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2020 January

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THE MESSENGER GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER VOLUME 109 ISSUE 1 JANUARY 2020 FROM THE PASTOR S DESK SELAH Seventy four times in the songs and prayers we know as the Psalms there is an interruption Beginning in Psalm 3 we hear it Many are rising against me many are saying to me There is no help for you in God Selah I cry aloud to the Lord and God answers me from God s holy hill Selah Deliverance belongs to the Lord may your blessing be on your people Selah No one really knows for sure what Selah means Scholars continue to be undecided but their best guess is that it is akin to a rest in musical notation It is a call for a pause a break a breath as if the Psalmists reminder to themselves Stop Breathe Many are rising against me Stop Breathe I cry and God answers Stop breathe and know that God is God God s blessing will be on God s people Stop Remember Breathe it in I like the translation breathe the best Maybe I like it because sometimes it sounds an awful lot like the Psalmist is about to hyperventilate as they pour out their anxiety to God Then they Selah and suddenly their tone changes as if they sucked a little bit of God into their lungs and their soul As they exhale the anxiety and replace it on inhale with God s presence and promises their wigging out subsides and calms down In Hebrew the word for God s Spirit is Ruah which pronounced correctly sounds an awful lot like a giant deep exhale In fact it literally translates as breath air or wind It is God s exhale of love on all of us It is how God shows up in the beginning hovering over the deep and calming the chaos Genesis 1 2 and what God shares with the ad am the earth creature to bring them to life Gen 2 7 Part of a pastor s calling is to make themselves a conduit for God s Ru ah to their congregation just as it is a congregation s calling together with their pastor to be a conduit of God s Spirit to each other their community and all the world We are called to resuscitate spirits with God s breath to keep them alive and flourishing with God s love We are called to continually breathe life into the church the community and the world or rather to let God s breath pass through us to do this That is big work Doing this thing called church called following Jesus is big work for the pastor for the 1 leaders of the church and even for those who simply show up Sunday morning and then go out to share God s love It is hard enough when remember to Selah to inhale of God s spirit before all that exhaling but when we forget or feel like we can t pause long enough to catch our breath much less draw God s breath in deeply it becomes nearly impossible We have nothing left to give and what we exhale and share doesn t bring life as it should Thankfully five and a half years into ministry with Good Sam I find I am not out of breath Largely I credit that to the invitation I received to spend my first four years of ministry in rhythm of retreat and days of silence with Bethany Fellows and your blessing to do so Even so after over five years of following my calling with all that I have I am tired and perhaps you could say I m getting a bit spiritually winded I ve been wearied by current events by balancing family life and parental responsibilities with pastoral responsibilities and mostly I ve been feeling the strain of ministry itself Even in the best of congregations like ours pastoral ministry takes an emotional spiritual and many times a physical toll Pastors have a disproportionate incidence of health and mental health problems When you are expected and sense it is your calling to care for and nurture others sometimes it is hard to stay on top of caring for yourself The strain is enough that 40 of young pastors drop out of ministry in their first five years Right now I continue to feel very called to ministry but I also sense deep in my soul the need to rest longer than I have before long enough to pull in a really deep breath of God s sweet Spirit to experience some renewal I sense this in some our leadership too and even in some of our members continued on page 7

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BIRTHDAYS Sandy Badger 01 05 Trisha Spencer 01 08 Loren Hodson 01 10 Christina Wright 01 10 Carol Kosinski 01 14 Theresa Segarra 01 15 Shelby Lamb 01 17 Barbara Wright 01 20 Rose Stauffer 01 20 David Hay 01 24 Carolyn Woodard 01 30 If your birthday or anniversary is not being listed in the newsletter and you would like for it to be please contact Carolyn Woodard FELLOWSHIP FAST JUSTICE NEWS FAST continues its research phase in preparation for the Nehemiah Action on March 30th Over 50 members of FAST attended the December County Commission meeting Despite our expressed concerns the Commission passed affordable housing guidelines that will enable use of funds for persons with incomes up to 120 of the average median income FAST members worry that too little housing will be built for those making less than 50 000 a year One hundred forty three thousand households in Pinellas County whose incomes are 120 or less of the average median income are cost burdened because they pay more than 30 of their income for housing FAST will continue to monitor the county s use of the Penny for Pinellas funds earmarked for affordable housing FAST is securing personal information about mental health care available in the county They have questionnaires for those who have experience with treatment of mental illness The questionnaires do not ask for names or identification If you have first hand knowledge of mental health treatment in this county pick up a form at the church or check with Judy Friend This will help FAST to determine the first steps to Submitted by Bev Kelly improving access to help Available 01 05 Available 01 12 Available 01 19 Available 01 26 We are looking for volunteers to sign up to sponsor or provide food for fellowship FLOWERS If you d like to place flowers in the sanctuary in honor or memory of someone or some event please contact the office or Robin Becker Available 01 05 Available 01 12 Available 01 19 Available 01 26 OFFICE HOURS Pastor Jen s Hours Sunday Thursday Days Off Friday and Saturday Church Office Open Tuesday Thursday 10 00 3 00 ATTENDANCE December 1 47 8 51 15 51 MINISTRY TEAMS Please ask someone from your team each month to be responsible to get news or announcements turned in for the monthly newsletter qThis year the Good Samaritan s filled 44 bags of clothes and items suggested by the parents Thank you to Gretchen Ackerson and Katie Fullerton for organizing this program and delivering the gifts to the Head Start office For surely I know the plans I have for you says the Lord plans for your welfare and not for harm to give you a future with hope Jeremiah 29 11 NRSV IF YOU HAVE NOT TURNED IN YOUR PLEDGE CARD PLEASE FILL IT OUT AND EITHER PLACE IT IN THE OFFERING PLATE OR GIVE IT TO KATE HALL 2

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MARK YOUR CALENDARS January Oasis Trip Beaches Benches and Boycotts The Civil Rights Movement in Tampa Bay An original exhibition of The Florida Holocaust Museum Saturday January 11th 10 00am Contact Eric Johnson for more info 4

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MEETING SCHEDULE MINISTRY TEAMS Care Team Meets 1st Wednesday 10 00 noon Spiritual Formation Team Meets 1st Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Fellowship and Outreach Team Meets 2nd Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Justice and Mercy Team Meets 2nd Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m DECEMBER OASIS TRIP VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS STROLL On Saturday December 14 we had a festive morning as Good Sam member Eric Johnson led and explored with 10 Oasis tour group participants the Henry B Plant Museum s annual Victorian Christmas Tree Stroll in Tampa The group consisted of Eric Johnson Bev Kelly Vie Thompson Suzie Barb Steger Donna Knight Linda and Larry Rupp Theresa Segarra and Jane Gaylord The Henry B Plant Museum is housed in the 1891 Tampa Bay Hotel the Victorian railroad resort that defined the elegant frontier now a National Historic Landmark The fancy looking building with the beautiful minarets part of the University of Tampa on the Hillsborough River The Museum accurately reflects the opulence of turn of the century America and the vision of American transportation pioneer Henry B Plant During the month of December the Victorian Christmas Stroll allows guests to explore the Museum transformed by Christmas trees ranging in height from a few inches to more than 14 feet 40 000 lights and hundreds of feet of garland Decorations include vintage fashions antique toys locally sourced items and fanciful ornaments The group finished the museum visit with complimentary ginger bread cookies and warm spiced apple cider on the grand veranda The Oasis group enjoyed a delicious post Museum visit lunch to one of Tampa Bay s culinary gems Ulele on the Tampa River Walk Ulele pronounced You lay lee celebrates the vibrant fusion of ingredients from Florida waters and land once home to many Native Americans including the young princess Ulele Featuring intricately flavored visually appealing dishes prepared on the 10 diameter barbecue grill Couldn t ask for a more beautiful weather day or Submitted by Eric Johnson group Resource Development Meets 3rd Wednesday 10 00 a m Session Team Meets 4th Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Many teams take a month or two off from meeting in the summer please check with the team moderator about summer schedule if you are hoping to attend DEADLINE FOR FEBRUARY 2020 MESSENGER IS JANUARY 15 Send all information for submissions to carolyn woodard 130 gmail com Please note Some of the overall descriptions of the museum were pulled from the museum website DIRECTORY CXS Our new 2020 Directories have come out and already we have some corrections Please mark these changes in your personal copy We will be placing these changes in the newsletter as they are provided Bev Kelly has requested that you mark out her home phone from your copy of the directory as she no longer has a land line If you need to reach her call her cell number 5

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CHILDREN REINACT THE NATIVITY qChris Osberg helps arrange the children and get them into their costumes On December 7th the Synchrony Arts Players directed by Leslie Kille along with Gregory Allen and the Good Sam choir presented an evening of fun and celebration to kick off the holiday season The SAP cast took a frolic through commercial magical and playful aspects of the Holidaze theme bringing in Santa Claus Mrs Claus the Grinch Rudolph and Frosty the Sandman in an ode to living in Florida The evening sparkled further with Gregory s soaring tenor voice singing a couple solos and a women s trio consisting of Rose Stauffer Selina Ryals and Leslie Kille added a few songs The Choir of Steve Crist Roy Rudasill Bill and Jean Cooley Judy Friend and Cathi Swift who also sang a beautiful solo rounded out the evening with 3 rousing songs The SAP cast also paid tribute to Native American and Jewish traditional songs Everyone who attended enjoyed refreshments offered by Sandy Badger with two seasonal punches and plates of holiday cookies Submitted by Rose Stauffer PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY BEV KELLY qThe angel Maggie McAllister hovers over the scene where the shepherd Mary and Joseph Celeste Behret Ashlyn Spencer and Vincent Behret gather around the baby Jesus in the manger Below the Wise Man Harry Miller bows to worship 6 PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY ROSE STAUFFER AND DEBBIE RASMUSSIN HOLIDAZE CHRISTMAS PRESENTATION BY SYNCHRONY ARTS

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So it is time to Selah It is time to call for a rest a break a breath not just for me but for all of us at Good Sam Starting in March I will be on Sabbatical breathing in deeply as I spend time with God with my family and with the people beautiful places delicious food history and ways of forming community I encounter around the globe I recognize what a gift this time is and that not everyone who needs such time of rest gets it There won t be a day I won t be grateful for it for you who gave it to me or the grant from the Lilly Foundation which is funding it Back home you too will have a chance to Selah You will be doing simple church How will it be simple You will notice that the Good Sam calendar grows a little lighter During this time of renewal sabbath and Selah we are also pairing down to essentials only Committees will meet less frequently Non essential events will be postponed We will continue in our major justice and mercy work Pack a Sack Food Pantry FAST our justice coalition as well as in our care for our members but the remaining small number of activities on the calendar during these months have been intentionally designed for the congregation and its members to breathe in deeply through a number of incredible shared meals and through the voices and perspectives of a beautiful diversity of preachers worship leaders and a guest lecturer Most importantly much will be preplanned ahead of time for the church If you have ever taken stay cation or even just a one day Sabbath then you know the incredible importance of pre planning activities You make reservations you clean you tidy you grocery shop you meal plan and prep you get any supplies you will need Even if you are usually a fly by the seat ofyour pants kind of person you plan and prep because all of this preparation makes rest possible when the time to pause finally comes You might even plan to just do nothing or play it by ear but still you prepare so that your rest can really be a full rest So you should know that a team of people called the Sabbatical Leadership Team are hard at work right now to ensure that everyone gets some rest during this time of church renewal They are prepping so that we all can breathe deeply of God s ruah and so that we all can experience rich deep beloved community during this time Taking that deep breath that Selah is how we will continue to be sustainable conduits of God s spirit and how we will continue to build beloved community When you receive this newsletter we will all be entering the New Year and many of us will be pondering our New Year s resolutions I wonder how many of us will put Selah at the top of our list How many of us will make a resolution to stop and breathe stop and rest in the coming year In a world that prizes busyness and wears it around like a badge of honor how many of us will intentionally interrupt our lives to breathe in deeply the breath of God to stop all the doing for a time and just be just refill catch our breath If you have unused vacation days don t let the world fool you into thinking there is some virtue in not using them If you have moments when life slows down or quiets don t feel the need to fill it with more stuff more obligations more to do lists the noise of the TV or the anxiety of a neighbor And even if life doesn t slow be intentional Make space and time for rests Selah is not for all the time but it is necessary sometimes So Selah interrupt yourself pause rest take a break and breath Breath in deeply of God s giant exhale of love until your lungs are full to bursting Selah until exhaling God s love no longer work but a natural outpouring an overflowing you can t contain If you are musician then you know that the point in the music when the whole symphony rests is not the absence of music but precisely what makes the music so beautiful I learned this while in a drum circle with a bunch of 8 10 year old boys What makes the magic in the music are the rests It is not everyone beating their drum to the same beat Any group can do that Instead it is the restraint the control the unity of a collective pause that wows Those rests in a great piece of music are pregnant and deep and so necessary to the song So join us will you as we Selah Pastor Jen 7 JUST FOR FOR FUN JUST FUN PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY GRETCHEN ACKERSON FROM THE PASTOR S DESK continued from page 1 qJacob Daysa and Robin Becker spend some quality time together looking through a Bible on Sunday morning before church ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT ANNOUNCEMENTS Beginning the first Sunday in 2020 announcements will be handled differently Announcements are important because they help us communicate Hear Ye what is Hear happening Ye in the life of our church Sometimes however when not planned ahead they are just pieces of information that don t give the whole story For example we may announce who what where and when but a lot of the times we forget the WHY or the purpose of this event So beginning Sunday January 5 all announcements will be read by a designated person from a form that you will need to fill out The blank forms will be located on the Narthex bulletin board While it is preferred that we have the form filled out the Sunday PRIOR to when the announcement needs to be made if an announcement must be made on a particular Sunday the form must be given to Debbie Rasmussin no later than 10 15 a m on that morning Submitted by Debbie Rasmussin

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MORE ABOUT MICHAEL GRAVES AUTHOR OF TABLE TALK PHOTOGRAPHY BY BEV KELLY Dr Michael Graves will be with us on February 29 and March 1 Prior to his visit Pastor Jen Daysa will be leading us in a study of his book Table Talk See ad on page 3 and make plans to attend one of the two classes CHRISTMAS CAROLING The Care Team coordinated our annual Christmas Caroling for December 15 After Fellowship eleven members of our congregation traveled to homes and facilities of our shut ins to sing carols and deliver homemade cookies Those participating were Ginger Breitkreutz Mickey and Jim Moore Judy Friend Greg Allen Robin Becker Roy Rudasill Beverly Finn Lewis Hill Pastor Jen Daysa and Submitted by Bev Kelly Bev Kelly CHRISTMAS BANNERS Good Sam is blessed with an abundance of creative people and we are blessed each season with artistic creations that add an abundance of meaning to our services A wonderful example of this is the appearance of the beautiful Advent banners that have highlighted each Sunday of the season See photo page 2 The planners and artists for this project include Debbie Rasmussin Chris Osberg Judy Friend and Sarah Butz A pictorial representation of the Advent story helps all of us remember the story of Christmas from the youngest child to the eldest among us As we encounter each of the Holy Seasons with wonder and awe in recounting the stories of God s amazing love for us may the new year bring us ever closer to accepting that love The following is from a Barnes and Noble review of the book For nearly two thousand years followers of Jesus have gathered in churches to eat a meal called Communion in his memory In Table Talk Mike Graves claims if we could travel back to those earliest Christian gatherings we would realize we are not just two thousand years removed we are light years removed from how they ate when gathered because eating was why they gathered in the first place a kind of first century dinner party Four characteristics of their Communion practices would leap out at us traits that are scattered throughout the New Testament but that often go unnoticed how the meal was part of a full evening together promoting intimacy how it was a mostly inclusive affair everyone welcome at the table how it was typically festive more like a dinner party and how afterwards they enjoyed a lively conversation on a host of topics But Table Talk explores more than just Communion practices because a new way of doing church is happening around the world gatherings more horizontal than vertical For two thousand years Christians have oriented themselves toward God in the presence of others now a growing number of congregations part of the dinner church movement are orienting themselves toward each other in the presence of God This book tells their story and helps us rethink our own Reviews Table Talk is a very important book one every pastor priest and lay person would do well to read Professor Graves invites the reader to rediscover the Jesus meal and in the process to reconsider what Christians do when they gather for worship An excellent helpful and inspiring book Adam Hamilton Senior Pastor Church of the Resurrection author of Creed What Christians Believe and Why Graves s voice is wonderful appealing to lay persons of a diversity in age but also one that will be appreciated by clergy and students The historical and theological information is woven in a palatable way to use a dining metaphor that keeps us engaged and fascinated It is as it should be conversational in a way that makes us want to chat with each other around a table Eucharist and otherwise break bread look into each other s eyes and know we are better because we did Marcia McFee Creator and Visionary of The Worship Design Studio In Table Talk Mike Graves brings together a scholar s mind with a pastor s heart and reintroduces us to the table at the center of Christian spiritual formation and worship The appendix alone is worth the whole price of the book offering us fresh ways to frame the meaning we find in a meal of bread and wine thanksgiving and fellowship remembering and joy Brian D McLaren author of The Great Spiritual Migration Mike Graves s inviting and conversational tone sets the stage for his exploration of the dinner church movement that is springing up around the country He knows the power of sharing a meal and the possibilities that emerge from talking about Scripture around a table instead of listening to a traditional sermon In this compelling book he urges the church toward gatherings that are intimate festive and inclusive where people come together to share bread insights and stories In a time of great ecclesial change Mike Graves offers a joyful egalitarian and missional vision of worship one that could transform the church Kimberly Bracken Long Editor of Call to Worship Liturgy Music Preaching and the Arts Biblically rich filled with stories and accessibly written this fine book offers a wealth of material on the Eucharist for those who preach and lead worship every Sunday and provides for laity an informing conversation that will enrich the practice of this central sacrament Even more Graves offers an introduction to the new dinner church movement replete with examples from across the United States along with his own reflections on this innovative movement Do yourself a favor and read this book Tex Sam 8

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SABBATICAL LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE The second meeting of our team was held on Monday December 9 2019 in the conference room at Good Sam Rev Jen Daysa led the meeting and the team went over the many items that will have to be handled while Pastor Jen is gone One of the first events is a weekend with Dr Michael Graves the Professor of Preaching and Worship at Saint Paul School of Theology and Scholar in Residence at Country Club Christian Church both in Kansas City He is the author of numerous books including his latest from which these talks will be taken a book called Table Talk Rethinking Communion and Community Dr Graves has studied extensively about the early church and how communion was done as a celebration instead of a somber event into which it has evolved today He will share much about their customs of that time and how they worshipped and developed community around a table Dr Graves will share with us on Saturday February 29 in a discussion about communion and community We hope to advertise this to other churches and have a great turnout for this event Then on Sunday morning March 1 Dr Graves will again minister to us sharing his insights into the study of the early Christians and how they formed community around the table In the weeks prior to his visit Pastor Jen will be leading a class at Good Sam on Dr Graves book so that we can have some background info already on board when he comes She will be offering the class two times once on Sundays and the same class on Wednesdays see ad page 3 for dates and times Ginger Breitkreutz of the Care Team has spoken to Rev Bill Cooley Rev Jean Cooley Rev Ralph Madison and Rev Roy Rudasill all wonderful retired Gretchen Ackerson Session Resource Development Grant Team Member Ginger Breitkreutz Care Team pastors from our congregation and they have agreed to help cover pastoral care for our congregation while Pastor Jen and her family are gone Beryl Fruth volunteered to be available to help with visitation as needed We are looking for one or two other people in addition to Beryl who would temporarily commit to being part of the Care Team for the months Pastor Jen is gone If you would like to help visit people in their homes or the hospital please let us know Debbie Rasmussin as the leader of Spiritual Development is setting up a list of the events and items that have to be done and giving us deadlines by which things must be in place Carolyn Woodard has created calendars that cover the time that Pastor Jen will be gone and all the events are listed and those responsible for everything from coordinating the service to the ushers for the day will be plugged in If you volunteer for any of these responsibilities you will most likely get a call the week prior to your participation to make sure you are ready to go The total Sabbatical time will cover 4 months Each month we will have two special events around a communal table One of those events will be dining out at a restaurant that has been established by first generation immigrants We are asking them to share about their culture and food as well as about their struggle to assimilate into the American society Attendees of these events may have some cost to cover for their meals The other special event will involve hosts from Good Sam providing meals Rich Feigel Clerk of Session Justice Mercy Judy Friend Justice Mercy 9 in the fellowship hall with invitations to some of the groups who meet at our facility such as the Synchrony Arts Group Head Start Circle of Faith a new church group meeting at our facility on Saturday nights Our hope is that congregants will participate in at least one of these restaurant events and one of the community meals in the fellowship hall during the 4 month period More info will be coming soon Many of our regular events such as our OASIS trips have been put on hold so that our participation in these Sabbatical related events will be strong Our very last time with Pastor Jen before she leaves will be on Ash Wednesday February 26 Our hope is that the whole Daysa family will be able to attend on this weeknight service At the beginning of the evening we will meet in the fellowship hall to share a meal together Then the service will move into the sanctuary for a short time of worship and the distribution of the ashes This is a mid week service that we usually do not have but we invite everyone to come for the big Bon Voyage to the Daysa Family Watch for more information on this service as the time draws near Overall we are asking that you as a congregation be in prayer and in tune with us as we begin this journey of renewal together Be attentive to announcements and be a part of as much of the process as possible so that when Pastor Jen returns she will find us refreshed and excited about all that we have experienced during her absence If you have any questions please see any of the members of the Sabbatical Team and let them know if you are interested in doing hospital visitation being a reader an usher or just willing to take part in any of the events Beryl Fruth Session Resource Development Debbie Rasmussin Spiritual Formation Carolyn Woodard Session Fellowship Outreach Grant Team Member

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BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY CLUBS As part of Stewardship we ask that those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries donate to Good Sam a dollar per year The following are the names of those in the Birthday and Anniversary Club for 2019 The total collected for both categories so far this year is 1 455 BIRTHDAY CLUB Jane Gaylord Joelle Daysa Jean Cooley Kate Hall Judy Friend Martha Taylor Bill Cooley Dawn Johnson Bev Kelly Robin Becker Grace Forsythe Ralph Madison Dick Hall Ginger Breitkreutz Nancy Rudasill Roy Rudasill Jim Moore FOOD PANTRY REPORT NOVEMBER 2019 Number of days open to serve clients 11 Number of clients served Adults 231 Children 60 Total 291 Volunteers during November were Bev Kelly Ginny Thompson Ginger Breitkreutz Kate Hall Carole Diehm Tom Fauquet and Clarence Wilkinson The number of family members for clients coming to our pantry for the first time in November was 96 The number of individuals served through November of 2019 was 2 382 We gave out 45 Thanksgiving bags between November 18th and 26th The remaining bags will be distributed the week of December 16th The pantry will close at noon on December 16th and will reopen on January 6th 2020 Our volunteers deserve some time off during the holidays they have worked hard all year We posted a notice of the closure in the pantry the end of November so our clients would be aware of the time off I will be making arrangements for the Publix baked goods to be picked up on December 23 and 30 2019 I will make sure the food is delivered to an agency that is open during that time period Currently the pantry could use vegetables soups canned meat and fruit Food and money donors in November Patricia Waloga Sue Palmeri Cindy Pugh Trinity United Church of Christ Brilliant Little Minds Preschool Pricilla Fernandez Donna Dossantos All the Good Sam weekly donors Submitted by Kate Hall ANNIVERSARY CLUB Dick Kate Hall Ralph Rainey Madison Jean Bill Cooley Nancy Roy Rudasill Thank you to all who participate Submitted by Kate Hall First look at some of the events we will be enjoying as a church while Pastor Jen is on Sabbitcal Watch for more information to come FOOD PANTRY NEEDS Vegetables Soups Canned Meat and Fruit 10

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JANUARY 2020 DAILY LECTIONARY Wednesday January 1 2020 New Year s Day Ecclesiastes 3 1 13 Psalm 8 Revelation 21 1 6a Matthew 25 31 46 Thursday January 2 2020 Psalm 20 Genesis 12 1 7 Hebrews 11 1 12 Friday January 3 2020 Psalm 72 Genesis 28 10 22 Hebrews 11 13 22 Saturday January 4 2020 Psalm 72 Exodus 3 1 5 Hebrews 11 23 31 Sunday January 5 2020 Second Sunday after Christmas Day Jeremiah 31 7 14 Psalm 147 12 20 Ephesians 1 3 14 John 1 1 9 10 18 Monday January 6 2020 Epiphany of the Lord Isaiah 60 1 6 Psalm 72 1 7 10 14 Ephesians 3 1 12 Matthew 2 1 12 Tuesday January 7 2020 Psalm 72 1 Kings 10 1 13 Ephesians 3 14 21 Wednesday January 8 2020 Psalm 72 1 Kings 10 14 25 Ephesians 4 7 11 16 Thursday January 9 2020 Psalm 29 1 Samuel 3 1 9 Acts 9 1 9 Friday January 10 2020 Psalm 29 1 Samuel 3 10 4 1a Acts 9 10 19a Saturday January 11 2020 Psalm 29 1 Samuel 7 3 17 Acts 9 19b 31 Sunday January 12 2020 Baptism of the Lord Isaiah 42 1 9 Psalm 29 Acts 10 34 43 Matthew 3 13 17 Monday January 13 2020 Psalm 89 5 37 Genesis 35 1 15 Acts 10 44 48 Tuesday January 14 2020 Psalm 89 5 37 Jeremiah 1 4 10 Acts 8 4 13 Wednesday January 15 2020 Psalm 89 5 37 Isaiah 51 1 16 Matthew 12 15 21 Thursday January 16 2020 Psalm 40 1 11 Isaiah 22 15 25 Galatians 1 6 12 Friday January 17 2020 Psalm 40 1 11 Genesis 27 30 38 Acts 1 1 5 Saturday January 18 2020 Psalm 40 1 11 1 Kings 19 19 21 Luke 5 1 11 Sunday January 19 2020 Second Sunday after the Epiphany Isaiah 49 1 7 Psalm 40 1 11 1 Corinthians 1 1 9 John 1 29 42 Monday January 20 2020 Psalm 40 6 17 Exodus 12 1 13 21 28 Acts 8 26 40 Tuesday January 21 2020 Psalm 40 6 17 Isaiah 53 1 12 Hebrews 10 1 4 Wednesday January 22 2020 Psalm 40 6 17 Isaiah 48 12 21 Matthew 9 14 17 Thursday January 23 2020 Psalm 27 1 6 1 Samuel 1 1 20 Galatians 1 11 24 Friday January 24 2020 Psalm 27 1 6 1 Samuel 9 27 10 8 Galatians 2 1 10 Saturday January 25 2020 Psalm 27 1 6 1 Samuel 15 34 16 13 Luke 5 27 32 Sunday January 26 2020 Third Sunday after the Epiphany Isaiah 9 1 4 Psalm 27 1 4 9 1 Corinthians 1 10 18 Matthew 4 12 23 Monday January 27 2020 Psalm 27 7 14 Judges 6 11 24 Ephesians 5 6 14 Tuesday January 28 2020 Psalm 27 7 14 Judges 7 12 22 Philippians 2 12 18 Wednesday January 29 2020 Psalm 27 7 14 Genesis 49 1 2 8 13 21 26 Luke 1 67 79 Thursday January 30 2020 Psalm 15 Deuteronomy 16 18 20 1 Peter 3 8 12 Friday January 31 2020 Psalm 15 Deuteronomy 24 17 25 4 1 Timothy 5 17 24 WATCH FOR THIS SIGN ON SUNDAYS Watch for this sign on the big screen on Sundays throughout the upcoming year This will be our way of asking for your help to put together our Pack A Snack meals for the Head Start Children to take home with them When many hands help the work is light and the fellowship fun 11 TREASURER S REPORT November was a good month for Good Sam s finances Here are some reasons for the favorable outcome The November Pledges were under budget by only 443 We received over 2 000 from Head Start that was not in the budget because we did not have a new lease at the time the 2019 budget was passed We made over 900 from the November Rummage Sale We didn t have any repairs in November The insurance for the balance of 2019 was paid in October The Per Capita dues to both of our denominations have been paid in full as well as our dues to F A S T our social justice ministry We have paid 50 deposits for signage to be placed in the courtyard directing people to Fellowship Hall and classrooms and for the redesign and repair of the sign on the Park Blvd side of the church Our 2020 Stewardship Campaign Thrive has received pledges totaling 125 187 or 81 29 of our goal There are about 10 outstanding pledges at this writing that should bring us much closer to the goal If you have not yet brought or mailed your pledge card please take care of this important task Your church is counting on your participation The November Small Change was 51 93 and was deposited to the Pastor s Discretionary Fund Submitted by Kate Hall ST JAMES LIST Pray for one another that you may be healed James 5 16 Let us remember those members and friends who have asked for our prayers and those who are unable to attend worship Harold Brockus Mickey Moore Paul Brockus Jacob Daysa Rich Feigel Edna Smith Dottie Boake Nancy Rudasill Dorothy Morton Eddie Kosinski Bill Baker Mickey Moore s brother who was diagnosed with cancer Sandy Badger Donna Knight and Good Samaritan Church

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THIS NEWSLETTER MUST BE PLACED INTO A STAMPED ENVELOPE TO BE MAILED THE MESSENGER of Good Samaritan Church 6085 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park FL 33781 727 544 8558 Email office goodsam church org Web Site goodsam church org Our Mission PREPARED WITH LOVE FOR To Build The Beloved Community A Ministry of Hospitality Vision and Justice A Global Mission Church Check out Good Sam on FACEBOOK SESSION Rich Feigel Clerk Kate Hall Treasurer CLASS OF 2019 Gretchen Ackerson Beverly Finn Linda Rupp CLASS OF 2020 Beryl Fruth Chris Osberg Sophia Stringer CLASS OF 2021 Lisa Ware Carolyn Woodard Vacant Jesus didn t reject people Neither do we CELEBRATING OVER 100 YEARS THE MESSENGER Newsletter of Good Samaritan Church Presbyterian Church USA More Light and United Church of Christ Open and Affirming Sunday Worship 10 30 a m Fellowship Coffee Hour Following Worship GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH STAFF Rev Jen Daysa Pastor Rev Jean Cooley Parish Associate Gregory Allen Director of Music Ministries Rebecca Kessel Office Administrator Shelby Lamb Nursery Assistant Mirko Bratic Custodian Rev Dr Harold M Brockus Pastor Emeritus GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY TEAMS Resource Development Team Clarence Wilkinson Moderator Beryl Fruth Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Treasurer Liaison Care Team Ginger Breitkreutz Moderator Mickey Moore Jim Moore Beverly Finn Jane Gaylord Clarence Wilkinson Disaster Preparedness Liaison Justice and Mercy Team Rev Jean Cooley Moderator Gretchen Ackerson Lewis Hill Linda Rupp Sarah Butz Rachel Wells Judy Friend Rich Feigel Clarence Wilkinson Kate Hall Food Pantry Liaison Bev Kelly FAST Liaison Spiritual Formation Team Debbie Rasmussin Moderator Chris Osberg Sarah Butz Rev Bill Cooley Lisa Ware Steve Crist Fellowship and Outreach Team Eric Johnson Moderator Jean Adams Carolyn Woodard Barb Steger Robin Becker Sandy Badger Annie Gambino Martha Taylor Personnel Committee Clarence Wilkinson Robin Becker Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Pastor Relations Committee Carolyn Woodard Moderator Chris Osberg Clarence Wilkinson Ginger Breitkreutz Lisa Ware Bev Kelly