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2020 Mission Folk at Home Program

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Blue Moon MarqueeRaincity BandDouble the Trouble

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Our Festival Family lost someone special this year. Mary Ann Taves was anintegral part of our early years along side her husband John, MFMF’s firstproduction and site manager. She and her family literally helped to buildthis festival into what it is today. So me o f our fondest memories of MaryAnn include her sitting at her campsite on the hill, overlooking thefestival,with her thoughts r e a d y about how the day of music unfolded forher. She always had wonderful insights, kind but straightforward words,and if you were lucky enough to share a meal with her, it was comfort on aplate. She was loving and wise. Her family came first and we countourselves lucky to be a small part of that family and included in that love.In MemoriumIn t i mes like these, the arts are more important than ever. T h e y can provide comfort, joy, and attimes, peace. Music is a balm to our souls. Dance heals us w i t h its movement. Singing reachesthe deepest parts of our selves. Let us listen joyfully and carefully to the quiet voices , t h emarginalized voices, and the v o i c es who sound different from ourselves.This year, in the name of safety and health, we are taking a pause fr o m gathering in person andwith that pause, we are reflecting on what it means to make a fes t i v a l in these trying times. Andthis is what we discovered: i t ' s about sharing the experience with each othe r .So until we can gat h e r again t o gether in the park, under the stars, we will meet here in thevirtual world where we can make community, share the music and songs, and continue tocelebrate and love each other. We are grateful that you are h e r e .From our Artistic Director, Michelle Demers ShaevitzThanks for v i siting the mobile ho me of MFMF 2020!Th a nks to our funders, supporters , p a rtners, volun teers, board, tireless and in creasingl y n o tably,wo r ld class s taff, as w ell as the federal a nd provinc ial govern ments and their fund ing arms, Th e programm ing still reflects our esse n tial cul t ural mand ate of as sembling the highe s t qualit y inmu s ic, songwritin g, a n d c u lturally di v erse tradition s. T h e f o cus is s till on y ou, the community th atbi r thed and m aintains u s.Th a nks co n tinue t o be g iven to the Indigenous people on w hose la nd we continue to beco h abitants o f, settler s and Peop le of the River both .We show solid arity with our BIPOC community members, strive to co ntinue to name syste micra c ism, and support increas e d ac t ivation of the agency that our neighbou rs de serve and are stillfi g hting to achie v e here and elsewhere. Finall y ,we en c ourage you to stay safe, st ay inf o rmed, andst a y supporti v e of one an o ther as we work to ens u re that MF M F can come s back to He r itage Parkan o ther day.Fr om our Boa rd Preside nt, Aaron LevyThe Mission Folk Music Festival is situated within the unceded trad i t i onal territ o r y of theLeq’a:mel First Nation, among the Stó:lō peoples. Leq’a:mel , me a n i ng ‘the level place wher epeople meet’, is th e or i gin plac e of th e Ha l q’emeyle m la n guage. We ex p ress our gr a titude an drespect for the honour of liv i n g and wor k i n g in thi s t erritor y .Land Acknowledgement

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FRIDAY, JULY 247:00 - 9:00 PMDear One (Fraser Va lley)Blue Moon Marquee ( BC)Raincity (BC)West Coast RisingDouble the Trouble (BC)Sandy Scofield Band (BCOstwelve (BC)Deep RootsCatherine MacLellan (PEI)Matt Mccrae (Missio n, BC)Dave Gunning (NS)East Comes WestSATURDAY, JULY 2 57:00 - 9:00 PMSUNDAY, JULY 267:00 - 9:00 PMEach night of our festival, we'll be offeringexclusive, recorded for Mission Folk, concerts bysome of our 2020 Artists. With that, we will havestories, movies, pict ures, some old friends, andsome familiar faces too!Thank you for joining us!CONCERT SCHEDULEOstwelve Sandy Scofield

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A self-sty l ed Blues and Jazz band, thi s duo wri tes and p erformsor i ginal com positions influenc ed by any thing tha t jumps, swings orgr o oves.Bl ue Moon M arquee (BC) w ww.bluem oonmarque e.comDe a r One is an Ameri c ana Folk - Pop five - piece ba n d based o ut of theFr a ser Vall e y. Toget h er they s hare soul ful melod ies that soothe th ehe a rt and p e rform li v ely tunes that sti r up a co untry vib e. De ar One (B C) w ww.dearon mTh i s Nova S c otian fo l k singer/ songwrit e r has dil igently s harpenedhi s skills, developin g into a poetic st oryteller and emot i onallyco n vincing s inger wi t h few equ als.Da ve Gunnin g (NS) dave gunning.c omDT T is fron t ed by ide ntical 16 -year old Cree and French- Metis twi nmu s icians w h o uplift audience s with the ir tradit ional Met is fiddli n gan d singing of origin al, moder n, and cl assic Fol k. .Do uble the Trouble ( MB) ublethetr ouble.netRo nnie De an Harr i sakaO stwelve , is a S tō:lo/S t’át'im c/Nlaka 'pamux a rtist, D J, song writer, and fa cilitato r based in New Westmi nster, B C.Os twelve (B C) nniedean h mA m ulti-awa r d winnin g compose r, musici a n and si n ger. A M é tis fromth e Saultea u x and Cr e e Nation s , she ha i ls from f our ge n erations of fiddle rs, singe rs and mu sicians.Sa ndy Scofi eld (BC) sandysco Th i s Vancou v er-based Funk-Roc k group i s making waves. Th eir showsar e loaded w ith enga g ing inte r play and explosive energy.Ra incity Ba nd (BC) www.tha tbandrai n city.comCa t herine M a cLellan, one of C a nadian f o lk music ’ s true ge ms, shepe r forms de e ply peso s nal musi c rooted i n life's beautiful fragilit yCa therine M acLellan (PEI) herinemac mLo c al singe r songwri t er Matt b rings a s ensitivit y to his music tha tbe l ies his y oung yea r s. His wr y lyrics are perfe ctly back ed by hisro o tsy guit a r playing . Ma tt Mccrae (BC) m attmccrae .bandcam p .comCatherine MacLellanDave Gunning

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FOLK SCHOOLWEE FOLKSFOLK MUSIC BINGOWE HA VE SOME F UN, M USI CA L A DV ENT UR ES ONTH E H OR IZON>> Visit our website to sign up for updates <<www.missionfolkmusicfestival.caDear OneMatt Mccrae>> SAVE THE DATE <<2021 Mission Folk Music FestivalJuly 23 - 25, 2021Fraser River Heritage Park

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Bl u e Moon M arquee, C atherine Maclellan , Dave Gu nning, De arOn e , Double the Trou b le, Matt Mccrae, O stwelve, SandySc o field, Ra incity Ba nd OUR PERFORMERSValley Tech Prod.: Shae Skerry , I an low, D a v e Dombrow s k iAnnwyn Studios: Joe SamorodinBig Wave Design: John Endo Gree n w a yPressland Printing: Aaron and J a s on MatteSomething Else Labs: Carson Skj e r d alPhotos: Ben Shaevitz, Dale Kli p p e n stein, L i s a Luky, R i c k Skerr y OUR PRODUCTION TEAMCanadian Heritage, Province of B C , BC Art s C o uncil, B CTouring Council, Music BC, Dist r i c t of Mi s s i onOU R PARTNERSAaron Levy, Ernie Doerkson, Je n M c Grath, J e n n ie Bice,John VissersOU R BOARDAn g ie Wade, Camille A tebe, Ca n dice Cor d er, Cars o n Skjerd a l,Da mon Fultz , Dawn Sm aill, Deb o rah Hand l ey, Emil i e Darby,Li s a Luky, L es Hatkl i n, Karen Wootten, Mark Ho r ton,Ma u reen Saw asy, Meag han Van D yk, Mike Yeomans, MitchFr e estone-S mith, Pet e Scales, Quinn Gr a fton, Rap haelMa r ney, Yve s Lafores t OU R COORDINATORSCathy Crawford, Michelle Demers S h a evitz, R y a n Crawfor dOUR STAFFWe have very generous donors who h e l p to su s t a in ourorganization and programs thro u g h o u t the y e a r .OU R SUPPORTERSWe could not do this work with o u t our ent h u s i asticaudience. You are part of our f e s tival f a m i l y and w e l ookforward to gathering again. Th a n k you for y o ur suppo r t .AND YOU, OUR AUDIENCE!Jason Thompson, Laq'a:mel First N a tion, B r a d Vis, MP , Bob D'Eith, MLA, Simon Gibson, M L A , Mayor P a m AlexisOU R SPECIAL GUESTSJason ThompsonPL EASE GIVEca n adahelps . org/en/c harities/ mission-f o lk-music - festival - society