HORSEMANSHIP 18 UNDER 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER HUNTER UNDER SADDLE 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich 2 Top Hats Only Bryanna Carney NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER HORSEMANSHIP 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich 2 Oh So Licious Cody Dulin NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER WESTERN PLEASURE 1 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton 2 Top Hats Only Bryanna Carney NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER TRAIL AM RANCH HORSE RAIL PLEASURE ALL AGES Justa Lopenby The Bay Staci Johnson AM RANCH HORSE REINING ALL AGES Justa Lopenby The Bay Staci Johnson AM RANCH HORSE RIDING ALL AGES Justa Lopenby The Bay Staci Johnson AM RANCH HORSE TRAIL ALL AGES Justa Lopenby The Bay Staci Johnson AM SHOWMANSHIP 1 Taylormade For Kissin Aurora Wales AM SHOWMANSHIP MASTERS 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich 2 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton 1 Letsgetreadytoparte Chelby Proctor YOUTH HUNT SEAT EQUITATION 18 UNDER YOUTH LEADLINE 1 The Perfect Machine Emily Tuma MS Supreme Bonanza Colten Dulin 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich YOUTH HUNTER UNDER SADDLE 13 UNDER MS Supreme Bonanza Colten Dulin YOUTH HUNTER UNDER SADDLE 18 UNDER 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich YTH WALK TROT 5 10 TRAIL Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton The Macho Link Olive Slattery 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich 2 Top Hats Only Bryanna Carney AM RANCH HORSE PLEASURE ALL AGES YOUTH HUNT SEAT EQUITATION 13 UNDER YTH WALK TROT 5 10 WESTERN PLEASURE The Macho Link Olive Slattery AM HUNTER UNDER SADDLE MASTERS None Declared YOUTH SHOWMANSHIP 13 UNDER YOUTH SHOWMANSHIP 18 UNDER 1 Brooke Smith Whata Special Asset 2 Landon Fricke Alotta Vested Pine Kendal Bennett Sensational Effect Blake Boyles MSF Im Finely First Grace Garton Frosted Iron Brooke Giuetetti Lawless Zippos Elle McGuire Line Em Up Nicolas Abilla The Macho Link AM TRAIL AM TRAIL MASTERS 1 Elite Le Zipped Up Evette Hart AM WESTERN PLEASURE 1 Line Up For Candy Kenna Slater 2 The Perfect Machine Emily Tuma AM WESTERN PLEASURE MASTERS AMATEUR Elite Le Zipped Up Evette Hart The Perfect Machine Emily Tuma AM HORSEMANSHIP AM WESTERN RIDING AMATEUR WALK TROT 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich 2 Top Hats Only Bryanna Carney 1 The Perfect Machine Emily Tuma 1 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese 2 Tazs Painted Lil Lad Susan Perry YOUTH TRAIL 13 UNDER No Qualifier 1 Elite Le Zipped Up Evette Hart 2 Letsgetreadytoparte Chelby Proctor 1 Good Girls Gone Bad Teresa Irvin YOUTH TRAIL 18 UNDER AM HUNT SEAT EQUITATION 1 Good Girl Gone Bad Teresa Irvin 2 Fancy White Nikes Sarah Lutz AMATEUR HORSEMANSHIP WALK TROT AMATEUR HUNT SEAT EQUITATION WALK TROT 1 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese AMATEUR HUNTER UNDER SADDLE WALK TROT 1 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese AMATEUR SHOWMANSHIP WALK TROT 1 Oceans Of Assets Melissa Neill 2 Tazs Painted Lil Lad Susan Perry 23 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich YOUTH WESTERN PLEASURE 13 UNDER 1 MS Supreme Bonanza Colten Dulin YOUTH WESTERN PLEASURE 18 UNDER 1 Oh So Licious Cody Dulin AM HORSEMANSHIP MASTERS The Perfect Machine Emily Tuma AM HUNT SEAT EQUITATION MASTERS 1 Letsgetreadytoparte Chelby Proctor AM HUNTER UNDER SADDLE NOVICE AM HORSEMANSHIP NOVICE AM HUNT SEAT EQUITATION NOVICE AM HUNTER UNDER SADDLE 1 Heza Ginger Sensation Shawn Kingma 2 Fancy White Nikes Sarah Lutz Totall Darkness Carrie Averill 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 24

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NOVICE YOUTH NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER SHOWMANSHIP NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER HUNT SEAT EQUITATION Justa Lopenby The Bay Staci Johnson 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich YOUTH WALK TROT YTH WALK TROT 11 18 HORSEMANSHIP 1 Justa Lopenby The Bay Kara Johnson YTH WALK TROT 11 18 HUNT SEAT EQUITATION 1 Justa Lopenby The Bay Kara Johnson YTH WALK TROT 11 18 HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Totall Darkness Matthew Averill YTH WALK TROT 11 18 RANCH PLEASURE Justa Lopenby The Bay Kara Johnson YTH WALK TROT 11 18 RANCH TRAIL Justa Lopenby The Bay Kara Johnson YTH WALK TROT 11 18 SHOWMANSHIP 1 Justa Lopenby The Bay Kara Johnson YTH WALK TROT 11 18 WESTERN PLEASURE Totall Darkness Matthew Averill YTH WALK TROT 11 18 TRAIL Totall Darkness Matthew Averill AMATEUR TRAIL WALK TROT 1 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese 2 Sensational Effect Amanda Boal Bennett AMATEUR WESTERN PLEASURE WALK TROT 1 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese 2 A Good Mechanic Sherri Rossmiller YOUTH YOUTH HORSEMANSHIP 13 UNDER 1 MS Supreme Bonanza Colten Dulin YOUTH HORSEMANSHIP 18 UNDER 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER HUNTER UNDER SADDLE 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich 2 Top Hats Only Bryanna Carney NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER HORSEMANSHIP 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich 2 Oh So Licious Cody Dulin NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER WESTERN PLEASURE 1 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton 2 Top Hats Only Bryanna Carney NOVICE YTH 18 UNDER TRAIL AM RANCH HORSE RAIL PLEASURE ALL AGES Justa Lopenby The Bay Staci Johnson AM RANCH HORSE REINING ALL AGES Justa Lopenby The Bay Staci Johnson AM RANCH HORSE RIDING ALL AGES Justa Lopenby The Bay Staci Johnson AM RANCH HORSE TRAIL ALL AGES Justa Lopenby The Bay Staci Johnson AM SHOWMANSHIP 1 Taylormade For Kissin Aurora Wales AM SHOWMANSHIP MASTERS 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich 2 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton 1 Letsgetreadytoparte Chelby Proctor YOUTH HUNT SEAT EQUITATION 18 UNDER YOUTH LEADLINE 1 The Perfect Machine Emily Tuma MS Supreme Bonanza Colten Dulin 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich YOUTH HUNTER UNDER SADDLE 13 UNDER MS Supreme Bonanza Colten Dulin YOUTH HUNTER UNDER SADDLE 18 UNDER 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich YTH WALK TROT 5 10 TRAIL Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton The Macho Link Olive Slattery 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich 2 Top Hats Only Bryanna Carney AM RANCH HORSE PLEASURE ALL AGES YOUTH HUNT SEAT EQUITATION 13 UNDER YTH WALK TROT 5 10 WESTERN PLEASURE The Macho Link Olive Slattery AM HUNTER UNDER SADDLE MASTERS None Declared YOUTH SHOWMANSHIP 13 UNDER YOUTH SHOWMANSHIP 18 UNDER 1 Brooke Smith Whata Special Asset 2 Landon Fricke Alotta Vested Pine Kendal Bennett Sensational Effect Blake Boyles MSF Im Finely First Grace Garton Frosted Iron Brooke Giuetetti Lawless Zippos Elle McGuire Line Em Up Nicolas Abilla The Macho Link AM TRAIL AM TRAIL MASTERS 1 Elite Le Zipped Up Evette Hart AM WESTERN PLEASURE 1 Line Up For Candy Kenna Slater 2 The Perfect Machine Emily Tuma AM WESTERN PLEASURE MASTERS AMATEUR Elite Le Zipped Up Evette Hart The Perfect Machine Emily Tuma AM HORSEMANSHIP AM WESTERN RIDING AMATEUR WALK TROT 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich 2 Top Hats Only Bryanna Carney 1 The Perfect Machine Emily Tuma 1 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese 2 Tazs Painted Lil Lad Susan Perry YOUTH TRAIL 13 UNDER No Qualifier 1 Elite Le Zipped Up Evette Hart 2 Letsgetreadytoparte Chelby Proctor 1 Good Girls Gone Bad Teresa Irvin YOUTH TRAIL 18 UNDER AM HUNT SEAT EQUITATION 1 Good Girl Gone Bad Teresa Irvin 2 Fancy White Nikes Sarah Lutz AMATEUR HORSEMANSHIP WALK TROT AMATEUR HUNT SEAT EQUITATION WALK TROT 1 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese AMATEUR HUNTER UNDER SADDLE WALK TROT 1 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese AMATEUR SHOWMANSHIP WALK TROT 1 Oceans Of Assets Melissa Neill 2 Tazs Painted Lil Lad Susan Perry 23 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 1 Make It A Double Plz Asia Reich YOUTH WESTERN PLEASURE 13 UNDER 1 MS Supreme Bonanza Colten Dulin YOUTH WESTERN PLEASURE 18 UNDER 1 Oh So Licious Cody Dulin AM HORSEMANSHIP MASTERS The Perfect Machine Emily Tuma AM HUNT SEAT EQUITATION MASTERS 1 Letsgetreadytoparte Chelby Proctor AM HUNTER UNDER SADDLE NOVICE AM HORSEMANSHIP NOVICE AM HUNT SEAT EQUITATION NOVICE AM HUNTER UNDER SADDLE 1 Heza Ginger Sensation Shawn Kingma 2 Fancy White Nikes Sarah Lutz Totall Darkness Carrie Averill 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 24

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NOVICE AM RANCH HORSE PLEASURE Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook NOVICE AM RANCH HORSE RAIL PLEASURE 1 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton 2 Oceans Of Assets Melissa Neill SENIOR HORSE TRAIL Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook 1 Elite Le Zipped Up Evette Hart NOVICE AM RANCH HORSE REINING 3 YEAR OLD WESTERN PLEASURE Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook NOVICE AM RANCH HORSE RIDING Hot N Sensational Aimee Abagalae Hall JR WESTERN PLEASURE Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook 1 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton NOVICE AM RANCH HORSE TRAIL SR WESTERN PLEASURE Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook NOVICE AM SHOWMANSHIP 1 Heza Ginger Sensation Shawn Kingma 2 Fancy White Nikes Sarah Lutz NOVICE AM TRAIL Kiss My Dynamic Asset Kory Kumar NOVICE AM WESTERN PLEASURE 1 Good Girl Gone Bad Teresa Irvin 2 Party With Her Assets Carolyn Grant NOVICE AM WESTERN RIDING 1 Elite Le Zipped Up Evette Hart OPEN 1 Line Up For Candy Kenna Slater 2 Hotrods Cool Kid Robin Gorman WESTERN RIDING ALL AGES YOUTH HALTER PERFORMANCE MARES Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton AMATEUR HALTER GELDINGS Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook AMATEUR HALTER PERFORMANCE GELDINGS None Declared AMATEUR HALTER MARES 2 YEAR OLD COLT AMATEUR HALTER PERFORMANCE MARES 3 YEAR OLD COLT One Lazy Cowgirl Jackie Stevens 1 Line Up For Candy Kenna Slater 2 Batt Girl Lopin Amy Linton YEARLING IN HAND TRAIL AMATEUR OVERO ALL AGES No Qualifier None Declared 1 Party With Her Assets Carolyn Grant YEARLING LONGELINE AMATEUR TOBIANO ALL AGES Names with an asterik Did not have enough points to win an award Mrpwhataheavenlyasset Leslie Ring HUNTER UNDER SADDLE GREEN HORSE YEARLING GELDINGS 1 Hoos Reddy Marianne Warland 2 Heza Ginger Sensation Shawn Kingma None Declared TRAIL GREEN HORSE 2 YEAR OLD GELDINGS None Declared Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford RANCH HORSE RIDING Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford RANCH HORSE TRAIL Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford JUNIOR HORSE TRAIL 25 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 1 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton 2 Best Dont Doubt Evette Hart WESTERN RIDING GREEN HORSE 1 Best Dont Doubt Evette Hart HALTER YOUTH HALTER GELDINGS 1 Top Hats Only Bryanna Carney 2 Oh So Licious Cody Dulin YOUTH HALTER PERFORMANCE GELDINGS Oh So Licious Cody Dulin YOUTH HALTER MARES 1 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton TOBIANO ALL AGES 1 Party With Her Assets Carolyn Grant 2 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese WESTERN PLEASURE GREEN HORSE RANCH HORSE REINING OVERO ALL AGES None Declared SR HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford None Declared Hoos Reddy Marianne Warland None Declared RANCH HORSE RAIL PLEASURE None Declared AMATEUR HALTER STALLIONS 1 Hoos Reddy Marianne Warland Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford YEARLING COLT 1 Line Up for Candy Kenna Slater 2 Hotrods Cool Kid Robin Gorman 1 Best Dont Doubt Evette Hart 2 Line Up For Candy Kenna Slater RANCH HORSE PLEASURE OPEN PERFORMANCE MARES 1 Line Up For Candy Kenna Slater 2 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton 1 Oceans of Assets Melissa Neill 2 A Good Mechanic Sherri Rossmiller JR HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Totall Darkness Phyllis Holt OPEN AGED MARES Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford 3 YEAR OLD GELDINGS OPEN AGED GELDINGS None Declared OPEN PERFORMANCE GELDINGS 1 Oceans Of Assets Melissa Neill 2 A Good Mechanic Sherri Rossmiller YEARLING MARES No Qualifier 2 YEAR OLD MARES None Declared 3 YEAR OLD MARES None Declared 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 26

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NOVICE AM RANCH HORSE PLEASURE Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook NOVICE AM RANCH HORSE RAIL PLEASURE 1 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton 2 Oceans Of Assets Melissa Neill SENIOR HORSE TRAIL Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook 1 Elite Le Zipped Up Evette Hart NOVICE AM RANCH HORSE REINING 3 YEAR OLD WESTERN PLEASURE Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook NOVICE AM RANCH HORSE RIDING Hot N Sensational Aimee Abagalae Hall JR WESTERN PLEASURE Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook 1 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton NOVICE AM RANCH HORSE TRAIL SR WESTERN PLEASURE Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook NOVICE AM SHOWMANSHIP 1 Heza Ginger Sensation Shawn Kingma 2 Fancy White Nikes Sarah Lutz NOVICE AM TRAIL Kiss My Dynamic Asset Kory Kumar NOVICE AM WESTERN PLEASURE 1 Good Girl Gone Bad Teresa Irvin 2 Party With Her Assets Carolyn Grant NOVICE AM WESTERN RIDING 1 Elite Le Zipped Up Evette Hart OPEN 1 Line Up For Candy Kenna Slater 2 Hotrods Cool Kid Robin Gorman WESTERN RIDING ALL AGES YOUTH HALTER PERFORMANCE MARES Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton AMATEUR HALTER GELDINGS Smoken Hot Sunspot Amber Cook AMATEUR HALTER PERFORMANCE GELDINGS None Declared AMATEUR HALTER MARES 2 YEAR OLD COLT AMATEUR HALTER PERFORMANCE MARES 3 YEAR OLD COLT One Lazy Cowgirl Jackie Stevens 1 Line Up For Candy Kenna Slater 2 Batt Girl Lopin Amy Linton YEARLING IN HAND TRAIL AMATEUR OVERO ALL AGES No Qualifier None Declared 1 Party With Her Assets Carolyn Grant YEARLING LONGELINE AMATEUR TOBIANO ALL AGES Names with an asterik Did not have enough points to win an award Mrpwhataheavenlyasset Leslie Ring HUNTER UNDER SADDLE GREEN HORSE YEARLING GELDINGS 1 Hoos Reddy Marianne Warland 2 Heza Ginger Sensation Shawn Kingma None Declared TRAIL GREEN HORSE 2 YEAR OLD GELDINGS None Declared Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford RANCH HORSE RIDING Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford RANCH HORSE TRAIL Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford JUNIOR HORSE TRAIL 25 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 1 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton 2 Best Dont Doubt Evette Hart WESTERN RIDING GREEN HORSE 1 Best Dont Doubt Evette Hart HALTER YOUTH HALTER GELDINGS 1 Top Hats Only Bryanna Carney 2 Oh So Licious Cody Dulin YOUTH HALTER PERFORMANCE GELDINGS Oh So Licious Cody Dulin YOUTH HALTER MARES 1 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton TOBIANO ALL AGES 1 Party With Her Assets Carolyn Grant 2 GSH Silent Artist Susan Giese WESTERN PLEASURE GREEN HORSE RANCH HORSE REINING OVERO ALL AGES None Declared SR HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford None Declared Hoos Reddy Marianne Warland None Declared RANCH HORSE RAIL PLEASURE None Declared AMATEUR HALTER STALLIONS 1 Hoos Reddy Marianne Warland Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford YEARLING COLT 1 Line Up for Candy Kenna Slater 2 Hotrods Cool Kid Robin Gorman 1 Best Dont Doubt Evette Hart 2 Line Up For Candy Kenna Slater RANCH HORSE PLEASURE OPEN PERFORMANCE MARES 1 Line Up For Candy Kenna Slater 2 Batt Girl Lopin Ava Linton 1 Oceans of Assets Melissa Neill 2 A Good Mechanic Sherri Rossmiller JR HUNTER UNDER SADDLE Totall Darkness Phyllis Holt OPEN AGED MARES Justa Lopenby The Bay Lola Whitford 3 YEAR OLD GELDINGS OPEN AGED GELDINGS None Declared OPEN PERFORMANCE GELDINGS 1 Oceans Of Assets Melissa Neill 2 A Good Mechanic Sherri Rossmiller YEARLING MARES No Qualifier 2 YEAR OLD MARES None Declared 3 YEAR OLD MARES None Declared 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 26

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Oregon Quarter Horse Association Oregon Paint Horse Club Invite you to join our 2021 show lineup at the Oregon Horse Center in Eugene Oregon April 24 25 2021 September 4 5 2021 Visit our website for show information www oregonpainthorseclub com OQHA AQHA OPHC APHA Approved January 14 17 2021 February 11 14 2021 March 11 14 2021 October 2021 April 6 11 2021 www oregon qha com www oregonsummerclassic com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 28

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Oregon Quarter Horse Association Oregon Paint Horse Club Invite you to join our 2021 show lineup at the Oregon Horse Center in Eugene Oregon April 24 25 2021 September 4 5 2021 Visit our website for show information www oregonpainthorseclub com OQHA AQHA OPHC APHA Approved January 14 17 2021 February 11 14 2021 March 11 14 2021 October 2021 April 6 11 2021 www oregon qha com www oregonsummerclassic com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 28

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31 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 32

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A Abilla Mike Niki Nicolas 23613 NE 72nd Ave Battle Ground WA 98604 503 936 0309 nikithehorsenut aol com Abrams Shari Dale Painted Mountain Ranch 6323 E Greenbluff Rd Colbert WA 99005 509 238 4979 kat8081 msn com Adams Elizabeth 8665 SW Pacer Ct Beaverton OR 97008 503 267 2076 betsyadams1904 yahoo com Allen Kelly Canoa Farms 11460 Hwy 97C Merritt BC V1K 1M6 250 378 1670 Kellybrookallen hotmail com Averill Carrie Matthew 6955 Kilchis River Rd Tillamook OR 97141 503 812 2292 averillc77 gmail com B Baker Patty Mike Baker Training Stables LLC 7435 Spurgeon Cr Rd SE Olympia WA 98513 360 280 1827 bakerstable hotmail com Bansen Jamie 3695 SE Lafayette Hwy Dayton OR 97114 971 237 4164 jbansen gmail com Barchenger Reveille 1271 Long Dr Freeland WA 360 331 5771 Basterrechea Kim Brooke Giustetti 1317 Airport Rd Cle Elum WA 98922 509 304 6212 storeycreek yahoo com Becker Ellie 4918 136th Pl SE Bellevue WA 98006 425 269 1883 jacquibecker comcast net Bedford Earlynn 12317 Lone Star Rd Nampa ID 83651 208 965 9692 ebedford33 yahoo com Belanger Allyssa Brandy Calico Quarter Horses 4674 Bates Rd Abbotsford BC V2X 1Z9 604 816 9930 Calicoqh shaw ca Bock Roy Carol Anna 4520 Alcorn Rd Fallon NV 89406 775 867 4440 rbock oasisol com Case Stephanie 33502 Holland Ave Abbotsford BC V2S 1G3 778 982 0159 stephaniecase1972 hotmail com Belcher Marian 9321 163 Ave SE Snohomish WA 98290 360 568 2534 Bonde Susan PO Box 87758 Vancouver WA 98687 541 953 1390 gatsmomma comcast net Catron Melanie 7911 University Point Cir NE Bremerton WA 98311 360 731 4525 melaniesmiles358 gmail com Bell Nancy 120 E Rock Wy Shelton WA 98584 360 427 6381 Lnbell gmail com Bowerbank Barb Lonesome Pine Paints 29457 Hwy 16 E Burns Lake BC V0J 1E3 barb designbylonesomepine com Ceccarelli Katy 1006 Opal Wy Fernley NV 89408 775 240 7979 Kcrle200 gmail com Bentley Lori Jenna 13527 19th Ave NE Marysville WA 98271 206 817 1502 lbentmail aol com Brown Courtney 11238 Langworthy Rd SW Rochester WA 98579 360 790 6596 courtney finale gmail com Charters Shawn Zane Brianne PO Box 658 Middleton ID 83644 208 869 9075 chartersconsulting gmail com Berg Marianne 69776 Fishhawk Rd Birkenfeld OR 97016 503 755 9624 horseberg hotmail com Brown Patricia 22307 NE 224th St Battle Ground WA 98604 971 678 8736 splashbrown gmail com Chase Earlynn 12317 Lone Star Rd Nampa ID 83651 208 965 9692 earlynnchase gmail com Binek Kari 11049 Rees St NE Donald OR 97020 503 348 7948 ichasehorses yahoo com Brubaker Beth Whispering Aspens Ranch 15612 N Boot Hill Rd Hayden Lake ID 83835 208 772 4312 bethbr inventidaho com Chastain Tamara 5025 Beagle Rd White City OR 97503 541 840 7517 tamaralynne51 gmail com Black Fe Tom 1606 N Irene Dr Nampa ID 83687 208 353 7443 tresuresofthevalley gmail com Black Mary Anne High Desert Paints 5475 Iron Mtn Rd Jordan Valley OR 97910 208 250 5311 highdesertpaints gmail com Black Sandy PO Box 625 Bruneau ID 83604 208 859 5991 slblack85 gmail com Boal Bennett Kendall Bennett Amanda 35910 NE Beaver Br Yacholt WA 98675 360 521 9419 ami allstate com 33 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory Burklow Linda Lee 29411 Red Top Rd Wilder ID 83676 916 532 1052 lindaleeburklow yahoo com C Calvin Kristi 16892 SE Spray Ave Milwaukie OR 97267 503 313 8574 kristic dbates com Carney Brianna 7317 E Raintree Ln Port Orchard WA 98366 360 908 8479 snuffymisskitty gmail com Carvelli Joseph 4309 NE 39th St Vancouver WA 98661 360 931 5500 joeycarvelli gmail com Clay Laurie 10100 NE Adolf Rd Newberg OR 97132 503 538 5904 luv2trot live com D Dahlsten Sue 13005 4th Pl SE Snohomish WA 98290 425 334 9385 suedahlsten comcast net Davis Nikki 19112 NE Gabriel Rd Yacolt WA 98675 360 953 7928 nikki davis102 gmail com Dinning Walt Gerry French Point Paints PO Box 1387 Bonners Ferry ID 83805 208 267 7289 frenchpoint gmail com Doidge Gladys Ryan 16343 Vail Loop Rd SE Rainier WA 98576 360 338 8189 lilbitascoop yahoo com Driver Roxanne 115 SE 283 Ave Camas WA 98607 360 834 5368 equine4fun comcast net Dulin Megan Cody Hunter Colten Britt 12317 Lone Star Rd Nampa ID 83651 956 245 9935 megallyn5 gmail com Dyjak Debra 5014 Foxtrail Dr Olympia WA 98516 360 459 0552 EErskine Kandie 99 Davis Ln Columbus MT 59019 503 559 3985 lenassirprize yahoo com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 34

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A Abilla Mike Niki Nicolas 23613 NE 72nd Ave Battle Ground WA 98604 503 936 0309 nikithehorsenut aol com Abrams Shari Dale Painted Mountain Ranch 6323 E Greenbluff Rd Colbert WA 99005 509 238 4979 kat8081 msn com Adams Elizabeth 8665 SW Pacer Ct Beaverton OR 97008 503 267 2076 betsyadams1904 yahoo com Allen Kelly Canoa Farms 11460 Hwy 97C Merritt BC V1K 1M6 250 378 1670 Kellybrookallen hotmail com Averill Carrie Matthew 6955 Kilchis River Rd Tillamook OR 97141 503 812 2292 averillc77 gmail com B Baker Patty Mike Baker Training Stables LLC 7435 Spurgeon Cr Rd SE Olympia WA 98513 360 280 1827 bakerstable hotmail com Bansen Jamie 3695 SE Lafayette Hwy Dayton OR 97114 971 237 4164 jbansen gmail com Barchenger Reveille 1271 Long Dr Freeland WA 360 331 5771 Basterrechea Kim Brooke Giustetti 1317 Airport Rd Cle Elum WA 98922 509 304 6212 storeycreek yahoo com Becker Ellie 4918 136th Pl SE Bellevue WA 98006 425 269 1883 jacquibecker comcast net Bedford Earlynn 12317 Lone Star Rd Nampa ID 83651 208 965 9692 ebedford33 yahoo com Belanger Allyssa Brandy Calico Quarter Horses 4674 Bates Rd Abbotsford BC V2X 1Z9 604 816 9930 Calicoqh shaw ca Bock Roy Carol Anna 4520 Alcorn Rd Fallon NV 89406 775 867 4440 rbock oasisol com Case Stephanie 33502 Holland Ave Abbotsford BC V2S 1G3 778 982 0159 stephaniecase1972 hotmail com Belcher Marian 9321 163 Ave SE Snohomish WA 98290 360 568 2534 Bonde Susan PO Box 87758 Vancouver WA 98687 541 953 1390 gatsmomma comcast net Catron Melanie 7911 University Point Cir NE Bremerton WA 98311 360 731 4525 melaniesmiles358 gmail com Bell Nancy 120 E Rock Wy Shelton WA 98584 360 427 6381 Lnbell gmail com Bowerbank Barb Lonesome Pine Paints 29457 Hwy 16 E Burns Lake BC V0J 1E3 barb designbylonesomepine com Ceccarelli Katy 1006 Opal Wy Fernley NV 89408 775 240 7979 Kcrle200 gmail com Bentley Lori Jenna 13527 19th Ave NE Marysville WA 98271 206 817 1502 lbentmail aol com Brown Courtney 11238 Langworthy Rd SW Rochester WA 98579 360 790 6596 courtney finale gmail com Charters Shawn Zane Brianne PO Box 658 Middleton ID 83644 208 869 9075 chartersconsulting gmail com Berg Marianne 69776 Fishhawk Rd Birkenfeld OR 97016 503 755 9624 horseberg hotmail com Brown Patricia 22307 NE 224th St Battle Ground WA 98604 971 678 8736 splashbrown gmail com Chase Earlynn 12317 Lone Star Rd Nampa ID 83651 208 965 9692 earlynnchase gmail com Binek Kari 11049 Rees St NE Donald OR 97020 503 348 7948 ichasehorses yahoo com Brubaker Beth Whispering Aspens Ranch 15612 N Boot Hill Rd Hayden Lake ID 83835 208 772 4312 bethbr inventidaho com Chastain Tamara 5025 Beagle Rd White City OR 97503 541 840 7517 tamaralynne51 gmail com Black Fe Tom 1606 N Irene Dr Nampa ID 83687 208 353 7443 tresuresofthevalley gmail com Black Mary Anne High Desert Paints 5475 Iron Mtn Rd Jordan Valley OR 97910 208 250 5311 highdesertpaints gmail com Black Sandy PO Box 625 Bruneau ID 83604 208 859 5991 slblack85 gmail com Boal Bennett Kendall Bennett Amanda 35910 NE Beaver Br Yacholt WA 98675 360 521 9419 ami allstate com 33 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory Burklow Linda Lee 29411 Red Top Rd Wilder ID 83676 916 532 1052 lindaleeburklow yahoo com C Calvin Kristi 16892 SE Spray Ave Milwaukie OR 97267 503 313 8574 kristic dbates com Carney Brianna 7317 E Raintree Ln Port Orchard WA 98366 360 908 8479 snuffymisskitty gmail com Carvelli Joseph 4309 NE 39th St Vancouver WA 98661 360 931 5500 joeycarvelli gmail com Clay Laurie 10100 NE Adolf Rd Newberg OR 97132 503 538 5904 luv2trot live com D Dahlsten Sue 13005 4th Pl SE Snohomish WA 98290 425 334 9385 suedahlsten comcast net Davis Nikki 19112 NE Gabriel Rd Yacolt WA 98675 360 953 7928 nikki davis102 gmail com Dinning Walt Gerry French Point Paints PO Box 1387 Bonners Ferry ID 83805 208 267 7289 frenchpoint gmail com Doidge Gladys Ryan 16343 Vail Loop Rd SE Rainier WA 98576 360 338 8189 lilbitascoop yahoo com Driver Roxanne 115 SE 283 Ave Camas WA 98607 360 834 5368 equine4fun comcast net Dulin Megan Cody Hunter Colten Britt 12317 Lone Star Rd Nampa ID 83651 956 245 9935 megallyn5 gmail com Dyjak Debra 5014 Foxtrail Dr Olympia WA 98516 360 459 0552 EErskine Kandie 99 Davis Ln Columbus MT 59019 503 559 3985 lenassirprize yahoo com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 34

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FFranklin Harmony Dan Briana 13009 NE 76th St Vancouver WA 98682 360 241 6744 horsecrazymomof2 aol com Fricke Stefanie 27 197th St SW Bothell WA 98012 206 399 7833 steflynn33 hotmail com G Gellein Anne Marie 4566 Lark Cross Rd Armstrong BC V0E 1B6 250 715 5226 silverdollar35 hotmail com Giese Susan 4384 NE Lincoln Rd Poulsbo WA 98370 425 239 3855 smwbdr seanet com Glover Cathy 36 Dale Rd Enderby BC V0E 1V4 604 328 3814 cathyglover telus net Goding Jan 3501 Ave C Sp 4 White City OR 97503 541 941 8103 Goodfellow Kari Windhorse Farm 7366 W Brewer Rd Coldstream BC V1B 3H3 250 549 2439 windhorsefarm shaw ca Gorman Robin Pat Solid Ideas PO Box 1518 Shelton WA 98584 360 426 9811 solidideas att net Canyon Paints 22410 S 823 PR SE Kennewick WA 99338 509 627 4641 lanay hambrook gmail com Grant Carolyn 2801 NE 252nd Ave Camas WA 98607 360 910 5836 carolyn grant evergreenps org Harris Grace 5500 NE 139th St Vancouver WA 98686 360 573 2871 groverv1 comcast net Greene Janice PO Box 225 Mossyrock WA 98564 360 985 2728 SalmonCkRanch gmail com Hart Evette 38219 278th Ave SE Enumclaw WA 98022 253 261 4601 emhart66 aol com Griffin Marilyn Sweet Country Quarter Horses Paints 11558 140th St Surrey BC V3R 3G8 604 817 5345 marilyngriffin2 gmail com Heckworth Christina 3689 Antsen Rd SW Tumwater WA 98512 chackworth79 gmail com Grindel Carin 2728 W Main St 53 Medford OR 97501 H Hackworth Christina Michael Melody 3689 Antsen Rd SW Tumwater WA 98512 360 480 0828 chackworth79 gmail com Hagel Kendall Sean Dakota PO Box 73472 Puyallup WA 98373 253 219 9550 HagelSd gmail com Hall Aimee Abagale Lukas 17474 Van Slyke Rd Wilder ID 83676 208 371 7429 dustn4prints yahoo com Hambrook LaNay Hemond Laura Lindstrand Zack Finally Farm Paints Inc 364 Cloquallum Rd Elma WA 98541 360 791 4476 finallyfarmpaints yahoo com Herford Evelyn Hockley Rebecca 105 20700 56th Ave Langley BC V3A 7R8 778 989 4624 chicklet1976 live com Hobby Karmen PO Box 3509 Alpine WY 83128 209 480 1884 lvpainthorses yahoo com Holt Phyllis 2634 Vasser St Woodburn OR 97071 503 910 6593 prholt54 gmail com 14108 227th Ave NE Woodinville WA 98077 206 979 5046 vjohansen comcast net Holton Trina 8699 Gantz Ave Boise ID 83709 208 859 2037 tmhorses hotmail com Johnson Staci Mark Kara 7116 Erna Ln Sedro Woolley WA 98284 360 708 2749 sawhitford85 live com Huddle Lisa 80408 Delight Valley School Rd Cottage Grove OR 97424 541 942 1901 delightvalleystables gmail com K King Dakota Deneen Hugh Kathy Craig PO Box 267 Eatonville WA 98328 253 677 3632 Kathyh Rainierconnect com Hull Wendy 4605 SW 53rd ST Corvallis OR 97333 541 740 7876 wbwhull aol com Hunter Brittany PO Box 325 Lowell OR 97452 541 868 4573 britt any live com IIrvin Teresa 2808 Conner St NW Salem OR 97304 503 510 7455 obediencegsp yahoo com JJameson Tamara 319 10637 150th St Surrey BC V3R 4B8 604 837 2176 tamarajameson hotmail com Jayo Leslie Melissa 5634 Van Rd Marsing ID 83639 208 896 4406 ljayo me com mjayo me com Jerome Maria 455 Bluegrass Dr Belgrade MT 59714 406 548 5727 lay4paints gmail com Johansen Valerie 35 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 21370 SW Langer Farms Pkwy Suite 142 429 Sherwood OR 97140 503 970 9770 dakotaking gmail com deneenking gmail com Kingma Shawn 3333 164th St Lynnwood WA 98087 206 794 1883 shawnkingma gmail com Kirksey Wade 6345 Thompson Rd Marsing ID 83639 208 841 0854 wadekir gmail com Kopp Rhonda 5960 Rodeo Dr Kamloops BC V1S 2A3 250 320 5023 koppkakes gmail com Kowalczyk Christopher 6119 S Holmes Ave Idaho Falls ID 83404 864 205 4067 hazmatdane hotmail com Kruger Harold Debbie Kruger Ranch LLC 5055 W Orchard Ave Rathdrum ID 83858 208 687 9404 krugerranch gmail com Kumar Kory Avinash Mira 5230 Alder Glen Ct SE Olympia WA 98513 360 970 8766 kory kumar 7714 gmail com Kurcz Marcia 12 Coyote Point Rd Horseshoe Bend ID 83629 248 520 2670 mlynnekurc gmail com LLagler Bob Iryna Ridgefield Painted Horse Ranch PO Box 65189 Vancouver WA 98665 360 887 3000 rphr msn com Latham Joanna 61015 Billadeurd Bend OR 97702 650 224 4551 khansen90 gmail com Lindstrand Zack Hemond Laura Finally Farm Paints Inc 364 Cloquallum Rd Elma WA 98541 360 791 4476 finallyfarmpaints yahoo com Linton Amy Ava 18718 NE 135th St Brush Prairie WA 98606 360 608 2078 ambuckmiller yahoo com Linville Leann 8117 NE 32nd St Vancouver WA 98662 360 521 4193 halterhorse outlook com Lumley Marissa 11631 West Hinsdale Ct Boise ID 208 871 9616 rlumley4 icloud com Lutz Sarah 29618 NW 56th Ave Ridgefield WA 98642 360 635 1774 kennyandsarahlutz hotmail com M MacDowell Donna 2620 E 44th Ave Spokane WA 99223 509 991 8733 nofencesdm comcast net Maloney Jamie Derek Maya Logan 37744 State Rt 20 Sedro Woolley WA 98237 360 826 5539 maloney80 yahoo com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 36

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FFranklin Harmony Dan Briana 13009 NE 76th St Vancouver WA 98682 360 241 6744 horsecrazymomof2 aol com Fricke Stefanie 27 197th St SW Bothell WA 98012 206 399 7833 steflynn33 hotmail com G Gellein Anne Marie 4566 Lark Cross Rd Armstrong BC V0E 1B6 250 715 5226 silverdollar35 hotmail com Giese Susan 4384 NE Lincoln Rd Poulsbo WA 98370 425 239 3855 smwbdr seanet com Glover Cathy 36 Dale Rd Enderby BC V0E 1V4 604 328 3814 cathyglover telus net Goding Jan 3501 Ave C Sp 4 White City OR 97503 541 941 8103 Goodfellow Kari Windhorse Farm 7366 W Brewer Rd Coldstream BC V1B 3H3 250 549 2439 windhorsefarm shaw ca Gorman Robin Pat Solid Ideas PO Box 1518 Shelton WA 98584 360 426 9811 solidideas att net Canyon Paints 22410 S 823 PR SE Kennewick WA 99338 509 627 4641 lanay hambrook gmail com Grant Carolyn 2801 NE 252nd Ave Camas WA 98607 360 910 5836 carolyn grant evergreenps org Harris Grace 5500 NE 139th St Vancouver WA 98686 360 573 2871 groverv1 comcast net Greene Janice PO Box 225 Mossyrock WA 98564 360 985 2728 SalmonCkRanch gmail com Hart Evette 38219 278th Ave SE Enumclaw WA 98022 253 261 4601 emhart66 aol com Griffin Marilyn Sweet Country Quarter Horses Paints 11558 140th St Surrey BC V3R 3G8 604 817 5345 marilyngriffin2 gmail com Heckworth Christina 3689 Antsen Rd SW Tumwater WA 98512 chackworth79 gmail com Grindel Carin 2728 W Main St 53 Medford OR 97501 H Hackworth Christina Michael Melody 3689 Antsen Rd SW Tumwater WA 98512 360 480 0828 chackworth79 gmail com Hagel Kendall Sean Dakota PO Box 73472 Puyallup WA 98373 253 219 9550 HagelSd gmail com Hall Aimee Abagale Lukas 17474 Van Slyke Rd Wilder ID 83676 208 371 7429 dustn4prints yahoo com Hambrook LaNay Hemond Laura Lindstrand Zack Finally Farm Paints Inc 364 Cloquallum Rd Elma WA 98541 360 791 4476 finallyfarmpaints yahoo com Herford Evelyn Hockley Rebecca 105 20700 56th Ave Langley BC V3A 7R8 778 989 4624 chicklet1976 live com Hobby Karmen PO Box 3509 Alpine WY 83128 209 480 1884 lvpainthorses yahoo com Holt Phyllis 2634 Vasser St Woodburn OR 97071 503 910 6593 prholt54 gmail com 14108 227th Ave NE Woodinville WA 98077 206 979 5046 vjohansen comcast net Holton Trina 8699 Gantz Ave Boise ID 83709 208 859 2037 tmhorses hotmail com Johnson Staci Mark Kara 7116 Erna Ln Sedro Woolley WA 98284 360 708 2749 sawhitford85 live com Huddle Lisa 80408 Delight Valley School Rd Cottage Grove OR 97424 541 942 1901 delightvalleystables gmail com K King Dakota Deneen Hugh Kathy Craig PO Box 267 Eatonville WA 98328 253 677 3632 Kathyh Rainierconnect com Hull Wendy 4605 SW 53rd ST Corvallis OR 97333 541 740 7876 wbwhull aol com Hunter Brittany PO Box 325 Lowell OR 97452 541 868 4573 britt any live com IIrvin Teresa 2808 Conner St NW Salem OR 97304 503 510 7455 obediencegsp yahoo com JJameson Tamara 319 10637 150th St Surrey BC V3R 4B8 604 837 2176 tamarajameson hotmail com Jayo Leslie Melissa 5634 Van Rd Marsing ID 83639 208 896 4406 ljayo me com mjayo me com Jerome Maria 455 Bluegrass Dr Belgrade MT 59714 406 548 5727 lay4paints gmail com Johansen Valerie 35 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 21370 SW Langer Farms Pkwy Suite 142 429 Sherwood OR 97140 503 970 9770 dakotaking gmail com deneenking gmail com Kingma Shawn 3333 164th St Lynnwood WA 98087 206 794 1883 shawnkingma gmail com Kirksey Wade 6345 Thompson Rd Marsing ID 83639 208 841 0854 wadekir gmail com Kopp Rhonda 5960 Rodeo Dr Kamloops BC V1S 2A3 250 320 5023 koppkakes gmail com Kowalczyk Christopher 6119 S Holmes Ave Idaho Falls ID 83404 864 205 4067 hazmatdane hotmail com Kruger Harold Debbie Kruger Ranch LLC 5055 W Orchard Ave Rathdrum ID 83858 208 687 9404 krugerranch gmail com Kumar Kory Avinash Mira 5230 Alder Glen Ct SE Olympia WA 98513 360 970 8766 kory kumar 7714 gmail com Kurcz Marcia 12 Coyote Point Rd Horseshoe Bend ID 83629 248 520 2670 mlynnekurc gmail com LLagler Bob Iryna Ridgefield Painted Horse Ranch PO Box 65189 Vancouver WA 98665 360 887 3000 rphr msn com Latham Joanna 61015 Billadeurd Bend OR 97702 650 224 4551 khansen90 gmail com Lindstrand Zack Hemond Laura Finally Farm Paints Inc 364 Cloquallum Rd Elma WA 98541 360 791 4476 finallyfarmpaints yahoo com Linton Amy Ava 18718 NE 135th St Brush Prairie WA 98606 360 608 2078 ambuckmiller yahoo com Linville Leann 8117 NE 32nd St Vancouver WA 98662 360 521 4193 halterhorse outlook com Lumley Marissa 11631 West Hinsdale Ct Boise ID 208 871 9616 rlumley4 icloud com Lutz Sarah 29618 NW 56th Ave Ridgefield WA 98642 360 635 1774 kennyandsarahlutz hotmail com M MacDowell Donna 2620 E 44th Ave Spokane WA 99223 509 991 8733 nofencesdm comcast net Maloney Jamie Derek Maya Logan 37744 State Rt 20 Sedro Woolley WA 98237 360 826 5539 maloney80 yahoo com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 36

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Mann Pat 24818 43rd Ave NE Arlington WA 98223 360 435 4129 Martin Vicki 13007 NE 151st Brush Prairie WA 98606 360 910 6967 mphshohorse aol com Miller Laura 22805 90th St E Buckley WA 98321 Mills Molly Ann PO Box 1023 Freeland WA 98249 253 442 7459 horsegirl0321 gmail com N Neill Missy 37418 39th Ave S Auburn WA 98001 206 679 1892 missy_misfit yahoo com Nemeth Tanzie PO Box 1016 LaCenter WA 98629 360 606 0487 tanzie555 hotmail com Martin Marta Will Alyssa Cody 2311 N Pearl St Centralia WA 98531 360 520 4143 Miollis Andrea 967 Fall Creek Rd Longview WA 98632 360 261 0526 andrea miollis yahoo com McNeilly Shelby 1220 Cow Horse Dr Kuna ID 83634 208 724 8373 shelbyace aol com Monroe Kaylee Josh 2132 Burk Rd Blaine WA 98230 360 441 0329 klee stuit gmail com McNeley Dan PO Box 152 Burns OR 97720 541 413 0720 Danmac msn com Moody Kenna 1963 W Beacon Light Rd Eagle ID 83616 208 870 8705 kmht2012km gmail com Meincke Robert Jessica 1780 Johnson Cr Rd Council ID 83612 541 297 0821 jessicameinke gmail com Moore Carolyn PO Box 272 Marsing ID 83639 208 921 0989 rylene nowlin isp idaho gov Ogilvie Anita 12620 254th St Maple Ridge BC V4R 1V4 604 230 3006 anitahayes shaw ca Merritt David Merritt Equine 28303 Third Fork Rd Ola ID 83657 208 584 3557 dave Merritt Equine com Murdoch Sandy Azera 2680 40th Ave Salmon Arm BC V1E 1Z6 250 804 6026 smurdoch live ca Olney Traci 25611 Old Owen Rd Monroe WA 98272 206 595 5851 jtolney frontier com Mezin Kathy 11325 S Cloverdale Kuna ID 83634 208 401 8555 kathymezin gmail com Murray Avery Margo 1275 Simms Rd Kamloops BC V0E 2A0 250 318 1505 rimlak125 hotmail com murm1215 gmail com P Pagani Noelle Rosalea Miller Nadine Kelly 6904 NE 137th St Vancouver WA 98686 360 696 9269 klmiller12 comcast net Myers Olivia 3600 N Ballantyne Ln Eagle ID 83616 208 880 8806 myfamily2u outlook com Palmer Debe Palmer Paint Horses Ranch NW LLC 28200 NE 2nd Ave Ridgefield WA 98642 360 518 4230 debefnp comcast net Nowlin Rylene PO Box 272 Marsing ID 83639 208 921 0989 rylene nowlin isp idaho gov O O Dell Shannon 4813 N Kari Rd Otis Orchards WA 99027 509 951 8053 firstchoicehorseshow gmail com 3251 Padgett Rd Powell River BC V8A 0S6 604 485 6124 Parker Dale Kathy 38535 Hungry Hill Dr Scio OR 97374 541 619 2851 kparker smt net com 39 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory Parker Raymond Doris 38545 Hungry Hill Dr Scio OR 97374 541 990 7457 rparker smt net com Proctor Chelby Ted 9605 Robinson Rd Nampa ID 83686 208 871 8585 dcproctor msn com Reich Asia 7951 W Orbit Dr Nampa ID 83654 208 761 2344 tammyreich q com Perry Laura Draper Creek Farms 9043 Draper St Mission BC V2V 7G3 604 240 1207 farmgirlperry135 gmail com R Raulston Brittnay Richards Chriest Sharon 23914 Willow Cir Bothell WA 98021 206 321 8520 slrluvslife aol com Perry Susan 5299 W Field Ct Lake Oswego OR 97035 503 799 2687 shperry1 comcast net Pomfret Blayne Bell 500 Isabelle Isle 104 Dover DE 19904 360 229 0229 Bellblayne gmail com Potts Darcy Vince Grace 32 Twin Oaks Ln Elma WA 98541 360 482 5956 thepottsfamily centurytel net 7616 N Rambo Rd Spokane WA 99224 509 844 8626 brittnayr88 gmail com Redding Hutson Sheryl 5009 S Swenson Rd Deer Park WA 99006 509 771 2212 reddingsage aol com Reddy Bhavana 5923 SW Southview Pl Portland OR 97219 503 686 4102 bhavrred gmail com Redinger Nicole Eden 6903 S Grove Rd Spokane WA 99224 509 251 5054 nradred gmail com Ring Leslie 855 Linn Wy Brownsville OR 97327 541 497 4769 lesliering2002 gmail com Ritchey Devyn 14031 Sable Blvd Brighton CO 80601 720 590 2694 devydoodle01 yahoo com Rosser Sarah 1242 49th St Delta BC V4M 3W1 604 218 2135 skrosser4 gmail com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 40

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Mann Pat 24818 43rd Ave NE Arlington WA 98223 360 435 4129 Martin Vicki 13007 NE 151st Brush Prairie WA 98606 360 910 6967 mphshohorse aol com Miller Laura 22805 90th St E Buckley WA 98321 Mills Molly Ann PO Box 1023 Freeland WA 98249 253 442 7459 horsegirl0321 gmail com N Neill Missy 37418 39th Ave S Auburn WA 98001 206 679 1892 missy_misfit yahoo com Nemeth Tanzie PO Box 1016 LaCenter WA 98629 360 606 0487 tanzie555 hotmail com Martin Marta Will Alyssa Cody 2311 N Pearl St Centralia WA 98531 360 520 4143 Miollis Andrea 967 Fall Creek Rd Longview WA 98632 360 261 0526 andrea miollis yahoo com McNeilly Shelby 1220 Cow Horse Dr Kuna ID 83634 208 724 8373 shelbyace aol com Monroe Kaylee Josh 2132 Burk Rd Blaine WA 98230 360 441 0329 klee stuit gmail com McNeley Dan PO Box 152 Burns OR 97720 541 413 0720 Danmac msn com Moody Kenna 1963 W Beacon Light Rd Eagle ID 83616 208 870 8705 kmht2012km gmail com Meincke Robert Jessica 1780 Johnson Cr Rd Council ID 83612 541 297 0821 jessicameinke gmail com Moore Carolyn PO Box 272 Marsing ID 83639 208 921 0989 rylene nowlin isp idaho gov Ogilvie Anita 12620 254th St Maple Ridge BC V4R 1V4 604 230 3006 anitahayes shaw ca Merritt David Merritt Equine 28303 Third Fork Rd Ola ID 83657 208 584 3557 dave Merritt Equine com Murdoch Sandy Azera 2680 40th Ave Salmon Arm BC V1E 1Z6 250 804 6026 smurdoch live ca Olney Traci 25611 Old Owen Rd Monroe WA 98272 206 595 5851 jtolney frontier com Mezin Kathy 11325 S Cloverdale Kuna ID 83634 208 401 8555 kathymezin gmail com Murray Avery Margo 1275 Simms Rd Kamloops BC V0E 2A0 250 318 1505 rimlak125 hotmail com murm1215 gmail com P Pagani Noelle Rosalea Miller Nadine Kelly 6904 NE 137th St Vancouver WA 98686 360 696 9269 klmiller12 comcast net Myers Olivia 3600 N Ballantyne Ln Eagle ID 83616 208 880 8806 myfamily2u outlook com Palmer Debe Palmer Paint Horses Ranch NW LLC 28200 NE 2nd Ave Ridgefield WA 98642 360 518 4230 debefnp comcast net Nowlin Rylene PO Box 272 Marsing ID 83639 208 921 0989 rylene nowlin isp idaho gov O O Dell Shannon 4813 N Kari Rd Otis Orchards WA 99027 509 951 8053 firstchoicehorseshow gmail com 3251 Padgett Rd Powell River BC V8A 0S6 604 485 6124 Parker Dale Kathy 38535 Hungry Hill Dr Scio OR 97374 541 619 2851 kparker smt net com 39 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory Parker Raymond Doris 38545 Hungry Hill Dr Scio OR 97374 541 990 7457 rparker smt net com Proctor Chelby Ted 9605 Robinson Rd Nampa ID 83686 208 871 8585 dcproctor msn com Reich Asia 7951 W Orbit Dr Nampa ID 83654 208 761 2344 tammyreich q com Perry Laura Draper Creek Farms 9043 Draper St Mission BC V2V 7G3 604 240 1207 farmgirlperry135 gmail com R Raulston Brittnay Richards Chriest Sharon 23914 Willow Cir Bothell WA 98021 206 321 8520 slrluvslife aol com Perry Susan 5299 W Field Ct Lake Oswego OR 97035 503 799 2687 shperry1 comcast net Pomfret Blayne Bell 500 Isabelle Isle 104 Dover DE 19904 360 229 0229 Bellblayne gmail com Potts Darcy Vince Grace 32 Twin Oaks Ln Elma WA 98541 360 482 5956 thepottsfamily centurytel net 7616 N Rambo Rd Spokane WA 99224 509 844 8626 brittnayr88 gmail com Redding Hutson Sheryl 5009 S Swenson Rd Deer Park WA 99006 509 771 2212 reddingsage aol com Reddy Bhavana 5923 SW Southview Pl Portland OR 97219 503 686 4102 bhavrred gmail com Redinger Nicole Eden 6903 S Grove Rd Spokane WA 99224 509 251 5054 nradred gmail com Ring Leslie 855 Linn Wy Brownsville OR 97327 541 497 4769 lesliering2002 gmail com Ritchey Devyn 14031 Sable Blvd Brighton CO 80601 720 590 2694 devydoodle01 yahoo com Rosser Sarah 1242 49th St Delta BC V4M 3W1 604 218 2135 skrosser4 gmail com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 40

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Rossmiller Sherri PO Box 800 Everson WA 98247 360 739 4425 sherri sweetgrassterriers com Simmelink Charles Kay 2278 SW Culver Hwy Madras OR 97741 541 475 2743 barlinkmachoman gmail com Stock Kimberly 7411 E Oregon Rd Elk WA 99009 425 984 4601 stock_kimberly yahoo com Rouse Dianne Lazy 3 Ranch 421 240th St Langley BC V2Z 2X5 604 530 3366 badgal7 icloud com Simmelink Rask Michele 3266 NW Dogwood Ln Madras OR 97741 541 460 0385 topthiskid yahoo com Stolp Ron Canoa Farms 11460 Hwy 97C Merritt BC V1K 1M6 250 315 5604 Stolpsaddles hotmail com S Salanski Cami Marlo Kaylin 2733 9th St S Cranbrook BC V1C 6L8 250 426 3738 NSalan telus net Slater Kenna 6711 51st Ln NW Olympia WA 98502 360 280 9108 kennaslater hotmail com Slattery Larry Amanda Hank Olive 6414 NE Bonner Dr Sarensen Charles Brenda Christina Vancouver WA 98665 3502 NE 151st Ct 360 907 6701 Vancouver WA 98682 mango gmail com 360 944 6218 charles sarensen ge com bksaSlattery Larry Teri rensen yahoo com 25514 NE 72nd Ave Battle Ground WA 98604 Sawyer Kerry 360 921 867 12362 McTavish Rd slatterylandt aol com Pitt Meadows BC V3Y 1Z1 604 512 9409 Smith Devon geoboy48 hotmail com 36 Dale Rd Enderby BC V0E 1V4 Schroeder Tiffany 778 886 3814 1825 E Spirit Hawk Ln devonalexandras gmail com Kuna ID 208 412 2167 Spears Jessie schroedertt257 gmail com PO Box 2062 Lewiston ID 83501 Scott Samantha 208 748 9318 22620 122nd Ave halterhorse hotmail com Maple Ridge BC V2X7H1 604 755 3002 Stafford Paul overostoletheworld gmail com Steiner John Shannon Madison 24597 Collett Rd 5670 Riverside St Oreana ID 83650 Abbotsford BC V4X 1T4 208 834 2595 604 226 8064 jsteiner rtci net maddy shannon33 gmail com Stevens Jackie Shaw Kendra 16400 SE Scoria Ln 687 Cranberry Dr Damascus OR 97089 Oak Harber Wa 98277 503 704 0169 425 616 6127 joneill31 hotmail com kendrashaw307 gmail com Stiner Carol Shuster Patricia 3225 W Hubbard 4130 N Patriot Cir Kuna ID 83634 Boise ID 83704 208 922 4060 208 608 6372 cstiner44 gmail com sixtyfourstrides yahoo com 41 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory Stone Jeri Terry 8409 Camano Lp NE Lacey WA 98516 360 413 5017 sptspots q com Strong Trish Madison Kaite 7580 Varsity Ln NE Bremerton WA 98311 360 471 3754 strong trish gmail com Stuit Cara 8338 Custer School Rd Custer WA 98240 360 366 9301 stuitdc juno com TTakoff Laurie Laurian Quarter Horses 2880 Schram Rd Kelowna BC V1P 1K2 250 765 7228 laurianqh gmail com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 42

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Rossmiller Sherri PO Box 800 Everson WA 98247 360 739 4425 sherri sweetgrassterriers com Simmelink Charles Kay 2278 SW Culver Hwy Madras OR 97741 541 475 2743 barlinkmachoman gmail com Stock Kimberly 7411 E Oregon Rd Elk WA 99009 425 984 4601 stock_kimberly yahoo com Rouse Dianne Lazy 3 Ranch 421 240th St Langley BC V2Z 2X5 604 530 3366 badgal7 icloud com Simmelink Rask Michele 3266 NW Dogwood Ln Madras OR 97741 541 460 0385 topthiskid yahoo com Stolp Ron Canoa Farms 11460 Hwy 97C Merritt BC V1K 1M6 250 315 5604 Stolpsaddles hotmail com S Salanski Cami Marlo Kaylin 2733 9th St S Cranbrook BC V1C 6L8 250 426 3738 NSalan telus net Slater Kenna 6711 51st Ln NW Olympia WA 98502 360 280 9108 kennaslater hotmail com Slattery Larry Amanda Hank Olive 6414 NE Bonner Dr Sarensen Charles Brenda Christina Vancouver WA 98665 3502 NE 151st Ct 360 907 6701 Vancouver WA 98682 mango gmail com 360 944 6218 charles sarensen ge com bksaSlattery Larry Teri rensen yahoo com 25514 NE 72nd Ave Battle Ground WA 98604 Sawyer Kerry 360 921 867 12362 McTavish Rd slatterylandt aol com Pitt Meadows BC V3Y 1Z1 604 512 9409 Smith Devon geoboy48 hotmail com 36 Dale Rd Enderby BC V0E 1V4 Schroeder Tiffany 778 886 3814 1825 E Spirit Hawk Ln devonalexandras gmail com Kuna ID 208 412 2167 Spears Jessie schroedertt257 gmail com PO Box 2062 Lewiston ID 83501 Scott Samantha 208 748 9318 22620 122nd Ave halterhorse hotmail com Maple Ridge BC V2X7H1 604 755 3002 Stafford Paul overostoletheworld gmail com Steiner John Shannon Madison 24597 Collett Rd 5670 Riverside St Oreana ID 83650 Abbotsford BC V4X 1T4 208 834 2595 604 226 8064 jsteiner rtci net maddy shannon33 gmail com Stevens Jackie Shaw Kendra 16400 SE Scoria Ln 687 Cranberry Dr Damascus OR 97089 Oak Harber Wa 98277 503 704 0169 425 616 6127 joneill31 hotmail com kendrashaw307 gmail com Stiner Carol Shuster Patricia 3225 W Hubbard 4130 N Patriot Cir Kuna ID 83634 Boise ID 83704 208 922 4060 208 608 6372 cstiner44 gmail com sixtyfourstrides yahoo com 41 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory Stone Jeri Terry 8409 Camano Lp NE Lacey WA 98516 360 413 5017 sptspots q com Strong Trish Madison Kaite 7580 Varsity Ln NE Bremerton WA 98311 360 471 3754 strong trish gmail com Stuit Cara 8338 Custer School Rd Custer WA 98240 360 366 9301 stuitdc juno com TTakoff Laurie Laurian Quarter Horses 2880 Schram Rd Kelowna BC V1P 1K2 250 765 7228 laurianqh gmail com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 42

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Taylor Marilyn Marilyn Taylor Living Trust 4004 S Bermuda Rd Kennewick WA 99338 509 628 3446 ldyrnnr yahoo com Terry Babette Lindsay Jordan Jeff 6304 NE 114 St Vancouver WA 98686 360 921 7457 fenceriderfamily yahoo com Thorndycraft Jessica 7331 23rd Ave NE Seattle WA 98115 206 380 0248 Tuma Shelley Ben Emily 22345 Bear Creek Rd PO Box 5097 Bend OR 97708 541 948 4291 dwspaints gmail com Tuttle Kathy Majestic Sky Farms PO Box 82 Battle Ground WA 98604 971 219 0792 majesticskyfarms comcast net VVan Houten Judy Vincent Jamece PO Box 110 Middleton ID 83644 208 867 8828 jamecevincent85 gmail com Whitford Tabitha 6196 N Green Rd Burlington WA 98233 360 941 4430 twhitford87 hotmail com Vos Cindy Fred 3584 Sorenson Rd Everson WA 98247 360 594 2165 cvos hotmail com Whitsell Kara Russ Juniper Owen Maxwell 10314 46th Ave SE Olympia WA 98513 360 280 5614 bakerstable hotmail com W Wales Aurora PO Box 505 Colton OR 97017 503 887 2614 aurora wales gmail com Warland Marianne 2535 248th St Langley BC V4W2R2 604 816 5292 Skitzfire yahoo ca Watkins Alan Leslie 9333 South 5th W Idaho Falls ID 208 681 4192 watkinspainthorses gmail com Wayman Shawnee 5050 Holladay Blvd VHQH Ranch Leading Edge Equine Holladay UT Therapy 801 509 5333 21218 N Yale Rd voortmeyersr gmail com Colbert WA 99005 509 724 6870 Webb Monica Case vhqhranch live com 8111 Jamieson Ct S W Olympia WA 98512 Vance Linda 360 480 0582 172 Mountain View Wy bakerstable hotmail com Winlock WA 98596 360 520 4081 Weldon Randy Theresa lvance42 q com 604 NE 221st St Ridgefield WA 98642 VanValkenburg Kristen Cooper 360 901 0426 Jaylyn Lyndee TeresaWeldon comcast net 23579 Gunderson Rd Mt Vernon WA 98273 White Ashley kavanvalkenburg2000 gmail com 8117 NE 32 St Vancouver WA 98662 503 943 0134 halterhorse outlook com Whitford Lola Robert 13201 Persons Rd Bow WA 98232 360 202 6508 sqpaints frontier com 43 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory Willett Eve 5148 E Gray Sea Eagle Ln SW Tumwater WA 98512 360 981 9684 eve sea mountain com Williams Tracy Tianna 3222 S Avondale Rd Nampa ID 83686 208 249 1892 tracysatj gmail com Wilson Christina Erin 814 Evans Dr Sedro Woolley WA 98284 360 770 8332 richyrich454 yahoo com ErinWilson JohnLScott com Witke Dani 458 Hemenway Rd Winlock WA 98596 360 623 0205 showhorses96 gmail com Wonderlich Kathy Sterling Oaks Farm 6413 Joplin Rd Nampa ID 83688 208 286 7182 sofarms aol com Wood Brenda Hampton Horsewear 6936 SE 47th Ave Portland OR 97206 503 201 9613 brenda hamptonhorsewear com YYeager Howard 1480 West Doe Rd Othello WA 99344 509 760 4726 howardyeager4726 gmail com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 44

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Taylor Marilyn Marilyn Taylor Living Trust 4004 S Bermuda Rd Kennewick WA 99338 509 628 3446 ldyrnnr yahoo com Terry Babette Lindsay Jordan Jeff 6304 NE 114 St Vancouver WA 98686 360 921 7457 fenceriderfamily yahoo com Thorndycraft Jessica 7331 23rd Ave NE Seattle WA 98115 206 380 0248 Tuma Shelley Ben Emily 22345 Bear Creek Rd PO Box 5097 Bend OR 97708 541 948 4291 dwspaints gmail com Tuttle Kathy Majestic Sky Farms PO Box 82 Battle Ground WA 98604 971 219 0792 majesticskyfarms comcast net VVan Houten Judy Vincent Jamece PO Box 110 Middleton ID 83644 208 867 8828 jamecevincent85 gmail com Whitford Tabitha 6196 N Green Rd Burlington WA 98233 360 941 4430 twhitford87 hotmail com Vos Cindy Fred 3584 Sorenson Rd Everson WA 98247 360 594 2165 cvos hotmail com Whitsell Kara Russ Juniper Owen Maxwell 10314 46th Ave SE Olympia WA 98513 360 280 5614 bakerstable hotmail com W Wales Aurora PO Box 505 Colton OR 97017 503 887 2614 aurora wales gmail com Warland Marianne 2535 248th St Langley BC V4W2R2 604 816 5292 Skitzfire yahoo ca Watkins Alan Leslie 9333 South 5th W Idaho Falls ID 208 681 4192 watkinspainthorses gmail com Wayman Shawnee 5050 Holladay Blvd VHQH Ranch Leading Edge Equine Holladay UT Therapy 801 509 5333 21218 N Yale Rd voortmeyersr gmail com Colbert WA 99005 509 724 6870 Webb Monica Case vhqhranch live com 8111 Jamieson Ct S W Olympia WA 98512 Vance Linda 360 480 0582 172 Mountain View Wy bakerstable hotmail com Winlock WA 98596 360 520 4081 Weldon Randy Theresa lvance42 q com 604 NE 221st St Ridgefield WA 98642 VanValkenburg Kristen Cooper 360 901 0426 Jaylyn Lyndee TeresaWeldon comcast net 23579 Gunderson Rd Mt Vernon WA 98273 White Ashley kavanvalkenburg2000 gmail com 8117 NE 32 St Vancouver WA 98662 503 943 0134 halterhorse outlook com Whitford Lola Robert 13201 Persons Rd Bow WA 98232 360 202 6508 sqpaints frontier com 43 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory Willett Eve 5148 E Gray Sea Eagle Ln SW Tumwater WA 98512 360 981 9684 eve sea mountain com Williams Tracy Tianna 3222 S Avondale Rd Nampa ID 83686 208 249 1892 tracysatj gmail com Wilson Christina Erin 814 Evans Dr Sedro Woolley WA 98284 360 770 8332 richyrich454 yahoo com ErinWilson JohnLScott com Witke Dani 458 Hemenway Rd Winlock WA 98596 360 623 0205 showhorses96 gmail com Wonderlich Kathy Sterling Oaks Farm 6413 Joplin Rd Nampa ID 83688 208 286 7182 sofarms aol com Wood Brenda Hampton Horsewear 6936 SE 47th Ave Portland OR 97206 503 201 9613 brenda hamptonhorsewear com YYeager Howard 1480 West Doe Rd Othello WA 99344 509 760 4726 howardyeager4726 gmail com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 44

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1 All horses must be registered with APHA Exception weanlings may have work order or registration number 2 All APHA rules will be observed unless otherwise stipulated 3 All owners lessees of above horses must be in good standing with APHA and all NWCC member clubs Any owner lessee who has any show fees outstanding with any NWCC member club or the Zone One show at the end of the point challenge period shall be ineligible for NWCC year end awards 4 All horses must be owned and or leased by a member of an NWCC Member Club exception leadline see rule 8 This includes all youth and amateur riders exhibitors per APHA rules NOTE If the horse is owned by a family member both the exhibitor and the owner MUST be a member of an NWCC member club The NWCC club membership for the owner MUST be the same as on the registration papers Example if the horse is owned by John Mary Doe then there must be a club membership for BOTH John and Mary Doe NO EXCEPTIONS A youth may be part of a Family Membership but must be listed on the membership list Adult children 19 years and over do not qualify under a Family club membership for NWCC Membership to a youth only club does not constitute membership for NWCC purposes An Amateur exhibitor may be part of an Adult Family membership eg husband wife or adult with kids under 18 5 A fully paid current club membership is required before points will be tabulated Please Note Points earned prior to club membership will not be counted Exhibitors have 10 days after the conclusion of an NWCC approved show to join an NWCC approved club for those show points to count towards NWCC year end awards Exception leadline see rule 8 6 One horse One rider combination in all Youth Amateur classes exception Leadline points will accumulate on the rider only regardless of the horse they ride 7 It shall be the responsibility of each NWCC Member Club Secretary to provide the NWCC Pointskeeper and NWCC Secretary with accurate membership lists including dates joined for point tabulation Club membership lists must be emailed to NWCC Pointskeeper and NWCC Secretary by March 1st of each year and updated immediately as new members join or information changes All Family Ranch Company 49 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory memberships to be listed with exact names of members 8 An individual s NWCC points will not be tracked until the NWCC Pointskeeper has received a completed declaration form with an attached copy of the horse s APHA papers Declaration forms and a copy of horse s registration papers must be RECEIVED by the Pointskeeper before the first show or within 10 days of the show you want to count for year end awards LEADLINE RULES A declaration form is not required nor is membership in an NWCC club All leadline points will be tabulated and all participants regardless of number of points will receive a certificate of recognition at the NWCC banquet 9 The show season will last from November 1st through October 31st each year 10 Only your best 50 1 of all available NWCC judges in that particular class count for year end awards for example if there are 40 available NWCC judges only your best 21 judges will count No duplicate judges to be counted unless an emergency approval is granted by the NWCC Board Such approval needs to be submitted to the NWCC Secretary within 7 days of the show 11 Awards to be given in all qualified classes A horse open classes or horse rider youth amateur classes must accumulate a minimum of 25 NWCC Points exception weanling halter Youth Walk Trot in a class for an award to be given In classes with less than 25 accumulated NWCC points the high scoring exhibitor will be recognized as class champion and issued a certificate For weanling halter Youth Walk Trot classes a minimum of 10 NWCC points must be accumulated Points will be calculated using the chart at the end of the rules CLARIFICATION grand reserve points in halter do not count towards the individual class awards only towards the high point halter horse HIGH POINT TABULATION High Point Awards will be issued in the following divisions Jr Sr Green Solid Paint Bred Amateur Masters Amateur Solid Bred Amateur Novice Amateur Youth 13 Under Youth 18 Under Youth Solid Bred Novice Youth Walk Trot Youth Walk Trot Amateur Halter Mares Halter Geldings Halter Stallions All Performance High Point divisions require points to be earned in a minimum of three 3 performance classes of two 2 different APHA Categories with a minimum of 5 NWCC points earned in each of the different APHA categories NOTE Halter is not counted for Junior Senior Solid Paint Bred nor Green High Point All Around and Reserve All Around must earn a minimum of ten 10 NWCC open halter points a minimum of ten 10 NWCC points in three 3 open performance classes in two 2 APHA Categories plus a minimum of five 5 NWCC points in an additional open APHA category to qualify No Youth or Amateur classes to count The High Point All Around winners are also featured on the cover of the following year s NWCC Directory For the Overall High Point Halter Champion in each sex division must earn a minimum of twenty five 25 points No youth or amateur classes to count Grand Champion will receive 2 points plus the difference in the number of points between their class and the winner of the largest class in their sex division Reserve Champion will receive 1 point plus the difference in the number of points between their class and the winner of the largest class in their sex division These points will be combined with the individual class placing This rule follows APHA rules but uses NWCC point system POINT SYSTEM Both Performance and Halter Points POINT SYSTEM will according to the 1 be Bothawarded Performance and Halter Points willfollowing be awardedchart according to the followi Stallions that gelded during theyear show will 2 Stallions thatare are gelded during the show will year not carry thenot points to the carry the points to the Gelding Division NUMBER OF RIDERS OR EXHIBITORS IN A CLASS PLACING 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 First 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 Second 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Third 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fourth 1 2 3 3 4 5 Fifth 1 2 2 2 3 Sixth 1 1 1 1 Seventh No Points Awarded For Seventh Place 18 12 10 8 6 4 2 NOTE CURRENT YEARyear CLUBclub MEMBERSHIP MUST BE must PAID be DECLARATION FORM NOTE Current membership paid CAN andBEaACCUMULATED declaration form received with sign up fee before points can be accumulated Challenges to or questions about the NWCC points must be made to the NWCC Boa after the final points arequestions posted at theabout end of the The NWCC Board reserves Challenges to or theyear NWCC points challenges questions must beormade to the NWCC Board no later than 14 days after the final points are posted at the end of the ALL NWCCThe AWARDS MUST BE PICKED UP AT THE PRIOR year NWCC Board reserves theBANQUET right toUNLESS decide all ARRANG MADE SHIPPING WILL BE A 50 FEE PLUS THE ACTUAL COST OF POSTAG challenges orAWARDS questions WILL BE REUSED OR DONATED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE NWCC BOARD All NWCC awards must be picked up at the banquet unless prior arrangements have been made Forfeited awards will be reused or donated at the discretion of the NWCC Board APPLICABLE TO 2021 With APHA extending youth eligibility for 2021 your points will be assigned to the division in which you exhibit at that show For example if a 14 year old exhibits in 13 under at the beginning of the year their points will go to 13 under If they switch to 18 under later those classes will go to 18 under points will not be combined will stay within the division in which they exhibited 12 Ties will be broken in the following manner The horse and or exhibitor accumulating equal points but showing the least number of times will receive the award If this is equal the horse that places over the other horse the greatest number of times will be declared the winner 13 Points will be given in All Age Combined Classes according to APHA Rules with the NWCC Point system For combined classes the NWCC points will usually track to either the Jr or Sr division where appropriate eg western riding or pleasure If 2 year old 3 year old performance classes are combined into a Jr class NWCC points will be awarded points in the Jr class 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 50

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1 All horses must be registered with APHA Exception weanlings may have work order or registration number 2 All APHA rules will be observed unless otherwise stipulated 3 All owners lessees of above horses must be in good standing with APHA and all NWCC member clubs Any owner lessee who has any show fees outstanding with any NWCC member club or the Zone One show at the end of the point challenge period shall be ineligible for NWCC year end awards 4 All horses must be owned and or leased by a member of an NWCC Member Club exception leadline see rule 8 This includes all youth and amateur riders exhibitors per APHA rules NOTE If the horse is owned by a family member both the exhibitor and the owner MUST be a member of an NWCC member club The NWCC club membership for the owner MUST be the same as on the registration papers Example if the horse is owned by John Mary Doe then there must be a club membership for BOTH John and Mary Doe NO EXCEPTIONS A youth may be part of a Family Membership but must be listed on the membership list Adult children 19 years and over do not qualify under a Family club membership for NWCC Membership to a youth only club does not constitute membership for NWCC purposes An Amateur exhibitor may be part of an Adult Family membership eg husband wife or adult with kids under 18 5 A fully paid current club membership is required before points will be tabulated Please Note Points earned prior to club membership will not be counted Exhibitors have 10 days after the conclusion of an NWCC approved show to join an NWCC approved club for those show points to count towards NWCC year end awards Exception leadline see rule 8 6 One horse One rider combination in all Youth Amateur classes exception Leadline points will accumulate on the rider only regardless of the horse they ride 7 It shall be the responsibility of each NWCC Member Club Secretary to provide the NWCC Pointskeeper and NWCC Secretary with accurate membership lists including dates joined for point tabulation Club membership lists must be emailed to NWCC Pointskeeper and NWCC Secretary by March 1st of each year and updated immediately as new members join or information changes All Family Ranch Company 49 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory memberships to be listed with exact names of members 8 An individual s NWCC points will not be tracked until the NWCC Pointskeeper has received a completed declaration form with an attached copy of the horse s APHA papers Declaration forms and a copy of horse s registration papers must be RECEIVED by the Pointskeeper before the first show or within 10 days of the show you want to count for year end awards LEADLINE RULES A declaration form is not required nor is membership in an NWCC club All leadline points will be tabulated and all participants regardless of number of points will receive a certificate of recognition at the NWCC banquet 9 The show season will last from November 1st through October 31st each year 10 Only your best 50 1 of all available NWCC judges in that particular class count for year end awards for example if there are 40 available NWCC judges only your best 21 judges will count No duplicate judges to be counted unless an emergency approval is granted by the NWCC Board Such approval needs to be submitted to the NWCC Secretary within 7 days of the show 11 Awards to be given in all qualified classes A horse open classes or horse rider youth amateur classes must accumulate a minimum of 25 NWCC Points exception weanling halter Youth Walk Trot in a class for an award to be given In classes with less than 25 accumulated NWCC points the high scoring exhibitor will be recognized as class champion and issued a certificate For weanling halter Youth Walk Trot classes a minimum of 10 NWCC points must be accumulated Points will be calculated using the chart at the end of the rules CLARIFICATION grand reserve points in halter do not count towards the individual class awards only towards the high point halter horse HIGH POINT TABULATION High Point Awards will be issued in the following divisions Jr Sr Green Solid Paint Bred Amateur Masters Amateur Solid Bred Amateur Novice Amateur Youth 13 Under Youth 18 Under Youth Solid Bred Novice Youth Walk Trot Youth Walk Trot Amateur Halter Mares Halter Geldings Halter Stallions All Performance High Point divisions require points to be earned in a minimum of three 3 performance classes of two 2 different APHA Categories with a minimum of 5 NWCC points earned in each of the different APHA categories NOTE Halter is not counted for Junior Senior Solid Paint Bred nor Green High Point All Around and Reserve All Around must earn a minimum of ten 10 NWCC open halter points a minimum of ten 10 NWCC points in three 3 open performance classes in two 2 APHA Categories plus a minimum of five 5 NWCC points in an additional open APHA category to qualify No Youth or Amateur classes to count The High Point All Around winners are also featured on the cover of the following year s NWCC Directory For the Overall High Point Halter Champion in each sex division must earn a minimum of twenty five 25 points No youth or amateur classes to count Grand Champion will receive 2 points plus the difference in the number of points between their class and the winner of the largest class in their sex division Reserve Champion will receive 1 point plus the difference in the number of points between their class and the winner of the largest class in their sex division These points will be combined with the individual class placing This rule follows APHA rules but uses NWCC point system POINT SYSTEM Both Performance and Halter Points POINT SYSTEM will according to the 1 be Bothawarded Performance and Halter Points willfollowing be awardedchart according to the followi Stallions that gelded during theyear show will 2 Stallions thatare are gelded during the show will year not carry thenot points to the carry the points to the Gelding Division NUMBER OF RIDERS OR EXHIBITORS IN A CLASS PLACING 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 First 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 Second 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Third 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fourth 1 2 3 3 4 5 Fifth 1 2 2 2 3 Sixth 1 1 1 1 Seventh No Points Awarded For Seventh Place 18 12 10 8 6 4 2 NOTE CURRENT YEARyear CLUBclub MEMBERSHIP MUST BE must PAID be DECLARATION FORM NOTE Current membership paid CAN andBEaACCUMULATED declaration form received with sign up fee before points can be accumulated Challenges to or questions about the NWCC points must be made to the NWCC Boa after the final points arequestions posted at theabout end of the The NWCC Board reserves Challenges to or theyear NWCC points challenges questions must beormade to the NWCC Board no later than 14 days after the final points are posted at the end of the ALL NWCCThe AWARDS MUST BE PICKED UP AT THE PRIOR year NWCC Board reserves theBANQUET right toUNLESS decide all ARRANG MADE SHIPPING WILL BE A 50 FEE PLUS THE ACTUAL COST OF POSTAG challenges orAWARDS questions WILL BE REUSED OR DONATED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE NWCC BOARD All NWCC awards must be picked up at the banquet unless prior arrangements have been made Forfeited awards will be reused or donated at the discretion of the NWCC Board APPLICABLE TO 2021 With APHA extending youth eligibility for 2021 your points will be assigned to the division in which you exhibit at that show For example if a 14 year old exhibits in 13 under at the beginning of the year their points will go to 13 under If they switch to 18 under later those classes will go to 18 under points will not be combined will stay within the division in which they exhibited 12 Ties will be broken in the following manner The horse and or exhibitor accumulating equal points but showing the least number of times will receive the award If this is equal the horse that places over the other horse the greatest number of times will be declared the winner 13 Points will be given in All Age Combined Classes according to APHA Rules with the NWCC Point system For combined classes the NWCC points will usually track to either the Jr or Sr division where appropriate eg western riding or pleasure If 2 year old 3 year old performance classes are combined into a Jr class NWCC points will be awarded points in the Jr class 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 50

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1 All horses must be registered with APHA Exception weanlings may have work order or registration number 2 All APHA rules will be observed unless otherwise stipulated 3 All owners lessees of above horses must be in good standing with APHA and all NWCC member clubs Any owner lessee who has any show fees outstanding with any NWCC member club or the Zone One show at the end of the point challenge period shall be ineligible for NWCC year end awards 4 All horses must be owned and or leased by a member of an NWCC Member Club NOTE If the horse is owned by a family member both the exhibitor and the owner MUST be a member of an NWCC member club The NWCC club membership for the owner MUST be the same as on the registration papers Example if the horse is owned by John and Mary Doe then there must be a club membership for BOTH John and Mary Doe NO EXCEPTIONS A youth may be part of a Family Membership but must be listed on the membership list Adult children 19 years and over do not qualify under a Family club membership for NWCC Membership to a youth only club does not constitute membership for NWCC purposes 5 A fully paid current membership is required before points will be tabulated Please Note Points earned prior to membership will not be counted Exhibitors have 10 days after the conclusion of a show to join an NWCC approved club for those show points to count towards NWCC year end awards 6 It shall be the responsibility of each NWCC Member Club Secretary to provide the NWCC Pointskeeper and NWCC Secretary with accurate membership lists including dates joined for point tabulation Club membership lists must be emailed to NWCC Pointskeeper and NWCC Secretary by March 1st of each year and updated immediately as new members join or information changes All Family Ranch and Company memberships to be listed with exact names of members 7 An individual s NWCC points will not be tracked until the NWCC Treasurer has received a completed declaration form with an attached copy of the horse s APHA papers verification of the current year PAC enrollment and the PAC Show Division sign up fee per horse Declaration forms and a copy of the documents must be RECEIVED by the NWCC Treasurer before the first show or within 10 days of the show you want to count for year end awards For those who showed in early November 2020 you must be signed up by December 1 2020 for those shows to count 51 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 8 Owner Exhibitor will be responsible for submitting a copy of their PAC show report to the NWCC pointskeeper within 30 days of a show for that show to be counted Points will not be counted in an all other breed class if also exhibit in a Paint class Grand Reserve halter is not counted 9 The show season will last from November 1st through October 31st each year Awards to be given in all qualified divisions A horse must accumulate a minimum of 25 NWCC Points in a division Exception weanling halter classes a minimum of 10 NWCC points must be accumulated Points will be calculated using the chart at the end of the rules 10 Ties will be broken in the following manner The horse and or exhibitor accumulating equal points but showing the least number of times will receive the award If this is equal a coin flip 11 DIVISIONS NWCC will recognize awards in five divisions no age divisions open to all ages Western western pleasure western riding ranch classes gaming etc English English pleasure hunter under saddle over fences etc Equitation showmanship fitting showing horsemanship western english eq etc In Hand halter color longeline in hand trail etc Recreational Riding hours ridden in compliance with the PAC program Specializing in all around performance events Lessons Training Sales POINT SYSTEM for Recreational Riding There will not be a point system we will track accumulate each hour submitted to APHA POINT SYSTEM for 4 H Danish Dressage Events FEI Levels or Endurance If we have exhibitors competing in those types of events the NWCC Board will create a point system commensurate with the APHA PAC Credit system that fits within our NWCC traditional rules NOTE Current year club membership must be paid and a declaration form received with sign up fee before points can be accumulated Challenges to or questions about the NWCC points must be made to the NWCC Board no later than 14 days after the final points are posted at the end of the year The NWCC Board reserves the right to decide all challenges or questions All NWCC awards must be picked up at the banquet unless prior arrangements have been made Forfeited awards will be reused or donated at the discretion of the NWCC Board SEND YOUR PAC REPORT FORMS TO NWCC PAC PROGRAM GMAIL COM 360 509 2549 karmahuff yahoo com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 52

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1 All horses must be registered with APHA Exception weanlings may have work order or registration number 2 All APHA rules will be observed unless otherwise stipulated 3 All owners lessees of above horses must be in good standing with APHA and all NWCC member clubs Any owner lessee who has any show fees outstanding with any NWCC member club or the Zone One show at the end of the point challenge period shall be ineligible for NWCC year end awards 4 All horses must be owned and or leased by a member of an NWCC Member Club NOTE If the horse is owned by a family member both the exhibitor and the owner MUST be a member of an NWCC member club The NWCC club membership for the owner MUST be the same as on the registration papers Example if the horse is owned by John and Mary Doe then there must be a club membership for BOTH John and Mary Doe NO EXCEPTIONS A youth may be part of a Family Membership but must be listed on the membership list Adult children 19 years and over do not qualify under a Family club membership for NWCC Membership to a youth only club does not constitute membership for NWCC purposes 5 A fully paid current membership is required before points will be tabulated Please Note Points earned prior to membership will not be counted Exhibitors have 10 days after the conclusion of a show to join an NWCC approved club for those show points to count towards NWCC year end awards 6 It shall be the responsibility of each NWCC Member Club Secretary to provide the NWCC Pointskeeper and NWCC Secretary with accurate membership lists including dates joined for point tabulation Club membership lists must be emailed to NWCC Pointskeeper and NWCC Secretary by March 1st of each year and updated immediately as new members join or information changes All Family Ranch and Company memberships to be listed with exact names of members 7 An individual s NWCC points will not be tracked until the NWCC Treasurer has received a completed declaration form with an attached copy of the horse s APHA papers verification of the current year PAC enrollment and the PAC Show Division sign up fee per horse Declaration forms and a copy of the documents must be RECEIVED by the NWCC Treasurer before the first show or within 10 days of the show you want to count for year end awards For those who showed in early November 2020 you must be signed up by December 1 2020 for those shows to count 51 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 8 Owner Exhibitor will be responsible for submitting a copy of their PAC show report to the NWCC pointskeeper within 30 days of a show for that show to be counted Points will not be counted in an all other breed class if also exhibit in a Paint class Grand Reserve halter is not counted 9 The show season will last from November 1st through October 31st each year Awards to be given in all qualified divisions A horse must accumulate a minimum of 25 NWCC Points in a division Exception weanling halter classes a minimum of 10 NWCC points must be accumulated Points will be calculated using the chart at the end of the rules 10 Ties will be broken in the following manner The horse and or exhibitor accumulating equal points but showing the least number of times will receive the award If this is equal a coin flip 11 DIVISIONS NWCC will recognize awards in five divisions no age divisions open to all ages Western western pleasure western riding ranch classes gaming etc English English pleasure hunter under saddle over fences etc Equitation showmanship fitting showing horsemanship western english eq etc In Hand halter color longeline in hand trail etc Recreational Riding hours ridden in compliance with the PAC program Specializing in all around performance events Lessons Training Sales POINT SYSTEM for Recreational Riding There will not be a point system we will track accumulate each hour submitted to APHA POINT SYSTEM for 4 H Danish Dressage Events FEI Levels or Endurance If we have exhibitors competing in those types of events the NWCC Board will create a point system commensurate with the APHA PAC Credit system that fits within our NWCC traditional rules NOTE Current year club membership must be paid and a declaration form received with sign up fee before points can be accumulated Challenges to or questions about the NWCC points must be made to the NWCC Board no later than 14 days after the final points are posted at the end of the year The NWCC Board reserves the right to decide all challenges or questions All NWCC awards must be picked up at the banquet unless prior arrangements have been made Forfeited awards will be reused or donated at the discretion of the NWCC Board SEND YOUR PAC REPORT FORMS TO NWCC PAC PROGRAM GMAIL COM 360 509 2549 karmahuff yahoo com 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 52

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Show in California earn great awards 2021 CCC Approved Shows 2 12 2 14 3 26 3 27 3 28 4 29 4 30 5 1 5 2 8 28 8 29 9 10 9 12 10 27 10 29 10 29 10 31 NCPHC SJPHC 7CPHC 7CPHC CPHA CPHA SJPHC NCPHC 7CPHC CCPHC SPHC 4 judges 2 judges 4 judges 4 judges 4 judges 2 judges 4 judges 4 judges 4 judges Other Important Dates 2 26 28 APHA Convention 3 6 CCC Meeting State Awards Banquet 5 26 30 APHA Zone 2 Show 6 12 CCC Meeting 6 25 7 11 APHA World Show 8 15 CCC Meeting 10 13 17 APHA Western National Championship 11 6 CCC Meeting 12 5 CCC Meeting Rancho Murieta Brookside Brookside Rancho Murieta Rancho Murieta Rancho Murieta Corning Rancho Murieta Rancho Murieta Ft Worth TX Madera Las Vegas NV Phone Ft Worth TX Phone Las Vegas NV Phone Turlock 2021 Year End Saddles awarded to the All Around Champion in each category Youth Walk Trot 5 10 Novice Youth Youth 18 Under Amateur Walk Trot Novice Amateur Amateur Open Learn about CCC get show details and see rules online 69 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory www CaliforniaStatePaintHorse com 70

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Show in California earn great awards 2021 CCC Approved Shows 2 12 2 14 3 26 3 27 3 28 4 29 4 30 5 1 5 2 8 28 8 29 9 10 9 12 10 27 10 29 10 29 10 31 NCPHC SJPHC 7CPHC 7CPHC CPHA CPHA SJPHC NCPHC 7CPHC CCPHC SPHC 4 judges 2 judges 4 judges 4 judges 4 judges 2 judges 4 judges 4 judges 4 judges Other Important Dates 2 26 28 APHA Convention 3 6 CCC Meeting State Awards Banquet 5 26 30 APHA Zone 2 Show 6 12 CCC Meeting 6 25 7 11 APHA World Show 8 15 CCC Meeting 10 13 17 APHA Western National Championship 11 6 CCC Meeting 12 5 CCC Meeting Rancho Murieta Brookside Brookside Rancho Murieta Rancho Murieta Rancho Murieta Corning Rancho Murieta Rancho Murieta Ft Worth TX Madera Las Vegas NV Phone Ft Worth TX Phone Las Vegas NV Phone Turlock 2021 Year End Saddles awarded to the All Around Champion in each category Youth Walk Trot 5 10 Novice Youth Youth 18 Under Amateur Walk Trot Novice Amateur Amateur Open Learn about CCC get show details and see rules online 69 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory www CaliforniaStatePaintHorse com 70

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The Rail Co Equestrian Inspired clothing www therailandco com therailandco 71 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 72

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The Rail Co Equestrian Inspired clothing www therailandco com therailandco 71 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 2021 NWCC Paint Horse Directory 72

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