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OIERP Brochure

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Instuonal Eecveness, Research, and Planning (OIERP) Brochure Lincoln University was founded in 1854 as the naon’s rst degree granng Historically Black College and University, or HBCU. Originally chartered as Ashmun Instute, it was re-named Lincoln University in 1866 in honor of President Abraham Lincoln. Our main campus is an oasis amid the rolling farmlands and wooded hilltops of southern Chester County in Pennsylvania. President - Brenda A. Allen, Ph.D. Mission: Lincoln University, the naon’s rst degree granng Historically Black College & University (HBCU), edu-cates and empowers students to lead their communies and change the world. Vision: Lincoln University will be a naonal model for both 21st century liberal arts undergraduate educaon and inno-vave graduate and professional programs. Core Values: Respect. Responsibility. Results. OIERP Mission: The mission of the Oce of Instuonal Eecveness, Research, and Planning (OIERP) is to ensure instuonal eecveness by providing data-driven planning and decision support throughout the University. OIERP Responsibilies include:  Instuonal Research: Data and Dashboards iniave provides access to data using 21st century tools to en-hance the use of data in decision making  Survey Research: Using surveys to inform policy, support decision making, and track progress  Accreditaon: Commended as a regional model of a suc-cessful rearmaon process. Last Rearmaon: 2019; Next Self-Study Evaluaon: 2026-2027  Assessment: Assessment coordinaon for the instuon  Student Evaluaon of Courses: Students provide feed-back regarding course content, delivery, and instrucon  Planning: Evidenced based decision making to strategical-ly allocate resources Last Updated: Jan. 2024 UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Fall 2023 Acceptance Rate: 78%; Yield Rate: 12% Average First Time, First Year, Full Time SAT Score: 960 Residency (all undergraduates): In-State: 47.2%; Out of State: 50.1%; Internaonal: 2.7% Countries Represented (all students): 7 GRADUATION/RETENTION First Time, First Year Full Time Retenon Rate: Aer One Year: 70.5% Aer Two Years: 60.3% TUITION AND FEES 2023-2024 Undergraduate: Room: $5,972; Board: $5,088 ATHLETICS NCAA Division II - CIAA & ECC Men’s Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Foot-ball, Track and Field Women’s Sports: Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Soball, Track and Field, Volleyball Co-ed Cheerleading FACULTY Fall 2023 114 Full Time; 72 Part Time STAFF Fall 2023 BUDGET 2021-2022 State Appropriaons: $15,166,000 Federal Grants and Contracts: $30,181,944 Tuion and Fees Revenue: $8,762,347 Private Gis (combined): $4,155,590 Endowment Assets: $48,966,814 LOCATIONS Main: 1570 Balmore Pike; Lincoln University, PA 19352 School of Adult and Connuing Educaon (SACE): 3020 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Title IX Statement Title IX regulaons state no person shall on the basis of sex be excluded from parcipaon in, denied the benets of, or be subjected to discriminaon in edu-caon programs or acvies operated by recipients of Federal nancial assistance. Regional accreditaon: Middle States Commission on Higher Educaon Carnegie Classicaon: Master’s Colleges & Universies: Medium Programs Degree Levels: Bachelor’s, Master’s IPEDS Unit ID: 213598 Female Male Count Applicants 69% 31% 5,987 Admied 72% 28% 4,692 First Year Enrollment 67% 33% 551 Undergraduate In-state Out of state Total Charges $12,512 $19,384 Tuion $8,900 $14,852 Fees $3,612 $4,532 Total per credit hour $559 $850 Graduate In-state Out of state Tuion $10,106 $17,636 Fees $1,168 $1,306 Full Time Female Male Count Tenured 18.4% 26.3% 51 On Tenure Track 19.3% 21.9% 47 Not Tenure Track 12.3% 1.8% 16 Total 50.0% 50.0% 114 Sta Female Male Count Full Time 59.2% 33.2% 220 Part Time 1.3% 2.9% 10 Temporary 2.1% 1.3% 8 Total 62.6% 37.4% 238 Graduaon Rate 4-Year 5-Year 6-Year 27.3% 40.1% 52.1%

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* 2023 Undergraduate Senior Survey & 2023 SACE Exit Survey. See OIERP Survey Research webpage. *** 2023 Fall Term ** IPEDS Student Financial Aid 2022-2023 First Time, First Year, Full Time Data (1) Degrees Awarded numbers include 1st, 2nd and 3rd majors. LINCOLN UNIVERSITYTotalColumn1FemaleMaleU.S. NonresidentHispanic/LatinoAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanHawaiian/Pacific IslWhiteTwo or more racesRace and ethnicity unknownCoAnthropology, Criminal Justice & SociologyBiologyBusiness & Entrepreneurial StudiesChemistry & PhysicsComputer ScienceHealth SciencesHistory, Pan Africana Studies, Philosophy & ReligionLanguages & LiteratureLibraryMass CommunicationsMathematical SciencesMusicNursingPolitical SciencePsychology & Human ServicesVisual ArtsUndeclaredNon-MatriculatingBusiness & Entrepreneurial StudiesCounseling & Human ServicesEducationPsychology & Human ServicesNon-MatriculatingEnrollment TotalFall 20231,848 1,229 619 46 116 5 2 1,546 1 12 79 41 197 118 279 63 77 205 17 18 - 109 7 - - 40 258 50 217 5 26 82 76 2 2Undergraduate1,717 1,133 584 46 111 5 2 1,425 1 12 75 40 197 118 279 63 77 205 17 18 - 109 7 - - 40 258 50 217 5 - - - - -Main Campus1,660 1,091 569 46 108 5 2 1,376 1 12 75 35 197 118 279 63 77 205 17 18 - 109 7 - - 40 258 50 217 5 - - - - -School of Adult and Continuing Education57 42 15 3 - - 49 - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 51 - 2 -Graduate131 96 35 - 5 - - 121 - - 4 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 31 76 - 2Degrees Awarded - Academic Year 2023 (1)(July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023)359 254 105 9 21- - 297 4 6 22 45 23 24 6 13 36 4 14 - 25 1 3 27 7 48 4 - - 22 37 20 - -Undergraduate307 211 96 8 19 - - 249 3 6 22 45 23 24 6 13 36 4 14 - 25 1 3 27 7 48 4 - - 6 21 - - -Main Campus280 191 89 8 17 - - 227 2 6 20 45 23 24 6 13 36 4 14 - 25 1 3 27 7 48 4 - - - - - - -School of Adult and Continuing Education27 20 7 - 2 - - 22 1 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 21 - - -Graduate52 43 9 1 2 - - 48 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 16 20 - -Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty Total Fall 2023186 92 94 - 5 5 5 103 45 7 16 9 10 10 12 5 9 15 24 3 7 9 9 - 5 11 11 - - 10 16 11 - -Full-Time Faculty114 57 57 - 1 5 5 62 28 4 9 6 9 7 10 5 9 8 11 3 7 8 4 - 4 6 6 - - 2 3 6 - -Part-Time Faculty72 35 37 - 4 - - 41 17 3 7 3 1 3 2 - - 7 13 - - 1 5 - 1 5 5 - - 8 13 5 - -SexRace and EthnicityMain CampusSchool of Adult and Continuing Education

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* 2023 Undergraduate Senior Survey & 2023 SACE Exit Survey. See OIERP Survey Research webpage. *** 2023 Fall Term ** IPEDS Student Financial Aid 2022-2023 First Time, First Year, Full Time Data (1) Degrees Awarded numbers include 1st, 2nd and 3rd majors. LINCOLN UNIVERSITYTotalColumn1FemaleMaleU.S. NonresidentHispanic/LatinoAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanHawaiian/Pacific IslWhiteTwo or more racesRace and ethnicity unknownCoAnthropology, Criminal Justice & SociologyBiologyBusiness & Entrepreneurial StudiesChemistry & PhysicsComputer ScienceHealth SciencesHistory, Pan Africana Studies, Philosophy & ReligionLanguages & LiteratureLibraryMass CommunicationsMathematical SciencesMusicNursingPolitical SciencePsychology & Human ServicesVisual ArtsUndeclaredNon-MatriculatingBusiness & Entrepreneurial StudiesCounseling & Human ServicesEducationPsychology & Human ServicesNon-MatriculatingEnrollment TotalFall 20231,848 1,229 619 46 116 5 2 1,546 1 12 79 41 197 118 279 63 77 205 17 18 - 109 7 - - 40 258 50 217 5 26 82 76 2 2Undergraduate1,717 1,133 584 46 111 5 2 1,425 1 12 75 40 197 118 279 63 77 205 17 18 - 109 7 - - 40 258 50 217 5 - - - - -Main Campus1,660 1,091 569 46 108 5 2 1,376 1 12 75 35 197 118 279 63 77 205 17 18 - 109 7 - - 40 258 50 217 5 - - - - -School of Adult and Continuing Education57 42 15 3 - - 49 - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 51 - 2 -Graduate131 96 35 - 5 - - 121 - - 4 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 31 76 - 2Degrees Awarded - Academic Year 2023 (1)(July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023)359 254 105 9 21- - 297 4 6 22 45 23 24 6 13 36 4 14 - 25 1 3 27 7 48 4 - - 22 37 20 - -Undergraduate307 211 96 8 19 - - 249 3 6 22 45 23 24 6 13 36 4 14 - 25 1 3 27 7 48 4 - - 6 21 - - -Main Campus280 191 89 8 17 - - 227 2 6 20 45 23 24 6 13 36 4 14 - 25 1 3 27 7 48 4 - - - - - - -School of Adult and Continuing Education27 20 7 - 2 - - 22 1 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 21 - - -Graduate52 43 9 1 2 - - 48 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 16 20 - -Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty Total Fall 2023186 92 94 - 5 5 5 103 45 7 16 9 10 10 12 5 9 15 24 3 7 9 9 - 5 11 11 - - 10 16 11 - -Full-Time Faculty114 57 57 - 1 5 5 62 28 4 9 6 9 7 10 5 9 8 11 3 7 8 4 - 4 6 6 - - 2 3 6 - -Part-Time Faculty72 35 37 - 4 - - 41 17 3 7 3 1 3 2 - - 7 13 - - 1 5 - 1 5 5 - - 8 13 5 - -SexRace and EthnicityMain CampusSchool of Adult and Continuing Education

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* 2023 Undergraduate Senior Survey & 2023 SACE Exit Survey. See OIERP Survey Research webpage. *** 2023 Fall Term ** IPEDS Student Financial Aid 2022-2023 First Time, First Year, Full Time Data (1) Degrees Awarded numbers include 1st, 2nd and 3rd majors. LINCOLN UNIVERSITYTotalColumn1FemaleMaleU.S. NonresidentHispanic/LatinoAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanHawaiian/Pacific IslWhiteTwo or more racesRace and ethnicity unknownCoAnthropology, Criminal Justice & SociologyBiologyBusiness & Entrepreneurial StudiesChemistry & PhysicsComputer ScienceHealth SciencesHistory, Pan Africana Studies, Philosophy & ReligionLanguages & LiteratureLibraryMass CommunicationsMathematical SciencesMusicNursingPolitical SciencePsychology & Human ServicesVisual ArtsUndeclaredNon-MatriculatingBusiness & Entrepreneurial StudiesCounseling & Human ServicesEducationPsychology & Human ServicesNon-MatriculatingEnrollment TotalFall 20231,848 1,229 619 46 116 5 2 1,546 1 12 79 41 197 118 279 63 77 205 17 18 - 109 7 - - 40 258 50 217 5 26 82 76 2 2Undergraduate1,717 1,133 584 46 111 5 2 1,425 1 12 75 40 197 118 279 63 77 205 17 18 - 109 7 - - 40 258 50 217 5 - - - - -Main Campus1,660 1,091 569 46 108 5 2 1,376 1 12 75 35 197 118 279 63 77 205 17 18 - 109 7 - - 40 258 50 217 5 - - - - -School of Adult and Continuing Education57 42 15 3 - - 49 - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 51 - 2 -Graduate131 96 35 - 5 - - 121 - - 4 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 31 76 - 2Degrees Awarded - Academic Year 2023 (1)(July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023)359 254 105 9 21- - 297 4 6 22 45 23 24 6 13 36 4 14 - 25 1 3 27 7 48 4 - - 22 37 20 - -Undergraduate307 211 96 8 19 - - 249 3 6 22 45 23 24 6 13 36 4 14 - 25 1 3 27 7 48 4 - - 6 21 - - -Main Campus280 191 89 8 17 - - 227 2 6 20 45 23 24 6 13 36 4 14 - 25 1 3 27 7 48 4 - - - - - - -School of Adult and Continuing Education27 20 7 - 2 - - 22 1 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 21 - - -Graduate52 43 9 1 2 - - 48 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 16 20 - -Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty Total Fall 2023186 92 94 - 5 5 5 103 45 7 16 9 10 10 12 5 9 15 24 3 7 9 9 - 5 11 11 - - 10 16 11 - -Full-Time Faculty114 57 57 - 1 5 5 62 28 4 9 6 9 7 10 5 9 8 11 3 7 8 4 - 4 6 6 - - 2 3 6 - -Part-Time Faculty72 35 37 - 4 - - 41 17 3 7 3 1 3 2 - - 7 13 - - 1 5 - 1 5 5 - - 8 13 5 - -SexRace and EthnicityMain CampusSchool of Adult and Continuing Education

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Instuonal Eecveness, Research, and Planning (OIERP) Brochure Lincoln University was founded in 1854 as the naon’s rst degree granng Historically Black College and University, or HBCU. Originally chartered as Ashmun Instute, it was re-named Lincoln University in 1866 in honor of President Abraham Lincoln. Our main campus is an oasis amid the rolling farmlands and wooded hilltops of southern Chester County in Pennsylvania. President - Brenda A. Allen, Ph.D. Mission: Lincoln University, the naon’s rst degree granng Historically Black College & University (HBCU), edu-cates and empowers students to lead their communies and change the world. Vision: Lincoln University will be a naonal model for both 21st century liberal arts undergraduate educaon and inno-vave graduate and professional programs. Core Values: Respect. Responsibility. Results. OIERP Mission: The mission of the Oce of Instuonal Eecveness, Research, and Planning (OIERP) is to ensure instuonal eecveness by providing data-driven planning and decision support throughout the University. OIERP Responsibilies include:  Instuonal Research: Data and Dashboards iniave provides access to data using 21st century tools to en-hance the use of data in decision making  Survey Research: Using surveys to inform policy, support decision making, and track progress  Accreditaon: Commended as a regional model of a suc-cessful rearmaon process. Last Rearmaon: 2019; Next Self-Study Evaluaon: 2026-2027  Assessment: Assessment coordinaon for the instuon  Student Evaluaon of Courses: Students provide feed-back regarding course content, delivery, and instrucon  Planning: Evidenced based decision making to strategical-ly allocate resources Last Updated: Jan. 2024 UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Fall 2023 Acceptance Rate: 78%; Yield Rate: 12% Average First Time, First Year, Full Time SAT Score: 960 Residency (all undergraduates): In-State: 47.2%; Out of State: 50.1%; Internaonal: 2.7% Countries Represented (all students): 7 GRADUATION/RETENTION First Time, First Year Full Time Retenon Rate: Aer One Year: 70.5% Aer Two Years: 60.3% TUITION AND FEES 2023-2024 Undergraduate: Room: $5,972; Board: $5,088 ATHLETICS NCAA Division II - CIAA & ECC Men’s Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Foot-ball, Track and Field Women’s Sports: Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Soball, Track and Field, Volleyball Co-ed Cheerleading FACULTY Fall 2023 114 Full Time; 72 Part Time STAFF Fall 2023 BUDGET 2021-2022 State Appropriaons: $15,166,000 Federal Grants and Contracts: $30,181,944 Tuion and Fees Revenue: $8,762,347 Private Gis (combined): $4,155,590 Endowment Assets: $48,966,814 LOCATIONS Main: 1570 Balmore Pike; Lincoln University, PA 19352 School of Adult and Connuing Educaon (SACE): 3020 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Title IX Statement Title IX regulaons state no person shall on the basis of sex be excluded from parcipaon in, denied the benets of, or be subjected to discriminaon in edu-caon programs or acvies operated by recipients of Federal nancial assistance. Regional accreditaon: Middle States Commission on Higher Educaon Carnegie Classicaon: Master’s Colleges & Universies: Medium Programs Degree Levels: Bachelor’s, Master’s IPEDS Unit ID: 213598 Female Male Count Applicants 69% 31% 5,987 Admied 72% 28% 4,692 First Year Enrollment 67% 33% 551 Undergraduate In-state Out of state Total Charges $12,512 $19,384 Tuion $8,900 $14,852 Fees $3,612 $4,532 Total per credit hour $559 $850 Graduate In-state Out of state Tuion $10,106 $17,636 Fees $1,168 $1,306 Full Time Female Male Count Tenured 18.4% 26.3% 51 On Tenure Track 19.3% 21.9% 47 Not Tenure Track 12.3% 1.8% 16 Total 50.0% 50.0% 114 Sta Female Male Count Full Time 59.2% 33.2% 220 Part Time 1.3% 2.9% 10 Temporary 2.1% 1.3% 8 Total 62.6% 37.4% 238 Graduaon Rate 4-Year 5-Year 6-Year 27.3% 40.1% 52.1%

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Instuonal Eecveness, Research, and Planning (OIERP) Brochure Lincoln University was founded in 1854 as the naon’s rst degree granng Historically Black College and University, or HBCU. Originally chartered as Ashmun Instute, it was re-named Lincoln University in 1866 in honor of President Abraham Lincoln. Our main campus is an oasis amid the rolling farmlands and wooded hilltops of southern Chester County in Pennsylvania. President - Brenda A. Allen, Ph.D. Mission: Lincoln University, the naon’s rst degree granng Historically Black College & University (HBCU), edu-cates and empowers students to lead their communies and change the world. Vision: Lincoln University will be a naonal model for both 21st century liberal arts undergraduate educaon and inno-vave graduate and professional programs. Core Values: Respect. Responsibility. Results. OIERP Mission: The mission of the Oce of Instuonal Eecveness, Research, and Planning (OIERP) is to ensure instuonal eecveness by providing data-driven planning and decision support throughout the University. OIERP Responsibilies include:  Instuonal Research: Data and Dashboards iniave provides access to data using 21st century tools to en-hance the use of data in decision making  Survey Research: Using surveys to inform policy, support decision making, and track progress  Accreditaon: Commended as a regional model of a suc-cessful rearmaon process. Last Rearmaon: 2019; Next Self-Study Evaluaon: 2026-2027  Assessment: Assessment coordinaon for the instuon  Student Evaluaon of Courses: Students provide feed-back regarding course content, delivery, and instrucon  Planning: Evidenced based decision making to strategical-ly allocate resources Last Updated: Jan. 2024 UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Fall 2023 Acceptance Rate: 78%; Yield Rate: 12% Average First Time, First Year, Full Time SAT Score: 960 Residency (all undergraduates): In-State: 47.2%; Out of State: 50.1%; Internaonal: 2.7% Countries Represented (all students): 7 GRADUATION/RETENTION First Time, First Year Full Time Retenon Rate: Aer One Year: 70.5% Aer Two Years: 60.3% TUITION AND FEES 2023-2024 Undergraduate: Room: $5,972; Board: $5,088 ATHLETICS NCAA Division II - CIAA & ECC Men’s Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Foot-ball, Track and Field Women’s Sports: Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Soball, Track and Field, Volleyball Co-ed Cheerleading FACULTY Fall 2023 114 Full Time; 72 Part Time STAFF Fall 2023 BUDGET 2021-2022 State Appropriaons: $15,166,000 Federal Grants and Contracts: $30,181,944 Tuion and Fees Revenue: $8,762,347 Private Gis (combined): $4,155,590 Endowment Assets: $48,966,814 LOCATIONS Main: 1570 Balmore Pike; Lincoln University, PA 19352 School of Adult and Connuing Educaon (SACE): 3020 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Title IX Statement Title IX regulaons state no person shall on the basis of sex be excluded from parcipaon in, denied the benets of, or be subjected to discriminaon in edu-caon programs or acvies operated by recipients of Federal nancial assistance. Regional accreditaon: Middle States Commission on Higher Educaon Carnegie Classicaon: Master’s Colleges & Universies: Medium Programs Degree Levels: Bachelor’s, Master’s IPEDS Unit ID: 213598 Female Male Count Applicants 69% 31% 5,987 Admied 72% 28% 4,692 First Year Enrollment 67% 33% 551 Undergraduate In-state Out of state Total Charges $12,512 $19,384 Tuion $8,900 $14,852 Fees $3,612 $4,532 Total per credit hour $559 $850 Graduate In-state Out of state Tuion $10,106 $17,636 Fees $1,168 $1,306 Full Time Female Male Count Tenured 18.4% 26.3% 51 On Tenure Track 19.3% 21.9% 47 Not Tenure Track 12.3% 1.8% 16 Total 50.0% 50.0% 114 Sta Female Male Count Full Time 59.2% 33.2% 220 Part Time 1.3% 2.9% 10 Temporary 2.1% 1.3% 8 Total 62.6% 37.4% 238 Graduaon Rate 4-Year 5-Year 6-Year 27.3% 40.1% 52.1%