Standard series descriptionSupplementary information iconFunctional series icon and design descriptionWG-960EXSeriesNumberSuffix for functional seriesDesign Description Guide 3M™ DI-NOC™Architectural Finishes2023New designHorizontal woodgrain Matte designSee full scale design on website Manufactured to order itemNot recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfacesFunctional Series Icon ListAR Series :for high traffic applicationsEX Series :for exterior applications DG Series :for applications behind glassWG-960377WG-960EXSupplementary Information Icon List13321 2MTHStandard and functional series have a similar appearance but are not identical.
ContentsMatte :23232432343842444546485051Metallic WoodChipboardFine WoodWood GrainWood Grain GlossMetalStone / Concrete / TileTextileLeatherAbstractSolid ColorAbrasion ResistantExterior8101416161718181919202021Premium WoodDry WoodMortar / PlasterPlaster on MetalStoneStucco / Terracotta / CeramicTextileFabricSuede / Leather Oxidized MetalMetallic PaletteSmooth MetalSolid Color31WHAT IS A MASTER PIECE?24 53Basic : A masterpiece improves the lives of all who experience it. They are the objects of beauty inspired by nature and materials at hand — wood, textile, stone, leather, metal — and are limited only by the imagination of the master. 3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes bring you the beauty of hundreds of natural elements with the additional new designs, Premium Wood, Metallic Palette and Artisanal Design, to inspire your masterpiece. We use advancements in science so you can capture the worlds natural beauty without sacricing a forest or your creative ideals. You can create a stunning new space quickly, easily, and sustainably or breathe new life into an existing space almost overnight. The non-porous surface of DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes is not just beautiful but easy to clean and disinfect. There are no boundaries. No limits. Only your imagination. Create your masterpiece.2
ContentsMatte :23232432343842444546485051Metallic WoodChipboardFine WoodWood GrainWood Grain GlossMetalStone / Concrete / TileTextileLeatherAbstractSolid ColorAbrasion ResistantExterior8101416161718181919202021Premium WoodDry WoodMortar / PlasterPlaster on MetalStoneStucco / Terracotta / CeramicTextileFabricSuede / Leather Oxidized MetalMetallic PaletteSmooth MetalSolid Color31WHAT IS A MASTER PIECE?24 53Basic : A masterpiece improves the lives of all who experience it. They are the objects of beauty inspired by nature and materials at hand — wood, textile, stone, leather, metal — and are limited only by the imagination of the master. 3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes bring you the beauty of hundreds of natural elements with the additional new designs, Premium Wood, Metallic Palette and Artisanal Design, to inspire your masterpiece. We use advancements in science so you can capture the worlds natural beauty without sacricing a forest or your creative ideals. You can create a stunning new space quickly, easily, and sustainably or breathe new life into an existing space almost overnight. The non-porous surface of DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes is not just beautiful but easy to clean and disinfect. There are no boundaries. No limits. Only your imagination. Create your masterpiece.3
87Do more with your designsPS-504ME-1781ARAE-1632 / FW-1212 / PS-713PS-1187DW-1888MT / PS-503Custom design of EX seriesDW-1888MTPS-504 / PA-045ARPS-1870MT / PWF-500FW-336 / PS-1869MT (PS-3869MT) 1234567891010694
87Do more with your designsPS-504ME-1781ARAE-1632 / FW-1212 / PS-713PS-1187DW-1888MT / PS-503Custom design of EX seriesDW-1888MTPS-504 / PA-045ARPS-1870MT / PWF-500FW-336 / PS-1869MT (PS-3869MT) 1234567891010695
Fingerprint Resistant Tactile FeatureMatte CoatingExperience the difference in texture between standard series and new Matte SeriesMatte SeriesPS-1870MTStandard SeriesPS-999Matte Coating Technology : The new Matte Series utilizes the latest technology available. With a new state of the art matte surface, the Matte Series oers realistic texture by converting incident light into diuse reection and suppressing specular reection. This series also provides ngerprint resistance. Explore the new world of design possibilities with 3M Matte Series.PW-2315MTST-2171MTME-2262ST-1831DGME-2265AE-2152MT1234561 23645Matte Series ExistingPS-1870MT PS-999FilmMatte CoatingIncident LightMatte Coating TechnologyThe new state of the art matte surface converts incident light into diffuse reflection, providing very low gloss and a deep, high quality matte texture.The matte texture provides fingerprint resistance, reducing the visibility of fingerprints with an easy to maintain surface.A realistic matte texture is created by combining the matte coating technology with high definition embossing technology.Matte Series
Fingerprint Resistant Tactile FeatureMatte CoatingExperience the difference in texture between standard series and new Matte SeriesMatte SeriesPS-1870MTStandard SeriesPS-999Matte Coating Technology : The new Matte Series utilizes the latest technology available. With a new state of the art matte surface, the Matte Series oers realistic texture by converting incident light into diuse reection and suppressing specular reection. This series also provides ngerprint resistance. Explore the new world of design possibilities with 3M Matte Series.PW-2315MTST-2171MTME-2262ST-1831DGME-2265AE-2152MT1234561 23645Matte Series ExistingPS-1870MT PS-999FilmMatte CoatingIncident LightMatte Coating TechnologyThe new state of the art matte surface converts incident light into diffuse reflection, providing very low gloss and a deep, high quality matte texture.The matte texture provides fingerprint resistance, reducing the visibility of fingerprints with an easy to maintain surface.A realistic matte texture is created by combining the matte coating technology with high definition embossing technology.
1 PW-2315MT 2 ST-2171MT1012Controlled Reection TechnologyThe new Premium Wood Series expresses the realistic appearance and texture of natural wood. The controlled reection of the matte coating technology is combined with both ne and deep wood grain embossing and high-quality printing. This unique technology creates the optimum tone and texture of each species of wood.FilmPrintingTextureMatte CoatingControlled ReectionPW-2314MT Premium Wood
ABCDEFG12 3 4PPW-2310MW-2310MTT PPW-2306MW-2306MTT PPW-2305MTW-2305MT PPW-2309MW-2309MTT PPW-2312MW-2312MTT PPW-2313MW-2313MTT PPW-2317MW-2317MTT PPW-2307MW-2307MTT PPW-2318MW-2318MTT PPW-2315MW-2315MTT PPW-2308MW-2308MTT PPW-2316MW-2316MTT PPW-2319MW-2319MTT PPW-2311MW-2311MTT New designH Horizontal woodgrainMTMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces9
1 2 3 4ABCDEFGDDW-2199MW-2199MTT DDW-2200MW-2200MTT DDW-1903MW-1903MTT DDW-1894MW-1894MTT DDW-1888MW-1888MTT DDW-2202MW-2202MTT DDW-1993MW-1993MTT DDW-1875MW-1875MTT DDW-2205MW-2205MTT DDW-1902MW-1902MTT DDW-2198MW-2198MTT DW-2203MDW-2203MTT DDW-2206MW-2206MTT DDW-1889MW-1889MTT DDW-2197MW-2197MTT DDW-2201MW-2201MTT DDW-2204MW-2204MTT Dry Wood10
ABCDEFG12 3 4DDW-1883MW-1883MTT DDW-2207MW-2207MTT DDW-1901MW-1901MTT DDW-1873MW-1873MTT DDW-1878MW-1878MTT DDW-1876MW-1876MTT DDW-2209MW-2209MTT DDW-2208MW-2208MTT DDW-1877MW-1877MTT DDW-2212MW-2212MTT DDW-1897MW-1897MTT DDW-2210MW-2210MTT DDW-1884MW-1884MTT DDW-1874MW-1874MTT DDW-2224MW-2224MTT DDW-1890MW-1890MTT DDW-1891MW-1891MTT DDW-2211MW-2211MTT New designH Horizontal woodgrainMTMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces11
1 2 3 4ABCDEFGDDW-2218MW-2218MTT DDW-1872MW-1872MTT DDW-2219MW-2219MTT DDW-1898MW-1898MTT DDW-2223MW-2223MTT DDW-2226MW-2226MTT DDW-2220MW-2220MTT DDW-2225MW-2225MTT DDW-2221MW-2221MTT DDW-1881MW-1881MTT DDW-1886MW-1886MTT DDW-1871MW-1871MTT DDW-2227MW-2227MTT DDW-1893MW-1893MTT DDW-2222MW-2222MTT Dry Wood12
ABCDEFG12 3 4DDW-1882MW-1882MTT DDW-1879MW-1879MTT DDW-2214MW-2214MTT DDW-1899MW-1899MTT DDW-2213MW-2213MTT DDW-2217MW-2217MTT DDW-1992MW-1992MTT DDW-1885MW-1885MTT DDW-2229MW-2229MTT DDW-2215MW-2215MTT DDW-1887MW-1887MTT DDW-1900HMW-1900HMTT DDW-2228MW-2228MTT DDW-1896MW-1896MTT DDW-2216MW-2216MTT ▶◀ New designH Horizontal woodgrainMTMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces13
12 321 AE-2163MT2 AE-2162MT 3 AE-2164MT
ABCDEFG12 3 4AE-2149 AE-2150 AAE-1959ME-1959MTT AAE-1880ME-1880MTT AE-2160 AAE-1917ME-1917MTT AAE-1928ME-1928MTT AAE-1913ME-1913MTT AE-2161 AAE-1930ME-1930MTT AAE-1921ME-1921MTT AE-2151 AAE-2152ME-2152MTT AAE-2162ME-2162MTT AAE-1960ME-1960MTT AAE-2153ME-2153MTT AAE-1944ME-1944MTT New designH Horizontal woodgrainMTMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfacesMortar / Plaster15
1 2 3 4ABCDEFGAE-2154AE-2155SST-2171MT-2171MTT SST-1914MT-1914MTT SST-1919MT-1919MTT SST-1912MT-1912MTT SST-1918MT-1918MTT SST-1915MT-1915MTT SST-2170MT-2170MTT SST-1927MT-1927MTT SST-1916MT-1916MTT SST-1920MT-1920MTT FE-1964SST-1911MT-1911MTT Plaster on MetalStone16
ABCDEFG12 3 4AE-2156 AE-1637 AE-1638 AE-2158 AE-2157 AAE-2163ME-2163MTT AE-1717 AE-1719 AE-1639 AAE-1926ME-1926MTT AAE-2167ME-2167MTT AAE-2165ME-2165MTT AAE-1929ME-1929MTT AE-1718 AE-2159 AE-1640 AAE-2164ME-2164MTT AE-1719DGDG series: for applications behind glass New designH Horizontal woodgrainMTMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfacesStucco / Terracotta / Ceramic17
1 2 3 4ABCDEFGNU-2179 NNU-2175MU-2175MTT FE-1967FE-1966 NU-2178 NNU-2176MU-2176MTT NNU-1940MU-1940MTT NNU-1937MU-1937MTT NNU-1942MU-1942MTT NNU-1943MU-1943MTT NNU-1934MU-1934MTT NNU-1938MU-1938MTT NNU-1936MU-1936MTT NNU-1939MU-1939MTT NU-2177 NNU-1941MU-1941MTT NNU-1935MU-1935MTT TextileFabric18
ABCDEFG12 3 4SSU-2234MU-2234MTT SSU-2233MU-2233MTT SSU-2231MU-2231MTT SSU-2235MU-2235MTT AAE-1931ME-1931MTT SSU-2232MU-2232MTT AAE-1932ME-1932MTT AAE-1933ME-1933MTT ME-2172 ME-2173 ME-2023 AE-1954 ME-2024 ME-2022 ME-2174 New designH Horizontal woodgrainMTMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantitySuede / LeatherOxidized Metal19
ABCDEFGH12 3 4 5MME-2251ME-2251MTT MME-2252ME-2252MTT MME-2253ME-2253MTT MME-2254ME-2254MTT ME-2261 ME-2262 ME-2265 MME-2255ME-2255MTT ME-2271 ME-2272 ME-2273 ME-2275 ME-2281AR ME-2282AR ME-2283AR ME-2263 ME-2284AR ME-2285AR ME-2274 ME-2264 ME-2291AR ME-2292AR ME-2293AR ME-2294AR ME-2295AR VVM-1855MM-1855MTT VVM-1990MM-1990MTT VVM-1862MM-1862MTT ME-2251MT Metallic PaletteSmooth Metal20
ABCDEFGH12 3 4 5PS-3094MT/PS-3101MT/PS-3100MT/PS-3099MT/PS-3093MT/PS-3092MT/PS-3989MT/PS-3095MT/PS-3098MT/PS-3096MT/PS-3097MTPPS-3863MS-3863MTT (PS-1863MT)PPS-3869MS-3869MTT (PS-1869MT)PPS-3093MS-3093MTT (PS-2093MT)PPS-3092MS-3092MTT (PS-2092MT)PPS-3094MS-3094MTT (PS-2094MT)PPS-3989MS-3989MTT (PS-1989MT)PPS-3864MS-3864MTT (PS-1864MT)PPS-3095MS-3095MTT (PS-2095MT)PPS-3097MS-3097MTT (PS-2097MT)PPS-3865MS-3865MTT (PS-1865MT)PPS-3099MS-3099MTT (PS-2099MT)PPS-3867MS-3867MTT (PS-1867MT)PPS-3100MS-3100MTT (PS-2100MT)PPS-3870MS-3870MTT PPS-3101MS-3101MTT (PS-2101MT)PPS-1870MS-1870MTT PPS-3904MS-3904MTT (PS-1904MT)PPS-3091MS-3091MTT (PS-2091MT)PPS-3098MS-3098MTT (PS-2098MT)PPS-3866MS-3866MTT (PS-1866MT)PPS-3096MS-3096MTT (PS-2096MT)AR series: for high trac applications New designH Horizontal woodgrainMTMT Matte design Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfacesSolid Color21Coming Soon
1 FW-1983 2 PS-3989MT1 2
ABCDEFG12 3 4AE-2168MW-1416 MW-1242 MW-1244 MW-1418 MW-1833 MW-1832 MW-1834 MW-1783 MW-1177 MW-1419 MW-1417 MW-776 MW-777 AE-2168 MW-1419DGDG series: for applications behind glass New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantityMetallic WoodChipboard23
1 2 3 4ABCDEFGFW-1207 /ME-1434FW-1758 FW-1683 FW-1765 FW-1209 FW-788 FW-1261 FW-7017 FW-1138 FW-1139H FW-1980 FW-336 FW-1208 FW-7001 FW-1271 FW-1255 FW-1210 FW-1217 FW-1761 FW-1207 ▶◀ FW-7017AR FW-1138ARFine Wood24
ABCDEFG12 3 4FW-1745 FW-1211 FW-789 FW-1214 FW-1291 FW-1258 FW-1129 FW-1130H FW-1750 FW-1766 FW-1256 FW-1279 FW-1285 FW-1289 FW-1681 FW-1293 FW-1262 FW-1269 FW-1810 FW-1272 FW-1981 FW-1988 FW-1972 ▶◀ FW-1214EX FW-1129AR FW-1129DG FW-1129EX FW-1130HAR FW-1293AREX series: for exterior applicationsAR series: for high trac applicationsDG series: for applications behind glass New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity25
1 2 3 4ABCDEFGFW-1770FW-1974 FW-1304 FW-1307 FW-1754 FW-1987 FW-1976 FW-1978 FW-1767 FW-1302 FW-1287 FW-1971 FW-1218 FW-1213 FW-1266 FW-1215 FW-1294 FW-1977 FW-1273 FW-1259 FW-1983 FW-1770 FW-337 FW-1294AR FW-337ARFine Wood26
ABCDEFG12 3 4FW-1212 FW-1265 FW-1257 FW-236 FW-1023 FW-1286 FW-1122 FW-1296 FW-1805 FW-1734H FW-1771H FW-1306 FW-1755 FW-1278 FW-502 FW-1735H FW-7011 FW-1763 FW-656 FW-1021 FW-236AR FW-236EX FW-1122AR FW-1122EX FW-1023EX FW-1805EX FW-7011AR FW-7011EXEX series: for exterior applicationsAR series: for high trac applications New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity27
1 2 3 4ABCDEFGFW-327 FW-1283 FW-237 FW-1123 FW-234 FW-608H FW-1743 FW-1737 FW-1276 FW-795 FW-1331 FW-888 FW-655 FW-1738 FW-677 FW-501 FW-1280 FW-1125 FW-889 FW-612 FW-1281 FW-233 FW-7006 ▶◀ FW-1280AR FW-233AR FW-233EX FW-7006EX FW-1123EXFine Wood28
ABCDEFG12 3 4FW-1121H FW-1022 FW-609H FW-1113 FW-650 FW-1277 FW-1744 FW-1137 FW-1040H FW-1801 FW-232 FW-1039H FW-1124 FW-1020 FW-332 FW-886 FW-240 FW-619 FW-7016 FW-887 FW-7013 FW-613 FW-7008 FW-510 ▶◀▶◀▶◀▶◀ FW-7008EX FW-1022AR FW-1022EX FW-1022DG FW-1121HAR FW-1113EX FW-609HEX FW-650EX FW-1801EX FW-1124EX FW-887EXEX series: for exterior applicationsAR series: for high trac applicationsDG series: for applications behind glass New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity29
1 2 3 4ABCDEFGFW-1134 FW-606H FW-625 FW-7015 FW-1297 FW-651 FW-1282 FW-1037 FW-338 FW-7009 FW-1133 FW-607H FW-1746 FW-334 FW-522 FW-1752H FW-643 FW-653 FW-7014 FW-330 FW-1288 FW-1036 FW-1135 FW-1126 FW-627 FW-618 FW-1136H ▶◀▶◀▶◀ FW-625AR FW-625EX FW-651EX FW-338AR FW-643EX FW-330AR FW-330EX FW-522EX FW-627AR FW-627EX FW-618EXFine Wood30
ABCDEFG12 3 4FW-1736H FW-1216 FW-7007 FW-1275 FW-1301 FW-1290 FW-1986 FW-324 FW-640 FW-1985 FW-1979 FW-1975 FW-1753H FW-1127 FW-1762 FW-1740 FW-1984 FW-1751 FW-1970 FW-1757 FW-641 FW-324EX FW-640EX FW-1751AR FW-1751DGEX series: for exterior applicationsAR series: for high trac applicationsDG series: for applications behind glass New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity31
1 2 3 4 5ABCDEFGHWG-657 WG-1709 WG-1343 WG-1344 WG-1340 WG-1838 WG-1143 WG-1840 WG-1365 WG-1846 WG-2049 WG-2083H WG-1378 WG-1141 WG-2705 WG-1144 WG-2078 WG-247 WG-1705 WG-376 WG-960 WG-166 WG-1392H WG-1837 WG-1067 WG-1046 WG-2076 WG-1220 WG-2073 WG-2085 WG-1710 WG-1337 WG-1071 WG-1339 WG-467 WG-2070 WG-964 WG-2860 WG-696 WG-947 ▶◀ WG-657EX WG-960EX WG-1143EX WG-1144EXWood Grain32
ABCDEFGH12 3 4 5WG-248 WG-478 WG-835 WG-243 WG-1346 WG-1845 WG-857 WG-831 WG-946 WG-1219 WG-453 WG-2839 WG-877 WG-699 WG-242 WG-709 WG-1812 WG-837 WG-256 WG-250 WG-2244 WG-1358 WG-1382 WG-629 WG-833 WG-1221 WG-2944 WG-2081H WG-845 WG-1815 WG-836 WG-878 WG-832 WG-2246 WG-1380 WG-1814 WG-846 WG-2115 WG-1058 WG-854 EX series: for exterior applications New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity33
1 2 3 4 5ABCDEFGHWG-763GNWG-1711GN WG-1712GN WG-763GN WG-765GN WG-364GN WG-2071 WG-763 WG-841 WG-879 WG-1360 WG-865 WG-1359 WG-2862 WG-2080H WG-943 WG-1375 WG-364 WG-1142 WG-941 WG-694 WG-940 WG-1140 WG-697 WG-7022 WG-417 WG-1140EXWood GrainWood Grain Gloss34
ABCDEFGH12 3 4 5WG-1336WG-1703 WG-2086 WG-2072 WG-2082H WG-1368 WG-2042 WG-1348 WG-1057 WG-1353 WG-2088 WG-1336 WG-1342 WG-1848 WG-1706 WG-157 WG-2019 WG-2074 WG-1708 WG-1369 WG-1371 WG-1841 WG-2087 WG-1196 WG-2084H WG-1349 WG-2033 WG-2075 WG-695 WG-1370 WG-1372 WG-1704 WG-695EX WG-1372AREX series: for exterior applicationsAR series: for high trac applications New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantityWood Grain35
1 2 3 4 5ABCDEFGHWG-1376WG-1146 WG-1816 WG-1836 WG-1818 WG-2077 WG-1064 WG-693 WG-1350 WG-1364 WG-1044 WG-7024 WG-1147 WG-2048 WG-1063 WG-1374 WG-1376 WG-1070 WG-2047 WG-7023 WG-159 WG-1373 WG-664 WG-1351 WG-1391 WG-2041 WG-1050 WG-1390 WG-7029 WG-1066 WG-156 WG-1052 WG-2707 WG-1835 WG-428 WG-7024AR WG-7024EX WG-1044EXEX series: for exterior applicationsAR series: for high trac applications New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantityWood Grain36
1 PW-2307MT 2 ST-2170MT 3 ME-2275 4 PS-3904MT1243
1 2 3 4 5ABCDEFGHME-1466 ME-1716 ME-432ME-1435 CH-1628 ME-391 ME-431ME-379 ME-1467ME-433BW-1311 CH-1676 LW-1085 ME-1781 CH-1630 ME-1684 CH-2117 CH-1677 CH-2120 PA-184ME-1434 PA-185AM-1700 ME-1685 CH-1627 AM-1722 ME-904 ME-388 CH-2116 PA-389VM-2122 VM-800 BW-1310 VM-1691 ME-377 PA-045ME-396 CH-2118 VM-1489 CH-1631 ME-1466AR ME-1467AR ME-1716DG ME-433AR ME-432AR ME-432DG ME-904AR PA-045AR CH-1628AR ME-396AR ME-1781AR PA-389AR PA-389EX ME-431AR CH-1630AR ME-379DG ME-1684AR ME-1685AR CH-1631AR ME-1434DGMetal38
ABCDEFGH12 3 4 5PA-180VM-306 ME-1997 VM-381 PA-038PA-187PA-390CH-1629 VM-383 VM-1692 VM-1487 PA-320PA-183PA-181PA-046AM-1696 PA-683VM-2121 VM-1693 VM-1695 LW-1083 BW-1312 ME-1223 ME-486 VM-305 ME-1224 VM-1694 AM-1699 LW-1084 PA-039AM-1701 ME-1225 ME-380 ME-1174 VM-1488 CH-1629AR PA-180AR PA-180DG PA-039EX PA-683AR PA-038EX PA-187AR PA-187EX PA-183AR PA-390EX PA-181AR PA-181EXEX series: for exterior applicationsAR series: for high trac applicationsDG series: for applications behind glass New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity39
1 2 3 4 5ABCDEFGHPA-175ET-1773 ET-1775 VM-168 PA-178ME-1175 ET-1772 PA-177PA-036FA-1963 CA-419 BW-1315 TE-1714RS-1190CA-418 CA-420 TE-1650 TE-1651 RS-1189 CA-422 TE-1713TE-1652 FA-1161 HG-1995 TE-1653 BW-1316 CA-421 CA-1170 FA-1161DGMetal40
ABCDEFGH12 3 4 5FA-1164VM-2037 ME-1778 AE-1643 FA-1163VM-2039 LE-1109 ME-1469 ME-2027 VM-2038 RT-1111 VM-2034 RT-1112 RT-1827 VM-2036 AE-1956 AE-1952 AM-1720 AE-1957 VM-2090 ME-2026 AM-1698 FA-1166ME-1961 VM-2035 LE-1108 ME-2020 VM-452 ME-2025 ME-147 RT-1827DGDG series: for applications behind glass New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity41
1 2 3 4 5ABCDEFGHST-1831 AE-1632 ST-1828 AE-1634 FA-1527 FA-1678 PC-1181 CN-1623 ST-1588 FA-1680 CN-1958 PC-760 ST-1586 PC-758 AE-1635 CN-1621 CN-1622 FA-1962 FA-1528 ST-1831DG FA-1678AR FA-1678DG AE-1632AR AE-1632EX AE-1634EX FA-1527AR AE-1635EX FA-1528DGStone / Concrete / Tile42
ABCDEFGH12 3 4 5FA-2169PC-1178 PC-1179 FA-592 ST-1587 FA-1531 ST-442 AE-1951AE-1645 AE-1636 FA-2169 FA-1530 AE-1646 AE-1633 ST-1830 PC-672 AE-1955ST-736 ST-1829 FA-1679 ST-737 PC-491 ST-1195 FA-1526 ST-736AR ST-736EX FA-1526AR FA-1530AR FA-1530EX ST-1587DG ST-442EX AE-1636AR AE-1633AREX series: for exterior applications New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity43
1 2 3 4 5ABCDEFGHNU-1237NU-1784NU-2012 FE-804NU-1798FE-805NU-1794NU-1795 NU-2013 FE-813SI-1686 NU-1785NU-1238NU-2014NU-1790NU-1793NU-2015NU-1239FE-801NU-1791NU-1786NU-1792NU-1789NU-1240SI-1613 NU-2010 NU-2017NU-1787NU-2009 NU-1799NU-1241 SI-1613DG NU-1786DGTextile44
ABCDEFGH12 3 4 5NU-2011 NU-2006 SI-1688 SI-1232 NU-2005 SI-1234 NU-2002 NU-2004 LE-018FA-1156 LE-2128 LE-2367NU-2003 SI-1689 NU-2007 LE-517LE-1104SI-1235 LE-1555LE-1171LE-1551NU-2001 LE-1106NU-2008 LE-2782LE-1552LE-1105LE-703LE-783LE-2741 SI-1689DG FA-1156DG LE-703EXEX series: for exterior applicationsDG series: for applications behind glass New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantityLeather45
1 2 3 4 5ABCDEFGHLW-1081 LZ-461HS-1655AE-1953 FA-1153FA-1150FE-1731 FA-1521FA-1098LZ-587AE-1642 BW-1314 FA-1167PT-346PT-347SE-568FA-690AE-1641 PT-735SE-570PT-345PG-194FE-1729 LE-1228FA-1099PG-197PG-195LE-1229FA-688 LE-1231SE-567LZ-462PG-190PG-189FE-1730 HS-1656 SE-567AR PT-345AR SE-568ARAR series: for high trac applications New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantityAbstract46
4 51231 PS-3098MT2 NU-2175MT 4 AE-21583 ME-2173 5 ME-21721
1 2 3 4 5 6ABCDEFGHIJKLHG-1205PS-503PS-959PS-1188 PS-001AR PS-1187 PS-003AR PS-002AR PS-957PS-983PS-976PS-998PS-975HG-1994PS-955PS-1185PS-1186 PS-004AR PS-1437 PS-005AR PS-954PS-090PS-1184PS-1438PS-952PS-073PS-048PS-091PS-971PS-075PS-093PS-949PS-950PS-027PS-022 PS-006AR PS-992PS-034PS-885PS-1439PS-074PS-948PS-292PS-1005PS-504PS-110PS-1440 PS-007AR PS-999 PS-008AR HG-1201PS-1183PS-3904MT(PS-1904MT)PS-3989MT(PS-1989MT)PS-3865MT(PS-1865MT)PS-3864MT(PS-1864MT)PS-3091MT(PS-2091MT)PS-3866MT(PS-1866MT)PS-3092MT(PS-2092MT)PS-3863MT(PS-1863MT)PS-3099MT(PS-2099MT)PS-3093MT(PS-2093MT)PS-3100MT(PS-2100MT)PS-3095MT(PS-2095MT)PS-3869MT(PS-1869MT)PS-3098MT(PS-2098MT)PS-3096MT(PS-2096MT)PS-3101MT(PS-2101MT)PS-3097MT(PS-2097MT)PS-3094MT(PS-2094MT)PS-1870MTPS-3867MT(PS-1867MT) PS-503DG PS-959EX PS-957EX PS-976EX PS-090EX PS-504DGSolid Color48
ABCDEFGHIJKL12 3 4 5 6PS-042PS-031PS-1441 PS-1436PS-982PS-096PS-719PS-1448PS-1452PS-112PS-116PS-1442PS-713PS-281PS-1820PS-1446PS-1443PS-1450PS-1454PS-1459PS-910PS-1010PS-912PS-920PS-121HG-1996PS-1008PS-506PS-1455PS-1444PS-135PS-900HG-1511PS-2060PS-134PS-1009PS-914PS-140PS-151PS-1823PS-141PS-107PS-665PS-668PS-1457PS-1821PS-293PS-139PS-1825PS-1447PS-1826PS-1824PS-294PS-1822EX series: for exterior applicationsDG series: for applications behind glass New designH Horizontal woodgrainMT Matte design Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity49
501 2 3 4 65 7ABCDEFGJHKIFor high traffic applicationsCan be used with chalk for blackboard application.BAbrasion ResistantWG-1372ARPA-181AR(AR-1663)FW-1121HARME-1684ARME-2294ARPA-180ARME-2284ARPS-006ARBFA-1678ARFW-1122ARCH-1629AR(AR-1723)FW-1130HARME-904ARME-2292ARME-433ARME-2282ARPS-003AR(AR-1115)ST-011AR(AR-1247)SE-567AR(AR-1248)FW-7017AR(AR-1664)CH-1628ARFW-1129ARME-1466AR(AR-1725)ME-2291ARME-1467ARME-2281ARPS-002ARPS-001ARAE-1632ARFW-338ARPA-389AR(AR-1118)FW-625AR(AR-1120)CH-1630AR CH-1631ARAE-1633ARPA-183AR(AR-1246)FA-1530ARME-1685ARPS-007ARB(AR-1662)FA-1527ARFW-7011ARME-009AR(AR-1724)FW-337ARME-396ARME-2293ARME-432ARME-2283ARPS-004AR(AR-1661)ST-736AR(AR-1116)SE-010AR(AR-1251)SE-568AR(AR-1249)FW-627ARME-431ARFW-1751ARAE-1636ARPA-187ARPS-008ARBFA-1526ARFW-1022ARPA-683ARFW-1294ARME-1781AR(AR-1726)ME-2295ARPA-045AR(AR-1117)ME-2285ARPS-005ARPT-345AR(AR-1250)FW-233ARFW-1293ARFW-1138ARWG-7024ARFW-236AR(AR-1119)FW-330ARFW-1280AR
51ABCDEFGHIJK1 2 3 4 65 7For exterior applicationsExterior FW-1122EXWG-657EXWG-960EXWG-1144EXFW-233EXFW-1023EXFW-1123EXFW-1124EXFW-1129EXFW-1214EXWG-1143EXFW-7006EXFW-1122EXFW-7011EXWG-7024EXFW-236EXWG-1140EXFW-1022EXFW-625EXFW-7008EXFW-650EXFW-887EXFW-1805EXFW-522EXPS-090EXME-004EXST-736EXPS-959EXST-442EXWG-695EXWG-1044EXAE-1632EXME-001EXAE-1635EXPS-957EXME-007EXFW-1113EXFW-640EXPA-038EXAE-1634EXPA-039EXLE-703EXPS-976EXFW-1801EXFW-330EXPA-187EXPA-181EXFW-643EXFW-627EXME-003EXME-002EXFW-651EXFW-618EXPA-389EXFA-1530EXFW-609HEXFW-324EXPA-1854EXPA-390EX See full scale design on website Not recommended for use on 3D compound curved surfaces This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity
Product Code page, column, rowAE |Earth / StoneAE-163242 A 5AE-163343 G 4AE-163442 C 1AE-163542 G 2AE-163643 G 2AE-163717 A 2AE-163817 A 3AE-163917 D 1AE-164017 G 2AE-164146 H 2AE-164246 G 1AE-164341 E 1AE-164543 F 2AE-164643 H 3AE-171717 C 4AE-171817 E 1AE-171917 F 2AE-1880MT15 B 1AE-1913MT15 C 3AE-1917MT15 C 1AE-1921MT15 F 4AE-1926MT17 D 4AE-1928MT15 C 2AE-1929MT17 E 4AE-1930MT15 F 1AE-1931MT19 C 1AE-1932MT19 C 3AE-1933MT19 C 4AE-1944MT15 G 4AE-195143 H 1AE-195241 G 5AE-195346 A 2AE-195419 E 4AE-195543 A 1AE-195641 H 3AE-195741 B 3AE-1959MT15 B 2AE-1960MT15 G 1AE-214915 A 1AE-215015 A 2AE-215115 D 3AE-2152MT15 D 4AE-2153MT15 F 2AE-215416 A 2AE-215516 A 4AE-215617 A 1AE-215717 B 1AE-215817 A 4AE-215917 F 1AE-216015 A 3AE-216115 C 4AE-2162MT15 D 1AE-2163MT17 B 2AE-2164MT17 D 2AE-2165MT17 D 3AE-2167MT17 F 3AE-216823 F 1Product Code page, column, rowAM |Advanced MetallicAM-169639 B 3AM-169841 C 4AM-169939 G 4AM-170038 G 3AM-170139 C 5AM-172041 A 3AM-172238 B 4Product Codepage, column, rowAR |Abrasion ResistantAE-1632AR50 K 1AE-1633AR50 H 6AE-1636AR50 H 7CH-1628AR50 E 1CH-1629AR50 E 2Product Codepage, column, rowCH-1630AR50 F 6CH-1631AR50 F 7FA-1526AR50 J 7FA-1527AR50 J 6FA-1530AR50 G 6FA-1678AR50 J 5FW-233AR50 A 5FW-236AR50 A 3FW-330AR50 A 7FW-337AR50 C 3FW-338AR50 B 6FW-625AR50 C 6FW-627AR50 B 7FW-1022AR50 B 4FW-1121HAR50 C 5FW-1122AR50 B 2FW-1129AR50 C 1FW-1130HAR50 C 2FW-1138AR50 A 1FW-1280AR50 A 4FW-1293AR50 A 2FW-1294AR50 C 4FW-1751AR50 C 7FW-7011AR50 B 3FW-7017AR50 B 1ME-009AR50 E 3ME-396AR50 F 3ME-431AR50 E 7ME-432AR50 D 3ME-433AR50 D 2ME-904AR50 F 2ME-1466AR50 F 1ME-1467AR50 D 1ME-1684AR50 F 5ME-1685AR50 G 7ME-1781AR50 F 4ME-2281AR20 D 150 G 1ME-2282AR20 D 250 G 2ME-2283AR20 D 350 G 3ME-2284AR20 D 450 G 5ME-2285AR20 D 550 G 4ME-2291AR20 E 150 H 1ME-2292AR20 E 250 H 2ME-2293AR20 E 350 H 3ME-2294AR20 E 450 H 5ME-2295AR20 E 550 H 4PA-045AR50 D 4PA-180AR50 D 5PA-181AR50 E 5PA-183AR50 D 6PA-187AR50 D 7PA-389AR50 E 6PA-683AR50 E 4PS-001AR48 B 150 J 1PS-002AR48 B 450 I 1PS-003AR48 B 350 I 2PS-004AR48 D 350 I 3PS-005AR48 D 550 I 4PS-006AR48 I 450 I 5PS-007AR48 L 350 I 6PS-008AR48 L 550 I 7PT-345AR50 J 4SE-010AR50 K 3SE-567AR50 K 2SE-568AR50 K 4ST-011AR50 J 2ST-736AR50 J 3WG-1372AR50 B 5WG-7024AR50 A 6Product Code page, column, rowBW |EntertainmentBW-131038 A 5BW-131138 C 2BW-131239 A 4BW-131446 H 1BW-131540 C 3BW-131640 E 5Product Code page, column, rowCA |CarbonCA-41840 E 1CA-41940 C 2CA-42040 F 1CA-42140 F 3CA-42240 D 3CA-117040 F 5Product Code page, column, rowCH |Metallic HairlineCH-162738 A 4CH-162838 E 1CH-162939 A 2CH-163038 G 2CH-163138 H 5CH-167638 D 2CH-167738 B 3CH-211638 E 4CH-211738 A 3CH-211838 F 5CH-212038 C 3Product Code page, column, rowCN |Concrete / MortarCN-162142 E 3CN-162242 E 5CN-162342 C 5CN-195842 E 1Product Code page, column, rowDW |Dry WoodDW-1871MT12 G 3DW-1872MT12 A 2DW-1873MT11 B 2DW-1874MT11 E 3DW-1875MT10 C 4DW-1876MT11 B 3DW-1877MT11 E 1DW-1878MT11 B 1DW-1879MT13 A 2DW-1881MT12 G 1DW-1882MT13 A 1DW-1883MT11 A 1DW-1884MT11 G 3DW-1885MT13 C 4DW-1886MT12 G 2DW-1887MT13 E 4DW-1888MT10 C 3DW-1889MT10 G 4DW-1890MT11 G 1DW-1891MT11 G 2DW-1893MT12 B 1DW-1894MT10 C 2DW-1896MT13 G 2DW-1897MT11 C 3DW-1898MT12 C 1DW-1899MT13 B 1DW-1900HMT13 D 1DW-1901MT11 A 2DW-1902MT10 D 4DW-1903MT10 C 1DW-1992MT13 F 2DW-1993MT10 E 4DW-2197MT10 A 1DW-2198MT10 D 1DW-2199MT10 A 3DW-2200MT10 A 4DW-2201MT10 D 2DW-2202MT10 D 3DW-2203MT10 F 1DW-2204MT10 F 4DW-2205MT10 F 3Product Code page, column, rowDW-2206MT10 G 3DW-2207MT11 A 3DW-2208MT11 C 1DW-2209MT11 A 4DW-2210MT11 C 4DW-2211MT11 F 4DW-2212MT11 E 2DW-2213MT13 B 2DW-2214MT13 A 3DW-2215MT13 D 3DW-2216MT13 D 2DW-2217MT13 C 3DW-2218MT12 A 1DW-2219MT12 A 3DW-2220MT12 E 3DW-2221MT12 E 1DW-2222MT12 E 4DW-2223MT12 C 2DW-2224MT11 E 4DW-2225MT12 C 4DW-2226MT12 C 3DW-2227MT12 G 4DW-2228MT13 F 1DW-2229MT13 F 3Product Code page, column, rowET |EectET-177240 A 5ET-177340 A 3ET-177540 A 4Product Code page, column, rowEX |ExteriorAE-1632EX51 I 2AE-1634EX51 I 3AE-1635EX51 J 2FA-1530EX51 G 6FW-233EX51 A 6FW-236EX51 C 1FW-324EX51 E 4FW-330EX51 E 5FW-522EX51 E 1FW-609HEX51 D 4FW-618EX51 E 7FW-625EX51 C 6FW-627EX51 E 6FW-640EX51 E 3FW-643EX51 D 6FW-650EX51 C 5FW-651EX51 D 7FW-887EX51 C 7FW-1022EX51 C 3FW-1023EX51 A 4FW-1113EX51 D 3FW-1122EX51 B 4FW-1123EX51 A 5FW-1124EX51 A 7FW-1129EX51 B 1FW-1214EX51 B 2FW-1801EX51 D 5FW-1805EX51 D 1FW-7006EX51 B 6FW-7008EX51 C 4FW-7011EX51 B 5LE-703EX51 J 3ME-001EX51 G 1ME-002EX51 G 5ME-003EX51 F 5ME-004EX51 F 1ME-007EX51 G 7PA-038EX51 F 2PA-039EX51 G 2PA-181EX51 G 4PA-187EX51 F 4PA-389EX51 F 6PA-390EX51 G 3PA-1854EX51 F 3PS-090EX51 I 1PS-957EX51 H 2PS-959EX51 H 1PS-976EX51 H 3ST-442EX51 F 7ST-736EX51 J 1WG-657EX51 A 1WG-695EX51 D 2WG-960EX51 A 2Product Code page, column, rowWG-1044EX51 E 2WG-1140EX51 C 2WG-1143EX51 B 3WG-1144EX51 A 3WG-7024EX51 B 7Product Code page, column, rowFA |Multiple CategoriesFA-59243 E 5FA-68846 G 4FA-69046 G 2FA-109846 E 1FA-109946 C 4FA-115046 B 4FA-115346 A 5FA-115645 C 4FA-116140 D 5FA-116341 G 1FA-116441 E 2FA-116641 B 1FA-116746 C 2FA-152146 D 1FA-152643 C 2FA-152742 D 3FA-152842 G 5FA-153043 F 5FA-153143 G 3FA-167842 A 3FA-167943 B 1FA-168042 E 2FA-196242 G 3FA-196340 D 1FA-216943 E 3Product Code page, column, rowFE |Metal Leaf / TextileFE-80144 E 5FE-80444 B 2FE-80544 C 2FE-81344 C 3FE-172946 G 3FE-173046 G 5FE-173146 C 1FE-196416 A 1FE-196618 A 2FE-196718 C 4Product Code page, column, rowFW |Fine WoodFW-23229 D 1FW-23328 G 2FW-23428 B 1FW-23627 A 4FW-23728 A 3FW-24029 F 1FW-32431 C 3FW-32728 A 1FW-33030 D 4FW-33229 D 4FW-33430 F 2FW-33624 C 4FW-33726 E 2FW-33830 C 1FW-50128 D 2FW-50227 E 2FW-51029 E 2FW-52230 F 3FW-606H30 A 2FW-607H30 C 4FW-608H28 B 3FW-609H29 B 3FW-61228 E 1FW-61329 B 1FW-61830 G 4FW-61929 G 1FW-62530 A 3FW-62730 G 2FW-64031 C 4FW-64131 E 2FW-64330 D 2FW-65029 C 1FW-65130 B 2FW-65330 D 1FW-65528 E 2Index52
Product Code page, column, rowFW-65627 G 4FW-67728 E 4FW-78824 B 3FW-78925 A 4FW-79528 C 3FW-88629 E 1FW-88729 G 3FW-88828 F 1FW-88928 G 3FW-102029 F 3FW-102127 F 4FW-102229 A 2FW-102327 B 2FW-103630 E 3FW-103730 B 4FW-1039H29 D 3FW-1040H29 E 4FW-111329 A 4FW-1121H29 A 3FW-112227 B 1FW-112328 B 2FW-112429 D 2FW-112528 D 4FW-112630 G 1FW-112731 D 3FW-112925 C 2FW-1130H25 C 3FW-113330 C 3FW-113430 A 1FW-113530 E 1FW-1136H30 E 2FW-113729 E 3FW-113824 C 2FW-1139H24 C 3FW-120724 E 2FW-120824 D 1FW-120924 B 2FW-121024 G 3FW-121125 A 3FW-121227 A 2FW-121326 D 2FW-121425 B 2FW-121526 D 3FW-121631 A 2FW-121724 F 4FW-121826 F 2FW-125524 E 1FW-125625 D 1FW-125727 A 3FW-125825 C 1FW-125926 E 1FW-126124 B 4FW-126225 G 1FW-126527 A 1FW-126626 D 1FW-126925 G 2FW-127124 F 3FW-127225 G 4FW-127326 E 4FW-127531 B 2FW-127628 C 2FW-127729 C 2FW-127827 E 1FW-127925 F 3FW-128028 D 3FW-128128 G 1FW-128230 B 3FW-128328 A 2FW-128525 D 4FW-128627 B 3FW-128726 C 3FW-128830 G 3FW-128925 E 1FW-129031 A 4FW-129125 B 3FW-129325 F 2FW-129426 D 4FW-129627 C 2FW-129730 B 1FW-130131 B 3FW-130226 C 2FW-130426 A 2FW-130627 D 1FW-130726 A 3FW-133128 C 4FW-168125 F 1FW-168324 A 3FW-1734H27 D 3FW-1735H27 F 1FW-1736H31 A 1Product Code page, column, rowFW-173728 C 1FW-173828 E 3FW-174031 G 3FW-174328 A 4FW-174429 C 3FW-174525 A 2FW-174630 F 1FW-175025 D 3FW-175131 E 1FW-1752H30 E 4FW-1753H31 D 1FW-175426 B 2FW-175527 D 2FW-175731 G 4FW-175824 A 2FW-176124 A 1FW-176231 D 4FW-176327 F 3FW-176524 A 4FW-176625 B 4FW-176726 C 1FW-177026 G 2FW-1771H27 B 4FW-180129 C 4FW-180527 C 3FW-181025 G 3FW-197031 F 1FW-197126 C 4FW-197225 E 4FW-197426 A 1FW-197531 C 2FW-197626 B 3FW-197726 E 3FW-197826 A 4FW-197931 E 4FW-198024 D 3FW-198125 A 1FW-198326 F 1FW-198431 E 3FW-198531 F 3FW-198631 B 1FW-198726 B 1FW-198825 D 2FW-700124 D 2FW-700628 G 4FW-700731 A 3FW-700829 A 1FW-700930 C 2FW-701127 G 2FW-701329 F 4FW-701430 D 3FW-701530 A 4FW-701629 F 2FW-701724 C 1Product Code page, column, rowHG |High GlossHG-120148 L 6HG-120548 A 1HG-151149 G 6HG-199448 C 5HG-199540 E 4HG-199649 F 5Product Code page, column, rowHS |Mono ContrastHS-165546 B 1HS-165646 H 5Product Code page, column, rowLE |LeatherLE-01845 F 3LE-51745 G 3LE-70345 H 1LE-78345 H 2LE-110445 H 3LE-110545 F 1LE-110645 G 5LE-110841 D 4LE-110941 F 2LE-117145 H 4LE-122846 H 3LE-122946 F 4LE-123146 H 4Product Code page, column, rowLE-155145 H 5LE-155245 F 2LE-155545 G 4LE-212845 F 4LE-236745 F 5LE-274145 G 1LE-278245 G 2Product Code page, column, rowLW |EntertainmentLW-108146 A 1LW-108339 G 3LW-108439 A 5LW-108538 E 2Product Code page, column, rowLZ |AbstractLZ-46146 A 4LZ-46246 D 5LZ-58746 F 1Product Code page, column, rowME |MetallicME-14741 D 2ME-37738 C 5ME-37938 H 1ME-38039 E 5ME-38838 D 4ME-39138 F 1ME-39638 E 5ME-43138 G 1ME-43238 C 1ME-43338 B 2ME-48639 C 4ME-90438 C 4ME-117439 F 5ME-117540 B 5ME-122339 B 4ME-122439 E 4ME-122539 D 5ME-143438 E 3ME-143538 D 1ME-146638 A 1ME-146738 A 2ME-146941 G 2ME-168438 H 2ME-168538 H 3ME-171638 B 1ME-177841 E 5ME-178138 F 2ME-196141 A 2ME-199739 C 1ME-202041 C 5ME-202219 G 2ME-202319 G 3ME-202419 G 1ME-202541 C 1ME-202641 A 1ME-202741 H 2ME-217219 E 1ME-217319 E 2ME-217419 F 4ME-2251MT20 A 1ME-2252MT20 A 2ME-2253MT20 A 3ME-2254MT20 A 4ME-2255MT20 A 5ME-226120 B 1ME-226220 B 2ME-226320 B 3ME-226420 B 4ME-226520 B 5ME-227120 C 1ME-227220 C 2ME-227320 C 3ME-227420 C 4ME-227520 C 5Product Code page, column, rowMW |Metallic WoodMW-77623 D 3MW-77723 D 4Product Code page, column, rowMW-117723 C 4MW-124223 A 2MW-124423 B 2MW-141623 A 1MW-141723 C 1MW-141823 B 1MW-141923 D 2MW-178323 C 3MW-183223 A 4MW-183323 A 3MW-183423 C 2Product Code page, column, rowNU |Nuno / TextileNU-123744 A 2NU-123844 D 5NU-123944 E 4NU-124044 F 3NU-124144 H 5NU-178444 A 3NU-178544 C 4NU-178644 G 1NU-178744 H 4NU-178944 G 2NU-179044 E 1NU-179144 F 1NU-179244 F 2NU-179344 E 2NU-179444 C 5NU-179544 D 1NU-179844 C 1NU-179944 H 3NU-1934MT18 F 1NU-1935MT18 E 4NU-1936MT18 G 3NU-1937MT18 F 4NU-1938MT18 G 2NU-1939MT18 G 4NU-1940MT18 E 3NU-1941MT18 E 2NU-1942MT18 E 1NU-1943MT18 F 2NU-200145 C 5NU-200245 A 2NU-200345 B 1NU-200445 C 3NU-200545 B 5NU-200645 A 3NU-200745 D 3NU-200845 C 1NU-200944 F 5NU-201044 F 4NU-201145 A 5NU-201244 A 1NU-201344 D 2NU-201444 A 4NU-201544 E 3NU-201744 G 4NU-2175MT18 B 2NU-2176MT18 A 4NU-217718 A 1NU-217818 A 3NU-217918 C 1Product Code page, column, rowPA |MetallicPA-03640 B 4PA-03839 E 1PA-03939 B 5PA-04538 D 5PA-04639 A 3PA-17540 A 2PA-17740 B 3PA-17840 B 2PA-18039 A 1PA-18139 G 2PA-18339 F 2PA-18438 D 3PA-18538 F 3PA-18739 F 1PA-32039 E 2PA-38938 F 4PA-39039 G 1PA-68339 C 3Product Code page, column, rowPC |SandPC-49143 D 3PC-67243 A 3PC-75842 F 2PC-76042 G 1PC-117843 E 2PC-117943 E 1PC-118142 D 4Product Code page, column, rowPG |AbstractPG-18946 F 5PG-19046 E 5PG-19446 F 3PG-19546 E 4PG-19746 D 4Product Code page, column, rowPS |Single ColorPS-02248 H 2PS-02748 H 1PS-03149 A 2PS-03448 I 2PS-04249 A 1PS-04848 F 1PS-07348 F 2PS-07448 J 1PS-07548 G 1PS-09048 E 1PS-09148 F 3PS-09348 G 2PS-09649 B 1PS-10749 I 5PS-11048 K 2PS-11249 B 5PS-11649 C 2PS-12149 F 4PS-13449 H 1PS-13549 G 2PS-13949 J 2PS-14049 H 3PS-14149 I 1PS-15149 H 6PS-28149 C 4PS-29248 J 2PS-29349 J 5PS-29449 K 5PS-50348 A 3PS-50448 J 6PS-50649 G 3PS-66549 I 2PS-66849 I 3PS-71349 C 3PS-71949 B 2PS-88548 I 6PS-90049 G 5PS-91049 E 6PS-91249 F 1PS-91449 H 2PS-92049 F 3PS-94848 J 5PS-94948 G 5PS-95048 H 4PS-95248 E 6PS-95448 D 6PS-95548 C 6PS-95748 B 5PS-95948 A 4PS-97148 F 4PS-97548 C 4PS-97648 C 1PS-98249 A 5PS-98348 C 2PS-99248 I 5PS-99848 C 3PS-99948 L 4PS-100548 J 3PS-100849 F 6PS-100949 H 5PS-101049 F 2PS-118348 K 5PS-118448 E 3PS-118548 D 2PS-118648 D 1PS-118748 B 253
Product Code page, column, rowPS-118848 A 5PS-143649 A 4PS-143748 D 4PS-143848 E 4PS-143948 J 4PS-144048 L 2PS-144149 A 3PS-144249 C 1PS-144349 E 1PS-144449 G 1PS-144649 E 2PS-144749 K 2PS-144849 B 3PS-145049 E 3PS-145249 B 4PS-145449 E 4PS-145549 G 4PS-145749 J 4PS-145949 E 5PS-182049 C 5PS-182149 J 1PS-182249 K 1PS-182349 I 4PS-182449 K 4PS-182549 J 3PS-182649 K 3PS-206049 H 4PS-2870MT21 D 5PS-3091MT21 A 348 E 5PS-3092MT21 D 348 F 6PS-3093MT21 A 548 G6PS-3094MT21 C 548 K 4PS-3095MT21 C 248 H 3PS-3096MT21 E 248 I 3PS-3097MT21 E 448 L 1PS-3098MT21 E 148 I 1PS-3099MT21 A 448 G 4PS-3100MT21 B 448 H 5PS-3101MT21 D 448 K 3PS-3863MT21 B 248 G 3PS-3864MT21 A 248 E 2PS-3865MT21 D 148 B 6PS-3866MT21 B 348 F 5PS-3867MT21 E 348 K 1PS-3869MT21 B 548 H 6PS-3870MT21 E 548 K 6PS-3904MT21 B 148 A 2PS-3989MT21 A 148 A 6Product Code page, column, rowPT |AbstractPT-34546 E 3PT-34646 D 2PT-34746 E 2PT-73546 C 3Product Code page, column, rowPW |Premium WoodPW-2305MT9 A 1PW-2306MT9 A 2PW-2307MT9 C 1PW-2308MT9 E 1PW-2309MT9 C 2PW-2310MT9 A 4PW-2311MT9 D 2PW-2312MT9 C 3Product Code page, column, rowPW-2313MT9 B 4PW-2314MT8 F 1PW-2315MT9 D 3PW-2316MT9 F 1PW-2317MT9 F 3PW-2318MT9 G 3PW-2319MT9 F 4Product Code page, column, rowPWF |WhiteboardPWF-500F3Product Code page, column, rowRS |EntertainmentRS-118940 F 2RS-119040 C 5Product Code page, column, rowRT |Aged MetalRT-111141 G 3RT-111241 F 5RT-182741 G 4Product Code page, column, rowSE |AbstractSE-56746 C 5SE-56846 F 2SE-57046 D 3Product Code page, column, rowSI |SilkSI-123245 A 4SI-123445 A 1SI-123545 D 4SI-161344 G 3SI-168644 B 3SI-168845 B 4SI-168945 B 2Product Code page, column, rowST |StoneST-44243 G 5ST-73643 A 2ST-73743 B 2ST-119543 C 1ST-158642 H 1ST-158743 F 1ST-158842 C 4ST-182842 C 3ST-182943 C 3ST-183043 H 5ST-183142 A 1ST-1911MT16 E 2ST-1912MT16 F 3ST-1914MT16 D 1ST-1915MT16 F 2ST-1916MT16 G 3ST-1918MT16 E 1ST-1919MT16 D 2ST-1920MT16 F 4ST-1927MT16 G 2ST-2170MT16 F 1ST-2171MT16 D 3Product Code page, column, rowSU |SuedeSU-2231MT19 A 3SU-2232MT19 C 2SU-2233MT19 A 1SU-2234MT19 A 4SU-2235MT19 B 4Product Code page, column, rowTE |Advanced MetallicTE-165040 D 2TE-165140 E 2TE-165240 D 4TE-165340 F 4TE-171340 E 3TE-171440 C 4Product Code page, column, rowVM |MetallicVM-16840 A 1VM-30539 D 4VM-30639 B 1VM-38139 D 1VM-38339 B 2VM-45241 C 2VM-80038 H 4VM-148739 D 2VM-148839 G 5VM-148938 G 5VM-169138 B 5VM-169239 C 2VM-169339 E 3VM-169439 F 4VM-169539 F 3VM-1855MT20 G 1VM-1862MT20 H 2VM-1990MT20 G 2VM-203441 F 4VM-203541 C 3VM-203641 H 4VM-203741 E 4VM-203841 E 3VM-203941 H 1VM-209041 A 4VM-212139 D 3VM-212238 G 4Product Code page, column, rowWG |Wood GrainWG-15636 D 5WG-15735 G 2WG-15936 B 4WG-16632 F 3WG-24233 G 2WG-24333 D 1WG-24732 B 3WG-24833 A 1WG-25033 D 3WG-25633 C 3WG-36434 D 3WG-364GN34 H 2WG-37632 D 3WG-41734 D 5WG-42836 H 5WG-45333 C 2WG-46732 C 5WG-47833 B 1WG-62933 H 3WG-65732 A 1WG-66436 D 4WG-69336 B 2WG-69434 C 4WG-69535 E 5WG-69632 G 5WG-69734 B 5WG-69933 F 2WG-70933 H 2WG-76334 B 1WG-763GN34 F 2WG-765GN34 G 2WG-83133 H 1WG-83233 A 5WG-83333 A 4WG-83533 C 1Product Code page, column, rowWG-83633 G 4WG-83733 B 3WG-84134 C 1WG-84533 E 4WG-84633 E 5WG-85433 H 5WG-85733 G 1WG-86534 B 2WG-87733 E 2WG-87833 H 4WG-87934 D 1WG-94034 D 4WG-94134 B 4WG-94334 B 3WG-94633 A 2WG-94732 H 5WG-96032 E 3WG-96432 E 5WG-104436 E 2WG-104632 B 4WG-105036 H 4WG-105236 E 5WG-105735 H 1WG-105833 G 5WG-106336 D 3WG-106436 A 2WG-106636 C 5WG-106732 A 4WG-107036 G 3WG-107132 A 5WG-114034 A 5WG-114132 F 2WG-114234 A 4WG-114332 G 1WG-114432 H 2WG-114636 A 1WG-114736 B 3WG-119635 E 4WG-121933 B 2WG-122032 D 4WG-122133 B 4WG-133635 C 2WG-133732 H 4WG-133932 B 5WG-134032 E 1WG-134235 D 2WG-134332 C 1WG-134432 D 1WG-134633 E 1WG-134835 G 1WG-134935 G 4WG-135036 C 2WG-135136 E 4WG-135335 A 2WG-135833 F 3WG-135934 C 2WG-136034 A 2WG-136436 D 2WG-136532 A 2WG-136835 E 1WG-136935 F 3WG-137035 F 5WG-137135 G 3WG-137235 G 5WG-137336 C 4WG-137436 E 3WG-137534 C 3WG-137636 F 3WG-137832 E 2WG-138033 C 5WG-138233 G 3WG-139036 A 5WG-139136 F 4WG-1392H32 G 3WG-170335 A 1WG-170435 H 5WG-170532 C 3WG-170635 F 2WG-170835 E 3WG-170932 B 1WG-171032 G 4WG-1711GN34 F 1WG-1712GN34 H 1WG-181233 A 3WG-181433 D 5WG-181533 F 4WG-181636 B 1WG-181836 D 1WG-183536 G 5WG-183636 C 1Product Code page, column, rowWG-183732 H 3WG-183832 F 1WG-184032 H 1WG-184135 H 3WG-184533 F 1WG-184632 B 2WG-184835 E 2WG-201935 H 2WG-203335 H 4WG-204136 G 4WG-204235 F 1WG-204736 H 3WG-204836 C 3WG-204932 C 2WG-207032 D 5WG-207134 A 1WG-207235 C 1WG-207332 E 4WG-207435 D 3WG-207535 D 5WG-207632 C 4WG-207736 E 1WG-207832 A 3WG-2080H34 A 3WG-2081H33 D 4WG-2082H35 D 1WG-2083H32 D 2WG-2084H35 F 4WG-208532 F 4WG-208635 B 1WG-208735 D 4WG-208835 B 2WG-211533 F 5WG-224433 E 3WG-224633 B 5WG-270532 G 2WG-270736 F 5WG-283933 D 2WG-286032 F 5WG-286234 D 2WG-294433 C 4WG-702234 C 5WG-702336 A 4WG-702436 A 3WG-702936 B 5Product Code page, column, rowWH |WhiteboardWH-111F354
Product Code page, column, rowAlderWG-84134 C 1AnigreFW-23229 D 1FW-88828 F 1FW-88928 G 3AshDW-1885MT13 C 4DW-1886MT12 G 2DW-1894MT10 C 2DW-1898MT12 C 1DW-1903MT10 C 1DW-2201MT10 D 2FW-33624 C 4FW-33726 E 2FW-125825 C 1FW-125926 E 1FW-129325 F 2FW-129426 D 4FW-129627 C 2FW-129730 B 1FW-197225 E 4WG-15636 D 5WG-46732 C 5WG-94732 H 5WG-96032 E 3WG-114332 G 1WG-134332 C 1WG-134432 D 1WG-134633 E 1WG-134835 G 1WG-134935 G 4WG-135036 C 2WG-135136 E 4WG-135335 A 2WG-207332 E 4WG-207435 D 3WG-207535 D 5WG-283933 D 2BeechDW-2198MT10 D 1FW-32728 A 1WG-85733 G 1BirchFW-121125 A 3FW-121227 A 2FW-121326 D 2Bird's Eye MapleWG-76334 B 1WG-763GN34 F 2WG-765GN34 G 2Black LimbaWG-119635 E 4BubinghaFW-174031 G 3WG-36434 D 3WG-364GN34 H 2Camphor TreeDW-2209MT11 A 4DW-2216MT13 D 2FW-701127 G 2CedarDW-2229MT13 F 3WG-84633 E 5CherryDW-1901MT11 A 2DW-2202MT10 D 3FW-23428 B 1FW-61228 E 1FW-65528 E 2FW-127925 F 3FW-128028 D 3FW-128128 G 1FW-128230 B 3FW-128328 A2FW-173728 C 1FW-173828 E 3WG-62933 H 3WG-86534 B 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D 4FW-33830 C 1FW-50128 D 2FW-50227 E 2FW-51029 E 2FW-608H28 B 3FW-609H29 B 3FW-61329 B 1FW-65029 C 1FW-65130 B 2FW-79528 C 3FW-102029 F 3FW-102127 F 4FW-102229 A 2FW-102327 B 2FW-111329 A 4FW-1121H29 A 3FW-112227 B 1FW-112328 B 2FW-120724 E 2FW-120824 D 1FW-120924 B 2FW-121024 G 3FW-127628 C 2FW-127729 C 2FW-133128 C 4FW-168324 A 3FW-1734H27 D 3FW-1735H27 F 1FW-1736H31 A 1FW-174328 A 4FW-174429 C 3FW-175131 E 1FW-1752H30 E 4FW-1753H31 D 1FW-175426 B 2FW-175527 D 2FW-1771H27 B 4FW-180129 C 4FW-198326 F 1FW-700628 G 4FW-700829 A 1FW-700930 C 2PW-2312MT9 C 3PW-2313MT9 B 4PW-2314MT8 F 1PW-2315MT9 D 3PW-2317MT9 F 3PW-2318MT9 G 3PW-2319MT9 F 4WG-136532 A 2WG-136835 E 1WG-136935 F 3WG-137035 F 5WG-137135 G 3WG-137235 G 5WG-137336 C 4WG-137436 E 3WG-170335 A 1WG-170435 H 5WG-170532C 3WG-170635 F 2WG-170835 E 3WG-170932 B 1WG-183636 C 1WG-183732 H 3WG-184032 H 1WG-184135 H 3WG-184835 E 2WG-201935 H 2WG-203335 H 4WG-204136 G 4WG-204235 F 1WG-2080H34 A 3WG-2081H33 D 4WG-2082H35 D 1WG-2083H32 D 2WG-2084H35 F 4WG-286032 F 5WG-286234 D 2WengeFW-61830 G 4FW-112630 G 1FW-176327 F 3FW-198431 E 3FW-198531 F 3Zebra WoodFW-606H30 A 2FW-607H30 C 4FW-65627 G 4FW-113330 C 3FW-113430 A 1WG-94134 B 4WG-139036 A 5WG-139136 F 4WG-1392H32G 3WG-270532 G 2WG-270736 F 5Index55