SFCC Membership Meeting Minutes Location Tailgator s Bar Grill 1013 Splitrock Blvd Brandon SD 57005 605 582 2520 November 13 2021 The November SFCC meeting and Annual Banquet was held at Tailgator s in Brandon on November 13 2021 The meeting started with Jeff Watkins conducting a short ceremony to honor our members who are Military Veterans After the meal several members were given Thank You Plaques for their contributions to SFCC Finally the results of the election for the 2022 Board of Directors are as follows Past President President Vice President Secretary Treasurer CHIPS Editor NCCC racing Spring Rally Car Show Historian Sargent at Arms BHCC Merchandise Meeting adjourned at 10 PM Jeff Watkins Mike Skiles Dave Rowe Denny Robinson Lisa Glasgow Christina Watkins John Kladstrup Greg Rita Miller John Kollander Glen Hoffer Mick Hoffer Barry Konken Jennifer Hailey Johnke
SFCC General Meeting Minutes Location Hilton Garden Inn South 5300 S Grand Cir Sioux Falls SD 57108 605 444 4500 October 27 2021 Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer CHIPS Editor Sergeant at Arms Historian Membership Ambassador Racing NCCC Spring Rally Merchandise BHCC Past President Present Jeff Watkins Mike Skiles Not Present Donna Florom Lisa Glasgow Christina Watkins Greg Johnson Glen Hoffer Mike Gilbride Barry Konken Greg Rita Miller Stuart Oines Kris Haase John Kladstrup Meeting called to order at 7 00 pm by Jeff Watkins Jeff Watkins Birthday and Anniversaries 2021 Banquet is November 13 at Tailgators in Brandon It starts at 6 30 Prime Rib will be served Look for an upcoming e mail with details Mike S Skiles 280 paid members Consider running for a Board position We would like to get multiple people to consider for each position Current nominations include o Past President Jeff Watkins o President Mike Skiles o Vice President Dave Rowe o Secretary Denny Robinson o Treasurer Lisa Glasgow o BHCC Barry Konken o Sergeant at Arms Mick Hoffer o Historian Glen Hoffer o Merchandise Hailey and Jennifer Johnke o CHIPS Editor Christina Watkins o Racing NCCC John Kladstrup o Spring Rally Greg Rita Miller o Car Show OPEN 2022 BHCC The Spearfish Holiday Inn has sent out reservations for 2022 to those who stayed there in 2021 If a member didn t receive the e mail reservation notice they are encouraged to reach out to the Holiday Inn to follow up to make sure they get a reservation for next year
Some members are looking for heated storage for the coming months for their cars If you have or know of available storage please contact Mike to coordinate Jeff Watkins Mike Skiles 2022 membership dues will be 50 for EVERYBODY Singles and couples John Kladstrup The club will have a Christmas tree at the state capital again this year We need volunteers to help take it down and pack it up on December 27 Please contact John if you can help Greg Johnson 50 50 o The Children s Inn won 104 o John Miles won 104 Glen Hoffer Provided a copy of the memories and events of the early days of the club for members present at the meeting to read Original early members at the meeting were recognized by the attendees Stu Oines A good year for merchandise sales for the club The merchandise trailer has been fully inventoried Mike Gilbride Members are encouraged to have their photos taken and or submitted for inclusion in the Buzzbook Lola Coon She brought photos from the BHCC from the previous years which she had presented in collages Cindy Kersbergen As this is the 50th anniversary of the SFCC and the BHCC members are encouraged to dress up for the banquet on November 13 All the original photos from the past 50 years of the BHCC and the club that have been in store are in the process of being digitized The originals will be stored by Dusty Coon Meeting adjourned at 8 15 motion by Lisa Glasgow seconded by multiple members Minutes recorded by Ray Florom for Donna Florom Secretary
SFCC General Meeting Minutes Location Hilton Garden Inn South 5300 S Grand Cir Sioux Falls SD 57108 605 444 4500 29 September 2021 Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer CHIPS Editor Sargent at Arms Historian Membership Ambassador Racing NCCC Spring Rally Merchandise BHCC Past President Present Not Present Jeff Watkins Mike Skiles Donna Florom Lisa Glasgow Christina Watkins Greg Johnson Glen Hoffer Mike Gilbride Barry Konken Rita Miller Stuart Oines Shirley Oines Greg Miller Kris Haase John Kladstrup Meeting called to order at 7 00 pm by Mike Skiles Dave Rowe Birthday and Anniversaries Mike S 279 paid members Last Drive and Dine for the year on 10 23 10 24 to the Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed in Lincoln NE and to the Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska City NE Details will be sent in an email USD Parade is on Saturday 10 2 leaving Marlins in Tea at 6 45am for anyone who is interested Consider running for a Board position We would like to get multiple people to consider for each position Current nominations include o Past President Jeff Watkins o President Mike Skiles o Vice President Dave Rowe o Secretary Denny Robinson o Treasurer John Pesicka o BHCC Barry Konken o Sargent at Arms Mick Hoffer o Historian Glen Hoffer o Merchandise OPEN o CHIPS Editor Christina Watkins but would be open for anyone o Racing NCCC John Kladstrup o Spring Rally Greg Rita Miller o Car Show OPEN Bootz Will send out information regarding the RFID Protector for your chip key to protect your car
Dusty Adapt a Highway bi annual cleanup is Saturday 10 2 Meet Dario s Pizza at 9 15 am to help out Cindy K 50 50 sold 211 in tickets o The Children s Inn won 111 o Steve Hamsa won 111 Meeting adjourned at 7 45 pm motioned by Ray F seconded by Cindy K Minutes recorded by Donna Florom Secretary
SFCC General Meeting Minutes Location Hilton Garden Inn South 5300 S Grand Cir Sioux Falls SD 57108 605 444 4500 30 June 2021 Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer CHIPS Editor Sargent at Arms Historian Membership Ambassador Racing NCCC Spring Rally Merchandise BHCC Past President Present Jeff Watkins Mike Skiles Donna Florom Lisa Glasgow Christina Watkins Not Present Greg Johnson Glen Hoffer Mike Gilbride Barry Konken Greg and Rita Miller Stuart Oines Shirley Oines Kris Haase John Kladstrup Meeting called to order at 7 22 pm by Jeff Watkins Jeff Birthday and Anniversaries Welcome to new members Dave Rowe Hot Harley Nights needs 25 Corvettes to help with the Make a Wish kids for the parade on Saturday July 10th The parade starts at 5 30 line up is at 4 30 at the Animal Health Internal Email to go out with more details Lisa Nothing at this time Donna Nothing at this time Greg M Nothing at this time Barry Nothing at this time Glen Nothing at this time Mike S 229 paid members July 25th Drive Dine at Calico Skies July 30 31 Vets in the Park Mike G Working on Buzz Book updates Please make sure to update your information and approve to be in the Buzz Book Christina If there are emails that need to be sent please send a composed version of the message to CHIPs If you are not receiving emails please reach out to Christina directly
Kris 50th BHCC Update 1 200 people registered for the BHCC to date 1 000 people registered for the event at Jerry s to date Parking meeting is at 7 30 am Governor Kristi Noem will be joining Continuing to seek out volunteers for some open spots especially registration Stu Had to go through a different vendor for the shirts for BHCC they will be folding the shirts so there will be no shirt folding party Cindy K 50 50 sold 206 in tickets o The Children s Inn won 103 o A model Corvette was also provided in a separate drawing Meeting adjourned at 8 40 pm Minutes recorded by Donna Florom Secretary
SFCC General Meeting Minutes Location Hilton Garden Inn South 5300 S Grand Cir Sioux Falls SD 57108 605 444 4500 26 May 2021 Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer CHIPS Editor Sargent at Arms Historian Membership Ambassador Racing NCCC Spring Rally Merchandise BHCC Past President Present Jeff Watkins Mike Skiles Donna Florom Lisa Glasgow Christina Watkins Greg Johnson Glen Hoffer Mike Gilbride Barry Konken Greg and Rita Miller Stuart Oines Shirley Oines Kris Haase Not Present John Kladstrup Meeting called to order at 7 19 pm by Jeff Watkins Jeff Birthday and Anniversaries Welcome to new members June 6th Car show at Jerry s from 12 00 3 00 register on SFCC website for parking June 13th Honor Ride Midwest Honor Flight register on link on SFCC website 45 car Registration at The Alliance starts at 12 30 ride begins at 2 30 goes to VA Hospital and VA Cemetery for ceremony back at The Alliance at 5 00 Lisa Nothing at this time Donna Nothing at this time Greg Nothing at this time Greg M Spring Rally was great fun 29 cars participated ended up at the Blue Rock for dinner Stu Will be ordering shirts 500 will be available before the BHCC will need help getting them folded Folding party will be the 3rd or 4th week of June at Mid States Will send out an email when details are available Christina The website has been updated with as many events Drive and Dines etc that are currently known Please keep sending in items and pictures to update the site
Barry 6 11 21 and 7 30 21 will be the Friday Night Races at the Fairgrounds On 6 5 21 there will be a Big Blue mile long shoot out just outside of Lincoln NE On 6 19 21 George Motorsports Park Hastings located in Hastings NE will be running laps on both Friday and Saturday Kris 50th BHCC Update o Many activities have been sold out o 984 have registered expect to hit 1k o We need a lot of volunteers sign up sheets are available o Riddle s donated 50 diamond necklaces 26k in value for raffle o BHCC Meeting is 6 2 Mike G Working on Buzz Book updates Please make sure to update your information and approve to be in the Buzz Book Mike S Barry BHCC after the 50th Spearfish Holiday Inn is extremely interested in taking it on and submitted a proposal that includes Board recommends a 1 year contract so we can evaluate after the first year The agenda will look identical to current agenda except for Guided Tours and AutoX Cost is 300 1 car 2 people with an additional charge for the banquet and Ladies Showcase Rooms will be 169 3 night minimum stay Holiday Inn will run registration and all events SFCC runs events at Jerry s Hot Summer Nights and Caravan SFCC maintains ownership of BHCC trademark logos and option of selling merchandise in Sioux Falls and Spearfish Holiday Inn would like to announce the new arrangement at the 50 th and start promoting Dave Rowes motion to put the proposal to a vote Cindy Kersbergen 2nd the motion The proposal passed with all attendings voting to proceed with the proposal Greg 50 50 sold 260 in tickets o Bob Klosterbuer won 130 o The Children s Inn won 130 Meeting adjourned at 8 15 pm Minutes recorded by Donna Florom Secretary
SFCC General Minutes Location Hilton Garden Inn South 5300 S Grand Cir Sioux Falls SD 57108 605 444 4500 April 28 2021 Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer CHIPS Editor Sargent at Arms Historian Membership Ambassador Racing NCCC Spring Rally Merchandise BHCC Past President Present Jeff Watkins Mike Skiles Not Present Donna Florom Lisa Glasgow Christina Watkins Greg Johnson Glen Hoffer Mike Gilbride Barry Konken Greg and Rita Miller Stuart Oines Shirley Oines Kris Haase John Kladstrup Meeting called to order at 7 00 pm by Greg Johnson Jeff Car detailing Carl Keys will detail cars at the Spearfish Holiday Inn 13 th 17th Honor Ride to raise awareness and funds for the Honor Flight Sunday June 13th at 2 30 More information and preregistration at midwesthonorfligh org ride Mike Skiles Recognized Jerry s Chevrolet 215 Mimbers Wheels Turning Tour May 2nd Apring Rally May 11th Drive Dine Plus to Madison and eat at Primetime May 15th Drive Dine Day Trip to Sioux City IA meeting at Primrose Retirement all info is updated on the SFCC website s calendar Connie Update your Buzzbook info please Glen Hoffer Request for all photos please email to Glenn Greg Miller Spring Rally Start arrivals at 11 45 12 45 Driver Navigator Meeting 1 pm Depart There will be a midpoint stop
Barry Konken Sports Car Club Auto Cross May 8th May 15th 16th June 11th July 30th June 4th 5th Lincoln June 19th Hastings Stu License Plate frames 10 Kay Wagner Corvette Museum details new colors for the cars Kris BHCC 928 Registration to date Need Volunteers for events still who will contact the Chairs directly 50 50 207 Minutes recorded by Deb Johnson in for Donna Florom Secretary
SFCC General Meeting Minutes Location Hilton Garden Inn South 5300 S Grand Cir Sioux Falls SD 57108 605 444 4500 31 March 2021 Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer CHIPS Editor Sargent at Arms Historian Membership Ambassador Racing NCCC Spring Car Show Spring Rally Merchandise BHCC Past President Guest NCL Present Jeff Watkins Mike Skiles Donna Florom Lisa Glasgow Christina Watkins Greg Johnson Not Present Glen Hoffer Mike Gilbride Barry Konken Tom Kandt Greg and Rita Miller Stuart Oines Shirley Oines Kris Haase John Kladstrup Kaye Wagner Meeting called to order at 6 59 pm by Jeff Watkins Jeff Birthday and Anniversaries Welcome to new members Mike S 194 members currently expecting another 30 to join prior to the BHCC Drive Dine schedule is on the SFCC site first one is 4 21 will meet around 5 30 and leave around 5 45 Lisa Nothing at this time Donna Nothing at this time Greg Nothing at this time Greg M Spring Rally date is May 2nd can start coming around 11 am to Jerry s and will start leaving around 1 pm You will receive cryptic instructions on how to get to the destination will include time and mileage Make sure to have a full tank of gas Will get to the destination around 4 00 for dinner etc which will be provided by SFCC Stu Will be ordering shirts 500 will be available before the BHCC will need help getting them folded License plate holders should be received in a couple of weeks Mid states can embroider anything that club members want as we own the rights to the Corvette emblem for club purposes
Christina The website has been updated with as many events Drive and Dines etc that are currently known Please keep sending in items and pictures to update the site Reminder the password for the members only section is buzzbook Christina will be taking pictures and getting information for the Buzz Book or you can email her a photo you would prefer instead Barry 6 11 21 and 7 30 21 will be the Friday Night Races at the Fairgrounds On 6 5 21 there will be a Big Blue mile long shoot out just outside of Lincoln NE You can do 3 practice runs on Friday afternoon for a timed run there will be cash prizes On 6 19 21 George Motor Sports in Hastings will be running laps on both Friday and Saturday Kaye Wagner National Corvette Museum April 22nd 24th there will be a virtual event as well as an opportunity to purchase raffle tickets to win a car Dave Rowe for Kris Haase 50th BHCC Update o Many activities have been sold out o 850 have registered expect a big spike of registrations in May o We need a lot of volunteers sign up sheets will be available at the next meeting o We need a Thursday Day Chair o Need 2 ton vehicles to pull trailers to Spearfish o Hot Summer Nights Shriners Last Call Band will play Need a volunteer for the Touch a Truck event Quick 60 race will be available for registered members only will have cash prizes Greg 50 50 sold 180 in tickets o Edmond Stevens won 90 o A donation of 90 will go to the Children s Inn Meeting adjourned at 7 50 pm Minutes recorded by Donna Florom Secretary