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2020 Newsletter

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OYSTER BAYMAIN STREET ASSOCIATION NEWSVolume 7 Winter 2019/2020Officers President Sandra Coudert Graham Vice-President John Bonifacio Treasurer Timothy DiPietro Secretary Diana Hauser Board of Directors Claude Bahnik Andrew Carr Linda Cassola Henry C. Clark Kevin Curry Mario Gallo Janine Lizza Richard McKean Diane Meltzer Alexis Pagano Megan Urdea Advisory Board Roger Bahnik Robert Brusca John Collins Harriet Gerard Clark Denise Evans-Sheppard Jerritt Gluck Rep. Steve Israel Billy Joel Leg. Joshua Lafazan Richard LaMarca Hunt & Betsy Lawrence Colleen McKean Edward Mohlenhoff Robert Santos Ryan Schlotter Dr. Laura Seinfeld William Sheeline Dottie Simons John Specce Claudia Taglich Alex UrdeaMAIN STREET NEWS | 1The Oyster Bay Main Street Association (OBMSA) has been instrumental in promoting the growth the downtown has experienced over the past year. Through our work supporting new and existing businesses, building owners, and investors we have acheived the lowest vacancy rate our downtown has experienced in over twenty years. In 2019, over 15 businesses utilized our Business Assistance Programs, working with our staff on commercial site selection, navigating the permitting process, and the creation of customized market analyses. This directly resulted in six new businesses opening - including Fortune of War, Taco Bay, and N.T. Designs - and has laid the ground work for an additional five businesses to open or expand this year. To support this growth, OBMSA successfully advocated for the expansion of sanitary sewer capacity. As a result, effective January 1, 2019, the Sewer District decided to permit doubling the capacity within the General Business District. This has resulted in expanded opportunities for development and investment in the downtown, including for example, the pending conversion of the second story office space to 8 residential units at 62 South Street and the proposed development of Snouder’s Corner Drug Store. (Continued on p. 7)P.O. Box 116 • Oyster Bay, NY 11771 • Tel (516) 922-6982 • Yet Another Strong Year of Growth in the Downtown

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MAIN STREET NEWS | 2P.O. Box 116 • Oyster Bay, NY 11771 • Tel (516) 922-6982 • Our Mission, at its core, is to: Make Downtown Oyster Bay a Place Where People, Businesses, & Investors Want to Be Is there an event you would like to see in the downtown? A problem you would like to see addressed? An idea you have to help our local businesses? We would love to hear your ideas!We hold committee meetings every quarter and they are open to our full membership. This is an opportunity for our members to take a more active role in OBMSA - to help us define our focus and craft our initiatives. Our committees focus in three main areas: Design focuses on improving the physical and visual assets of the downtown - this is done through our Facade & Sign Grant, the seasonal decorations, and the major improvements we have made to the center of downtown through our Town Center Revitalization Plan, among others.Promotion focuses on bringing people to the downtown through community events, marketing campaigns, etc.Economic Vitality focuses on creating a supportive environment for new and existing businesses, while advocating for and incentivizing appropriate development.Check for upcoming meeting dates.To guide us, we rely heavily on Community Input - this is your opportunity as members of OBMSA to have a say in the future of Oyster Bay! We invite your thoughts, insights and ideas through two main facets: How do we decide what that place looks like? By listening to YOU! Our Quarterly Public Committee Meetings Our Consumer & Business Surveys&Every few years we circulate a series of surveys to the community - one tailored for consumers and one for our business owners. This is an excellent opportunity for all in the community to give honest feedback on the condition of the downtown - physically, economically and culturally. The data that is collected is then used as part of our market research/analysis reports and used internally to assess the effectiveness of our programs and initiatives.Please take a moment to fill out the survey by scanning the corresponding QR code below: Consumer Survey Business Survey

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MAIN STREET NEWS | 3P.O. Box 116 • Oyster Bay, NY 11771 • Tel (516) 922-6982 • Our Seventh AnnualEnd of the Season BenefitThe work we do in Oyster Bay would not be possible without the support of this wonderful community. Thank you to all our event sponsors and everyone who attended for making this year's event our most successful yet! By the end of the evening we were able to bring in nearly $50,000! Proceeds go to support many of our 2020 initiatives and programs!

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Creating a Clean, Safe, and Welcoming DowntownMAIN STREET NEWS | 4P.O. Box 116 • Oyster Bay, NY 11771 • Tel (516) 922-6982 • Community Clean-UpIf you are looking for a way to get more involved in OBMSA and help us keep Oyster Bay clean, we invite you to join us for one of our Community Clean-Up Days. This past November, we teamed up with Friends of the Bay to clean up White's Creek and the adjacent parking lot north of East Main Street. Due to the success of the event, we plan to host more regular clean-ups moving forward - follow us on Facebook at "Oyster Bay Main Street Association" to stay informed. OBMSA is also gearing up for our 5th season of our Clean Sweep Initiative. In response to demand, this year we are looking to expand the impact of the program beyond just loose litter on the streets and sidewalks to include monitoring and reporting issues such as grafitti, pet waste, and other quality of life issues.Look for your invitation to sponsor your basket this May!This past Spring, OBMSA kicked off our third annual Flower Basket Campaign to support the costs of our seasonal decorations in the downtown - with 168 hanging baskets in the summer, 168 wreaths during the holiday season, and the christmas tree and bandstand decorations for the annual tree lighting. 123 sponsors from the community stepped up, fully funding us for the 2019 season!

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MAIN STREET NEWS | 5Our Efforts to Make the Downtown a Place Where YOU Want to BeOBMSA is excited to announce the third phase of our Town Center Revitalization Plan! The Town Center Revitalization Plan (TCRP) was initiated as a way for our organization to focus our design projects and multiply their impact by completing inter-connected, smaller-scale renovations starting in the epicenter of the downtown and radiating out. We implemented Phase I in 2015 with a full-scale renovation of Townsend Park. With the help of Main Street Nursery, we created a design that was appropriately scaled and better suited for the small triangle park around the bandstand. The $30,000 renovation transformed the park and reestablished viable green space in the downtown. To complement and expand the impact of the Townsend Park renovation, our next phase focused on further increasing available green space and improving the aesthetics of the downtown by opening up the grounds of the adjacent historic Oyster Bay Post Office for public use. Completed in 2018, the $90,000 renovation resulted in an open and inviting lawn; the creation of a brick-paved seating area for patrons and residents to use; and improved access to an underutilized walkway connecting Audrey Avenue to Maxwell Avenue and the parking lot known as Fireman's Field just beyond. OBMSA is currently finalizing approvals for Phase III with the Town of Oyster Bay. This next phase will focus on the sidewalks along the section of Shore Avenue immediately south of and adjacent to Fireman's Field. We will be building off of the success of the Town of Oyster Bay's Safe Ways to School project, which resulted in the installation of sidewalk along the south side of the street abutting Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School. The final design, pictured above, calls for the demo and install of a new sidewalk on the north side, the addition of 14 native species trees, 14 antique street lamps, and three crosswalks connecting the parking lot and the sports fields. All told, a substantial improvement to an area that is currently just a barren strip of concrete. We are scheduled to break ground this year. Once completed, this renovation will improve the overall safety and aesthetics of the area - ultimately creating an inviting environment that better connects the general business district and the western waterfront and encourages individuals to utilize Fireman's Field as a parking option. Continuing to radiate out, we are looking towards future projects that will focus on further beautification and improving connectivity within the downtown.P.O. Box 116 • Oyster Bay, NY 11771 • Tel (516) 922-6982 • Town Center Revitalization Plan: Phase III

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10th Season of Dancing in the Street!MAIN STREET NEWS | 6P.O. Box 116 • Oyster Bay, NY 11771 • Tel (516) 922-6982 • oyst er bay m a i n str eet ass o ci at i o n'sdancing street!in theDANCING in theSTREET10th season!Bring a chair!THAugusT 7 14July 3 10 17 24 31thth thRdth thstDancing in the Street has become a summer staple of the Oyster Bay community that continues to grow in popularity year after year. From its humble beginnings in 2011, the series has expanded from four nights to six and on average brings approximately 200 individuals to the downtown per night to dance in the heart of downtown Oyster Bay.Summer 2020 marks the tenth year of the series and we are excited to celebrate what has become a well-loved community event! To celebrate this milestone, we will be hosting special dance competitions throughout the series, inviting special guests, and more - so much more we have to add an extra night! So join us for one or all SEVEN Fridays this July and August! A BIG thank you to our long-time sponsor - BMW of Oyster Bay - for all their support over the years! We would not be here without great community partners like you!INTERESTED IN BEING A SPONSOR? VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.OBMSA.ORG/DITS

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MAIN STREET NEWS | 7P.O. Box 116 • Oyster Bay, NY 11771 • Tel (516) 922-6982 • Yet Another Strong Year of Growth in the Downtown Cont'dOur Design, Renovation, and Preservation Assistance Programs help business and building owners improve their sites by providing planning, grant writing, and financial assistance. In the past year, we assisted 18 members and businesses in total, which resulted in 12 storefront renovations and laid the ground work for three additional improvements slated for 2020. Additionally, we provide support through our Facade & Sign Grant Program. Since first starting the grant in 2013, we have assisted 50 businesses in the downtown, disbursing nearly $95,000 in grant funds and leveraging an additional private investment of over $210,000 into the downtown. We currently have $15,000 raised for our most recent cycle and, due to interest in the grant, we are hoping to raise an additional $10,000 - we hope you will consider donating to help us reach this goal!A Selection of Our 2019 Grant Recipients

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MAIN STREET NEWS | 8Thank you to our Fiscal Year 2019 Contributors!Visit: to easily become a member or renew today!Founding Contributor American Marketing Group The Bahnik Foundation Claude & Marie Bahnik Frederic R. Coudert Foundation Todd & Sandra Graham Andrew & Diana Hauser Hoyle C. Jones Hunt & Betsy Lawrence Richard & Colleen McKean Hamid & Ladan Nazif George O'Neill Oyster Bay Community Foundation Mimi Rosenwald Sumner Gerard Foundation Helmsman Diana Aledort Peter & Eileen Aliani Dr. Abby Aronowitz Theodore & Raïssa Bakalis Ann Balderston-Glynn Giovanna Baldino, Gianna Salon Louis Baldino Architect John & Debra Bonifacio John & Emma Bougiamas David & Kathleen Brewer James Buzzetta Valerie Canadeo Judith Chapman Donna Chisholm, Pro Sports P.T. Thomas & Doreen Costa Kevin & Beth Costello Maria Czarniecki Jamie Deming Morgan & Kristin Dennehy Leonard & Barbara D'Errico Amanda Donovan Orville & Susan Donovan Tim & Remsen Dooley ELVL Realty, LLC Alex & Rosemarie Gallego Edwin & Lorna Goodman Charles & Janet Goulding Grace Haggerty Harborside Deli Margaret Hargraves Thomas & Maureen Harty Carol Hoffman Mark & Sealy Hopkinson John & Paula Hornbostel Jack & Penny Hoyt Geoffrey & Marcy Kaiser Dagmar Karppi Robert & Allison Kellan Christopher & Alexa Kelly Kenneth & Grace Kelly Anthony J. LaMarca Sophie Lee Robert & Theresa Lindsay Richard & Anita MacDougall Janine Marks Nancy Marshall Jane Byrd & Ian McCurdy Robert & Diane Meltzer Kevin & Michele Mercier James & Mary Ellen Meyerdierks David Meyrowitz William & Mary Miller Christine & Stephen Mills Seamus Mitchell Mockingbird Wings Elisabeth Mooney David & Lisa Natale Northwestern Mutual Gilbert & Lisa Ott Oyster Bay Animal Hospital Oyster Bay Civic Association Oyster Bay Drafting & Architecture Oyster Bay Insurance Oyster Bay Yoga Ron Paradiso Peggy Parente Gary Pasquaretto Tom & Joanne Pearson Stuyvesant & Virginia Pierrepont Pinzino & Pinzino Marie Claire Pittis Clayton & Hydie Prugh Mary Ann Reardon Sagamore Collision Sanctuary Home & Patio Masaki & Kay Hutchins Sato Verena Scheu William & Susan Sheeline Smith Jewelers Superstar Beverage of Oyster Bay Pat & Lynn Tone Charlie Towers David & Elizabeth Townsend Sailor Atlantic Steamer Fire Co. No. 1 William & Nancy Aucone Robert Bartlotti Brian & Nikki Buckley Patricia Burke Raymond & Joyce Caruso Michael & Connie Castellana Joseph & Debra Castellana Donnamarie Chaimanis Rev. Dr. Charles & Mrs. Colwell Core Group Architects Dan & Fran Covello Lucy Cutting Susan Dembo Mitchell & Jackie Diamond Michael Eberlin Rick Elias Denice Evans-Sheppard Greg & Shannon Fairbend Pinky Feakes Friends of Sagamore Hill Barry Goldsmith Eric W. Goldstein Gary & Kerri Grasso Matthew Harris & Stephanie Hernan Deana P. Huminski Fredd & Marjorie Isaksen Jane Jackson Benjamin Jankowski & Kathy Prinz Hal & Fran Johnson Fran Johnston Nat Kingsley, All Pro Athletics Jane Leek Life Enrichment Center of Oyster Bay George Lindsay Gene & Lorna Mann Darren Martin Meredith Maus Lisa McGowan Joe & Marilyn Meares George S. Meyer Glenn Minkin Hon. Michael Montesano Amanda Nesis North Shore Community Church John & Kimberly O'Kane Osteria Leana Oyster Bay Travel Theresa Podesta, Brush Oyster Bay The Purpi Family Barbara Rakusin Robert & Saundra Rose Rob & Amanda Rossetti Robert & Barbara Schmidt Konrad & Catherine Schwarz Gregory Singer Matthew & Judith Sonfield Michael & Roseann Squire Scott & Jeanine Tepper Nicole Troncone, N.T. Designs David Waldo, The WaterFront Center William & Joanne Wall Tracy Webster Richard & Paula Weir Michael & Kathy Weiss Eileen ZanarTactician 2 Spring Barbara Adelhardt Diane Aerne Lee C. Alexander James & Leslie Armstrong Ted & Rebecca Bahr, Bahr Gallery Salvatore & Jennifer Ballone Patti Bauerschmidt Brad Berrol, IT BGL Rosemary Bourne Harry & Joann Braunstein Colette Buzzetta Jim Cammarata & Judy Palumbo Damien & Yakshi Carlino Mary Ellen Casey CIBC Atlantic Trust John & Yvonne Cifarelli Cove Living Laurie Cutler Tracy Dellomo Annette DiRe East Woods Schools Jennifer Einhorn Hon. Rhonda E. Fischer David & Christine Ford Fortune of War Mark Fox Frank M. Flowers & Sons, Inc. Catherine Gellert Stephen Gilroy Cary & Willow Goodwin Randolph Harrison Peggy Heijmen Thomas Hogan Walter Imperatore Cheryl Ipiotis, Island Photography Cornelia Jennings Kristen Jones, Red Pheasant Marc & Valerie Kamin Rosalie Koenig Eric & Sandra Krasnoff Mort & Deborah Kunstler Richard LaMarca Len Rubin & Linda Langsam Russell & Jane Launer Frank & Janine Lizza Don & Doreen MacKenzie Thomas Maus Willets & Christina Meyer Oyster Bay Manor Marianne Nash Northcoast Civil Hon. Colin F. O'Donnell Kyle & Danielle Olesen Frank & Meredith Olt Oyster Bay-East Norwich Schools Dana Pagliara, OBCRI Susan Peterson Peter & Lynda Petrillo Preservation Long Island Prinz Music/Foot Prinz Thomas Pulling Paula Rand Dawn Riley Chris Robinson, R&M Engineering Elizabeth Roosevelt Patricia Sands Robert & Maryann Santos Joseph Savasta Joan Shepard Joseph & Gail Singer Herb & Ranna Smith Thomas & Margaret Stacey Kathleen Sweeney T-Mobile Bruce Terzano, Syosset Taxi Corp. James & Mary Gay Townsend Steve Vaccaro Stephen & Anne Watters What's Cooking? Wild Honey Kathryn & Thomas Zoller Philip ZollerCommodore BMW of Oyster Bay Connie Cincotta Henry & Harriet Clark Debra Del Vecchio Timothy & Gina DiPietro Mario & Kelly Gallo Maxwell & Aileen Geddes Christopher & Rebecca Lawton Flatters Thomas & Adriana Milana Jim & Rita Roselle Rotary Club of Oyster Bay Scott Miller Landscape Maintenance Robin Senior Smiros & Smiros John & Marcella Specce Brian & Deborah Sweeney Michael & Claudia Taglich Jim & Rita Tully Alex & Megan Urdea Bradford Weekes, Jr.Skipper Scott & Domenica Askeland George Baker Anthony B. Barton Richard & Vivian Brandenstein Liz Brown Robert Brusca Chris Cadigan, Unishippers Andrew Carr Alberto & Linda Cassola Cozy Townsend LLC Kevin & Barbara Curry Kelly D'Auria Ron & Louise DeVito Charles & Helen Dolan Joseph & Mary Beth Donohue Barbara & Thomas Dooley Charles & Rebecca Finelli John Hubbard & Maura Burns Robert & Deborah Hussey Steve Israel & Cara Longworth Mark Lanese Nicole Maus Trevor & Jenn Meyer Edward Mohlenhoff Charles Morgan Keith & Theresa Orlowski Oyster Bay Marine Center Vito & Alexis Pagano Sealift, Inc. Bruce & Lauren Schadler Mark Schaier Peter & Lisa Schiff Thomas & Lindsay Thornton Peter Tully Joseph & Anna Villella Walden Environmental Engineering Brian & Regina Walsh Diana Collins & Townsend Weekes Allen & Beth Williams Wonderland Tree Care, Inc. Joseph & Janet Tymeck John & Elena Urdea Russell & Avery Wasoleck James Werner Laura Woodstock Donald & Susan ZoellerWE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT!