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2020 Volunteer Booklet

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Table of Contents Local Missions We Support Page Life Choice Pregnancy Center The Mission of Winter Haven 6 7 The Way Center of Haines City 8 Winter Haven Police Department 9 Youth for Christ of Polk County 10 Global Mission Partners We Support Page Life Choice Pregnancy Center Caroline s Promise 13 Haiti s Hope 14 Michelle Verrill with Intervarsity 15 Operation Christmas Child 16 Other Local Volunteer Opportunities 2 5 12 Page First Presbyterian Church of WH 18 Garden Grove Elementary School 19 Habitat for Humanity of East Polk County 20 Heart of Winter Haven Jobs for Life 21 Lake Wales Care Center 22 Meals on Wheels 23

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For I was hungry and you fed me I was thirsty and you gave me a drink I was a stranger and you invited me into your home I was naked and you gave me clothing I was sick and you cared for me I was in prison and you visited me MATTHEW 25 34 36 Jesus calls us to serve those outside the walls of our church That s where you come in We want everyone at CCC to support and volunteer with those in our community and around the world who are being the hands and feet of Jesus to those that don t know Him Take a few minutes to look through the local and global opportunities where you can be involved Pray and ask God where He wants you to volunteer and give Give them a call and find out more about volunteering in their organization Then just do it Volunteer Whether it s committing once a month twice a month or once a week your involvement will transform not only the lives of those you serve but it will change your life too You will bring Jesus to people who desperately need to experience the transforming power of our Savior 3

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LifeChoice Pregnancy Center Address 235 E Central Ave Winter Haven FL 33880 Phone 863 293 0955 Open Monday through Thursday 10am to 5pm Email info lifechoicepregnancycenter com Web LifeChoicePregnancyCenter com Contact Adanaris Roldan Mission LifeChoice Pregnancy Center is a non profit Christian organization serving girls men women and families in Winter Haven by providing facts and information regarding life choices They provide pregnancy tests ultrasounds adoption information post abortion support parenting classes and counseling referrals All services are free Volunteer CLERICAL SUPPORT Typing filing greeting clients CLIENT ADVOCATES Training required Provide guidance information and services to clients NURSES Volunteer your time to spend with clients BOARD MEMBERS Assist LifeChoice in making policy financial and resource decisions BABY BOUTIQUE DONATIONS Clients can earn Baby Bucks that can be used to purchase baby items in the boutique The boutique needs baby clothes diapers wipes and other baby items They also need store gift cards for staff to purchase boutique and office items HOST A BABY SHOWER FOR LIFECHOICE Shop their Amazon Wish List or call them at 863 293 0955 for a full list of their current needs 5

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The Mission of Winter Haven Address 180 E Central Winter Haven FL 33880 Phone 863 299 2348 Open Monday through Thursday 9am 5pm and Fridays 9am 1 30pm Email Info TheMissionWH com Web themissionwh org Mission The Mission of Winter Haven has been serving our community for over 40 years Our services are available free of charge to all in need We provide hot meals grocery assistance clothing and other vital services to men women and families In addition we provide homeless services like showers mail computer and resume help The Mission of Winter Haven is not here to give a hand out We are here because we understand that no one changes overnight It takes time FAITH enrichment classes COMMUNITY accountability SUPPORT and HELPS to bring a life to true restoration Every person is different and because of that every need is different Those that enter our doors have families responsibilities hopes and dreams and are determined to do whatever is necessary to turn their lives around We have been given the honor and privilege to walk with them through their journey of positive and lasting change Our Services FOOD PANTRY In order to register for the food pantry an I D social security card or proof of residency like a utility bill to show those in the household Open Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday 9am 11am SOUP KITCHEN Free Breakfast and Lunches are available during the weekdays Continental breakfast with pastries and coffee are served M F from 9am 11am A warm balanced Lunch M F from 11 45am 1pm HYGIENE CLOSET Basic hygiene and clothing M TH from 9am 11am 6

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Our Services cont SHOWERS M F from 9am 11am Closed during lunch and then opens back up from 1pm 3pm F I T TRAINING Classes are available for Parenting Personal Integrity Decision Making Anger Management Economics Finances and Relationships OTHER SUPPORT Recovery Groups Bible Studies Budgeting Classes Art Therapy For more information about times and dates contact us Volunteer Are you detail oriented and like to clean things You can come once a week or once a month to help straighten up items and clean Are you a nurse who can take blood pressure or check for Diabetes Are you a licensed mental health counselor who would like to listen to those who are struggling Love to serve We can use you to serve a meal at lunchtime You can schedule it once a week once a month or whatever is convenient Love to write letters We always need volunteers to send cards Enjoy playing games Stop by and just sit with someone and play a game of connect four checkers etc Like connecting with other volunteers We are currently in search of a volunteer who can coordinate other volunteers How about speaking on the phone We need individuals who can help us schedule churches and groups to serve for 2020 We also need volunteer instructors in Employment help Anger Management Conflict Resolution Life Skills Training Basic literacy Money Management and more Give Become a monthly supporter You can feed one hungry neighbor for 1 60 Sponsor 25 meals for 40 50 meals for 80 125 meals for 200 7

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The Way Center of Haines City The Way Center of Haines City Address 20 6th Street Haines City FL 33844 Phone 863 422 2309 Web thewaycenter org Contact Sarah Burton Mission The WAY Center is a faith based non profit community agency providing services to women and youth in need or in crisis Their desire is to work with our clients for a period of time to help them overcome obstacles that keep them from meeting personal financial and spiritual goals The Way Home is a safe haven for women and children giving them hope for the future and the opportunity to build a firm foundation in Christ Services include crisis care referrals direction and support gas cards transport clothing basic needs furniture holiday outreach The WAY home a safe haven for women and children financial counseling counseling and support groups a thrift store and financial assistance and life skills training and workshops Volunteer They could use help with the following Tutoring Work in the Thrift Store Furniture pickup and delivery Events and fundraisers Mentoring Office help Learning Center Reading to children Yard and lawn maintenance work Call them to volunteer or sign up online at thewaycenter org volunteers 8

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Winter Haven Police Department Address 125 N S Lake Silver Dr NW Winter Haven FL 33881 Phone 863 325 9220 Web https www mywinterhaven com police department Contact Christ Community Church s Office Mission Christ Community has had the opportunity to partner with the Winter Haven Police Department by providing needed supplies to people in crisis We provide comfort backpacks to children who have to be taken from a home when law enforcement has been called in These backpacks contain a stuffed animal snacks small toys and other items that will help comfort a child when they have to be removed from a home due to criminal activity We provide small bags of supplies for the homeless As the police encounter the homeless during their day these packs give the homeless very basic supplies including a washcloth soap toothbrush and tooth paste a mylar blanket socks and snacks At Christmas the Winter Haven Police Department in conjunction with the Polk County Schools pick families in need and provide them with gifts and a meal for Christmas As these gifts are delivered other children from the community show up to watch Christ Community provides other smaller gift bags to hand out to the other children in the community Volunteer PACK A BACKPACK A few times a year we purchase supplies and put together back packs Christmas gift bags and homeless packs We always need help shopping and putting these bags together CHRISTMAS GIFT BAGS FOR KIDS In December we shop for toys and put Christmas gift bags together for the kids in the communities they visit Help is always needed in purchasing items for the various ages of kids then bagging them up by gender for easy hand outs APPRECIATION GIFTS You can help all 1st responders by showing your appreciation for their service by visiting you local station with thank you cards snacks meals and items that they can distribute to those in need 9

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Youth For Christ of Polk County Phone 863 325 9220 Email eric yfcofpolk org Web polkcounty yfc net Contact Eric Holm Mission YFC reaches young people everywhere working together with the local church and other like minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle devotion to prayer and the Word of God passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social involvement Since 1990 Youth for Christ of Polk County has been impacting at risk youth with over 24 different ministry sites Ministries include The Bartow Youth Academy Florida Sheriff s Youth Villa Polk Halfway House Summer Wilderness Camps Juvenile Justice Ministries City Life Volunteer YFC depends on the involvement of caring adults to accomplish their mission to reach local teens wit the message that God loves them and has a plan for their lives They need volunteers in Lakeland Winter Haven Haines City and Lake Wales Be a caring adult who establishes relationships with kids around Polk County Volunteers are needed in Lakeland Winter Haven Haines City Lake Wales who will serve directly with students Be a prayer intercessor Be a financial partner Come and help in the office Contact Eric Holm for additional information and volunteer requirements 10

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Angie Hemric Email angelia hemric gponline org Blog Bridge1014 com Mission Angie has served as a full time missionary in Guyana since 2013 Angie s vison is to develop leaders of all ages and to give the vulnerable a voice Due to the extreme poverty in the region many children don t receive an education However with Angie s partnerships in the impoverished squatter community outside of Georgetown known as Plastic City more children are going to school Summer lessons were a success with 50 registered students from 1st 9th grade and their August back to school event had 35 parents and 200 children 2 students graduated high school and have moved on to the next level of education The Gospel is spreading The youth Bible Club had 18 students attending representing all faith backgrounds Eight families are represented any given Sunday and their first family unit was baptized in May Five students were sponsored for a Christian camp in the summer and eagerly want to return An average of 35 people attend the afternoon and evening Bible classes Angie is also teaching mission minded nationals at the Wesleyan Bible college Volunteer Become a prayer partner Sign up with an email to Angie For now pray for wisdom and rest for Angie Pray against a dividing culture that is harming the youth Pray for D B two young teachers trying to juggle a hectic life of studying testing and their desire to give back as teachers for the next generation Support Angie financially Contact globalpartnersonline org and ask to support Angelia Hemric missionary number WM04 0391 Go on a short term mission team to Guyana For more information email Angie or contact us at CCC and let us know you are interested 12

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Caroline s Promise Address 1950 Beeson Road Kernersville NC 27284 Phone 336 669 7340 Web carolinespromise net Mission Caroline s Promise seeks to share the love of Christ to vulnerable children and their families in Guatemala We have been raising up leaders and investing in communities So what s ahead in 2020 Will you join us in praying over these areas of ministry And of course if you d like to partner with us in any of these endeavors just let us know Purchase property and build community center in Gerona In fact you can make a gift donation to our Hope for Gerona fundraiser here https carolinespromise kindful com Continue discipleship of and investment in leaders Providing water filters in the community of Gerona Focus on men s ministry and development of horticulture projects in San Nicholas Supporting our partners outreach to their communities helping meet physical emotional and spiritual needs Retreats for teen girls and teen boys New partnerships in the Lake Atitlan region Expansion of our job skills training including welding Volunteer Go on a life changing short term mission trip to Guatemala Sponsor a child through Caroline s Promise Join their Intercessory Prayer Team Host a Party with a Purpose Gather your friends and sell beautiful fair trade products through Florecer the artisan support ministry arm of Caroline s Promise Florecer supports artisans in Guatemala and pays them a fair price for their products 13

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Haiti s Hope Haiti s Hope Phone 954 873 9073 Email info haitishope org Web haitishope org Mission The mission of Haiti s Hope is to provide the people of Haiti with the necessary tools and education needed to create a self sustaining lifestyle Haiti s Hope provides spiritual leadership and guidance physical nourishment medical care and education for the Chezmoi Orphanage and the community of Belot Projects they are supporting Bible Outreach with Local Haitian Church leaders Bridal Business Liah Petit Homme Shipped wedding supplies to help start a business Haiti Outer Area Missions Funded a water Truck to a remote village during the drought Children s Outreach at Chez Moi Church Provided 75 Christmas stockings with candy toys and shoes Chez Moi Orphanage Year round English lessons tuition books uniforms food shoes clothing fuel maintenance They sent 150 school desks BethRapha Medical Clinic Financial support for the doctor nurses Funded a maternity room FamilyCare Haiti Orphanage They provided water and food during the Haiti riots Fara and Tisme Our College Students They provided funding for continued college education books school trips medical care and food Belot Mountain Top Church New classroom extensions and 152 school desks New Christmas bookbags filled with toys candy socks and shoes for 200 children 2020 Projects and needs include Shipping 200 additional desks A new vehicle for Chez Moi Pastor s home in Belot New water well in Belot Volunteer 14 Become a financial partner with Haiti s Hope You can also help fund their individual projects Go on a mission trip with Haiti s Hope For more information contact them or contact us at CCC to let us know you re interested in a trip Become a prayer partner with Haiti s Hope

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Michelle Verrill Smith InterVarsity Michelle Verrill Smith Intervarsity Email michelle verrill intervarsity org Web intervarsity org Contact Michelle Verrill Smith Mission InterVarsity is a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances witnessing communities of students and faculty We minister n a variety of ways including planting chapters that reach every corner of campus discipling students training leaders and sending students to global mission fields Our method To draw students to Jesus as Savior and Lord Teach students to respond to God s Word Engage people of all cultures and ethnicities Encourage service to God s purposes in the world Here are some highlights from InterVarsity Red River Region TX OK AR LA this year Over 800 students attended a Fall Conference where they grew deeper in their faith and made decisions to join a gospel centered community Over 200 college students have made decisions to follow Jesus in the Red River Region Planted 20 new Gospel Centered Communities on Campus The InterVarsity Year program that Michelle directs had 11 Intern Staff this year 10 of them are returning as full time Campus Ministers next fall Volunteer Be a part of Michelle s intercessory prayer team Support Michelle financially www givetoiv org michellesmith Michelle is in need of raising 14 500 or 12 new partners of 100 month Prayer walk a local campus InterVarsity has partnered with other ministries to see every college campus in the US covered in prayer Visit www everycampus com for more information There are several campuses in Polk that need prayer walks Currently Warner in Lake Wales has no registered prayer walks 15

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Operation Christmas Child Samaritan s Purse Address PO Box 3000 Boone NC 28607 Web Samaritanspurse org Contact Debby Guertin Mission Since 1993 Operation Christmas Child has collected more than 168 million shoeboxes packed with toys and other items by people like you and delivered them to boys and girls in need around the world in partnership with local churches Each shoebox is a Gospel opportunity as churches around the world hand out the shoebox gifts at festive outreach events where the Good News of Jesus Christ is clearly presented Along with the gifts Gospel booklets called The Greatest Gift help the recipients learn about God s Greatest Gift His Son Jesus Christ After receiving the shoebox gift children have the opportunity to enroll in a 12 lesson follow up discipleship program The Greatest Journey As a result of what they learn boys and girls grow in Christ and share Him with others Families are reached churches grow new churches are started and communities are transformed Christ Community Churches serves as one of the drop off locations for Polk County During Collection Week of 2019 we processed 2370 shoeboxes from individuals groups and churches from all over Polk County including 800 boxes from CCC Polk County collected almost 15 000 shoeboxes Volunteer Pack a shoebox in October for Operation Christmas Child Volunteer to serve at Christ Community during the OCC collection time We have many different ways you can serve We are a drop off location for Polk County Volunteer to help ship boxes at the OCC Distribution Center in Atlanta Georgia in November and December If you are a business a school a community then we will provide you with shoeboxes and information to pass out in your community or in your business Spread the word about OCC TO VOLUNTEER CONTACT Debby Guertin daguertin12 gmail com 16

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SOUP KITCHEN First Presbyterian Church of Winter Haven Address 637 6th St NW Winter Haven FL 33881 Phone 863 294 3121 Email office firstpreswh org Web Firstpreswh org Mission For over 20 years First Presbyterian Church has responded to Matthew 25 by feeding every hungry person who comes to their doors Volunteer BAG LUNCH MINISTRY The Bag Lunch Ministry feeds an average of 80 people each weekday Food items are purchased in bulk by the Deacons and volunteers are needed to assemble bag lunches It takes about an hour or two for one person to bag 125 lunches SATURDAY SOUP KITCHEN 100 people are fed each Saturday year round The weekly ministry of providing a hot meal in the name of Jesus Christ to the hungry in our community will not hit a summer slump The crews usually meet at the church kitchen around 2 p m on Saturday for food prep and set up The serving hour is from 4 5 p m Clean up is usually 30 minutes 18

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Garden Grove Elementary Inwood Elementary Schools Garden Grove Elementary School Address Address 4599 Cypress Garden Road Winter Haven FL 33884 Inwood Elementary School Address Address 2200 Avenue G NW Winter Haven FL 33880 Mission The staff and teachers at both Elementary schools Garden Grove and Inwood would love to have caring adults come and work with children grades K 5 1 Volunteer at Garden Grove Elementary READ WITH A CHILD IN THE MEDIA CENTER You would have the opportunity to read books with children and also assist the kids in taking their AR reading tests on the media center computers The Media Center specialist will give you all the instructions you need to do this Reading scores improve dramatically when adults read with children Contact Jessica at Jessica aplacetobelong com for more information 2 Volunteer at Inwood Elementary SEVERAL OPPORTUNITIES A variety of opportunities are available Please contact Inwood Elementary and ask for the Assistant Principal Contact 863 291 5369 Laura Neidringhaus Asst Principal 19

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Habitat for Humanity of East Polk County Inc Address 3550 Recker Highway Winter Haven FL 33880 Phone 863 292 2256 x 7009 Email Clarissa habitateastpolk org Web habitateastpolk org Contact Clarissa Mission Seeking to put God s love into action Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes communities and hope Volunteer BUILDING PROJECTS Work at construction sites begins at 8 00am Each site is supervised by an experienced Habitat Volunteer Site Foreman and or Habitat Staff Project Manager Habitat for Humanity provides you with everything you need to help build If you have a favorite hammer or tool belt you like to use bring it with you Hats are recommended and sun screen is encouraged Drinking water and toilet provisions are provided at every site Some homes are available to build at during the week If you are busy on the weekend and still want to help they can find a site for you For large groups of 5 10 special accommodations can be made They will gladly work with your schedule Please call ahead to schedule a time convenient for your group HABITAT RESTORE 2 Locations 3550 Recker Hwy Winter Haven 27985 US Highway 27 Dundee Process inventory sort donations assists customers display items hang and tag clothes assist the cashier Hours Monday Saturday 9 00am 5 00pm 20

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Heart for Winter Haven Jobs for Life Address 228 Ave C SW Winter Haven FL 33880 Phone 863 291 6270 Email bee heart4wh org Web heart4wh org Contact Bee Gallison Mission To empower individuals businesses organizations and churches to come together and connect Winter Haven by working together to renew people and places one life transforming deed at a time Jobs For Life is a biblically based no cost transformational 8 week program that helps the under employed or unemployed find their right work place Students meet twice a week for dinner followed by two hours of interactive instructions The journey toward success is maximized by pairing each student with a mentor who walks alongside coaching and encouraging The primary responsibility of Champions is to commit to the journey with a Jobs for Life JfL student for a 2 to 6 month period to provide friendship support guidance assistance and a sense of community that will help the student complete the course and overcome employment barriers Track and report student progress through the post Jobs for Life follow up period Volunteer Jobs For Life Champions Teachers Mentors They are looking for champions instructors and mentors for the ministry at the South County Jail and other locations throughout Winter Haven For more information and to complete an application go to heart4wh org employment 21

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Lake Wales Care Center Address 140 E Park Ave Lake Wales FL 33853 Phone 863 676 6678 x 1303 Email Lakewalescarecenter com Contact Jolee Mission The Lake Wales Care Center is a faith based community service organization which demonstrates Christ s love by building bridges between people in need and people with a desire to serve Volunteer SURPLUS THRIFT STORES 2 locations Lake Wales Thrift Store 39 W Park Ave Lake Wales 863 678 0245 Dundee Thrift Store 29696 US Highway 27 Dundee 863 439 6000 Sort donations assist customers display items hang and tag clothes assist the cashier Hours Monday Friday 9 00am 5 00pm Saturday 9 00am 3 00pm OTHER OPPORTUNITIES General Maintenance Home Repairs Meals on Wheels Office Receptionist Records Light Housekeeping Furniture Pick up delivery Food Room Transportation Home Visitation Skills Training for Clients Community Garden Youth Programs mentoring and tutoring Free Health Clinic Choices Pregnancy Center For details hours and other requirements contact Jolee 22

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Meals on Wheels of Polk County Address 620 6TH St NW Winter Haven FL 33881 Phone 863 299 1616 Email contact mealsonwheelspolk com Web Mealsonwheelspolk com volunteer opportunities Mission Meals on Wheels of Polk County provides hot nutritionally balanced meals and a daily contact to the homebound residents of the Polk County area Our program provides a means of independence for many of our senior citizens in some cases it is a means of survival Meals on Wheels Inc is a non profit organization actively supported by churches civic organizations businesses and hundreds of active volunteers and residents throughout the Polk County Area Volunteer MEAL DELIVERY Deliver 8 15 meals to home bound customers Deliveries generally take place Monday Friday from 10 00am noon Often this is the only contact customers have all day Delivery volunteers provide a warm smile and a caring attitude as well as a safety check to help ensure the customer s wellbeing You must provide your own transportation or share with another driver Volunteers pick up the meals at the Winter Haven location for the Winter Haven Auburndale deliveries Haines City Davenport at St Ann Catholic Church in Haines City Other pick up locations are available KITCHEN FOOD SERVICE Help prepare meals and pack hot boxes for delivery Hours 6 30am or 8 00am to 10 00am THRIFT STORE Sort donations assist customers display items hang and tag clothes assist the cashier Hours anytime between 9 00am 3 00pm 23

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